1LW 503 All Administrative Law

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BACHELOR OF LAWS (LL.B.) (Three Years Semester Pattern)/

Sub.: Administrative Law (LW - 503/LW - 9003)

Date : 12/01/2022 Total Marks : 60 Time: 10.00 am to 12.30 pm

Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figure indicate to the right full marks.
Q. 1. Choose correct option from the following. (10)
1) Dicey criticized which legal system?
a) English Legal system b) French Legal system
c) Australian Legal system d) American Legal system
2) The tortuious liability of the government is recognized in the Indian constitution by-
a) Art 298 b) Art 294
c) Art 323 d) Art 299
3) The public corporation can be held liable under which of the following the liability/ies?
a) Liability in contracts b) Liability in torts
c) Liability for crimes d) All of the above
4) _____ bias arises, when the adjudicator has monetary interest in the subject matter of dispute.
a) Personal b) Departmental
c) Pecuniary d) Official
5) The tortious liability of the state was not recongised in which of the following cases?
a) State of Rajasthan v/s Vidyawati b) Kasturilal Lal v/s State of Uttar Pradesh
c) State of Gujarat v/s MemonMohammed d) Railway Board v/s Chandraima Das
6) Theory of separation of power was originated by ___
a) Ivor Jennings b) Sir Edward Coke
c) A.V. Dicey d) Montesquieu
7) Which one of the following is NOT the drawback concept of Rule of Law as given by A V
a) Failure to distinguish between arbitrary b) Misunderstood the real nature of droit
power discretionary power administratif
c) did not recongise the existence of d) did not support supremacy of law.
administrative law in england
8) Which of the following is true?
a) The legislative order has to be published b) for quasi judicial decisions reasons may
not be given
c) the duty to give reason applies to d) the administrative powers cannot be sub
legislative orders delegated.

Administrative Law (LW - 503/LW - 9003) AJD/ I 1/2

9) Which of the following is not held to be a quasi-judicial function
a) determination of citizenship b) disciplinary proceedings against students
c) determination of disqualification of d) an order to preventive detention
members of parliment
10) The institution of ombudsman originated in 1809 at-
a) France b) Sweden
c) Germany d) Australia

Q. 2. Answer the following in short. (up to 30 words) (10)

1) What is locus standi?
2) What is writ of Certiorari?
3) Define conditional legislation?
4) What is Central Vigilance Commision?
5) What do you mean by Ombudsman?

Q. 3. Short Notes. (any four) (20)

1) Classification of Administrative Action.
2) Reasons for growth of Administrative Tribunal
3) Duties and functions of public service commission.
4) Legal status and classification of public corporation.
5) Legislative and judicial control over delegated legislation.
6) Principle of crown previllage.
7) Doctrine of Estoppel.

Q. 4. Answer the following questions. (Any two) (20)

1) Discuss the important features of Right to Information Act, 2005
2) Explain the contractural liability of Government in India.
3) Discuss the Principle of Natural Justice.
4) Define Administrative Law and discuss its reason for growth in India.


Administrative Law (LW - 503/LW - 9003) AJD/ I 2/2

BACHELOR OF LAWS (Three Years Semester Pattern) CREDIT SYSTEM
Sub.: Administrative Law (LW-503/9003)
Date : 15/11/2019 Total Marks : 60 Time: 10.00 am to 12.30 pm
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figure indicate to the right full marks.
Q. 1. Choose correct option from the following. (10)
1) ‘Administrative Law is the law relating to the administration’ is stated by _________.

a) Ivor Jennings b) Wade

c) K.C. Davis d) Garner
2) Essential legislative functions cannot be delegated called as ___________.

a) Permissible delegation b) Impermissible delegation

c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of the above
3) Dicey published his famous book ‘Law and Constitution’ in the year ________.

a) 1915 b) 1920
c) 1935 d) 1940
4) Droit administratif is the system developed in __________.
a) USA b) France
c) India d) Australia
5) ‘Delegatus non potest delegare’ means ____________.

a) A delegate cannot further delegate b) A delegate can further delegate

c) A delegate can further delegate in some d) None of the above
6) Administrative tribunals are created by ____________.

a) Legislation b) Common Law

c) Administrative agencies d) None of the above
7) Executive power of the Union is vested in ___________.
a)Prime Minister b) Council of Ministers
c) Home Minister d) President
8) Audi Alteram partem means ___________.
a) No one should be condemned unheard b) No one should be given an
opportunity to hear before condemned
c) No one should be Discharged Unheard d) None of the above.
9) Administrative Law was in existence in America in the __________.

a) 19th Century b) 18th Century

c) 17th Century d) 16th Century

Administrative Law (LW -503/9003) AID/ I 1/2

10) The Conseil d’ Etat is __________.
a) The Supreme Court b) The High Court
c) The Criminal Court d ) The Highest Administrative Court.

