배치고사 시험범위 실제기출문제 모음집
배치고사 시험범위 실제기출문제 모음집
배치고사 시험범위 실제기출문제 모음집
The first underwater photographs were taken by an Plastic is extremely slow to degrade and tends to float, ①
Englishman named William Thompson. In 1856, he which allows it to travel in ocean currents for thousands of
waterproofed a simple box camera, attached it to a pole, miles. Most plastics break down into smaller and smaller
and (A) [lowered / lowering] it beneath the waves off the pieces when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light, ② forming
coast of southern England. During the 10minute exposure, microplastics. These microplastics are very difficult to
the camera slowly flooded with seawater, but the picture measure once they are small enough to pass through the
survived. Underwater photography was born. Near the nets typically used to collect ③ themselves. Their impacts
surface, (B) [where / which] the water is clear and there is on the marine environment and food webs are still poorly
enough light, it is quite possible for an amateur understood. These tiny particles are known to be eaten by
photographer to take great shots with an inexpensive various animals and to get into the food chain. Because
underwater camera. At greater depths — it is dark and cold most of the plastic particles in the ocean ④ are so small,
there — photography is the principal way of exploring a there is no practical way to clean up the ocean. One would
mysterious deepsea world, 95 percent of which has never have to filter enormous amounts of water to collect a ⑤
(C) [seen / been seen] before. relatively small amount of plastic.
* exposure: 노출 *degrade 분해되다
Honesty is a fundamental part of every strong People have higher expectations as their lives get better.
relationship. Use it to your advantage by being open with However, the higher the expectations, the more difficult it is
what you feel and giving a ① truthful opinion when asked. to be satisfied. We can increase the satisfaction we feel in
This approach can help you escape uncomfortable social our lives by (A) [controlling / raising] our expectations.
situations and make friends with honest people. Follow this Adequate expectations leave room for many experiences to
simple policy in life — never lie. When you ② develop a be pleasant surprises. The challenge is to find a way to
reputation for always telling the truth, you will enjoy strong have proper expectations. One way to do this is by keeping
relationships based on trust. It will also be more difficult to wonderful experiences (B) [frequent / rare]. No matter what
manipulate you. People who lie get into trouble when you can afford, save great wine for special occasions. Make
someone threatens to ③ uncover their lie. By living true to an elegantly styled silk blouse a special treat. This may
yourself, you’ll ④avoid a lot of headaches. Your seem like an act of denying your desires, but I don't think
relationships will also be free from the poison of lies and it is. On the contrary, it's a way to make sure that you can
secrets. Don’t be afraid to be honest with your friends, no continue to experience (C) [familiarity / pleasure]. What's
matter how painful the truth is. In the long term, lies with the point of great wines and great blouses if they don't
good intentions ⑤ comfort people much more than telling make you feel great?
the truth.
* manipulate: (사람을) 조종하다 (A) (B) (C)
① controlling frequent pleasure
② controlling rare familiarity
③ controlling rare pleasure
④ raising frequent familiarity
⑤ raising rare pleasure
My dad worked very late hours as a musician ― until about The belief that humans have morality and animals don’t is
three in the morning ― so he slept late on weekends. As a such a longstanding assumption that it could well be called
result, we didn’t have much of a relationship when I was a habit of mind, and bad habits, as we all know, are
young other than him constantly nagging me to take care extremely hard ① to break. A lot of people have caved in to
of chores like mowing the lawn and cutting the hedges, this assumption because it is easier to deny morality to
① which I hated. He was a responsible man ② dealing with animals than to deal with the complex effects of the
an irresponsible kid. Memories of how we interacted ③ possibility ② that animals have moral behavior. The
seems funny to me today. For example, one time he told historical tendency, framed in the outdated dualism of us
me to cut the grass and I decided ④ to do just the front versus them, ③ is strong enough to make a lot of people
yard and postpone doing the back, but then it rained for a cling to the status quo. Denial of who animals are ④
couple days and the backyard grass became so high I had convenient allows for maintaining false stereotypes about the
to cut it with a sickle. That took so long ⑤ that by the cognitive and emotional capacities of animals. Clearly a
time I was finished, the front yard was too high to mow, major paradigm shift is needed, because the lazy acceptance
and so on. of habits of mind has a strong influence on ⑤how animals
* sickle: 낫 are understood and treated.
