리딩파워 변형문제 전체

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변형문제 제 1 회

리딩 파워 유형 기본
1강 1-1. 다음 글을 읽고 주제를 파악하시오.1) 1강 2—1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.3)

When you face a severe source of stress, you may fight Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize about the
back, reacting immediately. While this served your college application essay is that it is not their life story in
ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild animal, five hundred words or less. In my experience, students try
it is less helpful today unless you are attacked physically. to give a complete picture of who they are, where they’ve
Technology makes it much easier to worsen a situation come from, and what they want to do— all in a few
with a quick response. I know I have been guilty of hundred words! While any admissions committee would like
responding too quickly to people, on email in particular, in to have the flexibility and time to read complete histories
a harsh tone that only made things worse. The more of each and every student, the simple truth is, there is not
something causes your heart to race, the more important it enough time. Students must understand that the college
is to step back before speaking or typing a single word. essay is (A) 입학 심사 위원회가 자신들에 대해 무언가를 알 수
This will give you time to think things through and find a 있는 가장 좋은 방법, but it cannot be the vehicle to know
way to deal with the other person in a healthier manner. everything about them.

① How to think creatively 보기 [way /about /the /for /best /to /something /way /an
② The way to deal with somebody well admissions committee /them /know]
③ Do not solve your problem on your own
④ Try not to response immediately
⑤ Difference of stress-solving between past and present

1강 3—1. 다음 중 적절한 어휘를 선택하시오.4)

A series of studies conducted at the University of

Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness—that is,
those who are prone to be mindfully (A) [evading/attentive]
to the here and now and keenly aware of their
1강 1—1. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.2) surroundings. It turns out that such individuals are models
of flourishing and positive mental health. Relative to the
A reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. average person, they are (B) [more/less] likely to be happy,
optimistic, self-confident, and satisfied with their lives and
(A) To find instances of bias by omission, be aware of the less likely to be depressed, angry, anxious, hostile,
conservative and liberal perspectives on current issues. See self-conscious, impulsive, or neurotic. Furthermore, people
if both the conservative and liberal perspectives are who are habitually (C) [careful/bold] of their current
included in stories on a particular event or policy. experiences are more likely to experience frequent and
intense positive emotions, to feel self-sufficient and
(B) As you read, listen to and watch the news, you may competent, and to have positive social relationships, while
notice stories that you think are biased. One of the forms those who are not usually mindful report more illness and
in which bias occurs is leaving one side out of an article, physical symptoms.
or a series of articles over a period of time; ignoring facts
that tend to disprove liberal or conservative claims, or that (A) (B) (C)
support liberal or conservative beliefs. ① evading more careful
② evading less bold
(C) Bias by omission can occur either within a story, or ③ attentive more careful
over the long term as a particular news outlet reports one ④ attentive less careful
set of events, but not another. ⑤ attentive less bold
변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
1강 4—1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.5) 2강 1-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 7)

①Inspiring after competing alongside the world’s best Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings and
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney Olympics, behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. Most of the
American Michael Phelps set out in earnest to ②be the choices ① what we make every day are the result of our
best all-around swimmer four years later in Athens. (B) beliefs, ② whether we’re conscious of it or not. When you
[To/By] get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and a choose a bagel over a donut, it might stem from the belief
half hours every day—and double that on Mondays, that a bagel is better for you, or the belief ③ that you’ll
Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become ③good. He like the taste better. This choice could affect your health
didn’t do it because it was great exercise. He did it and happiness for the rest of the morning. If you choose
because he had a specific goal to become the best in the to take earth science ④ instead of oceanography, it might
world. And the eight medals they ④hung around his neck stem from the belief ⑤ what you’ll enjoy the subject more,
in Athens, six of them gold, ⑤reflects that commitment. “I or maybe from the belief that it will be easier. This choice
think that everything is possible as long as you put your could affect your ability to stay awake in class, your grade
mind to it and you put the work and time into it,” Phelps point average, or even your choice of college.

2강 2-1. 다음 중 글의 흐름과 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 8)

Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is going

to be a stressful experience. ①Giving a presentation is a
performance. A show. An act. ②A drama. The presenter is
2강 1-1.어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 6) on display to the whole world as he or she bares all to
reveal himself or herself to the audience. ③The last thing
It is important to recognize your pet’s particular needs and you, as the presenter, need at this difficult time is anything
①respecting them. If your pet is an athletic, high-energy that is going to get in the way of you giving your best
dog, for example, he or she is going to be ②far more performance. ④You don’t really want any distractions right
manageable indoors if you take him or her outside to chase now. You want to remove from your environment any
a ball for an hour every day. If your cat is shy and timid, obstacles or dangers that are not strictly needed. ⑤That’s
he or she won’t want to be dressed up and ③displaying in why being exposed to so much stimuli causes stress that
cat shows. Similarly, you cannot expect macaws ④to be they’re incapable of tolerating. With this in mind, this is a
quiet and still all the time—they are, by nature, loud and list of things which you can safely leave behind on your
emotional creatures, and it is not their fault ⑤that your desk or in your bag when you are called to the podium:
apartment doesn’t absorb sound as well as a rain forest. your mobile phone, watch, pens, keys, and coins.
변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
2강 3-1. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 9) 3강 1-1. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.11)

It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by 2050 Dear citizens,
if more of the crops we grew ended up in human
stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop As you all know from seeing the pictures on television and
calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to livestock in the newspaper, Central America has been hit hard by a
(about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and industrial series of hurricanes.
products (roughly 9 percent).
(A) Thank you for helping your fellow human beings in
(A) For every 100 calories of grain we feed animals, we get their time of desperate need. Sincerely, George Anderson
only about 40 new calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12
of chicken, 10 of pork, or 3 of beef. (B) Tens of thousands of people are homeless and without
basic necessities like food and clothing. I feel that we need
(B) Shifting to less meat-intensive diets could free up to do something to help.
substantial amounts of food across the world.
(C) So, we are asking you to donate canned goods, warm
(C) Though many of us consume meat, dairy, and eggs clothes, blankets, and money. Please bring all donations to
from animals raised on feedlots, only a fraction of the the community center between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.,
calories in feed given to livestock make their way into the Saturday, September 10.
meat and milk that we consume.

3강 1-1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.12)

2강 4-1.[서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오. 10)

(A)수학 문제를 완결할 때는 여러 가지 이유에서 ‘답만’ 채워 넣는 Dear General Manager,

것을 피하는 것이 중요하다. First, simply writing the answer
to a problem without the procedure that precedes it My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior
negatively encourages students to produce careless errors. Apartment Complex. We have been asked by some of the
In other words, the written-out procedure supports the residents here to see if we can help improve their ability
answer; if the procedure is not shown, it is much easier to to get around town independently. The closest bus stop is
make a computation error. Second, lack of a written-out half a mile below the apartment complex, down a steep
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin of hill. Very few of the residents here feel comfortable walking
an answer or how an answer to a problem is derived. all the way to (and especially from) the bus stop. (A)저희는
Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor study habits in 16번 버스 노선이 언덕 위의 아파트 단지까지 오도록 약간 변경 될
note-taking and sloppiness, which may have negative 수 있는지 여쭙고자 합니다. I can promise you several very
consequences when taking tests. In short, homework and grateful riders each day in each direction. I look forward to
in-class math assignments should always include both hearing from you soon.
procedures and answers when answering questions.
Ron Miller
[ it/ completing math problems/ for several reasons / ,/ is/
to avoid/ When/ “answer-only” completions / important/ ] [to come up the hill /if the route for Bus 16 could be
altered /to the complex /We are asking]
변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
3강 2-1. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?13) 3강 4-1. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.15)

I also saw the recommendation letters from your teachers (A)When we gave you the cell phone we agreed to pay for
regarding these extra classes. it, but you were to stay within the guidelines of a certain
number of minutes each month, no more than 250 minutes
I hope you are fine and doing well in school. ①Yesterday, per month for each of you. We just received the bill for
I received your letter about wanting to take extra classes at May, and we find that each of you went significantly over
Oxford University for additional credit. ②Letting you stay that amount. The added cost to the family was nearly
in New York to study is hard as it is, and now you are $100.
saying that you want to go to England for two months. ③
That means you won’t be around for Christmas this year, (B)I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your
which makes me very sad, but I understand that this is a mother and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. We are
very good opportunity for your educational career. ④So, covered by a family plan and share a single pool of
your father and I have decided to give you permission to minutes.
go to England. ⑤We think it’ll be a great opportunity for
you. (C)If this happens again we will have to limit your usage
or ask that you pay for your own phone. We are not
interested in controlling or interfering in your lives, but
since we are paying the bills, we get to set the rules.

3강 3-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.14)

Dear Ms. Duddon, 4강 1-1. 다음 글을 읽고 화자의 심경을 파악하시오.16)

Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry ①to hear about the loss of I heard something moving slowly along the walls. I
your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. We understand it was searched for a match in the dark and tried to strike it, but
destroyed, while ②hang in your office, when ceiling fire it wouldn’t light. This time I was certain: Something was
sprinklers were activated ③due to an overabundance of moving in the tunnels, something alive, and it wasn’t a rat.
welding smoke from our crew’s work site. As the Customer A very unpleasant smell came into my nostrils. Finally, I
Service Department at Foster WeldRite, Inc. is unable to managed to light a match. At first I was blinded by the
locate a replacement for you, will you please purchase flame; then I saw something creeping toward me. From all
another Chinese paper kite and ④sending us the receipt? the tunnels. Shapeless figures crawling like spiders. The
We will promptly pay you back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. has match fell from my trembling fingers. I wanted to start
improved work-site ventilation ⑤to prevent similar running, but I couldn’t.
unfortunate occurrences. Thank you for your understanding
and your continued patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc. ① Scared
② Hopeful
Sincerely, ③ Embarrassed
④ Cheerful
Mark Hamilton ⑤ Melancholy
Customer Service Department
변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
4강 1—1. 다음 글을 읽고 적절한 어휘를 골라 쓰시오.17) 4강 3—1. 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.19)

Once they arrived at the lake, Maggie took in a deep One block farther on, Brendan saw a small brick building.
breath. She was always (A) [amazed/disappointed] at how
beautiful the lake was this time of year. The water was a (A) The room smelled like the library at St. Mary’s. Was
crystal blue, which allowed her to see to the bottom at the this a bookstore? Brendan took one cautious step, then
edge. She stepped out of the car onto the ground and another, feeling his way. When his fingertips brushed a
looked at the spot Jamie chose for their picnic. It was leather binding, he did smile. Books. No one would be
perfect. Jamie strolled to the back of his car and took out likely to try to steal books tonight. He and Dai Yue would
a picnic basket and blanket from the trunk of his be safe here.
convertible. He spread the blanket beneath an enormous
oak tree that shaded a grassy spot. He invited her to sit (B) He took a deep breath to gather his courage, then
down beside him. He (B) [closed/opened] the basket and pulled it open. No one shouted. There was no sound at all
let her take a peek at the contents. He surprised her with from inside. “Wait for me,” Brendan whispered, releasing
her favorite fried chicken and potato salad. For dessert, he Dai Yue’s hand. He slipped through the opening. There was
had bought chocolate-covered strawberries. She was very a subtle odor that Brendan recognized but couldn’t place
(C) [pleased/frightened] with his choices and couldn’t be for a moment. When he did, he almost smiled.
more comfortable here.
(C) Like the rest of the buildings they had passed on this
street, it looked deserted. He paused in front of it, not
(A) : sure why this building had caught his attention. The front
(B) : door was ajar.
(C) :

4강 2—1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.18)

On the first day of summer vacation, I approached the

stone steps of Porter Convalescent Center. The Saturday
before, I had attended junior volunteer orientation there.
Now I was a completely trained “Cheery Blossom.” I
straightened my bright pink smock and marched inside. (A) 4강 4—1. 다음 중 올바른 어법을 고르시오.20)
나는 병사들을 치료하고 격려하기 위해서 싸움터로 성큼성큼 걸어가
는 Florence Nightingale과 같은 느낌이었다. The volunteer My run slowed to a jog as we approached the gate for
director assigned me to 3 South. As we rode the shaky our flight to Paris. The plane was still there, but the door
elevator, she explained that this was a long-term care unit. to the Jetway ①was shut. The gate agents were quietly ②
Most of its patients would never go home. I felt sick to my sorted tickets. They had already retracted the hood ③
stomach as we opened the door to 3 South. The foul odor connecting the Jetway to the airplane door. “Hi, we’re on
of urine and Lysol overwhelmed me. The head nurse, Ms. this flight!” I panted. “Sorry,” said the agent. “We’re done
Ticknor, was less than welcoming. boarding.” “But our ④connecting flight landed just ten
*convalescent 회복기의 **smock 작업용 덧옷 minutes ago. They promised us they would call ahead to
the gate.” “Sorry, we can’t board anyone after they’ve
보기 [into /Florence Nightingale, /I /like /striding /felt closed the door.” My boyfriend and I walked to the
/battle /to /the troops /heal and hearten ]. window in disbelief. Our long weekend was about to ⑤
falling to pieces. The plane waited right before our eyes.
변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
5강 1-1. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.21) 5강 3-1. 빈칸에 적절한 것을 고르시오.23)

(A) All this causes children to grow up quickly, going Uncertainty and freedom are intertwined. College students
through their developmental stages without enjoying them. cannot decide whether they appreciate the freedom they
They don’t live their childhood the way they should, which have or resent it. You may be free from daily supervision
could cause them serious problems that are difficult to by parents, free to pick classes and a major, and free to
solve later on. set a professional course. But those choices seem so
numerous and important that you may be frozen with fear.
(B) Children today are “safe.” Their only worries consist of You might quickly retreat to conventional choices (like
fights with their parents, going to school, and dealing with medical school) or depend on influential advisors (like your
the list of activities that they’re signed up for. But what’s parents) before giving yourself a chance to figure it out.
going on? If they’re “safe” and living “well,” why do they Try not to confuse the joys and privilege of free choice
experience so many problems? Children have learned to be with the fears of uncertainty. It may be scary to look at an
cautious; a lot of kids have even lost that innate curiosity open landscape, but it can and should be a thrilling
that no one should ever lose. moment of possibility.

(C) The big problem is that they are exposed to large flows ① having good time with your true friends
of information that are hard to process. It’s even hard for ② giving yourself a chance to figure it out
us. That’s why being exposed to so much stimuli causes ③ believing your advisors are doing their best
stress that they’re incapable of tolerating. ④ checking out what could be the reason
⑤ guessing which certainty is the most dangerous

5강 4-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.24)

Dear Principal Murphy,

5강 2-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.22)
Brian is ①settling in well as a third-grade student at
A few days before Christmas, a couple held the hands of Fairview Elementary School. I do have a concern, though,
their young son and ①walked quickly to their nearby about the food ②offered in the school cafeteria. The
church. But the boy pulled back a bit, slowed, and came to choices do not seem ③having any relation to recognized
an abrupt halt. “Santa,” he whispered. “Santa!” The medical studies about such things as excessive fat, sugar,
four-year-old broke free of his parents’ grasp and ②ran and useless junk food. A recent menu included fried fish
toward an elderly gentleman with a long, flowing white with fried potato nuggets, a hot dog with potato chips, and
beard. Tugging on the stranger’s coattail, the youngster fried chicken with French fries. The most healthful piece of
begged, “Santa, will you bring me a teddy bear for food seemed to ④being a small piece of green pepper ⑤
Christmas?” ③Embarrassing, the couple started to floating on a sea of cheese on a pizza. I don’t feed my
apologize, but the man merely waved them aside. Instead, child this sort of junk at home, and I don’t think it’s
he patted their son on the head, nodded once, and without appropriate for school. I would very much like to talk to
a word ④going on his way. On Christmas morning, a the school dietitian about the offerings at school.
knock interrupted the family’s festivities. In the doorway ⑤
stood the old man holding out a large bear. “I didn’t want Sincerely,
the little fellow to be disappointed on his holiday,” he Karen Diamond
explained with a smile and turned to leave. At a loss, the
couple could only say, “Uh, th-thanks. And M-merry
Christmas to you... Rabbi.”
변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
5강 1-1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.25) 5강 2-1. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.27)

(A)생후 6개월 된 Angela는 점심 식사를 하는 동안에 자신의 어린 In January 2004, George Wilson of Glebe Gardens,
이용 높은 의자에 앉아 있고 식탁에 있는 자신의 젖병을 본다. She Edinburgh, Scotland, walked his children to school and saw
is pretty tired—it’s been a tough day!—and she wants her an old man outside a still-closed shop in St. John’s Road.
bottle. She looks at it as her mother, Sophie, feeds her and Later, when Mr. Wilson took his children home, he saw
gets more and more frustrated. Eventually, she turns away the old man at the same place. Later, in the evening, he
from her mother’s spoonfuls, arches her back, turns around went out for a pint, and he saw the old man again, this
in her high chair, and vocalizes as if she is about to cry. time outside another shop. Taking pity on the man, eless
Sophie is clueless about what Angela wants. When Sophie in weather that was forecast to be -1℃, Mr. Wilson gave
happens to look at the table for another reason, she the old man, who was dressed only in jeans and a sweater,
notices the bottle on it. “That’s what you want,” she says, things to keep him warm: a fleece and a blanket. The old
and gives Angela her bottle. Success at last! man appreciated the gifts.

[is sitting /during lunch /Six-month-old Angela /on the ① who he knew now was homeless in weather that was
table /in her high chair /her bottle /and sees] forecast to be -1℃
② who was thought to be the greatest man long time ago
③ who is saving his money to prepare for his life
④ who can always be confident about himself
⑤ who hopes to get a good grade in class

5강 3-1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.28)

5강 1-1. 알맞은 순서를 고르시오.26)
(A)우리 자신의 능력보다 못한 능력을 가지고 있는 것처럼 보이는
(A) A few years earlier, he had borrowed some money 사람을 비웃는 것이 항상 안전한 것은 아니다. This lesson was
from a man, by mortgaging his house. Now his creditor painfully learned by a young violin professor of Berlin at
had gone to court and soon his house would be an evening party, to which he had been invited. He played
confiscated. He and his family would be homeless. several pieces, not with great applause, however. After he
Vidyasagar listened to his story patiently, noting the names finished, another young man was invited to play, but his
and dates and the details. playing was worse than that of his predecessor; in fact his
style and execution were terrible. So our young professor
(B) “I shall do my best to help you,” he promised. When again came forward and showed his superior abilities very
the old man turned up in court for his hearing the boastfully, as if to utterly crush the strange musician. But
following week, he was surprised to hear that all his debts when it again became the stranger’s turn to play, his
had been paid up fully. His benefactor was none other performance was given with such brilliance of execution as
than Vidyasagar! to utterly defeat the young professor, who disappeared and
was seen no more that evening. He had been contending
(C) Once, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, the well-known social with Paganini, one of the world’s great violinists.
reformer, was walking on the streets of Kolkata when he
heard an old man crying. He approached the man and [seem to be less /It is not /to laugh /always safe /whose
asked what was troubling him. “Everyone wants to know abilities /at one /than our own]
my problems, but no one is ready to help me!” replied the
old man. On Vidyasagar’s insistence, the old man at last
poured his anguish out in words.
변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
5강 4-1. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 곳을 고르시오.29) 6강 1-1.다음 중 주제와 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 31)

blind and poor, he no longer had the means to support his ①Although volunteer positions in Hustai are available
large family and did not know where to turn for help. year-round, most volunteers choose the spring, summer,
and fall months, because winters in the Mongolian steppes
①David Hume was visited by the poet Thomas Blacklock, are bitterly cold and inhospitable. ②This lesson was
who complained at great length about his misfortunes: ② painfully learned by a young violin professor of Berlin at
Although he was in financial difficulties himself at that an evening party, to which he had been invited. Perhaps
time, Hume managed to secure, through the influence of a the very best time to visit is July, when herdsmen come
friend, a university appointment worth about forty pounds from miles around to participate in the three-day Naadam
a year. ③Nevertheless, he was so moved by the poet’s tale Festival, an ancient and colorful competition of horse
of sorrow that he offered him the only means of assistance racing, archery, and wrestling—once called the “three manly
within his power to give. ④Taking from his desk the grant games.” ③The Naadam Festival started as a religious event
for the university post, he handed it to his unfortunate but has evolved into a celebration of Mongolian statehood.
friend and promised to have the name changed from Hume ④The horse race, with thousands of horses competing,
to Blacklock. ⑤This generous sacrifice almost certainly takes place not on a track, but over high-altitude
saved Blacklock and his family from extreme poverty. Mongolian grasslands. ⑤The race is a long-distance one,
kicked off with a special song (“Giin-Goo”) that all the
horses know. The jockeys are children, ages 7 to 12, who
wear colorful costumes. The top five winners are celebrated
in poetry and song.

6강 2-1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오. 32)

(A) 유네스코 세계문화유산 보호지역인 Stone Town은 탄자니아

연안에 있는 섬인 Zanzibar에서 가장 오래된 지역 중 하나이다.
This former Swahili trading town is a labyrinth of tiny
streets and alleys, markets, mosques, and other historic
buildings—including the Anglican church on the site of the
old central slave market, East Africa’s largest slave-trading
port. Combining Persian, Indian, European, Arab, and
6강 1-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.30) African architecture, Stone Town has been occupied by
humans for three centuries and is famed for its beautifully
Kaspar Fürstenau was a German flutist and composer. After carved wooden doors. The House of Wonders, the former
he was orphaned, Anton Romberg took care of him and ① palace of Sultan Syyid Barghash, is open to the public. Its
teach him to play the bassoon, but Fürstenau was more other claim to fame is that Freddie Mercury, the lead
interested in the flute. At the age of 15, he was already a singer of Queen (a British rock band) was born there.
skilled flutist and ② playing in a military band. In
1793-94, Fürstenau made his first concert tour in Germany. [ Stone Town,/is/one /off the coast /of / the oldest/ a
In 1794, he became a member of the “Chamber Orchestra UNESCO World Heritage site, /on Zanzibar/, /districts /of
of Oldenburg,” ③ where he played until the orchestra ④ Tanzania/an island ]
was abolished in 1811. Kaspar Fürstenau continued his
career as a flutist ⑤ performing together with his son
Anton Fürstenau in the major cities of Europe.
변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
6강 3-1. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?33) 9강 1-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.35)

▶In this book, Thomas Paine declared that only complete Edmond Halley was interested in the problems of gravity.
independence from Great Britain would bring prosperity to One problem ① what attracted his attention was the proof
America. of Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. In August 1684, he
went to Cambridge to discuss this with Isaac Newton, only
Common Sense, written by Thomas Paine, swept through to find that Newton ② had been solved the problem
the American colonies in 1776 during the opening months already. He asked to see the calculations and ③ was told
of the American Revolutionary War. ①It sold more than by Newton that he could not find them. Newton promised
120,000 copies in three months and changed the whole to redo them and ④ send them on later. He eventually did
nature of the debate among the colonists. ②Without submit his calculations to Halley. After this initial meeting,
Common Sense, the American Revolution might have been Halley visited Newton frequently; over the course of these
shaken, and the establishment of the new United States visits Newton showed Halley his proof ⑤ as well as many
would have been postponed indefinitely. ③At first, Common other unpublished papers. Halley recognized the importance
Sense was published anonymously in January 1776. ④It of the works. He wanted Newton to publish but Newton
soon emerged that an English free thinker named Thomas was reluctant. With a lot of encouragement from Halley,
Paine had written it. ⑤Within weeks, the short book— eventually, Newton’s masterpiece was published at Halley’s
barely 20,000 words long—was being reprinted throughout expense in 1687.
the colonies.

5~8강 2-1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.36)

Cephas Giovanni Thompson (1809-88) was known

particularly for portraits and Italian scenes, but he also
painted genre and historical subjects. He was born in
Middleborough and initially trained by his father. At
eighteen he established a portrait practice in Plymouth,
Massachusetts. He subsequently worked in Boston, where
he studied with David Claypoole Johnston, in Philadelphia,
and elsewhere before arriving in New York in 1837. (A) 거
6강 4-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 34) 기서 그는 상류 사교계의 초상화 화가로서 10년 동안 활약했다.
Spring (Metropolitan Museum, 1838), a softly romantic,
Gustave Courbet was born in 1819 in Ornas, France. His idealized portrait of a young woman, exemplifies his most
family was very well-off financially, and he received all of appealing strengths. In 1847 he moved to New Bedford for
the education ① that lifestyle could offer. He ② sent to two years and then lived in Boston before sailing to
Paris to study law in 1840. Against his father’s wishes, Europe. He resided for most of the 1850s in Rome. In
however, Courbet quit studying law and ③ began his 1859 he returned permanently to New York but continued
pursuit of a career as an artist. Many of his early works to produce Italian subjects during the remainder of his
were in the Romantic tradition, but by the age of 23, career.
Courbet ④ had settled into his niche of painting Realistic
works. He became the leader of the Realism movement in [paintera /There /for /a /flourished /decade /as
art. He chose themes from everyday life and did not /fashionable /he /portrait ]
exclude ⑤ that might be considered ugly. He believed that
paintings should be of things that were in the present and
of subjects that could be seen every day.
변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
9강 1-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.37) 9강 2-1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.39)

Recently on a flight to Asia, I met Debbie, who was The modern world is so interconnected and constantly
warmly greeted by all of the flight attendants and was even plugged in that finding the time and space to think can be
①welcomed aboard the plane by the pilot. ② Amazing at difficult. However, without freedom from the influence and
all the attention being paid to her, I asked if she worked distractions of the world, it is virtually impossible to
with the airline. She did not, but she deserved the develop well-reasoned opinions, ideas, and values. History
attention, for this flight marked the milestone of her flying shows a lot of examples of the transcendent power of
over 4 million miles with this same airline. ③ During the solitude. Darwin took long walks without company and
flight I learned ④ that the airline’s CEO personally called firmly turned down dinner party invitations. Moses spent
her to thank her for using their service for a long time time alone in the desert. Jesus wandered the wilderness.
and she received a catalogue of fine luxury gifts ⑤ to Mohammed sat in the cave. Buddha went to the
choose from. Debbie was able to acquire this special mountaintop. (A) 자신의 산꼭대기를 찾아서 자신의 생각, 의견
treatment for one very important reason: she was a loyal 및 가치관을 찾지 않고는 내려오지 말라.
customer to that one airline.
[ without /your /and /don’t /Find /mountaintop /your
/own /come down/thoughts, /opinions, /and /own values ]

9강 3-1. 다음 중 글의 전체 내용과 관련 없는 문장은?40)

9강 1-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.38) Unlike previous generations, fewer and fewer modern men
experience the satisfaction of tangible creation in the
The rise of cities and the improvement in transport workplace. ①We move numbers around on a screen,
infrastructure brought about new opportunities for manage people who manage other people, or sell advice,
specialization. Densely ① populating cities provided ideas, or someone else’s creations. ②For many of us, the
full-time employment for carpenters, priests, soldiers and shift from working with our hands to working with our
lawyers. Villages ② where gained a reputation for minds has created an unfulfilled need for connection with
producing really good wine, olive oil or ceramics discovered the physical world we live in. ③This drama experience
③ that it was worth their while to concentrate nearly could be extended to drawing about the happenings of
exclusively on that product and trade it with other bullying. Physical creation (beyond the more abstract
settlements for all the other goods ④ they needed. This “creativity”) provides that connection.④ A way for a man
made a lot of sense. Climates and soils differ, so why to announce to the world, simply, “I am.” ⑤Creating is a
drink ordinary wine from your backyard ⑤ if you can buy primal need, but without an institutional directive to create,
a smoother variety from a place whose soil and climate is the internal fire to do so can flicker and die, or worse yet,
much better suited to grape vines? If the clay in your we may start to believe that making things is only for
backyard makes stronger and prettier pots, then you can certain types of people, not for us.
make an exchange.
변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
9강 4-1. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 연결사를 쓰시오.41) 10강 1-1.[서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.43)

The small community of Zorborgu, near Tamale in Many people believe that their intellectual ability is
northern Ghana, comprises mainly farmers. They decided to hardwired from birth, and that failure to meet a learning
stop burning crop residues and protect their community challenge shows how bad their native ability is. But every
forest to reduce the risk of wildfires that cause widespread time you learn something new, you change the brain—the
land damage. ____________ , crop yields have increased residue of your experiences is stored. It’s true that we start
and the water in a pond near a sacred grove is available life with the gift of our genes, but it’s also true that we
throughout the year for farming, livestock watering and become capable through the learning and development of
domestic use. The community forest also provides herbal mental models that enable us to reason, solve, and create.
medicines. The innovative blend of traditional and modern (A)다른 말로 하면, 여 러분의 지적 능력을 형성하는 요소는 놀라울
decision-making by committees that reflect traditional 정도로 여러분 자신의 통제 안에 있다. Understanding that this
leadership makes this a successful social, economic and is so enables you to see failure as a badge of effort and a
environmental initiative. This is one example of how source of useful information—the need to dig deeper or to
community action and innovation are key to sustainable try a different strategy.
land management in Africa.
[a surprising extent /the elements /In other words, /lie to
_____________ /that shape /within your own control /your intellectual
abilities ]

10강 2-1. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.44)

If we are what we eat, what is your teenage child? A bag

of chicken and chips? A kebab? Litres of fizzy drink? The
benefits of healthy eating and exercise are well documented
and it is silly of us, as parents, to think we can feed our
teens mostly junk food then expect them to perform at
their best. In this age of pesticides, hormone treatment
10강 1-1. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 곳을 고르시오.42) additives (hence the well-built structure of today’s
pre-teens), etc. that are in foods, both parents and teens
You will need to learn the following trick. need to understand that mental and physical well-being are
aligned with what we eat. Depression, aggression, lack of
①It is not always easy to eat well when you have a focus, headaches and so much more can be improved with
newborn baby. ②It can seem like you do not have time to the right foods. Be open to this, for yourself and your
prepare tasty nutritious meals or even to eat them. ③Try young person.
not to wait until you are really hungry to think about
eating. ④When you have a newborn baby, preparing food ① have faith in them to keep working hard to pass the
will probably take longer than usual. If you start when you exam
are already hungry, you will be absolutely starving before ② try to do exercises like jumping rope or soccer
the food is ready. When you are starving and tired, eating ③ trust their own vision and encourage them
healthy is difficult. ⑤You may want to eat fatty fast food, ④ expect them to perform at their best
chocolates, cookies or chips. This type of food is okay ⑤ give a big applause to make him better
sometimes, but not every day.
변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
10강 3-1. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 곳을 고르시오.45) 11강 1-1. 다음 글을 읽고 주제를 고르시오.47)

There is a dynamic at work here that is common to other In philosophy, the best way to understand the concept of
industries. an argument is to contrast it with an opinion. An opinion
is simply a belief or attitude about someone or something.
①What was a core competence in one decade may become We express our opinions all the time: We love or hate
a mere capability in another. ②For example, in the 1970s certain films or different types of food. For the most part,
and 1980s quality, as measured by defects per vehicle, was people’s opinions are based almost always upon their
undoubtedly a core competence for Japanese car companies. feelings. They don’t feel they have to support their opinions
③Superior reliability was an important value element for with any kind of evidence. An argument is something a bit
customers and a genuine differentiator for Japanese car different from this. It is made to convince others that one’s
producers. It took more than a decade for Western car claims are true. Thus, it is an attempt to present reasons
companies to close the quality gap with their Japanese in support of one’s claims. Arguments are the building
competitors, but by the mid-1990s quality, in terms of blocks of philosophy, and the good philosopher is one who
initial defects per vehicle, had become a prerequisite for is able to create the best arguments based on a solid
every car maker. ④Over long periods of time, what was foundation.
once a core competence may become a base-line capability.
⑤Quality, rapid time to market, and quick-response ① We need to give more attention to arguments
customer service—once genuine differentiators—are ② How to give an perfect argument
becoming routine advantages in many industries. ③ The definition of an argument
④ The foundation of making an argument
⑤ How people contain their emotions in an argument

11강 1—1. 다음 글을 읽고 적절한 어휘를 골라 쓰시오.48)

An issue receiving much attention in the media and

schools is bullying. This is seen as repeated, unprovoked
abuse by one or more children that causes physical or
10강 4-1. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 것을 고르시오.46) psychological (A) [love/pain] to another child. Bullying is
harmful and can affect the classroom climate in a negative
This is the statement of the law of indirect effort. way. Drama can be used with children to build social
perspective, emotional empathy, and compassion for others.
More than 2000 years ago, Aristotle wrote that happiness In drama, the characters can work through a number of
is a condition. ①It is not something that is achieved by (B) [difficulties/opportunities] , including bullying. Tabone
pursuing it directly; rather, it is something that comes out (2003) uses the children’s book Rotten Ralph, a story
through our engagement in purposeful activity. ②This law about a rotten cat, for a class drama. The story is read to
simply says that almost anything we get in life involving the children, and they discuss how Sarah feels about what
emotional experiences comes to us indirectly rather than her cat, Ralph, is doing. Some of his actions are breaking
directly. ③It comes to us as a result of doing something one of Sarah’s dolls, making (C) [fun/hope] of her, sawing
else. ④If we pursue happiness directly, it eludes us. But if off a limb that holds her swing, and other terrible things.
we get busy doing something that is important to us and The children can dramatize some things they may do, while
make progress in the direction of our dreams, we find the teacher offers other options. This drama experience
ourselves feeling very happy. ⑤Self-confidence is also could be extended to drawing about the happenings of
subject to the law of indirect effort. We achieve higher bullying.
levels by setting and achieving even higher goals and
objectives. As we move forward, step by step, once we feel (A) :
ourselves advancing in life, we feel better and more capable (B) :
of taking on even more challenges. (C) :
변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
11강 2—1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.49) 11강 4—1. 다음 중 올바른 어법을 골라 쓰시오.51)

Many middle managers and first-line employees must feel We all surround ourselves with a “personal bubble” ①that
like the laborers who built the pharaohs’ tombs. Every we go to great lengths to protect. We open the bubble to
pharaoh hoped to build for himself a tomb of such our friends, children, parents, and so on, but we’re careful
intricate and deceitful design that no marauder would ever to keep most people out of this space. When we stand in
be able to enter it and steal the pharaoh’s wealth. Think of line, we make certain ②that is enough space so that we
the laborers as middle managers in the midst of corporate don’t touch the person in front of us and aren’t touched by
restructuring. All the workers knew that when the tomb the person behind us. At times, we extend our personal
was finished they would be put to death— (A) 이런 식으로 space. In the library, for example, you may place your coat
파라오는 재산을 어떻게 찾아낼지에 대한 어떤 기억이라도 파괴하였 on the chair next to you—claiming that space for ③yourself
다. Imagine what would happen when the pharaoh showed even though you aren’t ④used it. If you want to really
up on a work site and inquired of a supervisor, “How’s it widen your space, you might even spread books in front of
going, are you about done yet?” “Not yet boss, it’ll be a the other chairs, keeping the whole table to yourself by ⑤
few more years, I’m afraid.” No wonder tombs were seldom giving the impression that others have just stepped away.
finished within the pharaoh’s lifetime! And no wonder so
few first‒ level and mid‐level employees bring their full
emotional and intellectual energies to the task of

보기 [ to /of /the pharaoh /how /memory /this /destroyed

/any /was /how /the wealth /find ].

11강 3—1. 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.50)

Responsibility is an attribute that great achievers have in

12강 1-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.52)
(A)No matter what their background or life history, true
leaders seem to share the belief that they are the source— ①What’s happening when we’re actually doing two things
the creator. In other words, they are responsible for the at once? It’s simple. Our brain has channels, and so we’re
outcome of their actions. able to process different kinds of data in different parts of
our brain. Therefore, you can talk and ②walking at the
(B)Maybe they were driving in the other car’s blind spot, same time. There is no channel interference. But you’re not
or they weren’t paying close enough attention, or they really focused on both activities. One ③is happening in the
didn’t anticipate the lane change of a car. That is how foreground and the other in the background. If you were
leaders are— they take full responsibility. trying ④to explain on the cell phone how to operate a
complex machine, you’d stop walking. Similarly, if you were
(C)On some level, they generated the outcome, if not by crossing a rope bridge over a valley, you’d likely stop ⑤to
their physical actions, then by their mental actions. They talk. You can do two things at once, but you can’t focus
seem to believe that they create whatever happens in their effectively on two things at once.
life someone cut them off on the road, they contributed to
that outcome in some way.
변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
12강 1-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.53) 12강 3-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.55)

Our beliefs about emotions not only ①describe what is, Verbal communication involves ①convey messages ②that
whether in fact or myth, but they also prescribe ②that have both content (i.e. what is said) and form (i.e. how it
should—or should not—be. For example, you should not is sent). Many coaches are very good ③at giving
laugh during a funeral. In addition to ③regulate how we information that is high in content, for instance, when
respond, many rules also have an enabling function. To introducing new tactics or technical skills. However, players
illustrate with a nonemotional example, rules of grammar may “switch off,” become bored, ④confusing and even
④regulate how a person speaks “properly”; more frustrated if too much instruction is ⑤given. Furthermore,
fundamentally, they help ⑤constitute the language that is when coaches continually use verbal instruction, they
spoken. Thus, without the rules of English grammar, there become the main actors in the coaching theater thereby
would be no English language. Similarly, without the rules limiting or ⑥stopping the active participation of the
of anger, say, there would be no anger, only unclear players. Therefore, by involving the players through ⑦
expressions of rage or frustration. asking questions and listening to them, a coach obliges
them to think, collect information, evaluate and create. This
involves and encourages players to take more responsibility
for their own learning and development.

12강 2-1. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.54) 12강 4-1. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 곳을 고르시오.56)

(A)The ancients recognized seven activities as arts: history, How can you best change your behaviors, attitudes, and
poetry, comedy, tragedy, mask, dance, and astronomy. Each values?
was governed by its own muse, each had its own rules and
aims, but all seven were united by a common motivation: ①As you assess your behaviors, attitudes, and values, you
they were tools, useful to describe the universe and our may realize that you are acting in ways that aren’t as
place in it. effective or appropriate as possible. ②A strategy is useful.
③Focus on what you have done well in the past as well as
(B)They were methods of understanding the mysteries of on what you are currently doing well. By focusing on your
existence, and as such, they themselves took on the aura of successes instead of your problems, you can more quickly
those mysteries. As a result, they were each aspects of accomplish the results you desire. ④For example, golfers
religious activity: The performing arts celebrated the rituals; such as Tiger Woods or Annika Sorenstam are able to
history recorded the story of the race; astronomy searched ignore hostile crowds, challenging weather conditions, and
the heavens. their competition. They focus their energy on accomplishing
the task—striking the golf ball cleanly. ⑤Similarly, when
(C)In each of these seven classical arts we can discover the people are depressed or anxious about their communication
roots of contemporary cultural and scientific categories. ability, they can lessen these feelings by focusing on
History, for example, leads not only to the modern social situations where they have succeeded in not being
sciences but also to prose narrative: the novel, short depressed and anxious.
stories, and so forth.
변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
1-1. 다음 글을 읽고 주제를 고르시오.57) (A) :
(B) :
Not everything gets done by acting with great haste. (C) :
Sometimes you have to be on high alert and think on your
feet, but often you have to carefully consider matters and
take your time analyzing every aspect before signing up for 3—1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.59)
a project or relationship. That is what the turtle is teaching
us. Fast is good, because you don’t want to miss There are several ways in which your self image has
opportunities in a world that is so full of competitors. Yet, become distorted. For instance, imprinting. I was at a
slow is good, too, because in many instances, you have to shop, and a mother came in with a child in a buggy. The
look before you leap. When in a hurry, the chance of child was terrible. It cried and shouted. So the mother
making irrational or untimely decisions increases, and with said: “Why do you always behave so badly when you are in
that, also the chance of unnecessary failure increases. Like a shop with me?” (A) 그것은 어리석은 말이지만 어떤 부모에게
with everything, moderation and balance are golden rules 서든 쉽게 나올 수 있는 말이다. In the subconscious mind of
here. There are times when you have to move rapidly, but the child, however, the message is received loud and clear.
when the water looks good, you should not dive in it if Next time she goes shopping with her mom, she will
you don’t know how to swim yet. There are instances when wonder: “Who am I when I go shopping with mom?” And
you just have to wait. the information will readily pop up, with the authority of
the mother’s voice: “You are someone who always behaves
① The culture of Hastings nowadays badly when you are with me!” So, of course the child will
② We have raised our haste due to fullness of competitors behave badly again.
in our society *buggy 유모차
③ We ought to be more relaxed and check frequently 보기 [ stupid /easily /of /slip out /remark /that /’s /a
before processing /can /one /any /which /but /parent ].
④ The reason why failure increases when we are in a
⑤ You should learn how to dive in the water for the
emergency 4—1. 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.60)

The quality of the environment, both natural and

2—1. 다음 글을 읽고 적절한 어휘를 골라 쓰시오.58) man-made, is essential to tourism.

Until recently psychology has mainly been working within (A) Many of these impacts are linked with the construction
a disease model: a strong emphasis has been placed on of general infrastructure such as roads and airports, and of
discovering deficits in human behaviour and finding ways tourism facilities, including resorts, hotels, restaurants and
to repair this (A) [damage/profit]. Psychologists hardly shops. The negative impacts of tourism development can
focused on doing studies acquiring knowledge about healthy gradually destroy the environmental resources on which it
functioning and building strengths. In other words, they depends.
have focused solely on taking away something negative (the
dysfunctioning) instead of adding something positive (B) However, tourism’s relationship with the environment is
(increasing mental and behavioural health). The result is complex. It involves many activities that can have adverse
that psychologists know (B) [well/little] about healthy and environmental effects.
happy functioning. This situation has been changing now
since the rise of positive psychology a few years ago. What (C) On the other hand, tourism has the potential to create
is (C) [positive/negative] Psychology? It is a new movement beneficial effects on the environment by contributing to
in psychology, originated by Martin Seligman and a few environmental protection and conservation. It is a way to
other prominent psychologists. It aims to be a psychological raise awareness of environmental values and it can serve as
science about the best things in life. a tool to finance the protection of natural areas and
*deficit 약점 increase their economic importance.

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변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
13강 1—1. 다음 중 올바른 어법을 골라 쓰시오.61) 13강 2—1. 다음 글을 읽고 적절한 어휘를 골라 쓰시오.63)

In an experiment, when people were asked to count three A child who hears a stern warning about the (A)
minutes in their heads, 25‒year‒olds were quite accurate, [compliments/dangers] of running in the street will have
but 65‒year‒olds went over on average by 40 seconds. better self-esteem than a child who only hears that he’s a
Time seemed to pass faster for the older group. This may “bad boy” when he runs into the street. The child who’s a
seem meaningless, but there are a lot of benefits to (A) “bad boy” is getting the message that he and his behavior
[perceive/perceiving] time like 65‒year‒olds. For example, are not (B) [proper/regulated]. He doesn’t learn the
if you have been working on a project for eight hours, but difference between what he does and what he is. As an
it only feels like six, you (B) [would/will] have more adult, his inner critic will attack both his behavior and his
energy to keep going. If you have been running for 20 worth. Parents who carefully (C) [combine/distinguish]
minutes, and you perceive it to be only 13 minutes, you’re between inappropriate behavior and the basic goodness of
more likely to have seven more minutes of energy. So, if the child raise children who feel better about themselves
you want to use your energy to work longer, just change and have a far gentler inner critic.
your perception of how long you have been (C)
[working/worked]. (A) :
(B) :
(C) :

13강 3—1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.64)

Let’s go back to our ancestors, back before elevators,

13강 1–1. 다음 글을 읽고 주제를 고르시오.62) escalators, cars, and even horses. This is when our human
physiology was coming of age. Our ancestors had to move
Sometimes conflict can be resolved through an expansion to survive. Not unlike most other mammals, humans had
of resources. For example, a department may need five to expend much energy in order to acquire food and water.
computers but has a budget for only three. However, by These early humans, with whom we share most of our
talking the finance people into delaying the purchase of physiology, were nomadic, and therefore moving was an
other equipment, there will be more money left for essential part of their lives. As descendants of these
departmental computers. Alternatively, the company may be nomadic people, our physiology is based on abundant
reorganized and some people given early retirement, thus movement and a diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, and
freeing up funds for computer equipment. An expansion of infrequent, small portions of meat. To the extent we have
resources involves a reworking of the budget for the that, we are more likely to be healthy. (A) 우리가 그것을 가
purpose of determining how additional funds can be found. 지지 못하면 문제가 생긴다.

① We need more fund to make the situation worse. *nomadic 떠돌이 생활을 하는
② How we can accumulate office’s fund.
③ We ought to be more flexible when reworking of the 보기 [ we /arise /the /don’t /extent /to /problems ].
④ We need to adjust fund when the conflict occurred
⑤ You should learn how to determine additional retirement

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변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
13강 4—1. 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.65) 14강 1-1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.67)

Some travel companies are very specific about what’s Search for truths about nature is science. It is a creative
included in the price quoted for a trip, but in other cases, activity. When one obtains a new insight into the working
you’ll have to ask for details. of nature, one is as much thrilled as, say, a painter or a
sculptor when he creates a masterpiece. However, there is
(A) “Some meals” might mean dinner but not breakfast or one major difference between science and the arts. (A) 과
lunch, and “sightseeing” may mean a guide and local 학적인 노력은 누적적이고 협력적인 반면에 각각의 예술적인 창조물
transportation but not admission fees or tips. 은 그 자체로 온전하다. In science, every newly established
fact, however insignificant it may appear to be at the time,
(B) And if you and your traveling companion want two and every new idea, however small, is bound sooner or
separate beds, confirm that up front. later to contribute to major advances in our understanding
of nature. Even such a great physicist as Newton wrote: “If
I can see a little farther, it is by standing on the shoulders
(C) Another good topic to investigate is your of giants.”
accommodations. Some tour operators don’t commit to
specific hotels but simply promise three- or four-star [cumulative /Scientific effort /whereas /is /and /each
properties, so if you’re particular about lodging, ask where /cooperative/, /is /artistic creation /in itself /complete ]
the group stayed on past trips.

14강 2-1. 빈칸에 알맞은 연결사를 쓰시오.68)

A key feature of the art scene in the 21st century is the

impact of globalization—the accelerating interconnectivity of
human activity and information across time and space.
Aided by the Internet and mass media, awareness of the
14강 1-1. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 연결사를 쓰시오.66) vitality of contemporary art in localities around the globe
has grown tremendously. Anyone with access to the
Most dictionaries list names of famous people. The editors Internet can follow developments in Shanghai, Sydney, São
must make difficult decisions about whom to include and Paulo, or Nairobi. Simultaneously the increased movement
whom to exclude. Webster’s New World Dictionary, of artists across borders and oceans has added to the
____(A)____, includes Audrey Hepburn but leaves out intermixing of influences and artistic vocabularies.
Spencer Tracy. It lists Bing Crosby, not Bob Hope; Willie _____________ , Wangechi Mutu, originally from Kenya,
Mays, not Micky Mantle. Executive editor Michael Agnes pursued further education in South Wales and then in the
explains that names are chosen based on their frequency of United States. Her collaged images of women are informed
use and their usefulness to the reader. According to him, by African tribal arts, 20th-century European and American
____(B)____, entertainers who are alive are not included. collage artists, and the latest illustrations from fashion, and
For that very reason, Elton John and Paul McCartney medical sources, etc. Mutu is considered by many to be
aren’t in the dictionary, but both Marilyn Monroe and Elvis one of the most important contemporary African artists of
Presley, who died decades ago, are. recent years, and her work has achieved much global
(A) _____________ (B) _____________

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변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
14강 3-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.69) 15강 1—1. 다음 중 올바른 어법을 골라 쓰시오.71)

① Although all the spending, computers are not often used It is said that 1 in ancient Athens the followers of Plato
to do anything ② that couldn’t be done as easily—and gathered one day to ask themselves the following question:
more cheaply and effectively—with old-fashioned books, “What is a human being?” After ①a great number of
pencils, paper, and chalk. “Interactive” whiteboards are too thought, they came up with the following answer: “a
frequently used merely for displaying text or pictures to a human being is a featherless biped.” Everybody seemed ②
dutifully seated class, not much different from what you contently with this definition until a philosopher burst into
can do with an overhead projector or chalkboard. the lecture hall with a live featherless chicken. Holding it
Computers are used for mere word processing, ③ in his hand, he shouted “Look! I present you with a
displaying cognitively bleak commercial software packages human being.” After the stir had died down, the
like PowerPoint, or to play dull educational games of philosophers gathered again and ③improved their
uncertain merit. Computer “art” packages get used as bland definition. A human being, they said, is a featherless ④
substitutes for paint-and-paper art. But some educators are biped with broad nails. This curious story from the history
realizing that this is a dead end. They’re doing something of early philosophy shows the kinds of difficulties ⑤that
different with technology in the classroom. These teachers philosophers have sometimes been faced with when
have realized that the point isn’t to simply repeat more attempting to give abstract, general definitions of what it is
expensively ④ what they’re already doing quite well with to be human.
paper, pencils, and books. It’s to do new things ⑤ that *biped 두 발 동물
they currently can’t do.

15강 1-1. 다음 글을 읽고 주제를 고르시오.72)

14강 4-1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.70) As Ruth Handler watched her daughter Barbara growing
up during the 1950s, she noticed that she and her friends
The reason why people like Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung seemed more interested in playing with adult dolls than
became interested in the study of dreams is that they saw with the traditional baby versions. Unfortunately, the only
them as a source of self-knowledge. In dreams our grown-up dolls available at the time were made of
subconscious minds may reveal things to us that our cardboard. Ruth became convinced that a three-dimensional
conscious minds deny. What the work of Freud, Jung and alternative would be a commercial success. She took her
others indicates is that we may not be able to arrive at full idea to the board of Mattel, the company that she and her
self-knowledge unaided. We may need others to help us see husband established, but it was rejected as being too risky
what and who we are. A very different approach is taken and expensive. The executives only decided to back Ruth’s
by Existentialist philosophers, who reject the very idea that hunch when she returned from a trip to Switzerland with
there is such a thing as ‘human nature’. According to an adult doll called Lilli. Ruth’s doll went into production
them, we do not need to discover who we are because we and was named “Barbie” in honor of her daughter. Barbie
are who we choose to be. (A) 개개인은 특정 선택을 하는 것을 was unveiled at the 1959 American Toy Fair in New York.
통해서 자신의 본성을 만들며, 우리가 만들 수 있는 것은 우리가 바 Mattel sold 351,000 Barbies in year one.
꿀 수도 있다.
① They way how Barbie got popular
[through /Each /what /individual /his or her /we /own ② Ruth Handler’s fortune and investment
/creates /nature /also /making /certain choices/, /and /can ③ We need to look back on the recycling things
/make/, /we /can /change ] ④ You should not consume Barbie dolls
⑤ Lilli was the first commercial success brought to Ruth

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변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
15강 2-1. 다음 글을 읽고 적절한 어휘를 골라 쓰시오.73) 15강 4-1. 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.75)

One reason many of us have a higher regard for our own Satyamurti was a leading nationalist in India. He was
character than that of others is that we judge ourselves by known for his great speech. His words carried logic and
our (A) [intentions/experience] and others by their acts, reason, wit and wisdom. So he usually got the better of
especially those acts we find annoying. For example, if we others in arguments. Once he went to England to present
don’t visit a friend or relative in the hospital, we usually India’s case for freedom.
don’t think of ourselves as having done something wrong.
Instead, we (B) [blame/justify], “I really did think of (A) The heckler felt he had nettled Satyamurti. He thought
paying a visit; I just didn’t have enough time. But I Satyamurti would not have a convincing reply. Here he
wanted to go.” Yet, when we are a hospital patient, and went wrong. For Satyamurti replied, “Do you know why?
others don’t visit, most of us don’t spend time devising Even the sun doesn’t trust the British in the dark.”
explanations for the non-visitors’ behavior. Instead, we are
apt to dismiss them as selfish or “fair-weather” friends. (B) That was true. For Britain had colonies all around the
Therefore, in the future, make an effort to judge others by globe. And always it was day in some or the other part of
their intentions when their actions (C) [satisfy/upset] you, the Empire. Satyamurti looked in the general direction of
in the same way most of us judge ourselves when we have the crowd from where the question had come and smiled.
done something that has upset another.
(C) He met the leading politicians in Britain. He pleaded
(A) : with them to restore self-government to India. At one
(B) : meeting, while he was presenting India’s case for freedom,
(C) : a heckler asked, “Do you know that the sun never sets on
the British Empire?”
*heckler 야유꾼 **nettle 화나게 하다

15강 3-1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.74)

The main reason that students do not study is not that

they do not have enough time; it is that they would rather 16강 1-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.76)
be doing something else. Consider a student who has a
French test in two weeks. We know that the earlier the Children are ① very more resistant to giving something to
student starts studying for the test, the fewer tasks will someone else than to ② helping them. One can observe
need to be completed each day. (A) 반면에 프랑스어를 공부하 this difference clearly in very young children. Even though
는 그 학생은, 그 시험이 멀리 있기 때문에 그것의 우선순위를 낮게 one‐and‐a‐half‐year‐olds will support each other in
여긴다. He would rather watch television or read a book difficult situations, they are not willing to ③ share their
than take 15 minutes to study for the test. A week and a own toys with others. The little ones even defend their
half later, the test becomes more important. By that time, possessions with screams and, if necessary, blows. This is
the student will need several hours to prepare. He will the daily experience of parents ④ troubling by constant
most likely find it more difficult to fit a three-hour block quarreling between toddlers. 3 There was no word I ⑤
of study time into his schedule than several 15-minute heard more frequently than “Mine!” from my daughters
blocks. when they were still in diapers.

