Ethiopia Proclamation No 1113-2019

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Proclamation No. 1113/20 19

Organizations of Civil Societies Proclaaution .. . .. .... ..Page I I006

M.'ii.A -,-1cU.l"lil r:c:~-f":f· h'P~ ·u~-: .........................111.·Ilti'i.i

h'.PE ttc in.if!C/liUi fBQCJ AMAJJON NO 11131261 2

M.1tA -,')(ll.C\:fl ~cffJ- h9'E

RA.-l-f-t. ..f' .C.1:.~"\1! .11...-h~I\J''P. :&T-Clll..h ,M-oo"j"/p..-,. WHEREAS, it is found necessary to enact a law to

A ">"'-11-r l't. ·l-f-lr J' 11•1·4>1111~=(:a,- <Jt\r h4>'t: fl"I-Cl<f'P. give full effect to the freedom of association enshrined in the
.-,n.)- ttr,-,,-r-':f· f·l·~:1 '1ma,-·, ~oo'-&-~·l- OD-fl·l- ll·t·~"\ Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
-Ah• ·l·'?IJ&-'P. /\'7Y.:t'.°I ,'h°I Ofa,-,q.-,. 110</i'ILll"l-l · as well as International Human Rights Instruments ratified by

r-,_~-,:.-,. -·fl·-,. 11,l.1 -·J°IP'•I: N ·t'.;J•J,n, /l,l\"°;f• RECOGNIZING, the Instrumental role of Freedom
-..-1-,.:r-·, /\OfllhOC J'/\a,-'j of.¥.~ 11001·,11-tll of Association for the full exercise of other Rights recogn ized
in our Constitution;

tld.1 OD' j'7p••I: 1.' jl'.•l•l'.','110J-T fOD'j"/p••.,. htP~-C:

FIRMLY CONVINCED, that the existence of an
11-,A1'·'1·l-Tll·l"tnJ'cf!'l•l-'i llh...;J·~.'1-l· A'M.ti'ia,'j t\"'7Y.:"-°1
active and freely organized society is imperative to ensure that
r'l.+'i ll'lt'l·l- r-,-~t-1! -,"lll"-fl-tl QIHi:,nc: hilL"\'I, oulJ').'j
government affairs are conducted in a transparent, accountable
and participatory manner;
fl\ii.A -,"lllt'.MI Y..·c;~-,..:f. flh"l&·I: A"7·l-'i ~."l"h~·I\J'"P.
p•C'J•l- '7'1'1:J• J'"\:,:a,- "t'i A'\o-fl•l- ll"7Y:"-°1 f'·l·oo:f.:(- REALIZING , that the creation of an enabling
environment is essential to enhance the role of Civil Societies
rullr. ~:,nr. co..,:S 09tl')-'J 11-t'.~·l-I
Organizations in the development and democratization of the

~;J.6-l- ;>tL"I ;r_-,,+. it!

Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001

R f ·.<-·0 c ,·"'IZl""'G
,, · ,• • the need to regu late c ,,·tl Soc,et ,cs
ff\ii./.\ "7'1flc.1'111 Y.:t; ~,f-:y.') ·f-tn.N:', ·l· >, r, f :fdlc.·f·(IIV)
O,,gani7atiOIU to c-isure accountabili t y and maJ1imwn public
-f•,n_.,_,. ',·'>- ""7c. :n-r >. "J1'.~A j',:t: 'J!., ,f-!f: , .. ~. :fm-1 n,:,.-,
l'CT1efi r fTnm the sect ;
-mc.·l- _,.,,1,.:J·=h1•·'J -~''1tnC 0"· f
CO(, N 17.ANT Of', the im portance of nurturing the
O~il<.·f·(IIJ- H"JJ:' f(I-) >..r.·t,. -)-}- >,(," flM .IC. _..,_~ 'H ·l· 'l~A •,·
cult ure 11f r,t,,fantJ Of'hY and volunteerism in the societ y;
,..,,VHlr; .,1-':'c.'"I hflL'l1. -.r't-1 (1"7dl'"lf
\\'111-:JU'.AS, it i~ found necessary to enact a new law
r,u hf>l!- honiP-"1-1: n,,.,,. 11,r. f' fll't >..r.·1.-·H · to addrcu the sht>ttcom,ngs of the Cha11t1e s and Soci~ties
~r.l!-+l·~- ""7'1CM--l- hf> l!- oft"N: UKli ! f'>IIUl ·">· "J Proc li,mat ion Numher f,2 I / 2009. whic h w as in force prior ro
h°':-f·.P.l· fl-liL "> r-7..f"i'll·A h4.fl ~-, "7n>-"l ·l· the issuance of rh is Proc lama1,on;
11.,fl'-11 ?- I
NOW TUl-'. Mf'.FOJU:, ,n accurdance w ith Art1d e 55/1
O>..+r-k.f' .(.~t.. 'I~ -".~'ht,..fl.f"~ ~-, . --,-,, ...,- h1_,.,.. of' the C1w1st,tuhon of the Federal Democrat ic Republic of
Y~(li) _ ,•• ~+ r-t.h·t-fl,n,, :'""'"·~·.A• f. tJuopia, it Is hereby proclaimed as follo ws:

Sf( UP:'< ONE

1. Short J'Ulc
This Proclamation may be cited as the -organizations of
6.A~cM Civil Societies Proclamation No.1113/20 19...
ft11 ,..,.~ "f't\i'i.A -,-,n~t1-o· Y:c~-r-::y. ,...,,~ +.-re
li'IUifil:!f7f..Ili" ·t--tl/\• llmc/'{) J!.°:f·"A" 2. Pefipitiops
In this Proclamation unless the context requires
I. :,-c=i1 . otherwise:
f :J>f\. ~1'1-<1 i\.'l .-,.c;-,.,- f""l...f'l'l,na,- 11A1.n Ol'l·l·4-c: mw
~'P~ a,-il'I"~ 1/ · ;·Organizations of Civil Societes" (hereafter called

i/ "'fl\.ltA .,..,,u.ll-<1 ~FR" (l:uw O:\'l J!"CR ·Ml/\ 0

' Organization') means a Non-Governmental, Non-
f""l.m&-) -,/\·"I- fl.J>'}il O•ll·"l-C, hll.J' {MJ!, 111.1''1· (lp,:f. partisan, Not for profit entity established at lease by

0'-.+J'.. ''h•"l- f"!,ODU>~•"I- f : for>'}°/ ,µ""I- }\IIA J'/.\1.1'',r two or more persons on voluntary basis and

ll·l-c~: J'A+'k1:oor h"7c;:,=a,-r f 7·fl·l:'1 Y..·t:~·l- registered to carry out any lawful purpose, and
includes Non-Government Organizations,
.f'/:\a,1'1 1t.c; a.:>-e -J'\"'i_., ll"'l1t'1·r -1·001,..,,1
rO<l/.. ·1+1t+11 "''A n1rnr(JD-.f' "'l'lll&-·"1-nr-1111-·n
Professional Associations, Mass based Societies and
"'11}(1&- ·l- '1t. c; f .r.·c;~.,-::,. 'l11~ ,r.:f·'} J!,IJJ,9°&-/.\ I
~-- - ~

- I "l\,c n+.a. -c
._ I'. " -,II. flh.· r-~ J' •l'IT 11Jl',,-
r - ~ ~ ..... JJ
2J ·· 1.oc:_.
1! ' - . i.1• - IIOOII

0,...• means a civil society organ,.zat,on

hh.·l-r-1t .r .,.,_.. ... .-~ , ..1,.1 11-,..1,. ,t- Ott.U ,._-,
-···t:·l- flh.·l·r-1t.r-r.,1, flh.~·r-1t.r ~•1. ,..,.~ ,. . . . . formed un.ttt die lawt o f Edliop;a by Ettliopians,
f0ft i(l11CU ru i~m m Ftfliupia or bo(_h;
1\11: IL'>':f· e,.r- th,-11-,. "h-Jtt'JH· II: •'- r-f·<Jttt-
~,:~-l- M-1

t/ "f..... ~.Jlt+" .,,.+ fl•"'I• l\'tf: ...., -H•~,)-

JI hFw•lt• Ora•"'~••._.. m eans a non-aovttnmcn1al
f•f•,t,t~ fll\.+r-1t ·" -./'l"f' .,._,.""' M. ">+.-.+n oraani,.a1ion formed undff 1hc lawii of fo.-c-ian counuies
_.,.,,_._-,.4t .f"A1n 1:-f:~+ ~--r
and rci,llletw 1o operate ,n Ecll,op,a;

f/ "ffl-t "'-':,4-,+ ~~- -,,..)- ""'~<\'\...- U11i1 .,,.,,- 4/ ··Char1tabi. Orp•lzaCloa" means an organ ization
IIM-1-'-' •1"> .-.v... +-, >.~ >...:-,:, f·t·,t,t..- .t:-1:~-l- ealabliahcd w,lh lhe a,m .:A' wurluna for the in1ant of
~l acneral public: or lhird P¥'Y.

1.N-e-~ ~ - .-,"+ I\')~') -.f" -u·~·l- a-,_,..~., 5/ .. ProfeHlonal Aaaocuitloa"' means an Organization
r+tt.- ~~+ l\tnl' .,"_,.,. rl\'l"·I:"> -·fl·l-'i formed on the basi, of a profeuion, and its_objectives

~ .,,..,.i.,: . .,-~ .--.-~-.r"7flf:'l .,... l:.'71' fh'l"·l-'J may include pr()(ecting the rights M1d interests of its
members; prom()(ing profeS1iooaJ conduct. building the
I\~ _,,,...,- A'l-1.11-r- n-.r:,:_. l\~11-fl'i l\h1t:
liit-f""PA·, -,y_.,=-,-,_ l'""T.~rr. ~-I capac1.1,es
. of members °'
mobilize professiooal
contributions of its mem~,p to th e commUD ..
. . rtv
. : .-. the country;·
I/ ~+· -,,..,- U-h•l-'i fUl..f' fM.e 1111'). Y:C:~-f.":f·
.6 / -~Consortiu..:_.. means a grouping formed by two or more
r-tttr flilllil. I\U''Jf .• f'l-fl~-l- . 'l-fl~-r-l•'J
. civil societies Organizations, and includes coosortia of
. Society
7 I --Board" means the Civil . . .
Orgaruzauons Boacd
I/ ..flCI:-" -,1\·l- 1111.11 ,_-.,.~ aelPt!·l- r-1-,e,,e,-- rl\ii'.A
,., ··,- ·established in accordance with the provisioos of this
-,-,(1~1')-fl r:r.~+":f· ~~·Jct flc;,J!• )1&I
, .,. Proclamation; .- : .- .•
~Nnct: M-f-444'" -,,..,- ,.,.,., i.+Y: W'Y..«'n'-1:1.:,:i=-
8/··Sector . Administrator•· means a Government body
r..-~ 11r.i:::J· """-()-,{. .Y:c:'J!-+":f· r ,,...~ , ..+Y:
mandated to issue licenses foe Organizations operating
fH'!l')-r A'i •Mfl01-'J - .f't: ~-l-·l-A 'i ~-;"': M.«',:.c;-,
in seetors that require special licensing and to provide
-·1-,p•,:l·'r. 09p•~.f' IL•l- ~m-1 __ , _.
appropriate technical follow up_and support;
II/ ..A tt t:.:#'I: -,,. ·l- Oh 'I~- n~. 'l,e "aol')-,~-l- 011"7
9/ ..Special Ucense" means a license given to
•=.+Y: 1-·1.-:.-,,.,~'-A? ,.,..,,." mr~ ·1,11. mw fl~- 'l.e
participanlS on certain activity when prescri~ by law.
h-1')-,~-l- r-tl')-r f'-.+J!· Al',H· ~,o-1
10/ ··Agency" means the Civil Societies Organizations
II -~"k\• -,,..-,. 11,w ,,.,.~ --~-l- r-1·,t,,tao,... rn'ii.A Agency established in accordance with the provisioos
.,.,,,~,.,.,, Y..·c:~-,.-:r- ~.7.·,n· ~m-1 of this Proclamatioo;

Ml iirH --,; i ltF & - a

• aru
~ •....,. ... ·""'"' •'Pf: flt ...."1.-t· r f>'J flHI , .,-

J .. ¥PAC eC AoWketJu
i/ '-11 h'f'~ O"'lh-l·l\--l- "'- -,.,.f'"'l. /'.1F'o"A>-
I/ Th i1 Proclamation lhall be applicable 10:
(U) •nu•h•l-,; ,.,,._,. n"',. n,r,.. hAl\·l'· O"'l l+l't+l\-
~r.J/!,,f,'.f,1 •> i7at iont operarina in two o, more regional
(I\) n,,...,_.. ~·t:J/!,,f,'.f·I b) f"on ia,t Or1anizarion1;
( ,h ) ""'" ......
h1,:, O"'l l+l't+I\- rt":" c) Org.aninrims fftabli8'1ed in EOliopia co work on
"'",."--~' "'O·l·lt'lt'-
",."-·~ ..,,..r •Mr A+f.~ •M-,1
1\11: -n-,.A ~1:J!,,f,";r,1
lnremational. Rc11onal o, Sub Rc,;onal iuues «
noc op«ate abroad;
(-) Oh-I.fl 1'fl'I .. ,.r IIJ:"'-~1" h·I·-, Al'l•l·~l!.t: d) Or,anizarlons operllinl in rhc Ciry
O"'l ">+4'+1\- ~t: JI!,-,. 'f· I Admini•tr11ion of Addis Ababa « Dire Oawa;
<1·"> "'-~-l- -,.,to-,.)- , ~...,t••:u1.... n, >i.t.·4'-·-t·l- ancJ,
~cJl!,-,.l·r e) Chari111ble Or,anizations utablished by

