Ethiopia Proclamation No 1113-2019
Ethiopia Proclamation No 1113-2019
Ethiopia Proclamation No 1113-2019
RA.-l-f-t. ..f' .C.1:.~"\1! .11...-h~I\J''P. :&T-Clll..h ,M-oo"j"/p..-,. WHEREAS, it is found necessary to enact a law to
A ">"'-11-r l't. ·l-f-lr J' 11•1·4>1111~=(:a,- <Jt\r h4>'t: fl"I-Cl<f'P. give full effect to the freedom of association enshrined in the
.-,n.)- ttr,-,,-r-':f· f·l·~:1 '1ma,-·, ~oo'-&-~·l- OD-fl·l- ll·t·~"\ Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
-Ah• ·l·'?IJ&-'P. /\'7Y.:t'.°I ,'h°I Ofa,-,q.-,. 110</i'ILll"l-l · as well as International Human Rights Instruments ratified by
r-,_~-,:.-,. -·fl·-,. 11,l.1 -·J°IP'•I: N ·t'.;J•J,n, /l,l\"°;f• RECOGNIZING, the Instrumental role of Freedom
-..-1-,.:r-·, /\OfllhOC J'/\a,-'j of.¥.~ 11001·,11-tll of Association for the full exercise of other Rights recogn ized
in our Constitution;
R f ·.<-·0 c ,·"'IZl""'G
,, · ,• • the need to regu late c ,,·tl Soc,et ,cs
ff\ii./.\ "7'1flc.1'111 Y.:t; ~,f-:y.') ·f-tn.N:', ·l· >, r, f :fdlc.·f·(IIV)
O,,gani7atiOIU to c-isure accountabili t y and maJ1imwn public
-f•,n_.,_,. ',·'>- ""7c. :n-r >. "J1'.~A j',:t: 'J!., ,f-!f: , .. ~. :fm-1 n,:,.-,
l'CT1efi r fTnm the sect ;
-mc.·l- _,.,,1,.:J·=h1•·'J -~''1tnC 0"· f
CO(, N 17.ANT Of', the im portance of nurturing the
O~il<.·f·(IIJ- H"JJ:' f(I-) >..r.·t,. -)-}- >,(," flM .IC. _..,_~ 'H ·l· 'l~A •,·
cult ure 11f r,t,,fantJ Of'hY and volunteerism in the societ y;
,..,,VHlr; .,1-':'c.'"I hflL'l1. -.r't-1 (1"7dl'"lf
\\'111-:JU'.AS, it i~ found necessary to enact a new law
r,u hf>l!- honiP-"1-1: n,,.,,. 11,r. f' fll't >..r.·1.-·H · to addrcu the sht>ttcom,ngs of the Cha11t1e s and Soci~ties
~r.l!-+l·~- ""7'1CM--l- hf> l!- oft"N: UKli ! f'>IIUl ·">· "J Proc li,mat ion Numher f,2 I / 2009. whic h w as in force prior ro
h°':-f·.P.l· fl-liL "> r-7..f"i'll·A h4.fl ~-, "7n>-"l ·l· the issuance of rh is Proc lama1,on;
11.,fl'-11 ?- I
NOW TUl-'. Mf'.FOJU:, ,n accurdance w ith Art1d e 55/1
O>..+r-k.f' .(.~t.. 'I~ -".~'ht,..fl.f"~ ~-, . --,-,, ...,- h1_,.,.. of' the C1w1st,tuhon of the Federal Democrat ic Republic of
Y~(li) _ ,•• ~+ r-t.h·t-fl,n,, :'""'"·~·.A• f. tJuopia, it Is hereby proclaimed as follo ws:
0'-.+J'.. ''h•"l- f"!,ODU>~•"I- f : for>'}°/ ,µ""I- }\IIA J'/.\1.1'',r two or more persons on voluntary basis and
ll·l-c~: J'A+'k1:oor h"7c;:,=a,-r f 7·fl·l:'1 Y..·t:~·l- registered to carry out any lawful purpose, and
includes Non-Government Organizations,
.f'/:\a,1'1 1t.c; a.:>-e -J'\"'i_., ll"'l1t'1·r -1·001,..,,1
rO<l/.. ·1+1t+11 "''A n1rnr(JD-.f' "'l'lll&-·"1-nr-1111-·n
Professional Associations, Mass based Societies and
"'11}(1&- ·l- '1t. c; f .r.·c;~.,-::,. 'l11~ ,r.:f·'} J!,IJJ,9°&-/.\ I
~-- - ~
- I "l\,c n+.a. -c
._ I'. " -,II. flh.· r-~ J' •l'IT 11Jl',,-
r - ~ ~ ..... JJ
2J ·· 1.oc:_.
1! ' - . i.1• - IIOOII
f/ "ffl-t "'-':,4-,+ ~~- -,,..)- ""'~<\'\...- U11i1 .,,.,,- 4/ ··Char1tabi. Orp•lzaCloa" means an organ ization
IIM-1-'-' •1"> .-.v... +-, >.~ >...:-,:, f·t·,t,t..- .t:-1:~-l- ealabliahcd w,lh lhe a,m .:A' wurluna for the in1ant of
~l acneral public: or lhird P¥'Y.
1.N-e-~ ~ - .-,"+ I\')~') -.f" -u·~·l- a-,_,..~., 5/ .. ProfeHlonal Aaaocuitloa"' means an Organization
r+tt.- ~~+ l\tnl' .,"_,.,. rl\'l"·I:"> -·fl·l-'i formed on the basi, of a profeuion, and its_objectives
~ .,,..,.i.,: . .,-~ .--.-~-.r"7flf:'l .,... l:.'71' fh'l"·l-'J may include pr()(ecting the rights M1d interests of its
members; prom()(ing profeS1iooaJ conduct. building the
I\~ _,,,...,- A'l-1.11-r- n-.r:,:_. l\~11-fl'i l\h1t:
liit-f""PA·, -,y_.,=-,-,_ l'""T.~rr. ~-I capac1.1,es
. of members °'
mobilize professiooal
contributions of its mem~,p to th e commUD ..
. . rtv
. : .-. the country;·
I/ ~+· -,,..,- U-h•l-'i fUl..f' fM.e 1111'). Y:C:~-f.":f·
.6 / -~Consortiu..:_.. means a grouping formed by two or more
r-tttr flilllil. I\U''Jf .• f'l-fl~-l- . 'l-fl~-r-l•'J
. civil societies Organizations, and includes coosortia of
. Society
7 I --Board" means the Civil . . .
Orgaruzauons Boacd
I/ ..flCI:-" -,1\·l- 1111.11 ,_-.,.~ aelPt!·l- r-1-,e,,e,-- rl\ii'.A
,., ··,- ·established in accordance with the provisioos of this
-,-,(1~1')-fl r:r.~+":f· ~~·Jct flc;,J!• )1&I
, .,. Proclamation; .- : .- .•
~Nnct: M-f-444'" -,,..,- ,.,.,., i.+Y: W'Y..«'n'-1:1.:,:i=-
8/··Sector . Administrator•· means a Government body
r..-~ 11r.i:::J· """-()-,{. .Y:c:'J!-+":f· r ,,...~ , ..+Y:
mandated to issue licenses foe Organizations operating
fH'!l')-r A'i •Mfl01-'J - .f't: ~-l-·l-A 'i ~-;"': M.«',:.c;-,
in seetors that require special licensing and to provide
-·1-,p•,:l·'r. 09p•~.f' IL•l- ~m-1 __ , _.
appropriate technical follow up_and support;
II/ ..A tt t:.:#'I: -,,. ·l- Oh 'I~- n~. 'l,e "aol')-,~-l- 011"7
9/ ..Special Ucense" means a license given to
•=.+Y: 1-·1.-:.-,,.,~'-A? ,.,..,,." mr~ ·1,11. mw fl~- 'l.e
participanlS on certain activity when prescri~ by law.
h-1')-,~-l- r-tl')-r f'-.+J!· Al',H· ~,o-1
10/ ··Agency" means the Civil Societies Organizations
II -~"k\• -,,..-,. 11,w ,,.,.~ --~-l- r-1·,t,,tao,... rn'ii.A Agency established in accordance with the provisioos
.,.,,,~,.,.,, Y..·c:~-,.-:r- ~.7.·,n· ~m-1 of this Proclamatioo;
Ml iirH --,; i ltF & - a
• aru
~ •....,. ... ·""'"' •'Pf: flt ...."1.-t· r f>'J flHI , .,-
J .. ¥PAC eC AoWketJu
i/ '-11 h'f'~ O"'lh-l·l\--l- "'- -,.,.f'"'l. /'.1F'o"A>-
I/ Th i1 Proclamation lhall be applicable 10:
(U) •nu•h•l-,; ,.,,._,. n"',. n,r,.. hAl\·l'· O"'l l+l't+l\-
~r.J/!,,f,'.f,1 •> i7at iont operarina in two o, more regional
(I\) n,,...,_.. ~·t:J/!,,f,'.f·I b) f"on ia,t Or1anizarion1;
( ,h ) ""'" ......
h1,:, O"'l l+l't+I\- rt":" c) Org.aninrims fftabli8'1ed in EOliopia co work on
"'",."--~' "'O·l·lt'lt'-
",."-·~ ..,,..r •Mr A+f.~ •M-,1
1\11: -n-,.A ~1:J!,,f,";r,1
lnremational. Rc11onal o, Sub Rc,;onal iuues «
noc op«ate abroad;
(-) Oh-I.fl 1'fl'I .. ,.r IIJ:"'-~1" h·I·-, Al'l•l·~l!.t: d) Or,anizarlons operllinl in rhc Ciry
O"'l ">+4'+1\- ~t: JI!,-,. 'f· I Admini•tr11ion of Addis Ababa « Dire Oawa;
<1·"> "'-~-l- -,.,to-,.)- , ~...,t••:u1.... n, >i.t.·4'-·-t·l- ancJ,
~cJl!,-,.l·r e) Chari111ble Or,anizations utablished by
I/ l\tl.11 I\">+• I\'\-, U-1\-l-', fUl..t" O'\,- IIU"'), hAl'\•':1• rcliaiowi ln11irurions.
t""'l ,.,.,..<H)
~t:Jl!,·l- .,ll·l- r-t·lt',t-o-l-, .,.,. iM- 2/ Fo.- lhe purJ>OK of th~ _ _provision Orpnizaliona
u-1\-l-,; ht&.J' n'\,. nan- hAl'\•l· r-tft~ r ,t°!, flf') operating in two or . more' re&ionaJ suces means an
fl.c:' 11-1\•l-',· htt.J' 11'\..e lllf''), hAl'\•l· h~:.p. Organization which implement iu main mission in two
l""'l ,_,.,...,.,._ r_ ,t"'( rlf''), . A'l'\•l- U-1\ •l-', h11..r ""'- or more regional staces. an Organization which have its
011''), hAA-';f l\i!C:,f, M"I+ ...+.-. 01,-r f'l"ltlil permanent office in two oc moce regiooal stares. an
.,,..,.1fl-nII~ *"'l Olf') -nx· U·I\·-,.,; h11..r n",. Organizacioo which have pennaneoc mcmben and
operate in . two or more regiooal states oc an
Olr''), hAf\•:J'- _
r -tfl~ Y.;C:~·l- )OJ-11
organizarioo which collects fund in two oc more
f./ ,.u ,..,.~ UoY.t,-r-11.-l- "'- ·.,.'- ~ AJ.'.lf''Jr,- regional states permanently.
<ll) nv,.-r;-·>- -1-,t-,-l- 1 I
(II) m,~i:r'A-1:il', _,.,A ·IJ,'M'P. 11-flilfl'f· I · 3/ This Proclamation shall not be applicable to: I
a) Religious Institurions; I
(,h) ""--" ;,.-, -,~-~-">- n-1·,t,t- ·l·'l:'7·>-11 I
b) Edie, Equb and similar traditional Institutions;
c) · Organizarions formed ~der other laws. I
)H:A I
M'il'.A-.,1"~"11 ~Cff?f U"h\ I
4. Eatehlishmcnt I
J/ fl\.ii.A _,,-,fl~ftil Y.;C~.P.'f· 1.~"11\ (IIILIJ O:\'\ I/ Agency for · Civil Societies Organizations I
">.;J!"II\" Af>·l-111\ l'°ttn~) f..l.-, t,01-H· J"l\m- I
(hereinafter referred to as the ..Agency-) is hereby I
f~J:~t\ _.,..,.,,_.•.-,. oop•l;J" IL•.,. IT'i fllLIJ ltf>~ I
established by this .Proclamation with its own legal I
•l·,t'+.-=tA • I
personality and as an Institution of the Federal I
Government. I
-------iiiiiia I
Ilill.!i Ftdnl Ncprit ~ No.JJ 12"' Ma~h.2019 pap .... . ... 11011
2/ The Agency shall be accountable lo the Federal
Attorney General.
~. f_AJ'.:'.}ftco- '¼'\-,p,'f ~- Oblccitrca oC Che Aecu,x
A1:'}I\CJJ- f"'l..h-t-1\-·l- CJ'l-,sn':f V:''<-:"A•- The Agency shall have the following objectives:
f./ ~c~-r-":f n-t--,nn·O·l- CJ'1"7 _,.,kl· .,•.1,.:fo,-"> 2/ Ensure maximum public benefit by supervising whether
-,h'i'ro'i'=i:tD-') Ooeh:J..t-A 'i" OoP... ''ltnG orgunlzations carry on their activities in accordance with
f/ .t!-c~+l- J\~:r:tD- ·» .Vl">Ml·l-'i' -f•Abt1M:11>·'} 3/ Build the capacity of organizations to enable them to
0-fl..-,.·l- >. '}.C:.rotn- -,fl~A I accomplish their objectives effectively;
!/ O'l-flt:-t-tltl- fl").t!- rO"> J\.t!-t',.')•l- A'i" 0"> 1,...-,.J:.~'l·l· 4/ Fosler the culture of philanthropy and volunteerism in the
'1.l.A A")-':.~ -flC -,.t!-<'.°11 . society;
l;/ ~c~+";f l,.11:1-k flfH -JAX-'1-l·'i'" A'i" ·l-tnJ'-1:'l·l- 5/ Encourage and support organizations to make sure that
ftul,.',O·l- fa>-flT h.fl·l-~'-C 'At; h.fl6-C 1.'}.<;,r,-6,,:,:a>- they have internal governance systems which ensure
-,cU..;J-:J-•l-'i" ov'-1~1 transparency, accountability and participation;
"i,/ n~c~-f-":f'i" 0
(IOD'} J,u,-l- ovt1hA 11,.<;'C . f"t.1'la>-'} 6/ Put in place mechanisms to strengthen positive wodcing
DDAtir f p>t;. °1T1-'l-l· 11..J'tn'i"h<- rot.":ft\- relations between organizations and the government;
h.f"l6-C":f'} 0011c;,:,..1
?./ /\~C~-f-";f ft:-fl <f:TTC'i'" h.fl-t-~'-C flC'H· •MO.CD-'} 7/ Support the Civil Society Organization Self-Regulation and
"" . .
self Administration system .