보기 [ as /hand /sees /far /on /the /French /the /because Although very young children will help each other in
/is /the /far /student /priority /other /test /a /low /away difficult situations, they are unwilling to share their
]. possessions.

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변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
16강 1-1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.77) 16강 3-1. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 연결사를 쓰시오.79)

In a mock jury study, researcher Bonnie Erickson and her Dr. King didn’t change America by himself. He wasn’t a
colleagues had people listen to a witness answer questions legislator, ____(A)____ , but legislation was created to
about a supposed accident—for example, “Approximately give all people in the United States equal rights regardless
how long did you stay there before the ambulance arrived?” of skin color. It wasn’t Dr. King who changed America; it
Some jurors heard the witness respond straightforwardly: was the movement of millions of others whom he inspired
“Twenty minutes. Long enough to help get Mrs. David that changed the course of history. ____(B)____ how do
straightened out.” Others listened to the witness hem and you organize millions of people? Forget millions, how do
haw: “Oh, it seems like it was about, uh, twenty minutes. you organize hundreds or tens of people? The vision and
Just long enough to help my friend Mrs. David, you know, charisma of a good leader first attract innovators and early
get straightened out.” (A) 증인들이 무슨 말을 했는지는 그 말을 adopters. Trusting their guts and their intuition, these
어떻게 했는지보다 덜 중요한 것으로 드러났다.: the people will make the greatest sacrifices to help see the
straightforward, confident witnesses were rated significantly vision become a reality. With each success, with every
more credible. tangible demonstration that the vision can in fact become
more reality, the more practical-minded majority starts to
[the witnesses /What /they /to /said /less /turned out /be take interest. What was previously just a dream soon
/how /important /than /said /it] becomes a provable and tangible reality.

(A)________ (B)________

16강 4-1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.80)

While medical anthropologist Jennifer Roberts conducted

urban fieldwork in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, her research
16강 2-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.78) assistant introduced Roberts to a woman who was
accompanied by her five-year-old daughter. Roberts was so
Consider the tasks of surfing the web and ① proofread a taken by the girl’s beauty that she patted the girl on the
report for errors. The rules for surfing include using the head while commenting to the mother what a gorgeous
mouse to move the cursor, double clicking screen choices, child she had. Much to Roberts’s surprise, the mother
② click the “back” key to return to a previous screen, responded by saying that the girl was not pretty at all and
pushing another button once to bookmark a page, and so then abruptly left. What had Roberts done? She was simply
on. The rules for proofreading are different and might trying to pay the woman and her daughter a compliment.
include first skimming a page for obvious mistakes, reading (A) 사실 Roberts는 의도치 않게 두 가지 문화적 실수를 저질렀던
the report one word at a time to check for spelling, and 것이다. First, in this part of the world, patting a child on
then ③ reading the report paragraph by paragraph to see the head is viewed as a violation of the most sacred part
if one’s points are clear. Someone who surfs and proofreads of the body. Second, complimenting a child on her beauty
at the same time actually is switching from one task to or health is regarded in Malaysia as inviting bad fortune
another. The decision that it is time to stop, say, for the child.
proofreading and begin surfing takes a fraction of a second.
And then, the decision to “get in the mind-set” of surfing, [In fact /inadvertently /Roberts /cultural /had /two
and bring to mind how one surfs takes another fraction of /committed /mistakes]
a second. ④ Although each switch may waste only a
second or so, the multitasker makes many switches, ⑤
wasting much time. What is more efficient? Prioritizing and
organizing one’s time.

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변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
17강 1-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.81) 13~16강 3-1. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.83)

Giving people feedback about their past performance can be (A) But on the day that I was called with the job offer, I
a powerful way ①to help them learn. Equally useful ② got off the telephone, sat down, and started to cry. My gut
being “feedforward,” which means ③explore new options instinct was telling me something was wrong. But I didn’t
for the future. Marshall Goldsmith, a management listen. I took the job because it paid so well and my brain
consultant, suggests a way to do this. First, talk about a kept telling me it was the right thing to do.
specific, high-impact behavior that you’d like to change—for
example, “I want to be a better listener.” Then gather with (B) At one point in my career in business, I applied for a
a small group of trusted friends and ④asking for job that looked perfect on paper. It paid about thirty
suggestions about ways to accomplish your goal. To make thousand dollars a year more than what I was currently
this process work, avoid any conversation about what’s making. It was a job with lots of budget and personnel
happened in the past. Focus instead on the next actions responsibility, doing work that I knew and liked.
you intend ⑤to take.
(C)Less than two years later, I left that job, having been
miserable for almost every minute I was there. My gut
knew that I shouldn’t have taken the job, but I talked
myself into it. That almost never works out well. Listen to
your instincts. If something seems wrong, then spend time
to figure out what it is.

17강 2-1. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.82)

Harvard Business School professor Francesca Gino and

her colleagues asked workers to spend 15 minutes at the 13~16강 4-1. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?84)
end of their workdays writing about what went well that
day, and they found that the journaling employees had How do we know exactly when Impressionism began?
22.8% higher performance than those who didn’t ponder on
their workday. As former Tech Insider reporter Drake Baer At 7:35 a.m. on November 13, 1872, in the port city of Le
points out, reflecting on the day’s successes can help you Havre, France, Claude Monet gazed out his hotel window
incorporate those lessons into the next day. “You introduce and began to paint what he saw. ①The result was
a stimulus, gather the data of your experience, and then “Impression, Soleil Levant” (“Impression, Sunrise’s”)—and
improve from there,” he writes. It’s worth noting that study the birth of a movement. ②Because of Donald Olson, a
participants didn’t simply think about what went well, but Texas State University astrophysicist who uses astronomy to
wrote their responses down. “It’s very easy to deceive solve art and literary mysteries. When asked to help
yourself if you’re just thinking about it,” Gino explains, determine the painting’s provenance, Olson began by
“but when you write things down on paper, it’s easier to examining maps and photos very carefully to identify
identify what’s helpful.” Monet’s hotel and room. ③The final clues were the smoke
↓ plumes in the painting, showing the wind blowing east to
If you review your work each day by writing things down, west. ④Then he turned to astronomy—using the rising sun
_________________. and the moon to determine the tide, season, and time of
day—and consulted digitized 19th-century weather
① it will make you spend more time on working observations. ⑤Those findings—plus the “72” by Monet’s
② it will make you write about things you want to know signature—closed the case and put a precise time stamp on
③ it will help you get better productivity a timeless work of art.
④ it will help you get better scores on your work
⑤ it will identify yourself by your works

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변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
17강 1-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.85) 17강 2-1. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.87)

Your parents may be afraid ①that you will not spend your (A) Frederick instructed him to sit down and add a
allowance wisely. You may make some foolish spending postscript to the letter, which Frederick himself dictated:
choices, but if you do, the decision to do so is your own “Tomorrow I shall perish on the scaffold.” Zietern wrote
and hopefully you will learn from your mistakes. Much of what he was told and was duly executed the following day.
learning occurs through trial and error. Explain to your
parents ②what money is something you will have to deal (B) On a campaign in Silesia, Frederick, King of Prussia,
with for the rest of your life. It is better ③that you make gave orders one day that all fires and lights were to be
your mistakes early on rather than later in life. Explain extinguished in his camp by a certain hour. To make
that you will have a family someday and you need to know certain that his order was obeyed, the king himself went
how to manage your money. Not ④anything is taught at the rounds.
(C) Passing by the tent of a certain Captain Zietern, he
noticed the glimmer of a candle, and upon entering found
the officer sealing a letter to his wife. Frederick demanded
to know what Zietern thought he was doing; didn’t he
know the orders? The captain threw himself at the king’s
feet, unable to deny or excuse his disobedience.

17강 1-1. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.86) 17강 3-1. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?88)

The pleasures of kindness were well known in the past. What responsibilities do you think children should have,
Kindness was mankind’s “greatest delight,” the Roman and at what ages?
philosopher-emperor Marcus Aurelius declared, and thinkers
and writers have echoed him down the centuries. But Before you begin teaching your children responsibility, be
today, many people find these pleasures literally incredible certain you have the concept clear in your own mind. ①
or at least highly suspect. An image of the self has been What does responsibility mean to you? ②Most parents feel
created that ________________. Most people appear to that basic responsibilities include keeping a clean room and
believe that deep down they (and other people) are mad, picking up any mess made in other rooms of the house. ③
bad, and dangerous to know; that as a species—apparently When our children become students, we want them to
unlike other species of animals—we are deeply and meet the requirements of being a learner and to do their
fundamentally hostile to each other, that our motives are homework religiously. Another responsibility is for personal
utterly self-seeking, and that our sympathies are forms of hygiene, being bathed and combed and well dressed. ④
self-protection. There is financial responsibility, in which children learn to
budget and to spend wisely their allowances or income
① has the potential to grow more rapidly from part-time jobs. ⑤Children need to become responsible
② is utterly lacking in natural generosity with their time, getting to school before the bell rings,
③ implies the meaning of the pleasure keeping curfew, managing to fit in all their activities and
④ is believed to be the instincts of animals still have down-time left.
⑤ has nothing to do with the motives

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변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
17강 4-1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.89) 18강 1-1. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.91)

A survey is somewhat like an interview in that the person When you remove body language and facial expressions
conducting it prepares a set of questions. (A)하지만 인터뷰는 from communication, you remove many of the signals we
1대 1로 진행되고, 대화에는 유연성이 매우 크다. A survey, on use to read other people. Communication over the phone
th[e other hand, is usually written in advance. A number leaves you and your customer with limited insight into the
of participants agree to answer a set of questions. If they other end of the conversation is reacting. Is he in a
write their answers, the survey takes the form of a defensive posture and getting more withdrawn as you talk?
questionnaire. They may or may not complete the survey in Is she rolling her eyes while you tell her how much you
your presence. What you will get will be the briefest value her business? Is he reading his email instead of
answers to your questions—no more, no less. Obviously, listening to you? The more physical cues we remove from
you will run into difficulty if you realize later on that you our interactions, the easier it is to have misunderstandings.
should have asked different questions. Therefore, in a Fortunately, you can still tell a lot from tone of voice.
survey, most of the work lies in the preparation of the
questions so as to get the best answers. ① how the facial muscles are activated when we make
[the conversation /has /an interview /However, ② how the muscles and signals are translated into the
/one-on-one, /is done /and /great flexibility] actions
③ how the postures are changed based on the other
person’s feelings
④ how the physical cues are being misunderstood
⑤ how the person on the other end of the conversation is

18강 2-1. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.92)

(A) Essentially, a pep squad is a group of individuals who

have the responsibility of motivating and promoting
enthusiasm for a particular sports team before and during
a sports competition. The use of the term varies to a
18강 1-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.90) degree from place to place.

A lot of customers buy products only after they are made (B) In some settings, the pep squad is considered to be the
①aware ②that the products are available in the market. same as a cheerleading squad. Other locations see it as a
Let’s say a product, even if it has been out there for a separate entity from the cheerleaders, although they share a
while, is not advertised. Then what might happen? Not common purpose. This may lead to the squad being more
knowing ③that the product exists, customers would of a dance team, performing more complicated routines
probably not buy it even if the product may have worked that are usually associated with cheerleading.
for them. Advertising also helps people ④find the best for
themselves. When they are made aware of a whole range (C) The tradition of a pep squad as a support for sports
of goods, they are able to compare them and ⑤making teams is one that many people are familiar with. These
purchases so that they get ⑥that they desire with their groups exist for many different types of high school and
hard‐earned money. Thus, advertising has become a college sports, most notably football.
necessity in everybody’s daily life.

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변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
18강 3-1. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?93) 19강 1–1. 다음 글을 읽고 주제를 고르시오.95)

If a man sat down to his meal in the woods, he was When people share the same daily, weekly, monthly, and
expected to call loudly for someone to come and share it seasonal rhythms, connections among them form faster and
with him, before he might justly eat alone. stay stronger. The people trust each other more deeply, and
coordination becomes easier. After all, they are frequently
①It was usual among “savages” for the man who had food doing the same things and working on the same problems
to share it with the man who had none, for travelers to be together. In fact, several organizations use regular stand-up
fed at any home they chose to stop at on their way, and meetings to maintain strong bonds and reinforce a shared
for communities harassed with drought to be maintained by mindset. A CEO of a food company talks about his short
their neighbors. ②When a Western traveler told a Samoan daily meeting with his team. He explains, “The rhythm that
about the poor in London, the “savage” asked in frequency generates allows relationships to strengthen,
astonishment: “How is it? No food? No friends? No house personal habits to be understood, and stressors to be
to live in? Where did he grow? ③Are there no houses identified. All of this helps the members of the team
belonging to his friends?” ④The hungry Indian had but to understand not only their roles but also how they can get
ask to receive; however small the supply was, food was the best out of one another.”
given to him if he needed it: “no one can want food while
there is corn anywhere in the town.”⑤ ① You would like to express your feeling seasonally
*harassed 시달리는 ② The necessity to look our body rhythm carefully
③ Seasonal rhythms make a team more cohesive
④ Identical features of all members are needed
⑤ The importance of totalitarianism

19강 1—1. 다음 글의 해석에 따라 자연스러운 어휘를 골라 쓰시


Team sports offer a particularly (A) [compelling/boring]

form of drama. The outcome of a game, unlike that of a
18강 4-1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.94) scripted drama, is unknown. Few people watch the same
play or motion picture repeatedly because after they have
Over the past 10,000 years, Homo sapiens has grown so seen it once they know the ending. The tension is gone.
accustomed to being the only human species that it’s hard But tension fills each and every game of baseball, football,
for us to think of any other possibility. Our lack of and basketball. Moreover, in organized sports the (B)
brothers and sisters makes it easier to imagine that we are [tension/exhaustion] carries beyond each individual game
the best example of creation, and that a chasm separates and tends to increase over time. Each game is part of a
us from the rest of the animal kingdom. (A)Charles Darwin designated sequence—a season—the goal of which is to
이 ‘호모 사피엔스’는 동물의 한 종류에 불과하다는 점을 시사했을 produce a champion. Both individual games and the season
때 사람들은 격분했다. Even today many refuse to believe it. as a whole attract interest and attention. Spectators follow
If the Neanderthals had survived, would we still imagine the first to find out which of the two contesting teams will
ourselves to be a creature apart? Perhaps this is exactly win, and the second to learn which one will emerge as the
why our ancestors wiped out the Neanderthals. They were ultimate champion. Suspense (C) [decreases/increases]
too familiar to ignore, but too different to tolerate. because, as the end of the season approaches, games tend
to become more important to the determination of the
[Homo sapiens /was just /Charles Darwin /were outraged champion.
/indicated /that of animal, /people /When /another kind]
(A) :
(B) :
(C) :

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변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
19강 2-1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 적절히 변형하여 (A)를 완 19강 4—1. 다음 중 틀린 어법을 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.99)
Help your teen verbally ①labelling emotions. This isn’t as
Benjamin Franklin began and ended each day with a easy as it sounds because hurting teens often feel multiple
question: “What good shall I do this day?” in the morning, emotions at the same time. Develop a rich, accurate
and “What good have I done this day?” in the evening. In vocabulary for emotions, and allow your teen to “name”
fact, many great thinkers embraced the idea of constantly what he is feeling. Various studies ②have shown that
questioning things. As Albert Einstein reportedly said, verbally naming an emotion has a ③quieting effect on the
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. nervous system, which can in turn help teens recover faster
The important thing is not to stop questioning.” Of course, from emotional stress. This has to do with the brain’s
getting into the habit of self-reflection is easier said than structure and how emotions are processed. By verbalizing
done, (A) 왜냐하면 우리는 자주 스스로에게 어려운 질문을 하는 an emotion, the language area in the left side of the brain
것을 피하고 싶어 하기 때문이다. As philosopher and is engaged, which also ④impact logic and other higher-level
psychologist John Dewey explained in his 1910 book, How types of thinking. Activating the connections between the
We Think, reflective thinking involves overcoming our logic areas and emotional processing areas of the brain
predisposition to accept things at face value and the may help your teen ⑤think about his emotion in a
willingness to endure mental unrest. Enduring this different way, thus leading to a calming effect.
discomfort is well worth the effort, as it can result in the
confidence boost necessary to perform better in our work
and daily lives.

보기 [ avoid /we /ask /tough /the /prefer /ourselves /as

/questions /often ].

19강 3-1. 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.98)

Telling schoolchildren that they are smart impairs their

future performance, whereas telling them that they work 20강 1-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오. 100)

hard or not praising them at all leads them to work harder

in the future. Democracy in ancient Athens was more extensive than
today’s version in ①that individual involvement occurred as
citizens took turns ②hold various offices. There were no
(A) Worse still, some probably hear the message that they elected officials in ancient Athens. Instead, governmental
should think and act like they are better and more positions, such as those of the councilors, were filled by
important than other people, or even that ordinary rules random drawings in ③which names were picked from a
don’t apply to them. box. The selected persons served for about a year, and no
person could serve twice in their lifetime. Where the
(B) Therefore, attempting to convince people to be knowledge of professionals was needed, there would be
impressed with themselves can actually make people do permanent positions, but most governmental positions were
worse, which isn’t all that surprising really. Convincing temporary. Many Athenians felt ④that the benefits of more
people to rely mostly on their self-esteem is really telling experienced politicians and officials would be spoiled by a
them that they can’t count on other people, and that is a growth in corruption. Today we sometimes find ⑤what
mighty unhappy thought indeed. long-term positions for career politicians lead to aspirations
of power and selfish actions.
(C) Real “self-esteem” derives from the esteem of others.
Why shout out your victories if no one hears you?

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변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
20강 2-1. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.101) 20강 4-1. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?103)

If you’re tempted to eat food you’ve dropped on the floor, If your Impression Management Plan calls for you to smile
you may want to think again: A new study disproved the at a meeting that you dread, think in advance of several
“5-second rule,” or the idea that food is safe to eat off the happy moments in your life to replay mentally during the
floor if you pick it up fast enough. The study found that meeting.
bacteria from a surface can move to food very quickly, in
less than a second in some cases. In the study, the ①Visualization techniques will help you display pleasure,
researchers contaminated four different surfaces— stainless interest and other emotions in your everyday interactions.
steel, ceramic tile, wood and carpet—with bacteria. Then, ②If the occasion calls for full attention, when you find
they dropped four food types on the surfaces: watermelon, yourself bored silly by someone’s presentation, create an
bread, bread and butter, and gummy candy. Results showed interest in him by focusing on the subtle changes in the
that, in general, the longer the food was allowed to sit on intonation of his voice as he speaks, or think about the
the surface, the more bacteria was transferred to the food. words he chooses to express his ideas. ③Let your rational
But some bacterial infection happened in less than a brain outwit your emotional brain by injecting images
second. Watermelon picked up the most bacteria, while consistent with the emotions you want to project. ④
gummy candies picked up the least. Remember, the emotional brain doesn’t distinguish between
realistic visualization and reality!⑤
① the food wasn’t contacted by the surface
② the bacterias are small enough to grow rapidly
③ the food was dropped on the carpet
④ you pick it up fast enough
⑤ the food have been dropped for a long time
21강 1-1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.104)

How much of your food should be cooked? Proponents of

the newly popular raw food diets claim that cooking ruins
vitamins and enzymes, making food difficult to digest and
therefore contributing to disease. But all traditional peoples
20강 3-1. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.102) cooked some or most of their food. (A)심지어 따뜻함을 유지
하기 위해 불을 지필 필요가 없는 열대 지역에서도, 음식을 익히기
(A) Why the huge gap? It turns out that studies by the 위해 매일 불을 지폈다. In addition to cooking grains, they
U.S. government and others defined business failures much usually cooked their vegetables, the very foods some
too broadly. Any closing of a business, even if it occurred recommend that people eat raw. Why cook? Cooking helps
because someone died, sold the business, or retired, was neutralize many naturally occurring anti-nutrients and
recorded as a business failure. irritants in food, also breaking down indigestible fiber.
Many foods, such as beans and potatoes, are indigestible
(B) An often-repeated statistic says that four out of five until cooked. While cooking—especially at very high
small businesses will fail within five years. This 80 percent temperatures—does destroy some nutrients, it makes
is a frightening prospect for anyone thinking about starting minerals more available.
a business. But a study by Bruce A. Kirchhoff of the New *proponent 지지자 **enzyme 효소
Jersey Institute of Technology found the failure rate for
small businesses to be only 18 percent during their first [have to /Even /every day /in the tropics, /where /built
eight years. fires /did not /build fires /to keep /people /warm, /they
/to cook]
(C) In fact, only 18 percent of the 814,000 small
businesses tracked by Kirchhoff for eight years went out of
business with unpaid bills. This should be a comfort to
would-be entrepreneurs.

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변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
21강 2-1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.105) 21강 4-1. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.107)

Long-term climate variations on Earth—ice ages are but Today, studies increasingly show that many non-human
one example— are thought to be influenced by such factors beings feel. Elephants appear to feel grief, while dolphins
as small wobbles in Earth’s orbit, and the inclination of its and whales express joy, or something much like it. Parrots
axis, as well as cycles of radiation coming from the Sun. can become unhappy, pigs and cows terrified, chickens
saddened, monkeys seemingly embarrassed. Experiments
These variations occur in cycles of 10,000 years or even
have shown that rats become agitated when seeing surgery
hundreds of thousands of years. An ice core drilled at Lake
performed on other rats; when presented with a trapped
Vostok in Antarctica reveals that for most of the last
lab-mate and a piece of chocolate, they will free their
250,000 years, Earth has been considerably colder than it
caged brethren before eating. There’s even evidence that
is today. (A)사실, 지난 만 년 동안 지구상에서 경험된 상대적으로
rats take pleasure in being tickled. None of this will come
따뜻한 날씨는 이전 이십만 년과 비교해 볼 때 이례적인 기간처럼 as a surprise to pet owners or anyone who has observed
보인다. Ten thousand years is a short period in geologic virtually any kind of animal for any length of time. Science
terms, but it covers just about the entire span of modern is rediscovering what Charles Darwin, in his book The
human civilization. Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals,
*wobble 흔들림, 동요 concluded: that the variations between humans and other
species in their capacity to feel and express emotion are
[when compared /experienced /In fact, /for the last /the differences in degree rather than in kind.
relatively /with the previous /warm weather /an unusual
/on Earth /looks like /10,000 years /period /200,000 ① are the sole thing which can be differentiated
years] ② are differences in degree rather than in kind
③ are the most important thing to humankind
④ are being ignored by most animals
⑤ are seemingly less expressed by animals

21강 01~02-1. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.108)

(A) The key to using food effectively is for it not to

become a planned event. If everyone knows you bring
21강 3-1. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.106) donuts to the Friday morning meeting, it becomes an
expectation and not a surprise. To create goodwill, the food
Words can be clues to inner experience, ①reveal hidden must appear to be unexpected. It is also a good idea to
thoughts, feelings, or wants. We can, therefore, use words praise employees who bring food in without being asked;
in much the same way as we use nonverbal messages, such this creates an atmosphere of sharing.

as voice tone, rate and volume of speech, facial

(B) If you have a small budget, you’re not going to want
expressions, and body positions or movements, ②help
to buy lunch at a restaurant for your entire group.
understand athletes. Words, however, not only express
Bringing in some cookies once in a while is enough; you
experience, but they also ③contribute to it, operating as a
can also encourage employees to bring in food themselves.
feedback loop. An example would be athletes who call
themselves “losers.” They not only reveal their (C) Food is one of the most important tools you can use
dissatisfaction and unhappiness, they also reinforce their as a manager. Having a full stomach makes people feel
sense of impotence and ④undermine their self-confidence. satisfied and happier. Eating together gives employees time
Words that are not spoken can be as meaningful as those to make connections with each other. Providing an
⑤that are. A useful clue to something that is avoided is occasional snack or paying for a lunch now and then can
the unanswered question. Not answering a question may help your employees feel appreciated and make the office
indicate an underlying fear, guilt, embarrassment, shame, or feel more welcoming. These do not need to be elaborate
other unpleasant feeling or thought. setups.
*elaborate 공들인
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변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
21강 01~02–1. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 적절히 변형하여 (A) 21강 01~02-5. 다음 단락에 이어질 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시
를 완성하시오.109) 오.110)

In a recent study, Stanford University psychologists Manly In a recent study, Stanford University psychologists Manly
Oppezzo and Daniel Schwartz divided participants into two Oppezzo and Daniel Schwartz divided participants into two
groups: walkers and sitters. They then administered groups: walkers and sitters. They then administered
something called Guilford’s Alternative Uses Test, in which something called Guilford’s Alternative Uses Test, in which
participants come up with alternative uses for everyday participants come up with alternative uses for everyday
objects. It’s designed to measure “divergent thinking,” an objects.
important component of creativity. Divergent thinking is
when we come up with multiple, unexpected solutions to
problems. Divergent thinking is spontaneous and (A) They still produced twice as many creative responses
free-flowing. Convergent thinking, by contrast, is more compared with the sedentary group. It didn’t take a lot of
linear and entails a narrowing, rather than an expanding, walking to boost creativity, either—anywhere from five to
of your options. Convergent thinkers are trying to find the sixteen minutes.
one correct answer to a question. Divergent thinkers
reframe the question. The results, published in the Journal (B) The results, published in the Journal of Experimental
of Experimental Psychology, confirm that the ancient Psychology, confirm that the ancient Greeks were onto
Greeks were onto something. (A) 창의성의 수준은 앉아 있는 something. Creativity levels were “consistently and
사람에 비해 걷는 사람에게 ‘일관성 있고 상당하게’ 더 높았다. significantly” higher for the walkers versus the sitters.
Curiously, it didn’t matter whether participants walked Curiously, it didn’t matter whether participants walked
outdoors in the fresh air or indoors on a treadmill staring outdoors in the fresh air or indoors on a treadmill staring
at a blank wall. They still produced twice as many creative at a blank wall.
responses compared with the sedentary group. It didn’t
take a lot of walking to boost creativity, either—anywhere (C) It’s designed to measure “divergent thinking,” an
from five to sixteen minutes. important component of creativity. Divergent thinking is
when we come up with multiple, unexpected solutions to
보기 [ and /consistently /walkers /creativity /for /were problems. Divergent thinking is spontaneous and
/the /versus /significantly /levels /the sitters /higher ]. free-flowing. Convergent thinking, by contrast, is more
linear and entails a narrowing, rather than an expanding,
of your options. Convergent thinkers are trying to find the
one correct answer to a question. Divergent thinkers
reframe the question.

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변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
21강 03~04 4-1. 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.111) 23강 01~02 5—1. 다음 중 틀린 어법을 찾아 올바르게 고치시
(A) That collection of personal confidence and personal risk
results in the entire circus putting on a much better show. Since 1984 the city of Philadelphia has sponsored the
An overall better show means more customers. And the Mural Arts Program, which has ①brought neighborhood
system thrives. But not without trust. For those within a residents together to plan and paint more than 2,800
community, or an organization, they must trust that their architectural-scale murals on the sides of buildings. But
leaders provide a net—practical or emotional. With that these murals are more than art. They represent
feeling of support, those in the organization are more likely neighborhood identity, civic pride, and involvement in the
to put in extra effort that ultimately benefits the group as community. And they help bridge racial, ethnic, and class
a whole. divisions. To illustrate how the Mural Arts Program works,
we can look at the Grays Ferry neighborhood, which in the
(B) No matter how experienced, no matter how proficient, 1990s was the scene of a racial protest march caused by
a trapeze artist will not attempt a totally new death-defying the beating of a black family by a group of whites. With
leap without first trying it with a net below him. And racial tensions ②run high, the director of the Mural Arts
depending on how death-defying the trick is, he may insist Program suggested that the community create a mural with
on always having a net when performing the trick. the theme of racial harmony. Even though many people,
both black and white, were skeptical at first, after several
(C) Besides its obvious advantage of catching you if you community planning sessions, the doubts and suspicions
fall, the net also provides a psychological benefit. Knowing were replaced by a desire to cooperate on the project. The
it is there gives the trapeze artist the confidence to try mural, titled “Peace Wall,” depicts ③overlapping hands of
something he’s never done before, or to do it again and varying skin tones on a sky-blue background. The planning
again. Remove the net and he will only do the safe tricks, and execution of the mural provided an opportunity for
the ones he knows he can land. The more he trusts the people of different backgrounds to get to know one another
quality of the net, the more he will take personal risks to better and ④form a sense of community. Once “Peace
make his act better. The trust the circus management gives Wall” was completed, residents took on other community
him by providing him a net is probably afforded to other projects such as trash collection and street repair. Thus, as
performers too. Soon all the performers will feel confident ⑤illustrated by the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program,
to try new things and push themselves further. large-scale art projects requiring cooperation can knit
*trapeze artist 공중 곡예사 people together into the fabric of a unified community.

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변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
46) ②
정 답 47) ③
48) pain/difficulties/fun
49) this was how the pharaoh destroyed any memory of
how to find the wealth
1) ④ 50) A-C-B
2) B-C-A 51) ②,④/there – using
3) the best way for an admissions committee to 52) ② walking → walk, ⑤ to talk → talking
know something about them 53) ② that → what, ③ regulate → regulating
4) ③ 54) A-B-C
5) ①Inspired, ⑤ reflect 55) ① convey → conveying, ④ confusing →
6) ① respect , ③ displayed confused
7) ① that , ⑤ that 56) ②
8) ⑤ 57) ③
9) (C)-(A)-(B) 58) damage/little/positive
10) 정답 : When completing math problems, it is 59) that’s a stupid remark, but one which can easily slip
important to avoid “answer-only” completions for several out of any parent
reasons. 60) B-A-C
11) B-C-A 61) perceiving-will-working
12) We are asking if the route for Bus 16 could be 62) ④
63) dangers/proper/distinguish
altered slightly to come up the hill to the complex. 64) To the extent we don’t, problems arise.
13) ② 65) A-C-B
14) ② hang → hanging, ④ sending → send 66) (A) for example, (B) however
15) B-A-C 67) 정답 : Scientific effort is cumulative and cooperative,
16) ①
17) amazed/opened/pleased whereas each artistic creation is complete in itself.
18) I felt like Florence Nightingale, striding into battle to 68) For example
69) ① Despite , ③ to display
heal and hearten the troops. 70) 정답 : Each individual creates his or her own nature
19) C-B-A
20) ②,⑤ / sorting, fall through making certain choices, and what we can make, we
21) B-C-A can also change.
22) ③ Embarrassing → Embarrassed, ④ going → 71) ①,② / a great deal of – content
went 72) ①
23) ② 73) intentions/justify/upset
24) ③ having → to have ,④ being → be 74) The French student, on the other hand, sees the test
25) Six-month-old Angela is sitting in her high chair as a low priority because it is far away.
during lunch and sees her bottle on the table. 75) C-B-A
26) C-A-B 76) ⑤ much , ④troubled
27) ① 77) 정답 : What the witnesses said turned out to be less
28) It is not always safe to laugh at one whose abilities important than how they said it
seem to be less than our own. 78) [①proofreading-②
29) ② clicking-reading-Although-wasting]
30) ① taught , ② played 79) (A) for example , (B) But
31) ② 80) 정답 : In fact Roberts had inadvertently committed
32) 정답 : Stone Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is
two cultural mistakes.
one of the oldest districts on Zanzibar, an island off the 81) ② being → is, ④ asking → ask
coast of Tanzania. 82) ③
33) ② 83) B-A-C
34) ② was sent , ⑤ what 84) ②
35) ① that , ② had solved 85) ② what → that, ④ anything → everything
36) 정답 : There he flourished for a decade as a 86) ②
87) B-C-A
fashionable portrait painter. 88) ②
37) ② Amazed , ③While-that-to choose] 89) However, an interview is done one-on-one, and the
38) ① populated , ② that
39) 정답 : Find your own mountaintop and don’t come conversation has great flexibility.
90) ⑤ making → make, ⑥ that → what
down without your own thoughts, opinions, and values. 91) ⑤
40) ③ 92) C-A-B
41) 정답 : As a result 93) ②
42) ③ 94) When Charles Darwin indicated that Homo sapiens
43) In other words, the elements that shape your
was just another kind of animal, people were outraged.
intellectual abilities lie to a surprising extent within your 95) ③
own control. 96) compelling/tension/increases
44) ④ 97) as we often prefer to avoid asking ourselves the tough
45) ④
- 30 -
변형문제 제 1 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
98) B-A-C
99) ①,④ / to label, impacts
100) ② hold → holding, ⑤ what → that
101) ④
102) B-A-C
103) ②
104) Even in the tropics, where people did not have to
build fires to keep warm, they built fires every day to
105) In fact, the relatively warm weather experienced on
Earth for the last 10,000 years looks like an unusual
period when compared with the previous 200,000 years.
106) ① reveal → revealing, ② help → to help
107) ②
108) C-B-A
109) Creativity levels were “consistently and significantly”
higher for the walkers versus the sitters
110) C-B-A
111) B-C-A
112) ② running/④ to form

- 31 -
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
1강 1-2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.1) 1강 2—2. 어법상 어색한 보기 2개를 골라 올바르게 고치시오.3)

When you face a severe source of stress, you may fight Perhaps the hardest thing ① for students to realize about
back, reacting immediately. the college application essay is that it is not their life story
in five hundred words or less. In my experience, students
(A) Technology makes it much easier to worsen a situation try ② giving a complete picture of who they are, where
with a quick response. I know I have been guilty of they’ve come from, and ③ that they want to do— all in a
responding too quickly to people, on email in particular, in few hundred words! While any admissions committee ④
a harsh tone that only made things worse. would like to have the flexibility and time to read complete
histories of each and every student, the simple truth is,
(B) The more something causes your heart to race, the there is not enough time. Students must understand that
more important it is to step back before speaking or typing the college essay is the best way for an admissions
a single word. This will give you time to think things committee to know something about them, but it cannot be
through and find a way to deal with the other person in a the vehicle ⑤ to know everything about them.
healthier manner.

(C) While this served your ancestors well when they were
attacked by a wild animal, it is less helpful today unless
you are attacked physically.

1강 1—2. 올바른 연결사를 고르시오.2)

A reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. __(A)__

you read, listen to and watch the news, you may notice 1강 3—2. 다음 중 틀린 것을 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.4)
stories that you think are biased. One of the forms in
which bias occurs is leaving one side out of an article, or a A series of studies conducted at the University of
series of articles over a period of time; ignoring facts that Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness—①that is,
tend to disprove liberal or conservative claims, or that those who are prone t0 ②being mindfully attentive to the
support liberal or conservative beliefs. Bias by omission can here and now and keenly aware of their surroundings. It
occur either within a story, or over the long term as a turns out that such individuals are models of flourishing
particular news outlet reports one set of events, but not and positive mental health. Relative to the average person,
another. To find instances of bias by omission, be aware of they are more likely ③to be happy, optimistic,
the conservative and liberal perspectives on current issues. self-confident, and satisfied with their lives and less likely
See __(B)__ both the conservative and liberal perspectives to be depressed, angry, anxious, hostile, self-conscious,
are included in stories on a particular event or policy. impulsive, or neurotic. Furthermore, people who are ④
habitual mindful of their current experiences are more
(A) (B) likely to experience ⑤frequent and intense positive
① Although If emotions, to feel self-sufficient and competent, and to have
② As Although positive social relationships, while those who are not
③ As Whether usually mindful report more illness and physical symptoms.
④ Although Whether
⑤ Since Though
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
1강 4—2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.5) 2강 1-2. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은? 7)

Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best ▶This choice could affect your ability to stay awake in
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney Olympics, class, your grade point average, or even your choice of
American Michael Phelps set out in earnest to be the best college.
all-around swimmer four years later in Athens.
Beliefs are powerful. ①They directly affect our feelings and
behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. ②Most of the
(A) He didn’t do it because it was great exercise. He did it choices we make every day are the result of our beliefs,
because he had a specific goal to become the best in the whether we’re conscious of it or not. ③When you choose a
world. And the eight medals they hung around his neck in bagel over a donut, it might stem from the belief that a
Athens, six of them gold, reflect that commitment. bagel is better for you, or the belief that you’ll like the
taste better. ④This choice could affect your health and
(B) “I think that everything is possible as long as you put happiness for the rest of the morning. If you choose to
your mind to it and you put the work and time into it,” take earth science instead of oceanography, it might stem
Phelps said. from the belief that you’ll enjoy the subject more, or
maybe from the belief that it will be easier.⑤
(C) To get there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and a half
hours every day—and double that on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays— just to become good.

2강 2-2. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오. 8)

Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is going

to be a stressful experience. Giving a presentation is a
performance. A show. An act. A drama. (A)청중에게 자신을
2강 1-2.올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 6) 알리기 위해 모든 것을 드러낼 때, 발표자는 온 세상에 전시되는 것
이다. The last thing you, as the presenter, need at this
It is important to recognize your pet’s particular needs and difficult time is anything that is going to get in the way of
respect them. you giving your best performance. You don’t really want
any distractions right now. You want to remove from your
(A) Similarly, you cannot expect macaws to be quiet and environment any obstacles or dangers that are not strictly
still all the time—they are, by nature, loud and emotional needed. With this in mind, this is a list of things which
creatures, and it is not their fault that your apartment you can safely leave behind on your desk or in your bag
doesn’t absorb sound as well as a rain forest. when you are called to the podium: your mobile phone,
watch, pens, keys, and coins.
(B) If your pet is an athletic, high-energy dog, for example,
he or she is going to be much more manageable indoors if [to reveal /on display /The presenter /to the audience/is
you take him or her outside to chase a ball for an hour /to the whole world /as he or she bares all /himself or
every day. herself ]

(C) If your cat is shy and timid, he or she won’t want to

be dressed up and displayed in cat shows.
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
2강 3-2. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은? 9) 3강 1-2. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.11)

For every 100 calories of grain we feed animals, we get Dear citizens,
only about 40 new calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12
of chicken, 10 of pork, or 3 of beef. As you all know from seeing the pictures on television and
in the newspaper, Central America has been hit hard by a
①It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by series of hurricanes. (A)수만 명의 사람들이 집을 잃었으며 먹을
2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human 것과 옷과 같은 기본적인 생필품이 없습니다. I feel that we need
stomachs. ②Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop to do something to help. So, we are asking you to donate
calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to livestock canned goods, warm clothes, blankets, and money. Please
(about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and industrial bring all donations to the community center between 10
products (roughly 9 percent). ③Though many of us a.m. and 4 p.m., Saturday, September 10. Thank you for
consume meat, dairy, and eggs from animals raised on helping your fellow human beings in their time of
feedlots, only a fraction of the calories in feed given to desperate need.
livestock make their way into the meat and milk that we
consume. ④Shifting to less meat-intensive diets could free Sincerely, George Anderson
up substantial amounts of food across the world. ⑤
[like food and clothing / and without basic necessities
/Tens of thousands of people /are homeless ]

3강 1-2. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?12)

Dear General Manager,

My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior

Apartment Complex. We have been asked by some of the
2강 4-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 10) residents here to see if we can help improve their ability
to get around town independently. The closest bus stop is
When completing math problems, it is important ①to avoid half a mile below the apartment complex, down a steep
“answer-only” completions for several reasons. First, simply hill. Very few of the residents here feel comfortable walking
②write the answer to a problem without the procedure all the way to (and especially from) the bus stop. We are
that precedes it negatively encourages students to produce asking if the route for Bus 16 could be altered slightly to
careless errors. In other words, the written-out procedure come up the hill to the complex. I can promise you several
supports the answer; if the procedure ③is not shown, it is very e each day in each direction. I look forward to
much easier to make a computation error. Second, lack of hearing from you soon.
a written-out procedure does not allow students ④to
identify the origin of an answer or how an answer to a Sincerely, Ron Miller
problem is derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to ① walk there by myself alone
poor study habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may ② promise you several very grateful riders
have negative consequences when taking tests. In short, ③ pursuade residents to walk more in daily lives
homework and in-class math assignments should always ④ control the route of the transportation
include both procedures and answers when ⑤answered ⑤ remove the complaints of the residents
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
3강 2-2. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.13) 3강 4-2. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?15)

My dear Silvia, The added cost to the family was nearly $100.

I hope you are fine and doing well in school. (A)어제, 나는 Evan, Barbara, and Emily,
추가 학점을 위해 옥스퍼드 대학교에서 추가 수업을 받기를 원한다
는 너의 편지를 받았다. I also saw the recommendation letters ①I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your mother
from your teachers regarding these extra classes. Letting and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. ②We are covered
you stay in New York to study is hard as it is, and now by a family plan and share a single pool of minutes. ③
you are saying that you want to go to England for two When we gave you the cell phone we agreed to pay for it,
months. That means you won’t be around for Christmas but you were to stay within the guidelines of a certain
this year, which makes me very sad, but I understand that number of minutes each month, no more than 250 minutes
this is a very good opportunity for your educational career. per month for each of you. ④We just received the bill for
So, your father and I have decided to give you permission May, and we find that each of you went significantly over
to go to England. We think it’ll be a great opportunity for that amount. ⑤If this happens again we will have to limit
you. your usage or ask that you pay for your own phone. ⑥We
are not interested in controlling or interfering in your lives,
With lots of love, Mom but since we are paying the bills, we get to set the rules.
[take extra classes /Yesterday /I received your letter /for
additional credit /at Oxford University /about wanting to] Love,

3강 3-2. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.14)

Dear Ms. Duddon,

Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear about the loss of

your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. We understand it was
destroyed, while hanging in your office, (A)그때 천장에 있는
화재 스프링클러가 저희 직원들의 작업장에서 나온 용접할 때 생기
는 과도한 연기 때문에 작동하여 As the Customer Service 4강 1-2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.16)
Department at Foster WeldRite, Inc. is unable to locate a
replacement for you, will you please purchase another (A) This time I was certain: Something was moving in the
Chinese paper kite and send us the receipt? We will tunnels, something alive, and it wasn’t a rat. A very
promptly pay you back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. has improved unpleasant smell came into my nostrils. Finally, I managed
work-site ventilation to prevent similar unfortunate to light a match.
occurrences. Thank you for your understanding and your
continued patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc. (B) I heard something moving slowly along the walls. I
searched for a match in the dark and tried to strike it,
Sincerely, but it wouldn’t light.

Mark Hamilton (C) At first I was blinded by the flame; then I saw
Customer Service Department something creeping toward me. From all the tunnels.
Shapeless figures crawling like spiders. The match fell from
[of welding smoke /when ceiling fire sprinklers /due to an my trembling fingers. I wanted to start running, but I
overabundance /were activated /from our crew’s work site] couldn’t.
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
4강 1—2. 올바른 연결사를 고르시오.17) 4강 3—2. 다음 중 틀린 것을 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.19)

_(A)_ they arrived at the lake, Maggie took in a deep One block ①farther on, Brendan saw a small brick
breath. She was always amazed at how beautiful the lake building. Like the rest of the buildings they ②have passed
was this time of year. The water was a crystal blue, which on this street, it looked deserted. He paused in front of it,
allowed her to see to the bottom at the edge. She stepped not sure why this building had caught his attention. The
out of the car onto the ground and looked at the spot front door was ajar. He took a deep breath to gather his
Jamie chose for their picnic. It was perfect. Jamie strolled courage, then pulled it open. No one shouted. There was
to the back of his car and took out a picnic basket and no sound at all from inside. “Wait for me,” Brendan
blanket from the trunk of his convertible. He spread the whispered, ③releasing Dai Yue’s hand. He slipped through
blanket beneath an enormous oak tree that shaded a grassy the opening. There was a subtle odor that Brendan
spot. He invited her to sit down beside him. He opened recognized but couldn’t place for a moment. When he did,
the basket and let her take a peek at the contents. He he almost smiled. The room smelled like the library at St.
surprised her with her favorite fried chicken and potato Mary’s. ④Was this a bookstore? Brendan took one cautious
salad. For dessert, he had bought chocolate-covered step, then another, feeling his way. When his fingertips
strawberries. She was very pleased with his choices _(B)_ brushed a leather binding, he did smile. Books. No one
couldn’t be more comfortable here. would be likely to ⑤trying to steal books tonight. He and
Dai Yue would be safe here.
(A) (B)
① Once or
② Though and
③ Though but
④ Once and
⑤ Once but

4강 4—2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.20)

My run slowed to a jog as we approached the gate for

our flight to Paris.

(A) “But our connecting flight landed just ten minutes ago.
4강 2—2. 어법상 어색한 보기 2개를 골라 올바르게 고치시오.18) They promised us they would call ahead to the gate.”
“Sorry, we can’t board anyone after they’ve closed the
On the first day of summer vacation, I ① approached the door.” My boyfriend and I walked to the window in
stone steps of Porter Convalescent Center. The Saturday disbelief.
before, I had attended junior volunteer orientation there.
Now I was a completely ② trained “Cheery Blossom.” I
straightened my bright pink smock and marched inside. I (B) The plane was still there, but the door to the Jetway
felt like Florence Nightingale, ③ striding into battle to heal was shut. The gate agents were quietly sorting tickets. They
and hearten the troops. The volunteer director assigned me had already retracted the hood connecting the Jetway to
to 3 South. As we rode the shaky elevator, she explained the airplane door. “Hi, we’re on this flight!” I panted.
that this was a long-term care ④ units. Most of its “Sorry,” said the agent. “We’re done boarding.”
patients would never go home. I felt sick to my stomach as
we opened the door to 3 South. The foul odor of urine
and Lysol overwhelmed me. The head nurse, Ms. Ticknor, (C) Our long weekend was about to fall to pieces. The
was ⑤ little than welcoming. plane waited right before our eyes.
*convalescent 회복기의 **smock 작업용 덧옷
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
5강 1-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.21) 5강 3-2. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 곳을 고르시오.23)

Children today are “safe.” Their only worries ①are You may be free from daily supervision by parents, free to
consisted of fights with their parents, going to school, and pick classes and a major, and free to set a professional
②deal with the list of activities that they’re signed up for. course.
But what’s going on? If they’re “safe” and living “well,”
why do they experience so many problems? Children have Uncertainty and freedom are intertwined. ①College students
learned to be cautious; a lot of kids have even lost that cannot decide whether they appreciate the freedom they
innate curiosity ③that no one should ever lose. The big have or resent it. ②But those choices seem so numerous
problem is that they are exposed to large flows of and important that you may be frozen with fear. ③You
information that are hard to process. It’s even hard for us. might quickly retreat to conventional choices (like medical
That’s why ④being exposed to so much stimuli causes school) or depend on influential advisors (like your parents)
stress that they’re incapable of tolerating. All this causes before giving yourself a chance to figure it out. ④Try not
children to grow up quickly, going through their to confuse the joys and privilege of free choice with the
developmental stages without enjoying them. They don’t fears of uncertainty. ⑤It may be scary to look at an open
live their childhood the way they should, ⑤which could landscape, but it can and should be a thrilling moment of
cause them serious problems that are difficult to solve later possibility.

5강 4-2. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.24)

5강 2-2. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.22)
Dear Principal Murphy,
A few days before Christmas, a couple held the hands of
their young son and walked quickly to their nearby church. Brian is settling in well as a third-grade student at
But the boy pulled back a bit, slowed, and came to an Fairview Elementary School. I do have a concern, though,
abrupt halt. “Santa,” he whispered. “Santa!” The about the food offered in the school cafeteria. The choices
four-year-old broke free of his parents’ grasp and ran do not seem to have any relation to recognized medical
toward an elderly gentleman with a long, flowing white studies about such things as excessive fat, sugar, and
beard. Tugging on the stranger’s coattail, the youngster useless junk food. A recent menu included fried fish with
begged, “Santa, will you bring me a teddy bear for fried potato nuggets, a hot dog with potato chips, and fried
Christmas?” Embarrassed, the couple started to apologize, chicken with French fries. The most healthful piece of food
but the man merely waved them aside. Instead, he patted seemed to be a small piece of green pepper floating on a
their son on the head, nodded once, and without a word sea of cheese on a pizza. I don’t feed my child this sort of
went on his way. On Christmas morning, a knock junk at home, and I don’think it’s appropriate for school.
interrupted the family’s festivities. In the doorway stood the I would very much like to talk to the school dietitian about
old man holding out a large bear. “I didn’t want the little the offerings at school.
fellow to be disappointed on his holiday,” he explained
with a smile and turned to leave. At a loss, the couple Sincerely,
could only say, “Uh, th-thanks. And M-merry Christmas to Karen Diamond
you... Rabbi.”
① I think the school’s menu is better than ours
① to be disappointed on his holiday ② I think it would be be better to have a conference
② to be angry with his parents ③ I apologize for the mistakes
③ to say that he loves the bears most ④ I don’t think it’s appropriate for school
④ to have a happy christmas ⑤ I want to make a better facilities
⑤ to spend wonderful time with family
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
5강 1-2. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.25) 5강 2-2. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 곳을 고르시오.27)

(A) Six-month-old Angela is sitting in her high chair during Later, in the evening, he went out for a pint, and he saw
lunch and sees her bottle on the table. She is pretty tired— the old man again, this time outside another shop.
it’s been a tough day!—and she wants her bottle. She looks
at it as her mother, Sophie, feeds her and gets more and ①In January 2004, George Wilson of Glebe Gardens,
more frustrated. Edinburgh, Scotland, walked his children to school and saw
an old man outside a still-closed shop in St. John’s Road.
(B) “That’s what you want,” she says, and gives Angela her ②Later, when Mr. Wilson took his children home, he saw
bottle. Success at last! the old man at the same place. ③Taking pity on the man,
who he knew now was homeless in weather that was
(C) Eventually, she turns away from her mother’s forecast to be -1℃, Mr. Wilson gave the old man, who was
spoonfuls, arches her back, turns around in her high chair, dressed only in jeans and a sweater, things to keep him
and vocalizes as if she is about to cry. Sophie is clueless warm: a fleece and a blanket. ④The old man appreciated
about what Angela wants. When Sophie happens to look at the gifts.
the table for another reason, she notices the bottle on it.

5강 3-2. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.28)

5강 1-2. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 곳을 고르시오.26) (A) It is not always safe to laugh at one whose abilities
seem to be less than our own. This lesson was painfully
On Vidyasagar’s insistence, the old man at last poured his learned by a young violin professor of Berlin at an evening
anguish out in words. party, to which he had been invited. He played several
pieces, not with great applause, however.
①Once, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, the well-known social
reformer, was walking on the streets of Kolkata when he (B)But when it again became the stranger’s turn to play,
heard an old man crying. ②He approached the man and his performance was given with such brilliance of execution
asked what was troubling him. ③“Everyone wants to know as to utterly defeat the young professor, who disappeared
my problems, but no one is ready to help me!” replied the and was seen no more that evening. He had been
old man. ④A few years earlier, he had borrowed some contending with Paganini, one of the world’s great
money from a man, by mortgaging his house. Now his violinists.
creditor had gone to court and soon his house would be
confiscated. He and his family would be homeless. ⑤ (C)After he finished, another young man was invited to
Vidyasagar listened to his story patiently, noting the names play, but his playing was worse than that of his
and dates and the details. “I shall do my best to help predecessor; in fact his style and execution were terrible.
you,” he promised. When the old man turned up in court So our young professor again came forward and showed his
for his hearing the following week, he was surprised to superior abilities very boastfully, as if to utterly crush the
hear that all his debts had been paid up fully. His strange musician.
benefactor was none other than Vidyasagar!
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
5강 4-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.29) 6강 1-2. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은? 31)

David Hume was visited by the poet Thomas Blacklock, ▶The race is a long-distance one, kicked off with a special
who complained at great length about his misfortunes: song (“Giin-Goo”) that all the horses know.
blind and poor, he no longer had the means ①to support
his large family and did not know ②where to turn for ①Although volunteer positions in Hustai are available
help. Although he was in financial difficulties himself at year-round, most volunteers choose the spring, summer,
that time, Hume managed ③securing, through the influence and fall months, because winters in the Mongolian steppes
of a friend, a university appointment worth about forty are bitterly cold and inhospitable. ②Perhaps the very best
pounds a year. Nevertheless, he was so moved by the time to visit is July, when herdsmen come from miles
poet’s tale of sorrow ④what he offered him the only means around to participate in the three-day Naadam Festival, an
of assistance within his power to give. ⑤Taking from his ancient and colorful competition of horse racing, archery,
desk the grant for the university post, he handed it to his and wrestling—once called the “three manly games.” ③The
unfortunate friend and promised to have the name changed Naadam Festival started as a religious event but has
from Hume to Blacklock. This generous sacrifice almost evolved into a celebration of Mongolian statehood. ④The
certainly saved Blacklock and his family from extreme horse race, with thousands of horses competing, takes place
poverty. not on a track, but over high-altitude Mongolian grasslands.
⑤The jockeys are children, ages 7 to 12, who wear colorful
costumes. The top five winners are celebrated in poetry
and song.