*dualism 이원론(二元論) **status quo 현재 상태
People are innately inclined to look for causes of events, We notice repetition among confusion, and the opposite:
to form explanations and stories. That is one reason we notice a break in a repetitive pattern. But how do these
storytelling is such a ① persuasive medium. Stories arrangements make us feel? And what about “perfect”
resonate with our experiences and provide examples of new regularity and “perfect” chaos? Some repetition gives us a
instances. From our experiences and the stories of others sense of security, in that we know what is coming next. We
we tend to form ② generalizations about the way people like some (A) [predictability / unpredictability]. We arrange
behave and things work. We attribute causes to events, and our lives in largely repetitive schedules. Randomness, in
as long as these causeandeffect ③ pairings make sense, organization or in events, is more challenging and more
we use them for understanding future events. Yet these frightening for most of us. With “perfect” chaos we are (B)
causal attributions are often mistaken. Sometimes they [excited / frustrated] by having to adapt and react again
implicate the ④ wrong causes, and for some things that and again. But “perfect” regularity is perhaps even more
happen, there is no single cause. Rather, there is a complex horrifying in its monotony than randomness is. It (C) [denies
chain of events that all contribute to the result; if any one / implies] a cold, unfeeling, mechanical quality. Such perfect
of the events would not have occurred, the result would be order does not exist in nature; there are too many forces
⑤ similar. But even when there is no single causal act, that working against each other. Either extreme, therefore, feels
doesn’t stop people from assigning one. threatening.
* resonate: 떠올리게 하다 ** implicate: 연관시키다
(A) (B) (C)
① predictability excited denies
② predictability frustrated implies
③ predictability frustrated denies
④ unpredictability excited implies
⑤ unpredictability frustrated implies
Clothing doesn’t have to be expensive to provide comfort Bad lighting can increase stress on your eyes, as can light
during exercise. Select clothing appropriate for the that is too bright, or light that shines ① directly into your
temperature and environmental conditions (A) [which / in eyes. Fluorescent lighting can also be ② tiring. What you
which] you will be doing exercise. Clothing that is may not appreciate is that the quality of light may also be
appropriate for exercise and the season can improve your important. Most people are happiest in bright sunshine ― this
exercise experience. In warm environments, clothes that may cause a release of chemicals in the body ③ that bring
have a wicking capacity (B) [is / are] helpful in dissipating a feeling of emotional wellbeing. Artificial light, which
heat from the body. In contrast, it is best to face cold typically contains only a few wavelengths of light, ④ do not
environments with layers so you can adjust your body seem to have the same effect on mood that sunlight has.
temperature to avoid sweating and remain (C) [comfortable / Try experimenting with working by a window or ⑤ using full
comfortably]. spectrum bulbs in your desk lamp. You will probably find
* wick: (모세관 작용으로) 수분을 흡수하거나 배출하다 that this improves the quality of your working environment.
** dissipate: (열을) 발산하다 *fluorescent lighting 형광등
10. 다음 글의 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 12. 다음 글의 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는
낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
How does a leader make people feel important? First, by School assignments have typically required that students
listening to them. Let them know you respect their thinking, work alone. This emphasis on (A) [collective / individual]
and let them (A) [silence / voice] their opinions. As an added productivity reflected an opinion that independence is a
bonus, you might learn something! A friend of mine once necessary factor for success. Having the ability to take care
told me about the CEO of a large company who told one of of oneself without depending on others was considered a
his managers, “There’s nothing you could possibly tell me requirement for everyone. Consequently, teachers in the
that I haven’t already thought about before. Don’t ever tell past (B) [more / less] often arranged group work or
me what you think unless I ask you. Is that understood?” encouraged students to acquire teamwork skills. However,
Imagine the (B) [improvement / loss] of selfesteem that since the new millennium, businesses have experienced more
manager must have felt. It must have discouraged him and global competition that requires improved productivity. This
negatively affected his performance. On the other hand, situation has led employers to insist that newcomers to the
when you make a person feel a great sense of importance, labor market provide evidence of traditional independence
he or she will feel on top of the world — and the level of but also interdependence shown through teamwork skills.
energy will (C) [decrease / increase] rapidly. The challenge for educators is to ensure individual
competence in basic skills while (C) [adding / decreasing]
(A) (B) (C) learning opportunities that can enable students to also
① silence improvement decrease
perform well in teams.