I/ l\tl.11 I\">+• I\'\-, U-1\-l-', fUl..t" O'\,- IIU"'), hAl'\•':1• rcliaiowi ln11irurions.

t""'l ,.,.,..<H)
~t:Jl!,·l- .,ll·l- r-t·lt',t-o-l-, .,.,. iM- 2/ Fo.- lhe purJ>OK of th~ _ _provision Orpnizaliona
u-1\-l-,; ht&.J' n'\,. nan- hAl'\•l· r-tft~ r ,t°!, flf') operating in two or . more' re&ionaJ suces means an
fl.c:' 11-1\•l-',· htt.J' 11'\..e lllf''), hAl'\•l· h~:.p. Organization which implement iu main mission in two
l""'l ,_,.,...,.,._ r_ ,t"'( rlf''), . A'l'\•l- U-1\ •l-', h11..r ""'- or more regional staces. an Organization which have its
011''), hAA-';f l\i!C:,f, M"I+ ...+.-. 01,-r f'l"ltlil permanent office in two oc moce regiooal stares. an

.,,..,.1fl-nII~ *"'l Olf') -nx· U·I\·-,.,; h11..r n",. Organizacioo which have pennaneoc mcmben and
operate in . two or more regiooal states oc an
Olr''), hAf\•:J'- _
r -tfl~ Y.;C:~·l- )OJ-11
organizarioo which collects fund in two oc more
f./ ,.u ,..,.~ UoY.t,-r-11.-l- "'- ·.,.'- ~ AJ.'.lf''Jr,- regional states permanently.
<ll) nv,.-r;-·>- -1-,t-,-l- 1 I
(II) m,~i:r'A-1:il', _,.,A ·IJ,'M'P. 11-flilfl'f· I · 3/ This Proclamation shall not be applicable to: I
a) Religious Institurions; I
(,h) ""--" ;,.-, -,~-~-">- n-1·,t,t- ·l·'l:'7·>-11 I
b) Edie, Equb and similar traditional Institutions;
c) · Organizarions formed ~der other laws. I
)H:A I
M'il'.A-.,1"~"11 ~Cff?f U"h\ I
4. Eatehlishmcnt I
J/ fl\.ii.A _,,-,fl~ftil Y.;C~.P.'f· 1.~"11\ (IIILIJ O:\'\ I/ Agency for · Civil Societies Organizations I
">.;J!"II\" Af>·l-111\ l'°ttn~) f..l.-, t,01-H· J"l\m- I
(hereinafter referred to as the ..Agency-) is hereby I
f~J:~t\ _.,..,.,,_.•.-,. oop•l;J" IL•.,. IT'i fllLIJ ltf>~ I
established by this .Proclamation with its own legal I
•l·,t'+.-=tA • I
personality and as an Institution of the Federal I
Government. I

-------iiiiiia I
Ilill.!i Ftdnl Ncprit ~ No.JJ 12"' Ma~h.2019 pap .... . ... 11011
2/ The Agency shall be accountable lo the Federal

Attorney General.
~. f_AJ'.:'.}ftco- '¼'\-,p,'f ~- Oblccitrca oC Che Aecu,x
A1:'}I\CJJ- f"'l..h-t-1\-·l- CJ'l-,sn':f V:''<-:"A•- The Agency shall have the following objectives:

I/ Create conducive environment for the full exercise of

AI 01\..,.-'1..~ ;,.1--'}'7,••-l·'i" 1\.-l·r-k.t' Lr:-,
freedom of association in accordance with the stipulations
0-N-nl\~::fm,, «JM• J\-,.\: flr'r'l.f.':f _,,•1.·l-
of the FDRE Constitution and International Agreements
f-~6-1.'. ·l- -·11-l- 0-t-"'.l'\ tM,:" >. "> ...l..?'l'f'
rot.t>fl":fl\. ,-=,: 1.H,:" snl·"> ~mr: I ratified by Ethiopia;

f./ ~c~-r-":f n-t--,nn·O·l- CJ'1"7 _,.,kl· .,•.1,.:fo,-"> 2/ Ensure maximum public benefit by supervising whether
-,h'i'ro'i'=i:tD-') Ooeh:J..t-A 'i" OoP... ''ltnG orgunlzations carry on their activities in accordance with

f;,.-fU.-t-tlO·') f'\+ -t-m:•-U·l- -,1.:,'M'I their rcgiHlercd objectives;

f/ .t!-c~+l- J\~:r:tD- ·» .Vl">Ml·l-'i' -f•Abt1M:11>·'} 3/ Build the capacity of organizations to enable them to
0-fl..-,.·l- >. '}.C:.rotn- -,fl~A I accomplish their objectives effectively;
!/ O'l-flt:-t-tltl- fl").t!- rO"> J\.t!-t',.')•l- A'i" 0"> 1,...-,.J:.~'l·l· 4/ Fosler the culture of philanthropy and volunteerism in the
'1.l.A A")-':.~ -flC -,.t!-<'.°11 . society;
l;/ ~c~+";f l,.11:1-k flfH -JAX-'1-l·'i'" A'i" ·l-tnJ'-1:'l·l- 5/ Encourage and support organizations to make sure that
ftul,.',O·l- fa>-flT h.fl·l-~'-C 'At; h.fl6-C 1.'}.<;,r,-6,,:,:a>- they have internal governance systems which ensure
-,cU..;J-:J-•l-'i" ov'-1~1 transparency, accountability and participation;
"i,/ n~c~-f-":f'i" 0
(IOD'} J,u,-l- ovt1hA 11,.<;'C . f"t.1'la>-'} 6/ Put in place mechanisms to strengthen positive wodcing
DDAtir f p>t;. °1T1-'l-l· 11..J'tn'i"h<- rot.":ft\- relations between organizations and the government;
h.f"l6-C":f'} 0011c;,:,..1
?./ /\~C~-f-";f ft:-fl <f:TTC'i'" h.fl-t-~'-C flC'H· •MO.CD-'} 7/ Support the Civil Society Organization Self-Regulation and
"" . .
self Administration system .

i. fA;gJt\a>: ,u,AnfX 1:°1'1t:--l- 6. Powers aPd Functions of the Avencv

The Agency shall have the following Powers and Functions:
A1: '}l\m- rot.h-t-t\--l- ,u,A '!J'}'i'" -,.-,qt;.:,. J!. <;<·:J-A ,-

A/ 011.u h'P~ ooi»t::-l- ~c~-f-":f") oooo-n1-f11 oo,:_1 fi!T 1/ Register Organizations and support, facilitate and

,u,t;.:,:ro-'} "'1"1/\T'i" "'lfl-,.'IOCI coordinate their activities in accordance with this

f/ ~ c ~.,_":f ,u,6- :,:a>-'} n;,..., h °1'1-t'I
/\"'l<'..?"JT hftl..''} h-l--l·A'i" cl?TTC "'l~<'.°II
2/ Monitor and supervise Organizations to ensure that they
undertake their activities in compliance with the law;
Fodenl Ncprit 0 - No.JJ ll°' M-, 2019 .,... ........ 11012

3/ Examine and the annual activity and financial reports of

organizations cooduct the necessary follow up in accordance
with the stipulations \Dlder this Proclamation;
§/ r:c~-,.':f .,A~~.+,. +mJ'-t~+, f°'tJ'~.,..,... ,,,,.,.,.,. 4/ Provide the necessary support to organizations to enable
Ari-,.11,,_c ",_ ,~,._ Ari-,.11,,_c ,••c'J-l- A'> ...<rlr¥m- them to have S}'Btems of internal governance and self-
Afl,tA"l.m-1 r: -~ -rim+,_ -,.L M. H,') ""h:,.i·A I regulation that ens\D'e transparency and accountability and
to work toaether towards implementation of the same;

~/h-t-/\h:l-lf!• rhAA -,-,11.+--l- A'1"-l- •.:C: n-..·'llll: 5/ Collaboration with concerned regional government bodies,
OAi&-t: fD-i'IT' .-r.,+.-.+f\. r:cJ!--r-l-, <fl-r<:, establish an information center that contains data on the
r+t't-,~'llf!m-1 hAc\~l-,. r ,··~ m:~":f-r number of organizations operating in the country, sectors
r+m.+-t_,-.:,::r:..,., A,. rA'lc\·:lJC¥m-", iltt·l- M" ~A and realons in which they operate, the number of their
-~){JP':f r-t.e11 r-~K -,6hA -,~~ A">llu·r beneflciarie1 and members; analyze and disseminate the

M,w, -~KP-l- _.,.,.,.,,. n.,11111,. n~~-,~ A.-.·l·t- aame through newspapers and websites;

6/ Organize regular fOl'W'ns for consultation between Federal
I/ h~~A,_ hhAA r--,-,p,,)- A'1"-l- A'J-".o•r.
and Regional Government bodies and <;ivil Society
h~C)!-,f.':f .,C ,t""t frhhC OD~~fl':f') -,,,,,,:..)-J

'i,f ~kH:') /\-m"1-l- hllCi: hil+~~&r':f .?C tl-l·iHIC 7/ Work in collaboration with sector administrators in carrying

09p~.:t-l out its responsibilities;

ti r:c~".f oe")?F+ fl°tJ'a,trJ=t!m- :r/\Ja.r".f,. iM".f 8/ Encourage Organizations to actively participate in the

f~:I" -,.,..+'-°= "")-'lJ'l:.C1- -,n~;J-;1-.:t-I -· development of policies and laws by the Government;

ii/ ~C~".f OM&i: Jl'Ph~I\J''l! i'IC~·l- -i1'1:J.1il-fl'J'l! 9/ Conduct research and advise the Government on the role of
--fl,f.':f "rfl:I" A'i fA-,-l- A'J:t-fl:l"t\ J''l:fm-') "t,_ . Organizations in the protection of human rights,
Aflo-Ah,f. -,.-,fla,.') ~-l- -,f)i~'i OD')'7p,-)-') democratization and development activities of the country;

I! r:c~,f.".f MJ'h'im-.S:::fm- fA-,-l- F~P'".f OD")-,p,-)- 10/ Develop policy guidelines to ensure that the development

h°"I..J'tD"l:fm- fA"7.:t- i>:t-P.".f :,c f+"JflJOO- "1-'ltr'I- activities \Dldertaken by Organizations arc to the extent
possible aligned with the development plans issued by the
MJ'°lll- r:rta.l\ oaoa&J>sP°:f'J -,,,_-,,:-1-1

Ii/ 1.-,q-0~+ 'l'l:fm- .li">':f iaM1~P.':f "7i.~ rmq 11/ Without prejudice to the provisions of relevant laws, to

r-,.,.~110,, ,_,,..,.mo+ tr-r rr:c~-f".f"> oa+~'-&J' exercise the powers of registration and authentication of

j'.')()".f'i -,ij"ifJ'fP,::fa,,'} -,~:,fl"i ODOD1f1-fll documents with regard to Organizations;

m mt·o:az : nrr en• »rltttl MNSttrlM1'Mlil;Ftl:9dt'tl\ftr:ece««a&z 1 nm
. *"'·

1..u... ~ • ."IL"I •-re « - .'>fl.+ r +l Ill.II ~.,- ftdenl ~ 0 - - No.Jl 12• Man:h,2019 poge .... .... 11013

HU fh1A'71\~·l· h\:.f's»l·"> n,w ,...,.~ onu•t.-l· fl'"l.m"l 121 Coiicct fees for the services it renders in accordance with
.-:. "),O ODl"l-01"1-0 I the rate to be !!"proved by the Government;
I)/ Own property. enter into contract, sue and be sued in its
IC/ f">-Ot.·l- 'lllfl.·l· -.,-, r at-A. ort<f''f'A r 0/r l\- ,..,..
own name; and,
DDhl"l/l', DDhl"li'II
14/ Deicgate, w h en l't deems necessary, the powers and
HY hi'IL'l1. 1,.._ l\.rn·trt- n,w ""~ M·l"lm-·l·"> ,-.Ani">,.. fun ction~ given to it by this Proclamation;
-l·'"ll'Jt.--l· 11/\.l\~l, ,\t1'1-l· Om-hA '-,' 09/lm·l · I

If./ ,\i'IL'l1. ~ f\.f''J)"tp- flr·l·'1m·9'" rMt.-1, t,~:A I '5/ Open branch offices anywhere pai't of the country as it

-l-C">""'1.~ _._,.,6.f' n.-,.:-r--, oehL·l· I deems necessary;

I'i./ n11c+. nm1,:A. .(-r.1.-l- r-1-11· 1·>1111 a,~,- ·,111.-l··> 16/ Work in ciosc cooperation with the relevant Government
~."J'I{" }\(IDBI)/\• -,~(.,fl', 'f'iiJc:•f-~',•}•") 11111111 Agencies to prevent money laundering and the financing
DDC JI,-}-") l\09h'lhA. r"i...f'fl":f-fl. _,,••~s,>":f•") of terrorism;
h°t,DDl\h:J-!fa,- f09")ftli'l·l- "'•'l·l- .?C 11-l··fl-OC:
17/ Prepare a list of iiquidators and monitor their performance
I'l.! ~c~.,-::f fl.LC(}. fJ, h/'16'1·l- f°t.J'11l'71\- · in the dissolution of Organizations;
l'Jll-.fP':Y..1 11c11c "'111~~-l-'i ,,....~:fan '1'7'10·
-,h'im'i:fm-") DD.f.fllmCI 18. Administer the Civil Society Fund established by this
Jg/ 011.U h!P~ f-1-!(>!(>oua,-") ff\'if..A "'1~01.MI L ")J!: Proclamation;
19. . Promote a culture ofvolunteerism and voluntary activities
lfi/ ffJ1 .L..4-~~'1-l-'1 'lmA'i 1,"):,0(1.,4>(1,. "'101.;J-;1--l-If(J') and disseminating the same; an~
.L:J>~ ~'1-l- fJ-1-DDl\h-l- fi'IC~-l- i'I~ oo{}~-}-I
20. Undertake other activities necessary for the achievement of
fi/ -,.~°7m-'1 l\"7i'IL~'r f°t,i'ILA'I- I\.N>°:f -l- /'l~-l-
its objectives.
7. Organization of the Arcnsv
I. r>..J:Jt"t,a,- A~ The Agency shall have:
a/ Board;
(U) tlC~ 1 · bl A Director General and as may be necessary Deputy
(I\) (JOD")?ll -l- f"t.i'I"'r 'P'i JI, ,et.h-1-C ). c; ). ") ~ Director Generals to be appointed by the government;
1\IIL~'l,'rl: 'rh-l-A 'P'i Jl,_et.h-1-C'°:fI A'i and
c/ The necessary staff.
(,h) ""....&-m- 1\t1L~1. f'lf}, ,P~-l·V-":f: vr~.;1-A11
- kl.'-A ~.v.+ ,.,.,,. •'N: C -.'If\.+ r +-, Ill.JI , .,-
II ~trmhcca pf cbt: B91rd
. 11014

i/ fie: 4- n..h I/ The Board shall have Eleven members composed of:
" c. ..·" -- ........~ . M.ftf,,.. l\"1,. J..·t,: l\t'M·l-
n .. r ., ,.