6강 2-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 32)

6강 1-2. 다음 중 주제와 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 30)

Stone Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is one of the

①Kaspar Fürstenau was a German flutist and composer. ② oldest districts on Zanzibar, an island off the coast of
After he was orphaned, Anton Romberg took care of him Tanzania. This former Swahili trading town is a labyrinth
and taught him to play the bassoon, but Fürstenau was of tiny streets and alleys, markets, mosques, and other
more interested in the flute. ③Taking from his desk the historic buildings—including the Anglican church on the site
grant for the university post, he handed it to his of the old central slave market, East Africa’s largest
unfortunate friend and promised to have the name changed slave-trading port. ① Combined Persian, Indian, European,
from Hume to Blacklock. At the age of 15, he was already Arab, and African architecture, Stone Town ② has been
a skilled flutist and played in a military band. ④In occupied by humans for three centuries and ③ is famed
1793-94, Fürstenau made his first concert tour in Germany. for its beautifully ④ carving wooden doors. The House of
In 1794, he became a member of the “Chamber Orchestra Wonders, the former palace of Sultan Syyid Barghash, is
of Oldenburg,” where he played until the orchestra was open to the public. Its ⑤ other claim to fame is that
abolished in 1811. ⑤ Kaspar Fürstenau continued his career Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of Queen (a British rock
as a flutist performing together with his son Anton band) was born there.
Fürstenau in the major cities of Europe.
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
6강 3-2. 다음 중 글의 전체 내용과 관련 없는 문장은? 33) 9강 1-2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.35)

Common Sense, written by Thomas Paine, swept through Edmond Halley was interested in the problems of gravity.
the American colonies in 1776 during the opening months
of the American Revolutionary War. ①It sold more than (A)After this initial meeting, Halley visited Newton
120,000 copies in three months and changed the whole frequently; over the course of these visits Newton showed
nature of the debate among the colonists. ②In this book, Halley his proof as well as many other unpublished papers.
Thomas Paine declared that only complete independence Halley recognized the importance of the works. He wanted
from Great Britain would bring prosperity to America. Newton to publish but Newton was reluctant. With a lot of
Without Common Sense, the American Revolution might encouragement from Halley, eventually, Newton’s
have been shaken, and the establishment of the new United masterpiece was published at Halley’s expense in 1687.
States would have been postponed indefinitely. ③At first,
Common Sense was published anonymously in January (B)One problem that attracted his attention was the proof
1776. ④It soon emerged that an English free thinker of Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.
named Thomas Paine had written it. ⑤He asked to see the
calculations and was told by Newton that he could not find (C)In August 1684, he went to Cambridge to discuss this
them. Within weeks, the short book—barely 20,000 words with Isaac Newton, only to find that Newton had solved
long—was being reprinted throughout the colonies. the problem already. He asked to see the calculations and
was told by Newton that he could not find them. Newton
promised to redo them and send them on later. He
eventually did submit his calculations to Halley.

6강 4-2. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오. 34) 5~8강 2-2. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?36)

Gustave Courbet was born in 1819 in Ornas, France. His ▶There he flourished for a decade as a fashionable portrait
family was very well-off financially, and he received all of painter. Spring (Metropolitan Museum, 1838), a softly
the education that lifestyle could offer. He was sent to romantic, idealized portrait of a young woman, exemplifies
Paris to study law in 1840. Against his father’s wishes, his most appealing strengths.
however, Courbet quit studying law and began his pursuit
of a career as an artist. Many of his early works were in Cephas Giovanni Thompson (1809-88) was known
the Romantic tradition, but by the age of 23, Courbet had particularly for portraits and Italian scenes, but he also
settled into his niche of painting Realistic works. He painted genre and historical subjects. ①He was born in
became the leader of the Realism movement in art. (A) 그 Middleborough and initially trained by his father. ②At
는 일상생활에서 주제를 선택했으며, 추하게 여겨질 수도 있는 것을 eighteen he established a portrait practice in Plymouth,
배제하지 않았다. He believed that paintings should be of Massachusetts. ③He subsequently worked in Boston, where
things that were in the present and of subjects that could he studied with David Claypoole Johnston, in Philadelphia,
be seen every day. and elsewhere before arriving in New York in 1837. ④In
1847 he moved to New Bedford for two years and then
[chose /from everyday life /themes /He /and /ugly /did lived in Boston before sailing to Europe. He resided for
not exclude /might /what /be considered ] most of the 1850s in Rome. ⑤In 1859 he returned
permanently to New York but continued to produce Italian
subjects during the remainder of his career.
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
9강 1-2. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.37) 9강 2-2. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은? 39)

Recently on a flight to Asia, I met Debbie, who was ▶The modern world is so interconnected and constantly
warmly greeted by all of the flight attendants and was even plugged in that finding the time and space to think can be
welcomed aboard the plane by the pilot. Amazed at all the difficult.
attention being paid to her, I asked if she worked with the
airline. She did not, but she deserved the attention, for this ①However, without freedom from the influence and
flight marked the milestone of her flying over 4 million distractions of the world, it is virtually impossible to
miles with this same airline. During the flight I learned develop well-reasoned opinions, ideas, and values. ②History
that the airline’s CEO personally called her to thank her shows a lot of examples of the transcendent power of
for using their service for a long time and she received a solitude. ③Darwin took long walks without company and
catalogue of fine luxury gifts to choose from. (A) Debbie는 firmly turned down dinner party invitations. Moses spent
한 가지 매우 중요한 이유 때문에 이러한 특별대우를 받을 수 있었 time alone in the desert. Jesus wandered the wilderness. ④
는데, 그녀는 그 한 항공사에 충실한 고객이었기 때문이다. Mohammed sat in the cave. Buddha went to the
mountaintop. ⑤Find your own mountaintop and don’t come
down without your own thoughts, opinions, and values.
[to that one airline /Debbie /one very important reason
/was /to /acquire /for /: /she /was /a /loyal /able
/customer /this special treatment]

9강 3-2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.40)

Unlike previous generations, fewer and fewer modern men

experience the satisfaction of tangible creation in the
9강 1-2. 다음 중 글의 전체 내용과 관련 없는 문장은?38) workplace.

The rise of cities and the improvement in transport

infrastructure brought about new opportunities for (A)We move numbers around on a screen, manage people
specialization. ①Densely populated cities provided full-time who manage other people, or sell advice, ideas, or someone
employment for carpenters, priests, soldiers and lawyers. ② else’s creations.
Villages that gained a reputation for producing really good
wine, olive oil or ceramics discovered that it was worth (B)Creating is a primal need, but without an institutional
their while to concentrate nearly exclusively on that product directive to create, the internal fire to do so can flicker
and trade it with other settlements for all the other goods and die, or worse yet, we may start to believe that making
they needed. ③The benefits of healthy eating and exercise things is only for certain types of people, not for us.
are well documented and it is silly of us, as parents, to
think we can feed our teens mostly junk food then expect (C)For many of us, the shift from working with our hands
them to perform at their best. This made a lot of sense. ④ to working with our minds has created an unfulfilled need
Climates and soils differ, so why drink ordinary wine from for connection with the physical world we live in. Physical
your backyard if you can buy a smoother variety from a creation (beyond the more abstract “creativity”) provides
place whose soil and climate is much better suited to grape that connection. A way for a man to announce to the
vines? ⑤If the clay in your backyard makes stronger and world, simply, “I am.”
prettier pots, then you can make an exchange.
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
9강 4-2. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?41) 10강 1-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.43)

▶As a result, crop yields have increased and the water in Many people believe ①that their intellectual ability is
a pond near a sacred grove is available throughout the year hardwired from birth, and that failure ②to meet a learning
for farming, livestock watering and domestic use. challenge ③show how bad their native ability is. But every
time you learn something new, you change the brain—the
①The small community of Zorborgu, near Tamale in residue of your experiences is ④stored. It’s true that we
northern Ghana, comprises mainly farmers. They decided to start life with the gift of our genes, but it’s also true that
stop burning crop residues and protect their community we become capable through the learning and development
forest to reduce the risk of wildfires that cause widespread of mental models ⑤what enable us to reason, solve, and
land damage. ②The community forest also provides herbal create. In other words, the elements that shape your
medicines. ③The innovative blend of traditional and intellectual abilities lie to a surprising extent within your
modern decision-making by committees that reflect own control. Understanding that this is so enables you to
traditional leadership makes this a successful social, see failure as a badge of effort and a source of useful
economic and environmental initiative. ④This is one information—the need to dig deeper or to try a different
example of how community action and innovation are key strategy.
to sustainable land management in Africa. ⑤

10강 2-2. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.44)

10강 1-2. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.42) If we are what we eat, what is your teenage child? A bag
of chicken and chips? A kebab? Litres of fizzy drink? The
It is not always easy to eat well when you have a benefits of healthy eating and exercise are well documented
newborn. It can seem like you do not have time to prepare and it is silly of us, as parents, to think we can feed our
tasty nutritious meals or even to eat them. You will need teens mostly junk food then expect them to perform at
to learn the following trick. Try not to wait until you are their best. In this age of pesticides, hormone treatment
really hungry to think about eating. When you have a additives (hence the well-built structure of today’s
newborn baby, preparing food will probably take longer pre-teens), etc. that are in foods, (A)부모와 십 대들 모두 정신
than usual. If you start when you are already hungry, you 적 및 신체적 웰빙은 우리가 먹는 것에 맞추어 조정된다는 것을 이
will be absolutely starving before the food is ready. When 해해야 한다. Depression, aggression, lack of focus, headaches
you are starving and tired, eating healthy is difficult. You and so much more can be improved with the right foods.
may want to eat fatty fast food, chocolates, cookies or Be open to this, for yourself and your young person.
chips. This type of food is okay sometimes, but not every
day. [are aligned with /both parents and teens /that /mental
/what we eat /physical well-being /and /need to
① when you have a newborn baby understand /what we eat]
② when you go to college
③ when you have a husband
④ when you have to get up early
⑤ when you prefer babies
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
10강 3-2. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.45) 11강 1-2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.47)

What was a core competence in one decade may become a In philosophy, the best way to understand the concept of
mere capability in another. For example, in the 1970s and an argument is to contrast it with an opinion.
1980s quality, as measured by defects per vehicle, was
undoubtedly a core competence for Japanese car companies. (A) They don’t feel they have to support their opinions
Superior reliability was an important value element for with any kind of evidence. An argument is something a
customers and a genuine differentiator for Japanese car bit different from this. It is made to convince others that
producers. It took more than a decade for Western car one’s claims are true.
companies to close the quality gap with their Japanese
competitors, but by the mid-1990s quality, in terms of (B) An opinion is simply a belief or attitude about
initial defects per vehicle, had become a prerequisite for someone or something. We express our opinions all the
every car maker. There is a dynamic at work here that is time: We love or hate certain films or different types of
common to other industries. (A)오랜 기간에 걸쳐, 한때는 핵심 food. For the most part, people’s opinions are based almost
역량이었던 것이 기본적인 능력이 될 수도 있는 것이다. Quality, always upon their feelings.
rapid time to market, and quick-response customer service
—once genuine differentiators—are becoming routine (C) Thus, it is an attempt to present reasons in support of
advantages in many industries. one’s claims. Arguments are the building blocks of
philosophy, and the good philosopher is one who is able to
[what was /may become /a core competence /Over long create the best arguments based on a solid foundation.
periods of time, /once /a base-line capability]

11강 1—2. 올바른 연결사를 고르시오.48)

10강 4-2. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.46) An issue receiving much attention in the media and
schools is bullying. This is seen as repeated, unprovoked
More than 2000 years ago, Aristotle wrote that happiness abuse by one or more children that causes physical or
is a condition. It is not something that is achieved by psychological pain to another child. Bullying is harmful and
pursuing it directly; rather, it is something that comes out can affect the classroom climate in a negative way. Drama
through our engagement in purposeful activity. This is the can be used with children to build social perspective,
statement of the law of indirect effort. This law simply says emotional empathy, and compassion for others. In drama,
that almost anything we get in life involving emotional the characters can work (A) a number of difficulties,
experiences comes to us indirectly rather than directly. It including bullying. Tabone (2003) uses the children’s book
comes to us as a result of doing something else. If we Rotten Ralph, a story about a rotten cat, for a class drama.
pursue happiness directly, it eludes us. But if we get busy The story is read to the children, and they discuss how
doing something that is important to us and make progress Sarah feels about what her cat, Ralph, is doing. Some of
in the direction of our dreams, we find ourselves feeling his actions are breaking one of Sarah’s dolls, making fun of
very happy. Self-confidence is also subject to the law of her, sawing off a limb that holds her swing, and other
indirect effort. We achieve higher levels by setting and terrible things. The children can dramatize some things
achieving even higher goals and objectives. As we move they may do, (B) the teacher offers other options. This
forward, step by step, once we feel ourselves advancing in drama experience could be extended to drawing about the
life, we feel better and more capable of taking on even happenings of bullying.
more challenges.
(A) (B)
① comes out through our engagement in purposeful activity. ① behind While
② is earned by innate genes by our parents ② Through While
③ is going to be gone when we die ③ Through But
④ we can change when we don’t want to do it ④ behind But
⑤ needs no effort to do it ⑤ Over But
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
11강 2—2. 어법상 어색한 보기 2개를 골라 올바르게 고치시오.49) 11강 4—2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.51)

Many middle managers and first-line employees must ① We all surround ourselves with a “personal bubble” that
feel like the laborers who built the pharaohs’ tombs. Every we go to great lengths to protect.
pharaoh hoped to build for himself a tomb of such
intricate and deceitful design that no marauder would ever (A) If you want to really widen your space, you might even
be able to enter it and ② to steal the pharaoh’s wealth. spread books in front of the other chairs, keeping the
Think of the laborers as middle managers in the midst of whole table to yourself by giving the impression that others
corporate restructuring. All the workers knew ③ when the have just stepped away.
tomb was finished they would be put to death—this was
how the pharaoh destroyed any memory of how to find the (B) We open the bubble to our friends, children, parents,
wealth. Imagine ④ that would happen when the pharaoh and so on, but we’re careful to keep most people out of
showed up on a work site and inquired of a supervisor, this space.
“How’s it going, are you about done yet?” “Not yet boss,
it’ll be a few more years, I’m afraid.” No wonder tombs ⑤ (C) When we stand in line, we make certain there is
seldom were finished within the pharaoh’s lifetime! And no enough space so that we don’t touch the person in front of
wonder so few first‒ level and mid‐level employees bring us and aren’t touched by the person behind us. At times,
their full emotional and intellectual energies to the task of we extend our personal space. In the library, for example,
restructuring. you may place your coat on the chair next to you—claiming
*marauder 약탈자 that space for yourself even though you aren’t using it.

11강 3—2. 다음 중 올바른 단어를 고르시오.50)

Responsibility is an attribute (A) [what/that] great

achievers have in common. No matter what their
background or life history, true leaders seem to share the
belief that they are the source—the creator. In other words,
they are responsible for the outcome of their actions. On
some level, they generated the outcome, if not by their 12강 1-2. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 곳을 고르시오.52)
physical actions, (B) [then/than] by their mental actions.
They seem to believe that they create whatever happens in There is no channel interference.
their life someone cut them off on the road, they
contributed to that outcome in some way. Maybe they were What’s happening when we’re actually doing two things at
driving in the other car’s blind spot, or they weren’t paying once? ①It’s simple. ②Our brain has channels, and so we’re
close enough attention, or they didn’t anticipate the lane able to process different kinds of data in different parts of
change of a car. That is (C) [which/how] leaders are— they our brain. ③Therefore, you can talk and walk at the same
take full responsibility. time. ④But you’re not really focused on both activities.
One is happening in the foreground and the other in the
(A) (B) (C) background. ⑤If you were trying to explain on the cell
① what than how phone how to operate a complex machine, you’d stop
② what than which walking. Similarly, if you were crossing a rope bridge over
③ that then which a valley, you’d likely stop talking. You can do two things at
④ that than how once, but you can’t focus effectively on two things at once.
⑤ that then which
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
12강 1-2. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.53) 12강 3-2. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.55)

Our beliefs about emotions not only describe what is, (A) Verbal communication involves conveying messages that
whether in fact or myth, but they also prescribe what have both content (i.e. what is said) and form (i.e. how it
should—or should not—be. For example, you should not is sent). Many coaches are very good at giving information
laugh during a funeral. (A)많은 규칙은 우리가 반응하는 방식을 that is high in content, for instance, when introducing new
규제함과 아울러, 특별한 권한을 부여하는 기능도 가지고 있다. To tactics or technical skills. However, players may “switch
illustrate with a nonemotional example, rules of grammar off,” become bored, confused and even frustrated if too
regulate how a person speaks “properly”; more much instruction is given.
fundamentally, they help constitute the language that is
spoken. Thus, without the rules of English grammar, there (B) Therefore, by involving the players through asking
would be no English language. Similarly, without the rules questions and listening to them, a coach obliges them to
of anger, say, there would be no anger, only unclear think, collect information, evaluate and create. This involves
expressions of rage or frustration. and encourages players to take more responsibility for their
own learning and development.
[In addition to /many rules /regulating /also have /how we
respond, /an enabling function] (C) Furthermore, when coaches continually use verbal
instruction, they become the main actors in the coaching
theater thereby limiting or stopping the active participation
of the players.

12강 2-2. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.54) 12강 4-2. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.56)

The ancients recognized seven activities as arts: history, As you assess your behaviors, attitudes, and values, you
poetry, comedy, tragedy, mask, dance, and astronomy. Each may realize that you are acting in ways that aren’t as
was governed by its own muse, each had its own rules and effective or appropriate as possible. How can you best
aims, but all seven were united by a common motivation: change your behaviors, attitudes, and values? A strategy is
they were tools, useful to describe the universe and our useful. (A)현재 잘 하고 있는 것뿐만 아니라 지금까지 잘 해 오고
place in it. They were methods of understanding the 있는 것에 초점을 두라. By focusing on your successes instead
mysteries of existence, and as such, they themselves took of your problems, you can more quickly accomplish the
on the aura of those mysteries. As a result, they were each results you desire. For example, golfers such as Tiger
aspects of religious activity: The performing arts celebrated Woods or Annika Sorenstam are able to ignore hostile
the rituals; history recorded the story of the race; crowds, challenging weather conditions, and their
astronomy searched the heavens. (A)이러한 각각의 일곱 가지 competition. They focus their energy on accomplishing the
고전 예술에서 우리는 현대의 문화적, 과학적 범주의 뿌리를 찾을 task—striking the golf ball cleanly. Similarly, when people
수 있다. History, for example, leads not only to the modern are depressed or anxious about their communication ability,
social sciences but also to prose narrative: the novel, short they can lessen these feelings by focusing on situations
stories, and so forth. where they have succeeded in not being depressed and
[the roots /In each of /we can discover /and scientific
categories /these seven classical arts /of contemporary [as well as /Focus on /currently doing well /well /in the
cultural] past /what you have done /on what you are ]
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
1-2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.57) 3—2. 어법상 어색한 보기 2개를 골라 올바르게 고치시오.59)

Not everything gets done by acting with great haste. There are several ways ① in which your self image has
become distorted. For instance, imprinting. I was at a
(A) Like with everything, moderation and balance are shop, and a mother ② must come in with a child in a
golden rules here. There are times when you have to move buggy. The child was terrible. It cried and shouted. So the
rapidly, but when the water looks good, you should not mother said: “Why do you always behave so badly when
dive in it if you don’t know how to swim yet. There are you are in a shop with me?” Now, that’s a stupid remark,
instances when you just have to wait. but one ③ which can easily slip out of any parent. In the
subconscious mind of the child, however, the message is
(B) Sometimes you have to be on high alert and think on received ④ loud and clearly. Next time she goes shopping
your feet, but often you have to carefully consider matters with her mom, she will wonder: “Who am I when I go
and take your time analyzing every aspect before signing shopping with mom?” And the information will readily pop
up for a project or relationship. up, with the authority of the mother’s voice: “You are
someone who always ⑤ behaves badly when you are with
(C) That is what the turtle is teaching us. Fast is good, me!” So, of course the child will behave badly again.
because you don’t want to miss opportunities in a world *buggy 유모차
that is so full of competitors. Yet, slow is good, too,
because in many instances, you have to look before you
leap. When in a hurry, the chance of making irrational or
untimely decisions increases, and with that, also the chance
of unnecessary failure increases.

4—2. 다음 중 올바른 단어를 고르시오.60)

The quality of the environment, both natural and

2—2. 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.58) man-made, is essential to tourism. However, tourism’s
relationship with the environment is (A) [simple /
Until recently psychology has mainly been working within complex]. It involves many activities that can have adverse
a disease model: a strong emphasis has been placed on environmental effects. Many of these impacts are linked
discovering deficits in human behaviour and finding ways with the construction of general infrastructure such as
to repair this damage. roads and airports, and of tourism facilities, including
resorts, hotels, restaurants and shops. The (B) [positive /
(A) Psychologists hardly focused on doing studies acquiring negative] impacts of tourism development can gradually
knowledge about healthy functioning and building strengths. destroy the environmental resources on which it depends.
On the other hand, tourism has the potential to create
(B) The result is that psychologists know little about beneficial effects on the environment by (C) [interrupting /
healthy and happy functioning. This situation has been contributing] to environmental protection and conservation.
changing now since the rise of positive psychology a few It is a way to raise awareness of environmental values and
years ago. What is Positive Psychology? It is a new it can serve as a tool to finance the protection of natural
movement in psychology, originated by Martin Seligman areas and increase their economic importance.
and a few other prominent psychologists. It aims to be a
psychological science about the best things in life. (A) (B) (C)
① simple positive interrupting
(C) In other words, they have focused solely on taking ② simple positive contributing
away something negative (the dysfunctioning) instead of ③ simple negative contributing
adding something positive (increasing mental and ④ complex negative interrupting
behavioural health). ⑤ complex negative contributing
*deficit 약점
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
13강 1—2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.61) 13강 2—2. 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.63)

In an experiment, when people were asked to count three A child who hears a stern warning about the dangers of
minutes in their heads, 25‒year‒olds were quite accurate, running in the street will have better self-esteem than a
but 65‒year‒olds went over on average by 40 seconds. child who only hears that he’s a “bad boy” when he runs
into the street.
(A) This may seem meaningless, but there are a lot of
benefits to perceiving time like 65‒year‒olds. For example, (A) The child who’s a “bad boy” is getting the message
if you have been working on a project for eight hours, but that he and his behavior are not okay. He doesn’t learn
it only feels like six, you will have more energy to keep the difference between what he does and what he is.
going. If you have been running for 20 minutes, and you
perceive it to be only 13 minutes, you’re more likely to (B) Parents who carefully distinguish between inappropriate
have seven more minutes of energy. behavior and the basic goodness of the child raise children
who feel better about themselves and have a far gentler
(B) So, if you want to use your energy to work longer, just inner critic.
change your perception of how long you have been
working. (C) As an adult, his inner critic will attack both his
behavior and his worth.
(C) Time seemed to pass faster for the older group.

13강 1-2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.62) 13강 3—2. 다음 중 올바른 어법을 골라 쓰시오.64)

Sometimes conflict can be resolved through an expansion Let’s go back to our ancestors, back before elevators,
of resources. escalators, cars, and even horses. This is when our human
physiology was ①come of age. Our ancestors had to move
(A) However, by talking the finance people into delaying to survive. Not unlike most other mammals, humans had
the purchase of other equipment, there will be more money to expend ②much energy in order to acquire food and
left for departmental computers. water. These early humans, with ③whom we share most of
our physiology, were nomadic, and therefore moving was
(B) Alternatively, the company may be reorganized and an essential part of their lives. As descendants of these
some people given early retirement, thus freeing up funds nomadic people, our physiology is ④based on abundant
for computer equipment. An expansion of resources movement and a diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, and
involves a reworking of the budget for the purpose of infrequent, small portions of meat. To the extent we have
determining how additional funds can be found. that, we are ⑤most likely to be healthy. To the extent we
don’t, problems arise.
(C) For example, a department may need five computers *nomadic 떠돌이 생활을 하는
but has a budget for only three.
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
13강 4—2. 다음 중 올바른 단어를 고르시오.65) 14강 1-2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.67)

Some travel companies are very (A) [simple / specific] Search for truths about nature is science.
about what’s included in the price quoted for a trip, but in
other cases, you’ll have to ask for details. “Some meals” (A)In science, every newly established fact, however
might mean dinner but not breakfast or lunch, and insignificant it may appear to be at the time, and every
“sightseeing” may mean a guide and local transportation new idea, however small, is bound sooner or later to
but not admission fees or tips. Another good topic to (B) contribute to major advances in our understanding of
[search / ignore] is your accommodations. Some tour nature. Even such a great physicist as Newton wrote: “If I
operators don’t commit to specific hotels but simply can see a little farther, it is by standing on the shoulders
promise three- or four-star properties, so if you’re (C) of giants.”
[sensitive / dull] about lodging, ask where the group stayed
on past trips. And if you and your traveling companion (B)It is a creative activity. When one obtains a new insight
want two separate beds, confirm that up front. into the working of nature, one is as much thrilled as, say,
a painter or a sculptor when he creates a masterpiece.
(A) (B) (C)
① simple search sensitive (C)However, there is one major difference between science
② simple ignore sensitive and the arts. Scientific effort is cumulative and
③ simple ignore dull cooperative, whereas each artistic creation is complete in
④ specific search sensitive itself.
⑤ specific ignore dull

14강 2-2. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.68)

A key feature of the art scene in the 21st century is the

impact of globalization—the accelerating interconnectivity of
human activity and information across time and space. (A)
인터넷과 대중 매체의 도움을 받아, 전 세계적으로 여러 지역에서
현대 미술의 활력에 대한 인식이 엄청나게 커졌다. Anyone with
access to the Internet can follow developments in Shanghai,
Sydney, São Paulo, or Nairobi. Simultaneously the increased
movement of artists across borders and oceans has added
to the intermixing of influences and artistic vocabularies.
For example, Wangechi Mutu, originally from Kenya,
14강 1-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.66) pursued further education in South Wales and then in the
United States. Her collaged images of women are informed
Most dictionaries list names of famous people. The editors by African tribal arts, 20th-century European and American
must make difficult decisions about whom to include and collage artists, and the latest illustrations from fashion, and
whom ① to exclude. Webster’s New World Dictionary, for medical sources, etc. Mutu is considered by many to be
example, includes Audrey Hepburn but ② leaving out one of the most important contemporary African artists of
Spencer Tracy. It lists Bing Crosby, not Bob Hope; Willie recent years, and her work has achieved much global
Mays, not Micky Mantle. Executive editor Michael Agnes acclaim.
explains ③ what names are chosen based on their
frequency of use and their usefulness to the reader. [by /Aided /tremendously /the Internet /mass media/,
According to him, however, entertainers ④ who are alive /awareness/the globe /and /of /of /contemporary /the
are not included. For that very reason, Elton John and vitality /art /in /around /localities /has grown ]
Paul McCartney aren’t in the dictionary, but both Marilyn
Monroe and Elvis Presley, ⑤ who died decades ago, are.
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
14강 3-2. 빈칸에 알맞은 연결사를 쓰시오.69) 15강 1—2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.71)

____(A)____ all the spending, computers are not often It is said that 1 in ancient Athens the followers of Plato
used to do anything that couldn’t be done as easily—and gathered one day to ask themselves the following question:
more cheaply and effectively—with old-fashioned books, “What is a human being?”
pencils, paper, and chalk. “Interactive” whiteboards are too
frequently used merely for displaying text or pictures to a (A) After the stir had died down, the philosophers gathered
dutifully seated class, not much different from what you again and improved their definition. A human being, they
can do with an overhead projector or chalkboard. said, is a featherless biped with broad nails.
Computers are used for mere word processing, to display
cognitively bleak commercial software packages like (B) This curious story from the history of early philosophy
PowerPoint, or to play dull educational games of uncertain shows the kinds of difficulties philosophers have sometimes
merit. Computer “art” packages get used as bland been faced with when attempting to give abstract, general
substitutes for paint-and-paper art. some educators are definitions of what it is to be human.
realizing that this is a dead end. They’re doing something
different with technology in the classroom. These teachers (C) After a great deal of thought, they came up with the
have realized that the point isn’t to simply repeat more following answer: “a human being is a featherless biped.”
expensively what they’re already doing quite well with Everybody seemed content with this definition until a
paper, pencils, and books. It’s to do new things that they philosopher burst into the lecture hall with a live
currently can’t do. featherless chicken. Holding it in his hand, he shouted
“Look! I present you with a human being.”
(A)________ (B)________ *biped 두 발 동물

15강 1-2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.72)

14강 4-2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.70)
As Ruth Handler watched her daughter Barbara growing
The reason why people like Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung up during the 1950s, she noticed that she and her friends
became interested in the study of dreams is that they saw seemed more interested in playing with adult dolls than
them as a source of self-knowledge. with the traditional baby versions.

(A)In dreams our subconscious minds may reveal things to (A) The executives only decided to back Ruth’s hunch when
us that our conscious minds deny. What the work of she returned from a trip to Switzerland with an adult doll
Freud, Jung and others indicates is that we may not be called Lilli. Ruth’s doll went into production and was
able to arrive at full self-knowledge unaided. We may need named “Barbie” in honor of her daughter. Barbie was
others to help us see what and who we are. unveiled at the 1959 American Toy Fair in New York.
Mattel sold 351,000 Barbies in year one.
(B)According to them, we do not need to discover who we
are because we are who we choose to be. Each individual (B) Unfortunately, the only grown-up dolls available at the
creates his or her own nature through making certain time were made of cardboard. Ruth became convinced that
choices, and what we can make, we can also change. a three-dimensional alternative would be a commercial
(C)A very different approach is taken by Existentialist
philosophers, who reject the very idea that there is such a (C) She took her idea to the board of Mattel, the company
thing as ‘human nature’. that she and her husband established, but it was rejected
as being too risky and expensive.
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
15강 2-2. 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.73) 15강 4-2. 다음 중 글이 자연스러운 흐름이 되게끔 하는 어휘를 고
One reason many of us have a higher regard for our own
character than that of others is that we judge ourselves by Satyamurti was a leading nationalist in India. He was
our intentions and others by their acts, especially those known for his great speech. His words carried logic and
acts we find annoying. reason, wit and wisdom. So he usually got the (A)
[better/worse] of others in arguments. Once he went to
(A) For example, if we don’t visit a friend or relative in England to present India’s case for freedom. He met the
the hospital, we usually don’t think of ourselves as having leading politicians in Britain. He pleaded with them to
done something wrong. Instead, we rationalize, “I really did restore self-government to India. At one meeting, while he
think of paying a visit; I just didn’t have enough time. was presenting India’s case for freedom, a heckler asked,
“Do you know that the sun never sets on the British
(B) Therefore, in the future, make an effort to judge others Empire?” That was (B) [false/true]. For Britain had
by their intentions when their actions upset you, in the colonies all around the globe. And always it was day in
same way most of us judge ourselves when we have done some or the other part of the Empire. Satyamurti looked in
something that has upset another. the general direction of the crowd from where the question
had come and (C) [smiled/infuriated]. The heckler felt he
(C) But I wanted to go.” Yet, when we are a hospital had nettled Satyamurti. He thought Satyamurti would not
patient, and others don’t visit, most of us don’t spend time have a convincing reply. Here he went wrong. For
devising explanations for the non-visitors’ behavior. Instead, Satyamurti replied, “Do you know why? Even the sun
we are apt to dismiss them as selfish or “fair-weather” doesn’t trust the British in the dark.”
friends. *heckler 야유꾼
**nettle 화나게 하다
(A) (B) (C)
① worse false smiled
② better false infuriated
③ better true infuriated
④ better true smiled
⑤ worse true infuriated
15강 3-2. 다음 중 올바른 어법을 골라 쓰시오.74)

The main reason that students do not study is not that

they do not have enough time; it is that they would rather 16강 1-2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.76)
①be doing something else. Consider a student who has a
French test in two weeks. We know that the earlier the Children are much more resistant to giving something to
student starts ②studying for the test, the fewer tasks will someone else than to helping them.
need to be completed each day. The French student, on the
other hand, sees the test as a low priority because it is far (A)Even though one‐and‐a‐half‐year‐olds will support each
away. He would rather watch television or ③reading a other in difficult situations, they are not willing to share
book than take 15 minutes to study for the test. A week their own toys with others. The little ones even defend
and a half later, the test becomes more ④importantly By their possessions with screams and, if necessary, blows.
that time, the student will need several hours to prepare.
He will most likely ⑤find it more difficult to fit a (B)One can observe this difference clearly in very young
three-hour block of study time into his schedule than children.
several 15-minute blocks.
(C)This is the daily experience of parents troubled by
(A) : constant quarreling between toddlers. There was no word I
(B) : heard more frequently than “Mine!” from my daughters
(C) : when they were still in diapers.
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
16강 1-2. 다음 중 글의 전체 내용과 관련 없는 문장은?77) 16강 3-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.79)

①In a mock jury study, researcher Bonnie Erickson and Dr. King didn’t change America by himself. He wasn’t a
her colleagues had people listen to a witness answer legislator, for example, but legislation was created to give all
questions about a supposed accident—for example, people in the United States equal rights regardless of skin
“Approximately how long did you stay there before the color. It wasn’t Dr. King who changed America; it was the
ambulance arrived?” ②Do you have colleagues who are movement of millions of others ① whom he inspired ② that
curt, callous, or just plain cold toward you? Some jurors changed the course of history. But how do you organize
heard the witness respond straightforwardly: “Twenty millions of people? Forget millions, how do you organize
minutes. Long enough to help get Mrs. David straightened hundreds or tens of people? The vision and charisma of a
out.” ③Others listened to the witness hem and haw: “Oh, good leader first attract innovators and early adopters. ③
it seems like it was about, uh, twenty minutes. ④Just long Trust their guts and their intuition, these people will make
enough to help my friend Mrs. David, you know, get the greatest sacrifices to help ④ see the vision become a
straightened out.” ⑤What the witnesses said turned out to reality. With each success, with every tangible demonstration
be less important than how they said it: the ⑤ what the vision can in fact become more reality, the
straightforward, confident witnesses were rated significantly more practical-minded majority starts to take interest. What
more credible. was previously just a dream soon becomes a provable and
tangible reality.

16강 2-2. 빈칸에 알맞은 연결사를 쓰시오.78) 16강 4-2. 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 알맞은 접속사를 쓰시오.80)

Consider the tasks of surfing the web and proofreading a ______ medical anthropologist Jennifer Roberts conducted
report for errors. The rules for surfing include using the urban fieldwork in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, her research
mouse to move the cursor, double clicking screen choices, assistant introduced Roberts to a woman who was
clicking the “back” key to return to a previous screen, accompanied by her five-year-old daughter. Roberts was so
pushing another button once to bookmark a page, and so taken by the girl’s beauty that she patted the girl on the
on. The rules for proofreading are different and might head ______ commenting to the mother what a gorgeous
include first skimming a page for obvious mistakes, reading child she had. Much to Roberts’s surprise, the mother
the report one word at a time to check for spelling, and responded by saying that the girl was not pretty at all and
then rereading the report paragraph by paragraph to see if then abruptly left. What had Roberts done? She was simply
one’s points are clear. Someone who surfs and proofreads trying to pay the woman and her daughter a compliment.
at the same time actually is switching from one task to In fact Roberts had inadvertently committed two cultural
another. The decision that it is time to stop, say, mistakes. First, in this part of the world, patting a child on
proofreading and begin surfing takes a fraction of a second. the head is viewed as a violation of the most sacred part of
And then, the decision to “get in the mind-set” of surfing, the body. Second, complimenting a child on her beauty or
and bring to mind how one surfs takes another fraction of health is regarded in Malaysia as inviting bad fortune for
a second. __________ each switch may waste only a the child.
second or so, the multitasker makes many switches, wasting
much time. What is more efficient? Prioritizing and ________
organizing one’s time.

변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
17강 1-2. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.81) 13~16강 3-2. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?83)

Giving people feedback about their past performance can be It paid about thirty thousand dollars a year more than
a powerful way to help them learn. Equally useful is what I was currently making.
“feedforward,” which means exploring new options for the
future. Marshall Goldsmith, a management consultant, At one point in my career in business, I applied for a job
suggests a way to do this. First, talk about a specific, that looked perfect on paper. ①It was a job with lots of
high-impact behavior that you’d like to change—for budget and personnel responsibility, doing work that I
example, “I want to be a better listener.” Then gather with knew and liked. ②But on the day that I was called with
a small group of trusted friends and ask for suggestions the job offer, I got off the telephone, sat down, and started
about ways to accomplish your goal. To make this process to cry. ③My gut instinct was telling me something was
work, avoid any conversation about ___________. Focus wrong. But I didn’t listen. I took the job because it paid so
instead on the next actions you intend to take. well and my brain kept telling me it was the right thing to
do. ④Less than two years later, I left that job, having been
① what is going to happen soon miserable for almost every minute I was there. My gut
② the feedbacks which are given by friends knew that I shouldn’t have taken the job, but I talked
③ exploring new information myself into it. ⑤That almost never works out well. Listen
④ what’s happened in the past to your instincts. If something seems wrong, then spend
⑤ making the process more smoothly time to figure out what it is.

13~16강 4-2. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.84)

At 7:35 a.m. on November 13, 1872, in the port city of Le

Havre, France, Claude Monet gazed out his hotel window
and began to paint what he saw. The result was
“Impression, Soleil Levant” (“Impression, Sunrise’s”)—and
17강 2-2. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.82) the birth of a movement. How do we know exactly when
Impressionism began? Because of Donald Olson, a Texas
(A) It’s worth noting that study participants didn’t simply State University astrophysicist who uses astronomy to solve
think about what went well, but wrote their responses art and literary mysteries. (A)그 그림의 기원을 규명하는 것을
down. “It’s very easy to deceive yourself if you’re just 도와달라는 요청을 받았을 때, Olson은 Monet가 묵었던 호텔과 방
thinking about it,” Gino explains, “but when you write 을 확인하기 위해 지도와 사진을 매우 세심하게 살펴봄으로써 작업
things down on paper, it’s easier to identify what’s helpful.” 을 시작했다. The final clues were the smoke plumes in the
painting, showing the wind blowing east to west. Then he
(B) As former Tech Insider reporter Drake Baer points out, turned to astronomy—using the rising sun and the moon to
reflecting on the day’s successes can help you incorporate determine the tide, season, and time of day—and consulted
those lessons into the next day. “You introduce a stimulus, digitized 19th-century weather observations. Those findings
gather the data of your experience, and then improve from —plus the “72” by Monet’s signature—closed the case and
there,” he writes. put a precise time stamp on a timeless work of art.

(C) Harvard Business School professor Francesca Gino and [Monet’s hotel /the painting’s provenance, /When
her colleagues asked workers to spend 15 minutes at the /determine /asked to /Olson /began /to identify /help /by
end of their workdays writing about what went well that examining /very carefully /maps and photos /and room]
day, and they found that the journaling employees had
22.8% higher performance than those who didn’t ponder on
their workday.
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
17강 1-2. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.85) 17강 2-2. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?87)

Your parents may be afraid that you will not spend your Zietern wrote what he was told and was duly executed the
allowance wisely. You may make some foolish spending following day.
choices, but if you do, the decision to do so is your own
and hopefully you will learn from your mistakes. Much of On a campaign in Silesia, Frederick, King of Prussia, gave
learning occurs through trial and error. Explain to your orders one day that all fires and lights were to be
parents that money is something you will have to deal with extinguished in his camp by a certain hour. ①To make
for the rest of your life. It is better that you make your certain that his order was obeyed, the king himself went
mistakes early on rather than later in life. Explain that you the rounds. ②Passing by the tent of a certain Captain
will have a family someday and _____________. Not Zietern, he noticed the glimmer of a candle, and upon
everything is taught at school! entering found the officer sealing a letter to his wife. ③
Frederick demanded to know what Zietern thought he was
① you can’t learn how tp loan your budget doing; didn’t he know the orders? ④The captain threw
② you are free from parents himself at the king’s feet, unable to deny or excuse his
③ you will grow your allowance disobedience. Frederick instructed him to sit down and add
④ you need to know how to manage your money a postscript to the letter, which Frederick himself dictated:
⑤ you have to choose a similar pattern “Tomorrow I shall perish on the scaffold.”⑤

17강 3-2. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.88)

Before you begin teaching your children responsibility, be

certain you have the concept clear in your own mind. What
does responsibility mean to you? What responsibilities do
you think children should have, and at what ages? Most
parents feel that basic responsibilities include keeping a
17강 1-2. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.86) clean room and picking up any mess made in other rooms
of the house. (A)아이들이 학생이 되면, 우리는 그들이 학습자가
(A) But today, many people find these pleasures literally 되는 것의 요건들을 충족시키고 자기 숙제를 충실히 하기를 원한다.
incredible or at least highly suspect. An image of the self Another responsibility is for personal hygiene, being bathed
has been created that is utterly lacking in natural and combed and well dressed. There is financial
generosity. responsibility, in which children learn to budget and to
spend wisely their allowances or income from part-time
(B) The pleasures of kindness were well known in the past. jobs. Children need to become responsible with their time,
Kindness was mankind’s “greatest delight,” the Roman getting to school before the bell rings, keeping curfew,
philosopher-emperor Marcus Aurelius declared, and thinkers managing to fit in all their activities and still have
and writers have echoed him down the centuries. down-time left.

(C) Most people appear to believe that deep down they [we want /their homework /When /become students, /our
(and other people) are mad, bad, and dangerous to know; children /them /the requirements /to meet /a learner /of
that as a species—apparently unlike other species of being /and to do /religiously]
animals—we are deeply and fundamentally hostile to each
other, that our motives are utterly self-seeking, and that
our sympathies are forms of self-protection.
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
17강 4-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.89) 18강 1-2. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.91)

A survey is somewhat like an interview in ①what the (A) When you remove body language and facial expressions
person conducting it ②preparing a set of questions. from communication, you remove many of the signals we
However, an interview is done one-on-one, and the use to read other people. Communication over the phone
conversation has great flexibility. A survey, on the other leaves you and your customer with limited insight into how
hand, is usually written in advance. A number of the person on the other end of the conversation is
participants agree ③to answer a set of questions. If they reacting.
write their answers, the survey takes the form of a
questionnaire. They may or may not complete the survey in (B) Is he reading his email instead of listening to you? The
your presence. ④What you will get will be the briefest more physical cues we remove from our interactions, the
answers to your questions—no more, no less. Obviously, easier it is to have misunderstandings. Fortunately, you can
you will run into difficulty if you realize later on ⑤that still tell a lot from tone of voice.
you should have asked different questions. Therefore, in a
survey, most of the work lies in the preparation of the (C) Is he in a defensive posture and getting more
questions so as to get the best answers. withdrawn as you talk? Is she rolling her eyes while you
tell her how much you value her business?

18강 1-2. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.90) 18강 2-2. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?92)

A lot of customers buy products only after they are made The use of the term varies to a degree from place to place.
aware that the products are available in the . Let’s say a
product, even if it has been out there for a while, is not The tradition of a pep squad as a support for sports teams
advertised. Then what might happen? Not knowing that the is one that many people are familiar with. ①These groups
product exists, customers would probably not buy it even if exist for many different types of high school and college
the product may have worked for them. Advertising also sports, most notably football. ②Essentially, a pep squad is
helps people find the best for themselves. When they are a group of individuals who have the responsibility of
made aware of a whole range of goods, they are able to motivating and promoting enthusiasm for a particular
compare them and make purchases so that they get what sports team before and during a sports competition. ③In
they desire with their hard‐earned money. Thus, advertising some settings, the pep squad is considered to be the same
has become a necessity in everybody’s daily life. as a cheerleading squad. ④Other locations see it as a
separate entity from the cheerleaders, although they share a
① the products are only advertised visually common purpose. ⑤This may lead to the squad being
② the products are available in the market more of a dance team, performing more complicated
③ they can see the effects of the products in person routines that are usually associated with cheerleading.
④ they know the range of the costs of the products
⑤ comparing various products are helpful to effective consumption
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
18강 3-2. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.93) 19강 1–2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.95)

It was usual among “savages” for the man who had food to When people share the same daily, weekly, monthly, and
share it with the man who had none, for travelers to be seasonal rhythms, connections among them form faster and
fed at any home they chose to stop at on their way, and stay stronger. The people trust each other more deeply, and
for communities harassed with drought to be maintained by coordination becomes easier.
their neighbors. If a man sat down to his meal in the
woods, he was expected to call loudly for someone to come (A) A CEO of a food company talks about his short daily
and share it with him, before he might justly eat alone. (A) meeting with his team. He explains, “The rhythm that
어느 서양인 여행자가 사모아 인에게 런던에 사는 가난한 사람들에 frequency generates allows relationships to strengthen,
관해 말했을 때 그 ‘야만인’은 놀라서 질문했다: “How is it? No personal habits to be understood, and stressors to be
food? No friends? No house to live in? Where did he identified. All of this helps the members of the team
grow? Are there no houses belonging to his friends?” The understand not only their roles but also how they can get
hungry Indian had but to ask to receive; however small the the best out of one another.”
supply was, food was given to him if he needed it: “no one
can want food while there is corn anywhere in the town.” (B) In fact, several organizations use regular stand-up
*harassed 시달리는 meetings to maintain strong bonds and reinforce a shared
[a Samoan /When /told /the “savage” /asked in
astonishment /in London, /a Western traveler /about the (C) After all, they are frequently doing the same things and
poor ] working on the same problems together.

19강 1—2. 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.96)

Team sports offer a particularly compelling form of drama.

(A) But tension fills each and every game of baseball,

football, and basketball. Moreover, in organized sports the
tension carries beyond each individual game and tends to
increase over time. Each game is part of a designated
sequence—a season—the goal of which is to produce a
18강 4-2.어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오. 94) champion. Both individual games and the season as a
whole attract interest and attention.
Over the past 10,000 years, Homo sapiens has grown so
accustomed to ①be the only human species ②that it’s hard (B) The outcome of a game, unlike that of a scripted
for us to ③think of any other possibility. Our lack of drama, is unknown. Few people watch the same play or
brothers and sisters ④make it easier ⑤to imagine that we motion picture repeatedly because after they have seen it
are the best example of creation, and that a chasm once they know the ending. The tension is gone.
separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. When
Charles Darwin indicated that Homo sapiens was just (C) Spectators follow the first to find out which of the two
another kind of animal, people were outraged. Even today contesting teams will win, and the second to learn which
many refuse ⑥to believe it. If the Neanderthals had one will emerge as the ultimate champion. Suspense
survived, would we still imagine ourselves to be a creature mounts because, as the end of the season approaches,
apart? Perhaps this is exactly why our ancestors wiped out games tend to become more important to the determination
the Neanderthals. They were too familiar to ignore, but too of the champion.
different to tolerate.
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
19강 2-2. 다음 중 틀린 어법을 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.97) 19강 4—2. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.99)

Benjamin Franklin began and ended each day with a Help your teen verbally label emotions.
question: “What good shall I do this day?” in the morning,
and “What good have I done this day?” in the evening. In (A) Various studies have shown that verbally naming an
fact, many great thinkers embraced the idea of constantly emotion has a quieting effect on the nervous system, which
①questioning things. As Albert Einstein reportedly said, can in turn help teens recover faster from emotional stress.
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop ②to question” Of (B) This has to do with the brain’s structure and how
course, getting into the habit of self-reflection is easier said emotions are processed. By verbalizing an emotion, the
than done, as we often prefer to ③avoiding asking language area in the left side of the brain is engaged,
ourselves the tough questions. As philosopher and which also impacts logic and other higher-level types of
psychologist John Dewey explained in his 1910 book, How thinking. Activating the connections between the logic areas
We Think, reflective thinking involves overcoming our and emotional processing areas of the brain may help your
predisposition to accept things at face value and the teen think about his emotion in a different way, thus
willingness to endure mental unrest. Enduring this leading to a calming effect.
discomfort is ④well worth the effort, as it can result in the
confidence boost ⑤necessary to perform better in our work (C) This isn’t as easy as it sounds because hurting teens
and daily lives. often feel multiple emotions at the same time. Develop a
rich, accurate vocabulary for emotions, and allow your teen
to “name” what he is feeling.

20강 1-2. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.100)

Democracy in ancient Athens was more extensive than

today’s version in that individual involvement occurred as
citizens took turns holding various offices. There were no
elected officials in ancient Athens. Instead, governmental
positions, such as those of the councilors, were filled by
random drawings in which names were picked from a box.
19강 3-2. 다음 중 틀린 어법을 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.98) The selected persons served for about a year, and no
person could serve twice in their lifetime. Where the
Telling schoolchildren that they are smart impairs their knowledge of professionals was needed, there would be
future performance, whereas telling them that they work permanent positions, but most governmental positions were
hard or not ①praise them at all leads them to work temporary. Many Athenians felt that the benefits of more
harder in the future. Therefore, attempting to convince experienced politicians and officials would be spoiled by a
people to be impressed with themselves can actually make growth in corruption. Today we sometimes find that
people do worse, which isn’t all that ②surprising really. long-term positions for career politicians lead to aspirations
Convincing people to rely mostly on their self-esteem is of power and selfish actions.
really telling them ③that they can’t count on other people,
and that is a mighty unhappy thought indeed. Worse still, ① officers were interested in their jobs
some probably hear the message that they should think ② governments were being filled by random rules
and ④acts like they are better and more important than ③ citizens took turns holding various offices
other people, or even ⑤that ordinary rules don’t apply to ④ professionals were not permanent postures
them. Real “self-esteem” derives from the esteem of others. ⑤ the fights between politicians and actors being
Why shout out your victories if no one hears you? accelerated
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
20강 2-2. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.101) 20강 4-2. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.103)

(A) If you’re tempted to eat food you’ve dropped on the (A)심상을 떠올리는 기술은 일상적인 접촉에서 기쁨, 관심, 그리고
floor, you may want to think again: A new study disproved 여타 감정들을 보여 주는 데 도움이 될 것이다. If your
the “5-second rule,” or the idea that food is safe to eat off Impression Management Plan calls for you to smile at a
the floor if you pick it up fast enough. The study found meeting that you dread, think in advance of several happy
that bacteria from a surface can move to food very quickly, moments in your life to replay mentally during the
in less than a second in some cases. meeting. If the occasion calls for full attention, when you
find yourself bored silly by someone’s presentation, create
(B) In the study, the researchers contaminated four an interest in him by focusing on the subtle changes in the
different surfaces— stainless steel, ceramic tile, wood and intonation of his voice as he speaks, or think about the
carpet—with bacteria. Then, they dropped four food types words he chooses to express his ideas. Let your rational
on the surfaces: watermelon, bread, bread and butter, and brain outwit your emotional brain by injecting images
gummy candy. consistent with the emotions you want to project.
Remember, the emotional brain doesn’t distinguish between
(C) Results showed that, in general, the longer the food realistic visualization and reality!
was allowed to sit on the surface, the more bacteria was
transferred to the food. But some bacterial infection [interest /display /Visualization techniques /and other
happened in less than a second. Watermelon picked up the emotions /will /you /pleasure, /in your /help /everyday
most bacteria, while gummy candies picked up the least. interactions]

20강 3-2. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?102) 21강 1-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오. 104)

Any closing of a business, even if it occurred because How much of your food should be cooked? Proponents of
someone died, sold the business, or retired, was recorded the newly popular raw food diets ①claim that cooking
as a business failure. ruins vitamins and enzymes, ②making food difficult to
digest and therefore ③contribute to disease. But all
An often-repeated statistic says that four out of five small traditional peoples cooked some or most of their food.
businesses will fail within five years. ①This 80 percent is a Even in the tropics, where people did not have to build
frightening prospect for anyone thinking about starting a fires to keep ④warmly, they built fires every day to cook.
business. ②But a study by Bruce A. Kirchhoff of the New In addition to ⑤cooking grains, they usually cooked their
Jersey Institute of Technology found the failure rate for vegetables, the very foods some recommend that people eat
small businesses to be only 18 percent during their first raw. Why cook? Cooking helps neutralize many naturally
eight years. ③Why the huge gap? It turns out that studies occurring anti-nutrients and irritants in food, also breaking
by the U.S. government and others defined business down indigestible fiber. Many foods, such as beans and
failures much too broadly. ④In fact, only 18 percent of the potatoes, are indigestible until cooked. While cooking—
814,000 small businesses tracked by Kirchhoff for eight especially at very high temperatures—does destroy some
years went out of business with unpaid bills. ⑤This should nutrients, it makes minerals more available.
be a comfort to would-be entrepreneurs. *proponent 지지자 **enzyme 효소
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
21강 2-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.105) 21강 4-2. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.107)

Long-term climate variations on Earth—ice ages are but (A) Today, studies increasingly show that many non-human
one example— ①is thought to be influenced by such beings feel. Elephants appear to feel grief, while dolphins
factors as small wobbles in Earth’s orbit, and the and whales express joy, or something much like it. Parrots
inclination of its axis, as well as cycles of radiation ②come can become unhappy, pigs and cows terrified, chickens
from the Sun. These variations ③occur in cycles of 10,000 saddened, monkeys seemingly embarrassed.
years or even hundreds of thousands of years. An ice core
drilled at Lake Vostok in Antarctica reveals ④that for most (B) Science is rediscovering what Charles Darwin, in his
of the last 250,000 years, Earth has been considerably book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals,
colder than it is today. In fact, the relatively warm weather concluded: that the variations between humans and other
experienced on Earth for the last 10,000 years ⑤looks like species in their capacity to feel and express emotion are
an unusual period when compared with the previous differences in degree rather than in kind.
200,000 years. Ten thousand years is a short period in
geologic terms, but it covers just about the entire span of (C) Experiments have shown that rats become agitated
modern human civilization. when seeing surgery performed on other rats; when
*wobble 흔들림, 동요 presented with a trapped lab-mate and a piece of chocolate,
they will free their caged brethren before eating. There’s
even evidence that rats take pleasure in being tickled. None
of this will come as a surprise to pet owners or anyone
who has observed virtually any kind of animal for any
length of time.