A/ 011.u h'P~ ooi»t::-l- ~c~-f-":f") oooo-n1-f11 oo,:_1 fi!T 1/ Register Organizations and support, facilitate and
~/h-t-/\h:l-lf!• rhAA -,-,11.+--l- A'1"-l- •.:C: n-..·'llll: 5/ Collaboration with concerned regional government bodies,
OAi&-t: fD-i'IT' .-r.,+.-.+f\. r:cJ!--r-l-, <fl-r<:, establish an information center that contains data on the
r+t't-,~'llf!m-1 hAc\~l-,. r ,··~ m:~":f-r number of organizations operating in the country, sectors
r+m.+-t_,-.:,::r:..,., A,. rA'lc\·:lJC¥m-", iltt·l- M" ~A and realons in which they operate, the number of their
-~){JP':f r-t.e11 r-~K -,6hA -,~~ A">llu·r beneflciarie1 and members; analyze and disseminate the
M,w, -~KP-l- _.,.,.,.,,. n.,11111,. n~~-,~ A.-.·l·t- aame through newspapers and websites;
6/ Organize regular fOl'W'ns for consultation between Federal
I/ h~~A,_ hhAA r--,-,p,,)- A'1"-l- A'J-".o•r.
and Regional Government bodies and <;ivil Society
h~C)!-,f.':f .,C ,t""t frhhC OD~~fl':f') -,,,,,,:..)-J
'i,f ~kH:') /\-m"1-l- hllCi: hil+~~&r':f .?C tl-l·iHIC 7/ Work in collaboration with sector administrators in carrying
ti r:c~".f oe")?F+ fl°tJ'a,trJ=t!m- :r/\Ja.r".f,. iM".f 8/ Encourage Organizations to actively participate in the
f~:I" -,.,..+'-°= "")-'lJ'l:.C1- -,n~;J-;1-.:t-I -· development of policies and laws by the Government;
ii/ ~C~".f OM&i: Jl'Ph~I\J''l! i'IC~·l- -i1'1:J.1il-fl'J'l! 9/ Conduct research and advise the Government on the role of
--fl,f.':f "rfl:I" A'i fA-,-l- A'J:t-fl:l"t\ J''l:fm-') "t,_ . Organizations in the protection of human rights,
Aflo-Ah,f. -,.-,fla,.') ~-l- -,f)i~'i OD')'7p,-)-') democratization and development activities of the country;
I! r:c~,f.".f MJ'h'im-.S:::fm- fA-,-l- F~P'".f OD")-,p,-)- 10/ Develop policy guidelines to ensure that the development
h°"I..J'tD"l:fm- fA"7.:t- i>:t-P.".f :,c f+"JflJOO- "1-'ltr'I- activities \Dldertaken by Organizations arc to the extent
possible aligned with the development plans issued by the
MJ'°lll- r:rta.l\ oaoa&J>sP°:f'J -,,,_-,,:-1-1
Ii/ 1.-,q-0~+ 'l'l:fm- .li">':f iaM1~P.':f "7i.~ rmq 11/ Without prejudice to the provisions of relevant laws, to
r-,.,.~110,, ,_,,..,.mo+ tr-r rr:c~-f".f"> oa+~'-&J' exercise the powers of registration and authentication of
m mt·o:az : nrr en• »rltttl MNSttrlM1'Mlil;Ftl:9dt'tl\ftr:ece««a&z 1 nm
. *"'·
1..u... ~ • ."IL"I •-re « - .'>fl.+ r +l Ill.II ~.,- ftdenl ~ 0 - - No.Jl 12• Man:h,2019 poge .... .... 11013
HU fh1A'71\~·l· h\:.f's»l·"> n,w ,...,.~ onu•t.-l· fl'"l.m"l 121 Coiicct fees for the services it renders in accordance with
.-:. "),O ODl"l-01"1-0 I the rate to be !!"proved by the Government;
I)/ Own property. enter into contract, sue and be sued in its
IC/ f">-Ot.·l- 'lllfl.·l· -.,-, r at-A. ort<f''f'A r 0/r l\- ,..,..
own name; and,
DDhl"l/l', DDhl"li'II
14/ Deicgate, w h en l't deems necessary, the powers and
HY hi'IL'l1. 1,.._ l\.rn·trt- n,w ""~ M·l"lm-·l·"> ,-.Ani">,.. fun ction~ given to it by this Proclamation;
-l·'"ll'Jt.--l· 11/\.l\~l, ,\t1'1-l· Om-hA '-,' 09/lm·l · I
If./ ,\i'IL'l1. ~ f\.f''J)"tp- flr·l·'1m·9'" rMt.-1, t,~:A I '5/ Open branch offices anywhere pai't of the country as it
I'i./ n11c+. nm1,:A. .(-r.1.-l- r-1-11· 1·>1111 a,~,- ·,111.-l··> 16/ Work in ciosc cooperation with the relevant Government
~."J'I{" }\(IDBI)/\• -,~(.,fl', 'f'iiJc:•f-~',•}•") 11111111 Agencies to prevent money laundering and the financing
DDC JI,-}-") l\09h'lhA. r"i...f'fl":f-fl. _,,••~s,>":f•") of terrorism;
h°t,DDl\h:J-!fa,- f09")ftli'l·l- "'•'l·l- .?C 11-l··fl-OC:
17/ Prepare a list of iiquidators and monitor their performance
I'l.! ~c~.,-::f fl.LC(}. fJ, h/'16'1·l- f°t.J'11l'71\- · in the dissolution of Organizations;
l'Jll-.fP':Y..1 11c11c "'111~~-l-'i ,,....~:fan '1'7'10·
-,h'im'i:fm-") DD.f.fllmCI 18. Administer the Civil Society Fund established by this
Jg/ 011.U h!P~ f-1-!(>!(>oua,-") ff\'if..A "'1~01.MI L ")J!: Proclamation;
19. . Promote a culture ofvolunteerism and voluntary activities
lfi/ ffJ1 .L..4-~~'1-l-'1 'lmA'i 1,"):,0(1.,4>(1,. "'101.;J-;1--l-If(J') and disseminating the same; an~
.L:J>~ ~'1-l- fJ-1-DDl\h-l- fi'IC~-l- i'I~ oo{}~-}-I
20. Undertake other activities necessary for the achievement of
fi/ -,.~°7m-'1 l\"7i'IL~'r f°t,i'ILA'I- I\.N>°:f -l- /'l~-l-
its objectives.
7. Organization of the Arcnsv
I. r>..J:Jt"t,a,- A~ The Agency shall have:
a/ Board;
(U) tlC~ 1 · bl A Director General and as may be necessary Deputy
(I\) (JOD")?ll -l- f"t.i'I"'r 'P'i JI, ,et.h-1-C ). c; ). ") ~ Director Generals to be appointed by the government;
1\IIL~'l,'rl: 'rh-l-A 'P'i Jl,_et.h-1-C'°:fI A'i and
c/ The necessary staff.
(,h) ""....&-m- 1\t1L~1. f'lf}, ,P~-l·V-":f: vr~.;1-A11
- kl.'-A ~.v.+ ,.,.,,. •'N: C -.'If\.+ r +-, Ill.JI , .,-
II ~trmhcca pf cbt: B91rd
. 11014
i/ fie: 4- n..h I/ The Board shall have Eleven members composed of:
" c. ..·" -- ........~ . M.ftf,,.. l\"1,. J..·t,: l\t'M·l-
n .. r ., ,.
ht&.+'::f·'i" ta"l+l· -,u,,~.-,. n~.-.:r:m- "'-<lJl'J!·l- e) Two Members rcpercscntcd from Women and
MmhA- u·ti·l- l\fl'\:l-- i,_ Youth Associations by their own suucture.
I/ rt1c:Y: 11q-,.-,.· hf·r11m-r <J.r,;~·.-,. .,.,..,.,,; ~, nODtn
· P'~=,:,..-, n-l-·n-t-'i" o:,...,:S~·l- .«'h'i"a,·'i"A· " 2/ The members of the Board shall undertake their
responsibilities in good faith and with integrity free
r., f(lC~ t\.+Olt')OC: Om:,01\J!, (),.,.0. ;,,·,- Mi\'r c\1n from any external influence.
f p•~ flOD"l-9'" ¥'il-l- 'JOD•l- J!,IT'i°/AII 3/ The Chairperson of the Board shall be elected by the
Anorney General and his term of service shall be 3
f"'l.DDMl:f-m-·t f ?"t\.c\ h:,,n,-,.s,,:f. J'il-H°"JAI ensuring the fu11 exercise of freedom of association
and to ensure public benefit;
I/ 'l''i" P. J!,~h·t·"r· 11"!.l"l,nciJ- m-1\>. '\J!, 011,U li'f' ~ 2/ Hear appeals from decisions of the Director General
001Pt.•l- .-r.+cn- y,-,q7fl·'I J!,ODt.r~A.1 a»-la). in accordance with this Proclamation, sets up an
J!,IPIIIAll'iil'-.'\'I, IJ''i c\J'1°fm- ·1-P.f.') f°!,ODI.V-C independent complaint review committee as
1t\A•t·21· 1.0.·l::J· '1 1116 ti°!.1: J!,(IJ!,-,A 1 fl"t-tm- necessary, and give administrative decisions on the
11°!.J>+Cllm- rm-la>. Via-ti ODIPkl-r I.M·P.'-~"- basis of the recommendations of the Committee;
m-la>. J!,il 11l1AI
SSCQJ? · : CiXI 1
'Ill" Iill.Il v.u. t:•1-+ _.,..., •-rr: « - ."'fl.+ r +-, r11.n , .r Ftdrnl ,.,pric c;...,. No.JJ 12"' . 2019 p11e ... .... 11011
r.; rMU::1' ~"II, ti"t;&;ro-") M1M: rtmi'I") Of'(TDl,J' 3/ Issue Rules of procedure for the Complaint Review
~/ n,w hf'~ o•m•t.-l- ~r:~-f·l- .,..1,.:fm·') 111\"l•W· 41 ls~uc Directives to enable organizations to carry out their
>. ·M..f'h'i'm-'t- f"'t.('i'll·t'I· --/..f'S"l·1 .f'm"IA I ectivit1C8 in eccordance with this Proclamation;
ti/ ..,.._ ~ .l'.i'ehi"~'i N-h-t·A 'f'._ .II .f.t..h·f·r.':f· f .,..,,. 6/ Evaluetcs the performance of th~ Director General and
· ~L~,.,- Of" .l'.1""..,..,AI f..,,..1'"1,n·'l 111-,n.·l· Deputy Director Generals on a regular basis, and, based
on the rcsuli.., advises the Deputy General Director to
•·~-l- n-,.~~-, 'f'._ -ll.'-t..h·H· ro.t',9'" 9'"h·l·A 'f'',•
Improve his performance; and
~ .l'.t..h~ }v••t,-<-1 >. 1·'l.f'l'l'",1 A _e..,.t,/,.f:\ I
ii lift; ".et..~ M...,.r:O·i\-'t-, /\..l\-":f- ·1-~r-":f- ooc:rr: 7/ Decides on other matters submitted to it by the Director
J?,tDll'iA• · General.
jatttDfflF 5@73
l 'V; . 7$ 1 - . <.·· . ·++<
I •
. '+,;;;'i i/::'.,,-·aS d
••• - ~ • • ;;;; " ' , iii..:wi ' WIIViFZI . u ta.•• -
11t 1111.R u.u. ~ ...,.... ·'"" •"": fir • ,'Il .,._ r f"t Ill.ti , .,- 11016
•1 11,w ~,.,.,..
'°"" A">+•· r -cv.·l-
M~·,,.. r~. 1\/,.·l -
11...«;'lf•r,.,.n- A-+
4 / The board members to be appointed as per sub-
article j of mis Article who will serve for term of
office of 4 years lhall be identified at the time of
r,,,:~ h'M·l- ,.,.,,.t..rnm•'\,. 1t.+n. .,.,. f\l'J.,,. ,) , dlcir appointment by Attorney General.
fl"'T.+c:n-o,')- ·,.fl r.f\,f'"·"
II. ~ M ' l~ ~ , t I I, Meed Pl trwrd1rc1 o( tk RAICd
Iii fl 1t:4- A.,,,__">Ot: f(lt:4-l l\ilM ,,,,./,.A• II The mcetinp of the Boetd shall be chaired by the
A.,,,.,,.,o" tt.,,.,'1n~
1.IL nMtM• r -1·1'1- ChairperlOfl "'· in hi• ablence, a person dcs•platcd
Att.-~ t..-•,h'l'-."il~•l ,,,._,,-,,..• ~
by member• 111 attendall« ,rom a,nona• themselves.
I/ •~ "'-"•t-t~ ,:r• f-«')(I~~ .,.1,~ 1tvr1... 2/ The Director Gcmual of the Agency thall
RflC:4- IHIM 4\J.\ l','H-4-A• panic,pac.e 111 moctinp of the B<Matd u non-
r1 tC\C4- .,.,.n._. n-cw1 nro-1t~ •<· r•,.t,v.Y.· n.,n vuc ina member,
· A,AA.--~'l"l.~ia f'flC:,._ A.+-lltt: aJJ',r htlf:Y.· 3/ The rcaular mmina of the Board shaJI wee plau
~QH• ~')$!' M-t-~-- tamr• hll.U "~" 1.t&. hM:i...r. once every two month. It may. hO'liever, conduet
'-iWl~':'f-') 11...r1.c:-, 1',':'f-'lA• . ,....._. son of
extraordinary meetmp where the ..,,._,rpcr
the Board or 1/3 (one third) of the members 10
I/ r,u, ~.,.,.;. J!'') •.,.,.,,,.':'f- A'U.·t-,nn41 ar~.. tlC:-4-
r~, f/l"lWl p•~-P•C:'f•} --t;, 11.,J'a,IIJ · request. .
,.':'f-'\A• >
. •
. T'· 4/ Without pcejudic:e to the pcov.i5ions of this Article,
, , .. _ the Board may pccscribi its own rules of pcoccdw'c
of the meeting._.
II. ttS ~ .e.h:K- e:A"PS' -,..,qc . -j· '12. e~~~, ao4 f)iocJioos.qfgbe· Wcesrw Gtou&I
ii 'f>li ~,.~,~ ·l·mt;~·t: l\m•4'.r. tl.+R. ;,.-, ar~r . ;.,__ I/_ The Director General shall be accountable to the
hflc~ ff"'t"'nm- 1un,+4\,r. -aet;r aeu,t:_,}- Attorney General. He shall direct an_d manage the
fA.~'Hl.•"> ~"t;.!P°;(· ,r.aet;.A.1 ,J'/)·1·,.Y.·t;.AII · activities of the Agency in accordance with the
general directions given to him by the Boacd.
I/ fllU :A'l+X- '}O-" l\'}+A· (i) 1un.•4'.r. M:YIC: 2/ Without ~ejudice to the generalities of sub-Article
A'},.,t-mll+ ar~r 'r'i .-s,r..~h·I·<·• - (I) of Article, the DirectOf' General shall:
(ll) IIIW NI'~ ,\A.)!'Jl'\.a>- f·l·ittn••l-'l ·~··AIIJ'J'i a) Exercise the powers and fWlclioos of the Agency
.,--,qt;.,}- flp•t;. 4\Y, ·J>a>-4\AI · specified W1der tlus pcoclamatioo;· ,;
- IilUI
I..U4I. ) •.,,... -"'"' ~
(c'.) r~,:'}c\,a,--, ,..,,.-,.'t'.f- 1'1..J:./,.A c\ltA f'11:l(i'1 f) Hire and adminisler employees of the Agency in
.ll,'.f-., -c'.,.f'-~ ~'1.,.,.'.f- ..,.h-l-c\• (IOD")'7.,•••l• accordance wilh a special regulation to be issued
t/ 'fK. ~,_,J:.fl-K. IV"/,. ..A-n:,; R-r,,f>i'ILA"7 OD,n-, 3/ The Director may delegate his pow~, and functions to the
, ..A «1"),; ..,.""'~., l\rh-l-A .,.,_. ~ .e~h«- ~ -,-'lo·r Deputy Direclor General u well as to officials and
1\1\.c\-l- 1'~1:'}c\CD- '.,..1,. ~'11,.JP;f,; ,,..1,.-,.71'':f employees of the Agency to the extent necessary for the
0_,. h A,; l\..f>h-1-4\ A~ .,_':f'IA 11 efficient execution of the activitiea of the Agency.