,.,r,c.:J-i\.t- a) Three representatives of Government bodies,

(II) n,n~"" l\.+R. .,,. r-r.ttr... ,,..".,. ,,.,.,.,".,. deRianatcd by the Auorncy General ;
69 "
"6.f IL.P.l• ...•••r-l·I . . d by the council
b) Three rcprcacntauvc1 des11V1ate
(It) Oc\itA -,<1 Y:c:~+l· rhc: R.·l-,,.. of Civil Society ion1;
t''"·l- ...•coltf-l• 1 k. of
c) One expert knowledaeable in the ~ ings
(m) Oc\itA. -,'lOt.l"lil p•t. •Mfl.m- IHD-+·l-'i' Arr.• civil society, to be appointed by the Attorney
.f"tim-'i' 0"7A il.+·l- flm-l-'\r. o.+n. ;,.·,- r"'ti"'r General on the basis of his/her competence;
l\")Y: flti'P ,1
d) Two m~mbcr1 from National Federation of
Disability Associations, who have the
ffr a,J.'.r -M·l-~ Mfl'-•l'i' -,,n',.ht: AV-Y:'i'
experience and capacity to enhance and
l·A•:J· .r-,=,:.,_-, 11-ti•r I\IM•l- fl~ •.-.=,:a,- h'1•1A
stregthcn benefit and engagement of all
-,.,4+7fl· -,un~·l- -t1Y~1! 4'-~'if•tl
I• disability commwiity;

ht&.+'::f·'i" ta"l+l· -,u,,~.-,. n~.-.:r:m- "'-<lJl'J!·l- e) Two Members rcpercscntcd from Women and
MmhA- u·ti·l- l\fl'\:l-- i,_ Youth Associations by their own suucture.
I/ rt1c:Y: 11q-,.-,.· hf·r11m-r <J.r,;~·.-,. .,.,..,.,,; ~, nODtn
· P'~=,:,..-, n-l-·n-t-'i" o:,...,:S~·l- .«'h'i"a,·'i"A· " 2/ The members of the Board shall undertake their
responsibilities in good faith and with integrity free
r., f(lC~ t\.+Olt')OC: Om:,01\J!, (),.,.0. ;,,·,- Mi\'r c\1n from any external influence.
f p•~ flOD"l-9'" ¥'il-l- 'JOD•l- J!,IT'i°/AII 3/ The Chairperson of the Board shall be elected by the
Anorney General and his term of service shall be 3

I. ftlC+ eA'915' 1:"79~:t (three) years.

flC-'S- Mh-t-1\-•r· r1A11nc; •t·'7fl~·l- J!,'i"r•:J•As- 9. ro»·crs and functions of the Board
The Board shall have the following powers and functions:
6/ fOD'-~~ •l- 09-tl•l-'t I.L~t.r 0-,")Atl-l-'i" IIHC:f.
·,t·m •.,."t~·l-'J. 11°'U::>"M' t.11.· 1'.~'k\m-
f .li-tlt.•NHI 1/ Set policy directions for the Agency with a view to

f"'l.DDMl:f-m-·t f ?"t\.c\ h:,,n,-,.s,,:f. J'il-H°"JAI ensuring the fu11 exercise of freedom of association
and to ensure public benefit;
I/ 'l''i" P. J!,~h·t·"r· 11"!.l"l,nciJ- m-1\>. '\J!, 011,U li'f' ~ 2/ Hear appeals from decisions of the Director General
001Pt.•l- .-r.+cn- y,-,q7fl·'I J!,ODt.r~A.1 a»-la). in accordance with this Proclamation, sets up an
J!,IPIIIAll'iil'-.'\'I, IJ''i c\J'1°fm- ·1-P.f.') f°!,ODI.V-C independent complaint review committee as
1t\A•t·21· 1.0.·l::J· '1 1116 ti°!.1: J!,(IJ!,-,A 1 fl"t-tm- necessary, and give administrative decisions on the
11°!.J>+Cllm- rm-la>. Via-ti ODIPkl-r I.M·P.'-~"- basis of the recommendations of the Committee;
m-la>. J!,il 11l1AI

SSCQJ? · : CiXI 1

'Ill" Iill.Il v.u. t:•1-+ _.,..., •-rr: « - ."'fl.+ r +-, r11.n , .r Ftdrnl ,.,pric c;...,. No.JJ 12"' . 2019 p11e ... .... 11011

r.; rMU::1' ~"II, ti"t;&;ro-") M1M: rtmi'I") Of'(TDl,J' 3/ Issue Rules of procedure for the Complaint Review

.f'ro"IA ~L~1.-') .eh:J-MA I Committee and follow up its implementation;

~/ n,w hf'~ o•m•t.-l- ~r:~-f·l- .,..1,.:fm·') 111\"l•W· 41 ls~uc Directives to enable organizations to carry out their
>. ·M..f'h'i'm-'t- f"'t.('i'll·t'I· --/..f'S"l·1 .f'm"IA I ectivit1C8 in eccordance with this Proclamation;

SI Examine and approve annual eclivity plans and reports

'f,;/ n,•t; ~ .l',t~h-f-<. r'T. _,.,:-o,H·1 ,.,,..:M~ r .,..,,. {l:J, .l':'i'
submitted to it by the Director;
1,7 ·r.·l- -r.,-~ .f',.~ .... /:\1

ti/ ..,.._ ~ .l'.i'ehi"~'i N-h-t·A 'f'._ .II .f.t..h·f·r.':f· f .,..,,. 6/ Evaluetcs the performance of th~ Director General and

· ~L~,.,- Of" .l'.1""..,..,AI f..,,..1'"1,n·'l 111-,n.·l· Deputy Director Generals on a regular basis, and, based
on the rcsuli.., advises the Deputy General Director to
•·~-l- n-,.~~-, 'f'._ -ll.'-t..h·H· ro.t',9'" 9'"h·l·A 'f'',•
Improve his performance; and
~ .l'.t..h~ }v••t,-<-1 >. 1·'l.f'l'l'",1 A _e..,.t,/,.f:\ I

ii lift; ".et..~ M...,.r:O·i\-'t-, /\..l\-":f- ·1-~r-":f- ooc:rr: 7/ Decides on other matters submitted to it by the Director
J?,tDll'iA• · General.

I· fflC-". h'M+ tel- Jf'J"l

10. Ierm of Office of lbe Board Mcrohen
6_/ t'(lCJ': h'l'IT f ,.,&- HOD') V'il·l- '¼DD•l- 1\11'') i\J',,')~
I/ The term of ftice of the Board members shall be 3
•f-1.U...,l, t'.,.,&-, JIOD') 1. ')~1.. t\.00{.(llo .l'.T'li\-11
(three) years. Members may be re--elected for one
additional term of office.
f./ r P&- IIOO't- f}-,i\<f: 0.l.·l- ODA.,.:,. MLA 0 / rnc~ J

2/ A member of the Board wishing to resign before the end

1\'IA 1'.f'<ta,-') i\llC~ OX-,lr~ (l"'lfl.11 OD/;\.,.:,,
of his term of office may do so by submitting a notice
in writing to the Board;
t/ mw ,....,.,., '>0-11 1\.,.,., 6._ 'IJ?. fTODi\h-f·a,- n.,...c,,.. ._._,,
IJILU ,...,,~ OD(l{.,l- ff't(lfODa,- fOD~ODl,.fa,- lf.C 3/ Notwithstanding sub-article I of this article, from
among the members of the first round Board to be
llCY: hoD'J"lilT OOM,J' O...,.":f h"'l.t'lfOO- h'l'l-l- h'>Y:
appointed as per this Proclamation, one member
h'lA >.-. ho.ii.A "'IUOl.1'111 ~C~..,_':f 1.'>~V-'r (lh'1A
appointed from governmental bodies and one person
1-"T71'':f ,_._ ll...,_'f-._ tD''l..,_T h"'I.M'r h'l'l-l- oo'1hA
appointed from Civil Societies Organization as well as
flt'>Y: 1\'lA nm:,O'll(m- fV-1\-l- 1.'l'\-l- fil&- HOD'>
one member appointed from disables and women and
llh&-T >aoo-l- .l'.11''.Ass fil&- 1100<;:fa,- lll\&--l- hODT
Youths in general two members shall have
rr.n 1\'1'1-l- nY:?"'I. t\.ODl.m- 1\.e':f-11.r .. membership term of 4 years. Boar.d members who have
membership term of four years can not be re-elected.

jatttDfflF 5@73
l 'V; . 7$ 1 - . <.·· . ·++<
I •
. '+,;;;'i i/::'.,,-·aS d
••• - ~ • • ;;;; " ' , iii..:wi ' WIIViFZI . u ta.•• -

11t 1111.R u.u. ~ ...,.... ·'"" •"": fir • ,'Il .,._ r f"t Ill.ti , .,- 11016

•1 11,w ~,.,.,..
'°"" A">+•· r -cv.·l-
M~·,,.. r~. 1\/,.·l -
11...«;'lf•r,.,.n- A-+
4 / The board members to be appointed as per sub-
article j of mis Article who will serve for term of
office of 4 years lhall be identified at the time of
r,,,:~ h'M·l- ,.,.,,.t..rnm•'\,. 1t.+n. .,.,. f\l'J.,,. ,) , dlcir appointment by Attorney General.
fl"'T.+c:n-o,')- ·,.fl r.f\,f'"·"
II. ~ M ' l~ ~ , t I I, Meed Pl trwrd1rc1 o( tk RAICd
Iii fl 1t:4- A.,,,__">Ot: f(lt:4-l l\ilM ,,,,./,.A• II The mcetinp of the Boetd shall be chaired by the
A.,,,.,,.,o" tt.,,.,'1n~
1.IL nMtM• r -1·1'1- ChairperlOfl "'· in hi• ablence, a person dcs•platcd
Att.-~ t..-•,h'l'-."il~•l ,,,._,,-,,..• ~
by member• 111 attendall« ,rom a,nona• themselves.

I/ •~ "'-"•t-t~ ,:r• f-«')(I~~ .,.1,~ 1tvr1... 2/ The Director Gcmual of the Agency thall
RflC:4- IHIM 4\J.\ l','H-4-A• panic,pac.e 111 moctinp of the B<Matd u non-

r1 tC\C4- .,.,.n._. n-cw1 nro-1t~ •<· r•,.t,v.Y.· n.,n vuc ina member,

· A,AA.--~'l"l.~ia f'flC:,._ A.+-lltt: aJJ',r htlf:Y.· 3/ The rcaular mmina of the Board shaJI wee plau
~QH• ~')$!' M-t-~-- tamr• hll.U "~" 1.t&. hM:i...r. once every two month. It may. hO'liever, conduet
'-iWl~':'f-') 11...r1.c:-, 1',':'f-'lA• . ,....._. son of
extraordinary meetmp where the ..,,._,rpcr
the Board or 1/3 (one third) of the members 10
I/ r,u, ~.,.,.;. J!'') •.,.,.,,,.':'f- A'U.·t-,nn41 ar~.. tlC:-4-
r~, f/l"lWl p•~-P•C:'f•} --t;, 11.,J'a,IIJ · request. .
,.':'f-'\A• >
. •
. T'· 4/ Without pcejudic:e to the pcov.i5ions of this Article,
, , .. _ the Board may pccscribi its own rules of pcoccdw'c
of the meeting._.
II. ttS ~ .e.h:K- e:A"PS' -,..,qc . -j· '12. e~~~, ao4 f)iocJioos.qfgbe· Wcesrw Gtou&I

ii 'f>li ~,.~,~ ·l·mt;~·t: l\m•4'.r. tl.+R. ;,.-, ar~r . ;.,__ I/_ The Director General shall be accountable to the
hflc~ ff"'t"'nm- 1un,+4\,r. -aet;r aeu,t:_,}- Attorney General. He shall direct an_d manage the
fA.~'Hl.•"> ~"t;.!P°;(· ,r.aet;.A.1 ,J'/)·1·,.Y.·t;.AII · activities of the Agency in accordance with the
general directions given to him by the Boacd.
I/ fllU :A'l+X- '}O-" l\'}+A· (i) 1un.•4'.r. M:YIC: 2/ Without ~ejudice to the generalities of sub-Article
A'},.,t-mll+ ar~r 'r'i .-s,r..~h·I·<·• - (I) of Article, the DirectOf' General shall:

(ll) IIIW NI'~ ,\A.)!'Jl'\.a>- f·l·ittn••l-'l ·~··AIIJ'J'i a) Exercise the powers and fWlclioos of the Agency
.,--,qt;.,}- flp•t;. 4\Y, ·J>a>-4\AI · specified W1der tlus pcoclamatioo;· ,;

\, , '.• . b) Prepar~ the ~nuaJ work plan and budget of the

Agency; .,. , . . . , , :
c) Effect expenditures in accordance with the
(,11) a-1·~+'-at- fA.)!'Jl'\.a>- fp•t;.'i IIJ!•l- /wY.·
appcovcd work plan and budget of the Agency;
aewl,,}- 1')11-(1 C0"-1. J''-C:."IA.1
1- - - -. . . .- . , 11:a:1:lli:•slilltai~
1 iiiilc11··1&i6rlilii
· iiii ,a.r.
- 111~LC ·••··i!ilfa11111Miotti· i-il!l:ltrlO!liiF••••..-v•
' a.wa••...,..,.-,,.,.,..._______ _

- IilUI
I..U4I. ) •.,,... -"'"' ~

(OD) hY'i'li·\" 011'-

«' •.""-,t. f +-, IILII , .r

.">C 0"1.J:.~"7 -,-,~=J:o,-,- -,n··'t·l·

r,_ ,..,... ~ No 33 11° Mottlt , 2019 ..... .. ...... 11017

d) Represent the Agency in all deal ings with third

~,:'}c\,n,--, .,_roh'IA I parties;

e) Pteplll'e the activity and financial reports of the

("') r~J':'lc\m-., r.,,,1,. ~LJt,.,-"i '·"."Iii ~;,·c:+
,f>fl.?'JCAI Agency;

(c'.) r~,:'}c\,a,--, ,..,,.-,.'t'.f- 1'1..J:./,.A c\ltA f'11:l(i'1 f) Hire and adminisler employees of the Agency in

.ll,'.f-., -c'.,.f'-~ ~'1.,.,.'.f- ..,.h-l-c\• (IOD")'7.,•••l• accordance wilh a special regulation to be issued

OAtt tt-~>- n-t"~_.