21강 3-2. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.106)

21강 01~02-2.주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?108)
Words can be clues to inner experience, revealing hidden
thoughts, feelings, or wants. We can, therefore, use words These do not need to be elaborate setups.
in much the same way as we use nonverbal messages, such
as voice tone, rate and volume of speech, facial Food is one of the most important tools you can use as a
expressions, and body positions or movements, to help manager. ①Having a full stomach makes people feel
understand athletes. Words, however, not only express satisfied and happier. Eating together gives employees time
experience, but they also contribute to it, operating as a to make connections with each other. ②Providing an
feedback loop. An example would be athletes who call occasional snack or paying for a lunch now and then can
themselves “losers.” They not only reveal their help your employees feel appreciated and make the office
dissatisfaction and unhappiness, they also reinforce their feel more welcoming. ③If you have a small budget, you’re
sense of impotence and undermine their self-confidence. not going to want to buy lunch at a restaurant for your
Words that are not spoken can be as meaningful as thos. entire group. Bringing in some cookies once in a while is
A useful clue to something that is avoided is the enough; you can also encourage employees to bring in food
unanswered question. Not answering a question may themselves. ④The key to using food effectively is for it not
indicate an underlying fear, guilt, embarrassment, shame, or to become a planned event. If everyone knows you bring
other unpleasant feeling or thought. donuts to the Friday morning meeting, it becomes an
expectation and not a surprise. ⑤To create goodwill, the
① are often ignored by inner experiences food must appear to be unexpected. It is also a good idea
② can be as meaningful as those that are to praise employees who bring food in without being asked;
③ can be used as a signal of posirive meanings this creates an atmosphere of sharing.
④ can help athletes to perform their physical strengths *elaborate 공들인
⑤ can evoke people’s unhappiness if they are used frequently
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
21강 01~02-2. 다음 중 올바른 어법을 골라 쓰시오.109) in the entire circus putting on a much better show. An
overall better show means more customers. And the system
In a recent study, Stanford University psychologists Manly thrives. But not without trust. For those within a
Oppezzo and Daniel Schwartz divided participants into two community, or an organization, they must trust that their
groups: walkers and sitters. They then administered leaders provide a net—practical or emotional. With that
something called Guilford’s Alternative Uses Test, in ① feeling of support, those in the organization are more likely
where participants come up with alternative uses for to put in extra effort that ultimately benefits the group as
everyday objects. It’s designed to measure “divergent a whole.
thinking,” an important component of creativity. Divergent *trapeze artist 공중 곡예사
thinking is when we come up with multiple, ②unexpected
solutions to problems. Divergent thinking is spontaneous
and free-flowing. Convergent thinking, by contrast, is more
linear and ③entails a narrowing, rather than an expanding,
of your options. Convergent thinkers are trying to find the 23강 01~02—2. 다음 단락에 이어질 글을 올바른 순서대로 쓰시
one correct answer to a question. Divergent thinkers 오.111)
reframe the question. The results, published in the Journal
of Experimental Psychology, confirm that the ancient Since 1984 the city of Philadelphia has sponsored the
Greeks were onto something. Creativity levels were Mural Arts Program, which has brought neighborhood
“consistently and significantly” higher for the walkers versus residents together to plan and paint more than 2,800
the sitters. Curiously, it didn’t matter ④whether architectural-scale murals on the sides of buildings. But
participants walked outdoors in the fresh air or indoors on these murals are more than art.
a treadmill staring at a blank wall. They still produced
twice as many creative responses compared with the (A) The mural, titled “Peace Wall,” depicts overlapping
sedentary group. It didn’t take ⑤many walking to boost hands of varying skin tones on a sky-blue background. The
creativity, either—anywhere from five to sixteen minutes. planning and execution of the mural provided an
opportunity for people of different backgrounds to get to
know one another better and to form a sense of
community. Once “Peace Wall” was completed, residents
took on other community projects such as trash collection
21강 03~04-2. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시 and street repair. Thus, as illustrated by the Philadelphia
오.110) Mural Arts Program, large-scale art projects requiring
cooperation can knit people together into the fabric of a
No matter how experienced, no matter how proficient, a unified community.
trapeze artist will not attempt a totally new death-defying
leap without first trying it with a net below him. And (B) They represent neighborhood identity, civic pride, and
depending on how death-defying the trick is, he may insist involvement in the community. And they help bridge racial,
on always ①have a net when performing the trick. Besides ethnic, and class divisions.
its obvious advantage of catching you if you ②fall, the net
also provides a psychological benefit. Knowing it is there (C) To illustrate how the Mural Arts Program works, we
gives the trapeze artist the confidence to try something he’s can look at the Grays Ferry neighborhood, which in the
never done before, or to do it again and again. Remove 1990s was the scene of a racial protest march caused by
the net ③or he will only do the safe tricks, the ones he the beating of a black family by a group of whites. With
knows he can land. The more he trusts the quality of the racial tensions running high, the director of the Mural Arts
net, the more he will take personal risks ④to make his act Program suggested that the community create a mural with
better. The trust the circus management gives him by the theme of racial harmony. Even though many people,
providing him a net is probably afforded to other both black and white, were skeptical at first, after several
performers too. Soon all the performers will feel confident community planning sessions, the doubts and suspicions
to try new things and push themselves further. That were replaced by a desire to cooperate on the project.
collection of personal confidence and personal risk ⑤results
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
49) ④ what, ⑤ were seldom
50) ④
51) B-C-A
정 답 52) ④
53) In addition to regulating how we respond, many rules
also have an enabling function.
1) C-A-B 54) In each of these seven classical arts we can discover
2) ③ the roots of contemporary cultural and scientific categories.
3) ② to give, ③what 55) A-C-B
4) ② ④ /be, habitually 56) Focus on what you have done well in the past as well
5) C-A-B
6) (B)-(C)-(A) as on what you are currently doing well.
7) ⑤ 57) B-C-A
8) 정답 : The presenter is on display to the whole world 58) A-C-B
59) ② came, ④ loud and clear
as he or she bares all to reveal himself or herself to the 60) ⑤
audience. 61) C-A-B
9) ④ 62) C-A-B
10) ②writing , ⑤answering 63) A-C-B
11) Tens of thousands of people are homeless and without 64) ①coming ⑤more
65) ④
basic necessities like food and clothing. 66) ②leaves out , ③that
12) ② 67) (B)-(C)-(A)
13) Yesterday, I received your letter about wanting to take 68) 정답 : Aided by the Internet and mass media,
extra classes at Oxford University for additional credit. awareness of the vitality of contemporary art in localities
14) when ceiling fire sprinklers were activated due to an
around the globe has grown tremendously.
overabundance of welding smoke from our crew’s work site. 69) (A) Despite , (B) But
15) ⑤ 70) (A)-(C)-(B)
16) B-A-C 71) C-A-B
17) ④ 72) B-C-A
18) ④unit, ⑤less 73) A-C-B
19) ②,⑤/had, try 74) ③④ / read /important
20) B-A-C 75) ④
21) ① are consisted of → consists of, ② deal → 76) (B)-(A)-(C)
dealing 77) ②
22) ① 78) Although
23) ② 79) ③ Trusting , ⑤ that
24) ④ 80) While
25) A-C-B 81) ④
26) ④ 82) C-B-A
27) ③ 83) ①
28) A-C-B 84) When asked to help determine the painting’s
29) ③ securing → to secure ,④ what → that provenance, Olson began by examining maps and photos
30) ③
31) ⑤ very carefully to identify Monet’s hotel and room.
32) ① Combining , ④ carved 85) ④
33) ⑤ 86) B-A-C
34) 정답 : He chose themes from everyday life and did 87) ⑤
88) When our children become students, we want them to
not exclude what might be considered ugly.
35) (B)-(C)-(A) meet the requirements of being a learner and to do their
36) ④ homework religiously.
37) 정답 : Debbie was able to acquire this special 89) ① what → that, ② preparing → prepares
treatment for one very important reason: she was a loyal 90) ②
91) A-C-B
customer to that one airline. 92) ③
38) ③ 93) When a Western traveler told a Samoan about the
39) ①
40) (A)-(C)-(B) poor in London, the “savage” asked in astonishment
41) ② 94) ① be → being, ④ make → makes
42) ① 95) C-B-A
43) ③ show → shows, ⑤ what → that 96) B-A-C
44) both parents and teens need to understand that mental 97) ② questioning/③avoid
98) ①,③ /
and physical well-being are aligned with what we eat. 99) C-A-B
45) Over long periods of time, what was once a core 100) ③
competence may become a base-line capability. 101) A-B-C
46) ① 102) ④
47) B-A-C 103) Visualization techniques will help you display
48) ② pleasure, interest and other emotions in your everyday
변형문제 제 2 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
104) ③ contribute → contributing, ④ warmly →
105) ① is → are, ② come → coming
106) ②
107) A-C-B
108) ③
109) ① which/⑤ a lot of
110) ① having /③ and
111) B-C-A
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
1강 1-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.1) 1강 2—3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.3)

When you face a severe source of stress, you may fight Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize about the
back, reacting immediately. While this served your college application essay is that it is not their life story in
ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild animal, five hundred words or less. In my experience, students try
it is less helpful today unless you are attacked physically. to give a complete picture of who they are, where they’ve
Technology makes it much easier to worsen a situation come from, and what they want to do— all in a few
with a quick response. I know I have been guilty of hundred words! While any admissions committee would like
responding too quickly to people, on email in particular, in to have the flexibility and time to read complete histories
a harsh tone that only made things worse. (A) 무언가가 너의 of each and every student, the simple truth is,
심장을 더욱 빨리 뛰게 할수록, the more important it is to __________________. Students must understand that
step back before speaking or typing a single word. This will the college essay is the best way for an admissions
give you time to think things through and find a way to committee to know something about them, but it cannot be
deal with the other person in a healthier manner. the vehicle to know everything about them.

보기 [more /your /race /the /for /causes /heart /to ① failure must be determined already
/something] ② words could be distorted on each occasion
③ members of committee need not know students
④ there isn’t time to grasp each history thoroughly
⑤ to write an essay is not the fair way of application

1강 3—3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.4)

A series of studies conducted at the University of

1강 1—3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.2) Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness—that is,
those who are prone to be mindfully attentive to the here
A reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. As you and now and keenly aware of their surroundings. (A) 그런
read, listen to and watch the news, you may notice stories 사람들은 원기 왕성하고 긍정적인 정신 건강의 훌륭한 사례임이 드
that you think are ______. One of the forms in which 러난다. Relative to the average person, they are more likely
bias occurs is leaving one side out of an article, or a series to be happy, optimistic, self-confident, and satisfied with
of articles over a period of time; ignoring facts that tend to their lives and less likely to be depressed, angry, anxious,
disprove liberal or conservative claims, or that support hostile, self-conscious, impulsive, or neurotic. Furthermore,
liberal or conservative beliefs. Bias by omission can occur people who are habitually mindful of their current
either within a story, or over the long term as a particular experiences are more likely to experience frequent and
news outlet reports one set of events, but not another. To intense positive emotions, to feel self-sufficient and
find instances of bias by omission, be aware of the competent, and to have positive social relationships, while
conservative and liberal perspectives on current issues. See those who are not usually mindful report more illness and
if both the conservative and liberal perspectives are physical symptoms.
included in stories on a particular event or policy.
보기 [such individuals /that /it /out /turns /models /are
① specific /of /and /flourishing /positive mental health]
② trustworthy
③ acute
④ separate
⑤ prejudiced
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
1강 4—3. 다음 중 올바른 연결사를 고르시오.5) 2강 1-3. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 7)

Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best Beliefs are powerful.
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney Olympics,
American Michael Phelps set out in earnest to be the best (A) This choice could affect your health and happiness for
all-around swimmer four years later in Athens. To get the rest of the morning. If you choose to take earth
there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and a half hours science instead of oceanography, it might stem from the
every day—and double that on Mondays, Wednesdays, and belief that you’ll enjoy the subject more, or maybe from
Fridays— just to become good. He didn’t do it because it the belief that it will be easier.
was great exercise. He did it ___(A)___ he had a specific
goal to become the best in the world. And the eight (B) This choice could affect your ability to stay awake in
medals they hung around his neck in Athens, six of them class, your grade point average, or even your choice of
gold, reflect that commitment. “I think that everything is college.
possible ___(B)___ you put your mind to it and you put
the work and time into it,” Phelps said. (C) They directly affect our feelings and behaviors, and so,
the course of our lives. Most of the choices we make every
(A) (B) day are the result of our beliefs, whether we’re conscious
① Because Though of it or not. When you choose a bagel over a donut, it
② Because Although might stem from the belief that a bagel is better for you,
③ Since as long as or the belief that you’ll like the taste better.
④ Though as long as
⑤ While as long as

2강 2-3 .어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.8)

Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is going

2강 1-3. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은? 6) to be a stressful experience. Giving a presentation is a
performance. A show. An act. A drama. The presenter is
▶—they are, by nature, loud and emotional creatures, and on display to the whole world as he or she bares all ①to
it is not their fault that your apartment doesn’t absorb reveal himself or herself to the audience. The last thing
sound as well as a rain forest. you, as the presenter, need at this difficult time is anything
②that is going to get in the way of you ③to give your
①It is important to recognize your pet’s particular needs best performance. You don’t really want any distractions
and respect them. ②If your pet is an athletic, high-energy right now. You want to remove from your environment any
dog, for example, he or she is going to be much more obstacles or dangers that are not strictly needed. With this
manageable indoors if you take him or her outside to chase in mind, this is a list of things ④what you can safely leave
a ball for an hour every day. ③If your cat is shy and behind on your desk or in your bag when you ⑤are called
timid, he or she won’t want to be dressed up and to the podium: your mobile phone, watch, pens, keys, and
displayed in cat shows. ④Similarly, you cannot expect coins.
macaws to be quiet and still all the time⑤
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
2강 3-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오. 9) 3강 1-3. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?11)

It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by 2050 So, we are asking you to donate canned goods, warm
if more of the crops we grew ended up in human clothes, blankets, and money.
stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop
calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to livestock ①As you all know from seeing the pictures on television
(about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and industrial and in the newspaper, Central America has been hit hard
products (roughly 9 percent). Though many of us consume by a series of hurricanes. ②Tens of thousands of people
meat, dairy, and eggs from animals raised on feedlots, only are homeless and without basic necessities like food and
a fraction of the calories in feed given to livestock make clothing. ③I feel that we need to do something to help. ④
their way into the meat and milk that we consume. For Please bring all donations to the community center between
every 100 calories of grain we feed animals, we get only 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., Saturday, September 10. ⑤Thank you
about 40 new calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of for helping your fellow human beings in their time of
chicken, 10 of pork, or 3 of beef. (A)육류 집약적인 식사를 덜 desperate need.
하는 것으로 바꾸는 것은 전 세계적으로 상당한 양의 식량을 이용
하게 해 줄 수 있을 것이다. Sincerely, George Anderson

[ across the world/free up /Shifting to less meat-intensive

diets /substantial amounts of food /could ]

2강 4-3.빈칸에 알맞은 연결사를 쓰시오. 10)

3강 1-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.12)

When completing math problems, it is important to avoid
“answer-only” completions for several reasons. First, simply Dear General Manager,
writing the answer to a problem without the procedure that
precedes it negatively encourages students to produce My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior
careless errors. ____(A)____, the written-out procedure Apartment Complex. We ①have been asked by some of the
supports the answer; if the procedure is not shown, it is residents here to see if we can help improve their ability
much easier to make a computation error. Second, lack of to get around town independently. The closest bus stop is
a written-out procedure does not allow students to identify half a mile below the apartment complex, down a steep
the origin of an answer or how an answer to a problem is hill. Very few of the residents here ②feel comfortable
derived. Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor study walking all the way to (and especially from) the bus stop.
habits in note-taking and sloppiness, which may have We are asking if the route for Bus 16 could ③be altered
negative consequences when taking tests. ____(B)____, slightly to come up the hill to the complex. I can promise
homework and in-class math assignments should always you several very grateful riders each ④days in each
include both procedures and answers when answering direction. I look forward ⑤to hear from you soon.
(A)_____________ (B)________________ Sincerely, Ron Miller
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
3강 2-3. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.13) 3강 4-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.15)

My dear Silvia, Evan, Barbara, and Emily,

(A)I hope you are fine and doing well in school. Yesterday, I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your mother
I received your letter about wanting to take extra classes at and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. We are covered
Oxford University for additional credit. I also saw the by a family plan and share a single pool of minutes. When
recommendation letters from your teachers regarding these we gave you the cell phone we agreed to pay for it, but
extra classes. you were to stay within the guidelines of a certain number
of minutes each month, no more than 250 minutes per
(B)So, your father and I have decided to give you month for each of you. We just received the bill for May,
permission to go to England. We think it’ll be a great and we find that each of you went significantly over that
opportunity for you. With lots of love, Mom amount. The added cost to the family was nearly $100. (A)
만약 이런 일이 다시 발생한다면 우리는 너희의 사용을 제한하거나
(C)Letting you stay in New York to study is hard as it is, 자신의 휴대전화 요금은 자신이 지불하라고 할 수밖에 없을 것이다.
and now you are saying that you want to go to England We are not interested in controlling or interfering in your
for two months. That means you won’t be around for lives, but since we are paying the bills, we get to set the
Christmas this year, which makes me very sad, but I rules.
understand that this is a very good opportunity for your
educational career. [that you pay /limit your usage /for your own phone /or
ask /If this happens again /we will have to]

3강 3-3. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?14)

Dear Ms. Duddon,

Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear about the loss of

your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. We understand it was
destroyed, while hanging in your office, when ceiling fire
sprinklers were activated due to an overabundance of
welding smoke from our crew’s work site. As the Customer
Service Department at Foster WeldRite, Inc. is unable to 4강 1-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.16)
locate a replacement for you, will you please purchase
another Chinese paper kite and send us the receipt? We (A) 나는 무엇인가 벽을 따라 천천히 움직이는 소리를 들었다. I
will promptly pay you back. Foster WeldRite, Inc. has searched for a match in the dark and tried to strike it, but
improved work-site ventilation to prevent similar it wouldn’t light. This time I was certain: Something was
unfortunate occurrences. Thank you for your understanding moving in the tunnels, something alive, and it wasn’t a rat.
and your continued patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc. A very unpleasant smell came into my nostrils. Finally, I
managed to light a match. At first I was blinded by the
Sincerely, flame; then I saw something creeping toward me. From all
the tunnels. Shapeless figures crawling like spiders. The
Mark Hamilton match fell from my trembling fingers. I wanted to start
Customer Service Department running, but I couldn’t.
① to prevent similar unfortunate occurrences
② to remove bad smells from kites 보기 [along /heard /moving /something /slowly /I /the
③ to give out oxygens freely walls].
④ to improve the quality of the worksites
⑤ to make lots of windows
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
4강 1—3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.17) 4강 3—3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.19)

Once they arrived at the lake, Maggie took in a deep One block farther on, Brendan saw a small brick building.
breath. She was always amazed at how beautiful the lake Like the rest of the buildings they had passed on this
was this time of year. The water was a crystal blue, which street, it looked deserted. He paused in front of it, not
allowed her to see to the bottom at the edge. She stepped sure why this building had caught his attention. The front
out of the car onto the ground and looked at the spot door was ajar. He took a deep breath to gather his
Jamie chose for their picnic. It was perfect. Jamie strolled courage, then pulled it open. No one shouted. There was
to the back of his car and took out a picnic basket and no sound at all from inside. “Wait for me,” Brendan
blanket from the trunk of his convertible. He spread the whispered, releasing Dai Yue’s hand. He slipped through
blanket beneath an enormous oak tree that shaded a grassy the opening. There was a subtle odor that Brendan
spot. He invited her to sit down beside him. He opened recognized but couldn’t place for a moment. When he did,
the basket and let her take a peek at the contents. He he almost smiled. The room smelled like the library at St.
surprised her with her favorite fried chicken and potato Mary’s. Was this a bookstore? (A) Brendan은 더듬어 나아가
salad. For dessert, he had bought chocolate-covered 며 한 발자국, 그리고 또 한 발자국을 내딛었다. When his
strawberries. She was very pleased with his choices and fingertips brushed a leather binding, he did smile. Books.
couldn’t be more _______ here. No one would be likely to try to steal books tonight. He
and Dai Yue would be safe here.
① secluded
② passionate 보기 [his /Brendan /one /then /step /cautious /another
③ lonely /feeling /took /way]
④ crowded
⑤ relaxed

4강 4—3. 다음 중 올바른 어휘를 고르시오.20)

4강 2—3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.18)
My run slowed to a jog as we approached the gate for
On the first day of summer vacation, I approached the our flight to Paris. The plane was still there, but the door
stone steps of Porter Convalescent Center. The Saturday to the Jetway was shut. The gate agents were quietly
before, I had attended junior volunteer orientation there. sorting tickets. They had already retracted the hood
Now I was a completely trained “Cheery Blossom.” I connecting the Jetway to the airplane door. “Hi, we’re on
straightened my bright pink smock and marched inside. I this flight!” I panted. “Sorry,” said the agent. “We’re done
felt like Florence Nightingale, striding into battle to heal boarding.” “But our connecting flight landed just ten
and hearten the troops. The volunteer director assigned me minutes (A) . They promised us they would call ahead to
to 3 South. As we rode the shaky elevator, she explained the gate.” “Sorry, we can’t board anyone (B) they’ve
that this was a long-term care unit. Most of its patients closed the door.” My boyfriend and I walked to the
would never go home. I felt sick to my stomach as we window in disbelief. Our long weekend was about to fall to
opened the door to 3 South. The foul odor of urine and pieces. The plane waited right before our eyes.
Lysol overwhelmed me. The head nurse, Ms. Ticknor, was *retract 접다 **pant 숨을 헐떡이다
less than ________.
*convalescent 회복기의 **smock 작업용 덧옷 (A) (B)
① Ahead Once
① threatening ② Ahead Before
② welcoming ③ Later Before
③ challenging ④ Later Ago
④ blaming ⑤ Later After
⑤ avoiding
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
5강 1-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.21) 5강 3-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.23)

Children today are “safe.” Their only worries consist of Uncertainty and freedom are intertwined. (A)대학생들은 자신
fights with their parents, going to school, and dealing with 들이 가진 자유를 고마워해야 할지, 아니면 원망해야 할지 결정 할
the list of activities that they’re signed up for. But what’s 수 없다. You may be free from daily supervision by
going on? If they’re “safe” and living “well,” why do they parents, free to pick classes and a major, and free to set a
experience so many problems? Children have learned to be professional course. But those choices seem so numerous
cautious; a lot of kids have even lost that innate curiosity and important that you may be frozen with fear. You
that no one should ever lose. (A)큰 문제는 그들이 처리하기 어 might quickly retreat to conventional choices (like medical
려운 거대한 정보의 물결을 접하고 있다는 것이다. It’s even hard school) or depend on influential advisors (like your parents)
for us. That’s why being exposed to so much stimuli causes before giving yourself a chance to figure it out. Try not to
stress that they’re incapable of tolerating. All this causes confuse the joys and privilege of free choice with the fears
children to grow up quickly, going through their of uncertainty. It may be scary to look at an open
developmental stages without enjoying them. They don’t landscape, but it can and should be a thrilling moment of
live their childhood the way they should, which could cause possibility.
them serious problems that are difficult to solve later on.
[resent it /College students /or /they have /whether they
[that are hard /to large flows /that they are exposed /The appreciate /the freedom /cannot decide]
big problem is /of information /to process]

5강 2-3. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.22)

5강 4-3. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 곳을 고르시오. 24)

(A)“I didn’t want the little fellow to be disappointed on his

holiday,” he explained with a smile and turned to leave. At The most healthful piece of food seemed to be a small
a loss, the couple could only say, “Uh, th-thanks. And piece of green pepper floating on a sea of cheese on a
M-merry Christmas to you... Rabbi.” pizza.

(B)A few days before Christmas, a couple held the hands of Dear Principal Murphy,
their young son and walked quickly to their nearby church.
But the boy pulled back a bit, slowed, and came to an ①Brian is settling in well as a third-grade student at
abrupt halt. “Santa,” he whispered. “Santa!” The Fairview Elementary School. ②I do have a concern, though,
four-year-old broke free of his parents’ grasp and ran about the food offered in the school cafeteria. ③The
toward an elderly gentleman with a long, flowing white choices do not seem to have any relation to recognized
beard. Tugging on the stranger’s coattail, the youngster medical studies about such things as excessive fat, sugar,
begged, “Santa, will you bring me a teddy bear for and useless junk food. A recent menu included fried fish
Christmas?” with fried potato nuggets, a hot dog with potato chips, and
fried chicken with French fries. ④I don’t feed my child this
(C)Embarrassed, the couple started to apologize, but the sort of junk at home, and I don’t think it’s appropriate for
man merely waved them aside. Instead, he patted their son school. ⑤I would very much like to talk to the school
on the head, nodded once, and without a word went on dietitian about the offerings at school.
his way. On Christmas morning, a knock interrupted the
family’s festivities. In the doorway stood the old man Sincerely,
holding out a large bear. Karen Diamond
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
5강 1-3. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.25) 5강 2-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.27)

Six-month-old Angela is sitting in her high chair during In January 2004, George Wilson of Glebe Gardens,
lunch and sees her bottle on the table. She is pretty tired— Edinburgh, Scotland, walked his children to school and saw
it’s been a tough day!—and she wants her bottle. She looks an old man outside a still-closed shop in St. John’s Road.
at it as her mother, Sophie, feeds her and gets more and (A)나중에 Wilson 씨가 자기 아이들을 집으로 데려갈 때 그는 같
more frustrated. Eventually, she turns away from her 은 자리에서 그 노인을 봤다. Later, in the evening, he went
mother’s spoonfuls, arches her back, turns around in her out for a pint, and he saw the old man again, this time
high chair, and vocalizes as if she is about to cry. Sophie outside another shop. Taking pity on the man, who he
is clueless about what Angela wants. When Sophie happens knew now was homeless in weather that was forecast to be
to look at the table for another reason, she notices the –1℃, Mr. Wilson gave the old man, who was dressed only
bottle on it. “That’s what you want,” she says, and gives in jeans and a sweater, things to keep him warm: a fleece
Angela her bottle. Success at last! and a blanket. The old man appreciated the gifts.

① she gets so angry because of a loud voice [the old man /Later, /his children /home, /he saw /when
② she decides to change her own bottle Mr. Wilson took /at the same place.]
③ she realizes that it’s not good for her health
④ she can’t do better than his mother
⑤ she notices the bottle on it

5강 1-3. 빈칸에 들어갈 문장으로 적절한 것을 고르시오.26)

Once, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, the well-known social

reformer, was walking on the streets of Kolkata when he
heard an old man crying. He approached the man and
asked what was troubling him. “Everyone wants to know
my problems, but no one is ready to help me!” replied the
old man. On Vidyasagar’s insistence, the old man at last 5강 3-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오. 28)

poured his anguish out in words. A few years earlier, he

had borrowed some money from a man, by mortgaging his It is not always safe ①to laugh at one ②whose abilities
house. Now his creditor had gone to court and soon his seem to be less than our own. This lesson was painfully
house would be confiscated. He and his family would be learned by a young violin professor of Berlin at an evening
homeless. Vidyasagar listened to his story patiently, noting party, to ③where he had been invited. He played several
the names and dates and the details. “I shall do my best pieces, not with great applause, however. After he finished,
to help you,” he promised. When the old man turned up another young man was invited to play, but his playing
in court for his hearing the following week, he was was worse than ④that of his predecessor; in fact his style
surprised to hear that all his debts had been paid up fully. and execution were terrible. So our young professor again
His benefactor was none other than Vidyasagar! came forward and ⑤show his superior abilities very
boastfully, as if to utterly crush the strange musician. But
① his house already got caught by his creditor when it again became the stranger’s turn to play, his
② his wife had dead by stress of money performance was given with such brilliance of execution as
③ he was surprised to hear that all his debts had been to utterly defeat the young professor, who disappeared and
paid up fully was seen no more that evening. He had been contending
④ he had lost not only his house but his family with Paganini, one of the world’s great violinists.
⑤ he had to pay more than he expected
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
5강 4-3. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.29) 6강 1-3. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 31)

(A)David Hume was visited by the poet Thomas Blacklock, Although volunteer positions in Hustai are available
who complained at great length about his misfortunes: year-round, most volunteers choose the spring, summer,
blind and poor, he no longer had the means to support his and fall months, because winters in the Mongolian steppes
large family and did not know where to turn for help. are bitterly cold and inhospitable.

(B)Although he was in financial difficulties himself at that (A)Perhaps the very best time to visit is July, when
time, Hume managed to secure, through the influence of a herdsmen come from miles around to participate in the
friend, a university appointment worth about forty pounds three-day Naadam Festival, an ancient and colorful
a year. Nevertheless, he was so moved by the poet’s tale of competition of horse racing, archery, and wrestling—once
sorrow that he offered him the only means of assistance called the “three manly games.”
within his power to give.
(B)The horse race, with thousands of horses competing,
(C) Taking from his desk the grant for the university post, takes place not on a track, but over high-altitude
he handed it to his unfortunate friend and promised to Mongolian grasslands. The race is a long-distance one,
have the name changed from Hume to Blacklock. This kicked off with a special song (“Giin-Goo”) that all the
generous sacrifice almost certainly saved Blacklock and his horses know. The jockeys are children, ages 7 to 12, who
family from extreme poverty. wear colorful costumes. The top five winners are celebrated
in poetry and song.

(C)The Naadam Festival started as a religious event but has

evolved into a celebration of Mongolian statehood.

6강 2-3. 다음 중 글의 전체 내용과 관련 없는 문장은? 32)

6강 1-3. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.30)

Stone Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is one of the
Kaspar Fürstenau was a German flutist and composer. oldest districts on Zanzibar, an island off the coast of
Tanzania. ①This former Swahili trading town is a labyrinth
(A) At the age of 15, he was already a skilled flutist and of tiny streets and alleys, markets, mosques, and other
played in a military band. historic buildings—including the Anglican church on the site
of the old central slave market, East Africa’s largest
(B) After he was orphaned, Anton Romberg took care of slave-trading port. ②Combining Persian, Indian, European,
him and taught him to play the bassoon, but Fürstenau Arab, and African architecture, Stone Town has been
was more interested in the flute. occupied by humans for three centuries and is famed for
its beautifully carved wooden doors. ③The House of
(C) In 1793-94, Fürstenau made his first concert tour in Wonders, the former palace of Sultan Syyid Barghash, is
Germany. In 1794, he became a member of the “Chamber open to the public. ④This is one example of how
Orchestra of Oldenburg,” where he played until the community action and innovation are key to sustainable
orchestra was abolished in 1811. Kaspar Fürstenau land management in Africa. ⑤Its other claim to fame is
continued his career as a flutist performing together with that Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of Queen (a British
his son Anton Fürstenau in the major cities of Europe. rock band) was born there.
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
6강 3-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오. 33) 9강 1-3. 다음 중 글의 전체 내용과 관련 없는 문장은?35)

Common Sense, written by Thomas Paine, swept through Edmond Halley was interested in the problems of gravity.
the American colonies in 1776 during the opening months ①One problem that attracted his attention was the proof of
of the American Revolutionary War. (A) 그것은 석 달 동안 Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. ②In August 1684, he
12만 부가 넘게 팔렸고 식민지 주민들 간의 논쟁의 본질 전체를 바 went to Cambridge to discuss this with Isaac Newton, only
꾸어 놓았다. In this book, Thomas Paine declared that only to find that Newton had solved the problem already. He
complete independence from Great Britain would bring asked to see the calculations and was told by Newton that
prosperity to America. Without Common Sense, the he could not find them. ③Newton promised to redo them
American Revolution might have been shaken, and the and send them on later. He eventually did submit his
establishment of the new United States would have been calculations to Halley. ④In 1859 he returned permanently
postponed indefinitely. At first, Common Sense was to New York but continued to produce Italian subjects
published anonymously in January 1776. It soon emerged during the remainder of his career. ⑤After this initial
that an English free thinker named Thomas Paine had meeting, Halley visited Newton frequently; over the course
written it. Within weeks, the short book—barely 20,000 of these visits Newton showed Halley his proof as well as
words long—was being reprinted throughout the colonies. many other unpublished papers. Halley recognized the
importance of the works. He wanted Newton to publish but
[ in three months /It /among the colonists /more than Newton was reluctant. With a lot of encouragement from
120,000 copies /changed /and /the whole nature /of the Halley, eventually, Newton’s masterpiece was published at
debate /sold ] Halley’s expense in 1687.

5~8강 2-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.36)

Cephas Giovanni Thompson (1809-88) ① known

particularly for portraits and Italian scenes, but he also
6강 4-3. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은? 34) painted genre and historical subjects. He was born in
Middleborough and initially ② trained by his father. At
▶Against his father’s wishes, however, Courbet quit eighteen he established a portrait practice in Plymouth,
studying law and began his pursuit of a career as an artist. Massachusetts. He subsequently worked in Boston, ③ where
he studied with David Claypoole Johnston, in Philadelphia,
Gustave Courbet was born in 1819 in Ornas, France. His and elsewhere before arriving in New York in 1837. There
family was very well-off financially, and he received all of he flourished for a decade as a fashionable portrait painter.
the education that lifestyle could offer. ① He was sent to Spring (Metropolitan Museum, 1838), a softly romantic, ④
Paris to study law in 1840. ② Many of his early works idealizing portrait of a young woman, exemplifies his most
were in the Romantic tradition, but by the age of 23, appealing strengths. In 1847 he moved to New Bedford for
Courbet had settled into his niche of painting Realistic two years and then lived in Boston before sailing to
works. ③ He became the leader of the Realism movement Europe. He resided for most of the 1850s in Rome. In
in art. ④ He chose themes from everyday life and did not 1859 he returned permanently to New York but ⑤
exclude what might be considered ugly. ⑤ He believed that continued to produce Italian subjects during the remainder
paintings should be of things that were in the present and of his career.
of subjects that could be seen every day.
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
9강 1-3. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.37) 9강 2-3. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.39)

Recently on a flight to Asia, I met Debbie, who was The modern world is so interconnected and constantly
warmly greeted by all of the flight attendants and was even plugged in that finding the time and space to think can be
welcomed aboard the plane by the pilot. difficult.

(A)Darwin took long walks without company and firmly

(A)She did not, but she deserved the attention, for this turned down dinner party invitations. Moses spent time
flight marked the milestone of her flying over 4 million alone in the desert. Jesus wandered the wilderness.
miles with this same airline. Mohammed sat in the cave. Buddha went to the
(B)During the flight I learned that the airline’s CEO
personally called her to thank her for using their service (B)However, without freedom from the influence and
for a long time and she received a catalogue of fine luxury distractions of the world, it is virtually impossible to
gifts to choose from. Debbie was able to acquire this develop well-reasoned opinions, ideas, and values. History
special treatment for one very important reason: she was a shows a lot of examples of the transcendent power of
loyal customer to that one airline. solitude.

(C)Amazed at all the attention being paid to her, I asked if (C)Find your own mountaintop and don’t come down
she worked with the airline. without your own thoughts, opinions, and values.

9강 3-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.40)

(A) 이전 세대들과 달리, 직장에서 유형(有形)의 창조가 주는 만족

감을 경험하는 현대인들의 수는 점점 더 적어지고 있다. We move
numbers around on a screen, manage people who manage
other people, or sell advice, ideas, or someone else’s
9강 1-3. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?38) creations. For many of us, the shift from working with our
hands to working with our minds has created an unfulfilled
▶Villages that gained a reputation for producing really need for connection with the physical world we live in.
good wine, olive oil or ceramics discovered that it was Physical creation (beyond the more abstract “creativity”)
worth their while to concentrate nearly exclusively on that provides that connection. A way for a man to announce to
product and trade it with other settlements for all the the world, simply, “I am.” Creating is a primal need, but
other goods they needed. without an institutional directive to create, the internal fire
to do so can flicker and die, or worse yet, we may start to
①The rise of cities and the improvement in transport believe that making things is only for certain types of
infrastructure brought about new opportunities for people, not for us.
specialization. ②Densely populated cities provided full-time
employment for carpenters, priests, soldiers and lawyers. ③ [ generations/,/ fewer and fewer /Unlike /experience
This made a lot of sense. ④Climates and soils differ, so /modern men/the satisfaction /the workplace /previous
why drink ordinary wine from your backyard if you can /creation /in /of tangible ]
buy a smoother variety from a place whose soil and
climate is much better suited to grape vines? ⑤If the clay
in your backyard makes stronger and prettier pots, then
you can make an exchange.
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
9강 4-3, 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.41) 10강 1-3. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.43)

The small community of Zorborgu, near Tamale in northern (A) Many people believe that their intellectual ability is
Ghana, ① comprises mainly farmers. They decided to stop hardwired from birth, and that failure to meet a learning
②to burn crop residues and ③ protect their community challenge shows how bad their native ability is. But every
forest to reduce the risk of wildfires that cause widespread time you learn something new, you change the brain—the
land damage. As a result, crop yields ④ have been residue of your experiences is stored.
increased and the water in a pond near a sacred grove is
available throughout the year for farming, livestock watering (B) Understanding that this is so enables you to see failure
and domestic use. The community forest also provides as a badge of effort and a source of useful information—
herbal medicines. The innovative blend of traditional and the need to dig deeper or to try a different strategy.
modern decision-making by committees ⑤ that reflect
traditional leadership makes this a successful social, (C) It’s true that we start life with the gift of our genes,
economic and environmental initiative. This is one example but it’s also true that we become capable through the
of how community action and innovation are key to learning and development of mental models that enable us
sustainable land management in Africa. to reason, solve, and create. In other words, the elements
that shape your intellectual abilities lie to a surprising
extent within your own control.

10강 2-3. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.44)

(A)If we are what we eat, what is your teenage child? A

bag of chicken and chips? A kebab? Litres of fizzy drink?
The benefits of healthy eating and exercise are well
10강 1-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.42) documented and it is silly of us, as parents, to think we
can feed our teens mostly junk food then expect them to
It is not always easy ①to eat well when you have a perform at their best.
newborn baby. It can seem like you do not have time to
prepare tasty nutritious meals or even ②eating them. You (B) In this age of pesticides, hormone treatment additives
will need to learn the following trick. Try not to wait until (hence the well-built structure of today’s pre-teens), etc.
you are really hungry to think about eating. When you that are in foods, both parents and teens need to
have a newborn baby, ③prepare food will probably take understand that mental and physical well-being are aligned
longer than usual. If you start when you are already with what we eat.
hungry, you will be absolutely ④starving before the food is
ready. When you are starving and tired, ⑤eating healthy is (C)Depression, aggression, lack of focus, headaches and so
difficult. You may want to eat fatty fast food, chocolates, much more can be improved with the right foods. Be open
cookies or chips. This type of food is okay sometimes, but to this, for yourself and your young person.
not every day.
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
10강 3-3.올바른 순서를 고르시오.45) 11강 1-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.47)

(A)What was a core competence in one decade may become In philosophy, the best way to understand the concept of
a mere capability in another. For example, in the 1970s an argument is to contrast it with an opinion. An opinion
and 1980s quality, as measured by defects per vehicle, was is simply a belief or attitude about someone or something.
undoubtedly a core competence for Japanese car companies. We express our opinions all the time: We love or hate
Superior reliability was an important value element for certain films or different types of food. For the most part,
customers and a genuine differentiator for Japanese car people’s opinions are based almost always upon their
producers. feelings. They don’t feel they have to support their opinions
with any kind of evidence. An argument is something a bit
(B)Over long periods of time, what was once a core different from this. (A) 이것은 자신의 주장이 사실이라는 것을
competence may become a base-line capability. Quality, 다른 사람에게 확신시키기 위하여 만들어진 것이다. Thus, it is
rapid time to market, and quick-response customer service an attempt to present reasons in support of one’s claims.
—once genuine differentiators—are becoming routine Arguments are the building blocks of philosophy, and the
advantages in many industries. good philosopher is one who is able to create the best
arguments based on a solid foundation.
(C)It took more than a decade for Western car companies
to close the quality gap with their Japanese competitors, 보기 [ made /that /true /others /is /to /one’s /it /are
but by the mid-1990s quality, in terms of initial defects per /convince /claims ].
vehicle, had become a prerequisite for every car maker.
There is a dynamic at work here that is common to other

11강 1—3. 다음 글의 주제로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.48)

10강 4-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.46) An issue receiving much attention in the media and
schools is bullying. This is seen as repeated, unprovoked
More than 2000 years ago, Aristotle wrote that happiness abuse by one or more children that causes physical or
is a condition. It is not something that is achieved by psychological pain to another child. Bullying is harmful and
pursuing it directly; rather, it is something that comes out can affect the classroom climate in a negative way. Drama
through our engagement in purposeful activity. This is the can be used with children to build social perspective,
statement of the law of indirect effort. This law simply says emotional empathy, and compassion for others. In drama,
that almost anything we get in life involving emotional the characters can work through a number of difficulties,
experiences comes to us indirectly rather than directly. It including bullying. Tabone (2003) uses the children’s book
comes to us as a result of doing something else. If we Rotten Ralph, a story about a rotten cat, for a class drama.
pursue happiness directly, it eludes us. But if we get busy The story is read to the children, and they discuss how
doing something that is important to us and make progress Sarah feels about what her cat, Ralph, is doing. Some of
in the direction of our dreams, we find ourselves feeling his actions are breaking one of Sarah’s dolls, making fun of
very happy. Self-confidence is also subject to the law of her, sawing off a limb that holds her swing, and other
indirect effort. (A)우리는 훨씬 더 높은 목표와 목적을 설정하고 terrible things. The children can dramatize some things
달성함으로써 더 높은 수준을 달성한다. As we move forward, they may do, while the teacher offers other options. This
step by step, once we feel ourselves advancing in life, we drama experience could be extended to drawing about the
feel better and more capable of taking on even more happenings of bullying.
① We need to inspect bullying thoroughly
[by setting /and achieving /We achieve /even higher goals ② We need to learn from a book ‘Tabone’
/higher levels /and objectives] ③ Students are not socialized than before
④ Bullying can affect negatively to students
⑤ Drama can be the solution of bullying
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
11강 2—3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.49) 11강 4—3. 다음 문장의 위치로 올바른 것을 고르시오.51)

Many middle managers and first-line employees must feel We open the bubble to our friends, children, parents, and
like the laborers who built the pharaohs’ tombs. Every so on, but we’re careful to keep most people out of this
pharaoh hoped to build for himself a tomb of such space.
intricate and deceitful design that no marauder would ever
be able to enter it and steal the pharaoh’s wealth. Think of ① We all surround ourselves with a “personal bubble”
the laborers as middle managers in the midst of corporate that we go to great lengths to protect. ② When we stand
restructuring. All the workers knew that when the tomb in line, we make certain there is enough space so that we
was finished they would be put to ____ —this was how don’t touch the person in front of us and aren’t touched by
the pharaoh destroyed any memory of how to find the the person behind us. ③ At times, we extend our personal
wealth. Imagine what would happen when the pharaoh space. ④ In the library, for example, you may place your
showed up on a work site and inquired of a supervisor, coat on the chair next to you—claiming that space for
“How’s it going, are you about done yet?” “Not yet boss, yourself even though you aren’t using it. ⑤ If you want to
it’ll be a few more years, I’m afraid.” No wonder tombs really widen your space, you might even spread books in
were seldom finished within the pharaoh’s lifetime! And no front of the other chairs, keeping the whole table to
wonder so few first‒ level and mid‐level employees bring yourself by giving the impression that others have just
their full emotional and intellectual energies to the task of stepped away.
*marauder 약탈자
① Fortune
② Death
③ Palace
④ Banishment
⑤ Promotion

11강 3—3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.50)

Responsibility is an attribute that great achievers have in 12강 1-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.52)
common. No matter what their background or life history,
true leaders seem to share the belief that they are the What’s happening when we’re actually doing two things at
source—the creator. In other words, they are responsible once? It’s simple. Our brain has channels, and so we’re
for the outcome of their actions. On some level, they able to process different kinds of data in different parts of
generated the outcome, (A) 자신의 물리적 행동이 아니라 하더 our brain. Therefore, you can talk and walk at the same
라도 정신적 행동에 의해서. They seem to believe that they time. There is no channel interference. But you’re not
create whatever happens in their life someone cut them off really focused on both activities. One is happening in the
on the road, they contributed to that outcome in some foreground and the other in the background. If you were
way. Maybe they were driving in the other car’s blind spot, trying to explain on the cell phone how to operate a
or they weren’t paying close enough attention, or they complex machine, you’d stop walking. Similarly, if you were
didn’t anticipate the lane change of a car. That is how crossing a rope bridge over a valley, you’d likely stop
leaders are— they take full responsibility. talking. (A)두 가지 일을 동시에 할 수는 있지만, 두 가지 일에 동
시에 효과적으로 집중할 수는 없다.
보기 [their /by /actions/ not /physical /if /actions /by
/then /mental /their] [at once, /on two things /but you can’t focus /two things
/You can do /effectively /at once]
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
12강 1-3. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 곳을 고르시오.53) 12강 3-3. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.55)

Thus, without the rules of English grammar, there would Verbal communication involves conveying messages that
be no English language. have both content (i.e. what is said) and form (i.e. how it
is sent). Many coaches are very good at giving information
①Our beliefs about emotions not only describe what is, that is high in content, for instance, when introducing new
whether in fact or myth, but they also prescribe what tactics or technical skills. However, players may “switch
should—or should not—be. ②For example, you should not off,” become bored, confused and even frustrated if too
laugh during a funeral. ③In addition to regulating how we much instruction is given. Furthermore, when coaches
respond, many rules also have an enabling function. ④To continually use verbal instruction, they become the main
illustrate with a nonemotional example, rules of grammar actors in the coaching theater thereby limiting or stopping
regulate how a person speaks “properly”; more Therefore, by involving the players through asking questions
fundamentally, they help constitute the language that is and listening to them, a coach obliges them to think,
spoken. ⑤Similarly, without the rules of anger, say, there collect information, evaluate and create. This involves and
would be no anger, only unclear expressions of rage or encourages players to take more responsibility for their own
frustration. learning and development.

① thereby limiting or stopping the active participation of

the players
② deciding what they shoul do on their own
③ having respect with the players around them
④ have faith in people who are in close range
⑤ encouraging other coaches to become more passionate

12강 4-3. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.56)

(A) Focus on what you have done well in the past as well
as on what you are currently doing well. By focusing on
your successes instead of your problems, you can more
12강 2-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.54) quickly accomplish the results you desire. For example,
golfers such as Tiger Woods or Annika Sorenstam are able
The ancients recognized seven activities as arts: history, to ignore hostile crowds, challenging weather conditions,
poetry, comedy, tragedy, mask, dance, and astronomy. Each and their competition.
was ①governed by its own muse, each had its own rules
and aims, but all seven were united by a common (B)They focus their energy on accomplishing the task—
motivation: they were tools, useful ②to describe the striking the golf ball cleanly. Similarly, when people are
universe and our place in it. They were methods of depressed or anxious about their communication ability,
understanding the mysteries of existence, and as such, they they can lessen these feelings by focusing on situations
themselves took on the aura of those mysteries. As a where they have succeeded in not being depressed and
result, they were each aspects of religious activity: The anxious.
performing arts celebrated the rituals; history ③recording
the story of the race; astronomy searched the heavens. In (C) As you assess your behaviors, attitudes, and values, you
each of these seven classical arts we can discover the roots may realize that you are acting in ways that aren’t as
of contemporary cultural and scientific categories. History, effective or appropriate as possible. How can you best
for example, ④lead not only to the modern social sciences change your behaviors, attitudes, and values? A strategy is
but also to prose narrative: the novel, short stories, and so useful.
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
1-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.57) 3—3. 다음 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 알맞은 자리를 고르시오.59)

(A) 모든 일이 크게 서둘러 행동함으로써 이루어지는 것은 아니다. In the subconscious mind of the child, however, the
Sometimes you have to be on high alert and think on your message is received loud and clear.
feet, but often you have to carefully consider matters and
take your time analyzing every aspect before signing up for There are several ways in which your self image has
a project or relationship. That is what the turtle is teaching become distorted. ① For instance, imprinting. I was at a
us. Fast is good, because you don’t want to miss shop, and a mother came in with a child in a buggy. ②
opportunities in a world that is so full of competitors. Yet, The child was terrible. It cried and shouted. So the mother
slow is good, too, because in many instances, you have to said: “Why do you always behave so badly when you are in
look before you leap. When in a hurry, the chance of a shop with me?” ③ Now, that’s a stupid remark, but one
making irrational or untimely decisions increases, and with which can easily slip out of any parent. ④ Next time she
that, also the chance of unnecessary failure increases. Like goes shopping with her mom, she will wonder: “Who am I
with everything, moderation and balance are golden rules when I go shopping with mom?”. ⑤ And the information
here. There are times when you have to move rapidly, but will readily pop up, with the authority of the mother’s
when the water looks good, you should not dive in it if voice: “You are someone who always behaves badly when
you don’t know how to swim yet. There are instances when you are with me!” So, of course the child will behave badly
you just have to wait. again.
*buggy 유모차
[ great /acting /not /done /with /by /gets /everything
/haste. ].