② silence loss increase
*competence 능력
③ voice improvement decrease
④ voice loss decrease
(A) (B) (C)
⑤ voice loss increase
① individual less adding
② collective less decreasing
③ individual less decreasing
④ collective more decreasing
⑤ individual more adding
There are many methods for finding answers to the Non-verbal communication is not a substitute for verbal
mysteries of the universe, and science is only one of these. communication. Rather, it should function as a supplement,
However, science is unique. Instead of making guesses, ① serving to enhance the richness of the content of the
scientists follow a system ① designed to prove if their ideas message that is being passed across. Non-verbal
are true or false. They constantly reexamine and test their communication can be useful in situations ② where
theories and conclusions. Old ideas are replaced when speaking may be impossible or inappropriate. Imagine you
scientists find new information ②that they cannot explain. are in an uncomfortable position while talking to an
Once somebody makes a discovery, others review it individual. Non-verbal communication will help you ③ get
carefully before ③ using the information in their own the message across to him or her to give you some time off
research. This way of building new knowledge on older the conversation to be comfortable again. Another
discoveries ④ ensure that scientists correct their mistakes. advantage of non-verbal communication is ④ what it offers
Armed with scientific knowledge, people build tools and you the opportunity to express emotions and attitudes
machines that transform the way we live, making our lives properly. Without the aid of non-verbal communication,
⑤ much easier and better. there are several aspects of your nature and personality
that will not be adequately expressed. So, again, it does not
substitute verbal communication but rather ⑤ complements
* supplement: 보충
14. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 16. 다음 글의 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는
적절하지 않은 것은? 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Technological development often forces change, and Intellectual humility is admitting you are human and there
change is uncomfortable. This is one of the main reasons are limits to the knowledge you have. It involves (A)
why technology is often resisted and why some perceive it [neglecting / recognizing] that you possess cognitive and
as a ① threat. It is important to understand our natural ② personal biases, and that your brain tends to see things in
hate of being uncomfortable when we consider the impact such a way that your opinions and viewpoints are favored
of technology on our lives. As a matter of fact, most of us above others. It is being willing to work to overcome those
prefer the path of ③ least resistance. This tendency means biases in order to be more objective and make informed
that the true potential of new technologies may remain ④ decisions. People who display intellectual humility are more
unrealized because, for many, starting something new is likely to be (B) [receptive / resistant] to learning from
just too much of a struggle. Even our ideas about how new others who think differently than they do. They tend to be
technology can enhance our lives may be ⑤ encouraged by well-liked and respected by others because they make it
this natural desire for comfort. clear that they (C) [value / undervalue] what other people
bring to the table. Intellectually humble people want to learn
more and are open to finding information from a variety of
sources. They are not interested in trying to appear or feel
superior to others.
“You are what you eat.” That phrase is often used to ① Positively or negatively, our parents and families are
show the relationship between the foods you eat and your powerful influences on us. But even ①stronger, especially
physical health. But do you really know what you are eating when we’re young, are our friends. We often choose friends
when you buy processed foods, canned foods, and packaged as a way of ②expanding our sense of identity beyond our
goods? Many of the manufactured products made today families. As a result, the pressure to conform to the
contain so many chemicals and artificial ingredients ②which standards and expectations of friends and other social
it is sometimes difficult to know exactly what is inside them. groups ③is likely to be intense. Judith Rich Harris, who is a
Fortunately, now there are food labels. Food labels are a developmental psychologist, ④arguing that three main forces
good way ③to find the information about the foods you eat. shape our development: personal temperament, our parents,
Labels on food are ④like the table of contents found in and our peers. The influence of peers, she argues, is much
books. The main purpose of food labels ⑤is to inform you stronger than that of parents. “The world ⑤that children
what is inside the food you are purchasing. share with their peers,” she says, “is what shapes their
*manufactured: (공장에서) 제조된 behavior and modifies the characteristics they were born
**table of contents: (책 등의) 목차 with, and hence determines the sort of people they will be
when they grow up.”
*temperament 기질
18. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 20. 다음 글의 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는
적절하지 않은 것은? 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
We often ignore small changes because they don’t seem The brain makes up just two percent of our body weight
to ① matter very much in the moment. If you save a little but uses 20 percent of our energy. In newborns, it’s no less
money now, you’re still not a millionaire. If you study than 65 percent. That’s partly why babies sleep all the time
Spanish for an hour tonight, you still haven’t learned the — their growing brains (A) [warn / exhaust] them — and have
language. We make a few changes, but the results never a lot of body fat, to use as an energy reserve when needed.
seem to come ② quickly and so we slide back into our Our muscles use even more of our energy, about a quarter
previous routines. The slow pace of transformation also of the total, but we have a lot of muscle. Actually, per unit
makes it ③ easy to break a bad habit. If you eat an of matter, the brain uses by far (B) [more / less] energy
unhealthy meal today, the scale doesn’t move much. A than our other organs. That means that the brain is the
single decision is easy to ignore. But when we ④ repeat most expensive of our organs. But it is also marvelously (C)
small errors, day after day, by following poor decisions [creative / efficient]. Our brains require only about four
again and again, our small choices add up to bad results. hundred calories of energy a day — about the same as we
Many missteps eventually lead to a ⑤ problem. get from a blueberry muffin. Try running your laptop for
twenty‒four hours on a muffin and see how far you get.