,:.-,,(1 -1.·l- ,_,-#'Tt,.AI by the Government in line,with basic principles of
,rt~~l,-A• Federal Civil Service Laws.

t/ 'fK. ~,_,J:.fl-K. IV"/,. ..A-n:,; R-r,,f>i'ILA"7 OD,n-, 3/ The Director may delegate his pow~, and functions to the
, ..A «1"),; ..,.""'~., l\rh-l-A .,.,_. ~ .e~h«- ~ -,-'lo·r Deputy Direclor General u well as to officials and
1\1\.c\-l- 1'~1:'}c\CD- '.,..1,. ~'11,.JP;f,; ,,..1,.-,.71'':f employees of the Agency to the extent necessary for the
0_,. h A,; l\..f>h-1-4\ A~ .,_':f'IA 11 efficient execution of the activitiea of the Agency.

Ir. rrtri-A rs: ~.u.JH::s. eAnrK" 1:'?')C 13. Powca and f11nstions of the Dcnntv Wrc,tor General

rh-l-A -r,; ".e~tt. -,.,n~',-f: 11. ,r'i ".e.~h-,.r. ll''i,- The Deputy Director Generals shall be accountable to the
Director General and, he shall:
i/ r~J:'}c\,a>-"J -,.-,q1,.-}- '"+Y.:-1 n-,,:.1,.,:-1-, I/ Assist the Director General in the planning, organizing,
n-r1,.-}-,; '"II-MOC ,re; ".e~h-K-"J .e1...;AI directing and facilitation of the Agency's activities,

f/ -re; ".e~htt- '".e'icfl-l- 1.u. 11.,i;.e~h«.

2/ Perform the activities of the Director General in his
f-t-l'lm--l-"} p,t,.s,,"f, ..f'hc;a,-'iAl
absence; I
f./ O'l"'i' - ~.e~h-K- l'°!,l'lm--l-"} /bA•°f- -,...,q1,.:,. 3/ Perfonns lhe activities assigned by lhe Director General.
J>h'i'a,-,; A•
!I. on 14. Jb&dlw .

f~)!"}c\,a,- OJ!-l- flOD"}'"lr-l- ,t.ODl:.'lA•

The budget of the Agency shall be allocated by the I
\ I
I I~. r"'-111 -,-,11:J: IS/ Bgok5 of AsGPYQt I
i/ ~)!")(l,,o- f-t-"!14\-'i' -l-hhll.Ji' fll'), f,h/lfl ODtf'"lflT 1/ The Agency shall keep complete and accurate books of I
.e.ettA• account.
2/ The Agency's books of account and any other financial
f/ f~)!"Hl,co- f,h."tfl ODlf'"lfl-l-c;' I\.A•°f, 1'1Hfl 'lh fl'l~"f,
O'f''i'co- ,..,,_.,.c a,.er n,r,;a,- 1-JJ.-,.c notMr >-JJ.+c documenta shall be inspected every year by the Auditor I
Of'JOD,f: .e-~-1,.4\-•
General or by an Auditor who i1 auianed by the Auditor
• I


IJ.'-"A ~:,11+ .,,.,,,, •TC flt ..:,n.+ r ..,., 1,111 ,.r Foderol Noprit Gt,tdto No.33 12• Morch . 2019 P"I" ········ IIOII

bi-A r:Ot SU'J IPN 'I IJIU:;.E

lO:O bi-A blt SlJB sE< 'JJON ON£
rot'l'l tl..?1.P'J: .GENERAL ruoyrsroNS
II. ODCtrfl .
16- Pdor1°1ca
The formation of orgoni1..a1ion& sholl be governed by the
f.J':C::J!--f·'f ~ODIP/,-l.-l- O"th·Nl,•l- DDC:lf'f /.'.,0"1,,A:-
following principles:
f,/ "7")~,- .J':r.J!--l- 1\-t-a,l'I', a,J!,,- '\A·f·(lll'l', 'l,11. I/ An Orgoni1..11tion may be formed for definite or an

fl..*!(',- J'.'f'\AI indefinite period;

f./ O.J':r.)!--r-'f co-i'IT MM·l- 0.<..4'1.1H· ""· l'-f•O"IP{.•I·
2/ Membership in any organization shall be voluntary. A

~m-• ~").J': ~'IA 0.C./\1 1,11. h.~c;J!,-,,

/.'.,°:f,'\AI ~
ona1·''1·l· member muy withdraw from membership al will.

r.1 .,,~m-,. ~"l'l·m+ .tw1:a,-, ;,.,1-=t- on,...1.-l·

.(-cJ!-:t- 3/ An organization shall have the right to freely determine

O-T.J>:t.'7 th'l'l-l- --,.o.t• ODp,.<.r.-r--=t-·> foo(llfl") lhe criteria for membership;

OD,0-}- 1\/l(Jl- f
4/ Any person has the right to become a member in as long
!/ -,")~a,-,- (la,- f.J':CJ!-•f:") DDill..C-l- Mti~'\
as he fulfills the criteria for membership set by the
h'IA footn DD,0-}- h/\at-1

5/ Every member shall have equal vote;

'i/ ~c~-r-'f /\M'l-l- -l-C'i! /\"7h4-.<.A rl"'ll'l-0 fl.sf.'sf.'oo- 6/ . Organizations may not be established for the purpose of

1'/.'.,°:f,t\-,-I distributing profit to membei's ;

'!./ r ~c~'f 11oou-&-1.-t-c; fm-i'l'I' hl'l':'c .c;.'f"h&-1'\.J''e 7/ The formation and internal governance of Organizations
DDC,i.:f") f·Nn·,H hh~ll h"f'l-l- fO-'I T
',Y', '11\A-,.-;;t shall be based on democratic principles, non-
I\. tn J', 'llJ A I discriminatory, independent and neutral;

i;/ -,'}7;a,-,- ~c~-l- f"too&-m- (100-t->1~6.f' ~")(l- 8/ An Organization shall be managed by persons elected by
FA«J") (1-,.(ln,:fm- llti'l-l- ao-(l. -,.'°1-l-t.: (1-,.oot.m- the full participation of the organs authorized by its
flp>'f ~m-I rules;

Ji/ "7'}~a>-'I° ~CJ!--l- (100-,.>1~6.f' ~")(I• ODIP{.:,- '1Alf'1 9/ An Organization may not admit or dismiss members
(l<l>C h'I'\-}-'} fl.<l>(IA', I\.J'l'l'r11-l- h/.'.,'fA'l°II except in accordance with its rules;
II h.1:'>l'l.m- ~c~-r-'f l\.m-,.ao-'l:fm- f"t'ft\- 'l°J'..A 10/ The Agency shall prepare model rules that may be
DD-,.-'1~6,.f' ~'}(l°:f,'} J'H.7'JfA11 used by Organizations.

ETT UR tttttlrr:mz:tffl - CT · -·,rrc:z:rmrm

•• Fedenl Negaril G•zene No.33 12• March , 2019 page ..... ... 11019

Ii. fh1C ll4'A F:C;Jf-f-J h0Dfa6-l-l- 17. Formation of Local Qrgapjzatjons

cf:T~:r:m- 0-"-"t·'i" hH.•f ll'I.('. flf',, l'I.P'l· Mt: ll4'A Two or more persons may establish an indigenous
Y: C ~:,. I\. ouf'lc'-1: .('.l-'1 "· n Organization .
!~.fb.1C ll4'A g-c)ft '}£H·J
18.J>·ucs of Local On•aoiuLi0os
"'ltJ h\:A 'J'l"7 fl\1C ll,t,A .t:-1:~-l· ll"l.h-l·"m· hJ',H· For the purpose of this Sub-section Local Organization may
1\~~)f~ f\.!('~ J'.l-'IAn be formed as:
6./ -,"lOCI
I/ An Association;
fl nc.t:--ooc .~c~-l·I
2/ A Board-led Organization;
f./ fll"ct:J- M 1\.~1.-H· .t:-,:~-l-l 3/ A charilublc Endowment;
!/ fl\~~.. M 1'.~ ~.. H ~.t:-c:.~-l·I 4/ A churituble Trust; or
!./ fM 1'.t:-~,.')-l- ti"l,.-t-n SI A Churitablc Committee.

l0::1) h,:A, •Mt SUB SF.C HON TWO


Iii. -,'l<IC 19. Assocjatjoo

6./ "'W h~A 1\'1-, -,"lOC -,"·l-T <1:T~:fo,. h9"1l·l- I/ For the purpose of this Sub-section An association is an
mvr hrt.t> ll'l.e OIJ''r- h'M·l- f"l.!(>!(>9" ')..'i m:,,,.,. Organization formed by five or more members and

7-'l<tm- rn'l.e -u. 1'1'1.l. 1tt1A r,no-l· Y:c~-r governed by a General Assembly as the supreme

0.1r)T IIIW ~°I "'-"~9° foo-J' "'l"lO~·)·'} decision-making body; for the purpose of this
.e~r~A= Proclamation it shall include professional associations.

f./ }\'}J'.:' -,')()CT m<}>'l'I 7-'11..T fp~ hll~"°t ft"!,-t-T 2/ An association may have a General Assembly,
P'~ hllh.J'~T 1-~TC'i ')..'}~ hll4'.'11..,.,: 11,(\o':f- Executive Committee, Manager, Auditor and other
f P'~ h~l\•'.'f- J'"a,- IJ''i /\.~~~ .e':f-'IA:: f"'l')(J~. departments as may be necessary. Details regarding
h.m:l></>C'i" h.ll-,.J; ~c oou-,.J; ~~J' ~ '}(I- .erol'I<;A:: the structure and governance of an association will be
determined by its rules.
t.. IICJ':--C J':Ck}-

6./ "'W h~A "'""' (IC.t:--ouc Y:c~:,~r <hT~Tm-

20. Board-led Organization
.,."...,.,.. hlLJ' IM.('. {IIJ'',, oup~>f'.'f- f"!,!('!(-9" f\lJ''}T II For the purpose of this sub-section board-led Organization
rY:-c~-1: fODQ;l,.~?j' m-ti>, 1'1"1, htiA (ICJ;. .('.IJ''iAfl means formed by two or more founders, its Board being
the supreme organ.

2/ The board shall have a minimum of five and a maximum

of thirteen members.
---._llilGfliillill:tlliC.;tilri'ili x·111arlit&'lll'-irt6i'r~4~:4~-~-'-~,;_
. ,--~
~-, ~-11j'tWzr.ii!i

j '6'
'i i·llii·•
· l~erlllit::11&·~Qftlii
' lill
·~ 0riLiWWlilf!NOC>tl*lllii(;h'- .a-illau
· _ _Iii_
_ _ __ ________

1 ran~
~ ,.i"i"";j•
. r +, "I •'Pc 4lr • .'Jfl,,t, '11.Ji , .,- Ftclonl Neprii ~ ...,JJ 12'" Merdl , 2019 - ........ 11020
" on~.PJ1>:,J rnr.~ ~-;;::::-
n'*,,,... 1,,.-}C'.ffJ n--111.,=
• h'l'l·l· 1t·,,.. 1- "'~ 7 by the
3/ The first board members shall be designated
....... r-?1\-• ... d . t
hr()~;J- 0 .., .,,r.,: l\t'M,), , ,..1,,. 11001,; foun ders. The term of service an appomtmcn
•\"I f'nr.~ ._,. -"' bcr sh II be
n~c~-,. --1-~ • n·,"1-r• f'"lflr--o+ ()c:'J-l- procedures for subsequent board mem S a
'-~J' '-111 Jt.m(i',' A,. prC!icribcd by the rules of the Organization.
§/ h~c~.,. r,......
., Olt~J1>':f .,,.
.t'l:r:m- flsn';f r • • "'·" ~..- "·"11·" '
n,: ~ 1-fJA -.r1 l\r::r-11.,-,,
.,,,..,..'i 4/ PcrMJna. who related t,y comanguinity or affinity with
l11e offi cers of the Organization may not be Board
f;/ ~<:~-I: llflr. .ii. +m~ member,.
fit'..+\"'':f rt.r'l ,••t'.. 1-flh.,f'~ M' hflL"l'l.
~,-n . /!.V'~.+-A• lfC
l!.ml'l'iA• ,lf<- n.r.-,:~-,, --,-~,_t.., ;
5/ A board-led Oreanization a.hall
accounlable to the Board and necessary staff as may be
have • manager

ncccRury. The particulars shall be determined by the

rules of the Organization.