2—3. 다음 글의 주제로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.58)

Until recently psychology has mainly been working within

a disease model: a strong emphasis has been placed on 4—3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.60)
discovering deficits in human behaviour and finding ways
to repair this damage. Psychologists hardly focused on The quality of the environment, both natural and
doing studies acquiring knowledge about healthy functioning man-made, is essential to tourism. However, tourism’s
and building strengths. In other words, they have focused relationship with the environment is complex. It involves
solely on taking away something negative (the many activities that can have adverse environmental effects.
dysfunctioning) instead of adding something positive Many of these impacts are linked with the construction of
(increasing mental and behavioural health). The result is general infrastructure such as roads and airports, and of
that psychologists know little about healthy and happy tourism facilities, including resorts, hotels, restaurants and
functioning. This situation has been changing now since the shops. The negative impacts of tourism development can
rise of positive psychology a few years ago. What is gradually destroy the environmental resources on which it
Positive Psychology? It is a new movement in psychology, depends. On the other hand, tourism has the potential to
originated by Martin Seligman and a few other prominent create beneficial effects on the environment by contributing
psychologists. It aims to be a psychological science about to environmental protection and conservation. (A) 그것은 환
the best things in life. 경적 가치에 대한 인식을 높이는 방법이고, and it can serve as
*deficit 약점 a tool to finance the protection of natural areas and
① The difference between past and present’ psychology increase their economic importance.
② The result of researching negative psychology was hopeless
③ Human behaviour and finding ways need to be repaired
보기 [ of /raise /values /to /a /way /awareness /is
④ We wasted our time by focusing solely on negative psychology
/environmental /it ]
⑤ Psychology has been changing as focusing on positive
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
13강 1—3. 다음 문장의 위치로 올바른 것을 고르시오.61) 13강 2—3. 다음 글의 주제로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.63)

This may seem meaningless, but there are a lot of A child who hears a stern warning about the dangers of
benefits to perceiving time like 65‒year‒olds. running in the street will have better self-esteem than a
child who only hears that he’s a “bad boy” when he runs
In an experiment, when people were asked to count three into the street. The child who’s a “bad boy” is getting the
minutes in their heads, 25‒year‒olds were quite accurate, message that he and his behavior are not okay. He doesn’t
but 65‒year‒olds went over on average by 40 seconds. ① learn the difference between what he does and what he is.
Time seemed to pass faster for the older group. ② For As an adult, his inner critic will attack both his behavior
example, if you have been working on a project for eight and his worth. Parents who carefully distinguish between
hours, but it only feels like six, ③ you will have more inappropriate behavior and the basic goodness of the child
energy to keep going. ④ If you have been running for 20 raise children who feel better about themselves and have a
minutes, and you perceive it to be only 13 minutes, you’re far gentler inner critic.
more likely to have seven more minutes of energy. ⑤ So,
if you want to use your energy to work longer, just change ① We need to pick out the children’s mistakes
your perception of how long you have been working. ② Why children’s self esteem decrease nowadays
③ We need to teach children generously about their faults
④ Running in the street is very dangerous to children
⑤ We need to be more patient while children run

13강 3—3. 다음 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 알맞은 자리를 고르시오.64)

As descendants of these nomadic people, our physiology is

based on abundant movement and a diet of vegetables,
fruits, nuts, fish, and infrequent, small portions of meat.
13강 1-4. 어법이 틀린 곳을 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.(2개)62)
Let’s go back to our ancestors, back before elevators,
Sometimes conflict can ① be resolved through an escalators, cars, and even horses. This is when our human
expansion of resources. For example, a department may physiology was coming of age. ① Our ancestors had to
need five computers but has a budget for only three. move to survive. ② Not unlike most other mammals,
However, by talking the finance people into delaying the humans had to expend much energy in order to acquire
purchase of other equipment, there ② are be more money food and water. ③ These early humans, with whom we
③ left for departmental computers. Alternatively, the share most of our physiology, were nomadic, and therefore
company may be reorganized and some people ④ give moving was an essential part of their lives. ④ To the
early retirement, thus freeing up funds for computer extent we have that, we are more likely to be healthy. To
equipment. An expansion of resources involves a reworking the extent we don’t, problems arise. ⑤
of the budget for the purpose of determining ⑤ how *nomadic 떠돌이 생활을 하는
additional funds can be found.
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
13강 4—3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.65) 14강 1-3. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?67)

Some travel companies are very specific about what’s ▶However, there is one major difference between science
included in the price quoted for a trip, but in other cases, and the arts.
you’ll have to ask for details. “Some meals” might mean
dinner but not breakfast or lunch, and “sightseeing” may Search for truths about nature is science. ①It is a creative
mean a guide and local transportation but not admission activity. ②When one obtains a new insight into the
fees or tips. Another good topic to investigate is your working of nature, one is as much thrilled as, say, a
accommodations. (A) 일부 여행업자들은 특정한 호텔을 약속하는 painter or a sculptor when he creates a masterpiece. ③
것이 아니라 but simply promise three- or four-star Scientific effort is cumulative and cooperative, whereas each
properties, so if you’re particular about lodging, ask where artistic creation is complete in itself. ④In science, every
the group stayed on past trips. And if you and your newly established fact, however insignificant it may appear
traveling companion want two separate beds, confirm that to be at the time, and every new idea, however small, is
up front. bound sooner or later to contribute to major advances in
our understanding of nature. ⑤Even such a great physicist
보기 [ tour /operators /some /don’t /to /specific /commit as Newton wrote: “If I can see a little farther, it is by
/hotels ] standing on the shoulders of giants.”

14강 2-3. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.68)

A key feature of the art scene in the 21st century is the

impact of globalization—the accelerating interconnectivity of
human activity and information across time and space.
14강 1-3. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.66)
(A)For example, Wangechi Mutu, originally from Kenya,
Most dictionaries list names of famous people. pursued further education in South Wales and then in the
United States. Her collaged images of women are informed
by African tribal arts, 20th-century European and American
(A)The editors must make difficult decisions about whom to collage artists, and the latest illustrations from fashion, and
include and whom to exclude. Webster’s New World medical sources, etc.
Dictionary, for example, includes Audrey Hepburn but
leaves out Spencer Tracy. (B)Mutu is considered by many to be one of the most
important contemporary African artists of recent years, and
(B) her work has achieved much global acclaim.
According to him, however, entertainers who are alive are
not included. For that very reason, Elton John and Paul (C)Aided by the Internet and mass media, awareness of the
McCartney aren’t in the dictionary, but both Marilyn vitality of contemporary art in localities around the globe
Monroe and Elvis Presley, who died decades ago, are. has grown tremendously. Anyone with access to the
Internet can follow developments in Shanghai, Sydney, São
(C)It lists Bing Crosby, not Bob Hope; Willie Mays, not Paulo, or Nairobi. Simultaneously the increased movement
Micky Mantle. Executive editor Michael Agnes explains that of artists across borders and oceans has added to the
names are chosen based on their frequency of use and intermixing of influences and artistic vocabularies.
their usefulness to the reader.
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
14강 3-3. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?69) 15강 1—3. 다음 문장의 위치로 올바른 것을 고르시오.71)

▶But some educators are realizing that this is a dead end. After the stir had died down, the philosophers gathered
again and improved their definition.
①Despite all the spending, computers are not often used to
do anything that couldn’t be done as easily—and more It is said that 1 in ancient Athens the followers of Plato
cheaply and effectively—with old-fashioned books, pencils, gathered one day to ask themselves the following question:
paper, and chalk. ②“Interactive” whiteboards are too “What is a human being?” ① After a great deal of thought,
frequently used merely for displaying text or pictures to a they came up with the following answer: “a human being is
dutifully seated class, not much different from what you a featherless biped.” ② Everybody seemed content with this
can do with an overhead projector or chalkboard. ③ definition until a philosopher burst into the lecture hall
Computers are used for mere word processing, to display with a live featherless chicken. ③ Holding it in his hand,
cognitively bleak commercial software packages like he shouted “Look! I present you with a human being.” ④
PowerPoint, or to play dull educational games of uncertain A human being, they said, is a featherless biped with broad
merit. ④Computer “art” packages get used as bland nails. ⑤ This curious story from the history of early
substitutes for paint-and-paper art. ⑤They’re doing philosophy shows the kinds of difficulties philosophers have
something different with technology in the classroom. These sometimes been faced with when attempting to give
teachers have realized that the point isn’t to simply repeat abstract, general definitions of what it is to be human.
more expensively what they’re already doing quite well with *biped 두 발 동물
paper, pencils, and books. It’s to do new things that they
currently can’t do.

15강 1-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용하고, 적절한 형태로 변형하여

(A)를 완성하시오.72)

As Ruth Handler watched her daughter Barbara growing

up during the 1950s, she noticed that she and her friends
seemed more interested in playing with adult dolls than
14강 4-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.70) with the traditional baby versions. Unfortunately, the only
grown-up dolls available at the time were made of
The reason ① why people like Sigmund Freud and Carl cardboard. (A) Ruth는 입체적인 형태의 대체품이 상업적인 성공
Jung became interested in the study of dreams is ② what 을 거둘 것이라고 확신하게 되었다. She took her idea to the
they saw them as a source of self-knowledge. In dreams board of Mattel, the company that she and her husband
our subconscious minds may reveal things to us that our established, but it was rejected as being too risky and
conscious minds deny. ③ What the work of Freud, Jung expensive. The executives only decided to back Ruth’s
and others indicates is that we may not be able to arrive hunch when she returned from a trip to Switzerland with
at full self-knowledge ④ unaided. We may need others to an adult doll called Lilli. Ruth’s doll went into production
help us see what and who we are. A very different and was named “Barbie” in honor of her daughter. Barbie
approach is taken by Existentialist philosophers, who reject was unveiled at the 1959 American Toy Fair in New York.
the very idea ⑤ which there is such a thing as ‘human Mattel sold 351,000 Barbies in year one.
nature’. According to them, we do not need to discover
who we are because we are who we choose to be. Each 보기 [ that /success /alternative /would /a /convinced /be
individual creates his or her own nature through making /a three-dimensional /Ruth /became /commercial ].
certain choices, and what we can make, we can also
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
15강 2-3. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.73) 15강 4-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오(동사의
경우 적절히 변형해 쓰시오). 75)

One reason many of us have a higher regard for our own

character than that of others is that we judge ourselves by Satyamurti was a leading nationalist in India. He was
our intentions and others by their acts, especially those known for his great speech. His words carried logic and
acts we find annoying. For example, if we don’t visit a reason, wit and wisdom. (A) 그래서 그는 대개 논쟁에서 다른
friend or relative in the hospital, we usually don’t think of 사람들을 이겼다. Once he went to England to present India’s
ourselves as having done something wrong. Instead, we case for freedom. He met the leading politicians in Britain.
_______, “I really did think of paying a visit; I just didn’t He pleaded with them to restore self-government to India.
have enough time. But I wanted to go.” Yet, when we are At one meeting, while he was presenting India’s case for
a hospital patient, and others don’t visit, most of us don’t freedom, a heckler asked, “Do you know that the sun never
spend time devising explanations for the non-visitors’ sets on the British Empire?” That was true. For Britain had
behavior. Instead, we are apt to dismiss them as selfish or colonies all around the globe. And always it was day in
“fair-weather” friends. Therefore, in the future, make an some or the other part of the Empire. Satyamurti looked in
effort to judge others by their intentions when their actions the general direction of the crowd from where the question
upset you, in the same way most of us judge ourselves had come and smiled. The heckler felt he had nettled
when we have done something that has upset another. Satyamurti. He thought Satyamurti would not have a
convincing reply. Here he went wrong. For Satyamurti
① feel guilty replied, “Do you know why? Even the sun doesn’t trust the
② specialize British in the dark.”
③ rationalize *heckler 야유꾼 **nettle 화나게 하다
④ purify
⑤ apologize 보기 [ get /the /arguments /so /of /in /he /others /better
/usually ]

15강 3-3. 다음 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 알맞은 자리를 고르시오.74)

The French student, on the other hand, sees the test as a 16강 1-3. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?76)
low priority because it is far away.
▶This is the daily experience of parents troubled by
The main reason that students do not study is not that constant quarreling between toddlers.
they do not have enough time; it is that they would rather
be doing something else. ① Consider a student who has a ①Children are much more resistant to giving something to
French test in two weeks. ② We know that the earlier the someone else than to helping them. ②One can observe this
student starts studying for the test, the fewer tasks will difference clearly in very young children. ③Even though
need to be completed each day. ③ He would rather watch one‐and‐a‐half‐year‐olds will support each other in
television or read a book than take 15 minutes to study for difficult situations, they are not willing to share their own
the test. ④ A week and a half later, the test becomes toys with others. ④The little ones even defend their
more important. By that time, the student will need several possessions with screams and, if necessary, blows. ⑤ There
hours to prepare. ⑤ He will most likely find it more was no word I heard more frequently than “Mine!” from
difficult to fit a three-hour block of study time into his my daughters when they were still in diapers.
schedule than several 15-minute blocks.
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
16강 1-3. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.77) 16강 3-3. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.79)

In a mock jury study, researcher Bonnie Erickson and her Dr. King didn’t change America by himself.
colleagues had people listen to a witness answer questions
about a supposed accident—for example, “Approximately (A)He wasn’t a legislator, for example, but legislation was
how long did you stay there before the ambulance arrived?” created to give all people in the United States equal rights
regardless of skin color. It wasn’t Dr. King who changed
(A)What the witnesses said turned out to be less important America; it was the movement of millions of others whom
than how they said it: the straightforward, confident he inspired that changed the course of history.
witnesses were rated significantly more credible.
(B)With each success, with every tangible demonstration
(B)Others listened to the witness hem and haw: “Oh, it that the vision can in fact become more reality, the more
seems like it was about, uh, twenty minutes. Just long practical-minded majority starts to take interest. What was
enough to help my friend Mrs. David, you know, get previously just a dream soon becomes a provable and
straightened out.” tangible reality.

(C)Some jurors heard the witness respond straightforwardly: (C)But how do you organize millions of people? Forget
“Twenty minutes. Long enough to help get Mrs. David millions, how do you organize hundreds or tens of people?
straightened out.” The vision and charisma of a good leader first attract
innovators and early adopters. Trusting their guts and their
intuition, these people will make the greatest sacrifices to
help see the vision become a reality.

16강 2-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.78)

Consider the tasks of surfing the web and proofreading a

report for errors. The rules for surfing include using the
mouse to move the cursor, double clicking screen choices,
clicking the “back” key to return to a previous screen, 16강 4-3. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?80)
pushing another button once to bookmark a page, and so
on. The rules for proofreading are different and might ▶In fact Roberts had inadvertently committed two cultural
include first skimming a page for obvious mistakes, reading mistakes.
the report one word at a time to check for spelling, and
then rereading the report paragraph by paragraph to see if While medical anthropologist Jennifer Roberts conducted
one’s points are clear. (A) 검색과 교정을 한꺼번에 하는 사람은 urban fieldwork in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, her research
사실상 한 가지 과제에서 다른 과제로 전환하고 있는 것이다. The assistant introduced Roberts to a woman who was
decision that it is time to stop, say, proofreading and begin accompanied by her five-year-old daughter. ①Roberts was
surfing takes a fraction of a second. And then, the decision so taken by the girl’s beauty that she patted the girl on
to “get in the mind-set” of surfing, and bring to mind how the head while commenting to the mother what a gorgeous
one surfs takes another fraction of a second. Although each child she had. ②Much to Roberts’s surprise, the mother
switch may waste only a second or so, the multitasker responded by saying that the girl was not pretty at all and
makes many switches, wasting much time. What is more then abruptly left. ③What had Roberts done? She was
efficient? Prioritizing and organizing one’s time. simply trying to pay the woman and her daughter a
compliment. ④First, in this part of the world, patting a
[Someone /actually /surfs /and /from /proofreads /who /at child on the head is viewed as a violation of the most
the same time /is /to /switching /one task /another] sacred part of the body. ⑤Second, complimenting a child
on her beauty or health is regarded in Malaysia as inviting
bad fortune for the child.
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
17강 1-3. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.81) 13~16강 3-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.83)

(A) Giving people feedback about their past performance At one point in my career in business, I applied for a job
can be a powerful way to help them learn. Equally useful that looked perfect on paper. It paid about thirty thousand
is “feedforward,” which means exploring new options for dollars a year more than what I was currently making. (A)
the future. Marshall Goldsmith, a management consultant, 그것은 내가 알고 있으며 좋아하는 일을 하는, 많은 예산과 인사상
suggests a way to do this. 의 책임이 있는 일자리였다. But on the day that I was called
with the job offer, I got off the telephone, sat down, and
(B) To make this process work, avoid any conversation started to cry. My gut instinct was telling me something
about what’s happened in the past. Focus instead on the was wrong. But I didn’t listen. I took the job because it
next actions you intend to take. paid so well and my brain kept telling me it was the right
thing to do. Less than two years later, I left that job,
(C) First, talk about a specific, high-impact behavior that having been miserable for almost every minute I was there.
you’d like to change—for example, “I want to be a better My gut knew that I shouldn’t have taken the job, but I
listener.” Then gather with a small group of trusted friends talked myself into it. That almost never works out well.
and ask for suggestions about ways to accomplish your Listen to your instincts. If something seems wrong, then
goal. spend time to figure out what it is.

[with lots of budget /I knew /a job /and /It was /doing

work /personnel responsibility, /that /and liked]

13~16강 4-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.84)

17강 2-3. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?82)
At 7:35 a.m. on November 13, 1872, in the port city of Le
As former Tech Insider reporter Drake Baer points out, Havre, France, Claude Monet gazed out his hotel window
reflecting on the day’s successes can help you incorporate and ①begins to paint ②what he saw. The result was
those lessons into the next day. “Impression, Soleil Levant” (“Impression, Sunrise’s”)—and
the birth of a movement. How do we know exactly when
①Harvard Business School professor Francesca Gino and Impressionism began? Because of Donald Olson, a Texas
her colleagues asked workers to spend 15 minutes at the State University astrophysicist who uses astronomy to solve
end of their workdays writing about what went well that art and literary mysteries. When asked ③to help determine
day, and they found that the journaling employees had the painting’s provenance, Olson began by examining maps
22.8% higher performance than those who didn’t ponder on and photos very carefully to identify Monet’s hotel and
their workday. ②“You introduce a stimulus, gather the data room. The final clues were the smoke plumes in the
of your experience, and then improve from there,” he painting, ④show the wind blowing east to west. Then he
writes. ③It’s worth noting that study participants didn’t turned to astronomy—using the rising sun and the moon to
simply think about what went well, but wrote their determine the tide, season, and time of day—and consulted
responses down. ④“It’s very easy to deceive yourself if digitized 19th-century weather observations. Those findings
you’re just thinking about it,” Gino explains, “but when you —plus the “72” by Monet’s signature—closed the case and
write things down on paper, it’s easier to identify what’s ⑤put a precise time stamp on a timeless work of art.
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
17강 1-3. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.85) 17강 2-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.87)

(A) Explain that you will have a family someday and you On a campaign in Silesia, Frederick, King of Prussia, gave
need to know how to manage your money. Not everything orders one day that all fires and lights were to be
is taught at school! extinguished in his camp by a certain hour. (A)자신의 명령
이 복종되고 있는지 확인하기 위해 왕은 직접 순찰을 돌았다.
(B) Your parents may be afraid that you will not spend Passing by the tent of a certain Captain Zietern, he noticed
your allowance wisely. You may make some foolish the glimmer of a candle, and upon entering found the
spending choices, but if you do, the decision to do so is officer sealing a letter to his wife. Frederick demanded to
your own and hopefully you will learn from your mistakes. know what Zietern thought he was doing; didn’t he know
the orders? The captain threw himself at the king’s feet,
(C) Much of learning occurs through trial and error. unable to deny or excuse his disobedience. Frederick
Explain to your parents that money is something you will instructed him to sit down and add a postscript to the
have to deal with for the rest of your life. It is better that letter, which Frederick himself dictated: “Tomorrow I shall
you make your mistakes early on rather than later in life. perish on the scaffold.” Zietern wrote what he was told and
was duly executed the following day.

[his order /To make /that /went /was obeyed, /the king
/certain /himself /the rounds]

17강 3-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.88)

17강 1-3. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?86) Before you begin ①teaching your children responsibility, be
certain you have the concept clear in your own mind. What
An image of the self has been created that is utterly does responsibility mean to you? What responsibilities do
lacking in natural generosity. you think children should have, and at what ages? Most
parents feel ②that basic responsibilities include keeping a
The pleasures of kindness were well known in the past. ① clean room and ③pick up any mess made in other rooms
Kindness was mankind’s “greatest delight,” the Roman of the house. When our children become students, we want
philosopher-emperor Marcus Aurelius declared, and thinkers them ④meet the requirements of being a learner and to ⑤
and writers have echoed him down the centuries. ②But do their homework religiously. Another responsibility is for
today, many people find these pleasures literally incredible personal hygiene, being bathed and combed and well
or at least highly suspect. ③Most people appear to believe dressed. There is financial responsibility, in which children
that deep down they (and other people) are mad, bad, and learn to budget and to spend wisely their allowances or
dangerous to know; ④that as a species—apparently unlike income from part-time jobs. Children need to become
other species of animals—we are deeply and fundamentally responsible with their time, getting to school before the
hostile to each other, that our motives are utterly bell rings, keeping curfew, managing to fit in all their
self-seeking, and that our sympathies are forms of activities and still have down-time left.
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
17강 4-3. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.89) 18강 1-3. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?91)

A survey is somewhat like an interview in that Fortunately, you can still tell a lot from tone of voice.
_________________. However, an interview is done
one-on-one, and the conversation has great flexibility. A When you remove body language and facial expressions
survey, on the other hand, is usually written in advance. A from communication, you remove many of the signals we
number of participants agree to answer a set of questions. use to read other people. ①Communication over the phone
If they write their answers, the survey takes the form of a leaves you and your customer with limited insight into how
questionnaire. They may or may not complete the survey in the person on the other end of the conversation is
your presence. What you will get will be the briefest reacting. ②Is he in a defensive posture and getting more
answers to your questions—no more, no less. Obviously, withdrawn as you talk? ③Is she rolling her eyes while you
you will run into difficulty if you realize later on that you tell her how much you value her business? ④Is he reading
should have asked different questions. Therefore, in a his email instead of listening to you? The more physical
survey, most of the work lies in the preparation of the cues we remove from our interactions, the easier it is to
questions so as to get the best answers. have misunderstandings.⑤

① it is done for a short period of time

② it doesn’t have the ability to be changed so easy that it
can’t be fixed
③ the person conducting it prepares a set of questions
④ the questions are limited in numbers
⑤ the survey has the typical form

18강 2-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.92)

The tradition of a pep squad as a support for sports teams

is one that many people are familiar with. These groups
exist for many different types of high school and college
18강 1-3. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.90) sports, most notably football. Essentially, a pep squad is a
group of individuals who have the responsibility of
(A) When they are made aware of a whole range of goods, motivating and promoting enthusiasm for a particular
they are able to compare them and make purchases so that sports team before and during a sports competition. The
they get what they desire with their hard‐earned money. use of the term varies to a degree from place to place. In
Thus, advertising has become a necessity in everybody’s some settings, the pep squad is considered to be the same
daily life. as a cheerleading squad. (A)다른 곳에서는 비록 공통의 목적을
공유하더라도 그것을 치어리더들과는 별개의 존재로 본다. This
(B) A lot of customers buy products only after they are may lead to the squad being more of a dance team,
made aware that the products are available in the market. performing more complicated routines that are usually
Let’s say a product, even if it has been out there for a associated with cheerleading.
while, is not advertised. Then what might happen?
[as a separate entity /Other locations /they share /from
(C) Not knowing that the product exists, customers would /the cheerleaders, /see it /although /a common purpose]
probably not buy it even if the product may have worked
for them. Advertising also helps people find the best for
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
18강 3-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오. 93) 19강 1–3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용하고, 적절한 형태로 변형하여
(A)를 완성하시오.95)
It was usual among “savages” for the man who ①had food
to share it with the man who had none, for travelers to be When people share the same daily, weekly, monthly, and
②feed at any home they ③chose to stop at on their way, seasonal rhythms, connections among them form faster and
and for communities harassed with drought to be stay stronger. The people trust each other more deeply, and
maintained by their neighbors. If a man sat down to his coordination becomes easier. After all, they are frequently
meal in the woods, he was expected ④to call loudly for doing the same things and working on the same problems
someone to come and ⑤sharing it with him, before he together. In fact, several organizations use regular stand-up
might justly eat alone. When a Western traveler told a meetings to maintain strong bonds and reinforce a shared
Samoan about the poor in London, the “savage” asked in mindset. A CEO of a food company talks about his short
astonishment: “How is it? No food? No friends? No house daily meeting with his team. He explains, “The rhythm that
to live in? Where did he grow? Are there no houses frequency generates allows relationships to strengthen,
belonging to his friends?” The hungry Indian had but to ⑥ personal habits to be understood, and stressors to be
ask to receive; however small the supply was, food was identified. (A) 이 모든 것은 팀의 구성원들이 자신의 역할뿐만 아
given to him if he needed it: “no one can want food while 니라 그들이 어떻게 서로가 서로에게서 최상의 것을 얻어 낼 수 있
there is corn anywhere in the town.” 는지를 이해하도록 도와준다.”
*harassed 시달리는
보기 [only /another /the /they /not /can/their /one /roles
/the /all /best /of /this /get /but /of /help /the members
/out /also /team /understand /how /of /one /another].

19강 1—3. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시


18강 4-3.빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.94) Team sports offer a particularly _______ form of drama.
The outcome of a game, unlike that of a scripted drama, is
Over the past 10,000 years, Homo sapiens has grown so unknown. Few people watch the same play or motion
accustomed to being the only human species that it’s hard picture repeatedly because after they have seen it once they
for us to think of any other possibility. Our lack of know the ending. The tension is gone. But tension fills
brothers and sisters makes it easier to imagine that we are each and every game of baseball, football, and basketball.
the best example of creation, and that a chasm separates Moreover, in organized sports the tension carries beyond
us from the rest of the animal kingdom. When Charles each individual game and tends to increase over time. Each
Darwin indicated that Homo sapiens was just another kind game is part of a designated sequence—a season—the goal
of animal, people were outraged. Even today many refuse of which is to produce a champion. Both individual games
to believe it. If the Neanderthals had survived, would we and the season as a whole attract interest and attention.
still imagine ourselves to be a creature apart? Perhaps this Spectators follow the first to find out which of the two
is exactly why our ancestors wiped out the Neanderthals. contesting teams will win, and the second to learn which
They were too familiar to ignore, but too different to one will emerge as the ultimate champion. Suspense
tolerate. mounts because, as the end of the season approaches,
games tend to become more important to the determination
① the most intelligent animal of the champion.
② just another kind of animal
③ very similar with people in that they can send signals ① brief ② fascinating
④ being ignored by their appearance ③ immediate ④ repetitive
⑤ tolerant to anything ⑤ steady
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
19강 2-3. 다음 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 알맞은 자리를 고르시오.97) 19강 4—3. 다음 문장의 위치로 올바른 것을 고르시오.99)

Of course, getting into the habit of self-reflection is easier This isn’t as easy as it sounds because hurting teens often
said than done, as we often prefer to avoid asking feel multiple emotions at the same time.
ourselves the tough questions.
Help your teen verbally label emotions. ① Develop a rich,
Benjamin Franklin began and ended each day with a accurate vocabulary for emotions, and allow your teen to
question: “What good shall I do this day?” in the morning, “name” what he is feeling. ② Various studies have shown
and “What good have I done this day?” in the evening. ① that verbally naming an emotion has a quieting effect on
In fact, many great thinkers embraced the idea of the nervous system, which can in turn help teens recover
constantly questioning things. ② As Albert Einstein faster from emotional stress. ③ This has to do with the
reportedly said, “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope brain’s structure and how emotions are processed. ④ By
for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop verbalizing an emotion, the language area in the left side
questioning.” ③ As philosopher and psychologist John of the brain is engaged, which also impacts logic and other
Dewey explained in his 1910 book, How We Think, higher-level types of thinking. ⑤ Activating the connections
reflective thinking involves overcoming our predisposition to between the logic areas and emotional processing areas of
accept things at face value and the willingness to endure the brain may help your teen think about his emotion in a
mental unrest. ④ Enduring this discomfort is well worth different way, thus leading to a calming effect.
the effort, as it can result in the confidence boost
necessary to perform better in our work and daily lives. ⑤

19강 3-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오(동사의

경우 적절히 변형해 쓰시오). 98)

Telling school children that they are smart impairs their

future performance, whereas telling them that they work 20강 1-3. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.100)
hard or not praising them at all leads them to work harder
in the future. Therefore, attempting to convince people to (A) Many Athenians felt that the benefits of more
be impressed with themselves can actually make people do experienced politicians and officials would be spoiled by a
worse, which isn’t all that surprising really. Convincing growth in corruption. Today we sometimes find that
people to rely mostly on their self-esteem is really telling long-term positions for career politicians lead to aspirations
them that they can’t count on other people, and that is a of power and selfish actions.
mighty unhappy thought indeed. Worse still, some probably
hear the message that they should think and act like they (B) Instead, governmental positions, such as those of the
are better and more important than other people, or even councilors, were filled by random drawings in which names
that ordinary rules don’t apply to them. Real “self-esteem” were picked from a box. The selected persons served for
derives from the esteem of others. (A) 아무도 여러분의 말을 about a year, and no person could serve twice in their
듣지 않는데 왜 여러분이 승리했다고 외치는가? lifetime. Where the knowledge of professionals was needed,
there would be permanent positions, but most
governmental positions were temporary.
보기 [ you /out /your /victories /out /if /your /why no
/shout /your /one /one /hear ? ] (C) Democracy in ancient Athens was more extensive than
today’s version in that individual involvement occurred as
citizens took turns holding various offices. There were no
elected officials in ancient Athens.
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
20강 2-3. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?101) 20강 4-3. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오. 103)

Then, they dropped four food types on the surfaces: Visualization techniques will help you ①display pleasure,
watermelon, bread, bread and butter, and gummy candy. interest and other emotions in your everyday interactions.
If your Impression Management Plan calls for you ②to
If you’re tempted to eat food you’ve dropped on the floor, smile at a meeting ③that you dread, think in advance of
you may want to think again: A new study disproved the several happy moments in your life to replay mentally
“5-second rule,” or the idea that food is safe to eat off the during the meeting. If the occasion calls for full attention,
floor if you pick it up fast enough. ①The study found that when you find yourself ④boring silly by someone’s
bacteria from a surface can move to food very quickly, in presentation, ⑤creating an interest in him by focusing on
less than a second in some cases. ②In the study, the the subtle changes in the intonation of his voice as he
researchers contaminated four different surfaces— stainless speaks, or think about the words he chooses to express his
steel, ceramic tile, wood and carpet—with bacteria. ③ ideas. Let your rational brain outwit your emotional brain
Results showed that, in general, the longer the food was by injecting images consistent with the emotions you want
allowed to sit on the surface, the more bacteria was to project. Remember, the emotional brain doesn’t
transferred to the food. ④But some bacterial infection distinguish between realistic visualization and reality!
happened in less than a second. ⑤Watermelon picked up
the most bacteria, while gummy candies picked up the

21강 1-3. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.104)

20강 3-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.102)
How much of your food should be cooked? Proponents of
An often-repeated statistic says that four out of five small the newly popular raw food diets claim that cooking ruins
businesses will fail within five years. This 80 percent is a vitamins and enzymes, making food difficult to digest and
frightening prospect for anyone thinking about starting a therefore contributing to disease. But all traditional peoples
business. But a study by Bruce A. Kirchhoff of the New cooked some or most of their food. Even in the tropics,
Jersey Institute of Technology found the failure rate for where people did not have to build fires to keep warm,
small businesses to be only 18 percent during their first they built fires every day to cook. In addition to cooking
eight years. Why the huge gap? (A)미국 정부와 기타 기관들이 grains, they usually cooked their vegetables, the very foods
실시한 연구는 사업체의 실패를 너무 광범위하게 정의했다는 점이 some recommend that people eat raw. Why cook? Cooking
밝혀져 있다. Any closing of a business, even if it occurred helps neutralize many naturally occurring anti-nutrients and
because someone died, sold the business, or retired, was irritants in food, also breaking down indigestible fiber.
recorded as a business failure. In fact, only 18 percent of Many foods, such as beans and potatoes, are indigestible
the 814,000 small businesses tracked by Kirchhoff for eight until cooked. While cooking—especially at very high
years went out of business with unpaid bills. This should temperatures—does destroy some nutrients, it makes
be a comfort to would-be entrepreneurs. minerals more available.
*proponent 지지자 **enzyme 효소
[business failures /It /that /studies /defined /by the U.S. ① should be cooked in appropriate ways
government /and others /much /turns out /too broadly] ② can taste like raw food which are uncooked
③ is much better than the traditional foods
④ makes minerals more available
⑤ can digest the food at a low temperature
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
21강 2-3.빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.105) 21강 4-3. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?107)

Long-term climate variations on Earth—ice ages are but There’s even evidence that rats take pleasure in being
one example— are thought to be influenced by such factors tickled.
as small wobbles in Earth’s orbit, and the inclination of its
axis, as well as cycles of radiation coming from the Sun. Today, studies increasingly show that many non-human
These variations occur in cycles of 10,000 years or even beings feel. ①Elephants appear to feel grief, while dolphins
hundreds of thousands of years. An ice core drilled at Lake and whales express joy, or something much like it. ②
Vostok in Antarctica reveals that for most of the last Parrots can become unhappy, pigs and cows terrified,
250,000 years, Earth has been considerably colder than it chickens saddened, monkeys seemingly embarrassed. ③
is today. In fact, the relatively warm weather experienced Experiments have shown that rats become agitated when
on Earth for the last 10,000 years looks like an unusual seeing surgery performed on other rats; when presented
period when compared with the previous 200,000 years. with a trapped lab-mate and a piece of chocolate, they will
Ten thousand years is a short period in geologic terms, but free their caged brethren before eating. ④None of this will
it covers just about the entire span of modern human come as a surprise to pet owners or anyone who has
civilization. observed virtually any kind of animal for any length of
*wobble 흔들림, 동요 time. ⑤Science is rediscovering what Charles Darwin, in his
book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals,
① changes rapidly through long period of time concluded: that the variations between humans and other
② is often influenced by the cycles of Sun species in their capacity to feel and express emotion are
③ can occur in an ice core differences in degree rather than in kind.
④ can be experienced in other planets than Earth
⑤ covers just about the entire span of modern human
civilization 21강 01~02-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시

Food is one of the most important tools you can use as a

manager. Having a full stomach makes people feel satisfied
21강 3-3. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.106) and happier. Eating together gives employees time to make
connections with each other. Providing an occasional snack
(A) Words can be clues to inner experience, revealing or paying for a lunch now and then can help your
hidden thoughts, feelings, or wants. We can, therefore, use employees feel appreciated and make the office feel more
words in much the same way as we use nonverbal welcoming. These do not need to be elaborate setups. If
messages, such as voice tone, rate and volume of speech, you have a small budget, you’re not going to want to buy
facial expressions, and body positions or movements, to lunch at a restaurant for your entire group. Bringing in
help understand athletes. some cookies once in a while is enough; you can also
encourage employees to bring in food themselves.
(B) Words, however, not only express experience, but they The key to using food effectively is for it not to become a
also contribute to it, operating as a feedback loop. An planned event. (A)만약 모두가 여러분이 금요일 오전 회의에 도
example would be athletes who call themselves “losers.” 넛을 가지고 오는 것을 안다면, 그것은 예상한 일이 되고 뜻밖의 일
They not only reveal their dissatisfaction and unhappiness, 이 되지 않는다. To create goodwill, the food must appear to
they also reinforce their sense of impotence and undermine be unexpected. It is also a good idea to praise employees
their self-confidence. who bring food in without being asked; this creates an
atmosphere of sharing.
(C) Words that are not spoken can be as meaningful as *elaborate 공들인
those that are. A useful clue to something that is avoided
is the unanswered question. Not answering a question may [Friday morning meeting, /If /an expectation /knows /you
indicate an underlying fear, guilt, embarrassment, shame, or /to the /bring donuts /and /it /becomes /everyone /not a
other unpleasant feeling or thought. surprise]
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
21강 01~02-3. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 적절한 것을 고르시 in the entire circus putting on a much better show. An
오.109) overall better show means more customers. And the system
thrives. But not without trust. For those within a
They still produced twice as many creative responses community, or an organization, they must trust that their
compared with the sedentary group. leaders provide a net—practical or emotional. With that
feeling of support, those in the organization are more likely
In a recent study, Stanford University psychologists Manly to put in extra effort that ultimately benefits the group as
Oppezzo and Daniel Schwartz divided participants into two a whole.
groups: walkers and sitters. ① They then administered *trapeze artist 공중 곡예사
something called Guilford’s Alternative Uses Test, in which
participants come up with alternative uses for everyday 보기 [ he /is /give /trapeze artist /the /there /confidence
objects. ② It’s designed to measure “divergent thinking,” an /the /something /try /know /before /never /do /it ]
important component of creativity. Divergent thinking is
when we come up with multiple, unexpected solutions to
problems. Divergent thinking is spontaneous and
free-flowing. ③ Convergent thinking, by contrast, is more
linear and entails a narrowing, rather than an expanding,
of your options. Convergent thinkers are trying to find the 23강 01~02—3. 다음 문장의 위치로 올바른 것을 고르시오.111)
one correct answer to a question. Divergent thinkers
reframe the question. The results, published in the Journal Once “Peace Wall” was completed, residents took on other
of Experimental Psychology, confirm that the ancient community projects such as trash collection and street
Greeks were onto something. ④ Curiously, it didn’t matter repair.
whether participants walked outdoors in the fresh air or
indoors on a treadmill staring at a blank wall. ⑤ It didn’t Since 1984 the city of Philadelphia has sponsored the
take a lot of walking to boost creativity, either—anywhere Mural Arts Program, which has brought neighborhood
from five to sixteen minutes. residents together to plan and paint more than 2,800
architectural-scale murals on the sides of buildings. ① But
these murals are more than art. They represent
neighborhood identity, civic pride, and involvement in the
21강 03~04-3. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오(동 community. And they help bridge racial, ethnic, and class
사의 경우 적절히 변형해 쓰시오). 110) divisions. ② To illustrate how the Mural Arts Program
works, we can look at the Grays Ferry neighborhood, which
No matter how experienced, no matter how proficient, a in the 1990s was the scene of a racial protest march
trapeze artist will not attempt a totally new death-defying caused by the beating of a black family by a group of
leap without first trying it with a net below him. And whites. ③ With racial tensions running high, the director
depending on how death-defying the trick is, he may insist of the Mural Arts Program suggested that the community
on always having a net when performing the trick. Besides create a mural with the theme of racial harmony. Even
its obvious advantage of catching you if you fall, the net though many people, both black and white, were skeptical
also provides a psychological benefit. (A) 그것이 그곳에 있다 at first, after several community planning sessions, the
는 것을 아는 것은 공중 곡예사에게 그가 전에는 해 보지 않았던 doubts and suspicions were replaced by a desire to
어떤 것을 시도하도록 하는 자신감을 준다 or to do it again and cooperate on the project. ④ The mural, titled “Peace Wall,”
again. Remove the net and he will only do the safe tricks, depicts overlapping hands of varying skin tones on a
the ones he knows he can land. The more he trusts the sky-blue background. The planning and execution of the
quality of the net, the more he will take personal risks to mural provided an opportunity for people of different
make his act better. The trust the circus management gives backgrounds to get to know one another better and to
him by providing him a net is probably afforded to other form a sense of community. ⑤ Thus, as illustrated by the
performers too. Soon all the performers will feel confident Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, large-scale art projects
to try new things and push themselves further. That requiring cooperation can knit people together into the
collection of personal confidence and personal risk results fabric of a unified community.
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
47) It is made to convince others that one’s claims are
정 답 48) ⑤
49) ②
50) if not by their physical actions, then by their mental
1) The more something causes your heart to race 51) ②
2) ⑤ 52) You can do two things at once, but you can’t focus
3) ④
4) It turns out that such individuals are models of effectively on two things at once.
53) ⑤
flourishing and positive mental health. 54) ③ recording → recorded, ④ lead → leads
5) ③ 55) ①
6) ⑤ 56) C-A-B
7) (C)-(A)-(B) 57) Not everything gets done by acting with great haste.
8) ③giving , ④which 58) ⑤
9) 정답 : Shifting to less meat-intensive diets could free 59) ④
up substantial amounts of food across the world. 60) It is a way to raise awareness of environmental values
10) (A) In other words , (B) In short 61) ②
11) ④ 62) ②, ④ /are, given
12) ④ days → day ,⑤ to hear → to hearing 63) ③
13) A-C-B 64) ④
14) ① 65) Some tour operators don’t commit to specific hotels
15) If this happens again we will have to limit your usage 66) (A)-(C)-(B)
67) ③
or ask that you pay for your own phone. 68) (C)-(A)-(B)
16) I heard something moving slowly along the walls. 69) ⑤
17) ⑤ 70) ② that , ⑤ that
18) ② 71) ④
19) It turns out that such individuals are models of 72) Ruth became convinced that a three-dimensional
flourishing and positive mental health. alternative would be a commercial success.
20) ① 73) ③
21) The big problem is that they are exposed to large 74) ③
flows of information that are hard to process. 75) So he usually got the better of others in arguments.
22) B-C-A 76) ⑤
23) College students cannot decide whether they appreciate 77) (C)-(B)-(A)
78) 정답 : Someone who surfs and proofreads at the same
the freedom they have or resent it.
24) ④ time actually is switching from one task to another.
25) ⑤ 79) (A)-(C)-(B)
26) ③ 80) ④
27) Later, when Mr. Wilson took his children home, he 81) A-C-B
82) ②
saw the old man at the same place. 83) It was a job with lots of budget and personnel
28) ③ where → which, ⑤ show → showed
29) A-B-C responsibility, doing work that I knew and liked.
30) (B)-(A)-(C) 84) ① begins → began, ④ show → showing
31) (A)-(C)-(B) 85) B-C-A
32) ④ 86) ③
33) 정답 : It sold more than 120,000 copies in three 87) To make certain that his order was obeyed, the king
months and changed the whole nature of the debate among himself went the rounds.
88) ③ pick → picking, ④ meet → to meet
the colonists. 89) ③
34) ② 90) B-C-A
35) ④ 91) ⑤
36) ① was known ④ idealized 92) Other locations see it as a separate entity from the
37) (C)-(A)-(B)
38) ③ cheerleaders, although they share a common purpose.
39) (B)-(A)-(C) 93) ② feed → fed, ⑤ sharing → share
40) 정답 : Unlike previous generations, fewer and fewer 94) ②
95) All of this helps the members of the team understand
modern men experience the satisfaction of tangible creation
not only their roles but also how they can get the best out
in the workplace.
41) ② burning , ④have increased of one another
42) ② eating → to eat, ③ prepare → preparing 96) ②
43) A-C-B 97) ③
44) A-B-C 98) Why shout out your victories if no one hears you?
45) A-C-B 99) ①
46) We achieve higher levels by setting and achieving even 100) C-B-A
101) ③
higher goals and objectives. 102) It turns out that studies by the U.S. government and
변형문제 제 3 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
others defined business failures much too broadly
103) ④ boring → bored, ⑤ creating → create
104) ④
105) ⑤
106) A-B-C
107) ④
108) If everyone knows you bring donuts to the Friday
morning meeting, it becomes an expectation and not a
109) ⑤
110) Knowing it is there gives the trapeze artist the
confidence to try something he’s never done before
111) ①
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
1강 1-4. 어법이 틀린 곳을 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.(2개)1) 1강 2—4. 다음 글의 주제로 올바른 것을 고르시오.3)

When you face a severe source of stress, you may fight Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize about the
back, ① reacted immediately. While this served your college application essay is that it is not their life story in
ancestors well when they ② were attacked by a wild five hundred words or less. In my experience, students try
animal, it is less helpful today unless you are attacked to give a complete picture of who they are, where they’ve
physically. Technology makes it much easier to worsen a come from, and what they want to do— all in a few
situation with a quick response. I know I have been guilty hundred words! While any admissions committee would like
of responding too quickly to people, on email in particular, to have the flexibility and time to read complete histories
in a harsh tone ③ what only made things worse. The more of each and every student, the simple truth is, there is not
something causes your heart ④ to race, the more enough time. Students must understand that the college
important it is to step back before speaking or typing a essay is the best way for an admissions committee to know
single word. This will give you time to think things ⑤ something about them, but it cannot be the vehicle to
through and find a way to deal with the other person in a know everything about them.
healthier manner.
① Essay can’t be the means to inform entire abilities
② People are insensitive to their mistakes
③ Essay is able to give all information to committee
④ Essay should deliver the message exactly
⑤ Students must write their essay honestly

1강 3—4. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 옳은 것을 고르시오.4)

1강 1—4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.2)
A series of studies conducted at the University of
A reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. As you Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness—that is,
read, listen to and watch the news, you may notice stories those who are prone to be mindfully attentive to the here
that you think are biased. One of the forms in which bias and now and keenly aware of their surroundings. It turns
occurs is leaving one side out of an article, or a series of out that such individuals are models of
articles over a period of time; ignoring facts that tend to _______________________. Relative to the average
disprove liberal or conservative claims, or that support person, they are more likely to be happy, optimistic,
liberal or conservative beliefs. Bias by omission can occur self-confident, and satisfied with their lives and less likely
either within a story, or over the long term as a particular to be depressed, angry, anxious, hostile, self-conscious,
news outlet reports one set of events, but not another. To impulsive, or neurotic. Furthermore, people who are
find instances of bias by omission, (A) 현재의 문제들에 대한 habitually mindful of their current experiences are more
보수적 그리고 진보적인 견해에 유의하라. See if both the likely to experience frequent and intense positive emotions,
conservative and liberal perspectives are included in stories to feel self-sufficient and competent, and to have positive
on a particular event or policy. social relationships, while those who are not usually
mindful report more illness and physical symptoms.
보기 [of /current issues /aware /the conservative /on / and
/liberal /be /perspectives ] ① high intellect
② overflowing pretense
③ being self assertive
④ positive mental health
⑤ being passive
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
1강 4—4. 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 고르시오.5) 2강 1-4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오. 7)

Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings and
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney Olympics, behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. (A) 매일 하는 선
American Michael Phelps set out in earnest to be the best 택의 대부분은, 의식하든 의식하지 않든, 우리의 신념의 결과이다.
all-around swimmer four years later in Athens. To get When you choose a bagel over a donut, it might stem from
there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and a half hours the belief that a bagel is better for you, or the belief that
every day—and double that on Mondays, Wednesdays, and you’ll like the taste better. This choice could affect your
Fridays— just to become good. He didn’t do it because it health and happiness for the rest of the morning. If you
was great exercise. He did it because he had a choose to take earth science instead of oceanography, it
_________ to become the best in the world. And the might stem from the belief that you’ll enjoy the subject
eight medals they hung around his neck in Athens, six of more, or maybe from the belief that it will be easier. This
them gold, reflect that commitment. “I think that choice could affect your ability to stay awake in class, your
everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it grade point average, or even your choice of college.
and you put the work and time into it,” Phelps said.
[the result of our beliefs /or not /Most of the choices /are
① enough time /we make every day /, /whether /we’re conscious of it]
② great fortune
③ harsh surroundings
④ reliable support
⑤ specific goal

2강 2-4. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 8)

Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is going

to be a stressful experience.

(A)With this in mind, this is a list of things which you can

2강 1-4.빈칸에 알맞은 연결사를 쓰시오. 6) safely leave behind on your desk or in your bag when you
are called to the podium: your mobile phone, watch, pens,
It is important to recognize your pet’s particular needs and keys, and coins.
respect them. If your pet is an athletic, high-energy dog,
____(A)____, he or she is going to be much more
manageable indoors if you take him or her outside to chase (B)Giving a presentation is a performance. A show. An act.
a ball for an hour every day. If your cat is shy and timid, A drama. The presenter is on display to the whole world
he or she won’t want to be dressed up and displayed in as he or she bares all to reveal himself or herself to the
cat shows. ____(B)____, you cannot expect macaws to be audience.
quiet and still all the time—they are, by nature, loud and
emotional creatures, and it is not their fault that your
apartment doesn’t absorb sound as well as a rain forest. (C)The last thing you, as the presenter, need at this
difficult time is anything that is going to get in the way of
you giving your best performance. You don’t really want
(A)____________ any distractions right now. You want to remove from your
environment any obstacles or dangers that are not strictly
(B)____________ needed.
변형문제 제 4 회
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2강 3-4.빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 9) 3강 1-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.11)

It would be far easier to feed nine billion people by 2050 As you all know from ①see the pictures on television and
if more of the crops we grew ended up in human in the newspaper, Central America has been ②hit hard by
stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop a series of hurricanes. Tens of thousands of people are
calories feed people directly; the rest are fed to livestock homeless and without basic necessities like food and
(about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and industrial clothing. I feel ③that we need to do something to help.
products (roughly 9 percent). Though many of us consume So, we are asking you ④donating canned goods, warm
meat, dairy, and eggs from animals raised on feedlots, only clothes, blankets, and money. Please bring all donations to
a fraction of the calories in feed given to livestock make the community center between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.,
their way into the meat and milk that we consume. For Saturday, September 10. Thank you for ⑤helping your
every 100 calories of grain we feed animals, we get only fellow human beings in their time of desperate need.
about 40 new calories of milk, 22 calories of eggs, 12 of
chicken, 10 of pork, or 3 of beef. Shifting to less
meat-intensive diets could _________ substantial amounts
of food across the world.

①pick up
②take out
③free up
④show off
⑤close with

2강 4-4. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은? 10) 3강 1-4. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.12)

In other words, the written-out procedure supports the (A)My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior
answer; if the procedure is not shown, it is much easier to Apartment Complex. We have been asked by some of the
make a computation error. residents here to see if we can help improve their ability
to get around town independently. The closest bus stop is
When completing math problems, it is important to avoid half a mile below the apartment complex, down a steep
“answer-only” completions for several reasons. ①First, hill.
simply writing the answer to a problem without the
procedure that precedes it negatively encourages students to (B)I can promise you several very grateful riders each day
produce careless errors. ②Second, lack of a written-out in each direction. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin of
an answer or how an answer to a problem is derived. ③ (C)Very few of the residents here feel comfortable walking
Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor study habits in all the way to (and especially from) the bus stop. We are
note-taking and sloppiness, which may have negative asking if the route for Bus 16 could be altered slightly to
consequences when taking tests. ④In short, homework and come up the hill to the complex.
in-class math assignments should always include both
procedures and answers when answering questions. ⑤
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
3강 2-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 13) 3강 4-4. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?15)

My dear Silvia, I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your mother
and I agreed to pay for your cell phones. We are covered
I hope you are fine and ①doing well in school. Yesterday, by a family plan and share a single pool of minutes. When
I received your letter about wanting ②to take extra classes we gave you the cell phone we agreed to pay for it, but
at Oxford University for additional credit. I also saw the you were to stay within the guidelines of a certain number
recommendation letters from your teachers regarding these of minutes each month, no more than 250 minutes per
extra classes. ③Let you ④to stay in New York to study is month for each of you. We just received the bill for May,
hard as it is, and now you are saying that you want to go and we find that each of you went significantly over that.
to England for two months. That means you won’t be The added cost to the family was nearly $100. If this
around for Christmas this year, ⑤which makes me very happens again we will have to limit your usage or ask that
sad, but I understand that this is a very good opportunity you pay for your own phone. We are not interested in
for your educational career. So, your father and I have controlling or interfering in your lives, but since we are
decided to give you permission to go to England. We think paying the bills, we get to set the rules.
it’ll be a great opportunity for you.
① went significantly over that amount
With lots of love, ② have tried to set your own rules
Mom ③ didn’t go far beyond one’s limits
④ are able to pay for your own bills
⑤ are not interested in cell phones

3강 3-4. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?14)

We will promptly pay you back.