Ir. rrtri-A rs: ~.u.JH::s. eAnrK" 1:'?')C 13. Powca and f11nstions of the Dcnntv Wrc,tor General
rh-l-A -r,; ".e~tt. -,.,n~',-f: 11. ,r'i ".e.~h-,.r. ll''i,- The Deputy Director Generals shall be accountable to the
Director General and, he shall:
i/ r~J:'}c\,a>-"J -,.-,q1,.-}- '"+Y.:-1 n-,,:.1,.,:-1-, I/ Assist the Director General in the planning, organizing,
n-r1,.-}-,; '"II-MOC ,re; ".e~h-K-"J .e1...;AI directing and facilitation of the Agency's activities,
IJ.'-"A ~:,11+ .,,.,,,, •TC flt ..:,n.+ r ..,., 1,111 ,.r Foderol Noprit Gt,tdto No.33 12• Morch . 2019 P"I" ········ IIOII
OD,0-}- 1\/l(Jl- f
4/ Any person has the right to become a member in as long
!/ -,")~a,-,- (la,- f.J':CJ!-•f:") DDill..C-l- Mti~'\
as he fulfills the criteria for membership set by the
h'IA footn DD,0-}- h/\at-1
'i/ ~c~-r-'f /\M'l-l- -l-C'i! /\"7h4-.<.A rl"'ll'l-0 fl.sf.'sf.'oo- 6/ . Organizations may not be established for the purpose of
'!./ r ~c~'f 11oou-&-1.-t-c; fm-i'l'I' hl'l':'c .c;.'f"h&-1'\.J''e 7/ The formation and internal governance of Organizations
DDC,i.:f") f·Nn·,H hh~ll h"f'l-l- fO-'I T
',Y', '11\A-,.-;;t shall be based on democratic principles, non-
I\. tn J', 'llJ A I discriminatory, independent and neutral;
i;/ -,'}7;a,-,- ~c~-l- f"too&-m- (100-t->1~6.f' ~")(l- 8/ An Organization shall be managed by persons elected by
FA«J") (1-,.(ln,:fm- llti'l-l- ao-(l. -,.'°1-l-t.: (1-,.oot.m- the full participation of the organs authorized by its
flp>'f ~m-I rules;
Ji/ "7'}~a>-'I° ~CJ!--l- (100-,.>1~6.f' ~")(I• ODIP{.:,- '1Alf'1 9/ An Organization may not admit or dismiss members
(l<l>C h'I'\-}-'} fl.<l>(IA', I\.J'l'l'r11-l- h/.'.,'fA'l°II except in accordance with its rules;
II h.1:'>l'l.m- ~c~-r-'f l\.m-,.ao-'l:fm- f"t'ft\- 'l°J'..A 10/ The Agency shall prepare model rules that may be
DD-,.-'1~6,.f' ~'}(l°:f,'} J'H.7'JfA11 used by Organizations.
ETT UR tttttlrr:mz:tffl - CT · -·,rrc:z:rmrm
•• Fedenl Negaril G•zene No.33 12• March , 2019 page ..... ... 11019
6./ "'W h~A 1\'1-, -,"lOC -,"·l-T <1:T~:fo,. h9"1l·l- I/ For the purpose of this Sub-section An association is an
mvr hrt.t> ll'l.e OIJ''r- h'M·l- f"l.!(>!(>9" ')..'i m:,,,.,. Organization formed by five or more members and
7-'l<tm- rn'l.e -u. 1'1'1.l. 1tt1A r,no-l· Y:c~-r governed by a General Assembly as the supreme
0.1r)T IIIW ~°I "'-"~9° foo-J' "'l"lO~·)·'} decision-making body; for the purpose of this
.e~r~A= Proclamation it shall include professional associations.
f./ }\'}J'.:' -,')()CT m<}>'l'I 7-'11..T fp~ hll~"°t ft"!,-t-T 2/ An association may have a General Assembly,
P'~ hllh.J'~T 1-~TC'i ')..'}~ hll4'.'11..,.,: 11,(\o':f- Executive Committee, Manager, Auditor and other
f P'~ h~l\•'.'f- J'"a,- IJ''i /\.~~~ .e':f-'IA:: f"'l')(J~. departments as may be necessary. Details regarding
h.m:l></>C'i" h.ll-,.J; ~c oou-,.J; ~~J' ~ '}(I- .erol'I<;A:: the structure and governance of an association will be
determined by its rules.
t.. IICJ':--C J':Ck}-
j '6'
'i i·llii·•
· l~erlllit::11&·~Qftlii
' lill
·~ 0riLiWWlilf!NOC>tl*lllii(;h'- .a-illau
· _ _Iii_
_ _ __ ________
1 ran~
~ ,.i"i"";j•
. r +, "I •'Pc 4lr • .'Jfl,,t, '11.Ji , .,- Ftclonl Neprii ~ ...,JJ 12'" Merdl , 2019 - ........ 11020
" on~.PJ1>:,J rnr.~ ~-;;::::-
n'*,,,... 1,,.-}C'.ffJ n--111.,=
• h'l'l·l· 1t·,,.. 1- "'~ 7 by the
3/ The first board members shall be designated
....... r-?1\-• ... d . t
hr()~;J- 0 .., .,,r.,: l\t'M,), , ,..1,,. 11001,; foun ders. The term of service an appomtmcn
•\"I f'nr.~ ._,. -"' bcr sh II be
n~c~-,. --1-~ • n·,"1-r• f'"lflr--o+ ()c:'J-l- procedures for subsequent board mem S a
'-~J' '-111 Jt.m(i',' A,. prC!icribcd by the rules of the Organization.
§/ h~c~.,. r,......
., Olt~J1>':f .,,.
.t'l:r:m- flsn';f r • • "'·" ~..- "·"11·" '
n,: ~ 1-fJA -.r1 l\r::r-11.,-,,
.,,,..,..'i 4/ PcrMJna. who related t,y comanguinity or affinity with
l11e offi cers of the Organization may not be Board
f;/ ~<:~-I: llflr. .ii. +m~ member,.
fit'..+\"'':f rt.r'l ,••t'.. 1-flh.,f'~ M' hflL"l'l.
~,-n . /!.V'~.+-A• lfC
l!.ml'l'iA• ,lf<- n.r.-,:~-,, --,-~,_t.., ;
5/ A board-led Oreanization a.hall
accounlable to the Board and necessary staff as may be
have • manager
_;.-.:.. _
F<d<nl N<pnt G27<tt< No JJ 12" M•n:h . 2019 P•!' .. . . . 11 021
f. 00
-'"l..-:f: h'f"·t- fl:\'\ -r.e-tm- r-y_-,.r:flm· 1,,.,.._,..,,r :,i 21 /\ flcr rhe death of rhe founder. it sh:ill be sought by the
hF..t... 0-i·•Nll\m• t'tm- OIJ'.9" rnn.,..,. . :,;1 ~-•Ill. pcr.~on ro wh ()m rh e founder has entrusted such task
n"t.f>r'l4'..1,·,,... r'IP'l· ~m-n 011J who h11~ acccprcd it or by rhe, executors of the
founder's w,11
Cl n,w h'>-t"' ">1>-r'l ,..,,.,.,.. (Ii) M' (f) r-r·m·M-·l· J/ In defa ult of the persons spec, tied ,n Sub-article ( I) and
(1'"/_e,;-~.n-l- 'HI. 1\111\-t;t- '>111.·l·"J Ml"I h.1~-1.-H· (2). it Hlrnll be llOUght by those pe rsons who have drawn
'M'"l for>r'lm ·l- (1)-A .e11:1:f.r 9"1"1hc: f' lf~- ruJ'. 9'' up tl1c ucl of Endowment or whp have been wi tnesses
(I)-,'\.'} nh.r..t... .er't.,.Df'(J"t- rl.9':f 1'9"11·111 '1'.f'<I: to ii or who hold that act in deposit.
9./ ' 1\ '}4'"' o•m•t:, •}- 9"111') fOD,nf,}, o/J'.,:J- 4/ Where the persons who are bound 10 seek ' the
f'·l·"ltilJ:fm- r'ISD':f- 9"111'Jm-'} ti.em.e-1? f</>~. registration of the Charitable Endowment fail to do so,
,. ' OD/u?,~ h'l"·t- hY"r'l·l· <DC II:\'\ flll\4:;J- the registration of the Charitable Endowment may be
n-'i hY:t,--'l·l- X:C."if•i; '"l'}~a,-9" .eoul\t1·t-lfA O"t,A sought, three months after the death of its founder , by
r'lm- hODAJ-i:fH· <DJ.'.9" O>..~'}fl.a,- Mti7i'H· any interested party or by the Agency.
/l..ODH"l-(1 ,.e:Y..'\Aa
~ fllW }'1'}4'"' '}(),,fl Q ODIP~:,. f'flfl-l· <D?-·l· 1.11. 5/ When any activity contrary to the aim of the registration
h m'i"4'<1: 11',·r t\M hY:?-H· Y:CJ!-·l· '¾'\'"lm- or concerning the property or money and the whole /
f'°!m-t\m-'} rm-n -,.-n~:,. A'i" 1-tm:J>'\.e registration process is occurred before the end of the
f'9°1#"l'Jm-'} hJ-irh.Y: hflooAh.Y. '¾'\'"lm-'} f°t.~~C three months indicated under sub article 4 of this article
--,.°!'IC h-,.'-800 >.,.~'}{lm- fl'"l'}'i;m-9" 1.11, "lA:I> the Agency can intervene at any time.
~Cf 2:0<=:'l:2 ftffft-t;!: 02 bt:cr2:'l: '""' rODfl(O:c 23/ Revocation of an Act of Charitable Endowment
:t7fJC2 on!fc
'}·fl~:,.-,. t\Ht\4:;J- 01 h¥:-&-1T '¾'\"7 rooflmT The founder of an Endowment may revoke it so long as the
·l·°l'IC (l>.,.]!11\m- t,00001110· Ok·l· 00/U&-~ t\. 7i~m- Charitable Endowment has not been registered by the
- Iiut
~ ~~t- .,._,. ~ If • ...._t, f +, Ill.II "·'"
FHlnl 'Ne..,tc a - No.JJ 1:Z- M_. , 2019 . . . ........ 11022
II. fe4- la-1-e flCt 'Mt«; 25. CAPMl.,tlAP e< the Menercsncet Rvrd
i/ f P"- t\,,.'-C fie.(- h'lo\-l- ,.._,...'-ISi .,_,- ~Cc\, I/ Member• of the Manaaernent Board shall be appointed
R«DhA• fie, r.1"-,ft.• fflr..(- h'lo\ia RH.U _.Ah by the founder or;by a person delepted by the founder.
. ftA+i",,.. ~l">A.• r-t.i'l'--O-l--, ,,..,,.(- _,_.~,:A• Where the founder or hla delepted hu noc appointed
member, of the M111aaement Board. the Aaency ahaU
ficllitate the appointment of such member,.
I/ h-,.(- f,-.."- ,.._'-C fie.(- h'IA n-,,,j.,.,- rh'J,r-l- 2/ Where a member of Manaaement the Board 11 for any
:),\•',ia') ,,._,,,+ IJA~I\ RNl\-t:J- n, A.r:'--t+ reaaon unable to perform hi1 duda, a new member
.t.'C):ia ,,._,.,_~~,r ~">ii ...._~+ A.._h fflr..r: A'IA ahall be appointed ICCOl'din1 to the rula of the
a-,A• Endowment, 'I
t/ f,-"- ,.._"-I: flC.r: h'IH· '*TC h,-h-l- R:J-':f ,\IM 3/ The nwnber of member~ of the Manaaement Board
h,.':fAr• · 1hall in no cue be leu than three.
n. trl: M-4-C pc,g, rA"fl M" :M94::t 26. rewcn end FMncdon, pf the M1I1nmIt Baer4
r ,..."- >-.,."-C 11e-1- '""•:1- n, A.r:~,+ .r:c)!,-,. rn"l.e The Manaaement Board shall be the IIUpl'ffllC organ of the
AIJA arr r-th+ft.-l- P'Ann M" -,.-,,u.+ ,.~~;f-A>-. Cbairtablc Endowment and shall have the following powcn
and functions:
.. -.
i/ NA-t;f- ffl-t h.r:~-t-l- .r:r.J!,-ti-, r-t-~ ,...'- 11 A~in-t ·• Manaaer ~Q s11a11 be raponsiblc to
Mh..r)!, M" 1--t.-tc ,e'fi-,AI .t,,_'i-0:I-AI ·: ' '. manage the Endowment or dismiss the same; and ·.
I/ ftll\-t;f- NH h.t.-~-t+ .r:c)!,-ti-, ,....,_,_~~,r ~">II- 2/ Administer the Endowment in accordance with its rula.
-~+ ,ta-t-,_.r:~A• :· I·•
.;. ' .- -- ~ . ..
II. ti-I- M-1-C f!C& &oMJ11J: 27. MccUna pf dtc Menevmcut Reen! t._ . i i • • . /"
i/ r ,..."- ,.._"-C 11r.-1- nnA•:1- rn, h.r:"--t+ .r:c:J!--t, 1/ The Management Board shall m~ as pi'escribed by the
,,._,.,_~~,r ~'),O ,..,._Ah+• ,,.u,~-}- .eNIMA• rules of the Charitable Endowment
I/ rnl\-t:f- ro, A.r:"--t+· .r:cJ!,-li f P-"- >--"-c flC.r: ' -
2/ The decisions of the Management Board shall be taken .
..-\i~':f,-, MJ'IIA'-• RY:r• -OA""I ,._,'iA• by.majority. ' " :· ·
·- . . ... . -;.•
. - ,- ..
. ;.--·_\ ;
! ,~ ' ":.! ••
• ·, • • •• · ~ '1 IL •
J_! -· '
• 'llt
"--"-u. )_.,,.,. ·""'"' •"":., .....">f\.+ r .:, t11.r1 , _,. . 1102'
i./ Orll\-f::I· fl") I\Y.:t.-H• .t:·r: J!-·11 ""·I·>\ 1./..f' 1. 111 I/ A Mcmhcr of 1hr: Hoard shall nol he enlflled lo
remuncrorwn unless u provision aboul h(s enl1tle1_i(cnt
'•A·r·a,M lli'l·I·.,.,: 1\1.v.· rnr:.v: "''/.\ ti,:.f'
l\.f'1'-;V-n 10 rcmuncra1,on has been made, by 1hc Charitable
EnJowmcnt'~ rules or by any law.
I/ Oflf:J': hik"t'l "''· 1\-11·-,. l\'l.t>..· h•IA ...,.,,,,,,,. .,
"'""- 1\-i't~., .-,_,.I.., ..,,,,,1'. >,:,,. t,,:.r '
l/ P11yin<inli1 made ,n conncclion w,_th ·covering costs
incurred by BoarJ Members for the purpose of
l\,. .,.m,:r•
11t1c:nJ1ng BoarJ mec:1ing ~all not• he considered as
remuneration. , .