I/ For the purpose of this Sub-section A "Charitable
Endowment" is an organization by which a certain
property is perpetually and irrevocably destined by
donation, money or will for a purpose that is solely
. Charitable.
f/ 0flU }\'}</>I, '}{)-() }\'}</>I, 6 OD(I~,}- nf1tn;J- fDJ!.,..
2/ Property or money provided through Gift er will based
O),tfH,. fO't,/l{Oa,. f'}-t}~'T fDJ!,,.. f1')11,0 . OD,n') f(}')
on Sub- Artice) 1 of this provision shaU"bc sufficient to
hY:1,,.1-r h'l"'/m-'} ODD',~',-}- l\"'ltiti-r f"'I.J'O:f-A fulfill the purpose the Charity initially.
ODIJ"') hl\0-ru

f:./ ODp,t,,.:,i fllM:;t- M hY:1,,.1-r Y:CJ!-•I:')

3/ The founder shall determine the beneficiaries of a
-t-m?°t,p>':f- J!.ro()t;A,u oop,1,,.:,i -,.,n:J-?.p>:,i') Charitable Endowment. Were the beneficiaries are not
004! O-l;J- IJA.a>M rPl,,. hoo1,,.c nc~ hoop,1,,.:,i sufficiently determined by the foundl%, the Board may
lJ...-t} ,:JC J!.{l"'/"'/A, -01\ 0
0"i1,...,.a,- OD/;\h, determine such beneficiaries as it deems consistent
-t-m-4-tp>°T"> I\. roll") J!.l-'\A 11 with the intentions of the founder.

_;.-.:.. _

F<d<nl N<pnt G27<tt< No JJ 12" M•n:h . 2019 P•!' .. . . . 11 021

22. ~\.uulical,jon foe lir1iisCcaii 0o

bl oo., ..6--::,: 0..hJ',ro·l· •M flll\'l::J· ti') hJ~·tr "l·l · I The reg,str, ·ion of a Charitable Endowment may not be
Y.:C:~-l· V""ll1lJ f'"'4'm- n,1n.,..1r ::r: Ol'r t't· mJ'.'I" sought during the lifetime of the founder, except by the
1\11.11 "1-ll, J', llcohl\m- t'tm- -<I:-,: ~m-n founder herself/himsel f or a person delegated by the
founder (Of' that purpose.

f. 00
-'"l..-:f: h'f"·t- fl:\'\ -r.e-tm- r-y_-,.r:flm· 1,,.,.._,..,,r :,i 21 /\ flcr rhe death of rhe founder. it sh:ill be sought by the
hF..t... 0-i·•Nll\m• t'tm- OIJ'.9" rnn.,..,. . :,;1 ~-•Ill. pcr.~on ro wh ()m rh e founder has entrusted such task
n"t.f>r'l4'..1,·,,... r'IP'l· ~m-n 011J who h11~ acccprcd it or by rhe, executors of the
founder's w,11

Cl n,w h'>-t"' ">1>-r'l ,..,,.,.,.. (Ii) M' (f) r-r·m·M-·l· J/ In defa ult of the persons spec, tied ,n Sub-article ( I) and
(1'"/_e,;-~.n-l- 'HI. 1\111\-t;t- '>111.·l·"J Ml"I h.1~-1.-H· (2). it Hlrnll be llOUght by those pe rsons who have drawn
'M'"l for>r'lm ·l- (1)-A .e11:1:f.r 9"1"1hc: f' lf~- ruJ'. 9'' up tl1c ucl of Endowment or whp have been wi tnesses
(I)-,'\.'} nh.r..t... .er't.,.Df'(J"t- rl.9':f 1'9"11·111 '1'.f'<I: to ii or who hold that act in deposit.

9./ ' 1\ '}4'"' o•m•t:, •}- 9"111') fOD,nf,}, o/J'.,:J- 4/ Where the persons who are bound 10 seek ' the
f'·l·"ltilJ:fm- r'ISD':f- 9"111'Jm-'} ti.em.e-1? f</>~. registration of the Charitable Endowment fail to do so,

,. ' OD/u?,~ h'l"·t- hY"r'l·l· <DC II:\'\ flll\4:;J- the registration of the Charitable Endowment may be

n-'i hY:t,--'l·l- X:C."if•i; '"l'}~a,-9" .eoul\t1·t-lfA O"t,A sought, three months after the death of its founder , by

r'lm- hODAJ-i:fH· <DJ.'.9" O>..~'}fl.a,- Mti7i'H· any interested party or by the Agency.

/l..ODH"l-(1 ,.e:Y..'\Aa

~ fllW }'1'}4'"' '}(),,fl Q ODIP~:,. f'flfl-l· <D?-·l· 1.11. 5/ When any activity contrary to the aim of the registration
h m'i"4'<1: 11',·r t\M hY:?-H· Y:CJ!-·l· '¾'\'"lm- or concerning the property or money and the whole /
f'°!m-t\m-'} rm-n -,.-n~:,. A'i" 1-tm:J>'\.e registration process is occurred before the end of the

f'9°1#"l'Jm-'} hJ-irh.Y: hflooAh.Y. '¾'\'"lm-'} f°t.~~C three months indicated under sub article 4 of this article

--,.°!'IC h-,.'-800 >.,.~'}{lm- fl'"l'}'i;m-9" 1.11, "lA:I> the Agency can intervene at any time.

DP°l'l-l·'i" "7{1--,.t1hl\ J.'.Tl\l\ II

~Cf 2:0<=:'l:2 ftffft-t;!: 02 bt:cr2:'l: '""' rODfl(O:c 23/ Revocation of an Act of Charitable Endowment
:t7fJC2 on!fc
'}·fl~:,.-,. t\Ht\4:;J- 01 h¥:-&-1T '¾'\"7 rooflmT The founder of an Endowment may revoke it so long as the

·l·°l'IC (l>.,.]!11\m- t,00001110· Ok·l· 00/U&-~ t\. 7i~m- Charitable Endowment has not been registered by the
- Iiut
~ ~~t- .,._,. ~ If • ...._t, f +, Ill.II "·'"
FHlnl 'Ne..,tc a - No.JJ 1:Z- M_. , 2019 . . . ........ 11022

24. Sfrwtvc er CJtvHehlc Fedmrmete

-,,.:f.,.,. '""•:J- n, 1'.(-'-1+ .(-c~+ r,...'- >-,,."-C Any Charitable Endowment aball be orpnized with the
flC.t.-r p,'-
~,r):r 1'.._-tc'i 1\.1\-'f t\hLo\1, f P'- atrocture of Manaaement Board, Manaaer, Auditor and
h~c\-'f ,.~~:I-/:\• other department, u may be necessary.

II. fe4- la-1-e flCt 'Mt«; 25. CAPMl.,tlAP e< the Menercsncet Rvrd
i/ f P"- t\,,.'-C fie.(- h'lo\-l- ,.._,...'-ISi .,_,- ~Cc\, I/ Member• of the Manaaernent Board shall be appointed
R«DhA• fie, r.1"-,ft.• fflr..(- h'lo\ia RH.U _.Ah by the founder or;by a person delepted by the founder.
. ftA+i",,.. ~l">A.• r-t.i'l'--O-l--, ,,..,,.(- _,_.~,:A• Where the founder or hla delepted hu noc appointed
member, of the M111aaement Board. the Aaency ahaU
ficllitate the appointment of such member,.

I/ h-,.(- f,-.."- ,.._'-C fie.(- h'IA n-,,,j.,.,- rh'J,r-l- 2/ Where a member of Manaaement the Board 11 for any
:),\•',ia') ,,._,,,+ IJA~I\ RNl\-t:J- n, A.r:'--t+ reaaon unable to perform hi1 duda, a new member
.t.'C):ia ,,._,.,_~~,r ~">ii ...._~+ A.._h fflr..r: A'IA ahall be appointed ICCOl'din1 to the rula of the
a-,A• Endowment, 'I

t/ f,-"- ,.._"-I: flC.r: h'IH· '*TC h,-h-l- R:J-':f ,\IM 3/ The nwnber of member~ of the Manaaement Board
h,.':fAr• · 1hall in no cue be leu than three.

n. trl: M-4-C pc,g, rA"fl M" :M94::t 26. rewcn end FMncdon, pf the M1I1nmIt Baer4
r ,..."- >-.,."-C 11e-1- '""•:1- n, A.r:~,+ .r:c)!,-,. rn"l.e The Manaaement Board shall be the IIUpl'ffllC organ of the
AIJA arr r-th+ft.-l- P'Ann M" -,.-,,u.+ ,.~~;f-A>-. Cbairtablc Endowment and shall have the following powcn
and functions:
.. -.
i/ NA-t;f- ffl-t h.r:~-t-l- .r:r.J!,-ti-, r-t-~ ,...'- 11 A~in-t ·• Manaaer ~Q s11a11 be raponsiblc to
Mh..r)!, M" 1--t.-tc ,e'fi-,AI .t,,_'i-0:I-AI ·: ' '. manage the Endowment or dismiss the same; and ·.

I/ ftll\-t;f- NH h.t.-~-t+ .r:c)!,-ti-, ,....,_,_~~,r ~">II- 2/ Administer the Endowment in accordance with its rula.
-~+ ,ta-t-,_.r:~A• :· I·•

.;. ' .- -- ~ . ..
II. ti-I- M-1-C f!C& &oMJ11J: 27. MccUna pf dtc Menevmcut Reen! t._ . i i • • . /"
i/ r ,..."- ,.._"-C 11r.-1- nnA•:1- rn, h.r:"--t+ .r:c:J!--t, 1/ The Management Board shall m~ as pi'escribed by the
,,._,.,_~~,r ~'),O ,..,._Ah+• ,,.u,~-}- .eNIMA• rules of the Charitable Endowment
I/ rnl\-t:f- ro, A.r:"--t+· .r:cJ!,-li f P-"- >--"-c flC.r: ' -
2/ The decisions of the Management Board shall be taken .
..-\i~':f,-, MJ'IIA'-• RY:r• -OA""I ,._,'iA• by.majority. ' " :· ·
·- . . ... . -;.•

. - ,- ..
. ;.--·_\ ;

! ,~ ' ":.! ••
• ·, • • •• · ~ '1 IL •
J_! -· '

____ ,.... : ----

• 'llt
"--"-u. )_.,,.,. ·""'"' •"":., .....">f\.+ r .:, t11.r1 , _,. . 1102'

28. Hrrouuualioo of Quud :\Jcmhcn

i./ Orll\-f::I· fl") I\Y.:t.-H• .t:·r: J!-·11 ""·I·>\ 1./..f' 1. 111 I/ A Mcmhcr of 1hr: Hoard shall nol he enlflled lo
remuncrorwn unless u provision aboul h(s enl1tle1_i(cnt
'•A·r·a,M lli'l·I·.,.,: 1\1.v.· rnr:.v: "''/.\ ti,:.f'
l\.f'1'-;V-n 10 rcmuncra1,on has been made, by 1hc Charitable
EnJowmcnt'~ rules or by any law.
I/ Oflf:J': hik"t'l "''· 1\-11·-,. l\'l.t>..· h•IA ...,.,,,,,,,. .,
"'""- 1\-i't~., .-,_,.I.., ..,,,,,1'. >,:,,. t,,:.r '
l/ P11yin<inli1 made ,n conncclion w,_th ·covering costs
incurred by BoarJ Members for the purpose of
l\,. .,.m,:r•
11t1c:nJ1ng BoarJ mec:1ing ~all not• he considered as
remuneration. , .
S-B. r.....'= l\i)tu"JI: el\. "1') AS_ -t-."M.~.i:
29. Power, and t'uncUoo, of the ltanarcr
1'111\-t:,. fl"> M~·t.-H· .~,:~-l- , ..1,. l\r'ltl.t' ~,- The: Manager of the (.'haritat>lc: Endowment shatt-:
if r1111-t::,. fl") I\Y:".--">·l- r.~,:~-1:·, r•t.. (111D·l·P.1.t..t'
·· Ii Di reel 1hc work of the Charitable Endowment pursuant lo
"-">O- _,.,l.·l- J.',oat.·A I
,. ils rules·
I/ hv·l)-,.:i;: a,1,;-'.f :>t: tl°'l,u.·1- ·n·H-r-:t. .v-.·c~-,,·, . -~/ R.cpr~;~~i·;;~ En~~wrri~nr in' all its:·Jcalings ~Ith 1hc tbirJ
'6mh"lAI parties; ,
f/ r,,.."'" "-"'"r.. (IC:JI.. m-•'t>.r:Y· ..,••t:,
. : I
~.t', , ·"'"""':,:a,..,' 3/ Follmv · up anJ supervise: · t~-c ·. i mplc111cn_1ati~'" ·.,( the:
. :· ,_- . -' decisions -of-the' Manag~mcnt BoarJ: . .-: ·': "
- ~· • •-f : · -~ ~ _.· i .• .·. -~ . -, . - -.
i/ r"·'"-" iJ:,OY:r; fl~·l· 1.-,.i;_.,.,.. fr/!· f,h.'MI . 41 Submit ·work 'plan · and budgei as well ;is act\Vity and
&7~(:.,• 9:f•'} It/••~. }\oo~,_.(; fie:~- ·.P4-c:1J/:\ l ~· -·. financial reports to the Management Board;
. . . ' .... . ~ .. -. _..:_,. -·i -
l;/ fY:C:~·l:'l 111. f"t.f'tiY.··1- tJ~>.:J·r:t·:7 .r,n'if.\J 11,..1,. 5/ :.~tudy co;.1d.itions _thar wit) pro,:11otc incom,e l;\~-ncration for
-~he ·F.n<lo~·meni' and iinpie~ent sucl1' where:· approvc:J hy
' ..
. . th~ management Board;
'i,f !1-·l·P._,.6J' .-:.·111· . 001.-t1.-l· flY:c:~'.l:, ,r'I° f·l·hit.·I:
6/ Operate bank accou,11·1s · opened in _1he name of the
ffl'lh Y.tifl'.f'l ,P")-,.ti:,OtiA I
Endowment in with_its 11fles_, _a; d , .. _. ~_:--
f./ ll.ll•":f n.-..~ -- h_oo"-"c: · nc:P,~ -~r."tl'l,i-..~l·i:. .,.,..r:-rr
• C 71 Discharge other rela1c_d tasks which .may be giycn t1i1;him
·- ~ f"l f. ·-
";..-_ j.,, by thj: M\Ulagcm~t Boilrd. ' · '