Q. 2. Answer the following in short. (up to 30 words) (10)

1. What is meant by ‘Locus Standi’?
2. What is the meaning of ultra vires?
3. What is meant by quasi-judicial?
4. Who is Lokpal?
5. What is Speaking order?

Q. 3. Short Notes. (any four) (20)

1.Public Interest Litigation
2. Droit Administratiff
3. Doctrine of Pleasure
4. Sources of Administrative Law
5. Administrative Tribunal
6. Audi alteram Partem
7. Lokayukta
Q. 4. Answer the following questions. (Any two) (20)
1. “Nemo debet esse judex in propria causa”. Elucidate.
2. Explain the doctrine of separation of powers and its relation to administrative law.
3. Explain the term delegated legislation and reasons for growth of delegated legislation.
What is the meaning of ‘delegatus non potest delegare’?
4. Examine critically the doctrine of Rule of Law and its contemporary significance
in a welfare state.

Administrative Law (LW -503/9003) AID/ I 2/2

BACHELOR OF LAWS (Three Years Semester Pattern)
Sub.: Administrative Law (LW-503)
Date : 19/05/2017 Total Marks : 60 Time: 10.00 am to 12.30 pm
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figure indicate to the right full marks.
Q. 1. Choose correct option from the following. (10)
1) Droit administratif is the system developed in …….
a) USA b) France
c) India d) Australia
2) Executive power of the Union is vested in whom?
a)Prime Minister b) Council of Ministers
c) Home Minister d) President
3) Doctrine of Seperation of Power is ascribed by ..….
a) Aristotle b) Locke
c) John Bodin d) Montesquieu.
4) Administrative Tribunal discharges …………..functions
a) Legislative b) Quasi Judicial
c) Judicial d) Executive
5) The Rule of Natural Justice applies in which of the following proceeding?
a) Judicial Proceeding b) Quasi Judicial Proceeding
c) Administrative Proceedings d) All the above Proceedings
6) The “rule of law” denotes……
a) Rule of Nature B) Predominance of Legal Spirit
c) Natural Law d) Positive Law
7) A Member of the Administrative Tribunal shall hold the office upto the age of …….
a)62 years b) 64 years
c)65 years d) 70 years
8) The Principle of Natural Justice owe their origin mainly in ………….
a) Enactments b) Customs
c) Common Law d) Ratio laid down by the courts.
9) Who has originated the Doctrine of Rule of Law?
a) Bentham b) Dicey
c) Halsbury d) Coke
10) The Administrative Law deals with the powers and procedures of ----
a) Judicial powers b) Administrative authorities
c) Legislative Assembly d) Parliament.

Q. 2. Answer the following in short. (up to 30 words) (10)

1) What is delegated legislation?
2) What do you mean by Administrative discretion?
3) Writ of Habeas Corpus
4) Right to Know
5) Personal Bias

Q. 3. Short Notes. (any four) (20)

1) Article 32 and 226
2) Administrative Tribunals
3) Audi Altrem Partem.

Administrative Law (LW -503) AE/ I 1/2

4) Commissions of Inquiry.
5) Judicial Control of Administrative Action
6) Doctrine of Pleasure
7) Rule of Law

Q. 4. Answer the following questions. (Any two) (20)

1) Examine in detail the nature and scope of Administrative law
2) “Nemo debet esse judex in propria causa”. Elucidate.
3) Explain the extent to which the Doctrine of Separation of Powers is in the Constitution
of India.
4) Write a detailed note on Institution of Ombudsman in India.

Administrative Law (LW -503) AE/ I 2/2

BACHELOR OF LAWS (LL.B.) (Three Years Semester Pattern) CREDIT SYSTEM
Sub.: Administrative Law (LW-503)
Date : 24/11/2016 Total Marks : 60 Time: 10.00 am to 12.30 pm

Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figure indicate to the right full marks.