S-B. r.....'= l\i)tu"JI: el\. "1') AS_ -t-."M.~.i:
29. Power, and t'uncUoo, of the ltanarcr
1'111\-t:,. fl"> M~·t.-H· .~,:~-l- , ..1,. l\r'ltl.t' ~,- The: Manager of the (.'haritat>lc: Endowment shatt-:
if r1111-t::,. fl") I\Y:".--">·l- r.~,:~-1:·, r•t.. (111D·l·P.1.t..t'
·· Ii Di reel 1hc work of the Charitable Endowment pursuant lo
"-">O- _,.,l.·l- J.',oat.·A I
,. ils rules·
I/ hv·l)-,.:i;: a,1,;-'.f :>t: tl°'l,u.·1- ·n·H-r-:t. .v-.·c~-,,·, . -~/ R.cpr~;~~i·;;~ En~~wrri~nr in' all its:·Jcalings ~Ith 1hc tbirJ
'6mh"lAI parties; ,
f/ r,,.."'" "-"'"r.. (IC:JI.. m-•'t>.r:Y· ..,••t:,
. : I
~.t', , ·"'"""':,:a,..,' 3/ Follmv · up anJ supervise: · t~-c ·. i mplc111cn_1ati~'" ·.,( the:
. :· ,_- . -' decisions -of-the' Manag~mcnt BoarJ: . .-: ·': "
- ~· • •-f : · -~ ~ _.· i .• .·. -~ . -, . - -.
i/ r"·'"-" iJ:,OY:r; fl~·l· 1.-,.i;_.,.,.. fr/!· f,h.'MI . 41 Submit ·work 'plan · and budgei as well ;is act\Vity and
&7~(:.,• 9:f•'} It/••~. }\oo~,_.(; fie:~- ·.P4-c:1J/:\ l ~· -·. financial reports to the Management Board;
. . . ' .... . ~ .. -. _..:_,. -·i -
l;/ fY:C:~·l:'l 111. f"t.f'tiY.··1- tJ~>.:J·r:t·:7 .r,n'if.\J 11,..1,. 5/ :.~tudy co;.1d.itions _thar wit) pro,:11otc incom,e l;\~-ncration for
-~he ·F.n<lo~·meni' and iinpie~ent sucl1' where:· approvc:J hy
' ..
. . th~ management Board;
'i,f !1-·l·P._,.6J' .-:.·111· . 001.-t1.-l· flY:c:~'.l:, ,r'I° f·l·hit.·I:
6/ Operate bank accou,11·1s · opened in _1he name of the
ffl'lh Y.tifl'.f'l ,P")-,.ti:,OtiA I
Endowment in with_its 11fles_, _a; d , .. _. ~_:--
f./ ll.ll•":f n.-..~ -- h_oo"-"c: · nc:P,~ -~r."tl'l,i-..~l·i:. .,.,..r:-rr
• C 71 Discharge other rela1c_d tasks which .may be giycn t1i1;him
·- ~ f"l f. ·-
";..-_ j.,, by thj: M\Ulagcm~t Boilrd. ' · '
6/ flll\<t;J- fl") -J-.J':~")-l• . Y:c:~·1:1. fi'HMI', f")-fll.·l· I/ Monito~ ·the financial and· proprietary adminis1ra1ion of
hfl•l•P, .-:OC: J.',J/, 1'1tnt•A 1 the Charitable Endo\\mcnt;
1/ f Y.-C:~•l:'l fa>-fl'f" >,J$,·l· t:rc:•l· tlh.·l·V-k J' ·l·•MJ','t·l· 2/ Prepare the internal audi1 reporl of the organization in
IJ'J"f. f,h,ti-fl I\J' J'1I OD(;IJ'":f• ODIP(.•}• 1\11:J~•r• l\fl{:P,. accordance with accounting standards aeccplable in
J'-,.C;fJA II Ethiopia;
----·•ilii%illlli:t1§1i~111·i111Etl&·w· ·'ra'11Fiitiii~1,
-, ·~-j·y~·~.~:oo,·
J,~:·.~-.·.... [i,,~
. ;~
· iliss··11£:?i::Slaii&lfIIIHllriflt·i/lroliiilollM?liillooll,jffllfoFlil- s-..r ,_sa:a-------------~w
~ ~-~+ .............
. fll' •,'Ill.+- r ..., Ill.II , .,- F,_ Ne'°"' ~ !oio.JJ U" Mwc•. :!vl'f ,_.. .... . .. 1101•
A"tfl I ~,.~+ fllkn:•·r fl'>·•IH. ••r.r- . I/ A C'h11ri111ble Trull« m11y be Cllfablillhcd by I donation_or
1 flt\• r--,"M+ h'1A ••U, t\.lt,t,- r,l·'IA~ by Q will or by the dc:ci~ion o(the concerned 1ovcrnrncnt
~ , hody. . .
21 A don111ion ~ will urnf,..-, Sub-article CI) or chis Article
. 5hall be ~overncd by _th~ rclev~~t r,rovi1ion1 or C ivil
r, r>..-:.~ ,., 1-~..... ,.... ~,.,.. ~
•J<;"'r -,··~....
t'lr~ ,...,.
3/ A document which cstabliilhed • charitable 1rW1C lhall
r ~~ c\',~I -,··~:ri">r. '11'\h~~-~:rl">#,• fhl!/.. ,. : dearly spc.-ciry the founder, the trulllec5 and bcnc:ficiari...-s
'" "-~~,-l- ~,=~·'1"> ·hn.+-i,r':(- 11•1,M,· n,..,,. , -:· , , .• . _ o(the Charitable Tru~. .,
.,h+--,. ht\ll·l-• .
flt. rAM: n:t M~tt: tee +ni&):t:'. · ·· ~· -- .
Iii l'hl:.~ ft, h~I'.. ,-)- ~,:~-')- l\·l·a,(I~ a,y.r- 'IA·l-a•M
. -·- · ·, ,i·
JJ. tcrPCteiD' pf, Cltertteblr Imt
A C:harilabl~ Trust may-~ established for • definite or
"UL t\.,t,t,- r.':f-'IAa ·~. 7-~ ·) ,·~ .. 1 : • , ,l. .: ; • • • • •
an indefinite period.
I/ 'IA·f-CPil~ 'UL f•l•,t,t- rh.-:.~ fH h~~'t·l· ~,:~-},
·~ L 2/ Where a Charit~ble T~st is- established for an "'
11'1,t\" Mr.Jf,: r.trr.Aa
Indefinite period, it ~all be perpetual and irrevocable.
.. :..:. \.
·---- --- ~ --
1• .j• ..,. .- "' ·_
, . r• ) .. i iJ I If
;, . •·:csnr: 1 '. ?VttWtt ., . 1c ¢ 'fife -;~ •,f 'fM:iSGa:Wff@ W tW l 1 Sit
. , 11025
2019 p•SC .. ......
. No.33 1:t' Mord •
,. · lill.SI Feclenl N•P"' oaenc . of a Charitable Trust
. the registration
/ fl\'-~ O') 1\1:~, .... r.:c:~.-.. f9'"1f1'1 T ,.. 1:C:~·IJ 3/ An application for ths from the formation
. cd 'thin 3 mon
shall be 8\.. "mitt WI
fl,f-oeU>L,.,. ,.,.,....... -~.-.. .,.,.. a>-h-r ...,l,~-il
of the Charitable Trust. ,. .
· ~ · any acts involving third
not perform
4/ The Trustees m3 Y . f registration
f./ 'lllh'-~.,.=ti rrl'lhc: a,~+.-.. ,,..,.,")",-t-:f-.,,.
f9'"111t1 . . certificate o
ies before acqulflJli 8
11~.-.. lli'ltn:t-.. o,,er n""""'a,,
"I£ r-,.,,.Mt-t-0>-'> part fi transferring the resource
' except those acts necessary or . the """'-c:ecc:sion or
11-il-l- 'lll£ff:J-'t-l- ,,,,e,- '11\1\.-l-'>-l- .,,_ I\'-/,. M · th donation or will to r----
mentioncd 1n c ·•
hr:~->+ r.:c: ~-,, 11-,h-,."lll~ h-,_,rhl..A ,- ownership of the Charitable Trust.
r.;,c:1,+l- ntt-t-+c: nv-0• "I£ ,.,.,..,.~ o,1'i'':f'>
M..rti++ -,,.=,:...,,. r.:c:1.+ ,-1,.,,,- hJ•,':f-/l,,..
· y case be lower
ii f'lf\h'-~~l- -(}tf-l- hr'h-l- J">fl M' hh9'"i'l·l- flllltn 1/ The number of TrusteCS shall not m an
less than three
i\.tn 1\£':f-l\ra hr'fl-l- ,t',ft. fl.,.';f -,.j'l"ODa,, htf', than three and more than five. Wh ~
.eu, ..,,.,,~ ~>!'>fl.a>- .,.&.,.=ti
.,. . .• .. .
persona are appo1
' nted the Agency shall facilitate !fie
· ber of people r .......•ired to fulfilJ
'1"11'-~~':f- M.,1"..-<1-l-, ,,_.,,,: J'OD7'7'AII appointment of the mun -..-
f:bis requiren:ient. •
I/ hl\rh+ 11"1£ 'lllh'-~.,.l- +1"DDa,, htl'', 11~.J':.""!.J' ,•; 2i Where· more than five persona arc .appointed. as
r-,.m+f\.-l- oer~+ f"'!.':fi\-'i' '-?'-'f'I+ J>lt:f-a,, 'i \,, ·.:c ., Trust~. die five tint named ~ s who are able and
Arla+ ftp,':(- "17' '11\I\'-~ ~tf'ii\-• willing to act shall alone be the trustees.
r1 011.u 11.,.,.,-. "°'~ ;11;.,.,_. Ci> 'r;~;~10,: o.'fcr 3/ Notwith~ding sub-article (1) of . this Article, the
· 1'")1: •.er hll.r f1".f. l:C~,f.';f fltJ/lA~~~+ A~ency may allow less thim ~ persons as Trustees where
-,.'{ia-a,, ' htf', f'll\l\'-~.,.=ri ' -(}tf,)- . hr'il+ fl:t-'f . . . one OJ more of such trustee is a Charity. . "·.
)t")'l.lM. ~~"){La,,. i\.L:t.l: ~';fl&A.11
. . . .
~ , .
:, :,_ r. ~ . ; ..__ -~- ..i ..* ·.
I/ flH.U A"J+,-. a-w~+ h"t.11",,..+ '11\l\'-~_,.l- R..r"Jh 4/ At least one of the Trustees appointed under this Article
li"),4. a-,JI'!_ . .,,.,...&,,.·;
~+r-lr.r ' ........ ·a-tr") shal.l be an
Ethiopi_ai1 Domiciliary. .
. -, · ~
~I IJI\~ r-!,'{iODa,, , flt.'-~ - fl-) Al:~-)..,. l:C~-f:") , . . •. 1/ The . Trustees may be appointed by the person who
.r'l:'lfa-a,, (ta,, 01vr ACf\. fa,hl\a,, ..,..,. ',a>-11 A',fl.U founded the Trust or by the person designated by h im .
ttJDl- hA.1\- ~J!"Jfl.m- '11\h'-~ ro,.ll"ra+"J ""n,: In the absence of ~ch appo~tment the Agency shall
I/ .eu,
r+frt111a,, tJI\A'-~ ~,.~.,+
AA+IIA.9° tal\ tJJVr 2/ Where the Trustee so appointed refuses his agency or is
n-,,;=,:m-r rh"J.r+ '11\A~~H:"J -Jh'itJJ"J taA.~lt for any other reason unable to perform the trusteeship,
n,,.-,.11,.~.r ,..,n-
"".,.~+ "-" tJltA'-~ .e'fi'7A• a new trustee shall be appointed according the rules of
the trust.
~~ \.-.~+ ......
.'l'C «
m. ~Ck.,.."J 0~~
--'>l\.i· t +-, Ill.Ii -,_,- f•dcnl ~pri1 Geen• No.33 t:t' March . 2019 P•I" ... ... .. 11016
~',• DDi'fr=--------------,---:-=-~---;-:---:-:-;-::-;::;:-::;=-::;-:-;-:;;::;;;;----:----
J7. Appointment or a Cbacin as a Jru:;tcc
i/oop,~:,: .)-. "'"e
('i -,i
m- .,. Pf\m-") I/ If the founder has appointed an Organization
· · wh. h has
hi'I"' an 1 f-1-i'f 01>m-
~r. ~+ _,.,.,
~+ "1O'l ""~/,.',•l-
• Y.-r. the officers of the
h~~->-l- .,. o-, ..,..1.,,..,. r"~,,. 1 legal personality as a trustee,
. ~r.~-t:"J .Pi'l+~ .~/,.fl.11 arpointcd Organization will administer the trust.
f./ OtLU h '}</'"' '>O-i'l "..._
",</-1,.· (Ii) f·hn.,,f'lm- v- w l 21 The Charity provided in Sub-article (I) shall administer
fh~(,. 0") h~/,.")-'}- . . . C,r;·· .
· Y."(. ~i:") rl't-•11&.nH lli'ltn •J•(l)- the C-harit11hle truM by the term~ of the will, donation or
aJJ','r 01'.)l.:'}c\m- .:h., .. lf n+roMm- ""'""t.·l · hl\·l'\~l- order of the Agency and '·1 from oilier
11 '";t- 11'":f (J) .. . . . •
.,..,, .. 'M..,m-1 f\'"'•'
11·l· I l'"/.11\.,.9"rl •l• don ations or l·ncome that it utilizes to achieve its
10. t\J',-f- Oon.Plf .Pi'l+~.~~-An purposes.
f./ '11\h~~SD=t: (l"}O-il 1t"}4'K" f. oou.,~:,. ;)f\,&.p>:,i"} Toe Agency shall make such designation where .the
.f AM' ao- 1' "} ~lf'I ;) <\.&. SD =t: 01'.)! "}(!.(Do J','li"'7 f\. 11 · · · or are unable to
trustees fail to make such d es,gnatton
give decision.
°9./ OH.U 1t"}4'K" "}O-il 1t"J4'K" i f-,.m4'(1(1)- ·fi.':"C'r 1 4/ Notwithstanding sub Artic~e (1) of this provision,
fl I\ h ~t,.. p>":f ;)"\4'.',;J'=f(1)-") () ;.>t,.. .fh'i (Do','{\. II Trustees shall execute their r~nsibilities jointly.
'f;I 'I l\h~&-si>=t: (l,fl(lt} =f(1)-"} fOI/.ODt- 5/ The Trustees shall among themselves choose the person
· · the meetings of
hODIJh<\=fm- J',ODCfllf\.11
who shall .serve as the chairperson m
the trustees.
.-, -
'llt 1111.n ,... M h '019 P1 1< .. .. .... II0H
"-'- t.,.-.+ .,.., •TC« -.,n,-t- r • ., '1111 , .,. frdffl4 Nrprit °"7tfl< No JJ 1, •r< . •
r.1 h'll\h~t--rl- fft-C"l1' Mt-A .(;;>\: .M=h11• l'-l·l\.l'f. 3/ Where opposing notions are supponcd by an equal
'l"t'1l- c'l.+r.n· fa-~1.~·m- tn-"t>. fil-flM01- number of trustees, the final determination shall lie
1t..+09">nr. n-tl'lmm- .(;,-I J'.a>f'l'iAn with the vote of chairperson of the meeting.
i/ o,w ,....,..,.~ ')(}-(I ,...,..,.~ (I) M" er.) ODIIJ/.•l· fl·Mm- 4/ Those who are against a decision taken under Sub-
m-•U.rl- M.e,,_.,_ '11\h~t..r":f fAf.'rl· 'l''l'l:fa1- article (2) and (3) may require that their dissenting
0:J>/\ "1-'IMJ>- <\.J', A")--'lDDll1-fM:'J:a,- OD,nf<}, .e":f""·" opinion be recorded in the minutes.
'f:/ 'll\M'.t--P'":f- fhF.t-- ()") hY:t.">·l- Y:C~·I:") 'Hl~·l·. 3/ The Trustees may not alienate the property of a
J'I\ 'I',-, 1\1\.<\ ft..J'il-t-<\A4- hJ!.":fl\-51"11 Charitable Trust by a graruitous title.