30. Powers and funstions of the Auditor ·'.

. -~
J.J$.•t--t:-•- The;-Auditor ~halk .. ·' · ' - "J

6/ flll\<t;J- fl") -J-.J':~")-l• . Y:c:~·1:1. fi'HMI', f")-fll.·l· I/ Monito~ ·the financial and· proprietary adminis1ra1ion of
hfl•l•P, .-:OC: J.',J/, 1'1tnt•A 1 the Charitable Endo\\mcnt;
1/ f Y.-C:~•l:'l fa>-fl'f" >,J$,·l· t:rc:•l· tlh.·l·V-k J' ·l·•MJ','t·l· 2/ Prepare the internal audi1 reporl of the organization in
IJ'J"f. f,h,ti-fl I\J' J'1I OD(;IJ'":f• ODIP(.•}• 1\11:J~•r• l\fl{:P,. accordance with accounting standards aeccplable in
J'-,.C;fJA II Ethiopia;
----·•ilii%illlli:t1§1i~111·i111Etl&·w· ·'ra'11Fiitiii~1,
-, ·~-j·y~·~.~:oo,·
J,~:·.~-.·.... [i,,~
. ;~
· iliss··11£:?i::Slaii&lfIIIHllriflt·i/lroliiilollM?liillooll,jffllfoFlil- s-..r ,_sa:a-------------~w

~ ~-~+ .............

. fll' •,'Ill.+- r ..., Ill.II , .,- F,_ Ne'°"' ~ !oio.JJ U" Mwc•. :!vl'f ,_.. .... . .. 1101•



for 1hc purflOIIC of this Sub-section "(llarilable Tru!ll" i!I

llf'I Orpni1a1iun c!llahli!ltu:d by an in!llrumcnl by which
apci:i tk propo:ny , I• · i:un 1111utcd solely ror • charitable
rurJ'O!IC to be adminlHtcrcd by rcnon1, lhe u-u11Ccc11, in
11:1:urdance with the in~1tue1ion1 1iven by Che inwument

M,A-0~<:t: cunHtitu1in1 the chltl'itable INflf.

Iii r1-1:.,.. n, ,_~~-,+ . J2. fNeeUv

A"tfl I ~,.~+ fllkn:•·r fl'>·•IH. ••r.r- . I/ A C'h11ri111ble Trull« m11y be Cllfablillhcd by I donation_or
1 flt\• r--,"M+ h'1A ••U, t\.lt,t,- r,l·'IA~ by Q will or by the dc:ci~ion o(the concerned 1ovcrnrncnt
~ , hody. . .
21 A don111ion ~ will urnf,..-, Sub-article CI) or chis Article
. 5hall be ~overncd by _th~ rclev~~t r,rovi1ion1 or C ivil
r, r>..-:.~ ,., 1-~..... ,.... ~,.,.. ~
•J<;"'r -,··~....
t'lr~ ,...,.
3/ A document which cstabliilhed • charitable 1rW1C lhall
r ~~ c\',~I -,··~:ri">r. '11'\h~~-~:rl">#,• fhl!/.. ,. : dearly spc.-ciry the founder, the trulllec5 and bcnc:ficiari...-s
'" "-~~,-l- ~,=~·'1"> ·hn.+-i,r':(- 11•1,M,· n,..,,. , -:· , , .• . _ o(the Charitable Tru~. .,
.,h+--,. ht\ll·l-• .
flt. rAM: n:t M~tt: tee +ni&):t:'. · ·· ~· -- .
Iii l'hl:.~ ft, h~I'.. ,-)- ~,:~-')- l\·l·a,(I~ a,y.r- 'IA·l-a•M
. -·- · ·, ,i·
JJ. tcrPCteiD' pf, Cltertteblr Imt
A C:harilabl~ Trust may-~ established for • definite or
"UL t\.,t,t,- r.':f-'IAa ·~. 7-~ ·) ,·~ .. 1 : • , ,l. .: ; • • • • •

an indefinite period.
I/ 'IA·f-CPil~ 'UL f•l•,t,t- rh.-:.~ fH h~~'t·l· ~,:~-},
·~ L 2/ Where a Charit~ble T~st is- established for an "'
11'1,t\" Mr.Jf,: r.trr.Aa
Indefinite period, it ~all be perpetual and irrevocable.
.. :..:. \.

tit. 091\l\M-Jll>J, ri+c,g ,,.,,,., -,_.AhJ-

!~··34. APnllsedAP (pr Brdatrede bx Imsm
i/ fhl:.~ n-t A~~,-l- ~,:~·l- -,··~':(- ,.,~ ,.._,. I/ The founder ofa Charitable Trust shall appoint lrUStccs.
'11\h.-:.~r=w:, -"ii,- hl\fl·l·• ',>, .:..: ·.·

I/ •11\hU.. r':(- 1111.0 h'f'~ h">+A· H fN·l!~11a,-

2/ The Trustees shall awly 10 the Agency for a certificate
_,.,t;,l; rr,n,1 rhht: a,t:+·l- '· ".,.,">.·l- ._, . '_-,: ·, .. of registration. in the manner rrovided in· Article S7 of
1\A.7.">t\.m- ..,.,,.,,1 .,.
.r-t -,.:t,1:11 vrc•t=f'f'Aa
- ... ... . ,._ . ~ ~- 's '
; ;·''. ··" ' lhis'Proclamation/,:l , - •·

·---- --- ~ --
1• .j• ..,. .- "' ·_

, . r• ) .. i iJ I If
;, . •·:csnr: 1 '. ?VttWtt ., . 1c ¢ 'fife -;~ •,f 'fM:iSGa:Wff@ W tW l 1 Sit

. , 11025
2019 p•SC .. ......
. No.33 1:t' Mord •
,. · lill.SI Feclenl N•P"' oaenc . of a Charitable Trust
. the registration
/ fl\'-~ O') 1\1:~, .... r.:c:~.-.. f9'"1f1'1 T ,.. 1:C:~·IJ 3/ An application for ths from the formation
. cd 'thin 3 mon
shall be 8\.. "mitt WI
fl,f-oeU>L,.,. ,.,.,....... -~.-.. .,.,.. a>-h-r ...,l,~-il
of the Charitable Trust. ,. .
· ~ · any acts involving third
not perform
4/ The Trustees m3 Y . f registration
f./ 'lllh'-~.,.=ti rrl'lhc: a,~+.-.. ,,..,.,")",-t-:f-.,,.
f9'"111t1 . . certificate o
ies before acqulflJli 8
11~.-.. lli'ltn:t-.. o,,er n""""'a,,
"I£ r-,.,,.Mt-t-0>-'> part fi transferring the resource
' except those acts necessary or . the """'-c:ecc:sion or
11-il-l- 'lll£ff:J-'t-l- ,,,,e,- '11\1\.-l-'>-l- .,,_ I\'-/,. M · th donation or will to r----
mentioncd 1n c ·•
hr:~->+ r.:c: ~-,, 11-,h-,."lll~ h-,_,rhl..A ,- ownership of the Charitable Trust.
r.;,c:1,+l- ntt-t-+c: nv-0• "I£ ,.,.,..,.~ o,1'i'':f'>
M..rti++ -,,.=,:...,,. r.:c:1.+ ,-1,.,,,- hJ•,':f-/l,,..

R. Mc\Mk8 'i1'ti: JS; ti11mhcr p( Jr111tcct 1

· y case be lower
ii f'lf\h'-~~l- -(}tf-l- hr'h-l- J">fl M' hh9'"i'l·l- flllltn 1/ The number of TrusteCS shall not m an
less than three
i\.tn 1\£':f-l\ra hr'fl-l- ,t',ft. fl.,.';f -,.j'l"ODa,, htf', than three and more than five. Wh ~
.eu, ..,,.,,~ ~>!'>fl.a>- .,.&.,.=ti
.,. . .• .. .
persona are appo1
' nted the Agency shall facilitate !fie
· ber of people r .......•ired to fulfilJ
'1"11'-~~':f- M.,1"..-<1-l-, ,,_.,,,: J'OD7'7'AII appointment of the mun -..-
f:bis requiren:ient. •
I/ hl\rh+ 11"1£ 'lllh'-~.,.l- +1"DDa,, htl'', 11~.J':.""!.J' ,•; 2i Where· more than five persona arc .appointed. as
r-,.m+f\.-l- oer~+ f"'!.':fi\-'i' '-?'-'f'I+ J>lt:f-a,, 'i \,, ·.:c ., Trust~. die five tint named ~ s who are able and
Arla+ ftp,':(- "17' '11\I\'-~ ~tf'ii\-• willing to act shall alone be the trustees.

r1 011.u 11.,.,.,-. "°'~ ;11;.,.,_. Ci> 'r;~;~10,: o.'fcr 3/ Notwith~ding sub-article (1) of . this Article, the
· 1'")1: •.er hll.r f1".f. l:C~,f.';f fltJ/lA~~~+ A~ency may allow less thim ~ persons as Trustees where
-,.'{ia-a,, ' htf', f'll\l\'-~.,.=ri ' -(}tf,)- . hr'il+ fl:t-'f . . . one OJ more of such trustee is a Charity. . "·.
)t")'l.lM. ~~"){La,,. i\.L:t.l: ~';fl&A.11
. . . .
~ , .
:, :,_ r. ~ . ; ..__ -~- ..i ..* ·.

I/ flH.U A"J+,-. a-w~+ h"t.11",,..+ '11\l\'-~_,.l- R..r"Jh 4/ At least one of the Trustees appointed under this Article
li"),4. a-,JI'!_ . .,,.,...&,,.·;
~+r-lr.r ' ........ ·a-tr") shal.l be an
Ethiopi_ai1 Domiciliary. .
. -, · ~

Al\fl-l-• · ' · ··" ,... :· <· --··.. ~· :..,. ,· ., .

ttl. MMAAfl b'!OJ'.r 36. Annofntmcnt of In11tcc1 - ·.'' •. . . \ ~- ·,1

•., -r~ : ··... ~ ·, •: ', • • •~ ;;,

~I IJI\~ r-!,'{iODa,, , flt.'-~ - fl-) Al:~-)..,. l:C~-f:") , . . •. 1/ The . Trustees may be appointed by the person who
.r'l:'lfa-a,, (ta,, 01vr ACf\. fa,hl\a,, ..,..,. ',a>-11 A',fl.U founded the Trust or by the person designated by h im .

ttJDl- hA.1\- ~J!"Jfl.m- '11\h'-~ ro,.ll"ra+"J ""n,: In the absence of ~ch appo~tment the Agency shall

.ra-;t:;t:A.• facilitate the appointment of Trustees.

I/ .eu,
r+frt111a,, tJI\A'-~ ~,.~.,+
AA+IIA.9° tal\ tJJVr 2/ Where the Trustee so appointed refuses his agency or is
n-,,;=,:m-r rh"J.r+ '11\A~~H:"J -Jh'itJJ"J taA.~lt for any other reason unable to perform the trusteeship,
n,,.-,.11,.~.r ,..,n-
"".,.~+ "-" tJltA'-~ .e'fi'7A• a new trustee shall be appointed according the rules of
the trust.
~~ \.-.~+ ......
.'l'C «
m. ~Ck.,.."J 0~~
--'>l\.i· t +-, Ill.Ii -,_,- f•dcnl ~pri1 Geen• No.33 t:t' March . 2019 P•I" ... ... .. 11016
~',• DDi'fr=--------------,---:-=-~---;-:---:-:-;-::-;::;:-::;=-::;-:-;-:;;::;;;;----:----
J7. Appointment or a Cbacin as a Jru:;tcc
i/oop,~:,: .)-. "'"e

('i -,i
m- .,. Pf\m-") I/ If the founder has appointed an Organization
· · wh. h has
hi'I"' an 1 f-1-i'f 01>m-
~r. ~+ _,.,.,
~+ "1O'l ""~/,.',•l-
• Y.-r. the officers of the
h~~->-l- .,. o-, ..,..1.,,..,. r"~,,. 1 legal personality as a trustee,
. ~r.~-t:"J .Pi'l+~ .~/,.fl.11 arpointcd Organization will administer the trust.
f./ OtLU h '}</'"' '>O-i'l "..._
",</-1,.· (Ii) f·hn.,,f'lm- v- w l 21 The Charity provided in Sub-article (I) shall administer
fh~(,. 0") h~/,.")-'}- . . . C,r;·· .
· Y."(. ~i:") rl't-•11&.nH lli'ltn •J•(l)- the C-harit11hle truM by the term~ of the will, donation or
aJJ','r 01'.)l.:'}c\m- .:h., .. lf n+roMm- ""'""t.·l · hl\·l'\~l- order of the Agency and '·1 from oilier
11 '";t- 11'":f (J) .. . . . •
.,..,, .. 'M..,m-1 f\'"'•'
11·l· I l'"/.11\.,.9"rl •l• don ations or l·ncome that it utilizes to achieve its
10. t\J',-f- Oon.Plf .Pi'l+~.~~-An purposes.