Q. 1. Choose correct option from the following. (10)

1) Dicey published his famous book ‘Law and Constituion’ in the year -
a) 1915 b) 1920
c) 1935 d) 1940
2) The Crown Proceedings Act was passed by the British Parliament which made the
government liable to pay damages in case of tortious and contractual liability of the crown
in the year-
a) 1946 b) 1947
c) 1948 d) 1949
3) Rule of law as the basic principle is accepted in the -
a) English Constitution b) U.S.A. Constitution
c) Indian Constitution d) All of the above
4) The doctrine of separation of powers was formulated systematically by -
a) Dicey b) Wade
c) Motesquieu d) Lord Acton
5) An order of assessment under a taxing statute is a quasi-judicial function.
a) True b) False
c) Neither (a) nor (b) d) Non of the above
6) The rules and regulations made by the executive in pursuance of the legislative powers
conferred by the legislature are -
a) Subordinate Laws b) Subsidiory Laws
c) Child Legislation d) all of the above
7) Delegated Legislation in the form of rules regulations, bye-laws, notifications schemes,
orders, etc is known as -
a) Title based classification b) Discretion based classification
c) Purpose based classification d) Authority based classification

Administrative Law (LW -503) AE/ I 1/2

8) Essential Legislative functions cannot be delegaged by the legislature to the executive.
a) Ture b) False
c) Neither (a) nor (b) d) None of the above
9) Administrative tribunals are created by ---
a) Legislation b) Common Law
c) Administrative agencies d) None of the above
10) The Judicial process to examine the decision of an administrative tribunal is known as --
a) An appeal b) Judicial review
c) The hearing process d) All of the above

Q. 2. Answer the following in short. (up to 30 words) (10)

1) What is meant by Rule of Law?
2) What is meant by Parent Act?
3) What is sub-delegation?
4) What is the meaning of ultra vires?
5) What is meant by quasi-judicial?

Q. 3. Short Notes. (any four) (20)

1) Separation of Powers
2) Reasons for the growth of delegated legislation
3) Judicial review of administrative grounds for discretion.
4) Writ of Habeas corpus
5) Conditional Legislation
6) Doctrine of Estoppel
7) Ombudsman

Q. 4. Answer the following questions. (Any two) (20)

1) Evaluate the nature, scope and the reasons for the growth of administrative law.
2) Discuss the judicial control of delegated legislation along with relevant case laws-
3) “Principles of Natural Justice are binding on all the Courts” Explain
4) Discuss the law relating to Tortious Liability of state with the help of relevant case laws.

Administrative Law (LW -503) AE/ I 2/2

BACHELOR OF LAWS (Three Years Semester Pattern) CREDIT SYSTEM
Sub.: Administrative Law (LW-503/9003)
Date : 19/04/2018 Total Marks : 60 Time: 10.00 am to 12.30 pm
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figure indicate to the right full marks.

Q. 1. Choose correct option from the following. (10)

1) Administrative law is branch of the_______.
a) Common Law b) Public Law
c) Private Law d) Consumer Law
2) Ordinance shall cease to operate at the expiration of __________ from the re-assembly of
the Parliament.
a) 6 Weeks b) 6 Months
c) 4 Weeks d) 4 Months
3) Droit Administratif was regularly put into practice by________.
a) Ivor Jennings b) King Edward
c) Napoleon Bonaparte d) Lord Hewart
4) Tribunal Des Conflits is presided over by the________.
a) Minister of Justice b) Supreme Court Judge
c) King d) President
5) Rule of Law has been origanated by________.
a) Ivor Jennings b) Sir Edward Coke
c) A.V. Dicey d) K.C. Davis
6) Theory of separation of powers was originated by_________.
a) b)
a) Locke b) Aristotle
c) Montesquieu d) Garner
7) _________ bias arises, when the adjudicator has monetary interest in the subject matter of
a) Personal b) Pecuniary
c) Departmental d ) Preconceived
8) Establishment of the Tribunal to deal with service matters is provided by Article_____.
a) 323-A b) 232-A
c) 323-B d) 232-B
9) The rules made by Semi-Government authorities established under the Act or Statute is
called as___________.
a) Regulation b) Order
c) Direction d) By-laws

Administrative Law (LW -503/9003) AGD/ II
10) The Latin pharse 'Habeas Corpus' means________.
a) To have the body b) To prohibit
c) To command d) None of the above

Q. 2. Answer the following in short. (up to 30 words) (10)

1) What is tribunal des conflits?
2) What is Central Vigilance Commision?
3) What is doctrine of Audi Alteram Partem?
4) What is writ of Certiorari?
5) What is Delegated Legislation?