/i/ .,.,,i;.
'-mh-,·A ,.
l..f')I:. f}\-',t,. n, "J.":-' ... "'
" · ~,. ,.,. .r.-r: '1:-·l11
II The Trustee manal!cr Mtall represent the Charitable Trust.
f.J n,w "--,.+T. ·,o.,. """'T. Ii N·-'.)1'J(J)· n.•rr:r 2/ Notwithstanding the stipulations under sub article I the
0/\-'.&-- ,a hJ.':l',.·H· J.':c~-1: ·l-m:J>O't 1\11')(1}- (1(1)- trustee may ask for pennission from the Agency to operate
.,.:,.,- r-'/..J',._J..A-, If',;- f;J-f 1'")"-lf') h·Ml\-·l· beyond the orders on the establishment document when it is
•l-c)tll ':f a,--,_.. I\ODJ'••&--•}• '11\1\"-&--a>- hh.)':")(l,m- essential to do so for the interest of its beneficiaries.
J..:J* Y.:' -mf~ J.>,l-'\Aa
f./ l'M~6- n? M~lr?·l· .J'.·r.~·1:1 h'"lfl-l·P.1.c: ;,c: 3/ A Trustee is entitled to indemnity for all personal
n1·.r.r11 l\'}J~ '11'1" 0''11'1- .rm'fJ:i:m- m,.1.1.Y':f· expenses and obligations arising out of the
!H ._f_q_(I_M ._6-a>-
~~~- 44. Rcslflnaliou of a Trustee
6./ """'-lrm- rt., fnnf.\.,.~ ,,.,11 '11\lll- , .., ... m-'} """"''""' I/ A Trustee shall be lmblc for any consequent loss to the
ho·t\·l- roc: n.<.·l · ""·"·.-f· """'-'_.y,:f. tt..r,,m-~ Chnritnhlc Trust where he docs nor notify the other
.J',1'1An.(',II'} <'i .f'i'l;J-m-~ n.-,.,; 1111.11 f·l•',•'f ""'-',. I'll? trustees and the Agency of his intention to resign two
1'.t:-t.-·H· ~r: ~ -1: .-\J'. t\"Y.1.r:flm· h. ,.,,,. :.,"I,. ,.,r,,·/:\11 munlhs prior lo his rcs1gnallun.
I / """'-lrcn- , .. A "J',-'} M\."I 1111"1.1.. hflh'"l•.t'l'l·l·"lt.\',: 2/ A Trustee shull remain responsible for the
~l.i'I M
rl\1.1... M~t.-H· .''.·r:~·11") \""ll'l·l·-'11.r: Administrution of the Charitable Trust until he hands
~"IL',·l- "Ml-'t·• over the Trusteeship.
[/ 1' ') ~ 'lll""-/,. f , ..,,. oo>A -,.-1:,C' T.l'-t .l'•l•l.11 h")f.1r'l 3/ Where a Trustee applies for resignation, a new Trustee
mw ".,.,.Ti' .,,...... ",.,.>\. (li) ,•.,.,. ',·1101· shall be appointed by the person coosti1u1ing the Trust.
M"m"><l',t,t" 1.11. h..,114- I\').~ a1c: """''-''.''I" ''"'-',. by the person on whom such power has been conferred,
,a 1'.t:-~··H· .~c:~-1:·> ••**""m- (lm- fJJVr ,.,n or in default of any such person, by the Agency I
11.ne1,.1,.,- ,••A")') tH·l'l,nm- (lm·I Olf.'I° h '111.11 'If,':'-<· month prior to the expiry of the notice prescribed in
~- r}\f..k ltt ~6-"H• J!:Ckf:'l 'lill.-l- "7"J'11 • 45. Attachjp° Charjtahlc Trysts
i./ f·,-m:J-1..Y':Y.. 'lt\11llfl:Y.. fh1.6- M M'.:6-?·l· Y:C:J!-•I:") I/ The Creditors of beneficiaries may in no case auach a
"Hll.·l- a>J.',9"' ·l·m:J-1.m- l\..r1~ f"'l.1'1m·") hOA Charitable Trust or any allowance to which a
beneficiary is entitled.
O""l'i':i:m-9° IJ·).:J' "'l".r11 I\J.',1·1\-9°::
f./ t\-i'ro(l', "I.ti. f·l·**ov fl\1.6- M 1'Y.:6-1·l· Y.:r.J!-·l· 2/ The Creditors of persons who are to receive the
(LJ...Cl'I 1-Cll,•l:1 fovm-(lY.- OV•{l·l· .,f'•Ffm- 'll\1111fl:f. property forming the object of the Charitable Trust
fl\1.6- M I\J!:-6-H· .r.-c:J!-·1:1 1-flt.·l· ,.,,._r11 f.1·'11\-:1 eo·n stituted for a definite period may at the dissolution
of the Charitable Trust attach such property.
.. ----- --
.c.,-'41 •--..s+
.5:~~--·- ..-..·..'111.:,+~r~+:'~ln~.1~1~•:·:r-~-"T'~r,~-:: "'~e,. ,.: ~u.. . : :. :N~o~JJ~l~Z"~M:""'~-~-~20~19'. .:,-:•~-~..:. ·~
· 1~,o~JO:_______
. "'7'>'i'm-,- "' h ..-
M\.'\ ~ ~'H·
(\fl·l·t;t m,-, (li'J P·1~
OJ/.'.r .,,Ku: 'hlt.•I,')
"'· Traoaccc S•!cAO
Any Charilable Or&Anization or 11sociation while
l\'lA h+t.-r )JI r . I\.Pr"l-t·'\A\: l'\11'>111 '1',l,r tnn1ferrlna it.A property to third party on aale, if the
r·,-,-,-.• tI II'?_,.,,,_,. 1'1 '>111.•·l· t Ill') •'lf.r,~ rlU1" ·1 property 11 Imported with out beina accustom for the sake
II<, f' •l•~Jl- <• I
.. ....,,,.. A II
of public Interest. the 11le shall be d0t1e in accordance with
1hc Cuscom law of che Country.
ii mw It,..,.,_ ,.,>-fl It"}+~· f f-1·~)-nm, n.•u:r 4/ Notwithstanding the provision of Sub Anicle (3) of
A)ltu"} ")oflt:-F•':f O°tDDt'\h·)· f .M::.i IIOD"} A,..s;,!('~-r this Article, beneficiaries of a Olaritable Trust may
..,Y:t:·1"} ODD"ll'tt'\m- ~..~... DD·ll-f•;,:=,:m,., foomn-l» · ·only carry out those acts which their righlS, such as
~u~p>':f") ,o;,: DD'-09'° Y.':f·'\t\,11 . the intcnuption of a prescription in relation to such
IUW h~A '1'1°7 fO') JiY:~')·l- ti°t-t- "'Ill·)· ch'J'~=,:a,. A ''Charitable Committee" is a collection of five or more
Jirfl·l- futJ' O'l.e ftr). ,,.,,.,, a,y,r t\.i\ ,..,,~.-,. persons who have come together with the intent of
soliciting money or other property from the public for
11M ltY:6-H· ~,..,., hm1M1 11ool'tof11'tof1 v"lofl .,,.=,:m,
purposes that are Charitable.
(tp>':f (loflflofl )a>-11
Fedcnl Negaril Gazene No.JJ 12" March . 2019 page .. 11031
f/ f()') h.~c',..-)·l- fl°t-ta>- f·l·5t>*oom- hh'H':: '¼OD·}· 'IM 2/ A Charitable Committee should submit its statement of
1..11. hlf) r.11 ·1.11. 1''1~1\+ f,hA11 OD"//1..,,,. "7-l-<.:11 accounts at its dissolution where the period for which the
hMl·l·= Charitable Committee is formed is less than one year.
!lli. rn1 Ar;&-H· fl"t-t M4{l'+ s1. sccustucc ofa CharftahJc cowwiucc
ii rw, hJ.>.:&-H· fi"'t-t'1 f"7...f'!l.'c/?9"' m-ti>. oo,...~":f· I/ The decision establishing the Charitable Committee shall
1iq11-1:"1r rn1 >.J.>.:&-·'H· fi"'t-tm-'1 ..-~,,.~,-l-r specify the particulars of persons who foun1 the
1'11111 .f''>fr'i >-~.-,..c 11c11c: 1H.:J- "7tif'-l· Charitable Committee and those who shall act as
J?.'iCO:J-A 11 President, treasurer and Auditor of the Charitable
I m-.-.>.m- rn, hJ.'.:&-H· fi"7..-tm-'} ,11..,JP":f· A'i 2/ The decision shall specify the purposes of the Charitable
,11..,?>:t:'1 f°t.f' ... tiO·l-'1 7,11. 00°//lt) .f.'iC(J:NM• Committee and the time within which it has to achieve
f:/ >.fl'-'17. lf"'i I\ 1~ m-ti1m- f'M hJ.'.:~·'H· f1"t-tm- 3/ The decision shall detcnnine, where appropriate, the
P&--?>":f- A'1J>..-l· ool,c;ro'} A1~t\q:fm- ~a>fl1 A'i manner in which the activities of the Charitable
Ofi"t-tm- f°ttintinm-'1 1"11111 Ac; 1111.·l· oom'}c; committee may be carried out and prescribe such
hm:1'+00-1 t\oo.f,,11mc: ltfl'-'17. flf''i· 1ic:r1Jr-:Y·1 measures that arc necessary to control the amoWlt and the
use of the funds and property collected by the Charitable
67(14>00,,. J', 'icn:J-A rr 11C 11"· A.'1:'11\m- O°t.fa>''la>-
committee. Particulars shall be determined by Directives
ODODt,j' J',a>fl'iArr
issued by the Agency.
ma-r: t ·· .ritr+tiifl t 1~ t H Wtt@Nl:ntrtO& ~ ••
r~-t-m- -*~ no.,..,.n·l- m-•U. 'l.r. it·NJDllh·1·111- achieve, or where achievement of its purpose becomes
_,,,1,.-,. fl,,..t',.. 'l,r. .f',m-'IAa impossible, such money or property shall have the
destination prescribed by the decision which has
approved the charitable committee.
f./ fllW h")-,.~ ")(M h")-,.~ /i tlo.,_-,.m- m-ti>. m-flT 2/ In absence of a provision, to that effect the money or
f•N1D/\h·I- ~"IC: hl\.l\ 1'11111- m.f',,- 'Hll.•I: l\flffl:1- property shall be returned to the persons who have
C./ l\tl'I hY:t',-.'l•l- ti°t,-t-0>- 1'>11-tl mJ!,,- 'Hll.•l- fl'lm- 3/ lf Persons who have donated money or property to the
l'IP'i" DDAl'la>- l'\.(JJ{)~-l- f1AL11·1- mvr f1A;F{\. Charitable committee cannot or do not want to claim it
mJ!,,- MJ!.:rm<I: hlf'~ n,w h'I'~ Y:'>.7'1.SJ>°:f· · back, the money or property shall be placed at the
oe1Pt.·l- n~J!'>l\a>- a>-ti>. l\.,.OD<"l<"l.r. rn-> >.Y.:t'... H· disposal of the Agency and shall be destined for a
~'1"7 ,-0>-'1A a similar charitable purpose in accordance with the
provisions of this Proclamation.
JI. +& 1111-os: 111,+ 54.~
ii IIM hY:~'l·l- fl"t-t-cn- f•MOl'lnm- '1'>11-tl roJ!,,-
I/ Where the money or property collected by the
1-01. -l- 'Ji\.,m-1 ""'"' •·l-
>..fl'-'17. hlf'~cn- 111\.e tnr~ Charitable Committee amounts to more than what is
4'&a>- 1111,n a,J',,- 'Hll.•l- fl"t-tm- IJO,.-,.a,- cn-.-.>. necessary for the attainment of the proposed purpose,
ODIP(.•}- i\1\.1\ TDD...... J', f(J'I I\Y;"&,•)-l• 'J'1"7 ~u&, the balance shall have the destination for another
I\.e J',a>-1\ A " Charitable purpose prescribed by the decision
approved by the charitable committee.
I/ 1101-.-.>.m- 111'/l'f' J',tJ1") O"tt111i\M• f•MI\O ~,c: fl\.i\ 2/ In the absence of any Provision to that effect, it shall be
A'H~tr~ ,1,m· a,J.'.,- 1-ot.•h ~:(11'1.m- nrw M·~
placed al the disposal of the Agency and shall be
J':1.77.JP"fo ODIPt,•l- ""'" M•OP...... ,. f()'I ltY:&-H•
destined for a similar Charitable purpose in accordance
'f'1"7 ,ea>-'IA " with the provisions of this Proclamation.
• .
., '.I • i.toroh, )019 p11t .. . ;o ... 11033
F1dtfll N1pril Oottlll ..,o., 12
I/ A.~1.. ·H· ti"'f.i.m- f·h'l<ll'l<ln,- ,.,,,.,,
chnrl1nblc commluee Is significantly larger than what is .
"Hlt.·l- f:1--,..,_n,-') 'JI\-, fl"7•V1·l· Al'ILl\'I, fnf~m· necessary for 1hc a11ainmcn1 of the proposed purpose.
~~'7 r<1tt tnr~ rt1"'f.i.m- Ml\·l· <11'\.rtA -, 1 nt.l'lil the members of a Chorilable Committee may seek
.("(:~·h•l- flODOlllM-(1 fl..f'ODl'\h•l1 J',':f••'ll'\,11 permission and apply to the Agency for registration as
OD.,_.,',: l
(ll)fUltilT fOD~)l' ~r;
common objectives;
- .; n: litnx rm,v, c~wns n -r,,
S7. Registration
6/ .,.Ffm-r Y:CJ!,·l· 11,w _;,-. .., oou•t'.·l· ,11..~">l\1JJ- 1/ Any organizations shall be registered by the Agency in
ODOD1M11 hl\(1-}•:, accordance with these provisions.
I/ 1..,:'}(Lm- fh1C 0</>A .r..·cJ!,:,. "7ooAh:F llc/>t'.111\·l· 2/ The Agency shall, upon application and after ensuring the
lli!N-'i"·l- m-llTT fm-'1." Y:CJ!,·l· fnn ,...,,,.. f9"111'l fulfillment of the requirements stipulated under this
-,ooAh:F hr&- 1.:,.Y: _.,c n+~ol\-l· o~M c/>'i"·l- Proclamation, register the applicant and issue a registration
m-llT IIIW h'PJ!, f·l·S'.'11'1-·"I· hfll.'11, IJ•).;J-JP":f- certificate within 30 days from the date of application for
oo"J.'l;J-:i:m-'} t1~:.ntn IJ;\'I hor>Al1":f- Y:CJ!,•I:") Local Organizations and within 45 days for a foreign
(JODODll111 ffrflhC a,~c/>·l· J'.fl"IAII
f/ >,.00At1:Ji h'IJ'. IIIW >,.")</>:,.· ')O-fl h')</>X" I 'IJ'. 3/ Where the Agency fails to issue certificate of registration
within the period indicated under sub-article 2, the
O•l"or>l\h-l·m- 1.11. m-flT f9"ll1'1 f9"flhC a,~c/>·l·
applicant may file its complaint io the Board within 30
J'A·l"fltnm- 1. '}S'.lf'I Mi </>'i"·l- a>-flT :,.~;.t-a,-') l\11C ~
1· -,:,.~11 ,r.":f-'IAII
days from the expiry of such period.
