1LW 503 All Administrative Law
1LW 503 All Administrative Law
1LW 503 All Administrative Law
a) 1915 b) 1920
c) 1935 d) 1940
4) Droit administratif is the system developed in __________.
a) USA b) France
c) India d) Australia
5) ‘Delegatus non potest delegare’ means ____________.
1) Dicey published his famous book ‘Law and Constituion’ in the year -
a) 1915 b) 1920
c) 1935 d) 1940
2) The Crown Proceedings Act was passed by the British Parliament which made the
government liable to pay damages in case of tortious and contractual liability of the crown
in the year-
a) 1946 b) 1947
c) 1948 d) 1949
3) Rule of law as the basic principle is accepted in the -
a) English Constitution b) U.S.A. Constitution
c) Indian Constitution d) All of the above
4) The doctrine of separation of powers was formulated systematically by -
a) Dicey b) Wade
c) Motesquieu d) Lord Acton
5) An order of assessment under a taxing statute is a quasi-judicial function.
a) True b) False
c) Neither (a) nor (b) d) Non of the above
6) The rules and regulations made by the executive in pursuance of the legislative powers
conferred by the legislature are -
a) Subordinate Laws b) Subsidiory Laws
c) Child Legislation d) all of the above
7) Delegated Legislation in the form of rules regulations, bye-laws, notifications schemes,
orders, etc is known as -
a) Title based classification b) Discretion based classification
c) Purpose based classification d) Authority based classification
Administrative Law (LW -503/9003) AGD/ II
10) The Latin pharse 'Habeas Corpus' means________.
a) To have the body b) To prohibit
c) To command d) None of the above
Administrative Law (LW -503/9003) AGD/ II
BACHELOR OF LAWS (Three Years Semester Pattern) CREDIT SYSTEM
Sub.: Administrative Law (LW-503/9003)
Date :20 /04/2019 Total Marks : 60 Time: 10.00 am to 12.30 pm
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figure indicate to the right full marks.
Q. 1. Choose correct option from the following. (10)
1) ____________ defines administrative law as the “Law related to administration. It
determines the organisations, powers and duties of administrative authorities.”
a) A. V. Dicey b) K. C. Davis
c) Sir Ivor Jennings d) Montesqiue
2) Administrative law is a branch of _____________.
a) Privale Law b) Public Law
c) Property Law d) Procedural Law
3) Origin of Droit administratiff is embedded in _______________.
a) Enland b) USA
c) Germany d) France
4) According to A. V. Dicey’s formulation of Rule of Law, it denotes __________
a) Two meanings b) Three Meanings
c) Four Meanings d) Five Meanings
5) The basic concept of Delegated Legislation denotes delegation of ____________ powers.
a) Voting b) Rule making
c) Administrative d) Judicial
6) The maxim ‘Nemo debet esse judex in propria causa’ means ____________.
a) No one should be condemned unheard b) King can do no wrong
c) The same person should not form part of d) No one should be made a judge in his
more than one of the three organ. own cause.
7) The expression ‘ultra vires’ literally means ___________.
a) Excessive delegation b) Beyond powers
c) Violation of fundamental rights d) Inconsistent
8) Tribunal is a _______________ body.
a) Judicial b) Quasi judicial
c) Financial d) Private
9) Ombudsman is said to be an officer of _____________.
a) Parliament b) Court
c) Tribunal d) None of these
10) Esprit des Lois is the book of _______________.
a) Dicey b) Montesquie
c) Davis d) Aristotle
3) __________ bias arises, when the adjudicator has monetary interest in the subject matter
of dispute.
a) Personal bias b) Pecuniary
c) Departmental d) Preconceived
c) 63 yr d) 62 yr
6) Which is the oldest known system designed for the redressal of citizen's grievance?
a) India b) France
a) Legislative b) Executive
10) Which part of the judgment establishes the precedent that is to be followed by lower
a. The Ratio Decidendi. b. The facts that are identified as
binding by the judge.
c. The section of the judgment d. The Obiter Dicta.
entitled 'Precedent.'