. JS. S,rm;tyrg; or, (b1cU1blc lcust

i/ fh~~ O") h~(... ")•l- ~r.~·l-") ~A·t- Mlh.• t·.~, 1·,1111 I/
The Manager, treasurer and aud,tor 0
fa charitable trUst
.f'ff" 1\'i >--~-1-C Ooo~..·t-=t: rovr ..,..~..~=ti
shall be appoi.n ted by the foun der, or delegated by the
nmh 1\(1)- (l(D- t\-11 ,.,;,r..,
I/ h<\..e 0'}0-(l h "}4'"' i f•f-ODl\hi:-l-"} ;)f\.&.p>:f · ted by the founder,
2/ If these officers are not appom
ODF ~ =i: CD vr (loo Ft- !f: f-1-rohl\(D- {la,- J> A '('i 00
delegated by his delegatee, lhe truStees
shall designate
1' "} ~tr'I '11\h~~si>=t: hoetihf\:f(D- mvr ha>-"l'"
the same from among th emseIves or third parties.
;)<\~=t:"} ..ellV''lt\-11

f./ '11\h~~SD=t: (l"}O-il 1t"}4'K" f. oou.,~:,. ;)f\,&.p>:,i"} Toe Agency shall make such designation where .the
.f AM' ao- 1' "} ~lf'I ;) <\.&. SD =t: 01'.)! "}(!.(Do J','li"'7 f\. 11 · · · or are unable to
trustees fail to make such d es,gnatton
give decision.
°9./ OH.U 1t"}4'K" "}O-il 1t"J4'K" i f-,.m4'(1(1)- ·fi.':"C'r 1 4/ Notwithstanding sub Artic~e (1) of this provision,
fl I\ h ~t,.. p>":f ;)"\4'.',;J'=f(1)-") () ;.>t,.. .fh'i (Do','{\. II Trustees shall execute their r~nsibilities jointly.

'f;I 'I l\h~&-si>=t: (l,fl(lt} =f(1)-"} fOI/.ODt- 5/ The Trustees shall among themselves choose the person
· · the meetings of
hODIJh<\=fm- J',ODCfllf\.11
who shall .serve as the chairperson m
the trustees.
.-, -

'llt 1111.n ,... M h '019 P1 1< .. .. .... II0H
"-'- t.,.-.+ .,.., •TC« -.,n,-t- r • ., '1111 , .,. frdffl4 Nrprit °"7tfl< No JJ 1, •r< . •

·t 0i#. fMk O? b~~c~t M_-J.:.-1,~~ J9. Adwioiscul!oo O

, ' char!lah!e Iru5&
perform all acts of Management
A/ h'll\h~t,.p,:f O~m-\: -t··f" )\i'1t1A..,.I.O .V:l.i'I ,..,,. If The Mana. ':I' s h8 II
1\{)h,J•~ fl\.tt~';f '11\hU.-P'';f 11,-,-',-l. " ·r{).<.A 1tn· without the approve I Of the other trustees except where
stees submits a written protest
Mil-t->l~r. ,••/.-P'l·"> l'.,/..1."*TA • at least one o f Ih c tru ·
concerning any admin istrative act.

I/ h"7il-t->I ~r. , ..,..,,,l- tn-"l"' .fl\,'i 011.11 h -,.,.,_. ">O·i') 2/ Dcc1.s1ons

. beyond acls of Management and those
,....,..,.~ (A) 091•·1.-l-
h'll\11~t--P'':f fft-C"l1' f\..l'")i')
a,-.,. f.,.I.O'l=fm- to·"t>.P':Y·
V' /') ·11 rl·M°1·fl•l• {)-flf'tr)
decisions pro1cs1cd lo under Sub-article ( I) shall be
taken by majority where al least three of the trustees arc
OY:rl <lA"'"t. .emf'l'iA• prc&cnt.

r.1 h'll\h~t--rl- fft-C"l1' Mt-A .(;;>\: .M=h11• l'-l·l\.l'f. 3/ Where opposing notions are supponcd by an equal

'l"t'1l- c'l.+r.n· fa-~1.~·m- tn-"t>. fil-flM01- number of trustees, the final determination shall lie

1t..+09">nr. n-tl'lmm- .(;,-I J'.a>f'l'iAn with the vote of chairperson of the meeting.

i/ o,w ,....,..,.~ ')(}-(I ,...,..,.~ (I) M" er.) ODIIJ/.•l· fl·Mm- 4/ Those who are against a decision taken under Sub-
m-•U.rl- M.e,,_.,_ '11\h~t..r":f fAf.'rl· 'l''l'l:fa1- article (2) and (3) may require that their dissenting
0:J>/\ "1-'IMJ>- <\.J', A")--'lDDll1-fM:'J:a,- OD,nf<}, .e":f""·" opinion be recorded in the minutes.

~- f'lMMEJS 21•H- 40. Qhljgatjnn at Trustees

A/ '11\h~sr>l- hh")-J.': ooAtrr rn.-r·l'l-fl ,M·l·>l>lt:
I/ Trustees shall administer the Trust with due diligence and
fl°tl'llfl-,.a,- T •7 ·l-'i "J'") :J>i: Y:C~•I:") "7M·>I F.C
care expected from a responsible family head.
f./ fh~ IJ") 1\J.':t--")•l- J.':C~•I: 0-t-**ODO·l· 11,1',f.• 2/ Without prejudice to any provision to the contrary in the
-t-:J>t--). J.':")."J'I. hi\./\ 04'C 'll\hF.t--P':'f: act of constirution of the Charitable Trust, the Trustees
hh.)i:")(la,- '-?Y: a>-..,_.. f Y:C~·I:") ")-fll.·l· 1\1\A may not alienate immovable property without prior
l'la>- ft..J'fl-t-<\/:\4- 1\J!.":ffl.Sl"U notification to the Agency.

'f:/ 'll\M'.t--P'":f- fhF.t-- ()") hY:t.">·l- Y:C~·I:") 'Hl~·l·. 3/ The Trustees may not alienate the property of a
J'I\ 'I',-, 1\1\.<\ ft..J'il-t-<\A4- hJ!.":fl\-51"11 Charitable Trust by a graruitous title.

§./ '11\h'-t--SD:ii flh'-t-- (I") hJ.':t--")-l• P't-- OD6',;J-:fa>-

4/ The Trustees shall be jointly and severally liable for any
hP'A~:fa>- IJ<\,e IJ'-~o0 --l• -t-"/'lC OJ/!.51" Ofltn··l· damage caused to the trust due to the ultra vires acts or
a,-,'I);, IJY:C~·I: <\,e l\°tJ''-CO-·l· 'M•l- Oh">Y:'1-l·"i" decisions they take as officers of the charitable trust.
IJ'ltn<\ ;)<\~ .elT'i/\·IJ IT'i'SI" 1Jh")4',r ijjJi(ii) ODIP~T However, a trustee who has registered his dissent from the
ha>-ti).m- ODI\ f•f:") J'ilODll10 '1/\h'-t-- Om-/a>.a>- decision of the trustees in accordance with Article 39(4)
1\ '-Ula>- 1-,H· -t-mJ'4! h J!.IT") SI"" shall not be held liable.
.,.,~ >:•~+ ... .., 41'P(·
~Ii. fAA? l) .:::;--- --"Jfl.-l- t ..., 111.U , .r Ft.... Ntpri, c;,,,.- No.JJ .~ Mon:~ . 2019 ,.. . . . . .. 11021

/i/ .,.,,i;.
'-mh-,·A ,.
l..f')I:. f}\-',t,. n, "J.":-' ... "'
" · ~,. ,.,. .r.-r: '1:-·l11
II The Trustee manal!cr Mtall represent the Charitable Trust.

f./ ,••I',. hr•Jl..f')I:. nr:f\. V-·l·h

.r.-r:~-1,1 r"T.mhl\m-1 2/ The Trulllee Manager Mtllll designate the rrustee who shall
,_., 09 <:"IA I
.,,..=,:,,..,- '"-"-t,. ,., 1cl in his ~lead end may al/10 appoint an advocate to
J.':r:~-,,> rrprrsent tho Chantablc Trust in any proceedings.,
?-~f'l· f"T.h:l··l·A rnrl.+
l'\.mhA ,..,l·-,An
f/ 'll\1\-'.l',.s,>=J: h,••A"11 fDf,._.,:_
., ...- ''l.f'A.4- l\4'.0"'.7.!J:,n- J/ The Charitable: Trust shall be liable for acu of Tru 5t ees
~-74' r.:-r:1.-t-l- ·1-tn.f'-t ..., within the scope of their authority.
,. ... .,._
o ... i:-')-.. Y:r:~--1: )m-•
. .. ··-- r""-"· ,n
~. ,..,~~..,__,. ,u~ t:~~!'.l: 42. Uc4cc o( t"sl•bU•broco& Uocurocu&
II A tru~tee shall adhere 10 the orders under the establishment
document of 4he trust.

f.J n,w "--,.+T. ·,o.,. """'T. Ii N·-'.)1'J(J)· n.•rr:r 2/ Notwithstanding the stipulations under sub article I the
0/\-'.&-- ,a hJ.':l',.·H· J.':c~-1: ·l-m:J>O't 1\11')(1}- (1(1)- trustee may ask for pennission from the Agency to operate
.,.:,.,- r-'/..J',._J..A-, If',;- f;J-f 1'")"-lf') h·Ml\-·l· beyond the orders on the establishment document when it is
•l-c)tll ':f a,--,_.. I\ODJ'••&--•}• '11\1\"-&--a>- hh.)':")(l,m- essential to do so for the interest of its beneficiaries.
J..:J* Y.:' -mf~ J.>,l-'\Aa

~- M/lM4:p,:f: rot.Lor hi:,r 43. Remuneration of Trustees

Ii/ fl\Je.&-- (I') hJ.':&--•Ft· J.':CJ!-·I: O·l·**OD{l·l· u•)J.": t»J!,9" II A Trustee shall not be entitled to remuneration unless I
n-,..-=,:a,-r ll.-t ;,.·, n-1Ax· '•A·l·ODi:\h-1- nr,.,..,.c this is specifically stated in establishment document the I
l\')J.': '11\1\Je.&-- h~J' M·n·-1- ou-o-l- I\J.>,,;-~ro-rn , , ·,. trust instrument or by any law. I
f./ r,1.u l\')+T. .,o-,. ,a-,+x· (Ii) n.c;-cr 1\1¥:- """"-&- 2/ Notwithstanding sub-article (I) of this Article., a trustee
11>.,e.,i;. 0'> hJ.':&--'H· J.':CJ!-•I: l\l'lm(J)- a,J!,9" fl\"-&- who acts in a professional capacity shall be entitled to I
(1') hJ':i:-'>T J':CJ!-·I:,. (IODa,hA I\L~OD(J)- - J''P. receive reasonable remuneration out of the trust funds for I
h1A°/l\•·l- h~J' , l'\.'-.~9" 1'')"-"t.1'1 tl-l\-9" any services that he provides to or on behalf of the trust if I
'I I\ h Je.&-sP':f O X--0-~ fl.,._"7 _. A..- h.)':')(l,(1)- fl..f' o.r::,. all the trustees have agreed in writing and it is approved I
ft(I') hJ.':&--'>·l- J.':CJ!-•I: U11·l- -f•OD''l'ri'5 h~J' by the Agency that he may be remunerated for the I
services. I
J'1°';Al I
• I
~ .·· ~- .. --· ,, "'" "' •••.-·, , _ .
u.,.. ~.-,...+ ·'"' •'l'f: « -.->n.+ r +1 11111 , .,. Fecknl Ncg>ril li1,cuc No.JJ 12" Morch . ~019 pogc ....... 11029

f./ l'M~6- n? M~lr?·l· .J'.·r.~·1:1 h'"lfl-l·P.1.c: ;,c: 3/ A Trustee is entitled to indemnity for all personal

n1·.r.r11 l\'}J~ '11'1" 0''11'1- .rm'fJ:i:m- m,.1.1.Y':f· expenses and obligations arising out of the

~ 1-".•l•h,t\-l• fOD,nf~ DD11-l· 1\1'\trt-ff administration of the Charitable Trust.