Dear Ms. Duddon,

①Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear about the loss of

your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. ②We understand it was
destroyed, while hanging in your office, when ceiling fire
sprinklers were activated due to an overabundance of
welding smoke from our crew’s work site. ③As the 4강 1-4. 어법이 틀린 곳을 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.(2개)16)
Customer Service Department at Foster WeldRite, Inc. is
unable to locate a replacement for you, will you please I heard something ① move slowly along the walls. I
purchase another Chinese paper kite and send us the searched for a match in the dark and ② try to strike it,
receipt? ④Foster WeldRite, Inc. has improved work-site but it wouldn’t light. This time I was certain: Something
ventilation to prevent similar unfortunate occurrences. ⑤ was moving in the tunnels, something ③ alively, and it
Thank you for your understanding and your continued wasn’t a rat. A very unpleasant smell came into my
patronage of Foster WeldRite, Inc. nostrils. Finally, I managed to light a match. At first I was
blinded by the flame; then I saw something ④ creeping
Sincerely, toward me. From all the tunnels. Shapeless figures crawling
like spiders. The match fell from my trembling fingers. I
Mark Hamilton wanted ⑤ to start running, but I couldn’t.
Customer Service Department
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
4강 1—4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.17) 4강 3—4. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 옳은 것을 고르시오.19)

Once they arrived at the lake, Maggie took in a deep One block farther on, Brendan saw a small brick building.
breath. She was always amazed at how beautiful the lake Like the rest of the buildings they had passed on this
was this time of year. The water was a crystal blue, which street, it looked deserted. He paused in front of it, not
allowed her to see to the bottom at the edge. She stepped sure why this building had caught his attention. The front
out of the car onto the ground and looked at the spot door was ajar. He took a deep breath to gather his
Jamie chose for their picnic. It was perfect. Jamie strolled courage, then pulled it open. No one shouted. There was
to the back of his car and took out a picnic basket and no sound at all from inside. “Wait for me,” Brendan
blanket from the trunk of his convertible. He spread the whispered, releasing Dai Yue’s hand. He slipped through
blanket beneath an enormous oak tree that shaded a grassy the opening. There was a subtle odor that Brendan
spot. He invited her to sit down beside him. He opened recognized but couldn’t place for a moment. When he did,
the basket and (A) 그녀가 그 안에 든 내용물을 살짝 들여다보게 he almost smiled. The room smelled like the library at St.
했다. He surprised her with her favorite fried chicken and Mary’s. Was this a bookstore? Brendan took one cautious
potato salad. For dessert, he had bought chocolate-covered step, then another, feeling his way. When his fingertips
strawberries. She was very pleased with his choices and brushed a leather binding, he did smile. Books. No one
couldn’t be more comfortable here. would be likely to try to steal books tonight. He and Dai
Yue would be ____________ here.
보기 [peek /take /her /at /let /the /a /contents].
① alert
② discouraged
③ patient
④ safe
⑤ careful

4강 2—4. 다음 글 속 주인공의 마지막 심정으로 알맞은 것을 고르

4강 4—4. 다음 글을 읽고 현재 화자의 심경으로 적절한 것을 고르
On the first day of summer vacation, I approached the 시오.20)
stone steps of Porter Convalescent Center. The Saturday
before, I had attended junior volunteer orientation there. My run slowed to a jog as we approached the gate for
Now I was a completely trained “Cheery Blossom.” I our flight to Paris. The plane was still there, but the door
straightened my bright pink smock and marched inside. I to the Jetway was shut. The gate agents were quietly
felt like Florence Nightingale, striding into battle to heal sorting tickets. They had already retracted the hood
and hearten the troops. The volunteer director assigned me connecting the Jetway to the airplane door. “Hi, we’re on
to 3 South. As we rode the shaky elevator, she explained this flight!” I panted. “Sorry,” said the agent. “We’re done
that this was a long-term care unit. Most of its patients boarding.” “But our connecting flight landed just ten
would never go home. I felt sick to my stomach as we minutes ago. They promised us they would call ahead to
opened the door to 3 South. The foul odor of urine and the gate.” “Sorry, we can’t board anyone after they’ve
Lysol overwhelmed me. The head nurse, Ms. Ticknor, was closed the door.” My boyfriend and I walked to the
less than welcoming. window in disbelief. Our long weekend was about to fall to
*convalescent 회복기의 pieces. The plane waited right before our eyes.
**smock 작업용 덧옷 *retract 접다 **pant 숨을 헐떡이다
① disappointed ① relaxed
② aspiring ② mournful
③ joyful ③ joyful
④ confident ④ despair
⑤ mournful ⑤ hopeful
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
5강 1-4. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?21) 5강 3-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.23)

Children today are “safe.” Their only worries consist of Uncertainty and freedom are intertwined. College students
fights with their parents, going to school, and dealing with cannot decide whether they appreciate the freedom they
the list of activities that they’re signed up for. But what’s have or ①resent it. You may be free from daily supervision
going on? If they’re “safe” and living “well,” why do they by parents, free to pick classes and a major, and ②freeing
experience so many problems? Children have learned to be to set a professional course. But those choices seem so
cautious; a lot of kids have even lost that innate curiosity numerous and important ③that you may be frozen with
that no one should ever lose. The big problem is that they fear. You might quickly retreat to conventional choices (like
are exposed to large flows of information that are hard to medical school) or ④depending on influential advisors (like
process. It’s even hard for us. That’s why being exposed to your parents) before giving yourself a chance to figure it
so much stimuli causes stress that they’re incapable of out. Try not to confuse the joys and privilege of free
tolerating. All this causes children to grow up quickly, choice ⑤with the fears of uncertainty. It may be scary to
going through their developmental stages without enjoying look at an open landscape, but it can and should be a
them. They don’t live their childhood .They don’t live their thrilling moment of possibility.
childhood the way they should, which could cause them
serious problems that are difficult to solve later on.

① tolerating them
② enjoying them
③ having faith in them
④ being relieved by them
⑤ feeling comfortable with them
5강 4-4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.24)

Dear Principal Murphy,

5강 2-4. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?22) Brian is settling in well as a third-grade student at
Fairview Elementary School. I do have a concern, though,
Instead, he patted their son on the head, nodded once, and about the food offered in the school cafeteria. The choices
without a word went on his way. do not seem to have any relation to recognized medical
studies about such things as excessive fat, sugar, and
useless junk food. A recent menu included fried fish with
A few days before Christmas, a couple held the hands of fried potato nuggets, a hot dog with potato chips, and fried
their young son and walked quickly to their nearby church. chicken with French fries. The most healthful piece of food
①But the boy pulled back a bit, slowed, and came to an seemed to be a small piece of green pepper floating on a
abrupt halt. “Santa,” he whispered. “Santa!” ②The sea of cheese on a pizza. I don’t feed my child this sort of
four-year-old broke free of his parents’ grasp and ran junk at home, and I don’t think it’s appropriate for school.
toward an elderly gentleman with a long, flowing white (A)학교에서 제공되는 음식에 관해 학교 영양사와 꼭 이야기를 하
beard. Tugging on the stranger’s coattail, the youngster 고 싶습니다.
begged, “Santa, will you bring me a teddy bear for
Christmas?” ③Embarrassed, the couple started to apologize, Sincerely,
but the man merely waved them aside. ④On Christmas Karen Diamond
morning, a knock interrupted the family’s festivities. In the
doorway stood the old man holding out a large bear. “I [at school /to talk to /I would /the school dietitian /very
didn’t want the little fellow to be disappointed on his much like /about the offerings ]
holiday,” he explained with a smile and turned to leave. ⑤
At a loss, the couple could only say, “Uh, th-thanks. And
M-merry Christmas to you... Rabbi.”
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
5강 1-4. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 곳을 고르시오.25) 5강 2-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.27)

“That’s what you want,” she says, and gives Angela her In January 2004, George Wilson of Glebe Gardens,
bottle. Edinburgh, Scotland, ①walking his children to school and
②seeing an old man outside a still-closed shop in St.
①Six-month-old Angela is sitting in her high chair during John’s Road. Later, when Mr. Wilson took his children
lunch and sees her bottle on the table. ②She is pretty home, he saw the old man at the same place. Later, in the
tired—it’s been a tough day!—and she wants her bottle. She evening, he went out for a pint, and he saw the old man
looks at it as her mother, Sophie, feeds her and gets more again, this time outside another shop. ③Taking pity on the
and more frustrated. ③Eventually, she turns away from her man, ④who he knew now was homeless in weather ⑤that
mother’s spoonfuls, arches her back, turns around in her was forecast to be –1℃, Mr. Wilson gave the old man, who
high chair, and vocalizes as if she is about to cry. ④Sophie was dressed only in jeans and a sweater, things to keep
is clueless about what Angela wants. When Sophie happens him warm: a fleece and a blanket. The old man
to look at the table for another reason, she notices the appreciated the gifts.
bottle on it. ⑤Success at last!

5강 3-4. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 곳을 고르시오.28)

5강 1-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.26) But when it again became the stranger’s turn to play, his
performance was given with such brilliance of execution as
Once, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, the well-known social to utterly defeat the young professor, who disappeared and
reformer, was walking on the streets of Kolkata when he was seen no more that evening.
heard an old man crying. He approached the man and ①
asked ②what was troubling him. “Everyone wants to know ①It is not always safe to laugh at one whose abilities seem
my problems, but no one is ready to help me!” replied the to be less than our own. ②This lesson was painfully
old man. On Vidyasagar’s insistence, the old man at last learned by a young violin professor of Berlin at an evening
poured his anguish out in words. A few years earlier, he party, to which he had been invited. ③He played several
had borrowed some money from a man, by mortgaging his pieces, not with great applause, however. After he finished,
house. Now his creditor had gone to court and soon his another young man was invited to play, but his playing
house would be confiscated. He and his family would be was worse than that of his predecessor; in fact his style
homeless. Vidyasagar listened to his story patiently, ③noted and execution were terrible. ④So our young professor again
the names and dates and the details. “I shall do my best came forward and showed his superior abilities very
to help you,” he promised. When the old man ④turn up in boastfully, as if to utterly crush the strange musician. ⑤He
court for his hearing the following week, he was surprised had been contending with Paganini, one of the world’s
to hear ⑤that all his debts had been paid up fully. His great violinists.
benefactor was none other than Vidyasagar!
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
5강 4-4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.29) 6강 1-4. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?31)

David Hume was visited by the poet Thomas Blacklock, Although volunteer positions in Hustai are available
who complained at great length about his misfortunes: year-round, most volunteers choose the spring, summer,
blind and poor, (A)그는 더는 자신의 대가족을 부양할 돈이 없었 and fall months, because winters in the Mongolian steppes
고 어디에 도움을 청해야 할지를 알지 못했다. Although he was are bitterly cold and inhospitable. Perhaps the very best
in financial difficulties himself at that time, Hume managed time to visit is July, when herdsmen come from miles
to secure, through the influence of a friend, a university around to participate in the three-day Naadam Festival, an
appointment worth about forty pounds a year. Nevertheless, ancient and colorful competition of horse racing, archery,
he was so moved by the poet’s tale of sorrow that he and wrestling—once called the “three manly games.” The
offered him the only means of assistance within his power Naadam Festival started as a religious event but has
to give. Taking from his desk the grant for the university evolved into a celebration of Mongolian statehood. The
post, he handed it to his unfortunate friend and promised horse race, with thousands of horses competing, takes place
to have the name changed from Hume to Blacklock. This not on a track, but over high-altitude Mongolian grasslands.
generous sacrifice almost certainly saved Blacklock and his The race is a long-distance one, ____________ with a
family from extreme poverty. special song (“Giin-Goo”) that all the horses know. The
jockeys are children, ages 7 to 12, who wear colorful
[his large family /he no longer /and did not know /had costumes. The top five winners are celebrated in poetry
the means /for help /to support /where to turn] and song.

① took off
② kicked out
③ turned up
④ showed off
⑤ kicked off

6강 1-4.[서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오. 30)

Kaspar Fürstenau was a German flutist and composer. After

he was orphaned, Anton Romberg took care of him and
taught him to play the bassoon, but Fürstenau was more
interested in the flute. At the age of 15, he was already a 6강 2-4. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은? 32)

skilled flutist and played in a military band. In 1793-94,

Fürstenau made his first concert tour in Germany. In 1794, ▶Its other claim to fame is that Freddie Mercury, the lead
he became a member of the “Chamber Orchestra of singer of Queen (a British rock band) was born there.
Oldenburg,” where he played until the orchestra was
abolished in 1811. (A) Kaspar Fürstenau는 유럽의 주요 도시 ①Stone Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is one of
에서 아들인 Anton Fürstenau와 함께 공연하면서 플루트 연주자 the oldest districts on Zanzibar, an island off the coast of
로서의 자신의 삶을 계속했다. Tanzania. ②This former Swahili trading town is a labyrinth
of tiny streets and alleys, markets, mosques, and other
historic buildings—including the Anglican church on the site
[with his son Anton Fürstenau /Kaspar Fürstenau /as a of the old central slave market, East Africa’s largest
flutist /his career /performing together /in the major cities slave-trading port. ③Combining Persian, Indian, European,
of Europe /continued]/ Arab, and African architecture, Stone Town has been
occupied by humans for three centuries and is famed for
its beautifully carved wooden doors. ④The House of
Wonders, the former palace of Sultan Syyid Barghash, is
open to the public. ⑤
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
6강 3-4. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 33) 9강 1-4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.35)

Common Sense, written by Thomas Paine, swept through Edmond Halley was interested in the problems of gravity.
the American colonies in 1776 during the opening months One problem that attracted his attention was the proof of
of the American Revolutionary War. Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. In August 1684, he went
to Cambridge to discuss this with Isaac Newton, only to
(A)Without Common Sense, the American Revolution might find that Newton had solved the problem already. (A) 그는
have been shaken, and the establishment of the new United 계산 결과를 보겠다고 청했는데, Newton으로부터 그것들을 찾을
States would have been postponed indefinitely. 수 없다는 말을 들었다. Newton promised to redo them and
send them on later. He eventually did submit his

(B)At first, Common Sense was published anonymously in calculations to Halley. After this initial meeting, Halley
visited Newton frequently; over the course of these visits
January 1776. It soon emerged that an English free thinker
Newton showed Halley his proof as well as many other
named Thomas Paine had written it. Within weeks, the
unpublished papers. Halley recognized the importance of
short book—barely 20,000 words long—was being reprinted
the works. He wanted Newton to publish but Newton was
throughout the colonies.
reluctant. With a lot of encouragement from Halley,
eventually, Newton’s masterpiece was published at Halley’s
(C)It sold more than 120,000 copies in three months and
expense in 1687.
changed the whole nature of the debate among the
colonists. In this book, Thomas Paine declared that only
[ asked /He /the calculations /to /and /by /see /Newton
complete independence from Great Britain would bring
/was /told /find /could /he /that /not /them]
prosperity to America.

5~8강 2-4. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.36)

Cephas Giovanni Thompson (1809-88) was known

particularly for portraits and Italian scenes, but he also
painted genre and historical subjects.

(A) He was born in Middleborough and initially trained by

his father. At eighteen he established a portrait practice in
6강 4-4. 다음 중 글의 전체 내용과 관련 없는 문장은? 34) Plymouth, Massachusetts. He subsequently worked in
Boston, where he studied with David Claypoole Johnston,
Gustave Courbet was born in 1819 in Ornas, France. ①His in Philadelphia, and elsewhere before arriving in New York
family was very well-off financially, and he received all of in 1837.
the education that lifestyle could offer. ②He was sent to
Paris to study law in 1840. Against his father’s wishes,
however, Courbet quit studying law and began his pursuit (B) In 1859 he returned permanently to New York but
of a career as an artist. ③Many of his early works were in continued to produce Italian subjects during the remainder
the Romantic tradition, but by the age of 23, Courbet had of his career.
settled into his niche of painting Realistic works. ④He
became the leader of the Realism movement in art. He
(C) There he flourished for a decade as a fashionable
chose themes from everyday life and did not exclude what
portrait painter. Spring (Metropolitan Museum, 1838), a
might be considered ugly. ⑤But every time you learn
softly romantic, idealized portrait of a young woman,
something new, you change the brain—the residue of your
exemplifies his most appealing strengths. In 1847 he moved
experiences is stored. He believed that paintings should be
to New Bedford for two years and then lived in Boston
of things that were in the present and of subjects that
before sailing to Europe. He resided for most of the 1850s
could be seen every day.
in Rome.
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
9강 1-4. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?37) 9강 2-4. 다음 중 글의 전체 내용과 관련 없는 문장은?39)

▶Amazed at all the attention being paid to her, I asked if The modern world is so interconnected and constantly
she worked with the airline. plugged in that finding the time and space to think can be
difficult. ①However, without freedom from the influence
①Recently on a flight to Asia, I met Debbie, who was and distractions of the world, it is virtually impossible to
warmly greeted by all of the flight attendants and was even develop well-reasoned opinions, ideas, and values. ②History
welcomed aboard the plane by the pilot. ②She did not, but shows a lot of examples of the transcendent power of
she deserved the attention, for this flight marked the solitude. ③Darwin took long walks without company and
milestone of her flying over 4 million miles with this same firmly turned down dinner party invitations. Moses spent
airline. ③During the flight I learned that the airline’s CEO time alone in the desert. Jesus wandered the wilderness. ④
personally called her to thank her for using their service They don’t feel they have to support their opinions with
for a long time and she received a catalogue of fine luxury any kind of evidence. ⑤Mohammed sat in the cave.
gifts to choose from. ④Debbie was able to acquire this Buddha went to the mountaintop. Find your own
special treatment for one very important reason: she was a mountaintop and don’t come down without your own
loyal customer to that one airline. ⑤ thoughts, opinions, and values.

9강 1-4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.38)

(A) 도시의 출현과 운송 기반 시설의 개선은 전문화를 위한 새로운 9강 3-4. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?40)
기회를 가져왔다. Densely populated cities provided full-time
employment for carpenters, priests, soldiers and lawyers. ▶A way for a man to announce to the world, simply, “I
Villages that gained a reputation for producing really good am.”
wine, olive oil or ceramics discovered that it was worth
their while to concentrate nearly exclusively on that product Unlike previous generations, fewer and fewer modern men
and trade it with other settlements for all the other goods experience the satisfaction of tangible creation in the
they needed. This made a lot of sense. Climates and soils workplace. ①We move numbers around on a screen,
differ, so why drink ordinary wine from your backyard if manage people who manage other people, or sell advice,
you can buy a smoother variety from a place whose soil ideas, or someone else’s creations. ②For many of us, the
and climate is much better suited to grape vines? If the shift from working with our hands to working with our
clay in your backyard makes stronger and prettier pots, minds has created an unfulfilled need for connection with
then you can make an exchange. the physical world we live in. ③Physical creation (beyond
the more abstract “creativity”) provides that connection. ④
[of /cities /for specialization /and /the improvement Creating is a primal need, but without an institutional
/brought about /The rise /in transport infrastructure /new directive to create, the internal fire to do so can flicker
opportunities ] and die, or worse yet, we may start to believe that making
things is only for certain types of people, not for us. ⑤
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
9강 4-4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.41) 10강 1-4. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 곳을 고르시오,43)

The small community of Zorborgu, near Tamale in northern But every time you learn something new, you change the
Ghana, comprises mainly farmers. They decided to stop brain—the residue of your experiences is stored.
burning crop residues and protect their community forest
to reduce the risk of wildfires that cause widespread land ①Many people believe that their intellectual ability is
damage. As a result, crop yields have increased and the hardwired from birth, and that failure to meet a learning
water in a pond near a sacred grove is available challenge shows how bad their native ability is. ②It’s true
throughout the year for farming, livestock watering and that we start life with the gift of our genes, but it’s also
domestic use. The community forest also provides herbal true that we become capable through the learning and
medicines. The innovative blend of traditional and modern development of mental models that enable us to reason,
decision-making by committees that reflect traditional solve, and create. ③In other words, the elements that
leadership makes this a successful social, economic and shape your intellectual abilities lie to a surprising extent
environmental initiative. (A) 이것은 어떻게 마을 단위의 행동과 within your own control. ④Understanding that this is so
혁신이 아프리카에서 지속 가능한 토지 관리의 열쇠가 되는지에 대 enables you to see failure as a badge of effort and a source
한 한 가지 예이다. of useful information—the need to dig deeper or to try a
different strategy.
[ how /This /of /community action /Innovation /are /and
/key /to /is /sustainable /land management /one example/
in Africa]

10강 2-4. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 곳을 고르시오.44)

10강 1-4. 순서를 고르시오.42)
Depression, aggression, lack of focus, headaches and so
(A) Try not to wait until you are really hungry to think much more can be improved with the right foods.
about eating. When you have a newborn baby, preparing
food will probably take longer than usual. If you start ①If we are what we eat, what is your teenage child? A bag
when you are already hungry, you will be absolutely of chicken and chips? A kebab? Litres of fizzy drink? ②The
starving before the food is ready. benefits of healthy eating and exercise are well documented
and it is silly of us, as parents, to think we can feed our
(B) When you are starving and tired, eating healthy is teens mostly junk food then expect them to perform at
difficult. You may want to eat fatty fast food, chocolates, their best. ③In this age of pesticides, hormone treatment
cookies or chips. This type of food is okay sometimes, but additives (hence the well-built structure of today’s
not every day. pre-teens), etc. that are in foods, both parents and teens
need to understand that mental and physical well-being are
(C) It is not always easy to eat well when you have a aligned with what we eat. ④Be open to this, for yourself
newborn baby. It can seem like you do not have time to and your young person.
prepare tasty nutritious meals or even to eat them. You
will need to learn the following trick.
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
10강 3-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.45) 11강 1-4. 어법이 틀린 곳을 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.(2개)47)

What was a core competence in one decade may become a In philosophy, the best way ① to understanding the
mere capability in another. For example, in the 1970s and concept of an argument is to contrast it with an opinion.
1980s quality, as ①measured by defects per vehicle, was An opinion is simply a belief or attitude about someone or
undoubtedly a core competence for Japanese car companies. something. We express our ② opinions all the time: We
Superior reliability was an important value element for love or hate certain films or different types of food. For
customers and a genuine differentiator for Japanese car the most part, people’s opinions are based almost always
producers. It took more than a decade ②for Western car upon their feelings. They don’t feel they have to support
companies ③close the quality gap with their Japanese their opinions with ③ any kind of evidence. An argument
competitors, but by the mid-1990s quality, in terms of is something a bit different from this. It ④ has made to
initial defects per vehicle, had become a prerequisite for convince others that one’s claims are true. Thus, it is an
every car maker. There is a dynamic at work here ④that is attempt to present reasons in support of one’s claims.
common to other industries. Over long periods of time, Arguments are the building blocks of philosophy, and the
what was once a core competence may become a base-line good philosopher is ⑤ one who is able to create the best
capability. Quality, rapid time to market, and arguments based on a solid foundation.
quick-response customer service—once genuine
differentiators—⑤is becoming routine advantages in many

11강 1—4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.48)

An issue receiving much attention in the media and

schools is bullying. This is seen as repeated, unprovoked
abuse by one or more children that causes physical or
10강 4-4. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.46) psychological pain to another child. Bullying is harmful and
can affect the classroom climate in a negative way. Drama
(A) More than 2000 years ago, Aristotle wrote that can be used with children to build social perspective,
happiness is a condition. It is not something that is emotional empathy, and compassion for others. In drama,
achieved by pursuing it directly; rather, it is something that the characters can work through a number of difficulties,
comes out through our engagement in purposeful activity. including bullying. Tabone (2003) uses the children’s book
This is the statement of the law of indirect effort. Rotten Ralph, a story about a rotten cat, for a class drama.
The story is read to the children, and they discuss how
(B) Self-confidence is also subject to the law of indirect Sarah feels about what her cat, Ralph, is doing. Some of
effort. We achieve higher levels by setting and achieving his actions are breaking one of Sarah’s dolls, making fun of
even higher goals and objectives. As we move forward, step her, sawing off a limb that holds her swing, and other
by step, once we feel ourselves advancing in life, we feel terrible things. (A) 학생들은 그들이 하고 싶은 어떠한 것이든 연
better and more capable of taking on even more challenges. 극화 할 수 있다, 교사가 다른 사항들을 제공해 준다면. This
drama experience could be extended to drawing about the
(C) This law simply says that almost anything we get in happenings of bullying.
life involving emotional experiences comes to us indirectly
rather than directly. It comes to us as a result of doing 보기 [may /The children /options /things /the teacher /can
something else. If we pursue happiness directly, it eludes /they /while /dramatize /do /some /other /offers].
us. But if we get busy doing something that is important
to us and make progress in the direction of our dreams,
we find ourselves feeling very happy.
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
11강 2—4. 다음 글의 주제로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.49) ① Confidence
② Cooperation
Many middle managers and first-line employees must feel ③ Energy
like the laborers who built the pharaohs’ tombs. Every ④ Responsibility
pharaoh hoped to build for himself a tomb of such ⑤ Consideration
intricate and deceitful design that no marauder would ever
be able to enter it and steal the pharaoh’s wealth. Think of
the laborers as middle managers in the midst of corporate 11강 4—4. 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시
restructuring. All the workers knew that when the tomb 오.51)
was finished they would be put to death—this was how the
pharaoh destroyed any memory of how to find the wealth. We all surround ourselves with a “personal bubble” that
Imagine what would happen when the pharaoh showed up we go to great lengths to protect. We open the bubble to
on a work site and inquired of a supervisor, “How’s it our friends, children, parents, and so on, but we’re careful
going, are you about done yet?” “Not yet boss, it’ll be a to keep most people out of this space. When we stand in
few more years, I’m afraid.” No wonder tombs were seldom line, we make certain there is enough space so that we
finished within the pharaoh’s lifetime! And no wonder so don’t touch the person in front of us and aren’t touched by
few first‒ level and mid‐level employees bring their full the person behind us. At times, we _______________
emotional and intellectual energies to the task of our personal space. In the library, for example, you may
restructuring. place your coat on the chair next to you—claiming that
*marauder 약탈자 space for yourself even though you aren’t using it. If you
① Most pharaoh’s wealth was hidden in their tombs. want to really widen your space, you might even spread
② Middle managers exploit fortune from one-time laborers books in front of the other chairs, keeping the whole table
through the construction. to yourself by giving the impression that others have just
③ Most of the pharaoh’s tombs was not completed until stepped away.
the pharaoh die.
④ Pharaoh suggested benefits plan to laborers and ① extend
managers. ② shorten
⑤ The intricate and deceitful design of pharaoh’s tombs. ③ exaggerate
④ fake
⑤ visualize

11강 3—4. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 옳은 것을 고르시오.50)

__________ is an attribute that great achievers have in

common. No matter what their background or life history,
true leaders seem to share the belief that they are the
source—the creator. In other words, they are responsible
for the outcome of their actions. On some level, they
generated the outcome, if not by their physical actions,
then by their mental actions. They seem to believe that
they create whatever happens in their life someone cut
them off on the road, they contributed to that outcome in
some way. Maybe they were driving in the other car’s blind
spot, or they weren’t paying close enough attention, or they
didn’t anticipate the lane change of a car. That is how
leaders are— they take full responsibility.
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
12강 1-4. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.52) 12강 2-4. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.54)

What’s happening when we’re actually doing two things at The ancients recognized seven activities as arts: history,
once? It’s simple. Our brain has channels, and so we’re poetry, comedy, tragedy, mask, dance, and astronomy. Each
able to process different kinds of data in different parts of was governed by its own muse, each had its own rules and
our brain. Therefore, you can talk and walk at the same aims, but all seven were united by a common motivation:
time. There is no channel interference. But you’re not they were tools, useful to describe the universe and our
really focused on both activities. One is happening in the place in it. They were methods of understanding the
foreground and the other in the background. If you were mysteries of existence, and as such, they themselves took
trying to explain on the cell phone how to operate a on the aura of those mysteries. As a result, they were each
complex machine, you’d stop walking. Similarly, if you were aspects of religious activity: The performing arts celebrated
crossing a rope bridge over a valley, you’d likely stop the rituals; history recorded the story of the race;
talking. You can do two things at once, but you can’t focus astronomy searched the heavens. In each of these seven
effectively on two things at once. classical arts we can discover the roots of contemporary
cultural and scientific categories. History, for example, leads
① you are totally being interrupted by multitasking not only to the modern social sciences but also to prose
② you’re not really focused on both activities narrative: the novel, short stories, and so forth.
③ it can have a serious problem when you grow up
④ your friends may feel disappointed ① they are still different when being observed more closely
⑤ you cannot do anything without listening ② they are getting more familiar with people
③ all these are being more limited as time goes by
④ all seven were united by a common motivation
⑤ history cannot be a main subject at school

12강 3-4. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 곳을 고르시오.55)

12강 1-4. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.53) However, players may “switch off,” become bored, confused
and even frustrated if too much instruction is given.
(A) Similarly, without the rules of anger, say, there would
be no anger, only unclear expressions of rage or ①Verbal communication involves conveying messages that
frustration. have both content (i.e. what is said) and form (i.e. how it
is sent). ②Many coaches are very good at giving
(B) To illustrate with a nonemotional example, rules of information that is high in content, for instance, when
grammar regulate how a person speaks “properly”; more introducing new tactics or technical skills. ③Furthermore,
fundamentally, they help constitute the language that is when coaches continually use verbal instruction, they
spoken. Thus, without the rules of English grammar, there become the main actors in the coaching theater thereby
would be no English language. limiting or stopping the active participation of the players.
④Therefore, by involving the players through asking
(C) Our beliefs about emotions not only describe what is, questions and listening to them, a coach obliges them to
whether in fact or myth, but they also prescribe what think, collect information, evaluate and create. ⑤This
should—or should not—be. For example, you should not involves and encourages players to take more responsibility
laugh during a funeral. In addition to regulating how we for their own learning and development.
respond, many rules also have an enabling function.
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
12강 4-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.56) 2—4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.58)

As you assess your behaviors, attitudes, and values, you Until recently psychology has mainly been working within
may realize ①that you are acting in ways that aren’t as a disease model: a strong emphasis has been placed on
effective or appropriate as possible. How can you best discovering deficits in human behaviour and finding ways
change your behaviors, attitudes, and values? A strategy is to repair this damage. (A) 심리학자들은 건강하게 기능하는 것
useful. Focus on ②what you have done well in the past as 에 대한 지식을 획득하고 강점을 만드는 것에 대한 연구를 하는 일
well as on what you are currently ③doing well. By focusing 에는 거의 초점을 맞추지 않았다. In other words, they have
on your successes instead of your problems, you can more focused solely on taking away something negative (the
quickly accomplish the results you ④desiring. For example, dysfunctioning) instead of adding something positive
golfers such as Tiger Woods or Annika Sorenstam are able (increasing mental and behavioural health). The result is
to ignore hostile crowds, challenging weather conditions, that psychologists know little about healthy and happy
and their competition. They focus their energy on ⑤ functioning. This situation has been changing now since the
accomplish the task—striking the golf ball cleanly. Similarly, rise of positive psychology a few years ago. What is
when people are depressed or anxious about their Positive Psychology? It is a new movement in psychology,
communication ability, they can lessen these feelings by originated by Martin Seligman and a few other prominent
focusing on situations where they have succeeded in not psychologists. It aims to be a psychological science about
being depressed and anxious. the best things in life.
*deficit 약점
보기 [doing /psychologists /acquiring /and /on /knowledge
/focused /about /healthy functioning /hardly /building
/studies /strengths.].

3—4. 다음 글의 주제로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.59)

There are several ways in which your self image has

become distorted. For instance, imprinting. I was at a
shop, and a mother came in with a child in a buggy. The
child was terrible. It cried and shouted. So the mother
1-4. 어법이 틀린 곳을 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.(2개)57) said: “Why do you always behave so badly when you are in
a shop with me?” Now, that’s a stupid remark, but one
Not everything gets done by acting with great haste. which can easily slip out of any parent. In the
Sometimes you have to ① be on high alert and think on subconscious mind of the child, however, the message is
your feet, but often you have to carefully consider matters received loud and clear. Next time she goes shopping with
and take your time ② analyzed every aspect before signing her mom, she will wonder: “Who am I when I go shopping
up for a project or relationship. That is what the turtle is with mom?” And the information will readily pop up, with
teaching us. Fast is good, because you don’t want to miss the authority of the mother’s voice: “You are someone who
opportunities in a world ③ that is so full of competitors. always behaves badly when you are with me!” So, of course
Yet, slow is good, too, because in many instances, you have the child will behave badly again.
to look before you leap. When in a hurry, the chance of *buggy 유모차
making irrational or untimely decisions increases, and with
that, also the chance of unnecessary failure increases. Like ① The ways in which image has become distorted.
with everything, moderation and balance are golden rules ② How to treat a child when they are in terrible.
here. There are times when you have to move rapidly, but ③ Imprinting-the one way of producing distorted self image.
④ which the water looks good, you should not dive in it ④ Parents need to know well about children’s emotions.
⑤ if you don’t know how to swim yet. There are instances ⑤ The Way how children become mature.
when you just have to wait.
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
4—4. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 옳은 것을 고르시오.60) 13강 1-4. 어법이 틀린 곳을 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.(2개)62)

The quality of the environment, both natural and Sometimes conflict can ① be resolved through an
man-made, is essential to tourism. However, tourism’s expansion of resources. For example, a department may
relationship with the environment is complex. It involves need five computers but has a budget for only three.
many activities that can have adverse environmental effects. However, by talking the finance people into delaying the
Many of these impacts are linked with the construction of purchase of other equipment, there ② are be more money
general infrastructure such as roads and airports, and of ③ left for departmental computers. Alternatively, the
tourism facilities, including resorts, hotels, restaurants and company may be reorganized and some people ④ give
shops. The negative impacts of tourism development can early retirement, thus freeing up funds for computer
gradually destroy the environmental resources on which it equipment. An expansion of resources involves a reworking
depends. On the other hand, tourism has the potential to of the budget for the purpose of determining ⑤ how
create beneficial effects on the environment by contributing additional funds can be found.
to environmental protection and conservation. It is a way
to raise awareness of environmental ____________ and it
can serve as a tool to finance the protection of natural
areas and increase their economic importance.

① Deficiency
② Worth
③ Weakness
④ Dispute
⑤ Display

13강 1—4. 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시

오.61) 13강 2—4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 문법에 맞게 적절히 변형
하여 (A)를 완성하시오.63)
In an experiment, when people were asked to count three
minutes in their heads, 25‒year‒olds were quite accurate, A child who hears a stern warning about the dangers of
but 65‒year‒olds went over on average by 40 seconds. running in the street will have better self-esteem than a
Time seemed to pass faster for the older group. This may child who only hears that he’s a “bad boy” when he runs
seem meaningless, but there are a lot of benefits to into the street. The child who’s a “bad boy” is getting the
perceiving time like 65‒year‒olds. For example, if you have message that he and his behavior are not okay. (A) 그는 자
been working on a project for eight hours, but it only feels 신이 하는 일과 자신의 본 모습 사이의 차이에 대해 배우지 못한다.
like six, you will have more energy to keep going. If you As an adult, his inner critic will attack both his behavior
have been running for 20 minutes, and you perceive it to and his worth. Parents who carefully distinguish between
be only 13 minutes, you’re more likely to have seven more inappropriate behavior and the basic goodness of the child
minutes of energy. So, if you want to use your energy to raise children who feel better about themselves and have a
work longer, just ________________ of how long you far gentler inner critic.
have been working.

① widen your experience 보기 [ He /what /is /do /what /between /learn /he /the
② run more faster /do /difference /he /and ].
③ don’t watch your clock
④ be confident
⑤ change your view
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
13강 3—4. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시 14강 1-4. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은? 66)

▶According to him, however, entertainers who are alive are
Let’s go back to our ancestors, back before elevators, not included.
escalators, cars, and even horses. This is when our human
physiology was coming of age. Our ancestors had to move Most dictionaries list names of famous people. ①The
to survive. Not unlike most other mammals, humans had editors must make difficult decisions about whom to
to expend much energy in order to acquire food and water. include and whom to exclude. ②Webster’s New World
These early humans, with whom we share most of our Dictionary, for example, includes Audrey Hepburn but
physiology, were nomadic, and therefore moving was an leaves out Spencer Tracy. ③It lists Bing Crosby, not Bob
essential part of their lives. As descendants of these Hope; Willie Mays, not Micky Mantle. Executive editor
nomadic people, our physiology is based on abundant Michael Agnes explains that names are chosen based on
_____________ and a diet of vegetables, fruits, nuts, their frequency of use and their usefulness to the reader.
fish, and infrequent, small portions of meat. To the extent ④For that very reason, Elton John and Paul McCartney
we have that, we are more likely to be healthy. To the aren’t in the dictionary, but both Marilyn Monroe and Elvis
extent we don’t, problems arise. Presley, who died decades ago, are. ⑤
*nomadic 떠돌이 생활을 하는
① settlement
② movement
③ farming
④ hunting
⑤ fishing

13강 4—4. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 옳은 것을 고르시오.65)

Some travel companies are very specific about what’s 14강 1-4. 다음 중 글의 전체 내용과 관련 없는 문장은?67)
included in the price quoted for a trip, but in other cases,
you’ll have to ask for ______. “Some meals” might mean Search for truths about nature is science. ①It is a creative
dinner but not breakfast or lunch, and “sightseeing” may activity. ②When one obtains a new insight into the
mean a guide and local transportation but not admission working of nature, one is as much thrilled as, say, a
fees or tips. Another good topic to investigate is your painter or a sculptor when he creates a masterpiece. ③
accommodations. Some tour operators don’t commit to However, there is one major difference between science and
specific hotels but simply promise three- or four-star the arts. Scientific effort is cumulative and cooperative,
properties, so if you’re particular about lodging, ask where whereas each artistic creation is complete in itself. ④In
the group stayed on past trips. And if you and your science, every newly established fact, however insignificant
traveling companion want two separate beds, confirm that it may appear to be at the time, and every new idea,
up front. however small, is bound sooner or later to contribute to
major advances in our understanding of nature. ⑤A human
① Dangers being, they said, is a featherless biped with broad nails.
② Price Even such a great physicist as Newton wrote: “If I can see
③ Details a little farther, it is by standing on the shoulders of
④ Location giants.”
⑤ Regulations
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
14강 2-4. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?68) 14강 4-4. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?70)

▶For example, Wangechi Mutu, originally from Kenya, ▶According to them, we do not need to discover who we
pursued further education in South Wales and then in the are because we are who we choose to be.
United States.
The reason why people like Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung
A key feature of the art scene in the 21st century is the became interested in the study of dreams is that they saw
impact of globalization—the accelerating interconnectivity of them as a source of self-knowledge. ①In dreams our
human activity and information across time and space. ① subconscious minds may reveal things to us that our
Aided by the Internet and mass media, awareness of the conscious minds deny. ②What the work of Freud, Jung
vitality of contemporary art in localities around the globe and others indicates is that we may not be able to arrive
has grown tremendously. ②Anyone with access to the at full self-knowledge unaided. ③We may need others to
Internet can follow developments in Shanghai, Sydney, São help us see what and who we are. A very different
Paulo, or Nairobi. ③Simultaneously the increased movement approach is taken by Existentialist philosophers, who reject
of artists across borders and oceans has added to the the very idea that there is such a thing as ‘human nature’.
intermixing of influences and artistic vocabularies. ④Her ④ Each individual creates his or her own nature through
collaged images of women are informed by African tribal making certain choices, and what we can make, we can
arts, 20th-century European and American collage artists, also change. ⑤
and the latest illustrations from fashion, and medical
sources, etc. ⑤Mutu is considered by many to be one of
the most important contemporary African artists of recent
years, and her work has achieved much global acclaim.

15강 1—4. 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시

14강 3-4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.69) 오.71)

Despite all the spending, computers are not often used to It is said that 1 in ancient Athens the followers of Plato
do anything that couldn’t be done as easily—and more gathered one day to ask themselves the following question:
cheaply and effectively—with old-fashioned books, pencils, “What is a human being?” After a great deal of thought,
paper, and chalk. “Interactive” whiteboards are too they came up with the following answer: “a human being is
frequently used merely for displaying text or pictures to a a featherless biped.” Everybody seemed content with this
dutifully seated class, not much different from what you definition until a philosopher burst into the lecture hall
can do with an overhead projector or chalkboard. with a live featherless chicken. Holding it in his hand, he
Computers are used for mere word processing, to display shouted “Look! I present you with a human being.” After
cognitively bleak commercial software packages like the stir had died down, the philosophers gathered again
PowerPoint, or to play dull educational games of uncertain and improved their definition. A human being, they said, is
merit. Computer “art” packages get used as bland a featherless biped with broad nails. This curious story
substitutes for paint-and-paper art. But some educators are from the history of early philosophy shows the kinds of
realizing that this is a dead end. (A) 그들은 교실에서 과학기 difficulties philosophers have sometimes been faced with
술로 다른 어떤 일을 하고 있다. These teachers have realized when attempting to give abstract, general ______ of what
that the point isn’t to simply repeat more expensively what it is to be human.
they’re already doing quite well with paper, pencils, and *biped 두 발 동물
books. It’s to do new things that they currently can’t do.
① experiences
[doing /They’re /with /the classroom /something ② improvements
/technology /different /in ] ③ evolutions
④ definitions
⑤ changes
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
15강 1-4. 어법이 틀린 곳을 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.(2개)72) 15강 3-4. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.74)

As Ruth Handler watched her daughter Barbara ① grow The main reason that students do not study is not that
up during the 1950s, she noticed that she and her friends they do not have enough time; it is that they would rather
seemed more interested in playing with adult dolls than be doing something else. Consider a student who has a
with the traditional baby versions. Unfortunately, the only French test in two weeks. We know that the earlier the
grown-up dolls available at the time were ② making of student starts studying for the test, the fewer tasks will
cardboard. Ruth became convinced ③ that a need to be completed each day. The French student, on the
three-dimensional alternative would be a commercial other hand, sees the test as a ____ priority because it is
success. She took her idea to the board of Mattel, the far away. He would rather watch television or read a book
company that she and her husband established, but it was than take 15 minutes to study for the test. A week and a
rejected as being too risky and expensive. The executives half later, the test becomes more important. By that time,
only decided to ④ back Ruth’s hunch when she returned the student will need several hours to prepare. He will
from a trip to Switzerland with an adult doll called Lilli. most likely find it more difficult to fit a three-hour block
Ruth’s doll went into production and ⑤ named “Barbie” in of study time into his schedule than several 15-minute
honor of her daughter. Barbie was unveiled at the 1959 blocks.
American Toy Fair in New York. Mattel sold 351,000
Barbies in year one. ① high ② low
③ former ④ normal
⑤ outrageous

15강 4-4. 다음 글의 주제로 적절한 것을 고르시오.75)

15강 2-4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 문법에 맞게 적절히 변형하
여 (A)를 완성하시오.73) Satyamurti was a leading nationalist in India. He was
known for his great speech. His words carried logic and
One reason many of us have a higher regard for our own reason, wit and wisdom. So he usually got the better of
character than that of others is that we judge ourselves by others in arguments. Once he went to England to present
our intentions and others by their acts, especially those India’s case for freedom. He met the leading politicians in
acts we find annoying. For example, if we don’t visit a Britain. He pleaded with them to restore self-government to
friend or relative in the hospital, we usually don’t think of India. At one meeting, while he was presenting India’s case
ourselves as having done something wrong. Instead, we for freedom, a heckler asked, “Do you know that the sun
rationalize, “I really did think of paying a visit; I just never sets on the British Empire?” That was true. For
didn’t have enough time. But I wanted to go.” Yet, when Britain had colonies all around the globe. And always it
we are a hospital patient, and others don’t visit, (A) 우리 was day in some or the other part of the Empire.
대부분은 병문안하지 않는 사람들의 행동에 대한 해명을 궁리하면서 Satyamurti looked in the general direction of the crowd
시간을 보내지 않는다. Instead, we are apt to dismiss them as from where the question had come and smiled. The heckler
selfish or “fair-weather” friends. Therefore, in the future, felt he had nettled Satyamurti. He thought Satyamurti
make an effort to judge others by their intentions when would not have a convincing reply. Here he went wrong.
their actions upset you, in the same way most of us judge For Satyamurti replied, “Do you know why? Even the sun
ourselves when we have done something that has upset doesn’t trust the British in the dark.”
another. *heckler 야유꾼 **nettle 화나게 하다

보기 [ behavior /time /don’t /spend /of /for /the /devise ① Argument between Satyamurti and the heckler
/us /explanations /most /non-visitors’ ]. ② Satyamurti’s constant practice to speak logically
③ Satyamurti’s contribution to England
④ England’s brutal ruling of colony
⑤ Satyamurti’s proficient wit about ridicule
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
16강 1-4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.76) 16강 2-4. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.78)

Children are much more resistant to giving something to Consider the tasks of surfing the web and proofreading a
someone else than to helping them. One can observe this report for errors.
difference clearly in very young children. 2 Even though
one‐and‐a‐half‐year‐olds will support each other in (A)And then, the decision to “get in the mind-set” of
surfing, and bring to mind how one surfs takes another
difficult situations, they are not willing to share their own
fraction of a second. Although each switch may waste only
toys with others. The little ones even defend their
a second or so, the multitasker makes many switches,
possessions with screams and, if necessary, blows. This is
wasting much time. What is more efficient? Prioritizing and
the daily experience of parents troubled by constant
organizing one’s time.
quarreling between toddlers. 3 There was no word I heard
more frequently than “Mine!” from my daughters when (B)The rules for surfing include using the mouse to move
they were still in diapers. the cursor, double clicking screen choices, clicking the
↓ “back” key to return to a previous screen, pushing another
(A) 아주 어린 아이들은 어려운 상황에서 서로를 도와주려고는 하 button once to bookmark a page, and so on. The rules for
지만, 그들은 자신의 소유물은 기꺼이 공유하려 하지 않는다. proofreading are different and might include first skimming
a page for obvious mistakes, reading the report one word
at a time to check for spelling, and then rereading the
[very /Although /to share /children /will /unwilling /their report paragraph by paragraph to see if one’s points are
/young /help /each /difficult /other /in /situations/, /they clear.
/are /possessions]
(C)Someone who surfs and proofreads at the same time
actually is switching from one task to another. The decision
that it is time to stop, say, proofreading and begin surfing
takes a fraction of a second.

16강 3-4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.79)

Dr. King didn’t change America by himself. He wasn’t a

legislator, for example, but legislation was created to give
all people in the United States equal rights regardless of
skin color. It wasn’t Dr. King who changed America; it was
16강 1-4. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?77) the movement of millions of others whom he inspired that
changed the course of history. But how do you organize
▶What the witnesses said turned out to be less important millions of people? Forget millions, how do you organize
hundreds or tens of people? The vision and charisma of a
than how they said it: the straightforward, confident
good leader first attract innovators and early adopters.
witnesses were rated significantly more credible.
Trusting their guts and their intuition, these people will
make the greatest sacrifices to help see the vision become
①In a mock jury study, researcher Bonnie Erickson and
a reality. With each success, with every tangible
her colleagues had people listen to a witness answer
demonstration that the vision can in fact become more
questions about a supposed accident—for example, reality, the more practical-minded majority starts to take
“Approximately how long did you stay there before the interest. (A) 이전에는 단지 꿈이었던 것이 이내 증명할 수 있는
ambulance arrived?” ②Some jurors heard the witness 확실한 현실이 되는 것이다.
respond straightforwardly: “Twenty minutes. Long enough
to help get Mrs. David straightened out.” ③Others listened [What /provable /was /becomes /just /a /tangible /dream
to the witness hem and haw: “Oh, it seems like it was /previously /soon /a /and /reality]
about, uh, twenty minutes. ④Just long enough to help my
friend Mrs. David, you know, get straightened out.” ⑤
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
16강 4-4. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.80) 17강 2-4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.82)

While medical anthropologist Jennifer Roberts conducted Harvard Business School professor Francesca Gino and
urban fieldwork in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, her research her colleagues asked workers to spend 15 minutes at the
assistant introduced Roberts to a woman who was end of their workdays writing about what went well that
accompanied by her five-year-old daughter. day, and they found that the journaling employees had
22.8% higher performance than those who didn’t ponder on
(A)In fact Roberts had inadvertently committed two cultural their workday. As former Tech Insider reporter Drake Baer
mistakes. First, in this part of the world, patting a child on points out, reflecting on the day’s successes can help you
the head is viewed as a violation of the most sacred part incorporate those lessons into the next day. “You introduce
of the body. Second, complimenting a child on her beauty a stimulus, gather the data of your experience, and then
or health is regarded in Malaysia as inviting bad fortune improve from there,” he writes. (A)연구 참가자들이 무슨 일이
for the child. 잘 되었는지에 대해 단지 생각만 한 것이 아니라, 자신들의 대답을
썼다는 것에 주목할 가치가 있다. “It’s very easy to deceive
(B)Roberts was so taken by the girl’s beauty that she yourself if you’re just thinking about it,” Gino explains,
patted the girl on the head while commenting to the “but when you write things down on paper, it’s easier to
mother what a gorgeous child she had. identify what’s helpful.”

(C)Much to Roberts’s surprise, the mother responded by If you review your work each day by writing things down,
saying that the girl was not pretty at all and then abruptly it will help you get better productivity.
left. What had Roberts done? She was simply trying to pay
the woman and her daughter a compliment. [study participants /noting /It’s worth /that /about /their
responses /what went well, /didn’t simply think /but
/wrote / down]

13~16강 3-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.83)

At one point in my career in business, I applied for a job

17강 1-4. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?81) that looked perfect on paper. It paid about thirty thousand
dollars a year more than ①what I was currently making. It
Focus instead on the next actions you intend to take. was a job with lots of budget and personnel responsibility,
②doing work that I knew and ③like. But on the day that
Giving people feedback about their past performance can be I was called with the job offer, I got off the telephone, sat
a powerful way to help them learn. ①Equally useful is down, and ④start to cry. My gut instinct was telling me
“feedforward,” which means exploring new options for the something was wrong. But I didn’t listen. I took the job
future. ②Marshall Goldsmith, a management consultant, because it paid so well and my brain kept telling me it
suggests a way to do this. ③First, talk about a specific, was the right thing to do. Less than two years later, I left
high-impact behavior that you’d like to change—for that job, having been miserable for almost every minute I
example, “I want to be a better listener.” ④Then gather was there. My gut knew that I shouldn’t ⑤have taken the
with a small group of trusted friends and ask for job, but I talked myself into it. That almost never works
suggestions about ways to accomplish your goal. To make out well. Listen to your instincts. If something seems
this process work, avoid any conversation about what’s wrong, then spend time to figure out what it is.
happened in the past.⑤
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
13~16강 4-4. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.84) 17강 1-4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.86)

At 7:35 a.m. on November 13, 1872, in the port city of Le The pleasures of kindness were well known in the past.
Havre, France, Claude Monet gazed out his hotel window Kindness was mankind’s “greatest delight,” the Roman
and began to paint what he saw. The result was philosopher-emperor Marcus Aurelius declared, and thinkers
“Impression, Soleil Levant” (“Impression, Sunrise’s”)—and and writers have echoed him down the centuries. (A)그러나
the birth of a movement. How do we know exactly when 오늘날 많은 사람들은 이런 즐거움이 말 그대로 믿을 수 없거나 최
Impressionism began? Because of Donald Olson, a Texas 소한 대단히 의심스럽다는 것을 알고 있다. An image of the self
State University astrophysicist who uses astronomy to solve has been created that is utterly lacking in natural
art and literary mysteries. When asked to help determine generosity. Most people appear to believe that deep down
the painting’s provenance, Olson began by examining maps they (and other people) are mad, bad, and dangerous to
and photos very carefully to identify Monet’s hotel and know; that as a species—apparently unlike other species of
room. The final clues were the smoke plumes in the animals—we are deeply and fundamentally hostile to each
painting, showing the wind blowing east to west. Then he other, that our motives are utterly self-seeking, and that
turned to astronomy—using the rising sun and the moon to our sympathies are forms of self-protection.
determine the tide, season, and time of day—and
_______________________. Those findings—plus the [at least /find /But today, /literally /these pleasures
“72” by Monet’s signature—closed the case and put a /incredible /or /many people /highly suspect]
precise time stamp on a timeless work of art.

① painted what he saw everyday morning

② consulted digitized 19th-century weather observations
③ used astronomy to discover new information
④ got interested in various kinds of literature
⑤ helped to find the true meanings of the artworks

17강 2-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.87)

On a campaign in Silesia, Frederick, King of Prussia, gave

17강 1-4. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?85) orders one day ①that all fires and lights were to be
extinguished in his camp by a certain hour. To make
Explain to your parents that money is something you will certain ②which his order was obeyed, the king himself
have to deal with for the rest of your life. went the rounds. Passing by the tent of a certain Captain
Zietern, he noticed the glimmer of a candle, and upon
Your parents may be afraid that you will not spend your entering ③found the officer ④sealing a letter to his wife.
allowance wisely. ①You may make some foolish spending Frederick demanded to know ⑤that Zietern thought he was
choices, but if you do, the decision to do so is your own doing; didn’t he know the orders? The captain threw
and hopefully you will learn from your mistakes. ②Much of himself at the king’s feet, unable to deny or excuse his
learning occurs through trial and error. ③It is better that disobedience. Frederick instructed him to sit down and add
you make your mistakes early on rather than later in life. a postscript to the letter, which Frederick himself dictated:
④Explain that you will have a family someday and you “Tomorrow I shall perish on the scaffold.” Zietern wrote
need to know how to manage your money. ⑤Not what he was told and was duly executed the following day.
everything is taught at school!
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
17강 3-4. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.88) 18강 1-4. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?90)

Before you begin teaching your children responsibility, be Advertising also helps people find the best for themselves.
certain __________________. What does responsibility
mean to you? What responsibilities do you think children A lot of customers buy products only after they are made
should have, and at what ages? Most parents feel that aware that the products are available in the market. ①Let’s
basic responsibilities include keeping a clean room and say a product, even if it has been out there for a while, is
picking up any mess made in other rooms of the house. not advertised. ②Then what might happen? ③Not knowing
When our children become students, we want them to that the product exists, customers would probably not buy
meet the requirements of being a learner and to do their it even if the product may have worked for them. ④When
homework religiously. Another responsibility is for personal they are made aware of a whole range of goods, they are
hygiene, being bathed and combed and well dressed. There able to compare them and make purchases so that they get
is financial responsibility, in which children learn to budget what they desire with their hard‐earned money. ⑤Thus,
and to spend wisely their allowances or income from advertising has become a necessity in everybody’s daily life.
part-time jobs. Children need to become responsible with
their time, getting to school before the bell rings, keeping
curfew, managing to fit in all their activities and still have
down-time left.