Q. 3. Short Notes. (any four) (20)

1) Ombudsman
2) Quasi-Legislative functions
3) Quasi-Contractual Liability
4) Doctrine of separatin of powers
5) Droit Administratif
6) Judicial control of Administrative action

Q. 4. Answer the following questions. (Any two) (20)

1) Explain the various sources of Administrative Law in detail.
2) Elaborate the reasons for the growth of the Administrative law.
3) Explain abuse of descretion as a grounds of Judicial Review.
4) Explain various forms of bias in detail.

Administrative Law (LW -503/9003) AGD/ II
BACHELOR OF LAWS (Three Years Semester Pattern) CREDIT SYSTEM
Sub.: Administrative Law (LW-503/9003)
Date :20 /04/2019 Total Marks : 60 Time: 10.00 am to 12.30 pm
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figure indicate to the right full marks.
Q. 1. Choose correct option from the following. (10)
1) ____________ defines administrative law as the “Law related to administration. It
determines the organisations, powers and duties of administrative authorities.”
a) A. V. Dicey b) K. C. Davis
c) Sir Ivor Jennings d) Montesqiue
2) Administrative law is a branch of _____________.
a) Privale Law b) Public Law
c) Property Law d) Procedural Law
3) Origin of Droit administratiff is embedded in _______________.
a) Enland b) USA
c) Germany d) France
4) According to A. V. Dicey’s formulation of Rule of Law, it denotes __________
a) Two meanings b) Three Meanings
c) Four Meanings d) Five Meanings
5) The basic concept of Delegated Legislation denotes delegation of ____________ powers.
a) Voting b) Rule making
c) Administrative d) Judicial
6) The maxim ‘Nemo debet esse judex in propria causa’ means ____________.
a) No one should be condemned unheard b) King can do no wrong
c) The same person should not form part of d) No one should be made a judge in his
more than one of the three organ. own cause.
7) The expression ‘ultra vires’ literally means ___________.
a) Excessive delegation b) Beyond powers
c) Violation of fundamental rights d) Inconsistent
8) Tribunal is a _______________ body.
a) Judicial b) Quasi judicial
c) Financial d) Private
9) Ombudsman is said to be an officer of _____________.
a) Parliament b) Court
c) Tribunal d) None of these
10) Esprit des Lois is the book of _______________.
a) Dicey b) Montesquie
c) Davis d) Aristotle

Q. 2. Answer the following in short. (up to 30 words) (10)

1. What is Rule of Law?
2. What is Delegated Legislation?
3. What is locus standi?
4. What is Counsil De Etat?
5. What is Speaking Order?

Administrative Law (LW -503/9003) AHD/ I 1/2

Q. 3. Short Notes. (any four) (20)
1. Doctrine of Pleasure
2. Droit Administratif
3. Ombudsman
4. Writ of Habeas Corpus
5. Administrative Discretion
6. Administrative Tribunal
7. Sources of Administrative Law
Q. 4. Answer the following questions. (Any two) (20)
1. Discuss in detail Rule of Law with relevant Judicial Trends in India.
2. Discuss Salient features of Right to Information Act, 2005.
3. What is Natural Justice? Explain in detail the types of Bias.
4. Explain what is Delegated Legislation and the reasons of growth of Delegated

Administrative Law (LW -503/9003) AHD/ I 2/2

BACHELOR OF LAWS (Three Years Semester Pattern) CREDIT SYSTEM
Sub.: Administrative Law (LW-503/9003)
Date : 24/11/2017 Total Marks : 60 Time: 10.00 am to 12.30 pm
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figure indicate to the right full marks.

Q. 1. Choose correct option from the following. (10)

1) Doctrine of ultra vires includes ------
a) Substantive ultra vires b) Procedural ultra vires
c) ‘a’ and ‘b’ both d) only ‘a’
2) The “State “ is defined under which Article of the Indian Constitution ?
a) Art. 24 b) Art. 12
c) Art.17 d) Art. 23
3) The President of India acts on the advice of -------
a) Chief Justice of India b) Prime Minister of India
c) Councils of Ministers d) Governor of the State
4) In Which year the Consumer Protection Act has been passed?
a) 1982. b) 1986.
c) 1999 d) 1987.
5) Natural justice is the counter part of American

a) Due Process of Law b) Rule of Law

c) Natural Law d) Positive Law
6) Audi Alteram partem means………..
a) No one should be condemned unheardb) No one should be given an
opportunity to hear before condemned
c) No one should be Discharged Unheard d) none of the above.
7) The Conseil d’ Etat is …………..in france
a) The Supreme Court b) The High Court
c) The Criminal Court d ) The Highest Administrative Court.
8) Delegated Legislation can take various forms such as -------

a) Rules and Regulation b) bye laws

c) Orders d) All the above.
9) Delegated legislation is subject to the following controls……….
a) Parliamentary Control b) Judicial Control
c) Legislative control d) Both Parliamentary and Judicial control