Although it is obvious that part of our assessment of food Each species of animals can detect a different range of
is its visual appearance, it is perhaps surprising ① how odours. No species can detect all the molecules that are
visual input can override taste and smell. People find it present in the environment ① in which it lives ― there are
very ② difficult to correctly identify fruit-flavoured drinks if some things that we cannot smell but which some other
the colour is wrong, for instance an orange drink that is animals can, and vice versa. There are also differences
coloured green. Perhaps even more striking ③ is the between individuals, relating to the ability to smell an odour,
experience of wine tasters. One study of Bordeaux or how ② pleasantly it seems. For example, some people
University students of wine and wine making revealed that like the taste of coriander ― known as cilantro in the USA ―
they chose tasting notes appropriate for red wines, such as while others find ③ it soapy and unpleasant. This effect has
‘prune and chocolate’, when they ④ gave white wine an underlying genetic component due to differences in the
coloured with a red dye. Experienced New Zealand wine genes ④ controlling our sense of smell. Ultimately, the
experts were similarly tricked into thinking ⑤ that the white selection of scents detected by a given species, and how
wine Chardonnay was in fact a red wine, when it had been that odour is perceived, will depend upon the animal’s
coloured with a red dye. ecology. The response profile of each species will enable it
*override: ~에 우선하다 **prune: 자두 ⑤ to locate sources of smell that are relevant to it and to
respond accordingly.
*coriander: 고수
22. 다음 글의 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 24. 다음 글의 (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는
낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Social connections are so essential for our survival and Recent research suggests that evolving humans’
well-being that we not only cooperate with others to build relationship with dogs changed the structure of both
relationships, we also compete with others for friends. And species’ brains. One of the various (A) [physical /
often we do both at the same time. Take gossip. Through psychological] changes caused by domestication is a
gossip, we bond with our friends, sharing interesting details. reduction in the size of the brain: 16 percent for horses, 34
But at the same time, we are (A) [creating / forgiving] percent for pigs, and 10 to 30 percent for dogs. This is
potential enemies in the targets of our gossip. Or consider because once humans started to take care of these animals,
rival holiday parties where people compete to see who will they no longer needed various brain functions in order to
attend their party. We can even see this (B) [harmony / survive. Animals who were fed and protected by humans did
tension] in social media as people compete for the most not need many of the skills required by their wild ancestors
friends and followers. At the same time, competitive and (B) [developed / lost] the parts of the brain related to
exclusion can also (C) [generate / prevent] cooperation. those capacities. A similar process occurred for humans,
High school social clubs and country clubs use this formula who seem to have been domesticated by wolves. About
to great effect: It is through selective inclusion and 10,000 years ago, when the role of dogs was firmly
exclusion that they produce loyalty and lasting social bonds. established in most human societies, the human brain also
(C) [expanded / shrank] by about 10 percent.
(A) (B) (C)
① creating harmony prevent
(A) (B) (C)
② creating tension generate ① physical developed expanded
③ creating tension prevent ② physical lost expanded
④ forgiving tension prevent ③ physical lost shrank
⑤ forgiving harmony generate ④ psychological developed shrank
⑤ psychological lost shrank
Although it is obvious that part of our assessment of food An economic theory of Say’s Law holds that everything
is its visual appearance, it is perhaps surprising ① how that’s made will get sold. The money from anything that’s
visual input can override taste and smell. People find it produced is used to ① buy something else. There can never
very ② difficult to correctly identify fruit-flavoured drinks if be a situation ② which a firm finds that it can’t sell its
the colour is wrong, for instance an orange drink that is goods and so has to dismiss workers and close its factories.
coloured green. Perhaps even more striking ③ is the Therefore, recessions and unemployment are impossible.
experience of wine tasters. One study of Bordeaux Picture the level of spending like the level of water in a
University students of wine and wine making revealed that bath. Say’s Law applies ③ because people use all their
they chose tasting notes appropriate for red wines, such as earnings to buy things. But what happens if people don’t
‘prune and chocolate’, when they ④ gave white wine spend all their money, saving some of ④ it instead? Savings
coloured with a red dye. Experienced New Zealand wine are a ‘leakage’ of spending from the economy. You’re
experts were similarly tricked into thinking ⑤ that the white probably imagining the water level now falling, so there’s
wine Chardonnay was in fact a red wine, when it had been less spending in the economy. That would mean firms
coloured with a red dye. producing less and ⑤ dismissing some of their workers.