① you have your own responsibility first

② you are the parents of the children
③ you have the concept clear in your own mind
④ you have to meet the requirements of the children
⑤ you have to spend budget more wisely

18강 1-4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.91)

When you remove body language and facial expressions

17강 4-4. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.89) from communication, you remove many of the signals we
use to read other people. Communication over the phone
(A) If they write their answers, the survey takes the form leaves you and your customer with limited insight into how
of a questionnaire. They may or may not complete the the person on the other end of the conversation is
survey in your presence. What you will get will be the reacting. Is he in a defensive posture and getting more
briefest answers to your questions—no more, no less. withdrawn as you talk? Is she rolling her eyes while you
tell her how much you value her business? Is he reading
(B) A survey is somewhat like an interview in that the his email instead of listening to you? (A)우리의 상호작용에서
person conducting it prepares a set of questions. However, 더 많은 신체적인 단서를 없애면 없앨수록 오해를 하는 것이 더욱
an interview is done one-on-one, and the conversation has 더 쉽다. Fortunately, you can still tell a lot from tone of
great flexibility. A survey, on the other hand, is usually voice.
written in advance. A number of participants agree to
answer a set of questions. [we remove /physical cues /it is /from our interactions,
/The more /the easier /to have /misunderstandings]
(C) Obviously, you will run into difficulty if you realize
later on that you should have asked different questions.
Therefore, in a survey, most of the work lies in the
preparation of the questions so as to get the best answers.
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
18강 2-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오. 92) 18강 4-4. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.94)

The tradition of a pep squad as a support for sports teams (A) When Charles Darwin indicated that Homo sapiens was
①is one ②that many people are familiar with. These just another kind of animal, people were outraged. Even
groups exist for many different types of high school and today many refuse to believe it. If the Neanderthals had
college sports, most notably football. Essentially, a pep survived, would we still imagine ourselves to be a creature
squad is a group of individuals who have the responsibility apart?
of motivating and ③promote enthusiasm for a particular
sports team before and during a sports competition. The (B) Over the past 10,000 years, Homo sapiens has grown
use of the term ④vary to a degree from place to place. In so accustomed to being the only human species that it’s
some settings, the pep squad is considered to be the same hard for us to think of any other possibility. Our lack of
as a cheerleading squad. Other locations see it as a brothers and sisters makes it easier to imagine that we are
separate entity from the cheerleaders, although they share a the best example of creation, and that a chasm separates
common purpose. This may lead to the squad ⑤being us from the rest of the animal kingdom.
more of a dance team, performing more complicated
routines that are usually associated with cheerleading. (C) Perhaps this is exactly why our ancestors wiped out the
Neanderthals. They were too familiar to ignore, but too
different to tolerate.

18강 3-4. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.93)

It was usual among “savages” for the man who had food to
share it with the man who had none, for travelers to be
fed at any home they chose to stop at on their way, and
for communities harassed with drought to be maintained by
their neighbors. If a man sat down to his meal in the 19강 1–4. 어법이 틀린 곳을 찾아 올바르게 고치시오.(2개)95)
woods, he was expected to call loudly for someone to come
and share it with him, before he might justly eat alone. When people share the same daily, weekly, monthly, and
When a Western traveler told a Samoan about the poor in seasonal rhythms, connections among them form faster and
London, the “savage” asked in astonishment: “How is it? stay stronger. The people trust each other more deeply, and
No food? No friends? No house to live in? Where did he coordination becomes ① easier. After all, they are
grow? Are there no houses belonging to his friends?” The frequently doing the same things and working on the same
hungry Indian had but to ask to receive; however small the problems together. In fact, several organizations use regular
supply was, food was given to him if he needed it: “no one stand-up meetings to maintain strong bonds and ②
can want food while there is corn anywhere in the town.” reinforce a ③ shared mindset. A CEO of a food company
*harassed 시달리는 talks about his short daily meeting with his team. He
explains, “The rhythm ④ which frequency generates allows
① share food only with foreigners relationships to strengthen, personal habits to be
② be accustomed to the travelers who are being fed by understood, and stressors to be identified. All of this helps
parents the members of the team understand not only their roles
③ come and share it with him but also ⑤ which they can get the best out of one
④ help to boost the economy of the community another.”
⑤ eliminate the feelings of hunger
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
19강 1—4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 문법에 맞게 적절히 변형 19강 3-4. 다음 글의 주제로 적절한 것을 고르시오.98)
하여 (A)를 완성하시오.96)
Telling schoolchildren that they are smart impairs their
Team sports offer a particularly compelling form of drama. future performance, whereas telling them that they work
The outcome of a game, unlike that of a scripted drama, is hard or not praising them at all leads them to work harder
unknown. Few people watch the same play or motion in the future. Therefore, attempting to convince people to
picture repeatedly because after they have seen it once they be impressed with themselves can actually make people do
know the ending. The tension is gone. But tension fills worse, which isn’t all that surprising really. Convincing
each and every game of baseball, football, and basketball. people to rely mostly on their self-esteem is really telling
(A) 조직적인 스포츠에서 긴장감은 각각의 개별 경기 너머까지 도 them that they can’t count on other people, and that is a
달되어 시간이 지나면서 증가하는 경향이 있다. Each game is mighty unhappy thought indeed. Worse still, some probably
part of a designated sequence—a season—the goal of which
hear the message that they should think and act like they
is to produce a champion. Both individual games and the
are better and more important than other people, or even
season as a whole attract interest and attention. Spectators
that ordinary rules don’t apply to them. Real “self-esteem”
follow the first to find out which of the two contesting
derives from the esteem of others. Why shout out your
teams will win, and the second to learn which one will
victories if no one hears you?
emerge as the ultimate champion. Suspense mounts
because, as the end of the season approaches, games tend
① Do not criticize a child’s shortcomings
to become more important to the determination of the
② You need to listen carefully to keep faith
③ Why don’t you tell children their strength right now?
④ Praising children that they are smart isn’t that affective
보기 [ organize /carried /individual /to /each /and /beyond
⑤ We need to make children recognize their traditional
/moreover /over /in /the /tension /sports /game /increase
/time /tend]. rules

19강 2-4. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.97)

19강 4—4. 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 고르시
Benjamin Franklin began and ended each day with a 오.99)
question: “What good shall I do this day?” in the morning,
and “What good have I done this day?” in the evening. In Help your teen verbally ______ emotions. This isn’t as
fact, many great thinkers embraced the idea of constantly easy as it sounds because hurting teens often feel multiple
questioning things. As Albert Einstein reportedly said, emotions at the same time. Develop a rich, accurate
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. vocabulary for emotions, and allow your teen to “name”
The important thing is not to stop questioning.” Of course, what he is feeling. Various studies have shown that verbally
getting into the habit of _________ is easier said than naming an emotion has a quieting effect on the nervous
done, as we often prefer to avoid asking ourselves the system, which can in turn help teens recover faster from
tough questions. As philosopher and psychologist John emotional stress. This has to do with the brain’s structure
Dewey explained in his 1910 book, How We Think, and how emotions are processed. By verbalizing an
reflective thinking involves overcoming our predisposition to emotion, the language area in the left side of the brain is
accept things at face value and the willingness to endure engaged, which also impacts logic and other higher-level
mental unrest. Enduring this discomfort is well worth the types of thinking. Activating the connections between the
effort, as it can result in the confidence boost necessary to
logic areas and emotional processing areas of the brain
perform better in our work and daily lives.
may help your teen think about his emotion in a different
way, thus leading to a calming effect.
① concentration
② agile movement
① objectify ② hide
③ taking responsibility
③ state ④ justify
④ self-examination
⑤ visualize
⑤ perfectionism
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
20강 1-4. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?100) 20강 3-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.102)

There were no elected officials in ancient Athens. An often-repeated statistic says ①that four out of five small
businesses will fail within five years. This 80 percent is a
Democracy in ancient Athens was more extensive than frightening prospect for anyone ②thinks about starting a
today’s version in that individual involvement occurred as business. But a study by Bruce A. Kirchhoff of the New
citizens took turns holding various offices. ①Instead, Jersey Institute of Technology found the failure rate for
governmental positions, such as those of the councilors, small businesses to ③ be only 18 percent during their first
were filled by random drawings in which names were eight years. Why the huge gap? It turns out ④that studies
picked from a box. ②The selected persons served for about by the U.S. government and others defined business
a year, and no person could serve twice in their lifetime. failures much too broadly. Any closing of a business, even
③Where the knowledge of professionals was needed, there if it occurred because someone died, sold the business, or
would be permanent positions, but most governmental ⑤retiring, was recorded as a business failure. In fact, only
positions were temporary. ④Many Athenians felt that the 18 percent of the 814,000 small businesses tracked by
benefits of more experienced politicians and officials would Kirchhoff for eight years went out of business with unpaid
be spoiled by a growth in corruption. ⑤Today we bills. This should be a comfort to would-be entrepreneurs.
sometimes find that long-term positions for career
politicians lead to aspirations of power and selfish actions.

20강 2-4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.101) 20강 4-4. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.103)

If you’re tempted to eat food you’ve dropped on the floor, Visualization techniques will help you display pleasure,
you may want to think again: (A)새로운 연구 결과는 ‘5초 법 interest and other emotions in your everyday interactions.
칙’, 즉 아주 빨리 줍는다면 바닥에 떨어진 음식을 집어 먹는 것이 If your Impression Management Plan calls for you to smile
안전하다는 생각이 틀렸다는 것을 증명했다. The study found at a meeting that you dread, think in advance of several
that bacteria from a surface can move to food very quickly, happy moments in your life to replay mentally during the
in less than a second in some cases. In the study, the meeting. If the occasion calls for full attention, when you
researchers contaminated four different surfaces— stainless find yourself bored silly by someone’s presentation, create
steel, ceramic tile, wood and carpet—with bacteria. Then, an interest in him by focusing on the subtle changes in the
they dropped four food types on the surfaces: watermelon, intonation of his voice as he speaks, or think about the
bread, bread and butter, and gummy candy. Results showed words he chooses to express his ideas. Let your rational
that, in general, the longer the food was allowed to sit on brain outwit your emotional brain by consistent with the
the surface, the more bacteria was transferred to the food. emotions you want to project. Remember, the emotional
But some bacterial infection happened in less than a brain doesn’t distinguish between realistic visualization and
second. Watermelon picked up the most bacteria, while reality!
gummy candies picked up the least.
① visualizing what you have dreamed of for a long time
[food is safe /to eat /A new study /the “5-second rule,” ② feeling pleasure about your daily lives
/you pick it /or the idea /that /off the floor /if /disproved ③ injecting images consistent with the emotions you want
/up /fast enough] to project
④ having a meeting that can be conducted easily
⑤ expressing what you felt straightforwardly
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
21강 1-4. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.104) 21강 3-4. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?106)

(A) Even in the tropics, where people did not have to An example would be athletes who call themselves “losers.”
build fires to keep warm, they built fires every day to
cook. In addition to cooking grains, they usually cooked Words can be clues to inner experience, revealing hidden
their vegetables, the very foods some recommend that thoughts, feelings, or wants. ①We can, therefore, use words
people eat raw. Why cook? in much the same way as we use nonverbal messages, such
as voice tone, rate and volume of speech, facial
(B) Cooking helps neutralize many naturally occurring expressions, and body positions or movements, to help
anti-nutrients and irritants in food, also breaking down understand athletes. ②Words, however, not only express
indigestible fiber. Many foods, such as beans and potatoes, experience, but they also contribute to it, operating as a
are indigestible until cooked. While cooking—especially at feedback loop. ③They not only reveal their dissatisfaction
very high temperatures—does destroy some nutrients, it and unhappiness, they also reinforce their sense of
makes minerals more available. impotence and undermine their self-confidence. ④Words
that are not spoken can be as meaningful as those that
(C) How much of your food should be cooked? Proponents are. ⑤A useful clue to something that is avoided is the
of the newly popular raw food diets claim that cooking unanswered question. Not answering a question may
ruins vitamins and enzymes, making food difficult to digest indicate an underlying fear, guilt, embarrassment, shame, or
and therefore contributing to disease. But all traditional other unpleasant feeling or thought.
peoples cooked some or most of their food.
*proponent 지지자 **enzyme 효소

21강 4-4. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.107)

Today, studies increasingly show that many non-human

beings feel. Elephants appear to feel grief, while dolphins
and whales express joy, or something much like it. Parrots
can become unhappy, pigs and cows terrified, chickens
saddened, monkeys seemingly embarrassed. Experiments
21강 2-4. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.105) have shown that rats become agitated when seeing surgery
performed on other rats; when presented with a trapped
(A) These variations occur in cycles of 10,000 years or lab-mate and a piece of chocolate, they will free their
even hundreds of thousands of years. An ice core drilled at caged brethren before eating. There’s even evidence that
Lake Vostok in Antarctica reveals that for most of the last rats take pleasure in being tickled. (A)애완동물 주인이나 거의
250,000 years, Earth has been considerably colder than it 어떤 종류의 동물이든지 오랫동안 관찰한 사람에게는 이 중 어떤
is today. 것도 놀라움으로 다가오지 않을 것이다. Science is rediscovering
what Charles Darwin, in his book The Expression of the
(B) Long-term climate variations on Earth—ice ages are but Emotions in Man and Animals, concluded: that the
one example— are thought to be influenced by such factors variations between humans and other species in their
as small wobbles in Earth’s orbit, and the inclination of its capacity to feel and express emotion are differences in
axis, as well as cycles of radiation coming from the Sun. degree rather than in kind.

(C) In fact, the relatively warm weather experienced on [None /who has observed /will come /animal /to pet
Earth for the last 10,000 years looks like an unusual owners /of this /or anyone /virtually /for any length /any
period when compared with the previous 200,000 years. kind of /as a surprise /of time]
Ten thousand years is a short period in geologic terms, but
it covers just about the entire span of modern human
*wobble 흔들림, 동요
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
21강 01~02-4. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오. 108) 21강 01~02-4. 다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시
Food is one of the most important tools you can use as a
manager. Having a full stomach ①makes people feel In a recent study, Stanford University psychologists Manly
satisfied and happier. Eating together ②gives employees Oppezzo and Daniel Schwartz divided participants into two
time to make connections with each other. Providing an groups: walkers and sitters. They then administered
occasional snack or ③pays for a lunch now and then can something called Guilford’s Alternative Uses Test, in which
help your employees feel appreciated and ④making the participants come up with alternative uses for everyday
office feel more welcoming. These do not need to be objects. It’s designed to measure “divergent thinking,” an
elaborate setups. If you have a small budget, you’re not important component of creativity. Divergent thinking is
going to want to buy lunch at a restaurant for your entire when we come up with multiple, unexpected solutions to
group. Bringing in some cookies once in a while is enough; problems. Divergent thinking is spontaneous and
you can also encourage employees ⑤to bring in food free-flowing. Convergent thinking, by contrast, is more
themselves. linear and entails a narrowing, rather than an expanding,
The key to using food effectively is for it not to become a of your options. Convergent thinkers are trying to find the
planned event. If everyone knows you bring donuts to the one correct answer to a question. Divergent thinkers
Friday morning meeting, it becomes an expectation and not reframe the question. The results, published in the Journal
a surprise. To create goodwill, the food must appear to be of Experimental Psychology, confirm that the ancient
unexpected. It is also a good idea to praise employees who Greeks were onto something. _________ were
bring food in without being asked; this creates an “consistently and significantly” higher for the walkers versus
atmosphere of sharing. the sitters. Curiously, it didn’t matter whether participants
*elaborate 공들인 walked outdoors in the fresh air or indoors on a treadmill
staring at a blank wall. They still produced twice as many
creative responses compared with the sedentary group. It
didn’t take a lot of walking to boost creativity, either—
anywhere from five to sixteen minutes.

① Patience abilities
② Creativity abilities
③ Assembling abilities
④ Physical abilities
⑤ Musical abilities
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
21강 03~04-4. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것을 고르시 23강 01~02—4. 다음 글을 읽고 올바른 연결사로 짝지어진 것을
오.110) 고르시오.111)

No matter how experienced, no matter how proficient, a Since 1984 the city of Philadelphia has sponsored the
trapeze artist will not attempt a totally new death-defying Mural Arts Program, which has brought neighborhood
leap without first trying it with a net below him. And residents together to plan and paint more than 2,800
depending on how death-defying the trick is, he may insist architectural-scale murals on the sides of buildings. But
on always having a net when performing the trick. Besides these murals are more than art. They represent
its obvious advantage of catching you if you fall, the net neighborhood identity, civic pride, and involvement in the
also provides a psychological benefit. Knowing it is there community. And they help bridge racial, ethnic, and class
gives the trapeze artist the confidence to try something he’s divisions. To illustrate how the Mural Arts Program works,
never done before, or to do it again and again. Remove we can look at the Grays Ferry neighborhood, which in the
the net and he will only do the safe tricks, the ones he 1990s was the scene of a racial protest march caused by
knows he can land. The more he trusts the quality of the the beating of a black family by a group of whites. With
net, the more he will take personal risks to make his act racial tensions running high, the director of the Mural Arts
better. The trust the circus management gives him by Program suggested that the community create a mural with
providing him a net is probably afforded to other the theme of racial harmony. (A) ______ many people,
performers too. Soon all the performers will feel confident both black and white, were skeptical at first, after several
to try new things and push themselves further. That community planning sessions, the doubts and suspicions
collection of personal confidence and personal risk results were replaced by a desire to cooperate on the project. The
in the entire circus putting on a much better show. An mural, titled “Peace Wall,” depicts overlapping hands of
overall better show means more customers. And the system varying skin tones on a sky-blue background. The planning
______. But not without trust. For those within a and execution of the mural provided an opportunity for
community, or an organization, they must trust that their people of different backgrounds to get to know one another
leaders provide a net—practical or emotional. With that better and to form a sense of community. (B) ______
feeling of support, those in the organization are more likely “Peace Wall” was completed, residents took on other
to put in extra effort that ultimately benefits the group as community projects such as trash collection and street
a whole. repair. Thus, as illustrated by the Philadelphia Mural Arts
*trapeze artist 공중 곡예사 Program, large-scale art projects requiring cooperation can
① recovers knit people together into the fabric of a unified community.
② thrives
③ reduces (A) (B)
④ subsists ① Though Because
⑤ changes ② Though While
③ Though Once
④ Since Once
⑤ Since While
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
50) ④
정 답 51) ①
52) ②
53) C-B-A
54) ④
1) ①, ③ / reacting, that 55) ③
2) be aware of the conservative and liberal perspectives on 56) ④ desiring → desire, ⑤ accomplish →
current issues accomplishing
3) ① 57) ②, ④ /analyzing, when
4) ④ 58) Psychologists hardly focused on doing studies acquiring
5) ⑤ knowledge about healthy functioning and building strengths.
6) (A) for example , (B) Similarly 59) ③
7) 정답 : Most of the choices we make every day are the 60) ②
result of our beliefs, whether we’re conscious of it or not. 61) ⑤
8) (B)-(C)-(A) 62) ②, ④ /are, given
9) ③ 63) He doesn’t learn the difference between what he does
10) ② and what he is
11) ① see → seeing , ④ donating → to donate 64) ②
12) A-C-B 65) ③
13) ③ let → letting, ④ to stay → stay 66) ④
14) ④ 67) ⑤
15) ① 68) ④
16) ②, ③ / tried, alive 69) 정답 : They’re doing something different with
17) let her take a peek at the contents
18) ③ technology in the classroom.
19) ④ 70) ④
20) ④ 71) ④
21) ② 72) ②, ⑤ /made, was named
22) ④ 73) most of us don’t spend time devising explanations for
23) ② freeing → free, ④ depending → depend the non-visitors’ behavior
24) I would very much like to talk to the school dietitian 74) ②
about the offerings at school. 75) ⑤
25) ⑤ 76) 정답 : Although very young children will help each
26) ③ noted → noting, ④ turn → turned other in difficult situations, they are unwilling to share
27) ① walking → walked, ② seeing → saw
28) ⑤ their possessions.
29) he no longer had the means to support his large 77) ⑤
78) (B)-(C)-(A)
family and did not know where to turn for help. 79) 정답 : What was previously just a dream soon
30) 정답 : Kaspar Fürstenau continued his career as a
becomes a provable and tangible reality.
flutist performing together with his son Anton Fürstenau in 80) (B)-(C)-(A)
the major cities of Europe. 81) ⑤
31) ⑤ 82) It’s worth noting that study participants didn’t simply
32) ⑤ think about what went well, but wrote their responses
33) (C)-(A)-(B)
34) ⑤ down.
35) 정답 : He asked to see the calculations and was told 83) ③ like → liked, ④ start → started
84) ②
by Newton that he could not find them. 85) ③
36) (A)-(C)-(B) 86) But today, many people find these pleasures literally
37) ②
38) 정답 : The rise of cities and the improvement in incredible or at least highly suspect.
87) ② which → that, ⑤ that → what
transport infrastructure brought about new opportunities for 88) ③
specialization. 89) B-A-C
39) ④ 90) ④
40) ④ 91) The more physical cues we remove from our
41) 정답 : This is one example of how community action interactions, the easier it is to have misunderstandings.
and innovation are key to sustainable land management in 92) ③ promote → promoting, ④ vary → varies
93) ③
Africa. 94) B-A-C
42) C-A-B 95) ④, ⑤ /that, how
43) ② 96) Moreover, in organized sports the tension carries
44) ④
45) ③ close → to close, ⑤ is → are beyond each individual game and tends to increase over
46) A-C-B time
47) ①, ④ / understand, is made 97) ④
48) let her take a peek at the contents 98) ④
49) ③ 99) ③
변형문제 제 4 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
100) ①
101) A new study disproved the “5-second rule,” or the
idea that food is safe to eat off the floor if you pick it up
fast enough.
102) ② thinks → thinking, ⑤ retiring → retired
103) ③
104) C-A-B
105) B-A-C
106) ③
107) None of this will come as a surprise to pet owners
or anyone who has observed virtually any kind of animal
for any length of time.
108) ③ pays → paying, ④ making → make
109) ②
110) ②
111) ③
변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
1강 1-5. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.1) 1강 2—5. 다음 중 적절한 어휘를 선택하시오.3)

When you face a severe source of stress, you may fight Perhaps the hardest thing for students to realize about the
back, reacting immediately. While this served your college application essay is that it is not their life story in
ancestors well when they were attacked by a wild animal, five hundred words or less. In my experience, students try
it is less helpful today unless you are attacked physically. to give a (A) [perfect/incomplete] picture of who they are,
Technology makes it much easier to worsen a situation where they’ve come from, and what they want to do— all
with _____________. I know I have been guilty of in a few hundred words! While any admissions committee
responding too quickly to people, on email in particular, in would like to have the (B) [tensity/flexibility] and time to
a harsh tone that only made things worse. The more read complete histories of each and every student, the
something causes your heart to race, the more important it simple truth is, there is not enough time. Students must
is to step back before speaking or typing a single word. (C) [notice/overlook] that the college essay is the best way
This will give you time to think things through and find a for an admissions committee to know something about
way to deal with the other person in a healthier manner. them, but it cannot be the vehicle to know everything
about them.
① a steady effort
② being lazy (A) (B) (C)
③ a quick response ① perfect flexibility notice
④ expressing too much ② perfect tensity notice
⑤ working individually ③ incomplete flexibility notice
④ incomplete tensity overlook
⑤ perfect tensity overlook

1강 3—5. 다음 글의 주제로 올바른 것을 고르시오.4)

A series of studies conducted at the University of

Rochester focused on people high in mindfulness—that is,
those who are prone to be mindfully attentive to the here
and now and keenly aware of their surroundings. It turns
out that such individuals are models of flourishing and
1강 1—5. 다음 중 어법상 올바른 보기 2개를 고르시오.2) positive mental health. Relative to the average person, they
are more likely to be happy, optimistic, self-confident, and
A reporter’s job is to present a balanced story. ① When satisfied with their lives and less likely to be depressed,
you read, listen to and watch the news, you may notice angry, anxious, hostile, self-conscious, impulsive, or
stories that you think are biased. One of the forms in neurotic. Furthermore, people who are habitually mindful of
which bias occurs ② are leaving one side out of an article, their current experiences are more likely to experience
or a series of articles over a period of time; ③ ignored frequent and intense positive emotions, to feel self-sufficient
facts that tend to disprove liberal or conservative claims, or and competent, and to have positive social relationships,
that support liberal or conservative beliefs. Bias by while those who are not usually mindful report more
omission can occur either within a story, or over the long illness and physical symptoms.
term as a particular news outlet reports one set of events,
but not another. To find instances of bias by omission, ④ ① Competence is important element for mindfulness
be aware of the conservative and liberal perspectives on ② Mindfully attentive people have positive mental health
current issues. See if both the conservative and liberal ③ We need to be careful of our physical illness
perspectives are ⑤ including in stories on a particular ④ Mindfully attentive people have high physical abilities
event or policy. ⑤ They way to have self-confidence

- 2 -
변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
1강 4—5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.5) 2강 1-5. 다음 중 글의 흐름과 관련 없는 문장을 고르시오. 7)

Inspired after competing alongside the world’s best ①Beliefs are powerful. They directly affect our feelings
swimmers as a fifteen-year-old in the Sydney Olympics, and behaviors, and so, the course of our lives. Most of the
American Michael Phelps set out in earnest to be the best choices we make every day are the result of our beliefs,
all-around swimmer four years later in Athens. To get whether we’re conscious of it or not. ②When you choose a
there, he didn’t stay in the pool two and a half hours bagel over a donut, it might stem from the belief that a
every day—and double that on Mondays, Wednesdays, and bagel is better for you, or the belief that you’ll like the
Fridays— just to become good. He didn’t do it because it taste better. ③This choice could affect your health and
was great exercise. (A) 그는 세계 최고의 선수가 되려는 구체적 happiness for the rest of the morning. ④Technology makes
인 목표가 있었기 때문에 그렇게 했던 것이다. And the eight it much easier to worsen a situation with a quick response.
medals they hung around his neck in Athens, six of them ⑤If you choose to take earth science instead of
gold, reflect that commitment. “I think that everything is oceanography, it might stem from the belief that you’ll
possible as long as you put your mind to it and you put enjoy the subject more, or maybe from the belief that it
the work and time into it,” Phelps said. will be easier. This choice could affect your ability to stay
awake in class, your grade point average, or even your
보기 [the world /to /because /in /had /become /a specific choice of college.
goal /He /it /he / the best /did]

2강 1-5.[서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.

2강 2-5. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은? 8)

(A) 애완동물의 특별한 욕구를 인식하고 그 욕구를 존중하는 것이

중요하다. If your pet is an athletic, high-energy dog, for The last thing you, as the presenter, need at this difficult
example, he or she is going to be much more manageable time is anything that is going to get in the way of you
indoors if you take him or her outside to chase a ball for giving your best performance. You don’t really want any
an hour every day. If your cat is shy and timid, he or she distractions right now.
won’t want to be dressed up and displayed in cat shows.
Similarly, you cannot expect macaws to be quiet and still
all the time—they are, by nature, loud and emotional Let’s face it: for most people, giving a presentation is going
creatures, and it is not their fault that your apartment to be a stressful experience. ①Giving a presentation is a
doesn’t absorb sound as well as a rain forest. performance. ②A show. An act. A drama. ③The presenter
is on display to the whole world as he or she bares all to
[your pet’s particular needs /It is /to recognize /important reveal himself or herself to the audience. ④ You want to
/respect them / and]6) remove from your environment any obstacles or dangers
that are not strictly needed. ⑤With this in mind, this is a
list of things which you can safely leave behind

- 3 -
변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
2강 3-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 9) 3강 1-5 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?11)

It would be far easier ① to feed nine billion people by Dear citizens,

2050 if more of the crops we grew ended up in human
stomachs. Today, only 55 percent of the world’s crop As you all know from seeing the pictures on television and
calories feed people directly; the rest ② feed to livestock in the newspaper, Central America has been hit hard by a
(about 36 percent) or turned into biofuels and industrial series of hurricanes. Tens of thousands of people are
products (roughly 9 percent). Though many of us consume homeless and without basic necessities like food and
meat, dairy, and eggs from animals raised on feedlots, only clothing. I feel that we need to do something to help. So,
a fraction of the calories in feed ③ giving to livestock we are asking you to donate canned goods, warm clothes,
make their way into the meat and milk ④ that we blankets, and money. Please bring all donations to the
consume. For every 100 calories of grain we feed animals, community center between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., Saturday,
we get only about 40 new calories of milk, 22 calories of September 10. Thank you for helping your fellow human
eggs, 12 of chicken, 10 of pork, or 3 of beef. ⑤ Shifting to beings in their time of desperate need.
less meat-intensive diets could free up substantial amounts
of food across the world. Sincerely, George Anderson

① who are feeling guilty

② being helpful
③ living in their resourceful country
④ in their time of desperate need
⑤ who feels satisfied

2강 4-5. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 10) 3강 1-5. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?12)

When completing math problems, it is important to avoid The closest bus stop is half a mile below the apartment
“answer-only” completions for several reasons. complex, down a steep hill.

(A) First, simply writing the answer to a problem without Dear General Manager,
the procedure that precedes it negatively encourages
students to produce careless errors. My wife and I are residents of the Lakeview Senior
In other words, the written-out procedure supports the Apartment Complex. ①We have been asked by some of the
answer; if the procedure is not shown, it is much easier to residents here to see if we can help improve their ability
make a computation error. Second, lack of a written-out to get around town independently. ②Very few of the
procedure does not allow students to identify the origin of residents here feel comfortable walking all the way to (and
an answer or how an answer to a problem is derived. especially from) the bus stop. ③We are asking if the route
for Bus 16 could be altered slightly to come up the hill to
(B) In short, homework and in-class math assignments the complex. ④I can promise you several very grateful
should always include both procedures and answers when riders each day in each direction. ⑤I look forward to
answering questions. hearing from you soon.

(C)Third, lack of procedure contributes to poor study habits Sincerely,

in note-taking and sloppiness, which may have negative Ron Miller
consequences when taking tests.

- 4 -
변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
3강 2-5. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?13) 3강 4-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.15)

I hope you are fine and doing well in school. Yesterday, I Evan, Barbara, and Emily,
received your letter about wanting to take extra classes at
Oxford University for additional credit. I also saw the I am sending this letter to all three of you. Your mother
recommendation letters from your teachers regarding these and I agreed ①paying for your cell phones. We are covered
extra classes. Letting you stay in New York to study is by a family plan and ②share a single pool of minutes.
hard as it is, and now you are saying that you want to go When we gave you the cell phone we agreed to pay for it,
to England for two months. That means you won’t be but you were ③to stay within the guidelines of a certain
around for Christmas this year, which makes me very sad, number of minutes each month, no more than 250 minutes
but I understand that this is a very good opportunity fa.. per month for each of you. We just received the bill for
So, your father and I have decided to give you permission May, and we find ④that each of you went significantly
to go to England. We think it’ll be a great opportunity for over that amount. The added cost to the family was nearly
you. $100. If this happens again we will have to limit your
usage or ⑤ask that you pay for your own phone. We are
With lots of love, not interested in controlling or ⑥to interfere in your lives,
Mom but since we are paying the bills, we get to set the rules.

① it can’t be a good chance for you

② this is a very good opportunity for your educational
③ you will miss your family so much
④ you hope to get good grades in school
⑤ you like England more than our country

4강 1-5. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.16)

3강 3-5. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.14)
I heard something moving slowly along the walls. I
(A)As the Customer Service Department at Foster WeldRite, searched for a match in the dark and tried to strike it, but
Inc. is unable to locate a replacement for you, will you it wouldn’t light. This time I was certain: Something was
please purchase another Chinese paper kite and send us moving in the tunnels, something alive, and it wasn’t a rat.
the receipt? We will promptly pay you back. A very _______ smell came into my nostrils. Finally, I
managed to light a match. At first I was blinded by the
(B)Foster WeldRite, Inc. has improved work-site ventilation flame; then I saw something creeping toward me. From all
to prevent similar unfortunate occurrences. Thank you for the tunnels. Shapeless figures crawling like spiders. The
your understanding and your continued patronage of Foster match fell from my trembling fingers. I wanted to start
WeldRite, Inc. running, but I couldn’t.

(C)Foster WeldRite, Inc. is sorry to hear about the loss of ① displeased

your seven-foot Chinese paper kite. We understand it was ② sweet
destroyed, while hanging in your office, when ceiling fire ③ floral
sprinklers were activated due to an overabundance of ④ good
welding smoke from our crew’s work site. ⑤ nice

- 5 -
변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
4강 1—5. 다음 중 어법상 올바른 보기 2개를 고르시오.17) 4강 3—5. Brendan의 심경변화로 적절한 것을 고르시오.19)

Once they arrived ① at the lake, Maggie took in a deep One block farther on, Brendan saw a small brick building.
breath. She was always amazed at how beautiful the lake Like the rest of the buildings they had passed on this
was this time of year. The water was a crystal blue, which street, it looked deserted. He paused in front of it, not
allowed her to see to the bottom at the edge. She stepped sure why this building had caught his attention. The front
out of the car onto the ground and looked at the spot door was ajar. He took a deep breath to gather his
Jamie chose for their picnic. It was perfect. Jamie ② courage, then pulled it open. No one shouted. There was
strolling to the back of his car and took out a picnic no sound at all from inside. “Wait for me,” Brendan
basket and blanket from the trunk of his convertible. He whispered, releasing Dai Yue’s hand. He slipped through
spread the blanket beneath an enormous oak tree ③ where the opening. There was a subtle odor that Brendan
shaded a grassy spot. He invited her to sit down beside recognized but couldn’t place for a moment. When he did,
him. He opened the basket and let her take a peek at the he almost smiled. The room smelled like the library at St.
contents. He surprised her with her favorite fried chicken Mary’s. Was this a bookstore? Brendan took one cautious
and potato salad. For dessert, he had bought step, then another, feeling his way. When his fingertips
chocolate-covered strawberries. She was very ④ pleased brushed a leather binding, he did smile. Books. No one
with his choices and ⑤ can’t be more comfortable here. would be likely to try to steal books tonight. He and Dai
Yue would be safe here.

① Frightened - Embarrassed
② Comfortable - Competent
③ Safe - Scared
④ Passionate - Safe
⑤ Nervous - Comfortable

4강 2—5. 다음 글을 읽고 알 수 있는 내용으로 적절하지 않은 것

을 고르시오.18) 4강 4—5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.20)

On the first day of summer vacation, I approached the My run slowed to a jog as we approached the gate for
stone steps of Porter Convalescent Center. The Saturday our flight to Paris. The plane was still there, but the door
before, I had attended junior volunteer orientation there. to the Jetway was shut. The gate agents were quietly
Now I was a completely trained “Cheery Blossom.” I sorting tickets. (A) 제트웨이와 비행기의 문을 연결하는 덮개는
straightened my bright pink smock and marched inside. I 이미 접혔다. “Hi, we’re on this flight!” I panted. “Sorry,”
felt like Florence Nightingale, striding into battle to heal said the agent. “We’re done boarding.” “But our connecting
and hearten the troops. The volunteer director assigned me flight landed just ten minutes ago. They promised us they
to 3 South. As we rode the shaky elevator, she explained would call ahead to the gate.” “Sorry, we can’t board
that this was a long-term care unit. Most of its patients anyone after they’ve closed the door.” My boyfriend and I
would never go home. I felt sick to my stomach as we walked to the window in disbelief. Our long weekend was
opened the door to 3 South. The foul odor of urine and about to fall to pieces. The plane waited right before our
Lysol overwhelmed me. The head nurse, Ms. Ticknor, was eyes.
less than welcoming. *retract 접다
*convalescent 회복기의 **smock 작업용 덧옷 **pant 숨을 헐떡이다

① I went to Convalescent Center on summer vacation. 보기 [had /they /the hood /connecting /already /to
② I felt like Nightingale at the first time. /retracted /the Jetway /the /airplane door]
③ All of Center’s patients go home frequently.
④ The elevator got up with wavering.
⑤ Ms. Ticknor wasn’t affectionate.

- 6 -
변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
5강 1-5. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?21) 5강 3-5. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.23)

If they’re “safe” and living “well,” why do they experience (A)Uncertainty and freedom are intertwined. College
so many problems? students cannot decide whether they appreciate the freedom
they have or resent it. You may be free from daily
①Children today are “safe.” ②Their only worries consist of supervision by parents, free to pick classes and a major,
fights with their parents, going to school, and dealing with and free to set a professional course.
the list of activities that they’re signed up for. ③But what’s
going on? ④Children have learned to be cautious; a lot of (B)Try not to confuse the joys and privilege of free choice
kids have even lost that innate curiosity that no one should with the fears of uncertainty. It may be scary to look at an
ever lose. The big problem is that they are exposed to open landscape, but it can and should be a thrilling
large flows of information that are hard to process. It’s moment of possibility.
even hard for us. ⑤That’s why being exposed to so much
stimuli causes stress that they’re incapable of tolerating. All (C)But those choices seem so numerous and important that
this causes children to grow up quickly, going through their you may be frozen with fear. You might quickly retreat to
developmental stages without enjoying them. ⑥They don’t conventional choices (like medical school) or depend on
live their childhood the way they should, which could cause influential advisors (like your parents) before giving yourself
them serious problems that are difficult to solve later on. a chance to figure it out.

5강 2-5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.22)

A few days before Christmas, a couple held the hands of 5강 4-5. 올바른 순서를 고르시오. 24)

their young son and walked quickly to their nearby church.

But the boy pulled back a bit, slowed, and came to an Dear Principal Murphy,
abrupt halt. “Santa,” he whispered. “Santa!” The
four-year-old broke free of his parents’ grasp and ran (A) Brian is settling in well as a third-grade student at
toward an elderly gentleman with a long, flowing white Fairview Elementary School. I do have a concern, though,
beard. Tugging on the stranger’s coattail, the youngster about the food offered in the school cafeteria. The choices
begged, “Santa, will you bring me a teddy bear for do not seem to have any relation to recognized medical
Christmas?” Embarrassed, the couple started to apologize, studies about such things as excessive fat, sugar, and
but the man merely waved them aside. Instead, he patted useless junk food.
their son on the head, nodded once, and without a word
went on his way. On Christmas morning, a knock (B)I don’t feed my child this sort of junk at home, and I
interrupted the family’s festivities. (A)문간에 그 노인이 서서 don’t think it’s appropriate for school. I would very much
큰 곰 인형 을 내밀었다. “I didn’t want the little fellow to be like to talk to the school dietitian about the offerings at
disappointed on his holiday,” he explained with a smile and school.
turned to leave. At a loss, the couple could only say, “Uh,
th-thanks. And M-merry Christmas to you... Rabbi.” (C)A recent menu included fried fish with fried potato
nuggets, a hot dog with potato chips, and fried chicken
[holding out /In the doorway /the old man /a large bear with French fries. The most healthful piece of food seemed
/stood ] to be a small piece of green pepper floating on a sea of
cheese on a pizza.
Karen Diamond

- 7 -
변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
5강 1-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.25) 5강 2-5. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.27)

Six-month-old Angela is sitting in her high chair during (A) In January 2004, George Wilson of Glebe Gardens,
lunch and ①saw her bottle on the table. She is pretty tired Edinburgh, Scotland, walked his children to school and saw
—it’s been a tough day!—and she wants her bottle. She an old man outside a still-closed shop in St. John’s Road.
looks at it as her mother, Sophie, feeds her and ②gets Later, when Mr. Wilson took his children home, he saw
more and more frustrated. Eventually, she turns away from the old man at the same place.
her mother’s spoonfuls, arches her back, ③turn around in
her high chair, and vocalizes as if she is about to cry. (B) Later, in the evening, he went out for a pint, and he
Sophie is clueless about ④what Angela wants. When Sophie saw the old man again, this time outside another shop.
happens to look at the table for another reason, she
notices the bottle on it. “⑤That’s what you want,” she says, (C) Taking pity on the man, who he knew now was
and gives Angela her bottle. Success at last! homeless in weather that was forecast to be –1℃, Mr.
Wilson gave the old man, who was dressed only in jeans
and a sweater, things to keep him warm: a fleece and a
blanket. The old man appreciated the gifts.

5강 1-5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.26) 5강 3-5. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.28)

Once, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, the well-known social It is not always safe to laugh at one whose abilities seem
reformer, was walking on the streets of Kolkata when he to be less than our own. This lesson was painfully learned
heard an old man crying. (A)그는 그 남자에게 다가가서 무엇 by a young violin professor of Berlin at an evening party,
때문에 괴로워하는지 물었다. “Everyone wants to know my to which he had been invited. He played several pieces, not
problems, but no one is ready to help me!” replied the old with great applause, however. After he finished, another
man. On Vidyasagar’s insistence, the old man at last young man was invited to play, but his playing was worse
poured his anguish out in words. A few years earlier, he than that of his predecessor; in fact his style and execution
had borrowed some money from a man, by mortgaging his were terrible. So our young professor again came forward
house. Now his creditor had gone to court and soon his and showed his superior abilities very boastfully, as if to
house would be confiscated. He and his family would be utterly crush the strange musician. But when it again
homeless. Vidyasagar listened to his story patiently, noting became the stranger’s turn to play, his performance was
the names and dates and the details. “I shall do my best given with such brilliance of execution as to utterly defeat
to help you,” he promised. When the old man turned up the young professor, who disappeared and was seen no
in court for his hearing the following week, he was more that evening. He had been contending with Paganini,
surprised to hear that all his debts had been paid up fully. one of the world’s great violinists.
His benefactor was none other than Vidyasagar!
① his performance was given with such brilliance of
[the man /troubling him /He approached /and asked /what execution
was] ② he made a big mistake during the play
③ he went out to get some fresh air
④ he noticed that the opponent was his brother
⑤ he had to take care of friends

- 8 -
변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
5강 4-5. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것을 고르시오.29) 6강 1-5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오. 31)

David Hume was visited by the poet Thomas Blacklock, Although volunteer positions in Hustai are available
who complained at great length about his misfortunes: year-round, most volunteers choose the spring, summer,
blind and poor, he no longer had the means to support his and fall months, because winters in the Mongolian steppes
large family and did not know where to turn for help. are bitterly cold and inhospitable. Perhaps the very best
Although he was in financial difficulties himself at that time to visit is July, when herdsmen come from miles
time, Hume managed to secure, through the influence of a around to participate in the three-day Naadam Festival, an
friend, a university appointment worth about forty pounds ancient and colorful competition of horse racing, archery,
a year. Nevertheless, he was so moved by the poet’s tale of and wrestling—once called the “three manly games.” (A)
sorrow that he offered him the only means of assistance Naadam 축제는 종교 행사로 시작되었으나 몽골 국가의 기념행사
within his power to give. Taking from his desk the grant 로 발전했다. The horse race, with thousands of horses
for the university post, he handed it to his unfortunate competing, takes place not on a track, but over
friend and promised to have the name changed from Hume high-altitude Mongolian grasslands. The race is a
to Blacklock. This generous sacrifice almost certainly long-distance one, kicked off with a special song
Blacklock and his family from extreme poverty. (“Giin-Goo”) that all the horses know. The jockeys are
children, ages 7 to 12, who wear colorful costumes. The top
① was a bad idea in a view of the results five winners are celebrated in poetry and song.
② made him look like a gentleman
③ made him never to help people in need [ as a religious event /but /The Naadam Festival /has
④ saved his parents from being lonely evolved /started /a celebration of Mongolian statehood
⑤ saved Blacklock and his family from extreme poverty /into ]

6강 2-5. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 32)

Stone Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is one of the

oldest districts on Zanzibar, an island off the coast of

(A) Combining Persian, Indian, European, Arab, and

6강 1-5. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은? 30) African architecture, Stone Town has been occupied by
humans for three centuries and is famed for its beautifully
▶In 1793-94, Fürstenau made his first concert tour in carved wooden doors.
(B) This former Swahili trading town is a labyrinth of tiny
①Kaspar Fürstenau was a German flutist and composer. ② streets and alleys, markets, mosques, and other historic
After he was orphaned, Anton Romberg took care of him buildings—including the Anglican church on the site of the
and taught him to play the bassoon, but Fürstenau was old central slave market, East Africa’s largest slave-trading
more interested in the flute. ③At the age of 15, he was port.
already a skilled flutist and played in a military band. ④In
1794, he became a member of the “Chamber Orchestra of (C) The House of Wonders, the former palace of Sultan
Oldenburg,” where he played until the orchestra was Syyid Barghash, is open to the public. Its other claim to
abolished in 1811. ⑤ Kaspar Fürstenau continued his career fame is that Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of Queen (a
as a flutist performing together with his son Anton British rock band) was born there.
Fürstenau in the major cities of Europe.

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
6강 3-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오. 33) 9강 1-5. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?35)

Common Sense, written by Thomas Paine, ① swept ▶After this initial meeting, Halley visited Newton
through the American colonies in 1776 ② during the frequently; over the course of these visits Newton showed
opening months of the American Revolutionary War. It sold Halley his proof as well as many other unpublished papers.
more than 120,000 copies in three months and ③ Halley recognized the importance of the works.
changing the whole nature of the debate among the
colonists. In this book, Thomas Paine declared that only Edmond Halley was interested in the problems of gravity.
complete independence from Great Britain would bring ①One problem that attracted his attention was the proof of
prosperity to America. Without Common Sense, the Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. ②In August 1684, he
American Revolution ④ might have been shaken, and the went to Cambridge to discuss this with Isaac Newton, only
establishment of the new United States would have been to find that Newton had solved the problem already. He
postponed indefinitely. At first, Common Sense was asked to see the calculations and was told by Newton that
published anonymously in January 1776. It soon emerged he could not find them. ③Newton promised to redo them
that an English free thinker named Thomas Paine had and send them on later. He eventually did submit his
written it. Within weeks, the short book—barely 20,000 calculations to Halley. ④In 1859 he returned permanently
words long— ⑤ being reprinted throughout the colonies. to New York but continued to produce Italian subjects
during the remainder of his career. ⑤He wanted Newton
to publish but Newton was reluctant. With a lot of
encouragement from Halley, eventually, Newton’s
masterpiece was published at Halley’s expense in 1687.

5~8강 2-5. 다음 중 글의 전체 내용과 관련 없는 문장은?36)

6강 4-5. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오. 34) Cephas Giovanni Thompson (1809-88) was known
particularly for portraits and Italian scenes, but he also
Gustave Courbet was born in 1819 in Ornas, France. painted genre and historical subjects. ①He was born in
Middleborough and initially trained by his father. ②At
(A)Against his father’s wishes, however, Courbet quit eighteen he established a portrait practice in Plymouth,
studying law and began his pursuit of a career as an artist. Massachusetts. ③He subsequently worked in Boston, where
Many of his early works were in the Romantic tradition, he studied with David Claypoole Johnston, in Philadelphia,
but by the age of 23, Courbet had settled into his niche of and elsewhere before arriving in New York in 1837. ④There
painting Realistic works. he flourished for a decade as a fashionable portrait painter.
Spring (Metropolitan Museum, 1838), a softly romantic,
(B)His family was very well-off financially, and he received idealized portrait of a young woman, exemplifies his most
all of the education that lifestyle could offer. He was sent appealing strengths. In 1847 he moved to New Bedford for
to Paris to study law in 1840. two years and then lived in Boston before sailing to
Europe. He resided for most of the 1850s in Rome. ⑤Find
(C)He became the leader of the Realism movement in art. your own mountaintop and don’t come down without your
He chose themes from everyday life and did not exclude own thoughts, opinions, and values. In 1859 he returned
what might be considered ugly. He believed that paintings permanently to New York but continued to produce Italian
should be of things that were in the present and of subjects during the remainder of his career.
subjects that could be seen every day.

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
9강 1-5. 다음 중 글의 전체 내용과 관련 없는 문장은?37) 9강 2-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.39)

①Recently on a flight to Asia, I met Debbie, who was The modern world is so interconnected and constantly ①
warmly greeted by all of the flight attendants and was even plugged in that finding the time and space to think can be
welcomed aboard the plane by the pilot. ②She did not, but difficult. However, without freedom from the influence and
she deserved the attention, for this flight marked the distractions of the world, it is virtually impossible ②
milestone of her flying over 4 million miles with this same developing well-reasoned opinions, ideas, and values.
airline. ③During the flight I learned that the airline’s CEO History shows a lot of examples of the transcendent power
personally called her to thank her for using their service of solitude. Darwin took long walks without company and
for a long time and she received a catalogue of fine luxury ③ firmly turned down dinner party invitations. Moses
gifts to choose from. ④Debbie was able to acquire this spent time alone in the desert. Jesus wandered the
special treatment for one very important reason: she was a wilderness. They don’t feel they have ④ to support their
loyal customer to that one airline. ⑤Over long periods of opinions with any kind of evidence. Mohammed sat in the
time, what was once a core competence may become a cave. Buddha went to the mountaintop. ⑤ Finding your
base-line capability. own mountaintop and don’t come down without your own
thoughts, opinions, and values.

9강 1-5. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.38)

The rise of cities and the improvement in transport

infrastructure brought about new opportunities for
9강 3-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.40)

(A)Densely populated cities provided full-time employment Unlike previous generations, fewer and fewer modern men
for carpenters, priests, soldiers and lawyers. experience the satisfaction of tangible creation in the
workplace. We move numbers around on a screen, ①
managing people ② who manage other people, or sell
(B)Villages that gained a reputation for producing really advice, ideas, or someone else’s creations. For many of us,
good wine, olive oil or ceramics discovered that it was the shift from working with our hands to ③ working with
worth their while to concentrate nearly exclusively on that our minds has created an unfulfilled need for connection
product and trade it with other settlements for all the with the physical world we live in. Physical creation
other goods they needed. This made a lot of sense. (beyond the more abstract “creativity”) provides that
connection. A way for a man ④ announce to the world,
simply, “I am.” ⑤ Creating is a primal need, but without
(C)Climates and soils differ, so why drink ordinary wine an institutional directive to create, the internal fire to do
from your backyard if you can buy a smoother variety from so can flicker and die, or worse yet, we may start to
a place whose soil and climate is much better suited to believe that making things is only for certain types of
grape vines? If the clay in your backyard makes stronger people, not for us.
and prettier pots, then you can make an exchange.

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
9강 4-5. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.41) 10강 1-5. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.43)

The small community of Zorborgu, near Tamale in northern Many people believe that their intellectual ability is
Ghana, comprises mainly farmers. hardwired from birth, and that failure to meet a learning
challenge shows how bad their native ability is. But every
(A)The innovative blend of traditional and modern time you learn something new, you change the brain—the
decision-making by committees that reflect traditional residue of your experiences is stored. It’s true that we start
leadership makes this a successful social, economic and life with the gift of our genes, but it’s also true that we
environmental initiative. This is one example of how become capable through the learning and development of
community action and innovation are key to sustainable mental models that enable us to reason, solve, and create.
land management in Africa. In other words, the elements that shape your intellectual
abilities lie to a surprising extent within your own control.
(B)As a result, crop yields have increased and the water in Understanding that this is so enables you to see failure as
a pond near a sacred grove is available throughout the year a badge of effort and a source of useful information—the
for farming, livestock watering and domestic use. The need to dig deeper or to try a different strategy.
community forest also provides herbal medicines.
① an undesirable man to have a failure
(C)They decided to stop burning crop residues and protect ② a opportunity to live a vivid life
their community forest to reduce the risk of wildfires that ③ a badge of effort and a source of useful information
cause widespread land damage. ④ a great chance to see how I grew up
⑤ a frustrated feeling which should never appear again

10강 1-5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.42)

It is not always easy to eat well when you have a newborn

baby. (A)맛있고 영양가 있는 식사를 준비할 시간이나 심지어 그것
을 먹을 시간조차 없는 것처럼 보일 수 있다. You will need to
learn the following trick. Try not to wait until you are 10강 2-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.44)
really hungry to think about eating. When you have a
newborn baby, preparing food will probably take longer If we are ①what we eat, what is your teenage child? A bag
than usual. If you start when you are already hungry, you of chicken and chips? A kebab? Litres of fizzy drink? The
will be absolutely starving before the food is ready. When benefits of healthy eating and exercise ②is well
you are starving and tired, eating healthy is difficult. You documented and it is silly of us, as parents, ③to think we
may want to eat fatty fast food, chocolates, cookies or can feed our teens mostly junk food then expect them ④
chips. This type of food is okay sometimes, but not every perform at their best. In this age of pesticides, hormone
day. treatment additives (hence the well-built structure of today’s
pre-teens), etc. that are in foods, both parents and teens
[or even /It can seem like /to prepare /you do not have need to understand ⑤that mental and physical well-being
time /tasty nutritious meals /to eat them] are aligned with what we eat. Depression, aggression, lack
of focus, headaches and so much more can be improved
with the right foods. Be open to this, for yourself and your
young person.