Administrative Law (LW -503/9003) AFD/ II 1/2

10) Which Part of the Indian Constitution deals with the Fundamental rights ?

a) Part III b) Part IV

c) Part V d) Part VI

Q. 2. Answer the following in short. (up to 30 words) (10)

1) Conscil De Etat
2) What do you mean by Ombudsman?
3) What do you mean by Quasi legislative body?
4) Doctrine of Pleasure
5) What do you mean by Locus Standi?

Q. 3. Short Notes. (any four) (20)

1) Meaning and Nature of Delegated Legislation
2) Bias.
3) Droit Administrative
4) Sources of Adminstrative law
5) Right to Notice
6) Liability of Administrator in Tort
7) State Administrative Tribunal

Q. 4. Answer the following questions. (Any two) (20)

1) Examine critically the doctrine of Rule of Law and its contemporary
significance in a welfare state.
2) Discuss the kinds of writs under the Indian Constitution and the grounds on
which they could be issued.
3) Discuss with help of appropriate case laws the judicial control of Administrative
Tribunals in India.
4) Discuss the salient features of Right to information Act, 2005.

Administrative Law (LW -503/9003) AFD/ II 2/2

BACHELOR OF LAWS (Three Years Semester Pattern) CREDIT SYSTEM
Sub.: Administrative Law (LW-503/9003)
Date : 26/11/2018 Total Marks : 60 Time: 10.00 am to 12.30 pm
Instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Figure indicate to the right full marks.
Q. 1. Choose correct option from the following. (10)
1) Find correct answer:
a) Administrative law is a branch of b) Administrative law is a branch of
public law and is only a part of private law.
Constitutional law. It cannot control the
Constitutional law.
c) Administrative law is independent to d) Administrative law is neither the branch
Constitutional law. of public law nor of private law, but a part
of Constitutional law.
2) Rule of law has been originated by _______________
a) Ivor Jennings b) Sir Edward Coke

c) A.V. Dicey d) K.C.Davis

3) __________ bias arises, when the adjudicator has monetary interest in the subject matter
of dispute.
a) Personal bias b) Pecuniary

c) Departmental d) Preconceived

4) The latin phrase “Habeas Corpus’ means__________

a) To have the body b) To prohibit

c) To Command None of the above

5) What is the age of retirement of member of a Union Public Service Commission?

a) 65 yr b) 64 yr

c) 63 yr d) 62 yr

6) Which is the oldest known system designed for the redressal of citizen's grievance?

a) Ombudsman System b) Lokpal

c) Lokayukta d) None of the above

7) Conseil-d-Etat is highest administrative court in _____________.

a) India b) France

c) England d) None of the above

Administrative Law (LW -503/9003) AHD/ II

8) Which are the main three organs of the Government-

a) Legislative b) Executive

c) Legislative d) All of the above

9) Audi Alterm Partem means____________

a) Speaking Order b) Hear to other side

c) Hear the plaintiff side d) None of the above

10) Which part of the judgment establishes the precedent that is to be followed by lower
a. The Ratio Decidendi. b. The facts that are identified as
binding by the judge.
c. The section of the judgment d. The Obiter Dicta.
entitled 'Precedent.'

Q. 2. Answer the following in short. (up to 30 words) (10)

1) Enlist the types of Bias.
2) What is Speaking Order?
3) What is Rule of Law?
4) What is Delegated Legislation?
5) What is right to Information?

Q. 3. Short Notes. (any four) (20)

1) Public Interest Litigation
2) Audi Alteram Partem
3) Sub-delegation
4) Lokpal
5) Need of Administrative Tribunal
6. 6) Droit Administratif
Q. 4. Answer the following questions. (Any two) (20)
1. Explain nature and scope of Administrative Law with its Sources.
2. Explain in detail Montesquie’s theory of Separation of Powers and its
applicability in India with supporting case laws.
3. Explain the institution of Ombudsman in detail.
4. Write in detail all the Writs mentioned under Articles 32 and 226.

Administrative Law (LW -503/9003) AHD/ II


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