*override: ~에 우선하다 **prune: 자두 * recession: 경기 후퇴
There have been occasions ① in which you have The reduction of minerals in our food is the result of
observed a smile and you could sense it was not genuine. using pesticides and fertilizers ① that kill off beneficial
The most obvious way of identifying a genuine smile from bacteria, earthworms, and bugs in the soil that create many
an insincere ② one is that a fake smile primarily only of the essential nutrients in the first place and prevent the
affects the lower half of the face, mainly with the mouth uptake of nutrients into the plant. Fertilizing crops with
alone. The eyes don’t really get involved. Take the nitrogen and potassium ② has led to declines in magnesium,
opportunity to look in the mirror and manufacture a smile zinc, iron and iodine. For example, there has been on
③ using the lower half your face only. When you do this, average about a 30% decline in the magnesium content of
judge ④ how happy your face really looks — is it genuine? A wheat. This is partly due to potassium ③ being a blocker
genuine smile will impact on the muscles and wrinkles against magnesium absorption by plants. Lower magnesium
around the eyes and less noticeably, the skin between the levels in soil also ④ occurring with acidic soils and around
eyebrow and upper eyelid ⑤ are lowered slightly with true 70% of the farmland on earth is now acidic. Thus, the
enjoyment. The genuine smile can impact on the entire overall characteristics of soil determine the accumulation of
face. minerals in plants. Indeed, nowadays our soil is less healthy
and so are the plants ⑤ grown on it.
*pesticide: 살충제
We usually get along best with people who we think are The human brain, it turns out, has shrunk in mass by
like us. In fact, we seek them out. It’s why places like Little about 10 percent since it ① peaked in size 15,000-30,000
Italy, Chinatown, and Koreatown ① exist. But I’m not just years ago. One possible reason is that many thousands of
talking about race, skin color, or religion. I’m talking about years ago humans lived in a world of dangerous predators
people who share our values and look at the world the ② where they had to have their wits about them at all times
same way we ② do. As the saying goes, birds of a feather to avoid being killed. Today, we have effectively
flock together. This is a very common human tendency ③ domesticated ourselves and many of the tasks of survival ―
what is rooted in how our species developed. Imagine you from avoiding immediate death to building shelters to
are walking out in a forest. You would be conditioned to obtaining food ― ③ has been outsourced to the wider
avoid something unfamiliar or foreign because there is a society. We are smaller than our ancestors too, and it is a
high likelihood that ④ it would be interested in killing you. characteristic of domestic animals ④ that they are generally
Similarities make us ⑤ relate better to other people because smaller than their wild cousins. None of this may mean we
we think they’ll understand us on a deeper level than other are dumber ― brain size is not necessarily an indicator of
people. human intelligence ― but it may mean that our brains today
* species: 종(생물 분류의 기초 단위) are wired up differently, and perhaps more efficiently, than
⑤ those of our ancestors.
Despite all the hightech devices that seem to deny the You may have seen headlines in the news about some of
need for paper, paper use in the United States ① has the things machines powered by artificial intelligence can
nearly doubled recently. We now consume more paper than do. However, if you were to consider all the tasks ① that
ever: 400 million tons globally and growing. Paper is not the AI-powered machines could actually perform, it would be
only resource ② that we are using more of. Technological quite mind-blowing! One of the key features of artificial
advances often come with the promise of ③ using fewer intelligence ② is that it enables machines to learn new
materials. However, the reality is that they have historically things, rather than requiring programming specific to new
caused more materials use, making us ④ dependently on tasks. Therefore, the core difference between computers of
more natural resources. The world now consumes far more the future and ③ those of the past is that future computers
“stuff” than it ever has. We use twentyseven times more will be able to learn and self-improve. In the near future,
industrial minerals, such as gold, copper, and rare metals, smart virtual assistants will know more about you than your
than we ⑤ did just over a century ago. We also each closest friends and family members ④ are. Can you imagine
individually use more resources. Much of that is due to our how that might change our lives? These kinds of changes
hightech lifestyle. are exactly why it is so important ⑤ to recognize the
* copper: 구리 implications that new technologies will have for our world.
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