Z ?difttQe,¥:(]}tt] V' WifJdZ?W1F:DDFF-
f·f·l'lmm· fl}\"l'lQ- f·f·t.:11,n M.(· I its establishment from its country of origin;
fl} P'A"I") J'flm- fY.·t;~,f: 1\l1A Y.·C:~·11 111'.·)-r-A·.P b) Duly authenticated resolution of its competent organ
(U) 0..,-CU·f: oort-l· ·.t.;c:~+":f· ·f·a> 11r-:f. f·ht~OD a) Rules of the Consortium signed by the
fOD•J-Jl,~6.f ~'')ilf representatives of founder;
(fl) hQ'l·r '1-CU-f:'} flODODM•r f·f·il"'/00-0•} :J>fl b) The minutes of tlle decision among members to
1-Q'tT form the consortium;
(rh) l\..,-0~-t: h'l'l·r h1..J!')l\a>· a>J!,9° p•A"I'} c) A certificate of registration issued by tlle Agency
'11\0J- fhAA J'tltA· f•M,n fh'l'l•l- f9°111'1 or Authorized Regional Government body to tlle
rrl'lhc: m~t-r1 members of the Consortium.
I i
llill.!fl Nrs1ri1 G11nnt No Jl 12• March . 2019 page . 11037
! .. . t t·
~9- B.dvsal of ApnHraljongr o£
!Iii .JTJ.1.1.'.l...T J'-t1 Mtton-,.nl\
/ The Agency shall refuse to regi~ter an Organization where
~/ k'.lr.11\m- h'"l.h1·"·-l· f"h1 ,r-f·:Y. h 1~- ""':'<-1 1
it finds that :
•11. : 11m ~-r:~ -1,1 h .r .""tr"/•Or,-
al The applica11on docs not comply with the necessary
(11) "'""Ah~- o,u, M'~ 1'11_,.,,.jX N ·f.~ ·I·1--l·1 58 of th IS
con d I·t I on•., ~el
. out under Article ·
""l'l~r:-f-l· r..,_r"'.T."\ ,r<; I\ 11•,· 1•.11T>V- Prodamation and the applicant's representative fails
>.1 -"..f',H·1mA rh""A'1!Ji ·hnltJ', ·l·,nJ',,J' to meet such condirions after being requested ro do
ll''M-1·111,A l1A :l=l'I l
(I\) r.t~r:~-,, "l"\.., '"-''·"' ,.,,..., ..-11.1..,• r.·rn· "'''· bl The 111111 of the Organization or the a•ctivitics
f ·l'°"llh-1-m- r""'-· ·11c:11r: l\,'t,··1 ,.nJ'.V" l\,'t,·11-11 . under the Organization"s rules arc
d cscr1pt1on
't"/.·A ·t-.-t-1,.'i_ h1rH contrary to law c:,r public moral;
(,h) .~t:.'t.:--1: r't.""111-flll·l· _, •.,,.. a1,t',SI" 'SC:"'IT hl\.l\ e) The name or symbol under which the proposed
.r.::-C:.'t.:-·l- cn.r.r 11"'/'),;'m-9" 1\.1\ ·l·:1;'9" r9" ;,c: Organization is to be registered resembles the name
r-"'f..oe,)r)A h1.r~ 01.l',9" ;1,"r> cJJ.t',9" l',l,11-11'} of another Organization or any other institution or is
'f"<.-A M.-t-t.") hl.fH contrary to public moral or is illegal;
) .r.::-c:~-1: l\9"111'1 .N•t.flm- M.l!' fl,l,1H· f·l·II ;,-,: d) The document furnished for regis tration by the
roJ',r r-r-·1."111.111. lnr~:, Organization is fraudulently obtained or forged.
f.J 11,w ,-,..., n°1A,,.. h·l·oofth·l:·l· rh'.> .l'·f·°:f· 0>-,1.1. 2/ The Agency may not refuse applications for reasons other
1',Jl:")l\m- IJh(l&,.C:9" J',IJ•") ODOD~J' fl°'/Ol•'IJ•}• than those speci tied under this on the basis of practice or
f9"111'l T.f''I:") l\.hl\hA h.f.":f-Ar:: directive.
l;/ f,-.111'1 T .f'<l:m- m-.l!':,. ftr~fl·l· hODAl1"f flh.°1:11"1.m- 5/ An applicant that is dissatisfied with the Agency' s decision
a>-•'I). :,.c; h·M"f :i-&.:J-m-") (I'!) -,.r,,}• m-flT l\flC; ~- may lodge a complaint before the board within 30 days
"'7:,.I. il J',"fI\ A II from receiving the decision.
.. Ftdonl Ntpril 0-.w NoJJ 1.t' Man:h . 2019 - .. II OJ I
6) The Board shall review the compl iant and give iii
decision with in 60 days up on receiving lhe complianL
(m) ,.1:c:~-ll ffM.r. Ai1Ar ·P·A~'Jc; ·l-'7'1r.r c) , The _Organization_'s Executive body, Power and
Functions, . internal. governance and aructw'e,
fm-llT h~~Jfl•),c; h,-..,--"~C:1 · fMIMc;
fm-tit hc't"M" p•t;CJ•~I ,- · ; ..; · meeting and decision-makin& procedures;
{oa) . f¥:'C:~·h - 10.c; •hil·l- ""-'1'1·} A'J.11.o-r • d) : A stipulation indicating that the Organization's
I\IP&-•1-7/'l· flih'7- h·I·'-.,.~ l'MA'7c\•-l- h,:.r income and resources may not be distributed to
_Jfl+C: l\_h"-'-A MY.°:f.A ootr>-U members or employees except for payment of
~ • ·.. : i ~.
, {, .., ,,.... legally permitted service. fees;
( "') l'X:'C:~-h h'IA a,y.,- u•&-·I·~ 009l1'). il:F e) A stipulation .indic!lting that the Organization's
·J·' 'nx-c:~-t: · 'HV.·l- '- ,.,. A·11Pf·r ·· oe,t1-l- members_or employees do not have an automatic
MVN.m- ODtr>-U ·'.·· ·,'· ' .., - -... , . ~ . .. ,right over the organizations resource only by the
- t • .• ~. * . - .,- . . , •?'/,
· mere fact of their membership; _
A stipulation indlcating that the Organization has
( a separate and independent legal personality and
--: • '• • • •:.. ,<
- 1111.•
( +)
~ ~:"+ _...,,. +ft: « - ."IL+ r •1 Ill.JI , .,.
r ,e;-r. )!--,, f "'-ti-o,; M ">11-0 >,. ">:,.1'1.•I\ -t-+•1 r, H
,,.... N,..... a-- No.JJ 12"' Mardi . 2019 ,_.. ···· II0)
tJl\a,, r ,h,ti,o >...r,.,, ,--r.,+ M.-~.-.r).11 Will bl m11n1aed by 1111 accepted 1ccountin1 system;
(-,.) --,.11,;.~,r ~')fl· r-t,r,rAfl~--, ,-,r,,,)-f Ir./ Proctdure for amendina lht rules;
11 n,,.., ,_,.,.,. ,o.,.. ,_,.,.,. (Ii) ,,.,.,,1.,1{.,.,. 11,,.t.1.a,..,~ 2/ In addition to the Information mentioned above. the Rules the
ra-,-~ '-&,I' '- ')0, f'"'t.flT,\,•l-'lr ,\,rt,,}-,-,. ,.l-1\A :- Organization may also include: I
(II) ~h'lA ~-l- -Ocft f'"'t.J''-r.-,. 09f'ILC.,f,l°-J a) Requirements that musl be fulfilled for membership; I
Reasons for terminatioo or suspension of membership;
{t\) It'll\~+ r"t,tt.'l"l=t:,,,_-, a,r,r M:J-1.(-IJ:(-a,,') b)
( .._> A'lA ~+ tt,t1.-r .,,.,,. f\:J-1Y: n,.;r.~-11 ,.,.11.,. c) Internal procedures for appealing from decisions to
~-,q'J l"°tmf-l-O·l- ,,...C:'J-l-1 terminate or suspend membership; I
( OD) rIt'll\ ~-l-'i" t\.l\•':f, h<t:J's,,':f, Mcofl>R·l-'i" d) Procedures for imposing and collecting membership and
rotmr-1:n+ ,,..,c;,,)-1 other fees; I
{'") f ,,...&,. ltODt-C: ;}l\'-P''f Mi'I'ODil•l-'i" e) The power, procedure for appointment and procedure for I
Mif"-O·l- ,,... r.,,.,., ,,A•A111')'i" 1--,l)t,•l-I ....cmoval of executive members of the org~ization; I
{~) r,,A,&,. AIIL'l°t (ICY: A'ltl·l- Ml'l'rn·l-'i" f) The powers and functions and procedure for the J
r-,.ni~H· .,A•r.'J·l- r .,...A"l'J'i" .,..l'l,..·l- 1 appointment and accountability of the officers of the J
organization; . . I
g) ~e~_cr or not th~ :>rganization performs fundraising l
{fl) 111'1. _,,,11111 .,...&- tl.e f"tf\07t- lat\ODII'>
act1V1t1es ; ·· · · · I
la" t\ ODlf), I
·,,; . fJJt'J
., -:•.-;.It~ .,--,qc: 1\:,-~I\~ .hJ!.":f/:\'l°I .• ..... activity which is not its mission;
f;/ ~O;;·U h~.,.~ ;0-~ ~')~"- ~l'l~·l· ~;~;t.,}·
§ ,f'i'l•MI\'- • '' . • \t ~e ~~~nizat; ~ which transfer property based on sub
Y:C:J!-·l- O!f; f/1/,.. +'i"·l· ,u.,~')(Ln,- -,.-.w-l- hl\(l•}·u article 4 of this article shall inform to the agency within
~ ~ . ;· :,~. :.
··;, IS days . . '
. .., -:... · ·..•... '.~ \ -· ..
·-;-: ··r1-..,,,P1m-r Y:c:~--,;,;n~ft. rrr.-~h·l- -; ••, .., l\"7h'i'OJ"> ~-;}.,;\ / ,. A~,Organi~t;~ ma;~ ~stablished to implement project
. a ;. •:. 111tt1•':f :i:-r.J!--f·':f-· r11i1-1t'i' f6U>-+·l· Y: •.,~ • . ': . .._·: a~tivities on.its_own or t~ .,"..ovid~ fi~ancial ·and technical
.:.:.·'.:. ,.,; fl"7Y:i'1 l'\.~ltr J!.°:f'IA·u :· ---~, :n c:,, ·' : ·, . ·. support to other orgiµt~a.ti_OQS. . , · '·· ··
rans U t t 11:»dJi-f.+-tiiWCW
,,,~~., "'""'"'
r>.,c. 11-l"A ,:c.)!--+';f--, l\:W- ,_,.._,Ml+- ,:,-,,.:
(/\) t\'M"7m- -.,i,.,- 10. 1\-,.'/"'i·l· 11"7')';=111·9" ,l,:,•1: b) Have the right 10 cng,igc in any lawful business and
f'}-1.t:'r, >... '}iffl·l-<Jl>'}·l- ,,..~.. m-fl-r h"J'l·m·l· investment activity in acc(ll'dance with the rel evant
I IJ'l:r:(1)-
f'} /.('c; >i_ Jiffl•}•OO")•}• ,"t,'ff• UOU•~ •}• trade and investment laws in order to raise funds for
I roo,,.,-~ ll''.°9" h ,,..~--m- the fulfillment its objectives. However, the profit to
f°7. 1")°a>-'} T-l-9" "7fl· MI\-,: be obtained from such activities may not be
I hJ',":f-A9"'l transferred for the benefit of members;
(,h) l\'J'l"7m- oo,V1·l· hN·?,'m-9" ,"t,;,'I: 9"'}~1.h 1'}1/•tl c) Shall have the right to solicit. receive and utili ze
foomr-l> r f'OD</>(IA r, foum4'9" OD•fl·l· hl\o>-:1 funds from any legal source to attain its objective.
f/ llm-l-'l'la>- .l-.1MI wvr I\V-11·1·?,' OJ"l'} T-l-9" 2/ The Administrative cost of an Organization established
OD/"&,•}-'} <J'l"7 hY:C:1 for the benefit of the general public or that of third
f·l· :it':it>ou Y:c: J!-•}• T
flt/l •f-Ji/,,r..(; a,©. m- h?tl.m- hf;' (IOD,f, l\.flAT Parties may not exceed twenty percent of its total I
ltJ'.":f-A9°11 1111.IJ Y;'};J"A, ""-'U~9" «f'A/1-t-/i/,.t:.C income. For the purpose of this provision, I
"Administrative Expense" shall mean expenses which
CD~» "7/\:t- Y:CJ!-•I: ll°t,.f'hc;m-~m- fTC',:'h·l· ,,..~,. I
are not related to the project activities of an Organization I
.?C .,..,.J'':frH· f'/\./\m-n1c: 0
/'} /\Y:C:J!-•I: .l-.Am-'i I
4>"1J'.H· >..ll4'.'11. r1.n "r, h>..11-1-11,.-:.c: ""t:.P'"i· .-,r. but are necessary to ensure the continuity of an
Organization and related to administrative activities, and
'Ill' lli'lf.~
F•det•I N,, uil Ooietl• No.H 12• Mole" , 201~ P•B< .. . ... I 1043
f:/ h'l.e fJ'}o-1'1 ".,..,.~ I f,,..,,..I'\ h·f•m, .I!'') .-,1, flA I\ IH •.,. j / The Agency may 1,~ue Directives regarding Organizations
P M .f.lf'}fJ=t:m-'} .r-:r: ~-f·l·
11..Pa,r'I .f',l·'IAn
l'lt,.JP'f l ' l f l ~ ~
ll"Y.""l'IM· eilcmptcd from the application of provisions of sub
Article 2 of this Article.
.~(;~-f':f O>-f'l'J' 1\hf\f'-'} flOO.f'lf IJlllJ'P. OD'JJf.'"' existing company, Collect Publ ic Collections or
OD(t-fl(t-fl r a,_e9" f'}a/.~ /'I~,-'} fl-tl!f:~ IJl'\(l.•}•~•}• operating its business a:; a sole proprietorship.
9./ ¥:C~·I: !J?ll "711'1~ fl&-m- r'°t.f'-rfm- 1llT r;·c:~·I:'} 4/ Income that is generated from income generating activities
r1tfl-,..-;.r.c Ac; n-c-1&-r mQ.l_?>:Y. 1100'/fL, will be used to cover administrative and program costs of
J!,m--,Au the organization.
l;j ¥:C~·I: h'lll "71'11~ fl&-m- r'°t.f''l"fm- 1ll'i '/11·l· 5/ The income and resources that are acquired from income
""'M·l· Av:.v-r "'"'&-·l-7f:Y· 11.h4-LA hJ!.:Y·Ar11 generating activities shall not be transferred or shared for
the benefit of members or workers of the organization.
Ftdenl Nepril 0 . - No.JJ 1?6 Mm:h.2019 ..... .... . 11044
.,.,,, Ii DD1'1l,·l· X:<:~-,--·f· IJll'l'r. 6/.. when the Organizations Collect Public Collections based
.,.,... l\l'ltli'lO· ,u.,:,,:-,1\a,. -,.-.m~ >uVWa,. l
on Sub-Article I of this article, they shall inform to the
'!,,/ n,w >.1-,., OD{l(.•}• ""Kl. .,Mt: flt,. "'· f·M"7/r 7/ An Organizations engaged in income generating activities
J.'.::C:l!-·l- l'\1..;,,:"}l\a,. nhi'lt.- M"il·l· fillr -,.,,··l· -,.-. 01 -,. bAscd on this Article ~all inform to the Agency within
hl'\O·l· II fifteen days
g~. ~Ir -_&'H· •J'.9'."_I)~~ L"'.~ _hilLll"'l fl-T.-t 6!1. Persons Who shall not Act II om,er or Board
Atl_~H· -..-fr+ ....,J'.l-1\-__(l_,.l: . Maauc:wuc C'2wwlCCee Member
. Ii/ .,., :;: _,. l'lm- f I ~ ") ....