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
10강 3-5. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.45) 11강 1-5. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.47)

What was a core competence in one decade may become a In philosophy, the best way to understand the concept of
mere capability in another. For example, in the 1970s and an argument is to contrast it with an opinion. An opinion
1980s quality, as measured by defects per vehicle, was is simply a belief or attitude about someone or something.
undoubtedly a core competence for Japanese car companies. We express our opinions all the time: We love or hate
Superior reliability was an important value element for certain films or different types of food. For the most part,
customers and a genuine differentiator for Japanese car people’s opinions are based almost always ___________.
producers. It took more than a decade for Western car They don’t feel they have to support their opinions with
companies to close the quality gap with their Japanese any kind of evidence. An argument is something a bit
competitors, but by the mid-1990s quality, in terms of different from this. It is made to convince others that one’s
initial defects per vehicle, had become a prerequisite for claims are true. Thus, it is an attempt to present reasons
every car maker. There is a dynamic at work here that is in support of one’s claims. Arguments are the building
common to other industries. Over long periods of time, blocks of philosophy, and the good philosopher is one who
what was once a core competence may become a base-line is able to create the best arguments based on a solid
capability. Quality, rapid time to market, and foundation.
quick-response customer service—once genuine
differentiators—are becoming routine advantages in many I. ① on their logic
② upon their familiarity
① still need to have more development to get ahead ③ upon their emotion
② are getting more complex than before ④ on their regulations
③ are waiting for the cooperations of the residents ⑤ on the philosophy
④ are becoming routine advantages in many industries
⑤ are seen every day in our family lives

11강 1—5. 다음 중 어법상 올바르지 않은 보기 2개를 고르고 올바

르게 고치시오.48)

10강 4-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.46) An issue ① received much attention in the media and
schools is bullying. This is seen as repeated, unprovoked
More than 2000 years ago, Aristotle wrote that happiness abuse by one or more children ② that causes physical or
is a condition. It is not something that is ①achieved by psychological pain to another child. Bullying is harmful and
pursuing it directly; rather, it is something that comes out can affect the classroom climate in a negative way. Drama
through our engagement in purposeful activity. This is the can be used with children to build social perspective,
statement of the law of indirect effort. This law simply says emotional empathy, and compassion for others. In drama,
that almost anything we get in life ②involved emotional the characters can work through a number of difficulties,
experiences ③comes to us indirectly rather than directly. It including ③ bullying. Tabone (2003) uses the children’s
comes to us as a result of doing something else. If we book Rotten Ralph, a story about a rotten cat, for a class
pursue happiness directly, it eludes us. But if we get busy drama. The story is read to the children, and they discuss
doing something that is important to us and ④to make ④ however Sarah feels about what her cat, Ralph, is doing.
progress in the direction of our dreams, we find ourselves Some of his actions are breaking one of Sarah’s dolls,
feeling very happy. Self-confidence is also subject to the making fun of her, sawing off a limb that holds her swing,
law of indirect effort. We achieve higher levels by setting and other terrible things. The children can dramatize some
and ⑤achieving even higher goals and objectives. As we things they ⑤ may do, while the teacher offers other
move forward, step by step, once we feel ourselves options. This drama experience could be extended to
advancing in life, we feel better and more capable of taking drawing about the happenings of bullying.
on even more challenges.

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
11강 2—5. 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.49) 11강 4—5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.51)

Many middle managers and first-line employees must feel We all surround ourselves with a “personal bubble” that
like the laborers who built the pharaohs’ tombs. we go to great lengths to protect. We open the bubble to
our friends, children, parents, and so on, but we’re careful
(A) And no wonder so few first‒ level and mid‐level to keep most people out of this space. When we stand in
employees bring their full emotional and intellectual line, (A) 우리는 사람에게 접촉되지 않도록 공간이 충분히 있는지
energies to the task of restructuring. 확인한다. in front of us and aren’t touched by the person
behind us. At times, we extend our personal space. In the
(B) Think of the laborers as middle managers in the midst library, for example, you may place your coat on the chair
of corporate restructuring. All the workers knew that when next to you—claiming that space for yourself even though
the tomb was finished they would be put to death—this you aren’t using it. If you want to really widen your space,
was how the pharaoh destroyed any memory of how to you might even spread books in front of the other chairs,
find the wealth. Imagine what would happen when the keeping the whole table to yourself by giving the
pharaoh showed up on a work site and inquired of a impression that others have just stepped away.
supervisor, “How’s it going, are you about done yet?” “Not
yet boss, it’ll be a few more years, I’m afraid.” No wonder 보기 [we /there /so /is /space /that /don’t /make /so
tombs were seldom finished within the pharaoh’s lifetime! /touch /certain /we /the /person]

(C) Every pharaoh hoped to build for himself a tomb of

such intricate and deceitful design that no marauder would
ever be able to enter it and steal the pharaoh’s wealth.
*marauder 약탈자

12강 1-5. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.52)

11강 3—5. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 올바른 것을 고르시오.50)
(A) What’s happening when we’re actually doing two things
They seem to believe that they create whatever happens in at once? It’s simple. Our brain has channels, and so we’re
their life someone cut them off on the road, able to process different kinds of data in different parts of
they contributed to that outcome in some way. our brain.

Responsibility is an attribute that great achievers have in (B) If you were trying to explain on the cell phone how to
common. ① No matter what their background or life operate a complex machine, you’d stop walking. Similarly,
history, true leaders seem to share the belief that they are if you were crossing a rope bridge over a valley, you’d
the source—the creator. ② In other words, they are likely stop talking. You can do two things at once, but you
responsible for the outcome of their actions. ③ On some can’t focus effectively on two things at once.
level, they generated the outcome, if not by their physical
actions, then by their mental actions. ④ Maybe they were (C) Therefore, you can talk and walk at the same time.
driving in the other car’s blind spot, or they weren’t paying There is no channel interference. But you’re not really
close enough attention, or they didn’t anticipate the lane focused on both activities. One is happening in the
change of a car. ⑤ That is how leaders are— they take foreground and the other in the background.
full responsibility.

- 14 -
변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
12강 1-5. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.53) 12강 3-5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.55)

Our beliefs about emotions not only describe what is, Verbal communication involves conveying messages that
whether in fact or myth, but they also prescribe what have both content (i.e. what is said) and form (i.e. how it
should—or should not—be. For example, you should not is sent). Many coaches are very good at giving information
laugh during a funeral. In addition to regulating how we that is high in content, for instance, when introducing new
respond, many rules also have an enabling function. To tactics or technical skills. However, players may “switch
illustrate with a nonemotional example, rules of grammar off,” become bored, confused and even frustrated if too
regulate how a person speaks “properly”; more much instruction is given. Furthermore, when coaches
fundamentally, they help constitute the language that Thus, continually use verbal instruction, they become the main
without the rules of English grammar, there would be no actors in the coaching theater thereby limiting or stopping
English language. Similarly, without the rules of anger, say, the active participation of the players. Therefore, by
there would be no anger, only unclear expressions of rage involving the players through asking questions and listening
or frustration. to them, a coach obliges them to think, collect information,
evaluate and create. (A)이렇게 함으로써 선수들이 자신의 학습과
① they are used by some people to make a quick response 발달에 대해 더 많은 책임을 지도록 참여시키고 격려하게 된다.
② they are good for understandin what the words truly
③ they have an anger in themselves [This /for their own learning /involves /players /and
④ they can regulate not only you but people around you encourages /more responsibility /to take /and development]
⑤ they help constitute the language that is spoken

12강 4-5. 빈칸으로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.56)

As you assess your behaviors, attitudes, and values, you

may realize that you are acting in ways that aren’t as
effective or appropriate as possible. How can you best
change your behaviors, attitudes, and values? A strategy is
12강 2-5. 주어진 문장이 들어가기 적절한 곳을 고르시오.54) useful. Focus on what you have done well in the past as
well as on what you are currently doing well. By focusing
As a result, they were each aspects of religious activity: on your successes instead of your problems, you can more
The performing arts celebrated the rituals; history recorded quickly accomplish the results you desire. For example,
the story of the race; astronomy searched the heavens. golfers such as Tiger Woods or Annika Sorenstam are able
to ignore hostile crowds, challenging weather conditions,
①The ancients recognized seven activities as arts: history, and their competition. They focus their energy on
poetry, comedy, tragedy, mask, dance, and astronomy. ② accomplishing the task—striking the golf ball cleanly.
Each was governed by its own muse, each had its own Similarly, when people are depressed or anxious about their
rules and aims, but all seven were united by a common communication ability, they can lessen these feelings by
motivation: they were tools, useful to describe the universe focusing on situations where they have succeeded in not
and our place in it. ③They were methods of understanding being depressed and anxious.
the mysteries of existence, and as such, they themselves
took on the aura of those mysteries. ④In each of these ① you can ignore the bad things you have
seven classical arts we can discover the roots of ② you have your true friends who can love the way you
contemporary cultural and scientific categories. ⑤History, lie
for example, leads not only to the modern social sciences ③ you can have the communication ability
but also to prose narrative: the novel, short stories, and so ④ It can be hard to concentrate at whatever he wants
forth. ⑤ you can more quickly accomplish the results you desire.

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
1-5. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.57) 3—5. 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.59)

Not everything gets done by acting with great There are several ways in which your self image has
____________. Sometimes you have to be on high alert become distorted.
and think on your feet, but often you have to carefully
consider matters and take your time analyzing every aspect (A) Now, that’s a stupid remark, but one which can easily
before signing up for a project or relationship. That is slip out of any parent. In the subconscious mind of the
what the turtle is teaching us. Fast is good, because you child, however, the message is received loud and clear.
don’t want to miss opportunities in a world that is so full Next time she goes shopping with her mom, she will
of competitors. Yet, slow is good, too, because in many wonder: “Who am I when I go shopping with mom?”
instances, you have to look before you leap. When in a
hurry, the chance of making irrational or untimely (B) And the information will readily pop up, with the
decisions increases, and with that, also the chance of authority of the mother’s voice: “You are someone who
unnecessary failure increases. Like with everything, always behaves badly when you are with me!” So, of course
moderation and balance are golden rules here. There are the child will behave badly again.
times when you have to move rapidly, but when the water
looks good, you should not dive in it if you don’t know (C) For instance, imprinting. I was at a shop, and a
how to swim yet. There are instances when you just have mother came in with a child in a buggy. The child was
to wait. terrible. It cried and shouted. So the mother said: “Why do
you always behave so badly when you are in a shop with
① Logic me?”
② Codes *buggy 유모차
③ Perfectness
④ Haste
⑤ Worry

2—5. 다음 중 어법상 올바르지 않은 보기 2개를 고르고 올바르게 4—5. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.60)
It involves many activities that can have adverse
Until recently psychology has mainly been ① worked environmental effects.
within a disease model: a strong emphasis has been placed
on discovering deficits in human behaviour and ② finding The quality of the environment, both natural and
ways to repair this damage. Psychologists ③ hardly focused man-made, is essential to tourism. However, tourism’s
on doing studies acquiring knowledge about healthy relationship with the environment is complex. ① Many of
functioning and building strengths. In other words, they these impacts are linked with the construction of general
have focused solely on taking away something negative (the infrastructure such as roads and airports, and of tourism
dysfunctioning) instead of adding something positive facilities, including resorts, hotels, restaurants and shops. ②
(increasing mental and behavioural health). The result is ④ The negative impacts of tourism development can gradually
what psychologists know little about healthy and happy destroy the environmental resources on which it depends.
functioning. This situation has been changing now since the ③ On the other hand, tourism has the potential to create
rise of positive psychology a few years ago. What is beneficial effects on the environment by contributing to
Positive Psychology? It is a new movement in psychology, environmental protection and conservation. ④ It is a way
originated by Martin Seligman and ⑤ a few other to raise awareness of environmental values and it can serve
prominent psychologists. It aims to be a psychological as a tool to finance the protection of natural areas and
science about the best things in life. increase their economic importance. ⑤
*deficit 약점

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
13강 1—5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.61) 13강 2—5. 다음 중 어법상 올바르지 않은 보기 2개를 고르고 올바
르게 고치시오.63)
In an experiment, when people were asked to count three
minutes in their heads, 25‒year‒olds were quite accurate, A child who hears a stern ① warning about the dangers
but 65‒year‒olds went over on average by 40 seconds. of running in the street will have better self-esteem than a
Time seemed to pass faster for the older group. This may child who only hears that he’s a “bad boy” when he ②
seem meaningless, (A) 그러나 65세의 사람들처럼 시간을 인식하 runs into the street. The child ③ whose a “bad boy” is
는 것에는 많은 이점이 있다. For example, if you have been getting the message that he and his behavior are not okay.
working on a project for eight hours, but it only feels like He doesn’t learn the difference between what he does and
six, you will have more energy to keep going. If you have what he is. As an adult, his inner critic will attack both his
been running for 20 minutes, and you perceive it to be behavior ④ and his worth. Parents who carefully
only 13 minutes, you’re more likely to have seven more distinguish between inappropriate behavior and the basic
minutes of energy. So, if you want to use your energy to goodness of the child ⑤ raises children who feel better
work longer, just change your perception of how long you about themselves and have a far gentler inner critic.
have been working.

보기 [ benefits /of /but /like /are /time /to /a lot

/perceiving /there /65‒year‒olds ]

13강 3—5. 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.64)

13강 1-5. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.62) Let’s go back to our ancestors, back before elevators,
escalators, cars, and even horses.
Sometimes conflict can be resolved through an expansion
of resources. For example, a department may need five (A) To the extent we have that, we are more likely to be
computers but has a budget for only three. However, by healthy. To the extent we don’t, problems arise.
talking the finance people into delaying the purchase of
other equipment, there will be more money left for (B) This is when our human physiology was coming of age.
departmental computers. Alternatively, the company may be Our ancestors had to move to survive. Not unlike most
_______ and some people given early retirement, thus other mammals, humans had to expend much energy in
freeing up funds for computer equipment. An expansion of order to acquire food and water. These early humans, with
resources involves a reworking of the budget for the whom we share most of our physiology, were nomadic, and
purpose of determining how additional funds can be found. therefore moving was an essential part of their lives.

① solidified (C) As descendants of these nomadic people, our physiology

② regulated is based on abundant movement and a diet of vegetables,
③ expanded fruits, nuts, fish, and infrequent, small portions of meat.
④ crystallized *nomadic 떠돌이 생활을 하는
⑤ flexible

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
13강 4—5. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시 14강 1-5. 빈칸에 알맞은 연결사를 쓰시오.67)
Search for truths about nature is science. It is a creative
Another good topic to investigate is your accommodations. activity. When one obtains a new insight into the working
of nature, one is as much thrilled as, say, a painter or a
① Some travel companies are very specific about what’s sculptor when he creates a masterpiece. ___________ ,
included in the price quoted for a trip, but in other cases, there is one major difference between science and the arts.
you’ll have to ask for details. ② “Some meals” might mean Scientific effort is cumulative and cooperative, whereas each
dinner but not breakfast or lunch, and “sightseeing” may artistic creation is complete in itself. In science, every
mean a guide and local transportation but not admission newly established fact, however insignificant it may appear
fees or tips. ③ Some tour operators don’t commit to to be at the time, and every new idea, however small, is
specific hotels but simply promise three- or four-star bound sooner or later to contribute to major advances in
properties, so if you’re particular about lodging, ask where our understanding of nature. Even such a great physicist as
the group stayed on past trips. ④ And if you and your Newton wrote: “If I can see a little farther, it is by
traveling companion want two separate beds, confirm that standing on the shoulders of giants.”
up front. ⑤

14강 2-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.68)

14강 1-5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.66) A key feature of the art scene in the 21st century is the
impact of globalization—the accelerating interconnectivity of
Most dictionaries list names of famous people. (A) 편집자들 human activity and information across time and space. ①
은 누구를 포함하고 누구를 제외할지에 대해서 어려운 결정을 해야 Aided by the Internet and mass media, awareness of the
한다. Webster’s New World Dictionary, for example, vitality of contemporary art in localities around the globe
includes Audrey Hepburn but leaves out Spencer Tracy. It ② has grown tremendously. Anyone with access to the
lists Bing Crosby, not Bob Hope; Willie Mays, not Micky Internet can follow developments in Shanghai, Sydney, São
Mantle. Executive editor Michael Agnes explains that names Paulo, or Nairobi. Simultaneously the ③ increasing
are chosen based on their frequency of use and their movement of artists across borders and oceans ④ has
usefulness to the reader. According to him, however, added to the intermixing of influences and artistic
entertainers who are alive are not included. For that very vocabularies. For example, Wangechi Mutu, originally from
reason, Elton John and Paul McCartney aren’t in the Kenya, pursued further education in South Wales and then
dictionary, but both Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley, who in the United States. Her collaged images of women are
died decades ago, are. informed by African tribal arts, 20th-century European and
American collage artists, and the latest illustrations from
[The editors /to exclude /must /difficult decisions /whom fashion, and medical sources, etc. Mutu is considered by
/make /to include /and /about /whom ] many to be one of the most important contemporary
African ⑤ artist of recent years, and her work has achieved
much global acclaim.

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
14강 3-5. 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.69) 15강 1—5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 단어를 적절히 변형하여
(A)를 완성하시오.71)
Despite all the spending, computers are not often used to
do anything that couldn’t be done as easily—and more It is said that 1 in ancient Athens the followers of Plato
cheaply and effectively—with old-fashioned books, pencils, gathered one day to ask themselves the following question:
paper, and chalk. “What is a human being?” After a great deal of thought,
they came up with the following answer: “a human being is
(A)They’re doing something different with technology in the a featherless biped.” Everybody seemed content with this
classroom. These teachers have realized that the point isn’t definition until a philosopher burst into the lecture hall
to simply repeat more expensively what they’re already with a live featherless chicken. Holding it in his hand, he
doing quite well with paper, pencils, and books. It’s to do shouted “Look! I present you with a human being.” After
new things that they currently can’t do. the stir had died down, the philosophers gathered again
and improved their definition. A human being, they said, is
(B)Computer “art” packages get used as bland substitutes a featherless biped with broad nails. This curious story
for paint-and-paper art. But some educators are realizing from the history of early philosophy shows the kinds of (A)
that this is a dead end. 인간이라는 것이 무엇인가에 대한 추상적이고 일반적인 정의를 내리
려고 할 때 철학자들이 때때로 직면해왔던(수동태를 응용해 볼 것)
(C)“Interactive” whiteboards are too frequently used merely 어려움.
for displaying text or pictures to a dutifully seated class, *biped 두 발 동물
not much different from what you can do with an overhead
projector or chalkboard. Computers are used for mere word 보기 [ with /face /is /human /philosophers /difficulties
processing, to display cognitively bleak commercial software /when /have /to give /attempt /general /abstract /it
packages like PowerPoint, or to play dull educational games /definitions /sometimes /of /what /be ]
of uncertain merit.

15강 1-5. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.72)

As Ruth Handler watched her daughter Barbara growing

14강 4-5. 다음 중 글의 전체 내용과 관련 없는 문장은?70) up during the 1950s, she noticed that she and her friends
seemed more interested in playing with adult dolls than
The reason why people like Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung with the traditional baby versions. Unfortunately, the only
became interested in the study of dreams is that they saw grown-up dolls available at the time were made of
them as a source of self-knowledge. ①In dreams our cardboard. Ruth became convinced that a three-dimensional
subconscious minds may reveal things to us that our alternative would be a commercial success. She took her
conscious minds deny. ②What the work of Freud, Jung idea to the board of Mattel, the company that she and her
and others indicates is that we may not be able to arrive husband established, but it was rejected as being too risky
at full self-knowledge unaided. ③We may need others to and expensive. The executives only decided to back Ruth’s
help us see what and who we are. A very different hunch when she returned from a trip to Switzerland with
approach is taken by Existentialist philosophers, who reject an ______ doll called Lilli. Ruth’s doll went into
the very idea that there is such a thing as ‘human nature’. production and was named “Barbie” in honor of her
According to them, we do not need to discover who we are daughter. Barbie was unveiled at the 1959 American Toy
because we are who we choose to be. ④Each individual Fair in New York. Mattel sold 351,000 Barbies in year one.
creates his or her own nature through making certain
choices, and what we can make, we can also change. ⑤ ① princess
Therefore, in the future, make an effort to judge others by ② grown-up
their intentions when their actions upset you, in the same ③ childish
way most of us judge ourselves when we have done ④ familiar
something that has upset another. ⑤ cardboard-made

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
15강 2-5. 다음 중 어법상 올바르지 않은 보기 2개를 고르고 올바 15강 4-5. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시
르게 고치시오.73) 오.75)

One reason many of us ① have a higher regard for our Here he went wrong.
own character than that of others is that we judge
ourselves by our intentions and others by their acts, Satyamurti was a leading nationalist in India. He was
especially those acts we find ② annoyed. For example, if known for his great speech. His words carried logic and
we don’t visit a friend or relative in the hospital, we reason, wit and wisdom. ① So he usually got the better of
usually don’t think of ourselves as having done something others in arguments. Once he went to England to present
wrong. Instead, we rationalize, “I really ③ do think of India’s case for freedom. He met the leading politicians in
paying a visit; I just didn’t have enough time. But I Britain. ② He pleaded with them to restore
wanted to go.” Yet, when we are a hospital patient, and self-government to India. At one meeting, while he was
others don’t visit, most of us don’t spend time ④ devising presenting India’s case for freedom, a heckler asked, “Do
explanations for the non-visitors’ behavior. Instead, we are you know that the sun never sets on the British Empire?”
apt to ⑤ dismiss them as selfish or “fair-weather” friends. That was true. ③ For Britain had colonies all around the
Therefore, in the future, make an effort to judge others by globe. And always it was day in some or the other part of
their intentions when their actions upset you, in the same the Empire. Satyamurti looked in the general direction of
way most of us judge ourselves when we have done the crowd from where the question had come and smiled.
something that has upset another. ④ The heckler felt he had nettled Satyamurti. He thought
Satyamurti would not have a convincing reply. ⑤ For
Satyamurti replied, “Do you know why? Even the sun
doesn’t trust the British in the dark.”
*heckler 야유꾼 **nettle 화나게 하다

15강 3-5. 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.74)

The main reason that students do not study is not that

they do not have enough time; it is that they would rather
be doing something else. Consider a student who has a
French test in two weeks. 16강 1-5. 다음 중 글의 전체 내용과 관련 없는 문장은?76)

(A) He would rather watch television or read a book than ①Children are much more resistant to giving something to
take 15 minutes to study for the test. A week and a half someone else than to helping them. ② If Your Child Does
later, the test becomes more important. Not Cooperate: More Techniques For Giving Liquid
Medicine. One can observe this difference clearly in very
(B) We know that the earlier the student starts studying young children. ③Even though one‐and‐a‐half‐year‐olds
for the test, the fewer tasks will need to be completed each will support each other in difficult situations, they are not
day. The French student, on the other hand, sees the test willing to share their own toys with others. ④The little
as a low priority because it is far away. ones even defend their possessions with screams and, if
necessary, blows. ⑤This is the daily experience of parents
(C) By that time, the student will need several hours to troubled by constant quarreling between toddlers. There
prepare. He will most likely find it more difficult to fit a was no word I heard more frequently than “Mine!” from
three-hour block of study time into his schedule than my daughters when they were still in diapers.
several 15-minute blocks.

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
16강 1-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.77) 16강 3-5. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?79)

In a mock jury study, researcher Bonnie Erickson and her ▶But how do you organize millions of people? Forget
colleagues had people ① to listen to a witness answer millions, how do you organize hundreds or tens of people?
questions about a supposed accident—for example,
“Approximately how long did you stay there before the Dr. King didn’t change America by himself. ①He wasn’t a
ambulance arrived?” Some jurors heard the witness ② legislator, for example, but legislation was created to give
respond straightforwardly: “Twenty minutes. Long enough all people in the United States equal rights regardless of
③ to help get Mrs. David straightened out.” Others listened skin color. ②It wasn’t Dr. King who changed America; it
to the witness hem and haw: “Oh, it seems like it was was the movement of millions of others whom he inspired
about, uh, twenty minutes. Just long enough to help my that changed the course of history. ③ The vision and
friend Mrs. David, you know, get ④ straightened out.” charisma of a good leader first attract innovators and early
What the witnesses said turned out to be less important adopters. ④Trusting their guts and their intuition, these
than how they said it: the straightforward, confident people will make the greatest sacrifices to help see the
witnesses ⑤ rated significantly more credible. vision become a reality. With each success, with every
↓ tangible demonstration that the vision can in fact become
According to the study above, people are perceived as more more reality, the more practical-minded majority starts to
reliable when they speak with clarity and confidence. take interest. ⑤What was previously just a dream soon
becomes a provable and tangible reality.

16강 2-5. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?78)

▶And then, the decision to “get in the mind-set” of 16강 4-5. 다음 중 글의 전체 내용과 관련 없는 문장은?80)
surfing, and bring to mind how one surfs takes another
fraction of a second. Although each switch may waste only While medical anthropologist Jennifer Roberts conducted
a second or so, the multitasker makes many switches, urban fieldwork in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, her research
wasting much time. assistant introduced Roberts to a woman who was
accompanied by her five-year-old daughter. ①Roberts was
Consider the tasks of surfing the web and proofreading a so taken by the girl’s beauty that she patted the girl on
report for errors. ①The rules for surfing include using the the head while commenting to the mother what a gorgeous
mouse to move the cursor, double clicking screen choices, child she had. ②Much to Roberts’s surprise, the mother
clicking the “back” key to return to a previous screen, responded by saying that the girl was not pretty at all and
pushing another button once to bookmark a page, and so then abruptly left. ③What had Roberts done? She was
on. ②The rules for proofreading are different and might simply trying to pay the woman and her daughter a
include first skimming a page for obvious mistakes, reading compliment. ④In fact Roberts had inadvertently committed
the report one word at a time to check for spelling, and two cultural mistakes. First, in this part of the world,
then rereading the report paragraph by paragraph to see if patting a child on the head is viewed as a violation of the
one’s points are clear. ③Someone who surfs and proofreads most sacred part of the body. ⑤As you get into the habit
at the same time actually is switching from one task to of complimenting your partner, you grow increasingly aware
another. ④The decision that it is time to stop, say, of what makes them special. Second, complimenting a child
proofreading and begin surfing takes a fraction of a second. on her beauty or health is regarded in Malaysia as inviting
⑤What is more efficient? Prioritizing and organizing one’s bad fortune for the child.

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
17강 1-5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.81) 13~16강 3-5. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.83)

Giving people feedback about their past performance can be At one point in my career in business, I applied for a job
a powerful way to help them learn. Equally useful is that looked perfect on paper. It paid about thirty thousand
“feedforward,” which means exploring new options for the dollars a year more than what I was currently making. It
future. Marshall Goldsmith, a management consultant, was a job with lots of budget and personnel responsibility,
suggests a way to do this. First, talk about a specific, doing work that I knew and liked. But on the day that I
high-impact behavior that you’d like to change—for was called with the job offer, I got off the telephone, sat
example, “I want to be a better listener.” (A)그런 다음 작은 down, and started to cry. My gut instinct was telling me
집단의 신뢰하는 친구들과 함께 모여서 여러분의 목적을 이루는 방 something was wrong. But I didn’t listen. I took the job
법에 관한 제안을 해 달라고 요청하라. To make this process because it paid so well and my brain kept telling me it
work, avoid any conversation about what’s happened in the was the right thing to do. Less than two years later, I left
past. Focus instead on the next actions you intend to take. that job, having been miserable for almost every minute I
was there. My gut knew that I shouldn’t have taken the
[of trusted friends /Then /ask for /to accomplish /with /a job, but I talked myself into it. That almost never works
small group /and /suggestions /gather /about ways /your out well. Listen to your instincts. If something seems
goal] wrong, then _________________________.

① apply for a job which pays you the best

② make a responsibility yourself first
③ ignore the instincts naturally
④ spend time to figure out what it is
⑤ don’t regret yourself at anything

13~16강 4-5. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.84)

17강 2-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 모두 찾아 바르게 고치시오.82) (A) At 7:35 a.m. on November 13, 1872, in the port city of
Le Havre, France, Claude Monet gazed out his hotel
Harvard Business School professor Francesca Gino and window and began to paint what he saw. The result was
her colleagues asked workers ①to spend 15 minutes at the “Impression, Soleil Levant” (“Impression, Sunrise’s”)—and
end of their workdays ②write about ③that went well that the birth of a movement. How do we know exactly when
day, and they found that the journaling employees had Impressionism began?
22.8% higher performance than those who didn’t ponder on
their workday. As former Tech Insider reporter Drake Baer (B) The final clues were the smoke plumes in the painting,
points out, ④reflect on the day’s successes can help you showing the wind blowing east to west. Then he turned to
incorporate those lessons into the next day. “You introduce astronomy—using the rising sun and the moon to
a stimulus, gather the data of your experience, and then determine the tide, season, and time of day—and consulted
improve from there,” he writes. It’s worth ⑤noting that digitized 19th-century weather observations. Those findings
study participants didn’t simply think about what went —plus the “72” by Monet’s signature—closed the case and
well, but wrote their responses down. “It’s very easy to put a precise time stamp on a timeless work of art.
deceive yourself if you’re just thinking about it,” Gino
explains, “but when you write things down on paper, it’s (C) Because of Donald Olson, a Texas State University
easier to identify what’s helpful.” astrophysicist who uses astronomy to solve art and literary
↓ mysteries. When asked to help determine the painting’s
If you review your work each day by writing things down, provenance, Olson began by examining maps and photos
it will help you get better productivity. very carefully to identify Monet’s hotel and room.

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
17강 1-5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.85) 17강 2-5. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.87)

Your parents may be afraid that you will not spend your On a campaign in Silesia, Frederick, King of Prussia, gave
allowance wisely. You may make some foolish spending orders one day that _____________________ in his
choices, but if you do, the decision to do so is your own camp by a certain hour. To make certain that his order
and hopefully you will learn from your mistakes. Much of was obeyed, the king himself went the rounds. Passing by
learning occurs through trial and error. Explain to your the tent of a certain Captain Zietern, he noticed the
parents that money is something you will have to deal with glimmer of a candle, and upon entering found the officer
for the rest of your life. It is better that you make your sealing a letter to his wife. Frederick demanded to know
mistakes early on rather than later in life. (A)여러분이 언젠 what Zietern thought he was doing; didn’t he know the
가 가정을 꾸릴 것이라는 것과 자신의 돈을 관리하는 법을 알 필요 orders? The captain threw himself at the king’s feet, unable
가 있다는 것을 설명하라. Not everything is taught at school! to deny or excuse his disobedience. Frederick instructed
him to sit down and add a postscript to the letter, which
[a family /that /and you /someday /need to /will have Frederick himself dictated: “Tomorrow I shall perish on the
/know /how to /Explain /manage /you /your money] scaffold.” Zietern wrote what he was told and was duly
executed the following day.

① all campaigns should be implemented by a king

② all tents should be in the manage of the king
③ letters will be prohibited
④ all fires and lights were to be extinguished
⑤ candles can’t be used because it’s not enough

17강 3-5. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.88)

(A) Before you begin teaching your children responsibility,

be certain you have the concept clear in your own mind.
What does responsibility mean to you? What
responsibilities do you think children should have, and at
what ages? Most parents feel that basic responsibilities
17강 1-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.86) include keeping a clean room and picking up any mess
made in other rooms of the house.
The pleasures of kindness were well known in the past.
Kindness was mankind’s “greatest delight,” the Roman (B) Children need to become responsible with their time,
philosopher-emperor Marcus Aurelius ①declared, and getting to school before the bell rings, keeping curfew,
thinkers and writers have echoed him down the centuries. managing to fit in all their activities and still have
But today, many people find these pleasures literally ② down-time left.
incredibly or at least highly suspect. An image of the self
has been created ③that is utterly lacking in natural (C) When our children become students, we want them to
generosity. Most people appear ④believing ⑤that deep meet the requirements of being a learner and to do their
down they (and other people) are mad, bad, and dangerous homework religiously. Another responsibility is for personal
to know; that as a species—apparently unlike other species hygiene, being bathed and combed and well dressed. There
of animals—we are deeply and fundamentally hostile to is financial responsibility, in which children learn to budget
each other, that our motives are utterly self-seeking, and and to spend wisely their allowances or income from
that our sympathies are forms of self-protection. part-time jobs.

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
17강 4-5. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?89) 18강 1-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오. 91)

A survey, on the other hand, is usually written in advance. When you remove body language and facial expressions
from communication, you remove many of the signals we
A survey is somewhat like an interview in that the person ①use to read other people. Communication over the phone
conducting it prepares a set of questions. ①However, an ②leaving you and your customer with limited insight into
interview is done one-on-one, and the conversation has how the person on the other end of the conversation ③is
great flexibility. ②A number of participants agree to answer reacting. Is he in a defensive posture and ④getting more
a set of questions. ③If they write their answers, the survey withdrawn as you talk? Is she rolling her eyes while you
takes the form of a questionnaire. They may or may not tell her how much you value her business? Is he reading
complete the survey in your presence. ④What you will get his email instead of ⑤listening to you? The more physical
will be the briefest answers to your questions—no more, no cues we remove from our interactions, the easier it is ⑥
less. Obviously, you will run into difficulty if you realize having misunderstandings. Fortunately, you can still tell a
later on that you should have asked different questions. ⑤ lot from tone of voice.
Therefore, in a survey, most of the work lies in the
preparation of the questions so as to get the best answers.

18강 2-5. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.92)

18강 1-5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.90) The tradition of a pep squad as a support for sports teams
is one that many people are familiar with. These groups
A lot of customers buy products only after they are made exist for many different types of high school and college
aware that the products are available in the market. Let’s sports, most notably football. Essentially, a pep squad is a
say a product, even if it has been out there for a while, is group of individuals who have the responsibility of
not advertised. Then what might happen? (A)상품이 존재한다 motivating and promoting enthusiasm for a particular
는 것을 알지 못하므로, 그 제품이 그들에게 혹시 도움이 되었을지 sports team before and during a sports competition. The
라도, 소비자들은 아마 그것을 사지 않을 것이다. Advertising also use of the term varies to a degree from place to place. In
helps people find the best for themselves. When they are some settings, the pep squad is considered to be the same
made aware of a whole range of goods, they are able to as a cheerleading squad. Other locations see it as a
compare them and make purchases so that they get what separate entity from the cheerleaders, although they share a
they desire with their hard‐earned money. Thus, advertising common purpose. This may lead to the squad being more
has become a necessity in everybody’s daily life. of a dance team, performing more complicated routines
that are usually associated with cheerleading.
[have worked /customers /Not knowing /exists, /would
/even if /probably /that the product /not buy it /the ① they have the differen kinds of participants
product /may /for them] ② they have the same terms
③ they use the same performing dance teams
④ they share a common purpose
⑤ they have the most complicated routines

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
18강 3-5. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.93) 19강 1–5. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.95)

(A) It was usual among “savages” for the man who had When people share the same daily, weekly, monthly, and
food to share it with the man who had none, for travelers seasonal rhythms, connections among them form faster and
to be fed at any home they chose to stop at on their way, stay stronger. The people trust each other more deeply, and
and for communities harassed with drought to be coordination becomes easier. After all, they are frequently
maintained by their neighbors. doing the same things and working on the same problems
together. In fact, several organizations use regular stand-up
(B) Are there no houses belonging to his friends?” The meetings to maintain strong bonds and reinforce a
hungry Indian had but to ask to receive; however small the ______________ mindset. A CEO of a food company
supply was, food was given to him if he needed it: “no one talks about his short daily meeting with his team. He
can want food while there is corn anywhere in the town.” explains, “The rhythm that frequency generates allows
relationships to strengthen, personal habits to be
(C) If a man sat down to his meal in the woods, he was understood, and stressors to be identified. All of this helps
expected to call loudly for someone to come and share it the members of the team understand not only their roles
with him, before he might justly eat alone. When a but also how they can get the best out of one another.”
Western traveler told a Samoan about the poor in London,
the “savage” asked in astonishment: “How is it? No food? ① individual
No friends? No house to live in? Where did he grow? ② reasonal
*harassed 시달리는 ③ characterized
④ shared
⑤ fragile

19강 1—5. 다음 중 어법상 올바르지 않은 보기 2개를 고르고 올바

르게 고치시오.96)

Team sports offer a particularly compelling form of drama.

The outcome of a game, unlike that of a scripted drama, is
18강 4-5. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?94) unknown. Few people watch the same play or motion
picture repeatedly because after they ① have seen it once
Even today many refuse to believe it. they know the ending. The tension is gone. But tension
fills each and every game of baseball, football, and
Over the past 10,000 years, Homo sapiens has grown so basketball. Moreover, in organized sports the tension carries
accustomed to being the only human species that it’s hard beyond each individual game and tends ② to increasing
for us to think of any other possibility. ①Our lack of over time. Each game ③ is part of a designated sequence—
brothers and sisters makes it easier to imagine that we are a season—the goal of ④ that is to produce a champion.
the best example of creation, and that a chasm separates Both individual games and the season as a whole attract
us from the rest of the animal kingdom. ②When Charles interest and attention. Spectators follow the first to find
Darwin indicated that Homo sapiens was just another kind out which of the two contesting teams will win, and the
of animal, people were outraged. ③If the Neanderthals had second ⑤ to learn which one will emerge as the ultimate
survived, would we still imagine ourselves to be a creature champion. Suspense mounts because, as the end of the
apart? ④Perhaps this is exactly why our ancestors wiped season approaches, games tend to become more important
out the Neanderthals. They were too familiar to ignore, but to the determination of the champion.
too different to tolerate.⑤

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
19강 2-5. 다음 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시오.97) 19강 4—5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 단어를 적절히 변형하여
(A)를 완성하시오.99)
Benjamin Franklin began and ended each day with a
question: “What good shall I do this day?” in the morning, Help your teen verbally label emotions. This isn’t as easy
and “What good have I done this day?” in the evening. as it sounds because hurting teens often feel multiple
emotions at the same time. Develop a rich, accurate
(A) Of course, getting into the habit of self-reflection is vocabulary for emotions, and allow your teen to “name”
easier said than done, as we often prefer to avoid asking what he is feeling. Various studies have shown that verbally
ourselves the tough questions. As philosopher and naming an emotion has a quieting effect on the nervous
psychologist John Dewey explained in his 1910 book, How system, which can in turn help teens recover faster from
We Think, reflective thinking involves overcoming our emotional stress. (A) 이것은 뇌의 구조와 감정이 처리되는 방식
predisposition to accept things at face value and the 과 관련이 있다. By verbalizing an emotion, the language area
willingness to endure mental unrest. in the left side of the brain is engaged, which also impacts
logic and other higher-level types of thinking. Activating the
(B) In fact, many great thinkers embraced the idea of connections between the logic areas and emotional
constantly questioning things. As Albert Einstein reportedly processing areas of the brain may help your teen think
said, “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for about his emotion in a different way, thus leading to a
tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.” calming effect.

(C) Enduring this discomfort is well worth the effort, as it 보기 [ do /the /this /how /and /emotions /brain’s
can result in the confidence boost necessary to perform /processed /have /with /are /structure /emotions ]
better in our work and daily lives.

20강 1-5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.100)

Democracy in ancient Athens was more extensive than

today’s version in that individual involvement occurred as
19강 3-5. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시 citizens took turns holding various offices. There were no
오.98) elected officials in ancient Athens. (A)대신, 의원직과 같은 정
부의 직위는 이름이 상자에서 뽑히는 무작위 추첨에 의해 채워졌다.
Worse still, some probably hear the message that they The selected persons served for about a year, and no
should think and act like they are better and more person could serve twice in their lifetime. Where the
important than other people, or even that ordinary rules knowledge of professionals was needed, there would be
don’t apply to them. permanent positions, but most governmental positions were
temporary. Many Athenians felt that the benefits of more
① Telling schoolchildren that they are smart impairs their experienced politicians and officials would be spoiled by a
future performance, whereas telling them that they work growth in corruption. Today we sometimes find that
hard or not praising them at all leads them to work harder long-term positions for career politicians lead to aspirations
in the future. ② Therefore, attempting to convince people of power and selfish actions.
to be impressed with themselves can actually make people
do worse, which isn’t all that surprising really. ③ [those of /were picked /Instead, /governmental positions,
Convincing people to rely mostly on their self-esteem is /were filled /such as /by random drawings /the councilors,
really telling them that they can’t count on other people, /in which /names /from a box]
and that is a mighty unhappy thought indeed. ④ Real
“self-esteem” derives from the esteem of others. ⑤ Why
shout out your victories if no one hears you?

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
20강 2-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오.101) 20강 4-5. 올바른 순서를 고르시오.103)

If you’re tempted ①to eat food you’ve dropped on the (A) If the occasion calls for full attention, when you find
floor, you may want to think again: A new study disproved yourself bored silly by someone’s presentation, create an
the “5-second rule,” or the idea ②that food is safe to eat interest in him by focusing on the subtle changes in the
off the floor if you pick it up fast enough. The study found intonation of his voice as he speaks, or think about the
③that bacteria from a surface can move to food very words he chooses to express his ideas.
quickly, in less than a second in some cases. In the study,
the researchers contaminated four different surfaces— (B) Visualization techniques will help you display pleasure,
stainless steel, ceramic tile, wood and carpet—with bacteria. interest and other emotions in your everyday interactions.
Then, they dropped four food types on the surfaces: If your Impression Management Plan calls for you to smile
watermelon, bread, bread and butter, and gummy candy. at a meeting that you dread, think in advance of several
Results showed that, in general, the longer the food was happy moments in your life to replay mentally during the
allowed to ④sitting on the surface, the more bacteria was meeting.
transferred to the food. But some bacterial infection
happened in less than a second. Watermelon picked up the (C) Let your rational brain outwit your emotional brain by
most bacteria, while gummy candies ⑤picking up the least. injecting images consistent with the emotions you want to
project. Remember, the emotional brain doesn’t distinguish
between realistic visualization and reality!

20강 3-5. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 102) 21강 1-5. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?104)

An often-repeated statistic says that four out of five small In addition to cooking grains, they usually cooked their
businesses will fail within five years. This 80 percent is a vegetables, the very foods some recommend that people eat
frightening prospect for anyone thinking about starting a raw.
business. But a study by Bruce A. Kirchhoff of the New
Jersey Institute of Technology found the failure rate for How much of your food should be cooked? ①Proponents of
small businesses to be only 18 percent during their first the newly popular raw food diets claim that cooking ruins
eight years. Why the huge gap? It turns out that studies by vitamins and enzymes, making food difficult to digest and
the U.S. government and others defined business failures therefore contributing to disease. ②But all traditional
much too broadly. Any closing of a business, even if it peoples cooked some or most of their food. ③Even in the
occurred because someone died, sold the business, or tropics, where people did not have to build fires to keep
retired, was recorded as a business failure. In fact, only 18 warm, they built fires every day to cook. ④Why cook?
percent of the 814,000 small businesses tracked by Cooking helps neutralize many naturally occurring
Kirchhoff for eight years went out of business with unpaid anti-nutrients and irritants in food, also breaking down
bills. This should be a comfort to would-be entrepreneurs. indigestible fiber. ⑤Many foods, such as beans and
potatoes, are indigestible until cooked. While cooking—
① disaster to the future adults especially at very high temperatures—does destroy some
② precise statistic results to all nutrients, it makes minerals more available.
③ business’ indication of the success *proponent 지지자 **enzyme 효소
④ comfort to would-be entrepreneurs
⑤ opportunity not a failure

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
21강 2-5. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 곳으로 가장 적절한 곳은?105) 21강 4-5. 어법상 틀린 2곳을 골라 바르게 고치시오. 107)

These variations occur in cycles of 10,000 years or even Today, studies increasingly show ①that many non-human
hundreds of thousands of years. beings feel. Elephants appear ②to feel grief, while dolphins
and whales express joy, or something much like it. Parrots
①Long-term climate variations on Earth—ice ages are but can become unhappy, pigs and cows terrified, chickens
one example— are thought to be influenced by such factors saddened, monkeys seemingly ③embarrassed. Experiments
as small wobbles in Earth’s orbit, and the inclination of its have shown that rats become agitated when seeing surgery
axis, as well as cycles of radiation coming from the Sun. ② ④performing on other rats; when presented with a trapped
An ice core drilled at Lake Vostok in Antarctica reveals lab-mate and a piece of chocolate, they will free their
that for most of the last 250,000 years, Earth has been caged brethren before eating. There’s even evidence that
considerably colder than it is today. ③In fact, the relatively rats take pleasure in being tickled. None of this will come
warm weather experienced on Earth for the last 10,000 as a surprise to pet owners or anyone who has observed
years looks like an unusual period when compared with the virtually any kind of animal for any length of time. Science
previous 200,000 years. ④Ten thousand years is a short is rediscovering ⑤that Charles Darwin, in his book The
period in geologic terms, but it covers just about the entire Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals,
span of modern human civilization.⑤ concluded: that the variations between humans and other
*wobble 흔들림, 동요 species in their capacity to feel and express emotion are
differences in degree rather than in kind.

21강 01~02-5. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.108)

21강 3-5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 (A)를 완성하시오.106)
Food is one of the most important tools you can use as a
Words can be clues to inner experience, revealing hidden manager. Having a full stomach makes people feel satisfied
thoughts, feelings, or wants. We can, therefore, use words and happier. Eating together gives employees time to make
in much the same way as we use nonverbal messages, such connections with each other. Providing an occasional snack
as voice tone, rate and volume of speech, facial or paying for a lunch now and then can help your
expressions, and body positions or movements, to help employees feel appreciated and make the office feel more
understand athletes. (A)그러나 말은 경험을 표현할 뿐만 아니라, welcoming. These do not need to be elaborate setups. If
또한 피드백 회로로 작용하면서 경험에 기여하기도 한다. An you have a small budget, you’re not going to want to buy
example would be athletes who call themselves “losers.” lunch at a restaurant for your entire group. Bringing in
They not only reveal their dissatisfaction and unhappiness, some cookies once in a while is enough; you can also
they also reinforce their sense of impotence and undermine encourage employees to bring in food themselves.
their self-confidence. Words that are not spoken can be as The key to using food effectively is for it not to become a
meaningful as those that are. A useful clue to something planned event. If everyone knows you bring donuts to the
that is avoided is the unanswered question. Not answering Friday morning meeting, it becomes an expectation and not
a question may indicate an underlying fear, guilt, a surprise. To create goodwill, the food must appear to be
embarrassment, shame, or other unpleasant feeling or unexpected. It is also a good idea to praise employees who
thought. bring food in without being asked; this creates an
atmosphere of sharing.
[experience, /Words, /contribute to /however, /express /but *elaborate 공들인
/as /they also /not only /it, /operating /a feedback loop] ① not to exceed the budget
② to fully understand the feelings
③ to bring the most delicious ones
④ not to become a planned event
⑤ to praise the employeess who are feeling grateful

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
21강 01~02-5. 다음 단락에 이어질 글의 올바른 순서를 쓰시 21강 03~04-5. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 것을 고르
오.109) 시오.110)

In a recent study, Stanford University psychologists Manly Besides its obvious advantage of catching you if you fall,
Oppezzo and Daniel Schwartz divided participants into two the net also provides a psychological benefit.
groups: walkers and sitters. They then administered
something called Guilford’s Alternative Uses Test, in which No matter how experienced, no matter how proficient, a
participants come up with alternative uses for everyday trapeze artist will not attempt a totally new death-defying
objects. leap without first trying it with a net below him. ① And
depending on how death-defying the trick is, he may insist
(A) They still produced twice as many creative responses on always having a net when performing the trick. ②
compared with the sedentary group. It didn’t take a lot of Knowing it is there gives the trapeze artist the confidence
walking to boost creativity, either—anywhere from five to to try something he’s never done before, or to do it again
sixteen minutes. and again. ③ Remove the net and he will only do the safe
tricks, the ones he knows he can land. ④ The more he
(B) The results, published in the Journal of Experimental trusts the quality of the net, the more he will take
Psychology, confirm that the ancient Greeks were onto personal risks to make his act better. ⑤ The trust the
something. Creativity levels were “consistently and circus management gives him by providing him a net is
significantly” higher for the walkers versus the sitters. probably afforded to other performers too. Soon all the
Curiously, it didn’t matter whether participants walked performers will feel confident to try new things and push
outdoors in the fresh air or indoors on a treadmill staring themselves further. That collection of personal confidence
at a blank wall. and personal risk results in the entire circus putting on a
much better show. An overall better show means more
(C) It’s designed to measure “divergent thinking,” an customers. And the system thrives. But not without trust.
important component of creativity. Divergent thinking is For those within a community, or an organization, they
when we come up with multiple, unexpected solutions to must trust that their leaders provide a net—practical or
problems. Divergent thinking is spontaneous and emotional. With that feeling of support, those in the
free-flowing. Convergent thinking, by contrast, is more organization are more likely to put in extra effort that
linear and entails a narrowing, rather than an expanding, ultimately benefits the group as a whole.
of your options. Convergent thinkers are trying to find the *trapeze artist 공중 곡예사
one correct answer to a question. Divergent thinkers
reframe the question.

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
23강 01~02—5. [서술/서답형] 보기를 이용해 단어를 적절히 변형
하여 (A)를 완성하시오.111)

Since 1984 the city of Philadelphia has sponsored the

Mural Arts Program, which has brought neighborhood
residents together to plan and paint more than 2,800
architectural-scale murals on the sides of buildings. But
these murals are more than art. They represent
neighborhood identity, civic pride, and involvement in the
community. And they help bridge racial, ethnic, and class
divisions. To illustrate how the Mural Arts Program works,
we can look at the Grays Ferry neighborhood, which in the
1990s was the scene of a racial protest march caused by
the beating of a black family by a group of whites. With
racial tensions running high, (A)___________________.
Even though many people, both black and white, were
skeptical at first, after several community planning sessions,
the doubts and suspicions were replaced by a desire to
cooperate on the project. The mural, titled “Peace Wall,”
depicts overlapping hands of varying skin tones on a
sky-blue background. The planning and execution of the
mural provided an opportunity for people of different
backgrounds to get to know one another better and to
form a sense of community. Once “Peace Wall” was
completed, residents took on other community projects such
as trash collection and street repair. Thus, as illustrated by
the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, large-scale art
projects requiring cooperation can knit people together into
the fabric of a unified community.

보기 [ should /of /racial /with /the /of the Mural Arts

Program /a /mural /suggest /that /director
/the community /the /theme /harmony /create ]

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
53) ⑤
정 답 54) ④
55) This involves and encourages players to take more
responsibility for their own learning and development.
56) ⑤
1) ③ 57) ④
2) ①When, ④be 58) ①, ④ /working, that
3) ① 59) C-A-B
4) ② 60) ①
5) He did it because he had a specific goal to become the 61) but there are a lot of benefits to perceiving time like
best in the world 65‒year‒olds
6) 정답 : It is important to recognize your pet’s particular 62) ⑤
needs and respect them. 63) ③, ⑤ /who is, raise
7) ④ 64) B-C-A
8) ④ 65) ③
9) ② are fed , ③given 66) 정답 : The editors must make difficult decisions about
10) (A)-(C)-(B) whom to include and whom to exclude.
11) ④ 67)However
12) ② 68)③ increased, ⑤ artists
13) ② 69) (C)-(B)-(A)
14) C-A-B 70) ⑤
15) ① paying → to pay ,⑥ to interfere → 71) difficulties philosophers have sometimes been faced
interfering with when attempting to give abstract, general definitions
16) ①
17) ①, ④ of what it is to be human
18) ③ 72) ②
19) ⑤ 73) ②, ③ /annoying, did
20) They had already retracted the hood connecting the 74) B-A-C
75) ⑤
Jetway to the airplane door 76) ②
21) ④ 77) ① listen , ⑤ were rated
22) In the doorway stood the old man holding out a large 78) ⑤
bear. 79) ③
23) A-C-B 80) ⑤
24) A-C-B 81) Then gather with a small group of trusted friends and
25) ① saw → sees ,③ turn → turns ask for suggestions about ways to accomplish your goal.
26) He approached the man and asked what was troubling 82) ② write → writing, ④ reflect → reflecting
him. 83) ④
27) A-B-C 84) A-C-B
28) ① 85) Explain that you will have a family someday and you
29) ⑤ need to know how to manage your money.
30)④ 86) ② incredibly → incredible, ④ believing → to believe
31)정답 : The Naadam Festival started as a religious event 87) ④
but has evolved into a celebration of Mongolian statehood. 88) A-C-B
32)(B)-(A)-(C) 89) ②
33)③ changed , ⑤ was being reprinted 90) )Not knowing that the product exists, customers would
34)(B)-(A)-(C) probably not buy it even if the product may have worked
35) ⑤
36) ⑤ for them.
37) ⑤ 91) ② leaving → leaves, ⑥ having → to have
38) (A)-(B)-(C) 92) ④
39) ② to develop , ⑤ Find 93) A-C-B
40) ① manage , ④ to announce 94) ③
41) (C)-(B)-(A) 95) ④
42) It can seem like you do not have time to prepare tasty 96) ②, ④ /to increase, which
97) B-A-C
nutritious meals or even to eat them. 98) ④
43) ③ 99) This has to do with the brain’s structure and how
44) ② is → are, ④ perform → to perform
45) ④ emotions are processed.
46) ② involved → involving, ④ to make → make 100) Instead, governmental positions, such as those of the
47) ③ councilors, were filled by random drawings in which names
48) ①, ④ /receiving, how
were picked from a box.
49) C-A-B
50) ③
101) ④ sitting → sit, ⑤ picking → picked
51) we make certain there is enough space so that we 102) ④
103) B-A-C
don’t touch the person 104) ④
52) A-C-B 105) ②

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변형문제 제 5 회
리딩 파워 유형 기본
106) Words, however, not only express experience, but
they also contribute to it, operating as a feedback loop.
107) ④ performing → performed, ⑤ that → what
108) ④
109) C-B-A
110) ④
111) the director of the Mural Arts Program suggested that
the community create a mural with the theme of racial

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