•• .
.-. -~ f.~·l· rP·i'lT fl,"t.• 11"1,'>·l· I/ No person shall acl as an Officer or Board Management
my,,- n.~,=~·I: r,,,:.r.:/,••t.- l\il~""Y. l•"Y.·I: Commitlee Member of an Organization or a branch
A'lA">·l· -,·•t.--l- MJ',l•l\a,.:- thereof if lhut pc..-rson:
(rl) n-,:,-1\A m.f,,- :,-.,~H-1 11-,:,~A ,u"J1.A a) Has been convicted of a crime that involves fraud or
-N--1-:;: IT'i f·f_.,,,,,,...f>A·l·l'tft11> hlf'H other crimes that involve dishonest acts and has nO(
been reinstated;
(I\) Oro"};,,:A ~-,-:;: lf''i" l'l\ii.A DD-fl-I:') b) Has been convicted of any crime as a result of which
• f·MLL't OD-fl-f·=J: .f>A·l·0011"-11·l· hlfH she/he has been deprived of his Civil rights and his
Civil Rights have nO( yet been restored;
(,h) (l,l."7 oem(.-}- h":f·l\•;,. 'l'/''l·l· f·l-'>'°I ODp•tr·l· c) Is unable to act by reason of incapacity within the
) n~cY.:: O.·l- hAM r-,·~l'.10·l· htr'> '>a,-11 d) Has been interdicted by a court.
f./ h"l.e f·l-m<l'l'lm- 1' ">~·l·mn<I' tr'if r"7r,:i:m-9" 2/ In addition to the restrictions laid out under Sub-Artie!; l. a
J.':C~·l· f(IC J.'.:: a,J!,9" f ,••tr hi'lL"°!. t1°!,•I; member of the board or Executive Committee of an
h'lA flT'> l'lm- Otl.J'm- .f.•C)!-•}• OJ-/IT f ,.,tr OD6 organization shall not be employed in the same
tDJ'.V- •t-+"16 IP/r•l-71 tl''i ODp•tr·l· hJ.>.°;f-A'r:t Organization as an officer or ordinary employee.
[/ r J.'.::C~·I: fv-111'1 "700Ah:F ftl.V") l\")<I'~· ")0-/1 3/ If the application for registaration that is submitted by the
A.,.,.,,_ (i) 1''i (I) noru1111 r4'l'.n htr'> >..l")l\m- Organization is contrary to the rules stated under sub
Article I and 2 of this Article the Agency shall not register
Y.::c~-1:., hJ'.0Df1'7-<19"U
the Organization.
2/ TI1c rowers of the branch of the Organization escablished
I/ n,w h">.,.,. ")()-fl A">.,.,. (Ii) ,,.,,.1.·l· ""'-'''··l·
under Sub-orticlc (I) of this Article shall not make it an
-l-C'>61of.~ Ml'\m..- r t \ "1"> t~I\-") f~I\ .r:,:1!-·l·
indcpcndcnl organization on its own or prevent the head
M.f'.ll:.C:1..- t0J', ,- ,-..-en- -tit..f' R.·l- 11-1: <1i-r-rc:
office from making sufficient control on the branch.
>. ">~.f'.ll:.C:"70-l- Mhl\hA l\.tr"> 1'.r.":f-A,-u
68. Qbljgatjon to Inform ('baorcs
H. fto,,-M fll\-,•)O!:t
If an organization makes changes to any of the following
i/. -,.,~_,. -~~-l- O""t.h·f"t\,·l- ·1-~r-':1· '\K, l\ai-'I'
mailers, it shall inform the agency about the change or
il..f' .11:.C:"7 t\~:t:·M,a>- °1tiro:,...- °7floo1M-fl hl\O·l·,-
amendment and get it registered.
(IJ) f ~··.r'7. a>,e,- r,-Ah·l- l\m-'l'I a) Its Name or Symbol,
(/\) f ~··&- IIC:~ l\a>-'l'I b) Change of Organization's operational Sector.
(da) r-r..- -~··M• fl.·l- hY:&-"if t\m-'l'I c) Change of Headquarters,
(-) V--~ hAA /\m-'l'I d) Change the Region of Operation,
(-> f P'~ hou~c h'M·l-'i f ~--~ OD& l\oi-'l'I e) Change of Executive Members or Chief Executive,
(~) 0 119-,.~'-&Y '-'HI '\,e M,.~ 1 "'l'i:fm-9°
f) Amendments _of its Rules,
g) Change of Bank Account or Signatories. ·
(11) f'l">h m.ti-O rovr L&-"7..?1":f l\oi--r11
I/ n,w ,._..,..,.,,.. oo,P~-l- r,,.,.~.., l\oi--r rY:c'J!--1:..,. 2/ A change of name by an Organiza.tion under this Article shall not
-,..-:fm-,- 00-0-r-":f rovr °IY..:J-?1":f >...e~1,r11 affect any rights or obligations of the Organization.
"-,c;:fm-,- 1-tn: l\.:J-~ n"?..":f A '1;1- "'lfl .,.OO'f' that is visible to any visitor. Additionally, the symbol and
name of the Organization must be placed at a publicly visible
ViCO;J-/:.\11 0..,..1.Q."'7&9° rY:c_)!-•I: P-9°'. ool\,r
rAhT OY:C)!-•I: .,... -~--~., O.•l-'. ..,.c..,.-1~ place at both the head office and the branch offices.
---- - --
· \ ,·
j •. Ri{xfbbF .'Ci ::itSrArtWl1:ti½Jit'r:W m i>?I ~
@i( ·. '):Atilt.ti:jg~ W:~7'tQ9Rl9ttCJoectn 00-SMS b'29C:KY
'llt lill.~
r , MP.l-"Jr I',h.,..-fl 'JOD•l1 •11\+ 11:\" RJ'l/1 accounting records made for the purposes of this Article for
at least S years from the end of the financial year of the
llh,-t,•}- 'JOD•l• mofl+m- M~f·l- -,J'.:1- hM=fm-•
Organization in which they arc made. I
. I
' I
~ - - - -.....:aa••••s#i:ilci:lt~S~ra@liliAfiil,j·c.;·tlra'.·ia'lilrtiliil!Cif~"10il·:ajtilit·•mDii~-.,.::'.1WiliWII 1 1 1.!11i11•-- ·-liill·------------
· urrw11111:1ao
71. APPYll 5CACcmeoM Q( AGL19M0&4 and lf:1ewlott14P A(
i/ -,·Jt:~ 1:c:~-l- ·l·-,.'l,M·l- 'l'llf:m- ,,.,,.,,t;fp,'f, I/ Any Oraan1z11lon Ahal! submit to the Agency 411 annual
oau•t.·l- M·11;1'J! 'J09:J·'! r;-1,.-.11 .,..,"..,,,_ ""-1.',l\n,, atatemcnt of accounts prepared in accord411cc with
OhJ.'."1,.,i·n,- oa,l\t, hM·l-•
acceptable 11tncLard,.
I/ r,u, 1t·J-,.,-· 1-0-" h'J+11· Ii ll.\"c:rr nn1.·l- 1\,,.,,, 2/ Notwith1t111din1 sub-article (I) of this Article,
hrM·l- ""f- i'i.tJ •nc: M ,.nA1' ,.,,,.,, ,.,..,.,.,.,..:,.,. Orpni:L11ion• wh01e annual now of funds doc:s not
.(-C:~·l- ffl. 'H Gl"-l.'H ,~·fl·l-'i' Ml') r'T,,f',,."h·l- exceed Birr 200,000.00, (two hundred th~and) the
oa•M..,,,_ il.:J= -,~t.·0 ,_,::r··i\An 111tcmci11 of 1ccoun11 may ch005C to only prepare a
recclr,11 and paymcn11 account and a statement of
u1ct1 and liabilities.
f/ h'l,e O'>iM ttc: I t·l·m+l'lm- A')Jr.•l·mll-,. lf'r 3/ Without prejudice Sub-article (2). all Oriarti:.tation1
M'l~m-r i.':c:~·l- ,It.Ail rOJ!·l- 'tOD·fl O·l·m,;-,.+ n account lhall be examined annually by a Certified
r~--·l- ,n-/)1' n.,._,..,,t."·l- "-"-·t·c: ooooc:ooc: Auditor within three months after the end of the
h"O·l-• financial year.
11 mw ,.,.,.,.~ ·,o-ri 11-,.,.,.. I A'i' l. oowt.·l- n1..i·,Am- 6/ In accordance with Sub-article (4) and (5) of this
, n-1-;room- >,,;,.,-c: M·hi;OJ:,, ..,c;:,:..,.,- f>--".·l- . Article, the expenses of any audit carried _o ut by an
P'&-JP':f Mh't:flm- .f"!,OD/lh•l·m- Y:C:~·l-
IIJQ,J, Auditor appointed by t11e Agency shall be paid by the
a,y.,- "r-f-•I·-;;: 11,~m- fl.1·i f'p·~ OD~JP:ii J',lf'i'll,11 Charity or Society concerned. or by its officers if the
latter are found to be at fault.
ttt. 'JOD:f-fl f P'&-, JJ,m-, &re+ 73. Annual Activitv Rcnort
Iii fp·~ -~p,":f, f'J.'.·c:)!--1:') f1'J"M'J-4.'j rm!·l- 'JOD•}- J/ The officers of an Organization shall prepare and
'l"i 'P'i h.'J'P).JP":f• f°7.,.f'l,f, ~7"C:•} f ,h,li-fl 'JOD•fJ submit to the Agency every Budget 'year major activity
tJII+ nr·ri·l- me: ·1.11. m-il"r 111..J!·tfl.m· "7:,0t.-fl reports regarding the organization with in three months
111111:fo-,.11 · up on the end the Budget year.
~,i ·e -=zx1-w; ·, ; ~r:tn r 1._.,v ... ··=··"-
h.)':")fl.a,- f''l")h ,h."111 I\DDhL•l• 'I'J'-t 11-,.1..tlt\-l· II respond to requests for such approval with i' five days
f./ f""l">21m-r Y:c)!--l· rn1111 A -,.-,.,.._.,.I\ n,..,,... · 2/ All financial transactions shall be performed through a
11•1-hL~ f'l")h ,h."111 DDh'ia>") ViCll;J-AII ' bank account opened by an Organization in its name.
r1 -,-,21co-r 'l">h 1..Jl:">nm- · 11mr.,. ·,.,,. ro>;,.,m-.,. 3/ All banks have the obligation to provide the bank
n-,t;:(-CD-r fY:C)!-•l• -,ur f•NtL•I: f'l'Hr 'f..1'1()':f·") statement of accounts held by any Organization to the
11C:11C:~ f,hA-11 OD°ll\....,,sP":f'J fOD{),n•l· 0
/F.,;J- Agency when requested.
ht\0•}-11 . · ;'
!/ fJ':C~·l- f'l'Jh ,h..-,11 A'J:,0(1,cJ>,\ OOD·l-~~&J" ~')0• 4/ The Bank Account transaction can be done in the
context of the Organization rules.
I hh?C m-l'IT ..,.a,t1J tlM·.,.c i\,N• fOl-"I." Mc: tL1· • )/ Foreiiin Nationals other than the Country representative
tl~C:J!-·IJ l\.+m~ l""tl-1\--l- , ..~,. tll\.-l-r-k.rm-11 may only be hired if the office granting work l'Cnnit
Ah'i"a,') MJ.',l-A MODtf). n,··~ L.+1': flw,m- mlfle1 that the work cannot be performed by
,,.,••6J' O.·l- ll.t..?'11' ,o_:,: ,.,.. f.thlopiana.
fl tlJ.':C)!-•lz -~ni;t ~-CDlf tir.hL'l!f:m- n-.,:i:m- OM 4/ The provision• of Sub-Article 3 shall not apply to
L.+~'h·l- hh">.t:- ~-·l· "'IArll\m l\"71A1A ,.,L Foreign Na1ion1l1 who arc noc salaried employees but
f""t.ODm- rm--,... >--1c ,u':f, O"'t""llh·l- r11.11 ,,_ ,.,.,.. come 10 F.rhlopia lo' professionally contribute by
,-o,(11',--,.1. r i·L'l°t l\">,-• worklna u volunteer, for • period noc exceeding one
11°'i"a>-')(l,l- H·l- h-,.11- OD(.Jfsr>l· (IOD)ti·l· activities in accordance with the law. The investigation
shall be launched on the basis of information the Agency
.,'i=fm-r J':clf:+ , ..1,.m-1 n:r.·1 _,,...t.-l· AM~
obtained from government organs, donors or the public. as
ili\09tr). k.1:'lll.• rco-&- A.f~r.·1 J!,':f"'IAn
well as information obtained by the Agency during the
performance of its work.
f./ M.e fl">O-l'l A,.,.,. Ii r..,.m+t'lm- fl ~er k.i"tll.m- 2/ Notwithstanding the fulfillment of the conditions under
rc00&- ""'J':t.? fl.a,fl') rcoo~m-"t i\"7h'ia,'1 fl-I! sub-article I, the Agency shall first ensure that it has
rh'1,f:,0 0Dli'~'1 flfJ':°t,f °7t..-,.,T 1'1\tl·l·11 sufficient reason to conduct the investigation.
fl rrcoo&- P&-?'":f- r,..,.~" 'i:'J')·l- 011-,...,: ·1.11. 3/ The Agency must take all precautionary measures to ensure
A'>Jtm'i+cf:'i fJ':C~·I:") fM·l- hM+ A'1:J>fl:J't'l.'i that the investigation is perfonned within a short period of
:#aA.m-'i A~,:, 'l.e A'>-" .e-rl\- k.i'lll.01- ..,.,1L01-'1 time and is not carried out in a way that hampers the day to
f'J"'):J>-t AC'l°Jf 0001-t'IY: A/1(1-}·11 day activities and continued existence of the organization.
!/ J..J':")(La,- f'/°COD&- ~u&-a,-") O°t,fh'i01-")(I•}• a,:J>•l-J 4/ If. during the course of the investigation. the Agency finds
rh'>J'·l-r rx-c~-1: ,._,:,.r1.:J>t'I. -,,x- ..Al'l'-'17, "~ such violation makes it necessary to suspend the activities
of the Organization, the Director General of the Agency
nrn·a,-r rJ.1:'>fl.m- 'l"'i .i;.et:.h-,.c hY-M· a,c
may give a suspension order for a period not exceeding
'lAIMm ''I.IL r~,.i; ·l·~tlll l\.fl'J' .e":f-'IA:: lfP,''/°
three months. but if the board did not decided with in
PC~ 11/lfl•l· tDC 'IAfli\tn 1,IL a,-fl'J' a,-t,~ t1Afl,n
three month. the suspension shall seize to exist
A1.i;m- +& J!.lf'iA. •
'llt l/;'fU
ii fJ-l·flmm- -r11,), "7flm '}4'<1:J' oo,.-i'.·)· x-,:~·I: }t,V,.~. '} 4/ The Director General of the Agency may order the
f"7J'fl·t-'1hA hl.T'I X-C'l: ·I: 'A '}~.;J-1¥.- 'l"i P, .et:.h·l·~- suspension of the organization if the organization fails'I'} .e":f-'I.AII f''Pli P,_e~h·I·~- m-•U. fl()C~ to alter or rectify its practice after receiving a strict ·
•,A.,..,,., n~cx- fl·)· ,,A;.1-,,. fl4'cr· rMP. warning. The Board will decide that an organization
m-•U.m- fl·t-flm flY'fl·l· a,~·)· m-fl-r "7fl-,.t1h.f' .f'"-'-i'.1 which failed to make the necessary rectifications within
X-CJf.•l- 'A1-'l.'9Cfl tlC-"- .emflli°AII three months following the suspension order shall be
dissolved unless the Director General's suspension
order has been lifted by the Board or is blocked by
court order. '
f;/ fltlC-"- f~i'.fl o>-,.,~ r•t-t'lmfl·l· Y:C~·l· MM·)·r 5/ The Members, Founders or Managers of the
oar~¥":£- ~"-~P'":f- o>-,.,~m- fl·l·(lm MJ 4'1i·l- Organization that is dissolved by the decision of the
o>-fl'r ,},~;J-:fo>-1 llL'-~A h~·t-'i' ~C X- fl•)· Board can appeal to_Federal High court with in 30 da~
following the decision.
"7fi'.11 .e~·'l.t\-11
- ii
81. J2imiwl
'f'i. Dl'h"-LA I/ An Organization may be divided into two or more
ii h.,Y: Y:c)!-+ OOD-t~ '-.t.t' ,.">O· -t.e n-,-ODl\h·l·a,- Organizations upon the decision of its Supreme
, ODIPt.+ OY:CJ!-•I: rn-t.e htJA to-ti>. 11.h-f.4'.A organ in accordance with its rules.
21 Unless stated otherwise in the decision to divide the
J./ OODh4-Lt\. to-ti>. -t.e 011.-t v->.:J- tJA·l·ODl\h·~ o+r.r
Organization, the Organizations that result from the
(lf,.,:.,:t\, r-,.' A.f")~")~ Y:CJ!-•l- r+Y:'l°OJ-
division shall bear the obligations and utilize the
Y:C)!-·l- '\M·l• 0 /~;J-t; OD-fl·)· Ah-A .,-1,4-,e )m-11
rights equally.
11t 1111.ff
~ t:•t.+ ·"""' •'N: fir -."fl.+ r +-, '11JI " ·'" frdtral Nrprit c;.,..,. No 3J 12"' Man:h . 2019 .,.,. · .. ... IIOjl
!/ f'lh.ltf\=t: Y:r.l!--f·"f -t\- M-r~·l- Ml\- >..">~ 4/ With the unanimous consent of all newly formed
f.,.f:.,.m-'} Y:r.~-l- i'lr ,.,, "-_.~ ,."f'\An •
organ11.. tions, one of the newly formed
Organizations may rctain the name of the previous
112. CpQ)'CCl!PA
ii >.1Y: Y:,:~:·,- o--,·~S'.6.r S'.">fl· '\.r. ,1.,..,..11 h·r·m- I/ Any Oreeniz11ion may be converted into another form
_,,,1.-} OY:,:~-1: NM,r. >,,t1A en-,,>. o1S'.II.'\ .,,~~·l· .
of Organiza1100 .,.... so decides in
where 1L~ Supreme ora~n
f:C~·l· ll.t\0>1' .r.°f'\An accon.lunce w11h its ru.les.
fl llm-tn- I\L~V- r-,...:-,.,.m- Y:c:J!:-l- -'fl·l·'i ..IJ!.:,.P•":f· 2/ The riahts and obligations of the fonner Org.inization
IA '}~IJ-V- (lm-(lrq!J:m- fHI<• fl/,.·l·lf:t. and based on their relevancy the servants of those
[/ f•N\a,mm- h~i'I Y:r.~-)- f'IIW h'PJ!- ODl"l.·l· A'>S'.11, 3/ The converted Organization shall be registered again in
OD091Mil ht\f'l·l-• accordance with this Proclamation.
(,h) f'l'-S'.~A h~·I·~ ~Cf: tl..•l· m-lt>. ~m-11 c) The Federal High Court.
I/ ~Cf: tl..•'l- h'}f: f:Cl!-·l· A'}~.LC/I f'°7.CDMON- 2/ A court can dissolve an Organization when;
(V) f:Cl!-•I: f'lh'lf: fa>'J)!A . 1.·C'l,·l· tJJJ','I° a) It is convicted of a serious criminal offence or is
flTS'.,?;JO?. fl-,.'\A tJJ'})!A (IODlt·t-~ T-f.•I·~ repeatedly found guilty of a minoc criminal offence;
\., ... · ..-. .... . .. ,.. -.I
M.fffcc11 or Pl11olutlAP
Iii 01\'">+1.· -,.t .,.,,,1.:t- ~t:~·I• A'> ....'-t:il 1\011"11 I/ Once the dissolutim of an Organizationis ordered as
'Hlt.·ai CP.ll..rm-.,_ n~i·>l\m- n-r.;-.·,- ,1,Ail "'""' per Article 83, the property of the orpnization shall
:'>I\'-'r·} rt: J',trc; A• forthwith vest in the liquidator appointed by the
I/ rh.'°l-0 . h"IUt-f hY:t:~·I: .<¼I\-, ;1c: f•l•.f' ,f'1,-c; 2/ The liquidator shall not perform anr activities other
~~t.m, M J',l•t\, .,..(..SJ>l·') l\"'1,nc;-,.:,. l1Atr'r · than those necessary for its liquidation unless such
Oft-t-+C: hrh.'°Iii "'11111,-•l- CP-"-l.. I\,;\ •l•"'lfl(; activities are within the object of the organizatioo
"'lh'i"a,'). AJ•,l·Ar• and cannot be interrupt~
C./ fY:C:)!--t:·> · MSJ>l·'i" r"/'t:t.fl Y.S'..-,:·> t\"'lf1'i"a,·> 3/ Once the debts of the Organizatioo arc paid and the
r"t.f'IILA',-. dlCJ.l.. SJ>l· ·l·tnr.'+m- h·l·h.&.t\, 0:\1\ costs of dissolution arc settled. the liquidator shall
rh.'°lil l\''16m- l'Y.·t:J!-•I: .,.6 1')Hil a,y,,- •Hll.·l- effect the transfer of the remaining money or
OY:c:~·I: fOD·l·~S'..6.f' S'..')il dlY.r IIY.·t:J!-•li property to another organization in accordance with
fOI\.P. l\l1A 1't.ft+ Y.·'l° ll·l·dJMCP- OD1J•t.•} t\t\,;\ the Rules or a prior decision of the supreme body of
Y:C::t!-·l- A'>~.·Ml\'1: .<'S'..t: ;,Au the Organization.
i./ -mw _h">.,.,.. ·,o-tt ,-..,.~_,.,.. r ou,.-1.-1- n.r.·c:~-11 4/ If the rules or the decision of the Organization's
fOD·l·~S'..M' j'.')il i»y;r nY.·c:~-1: flMY. l\l1A supreme body do not provide. -for a recipient
m-11>. I\J.', ltA·l•ODflh+ cf'6 1')110- o,y,,- 'Hlt.-1: organization as per sub article 3 of this article, the
# ~i·>l\m- W'tdlil'tm- ODU•,~·l- t\t\.l\ Y.·c: ~-l- remaining money or property shall be transtcrred to
another organization designated by the Agency.
A·>~.·l·I\M: J.',S'..t.:,l\11
f;/ f Y.·C: ~-1: f ,h.llil "'1 111~·} p•~JP':f· l\m'i"-,.cf?I 5/ After the liquidation process is concluded. the Agency
0,h.llil h"l6m- m.f'<l!'rl- h.i·>l\a,, .. Y:C:~·I:') shall cancel ~e name of the Organizatioo from its
hDD1f1il Y,(IC: IJA II registry upon the request of liquidator.
'i,/ fll.lJ 11·,-,.1, Y..··>:1·1.JP°;f· A·>S'..·l·mO<II tr'im- 6/ Without prejudice to the provisions of this article when
Uilt.-,.l· rovr rui11.-,.:r. tJilt.·l- fl"tLC:c'l-O·l- Consortiums or c911sorti of consortiwns arc Dissolved
·1.11. +6 · 'Hlt.-,.l· dlS'.. l\'IA Y:C:~+l· dlVr the remainning properties may be transferd to the
Uilt.-,.l· ~·MM• J.',l·l\t\,11 member Organizations or Consertiums.
- 1111.Jt ~ ~--~+ _..,.., .-rr: « --""-+ r ,..., riu, ., _,. F . - N•pril 0 - - No JJ 12"' M - . 2019 - .. .... I I0'4
i/ o,,-,,.,- Y:C~-f·l- -1\- -,..-.-)-~ n.-,,. rtu: tH· If A council governed by I.he fu ll participation of all Civil
OtltJ h1'~ .,.!t'<ft~A• Society Org11niu1ion~ ha~~ duly established by th is •
IJ ~,:-,i\._ r,,-t,c f\.-1:") -,••/,.":'f- •,-q, ,.,n/... A r 2f The Agency shall convene and COOf'dinate the founding
.rft-M•W--A• mcetina of the Council.
r.1 Mlr. n.-1: m~'I ,.q•u , ..,,. M•~M. 11-,_.,.,.. lf The Council ,;hall have a General Assembly. Executive
I\,••/,.,,,. hl\L"l"I. nr,- /\~~If"' ~ ..11. . , .,. ,.
Comm,uee and the necessary structur-- •• The council
rhe n.-1: r~., _,.~~6.r ~.,,., • .-:.-r-r
, •• <·: ""
"' 1hull enact il5 own internal rules.
I/ ~C:Jf-,f-":'f- OrhC R.·I: ,n~'l'I ·1-t)'l f"'ta,ht\-ll·l· 4/ The procedure, for repreaentation of Organizations in
I\C:"J·l- nrh<: R.-1: --6.1' Y,a,flt;Aa the General Auembly of the Council shall be
determined by the Directives o f the Council.
SI The Council shall have the following powers and
(lJ) h~")(La,-J h/\,.,i'l-:,Y.t; hl\.A•l- 'li\Y.-r.2" hl1'1·l· a) Enact the Code of Conduct for the sector, and
_.,c o-0911hc 11c4- Alt-r-i\• rot.1'10,-") devise enforcement mechanisms in consultation
fMs,-,ttc ,.")-Oli .,flL1o-i., flA·l- J'm•'IAI
ll·M'IO~., o.)-cO•l- .eh:J--·l·'IA I
~ .
with the Agency, donors and other stakeholders,
(i\) IJJ":CJ!--f":f- 9°1M'lli hfl-,.~'-C 'l.e i\1.1:">i\.a,-'i b) ~hall advise the Agency on the registration and I
i\llC.IJ. rh~-V.-.-o J'+CflA f administradon of Organizations, I
{,h) IIC#-'1 .,ea,h'IA f J'fl•l-'1-fl~A f c) Represent and coordinate the civil society sector. I
I/ rhc R.•'1 IJ~)!")c\a,, flCJ': a,-/IT Y:CJ!--f°;f-") 6/ The Council shall select three membet"S of the Agency's I
Me11hi\- r .,.a,.,,.l-., .ea-c:niA• board that will represent organizations. I
'/,,/ rrhc n.-11 -111! .-,.. hll'l'l·l- oetr,..,; hM·":f- ih.-re 7/ The source of the council's budget shall be member I
M,..l- .elf'i/:\11 contributions and other legal means. I
i/ l\rhC fl.•I: 0009/.,~•l-'i OD,nli'°flC ~)!')fl.a,- 8/ The Agency shall extend the necessary cooperation for
1.flL'l"l.a>-"J :,.ofl-OCli Y: .?~ ~'9C ,?/:\ II establishment and strengthening of the Council.
sre rm r FTffl zrr:z:nr
- Hil7VZ
· mnsw ~
I/ fl\'i'i..A -,'lOl.MI L ')I: M L_,. ~ 'h·l--, M~ tm:f.-, 2/ The Clvll Society fund shall be used to encourage
6t:1+ l\"701.:1-:1--l·r O-t·l\r.r Al' ,:;,~ voluntttri!lm 111d development in the sector, and
r.1 fl\'i'i..A .,'lOI.MI L ')f: 1fl..m,-, r"l..t>1)'m,,-. J/ The Income of C,vll Society Fund shall come from:
(tJ) httu hf'~ OL-l- hLl.f\. -,'lfll,-•l-'i 1:c:~,r,':(, a) Propcniea obtained from Charities and Societies
r-t-n· 01.Jf:'}(\,m- ,.,,:,. ,-,_,~ 1-ftt.·l-l dluolved bcfote the enactment of this
Proclamation and are under the custody of the
(I\) 0~'}(\,• flJJ', r fl~C:t: R.•l- m,1'1), h°tLC:,\, b) Properties obtained from Organizations dissolved
1:C:~+l- r-t.1~ 1-fll.·l-I by the decision Agency or Court;
(.h) o--,-,_,•..)- I\L ')~ r-t.r.1.-, 1:.,..,l c) Subsidy from the Government to the Fund.
!/ 1:C:~+l- 1\1\.ii.A -,'lflMlil L 1~ _.,.,,.. "7Y:l.'7 4/ Organizations may not contribute to the Civil Society
h'-l-1\.r• Fund
l;/ rnii..A .,')flt.IHI L 11: hfa-t-~r.c:1 ll·f•ODflh·,. 5/ The · Agency shall issue Directives on the
fl. f-t:'lf~ A£ -t-LM,~-l- M£.li6-:fa,- .l.1J- 87. Rcocalcd and IDIPPliflhlC LIWI
I./ rn, ht:6-H· t:c~.,.l-'i "711116-·l- ,..,.~ <11-rc: 1/ The Charities and Societies Proclamation No.621/2009,
lf?;i/fitli fh.·l·r-k ,- f'1°1t: ;,.•1 (1'.,.~ +.-re: .. an.d Article 25. of the Commercial Code of Ethiopia
if~I/HifYI) ,..,.,.,.. t~r n,w h.,.~ -,.·lit..,.An (Proclamation No. 166/1_960 are hereby repealed.
1./ o,w ,..,.~ t1+r.~1·1- ·1-~r-':f .,,: r<>t:J>t.1 "7'1'110>-r 2/ Any law, Regulation, Directive and Customary Practice
;,.-,r r.1-or ooooi',J>T A"7J!: a,J?,r 1'1\6-C: 011.11 contrary to this Proclamation shall have no effect.
. ,..,.~ 0-t-ODflh•l:·l- .,.~r-l- '\J', ·l·LY"U·l-
"J', Ii l.trr'/'8 II
fl. f6W/f7M.f t:'),;:,?.SPJ- 88. Transitory Provi:;ions
1/ fO') 1.t:6-H· J!:C~-f·l-'i "71JO~·l- f°t'ki'a•l-C'':f 1/ The Charities and Societies Regulation No. 168/2009
and Directives issued by the Agency prior to the
rhc O.·l- ,.1-0 4:-rc if~t/liti r A1-"l.o·r J',11
enactment of this Proclamation shall be for one year
,..,.~ ftOP0>-''1·1: llL·l· rn,
>.t:~1·l· t:c:~-r-":f·'i
from the promulgation of this Proclamation in the
"7llfl~·l· .>..1!'11\. J>a,"1:f-0>- OPOPi',J'JP':f- tuw ,..,.~
Federal Negarit Gazette to the extent that they do not
.?C Afaf1A-t-:J>l.'1· Y:l.ft >..,.)t. fl~.,i',·l· .,,,.,,, :J-·l·'fD
contravene with the provisions of this Proclamation.
ha,"lll·l- +1 7.rC' llh1Y: 'JOD•}• J'IJA ~l·L'l"t
J',IJ''i "·"
. •;•'
F•cl«al N•pri< Go.n• No JJ 12"' Mon:~ . 2019 pogc 110:16