!H ._f_q_(I_M ._6-a>-
~~~- 44. Rcslflnaliou of a Trustee

6./ """'-lrm- rt., fnnf.\.,.~ ,,.,11 '11\lll- , .., ... m-'} """"''""' I/ A Trustee shall be lmblc for any consequent loss to the
ho·t\·l- roc: n.<.·l · ""·"·.-f· """'-'_.y,:f. tt..r,,m-~ Chnritnhlc Trust where he docs nor notify the other
.J',1'1An.(',II'} <'i .f'i'l;J-m-~ n.-,.,; 1111.11 f·l•',•'f ""'-',. I'll? trustees and the Agency of his intention to resign two
1'.t:-t.-·H· ~r: ~ -1: .-\J'. t\"Y.1.r:flm· h. ,.,,,. :.,"I,. ,.,r,,·/:\11 munlhs prior lo his rcs1gnallun.

I / """'-lrcn- , .. A "J',-'} M\."I 1111"1.1.. hflh'"l•.t'l'l·l·"lt.\',: 2/ A Trustee shull remain responsible for the
~l.i'I M
rl\1.1... M~t.-H· .''.·r:~·11") \""ll'l·l·-'11.r: Administrution of the Charitable Trust until he hands
~"IL',·l- "Ml-'t·• over the Trusteeship.

[/ 1' ') ~ 'lll""-/,. f , ..,,. oo>A -,.-1:,C' T.l'-t .l'•l•l.11 h")f.1r'l 3/ Where a Trustee applies for resignation, a new Trustee
mw ".,.,.Ti' .,,...... ",.,.>\. (li) ,•.,.,. ',·1101· shall be appointed by the person coosti1u1ing the Trust.

M"m"><l',t,t" 1.11. h..,114- I\').~ a1c: """''-''.''I" ''"'-',. by the person on whom such power has been conferred,
,a 1'.t:-~··H· .~c:~-1:·> ••**""m- (lm- fJJVr ,.,n or in default of any such person, by the Agency I
11.ne1,.1,.,- ,••A")') tH·l'l,nm- (lm·I Olf.'I° h '111.11 'If,':'-<· month prior to the expiry of the notice prescribed in

m..:t:11\m- ".-;_" 'll\ f,"{1""7f,\11 Sub-Article (I).

~- r}\f..k ltt ~6-"H• J!:Ckf:'l 'lill.-l- "7"J'11 • 45. Attachjp° Charjtahlc Trysts

i./ f·,-m:J-1..Y':Y.. 'lt\11llfl:Y.. fh1.6- M M'.:6-?·l· Y:C:J!-•I:") I/ The Creditors of beneficiaries may in no case auach a

"Hll.·l- a>J.',9"' ·l·m:J-1.m- l\..r1~ f"'l.1'1m·") hOA Charitable Trust or any allowance to which a
beneficiary is entitled.
O""l'i':i:m-9° IJ·).:J' "'l".r11 I\J.',1·1\-9°::

f./ t\-i'ro(l', "I.ti. f·l·**ov fl\1.6- M 1'Y.:6-1·l· Y.:r.J!-·l· 2/ The Creditors of persons who are to receive the

(LJ...Cl'I 1-Cll,•l:1 fovm-(lY.- OV•{l·l· .,f'•Ffm- 'll\1111fl:f. property forming the object of the Charitable Trust

fl\1.6- M I\J!:-6-H· .r.-c:J!-·1:1 1-flt.·l· ,.,,._r11 f.1·'11\-:1 eo·n stituted for a definite period may at the dissolution
of the Charitable Trust attach such property.

.. ----- --
.c.,-'41 •--..s+
.5:~~--·- ..-..·..'111.:,+~r~+:'~ln~.1~1~•:·:r-~-"T'~r,~-:: "'~e,. ,.: ~u.. . : :. :N~o~JJ~l~Z"~M:""'~-~-~20~19'. .:,-:•~-~..:. ·~
· 1~,o~JO:_______
. "'7'>'i'm-,- "' h ..-
M\.'\ ~ ~'H·
(\fl·l·t;t m,-, (li'J P·1~
OJ/.'.r .,,Ku: 'hlt.•I,')
"'· Traoaccc S•!cAO
Any Charilable Or&Anization or 11sociation while
l\'lA h+t.-r )JI r . I\.Pr"l-t·'\A\: l'\11'>111 '1',l,r tnn1ferrlna it.A property to third party on aale, if the
r·,-,-,-.• tI II'?_,.,,,_,. 1'1 '>111.•·l· t Ill') •'lf.r,~ rlU1" ·1 property 11 Imported with out beina accustom for the sake
II<, f' •l•~Jl- <• I
.. ....,,,.. A II
of public Interest. the 11le shall be d0t1e in accordance with
1hc Cuscom law of che Country.

47. li!1hC1 of OcocOdac!ca

I/ The benenclaries may claim from 1he Chari1able Trust
1he makln1 (111Cr of 1he in1eres1. which. accOl"ding 10
1hc ac1 of constitution of the Charitable Trust. is to
accrue in !heir favor.

2/ When lhc rights of beneficiaries are jeopardized, they

may apply to lhe Agency for the dismissal of the
trustee or to compel him to give appropriate
f/ .,.'"_.....,,,..::r, r It~~ It~~')-)• J.'.:c:)!-•I: 1tt1A
.. (I')
.,.,,~-,.::r, 'l.e n·,Ar tr) ,,_.,,,... 1'°711'11 3/ The beneficiaries of the Olaritable Trust have no right
to dispose of or to administer the property forming the
f""7(1,,.~~C ODofl•}- f'l:r:a>-9"'11
object of the Charitable Trust jointly or severally.

ii mw It,..,.,_ ,.,>-fl It"}+~· f f-1·~)-nm, n.•u:r 4/ Notwithstanding the provision of Sub Anicle (3) of
A)ltu"} ")oflt:-F•':f O°tDDt'\h·)· f .M::.i IIOD"} A,..s;,!('~-r this Article, beneficiaries of a Olaritable Trust may
..,Y:t:·1"} ODD"ll'tt'\m- ~..~... DD·ll-f•;,:=,:m,., foomn-l» · ·only carry out those acts which their righlS, such as
~u~p>':f") ,o;,: DD'-09'° Y.':f·'\t\,11 . the intcnuption of a prescription in relation to such

10:0 hj:A, brrti: SUB SECTION FIVE

48/ llaw

IUW h~A '1'1°7 fO') JiY:~')·l- ti°t-t- "'Ill·)· ch'J'~=,:a,. A ''Charitable Committee" is a collection of five or more
Jirfl·l- futJ' O'l.e ftr). ,,.,,.,, a,y,r t\.i\ ,..,,~.-,. persons who have come together with the intent of
soliciting money or other property from the public for
11M ltY:6-H· ~,..,., hm1M1 11ool'tof11'tof1 v"lofl .,,.=,:m,
purposes that are Charitable.
(tp>':f (loflflofl )a>-11
Fedcnl Negaril Gazene No.JJ 12" March . 2019 page .. 11031

~ii. fM hJe:&-·'H· fl"t-t"> M"76J'.:,. 49. Annrov1I of CbacHahJc CororoiUccs

I/ Charitie• Committees shall not collect funds or
i/f(I-) hJe:&-H· fl"t-t O>..l">l\m- tiJ•.o.r.-:,. "IW-<19"
perform any other activities without acquiring an
1.1') 711<.:·l· "71'tlll'l-<I OJJ',9" ..,,,·:,:n,.,.. .r.·,:·,.·l·
approval from the Agency.
001..,wo hJ',':f-AV"n

2/ Sub-article (I) of this Article shall not apply to

f./ flW h'}.,.:,.· '>CM ,.-,.,.,_. Ii r•"'l_-i·m·") ""7!('!('9"
activities necessary for the formation of a charitable
O°t.J':.<.:"1- hlM.'17, 1' '}:,.fl_-,.,\p•:t· 'IJ~ ·l ·J. Y"'I.
h J',1.1''}9"' n comm1ttce.

J/ The Agency shall consider Articles 59 and 62 of chis

f:/ >..J':'}l\m- rn-> h.l':'c'.. H· r•"t-tP':Y·'> I\J't1.1~·-l- ,.,,_.,.,
Proclamacion when arrroving a charicable
h'I'.~ ,i-,.,.,,... !ff} A'i ~( .~ '};r1.p•:f· fl"'/·1•,·1111
09m(t'} hMl·}·,r committee.

., . f ,h/t-<I _.," "'"I !iO. sc,11:rocuc of Accouu<i

ii rn1 h.~c'..H· r•"'l.-tm- 100:1-'I: ,.,,..,....,, uo·.,11 ....,. II A Charitable Committee shall submit its annual
l\h,J':'}l\m- -,:,.<.:·11 h/lrl·l·n s!atement of accounts to the Agency.

f/ f()') h.~c',..-)·l- fl°t-ta>- f·l·5t>*oom- hh'H':: '¼OD·}· 'IM 2/ A Charitable Committee should submit its statement of
1..11. hlf) r.11 ·1.11. 1''1~1\+ f,hA11 OD"//1..,,,. "7-l-<.:11 accounts at its dissolution where the period for which the
hMl·l·= Charitable Committee is formed is less than one year.

!lli. rn1 Ar;&-H· fl"t-t M4{l'+ s1. sccustucc ofa CharftahJc cowwiucc
ii rw, hJ.>.:&-H· fi"'t-t'1 f"7...f'!l.'c/?9"' m-ti>. oo,...~":f· I/ The decision establishing the Charitable Committee shall
1iq11-1:"1r rn1 >.J.>.:&-·'H· fi"'t-tm-'1 ..-~,,.~,-l-r specify the particulars of persons who foun1 the
1'11111 .f''>fr'i >-~.-,..c 11c11c: 1H.:J- "7tif'-l· Charitable Committee and those who shall act as
J?.'iCO:J-A 11 President, treasurer and Auditor of the Charitable

I m-.-.>.m- rn, hJ.'.:&-H· fi"7..-tm-'} ,11..,JP":f· A'i 2/ The decision shall specify the purposes of the Charitable
,11..,?>:t:'1 f°t.f' ... tiO·l-'1 7,11. 00°//lt) .f.'iC(J:NM• Committee and the time within which it has to achieve

f:/ >.fl'-'17. lf"'i I\ 1~ m-ti1m- f'M hJ.'.:~·'H· f1"t-tm- 3/ The decision shall detcnnine, where appropriate, the
P&--?>":f- A'1J>..-l· ool,c;ro'} A1~t\q:fm- ~a>fl1 A'i manner in which the activities of the Charitable

Ofi"t-tm- f°ttintinm-'1 1"11111 Ac; 1111.·l· oom'}c; committee may be carried out and prescribe such

hm:1'+00-1 t\oo.f,,11mc: ltfl'-'17. flf''i· 1ic:r1Jr-:Y·1 measures that arc necessary to control the amoWlt and the
use of the funds and property collected by the Charitable
67(14>00,,. J', 'icn:J-A rr 11C 11"· A.'1:'11\m- O°t.fa>''la>-
committee. Particulars shall be determined by Directives
ODODt,j' J',a>fl'iArr
issued by the Agency.

ma-r: t ·· .ritr+tiifl t 1~ t H Wtt@Nl:ntrtO& ~ ••

f•derol N<pri< 0 - No JJ IZ- Me"'~. 2019 po,e ........ 11032

52. IJahmry 0( :\Jrrobru

I/ The members of a Charitable Committee shall be jointly
and severally liable for obligations and debts arising out
of its activities.
I/ n,w >.. .,_,.~ ")O-fl >.. .,_,.,t- Ii r.,..,_ )11m·") n -1·nn11fi-1·
21 Any donor, member, beneficiary, the Agency or the
1-.~")l\m-T('flC:\: >t.M·~~~m-r -,c,·:r:m.,- 11;,·,rr ,VIA Sector Administrator shell hove standing for the purpose
ro,r.,- ·hn.+°t_r nt•°t-t-m- >t'l'l·l· 'l.r. hfl 1"' of sub-article I.
""il·l· >t'l:r:m-•
Jr. 11,t ,fl\(Q 1">H-<l'- ")-O~-l- "· IosuWdcoc t'uod ind Proncrtv
/i/ nn-> >..Y:t'.-'l·l- l•°t-t-m- r-1-"'1tu1m- ·n11-,1,; ,.,1.-:-l· I/ Where the money or property collected by the
fti°t-t-m-") ~'1"7 l\"7•ll1·l· tl,t t1Al1') ro,r.,- 'M"7n1-") Churi111ble Committee is insufficient to attain the
-,tit1-l- M.r.~A hlf) .f',U 1">11-fl my.,- ">ill.·l· object which the charitable committee proposed to

r~-t-m- -*~ no.,..,.n·l- m-•U. 'l.r. it·NJDllh·1·111- achieve, or where achievement of its purpose becomes
_,,,1,.-,. fl,,..t',.. 'l,r. .f',m-'IAa impossible, such money or property shall have the
destination prescribed by the decision which has
approved the charitable committee.
f./ fllW h")-,.~ ")(M h")-,.~ /i tlo.,_-,.m- m-ti>. m-flT 2/ In absence of a provision, to that effect the money or

f•N1D/\h·I- ~"IC: hl\.l\ 1'11111- m.f',,- 'Hll.•I: l\flffl:1- property shall be returned to the persons who have

hY:~1.P'=t': •I-DD'17f J!.lf'iAII donated the money or property.

C./ l\tl'I hY:t',-.'l•l- ti°t,-t-0>- 1'>11-tl mJ!,,- 'Hll.•l- fl'lm- 3/ lf Persons who have donated money or property to the
l'IP'i" DDAl'la>- l'\.(JJ{)~-l- f1AL11·1- mvr f1A;F{\. Charitable committee cannot or do not want to claim it
mJ!,,- MJ!.:rm<I: hlf'~ n,w h'I'~ Y:'>.7'1.SJ>°:f· · back, the money or property shall be placed at the
oe1Pt.·l- n~J!'>l\a>- a>-ti>. l\.,.OD<"l<"l.r. rn-> >.Y.:t'... H· disposal of the Agency and shall be destined for a
~'1"7 ,-0>-'1A a similar charitable purpose in accordance with the
provisions of this Proclamation.
JI. +& 1111-os: 111,+ 54.~
ii IIM hY:~'l·l- fl"t-t-cn- f•MOl'lnm- '1'>11-tl roJ!,,-
I/ Where the money or property collected by the
1-01. -l- 'Ji\.,m-1 ""'"' •·l-
>..fl'-'17. hlf'~cn- 111\.e tnr~ Charitable Committee amounts to more than what is
4'&a>- 1111,n a,J',,- 'Hll.•l- fl"t-tm- IJO,.-,.a,- cn-.-.>. necessary for the attainment of the proposed purpose,
ODIP(.•}- i\1\.1\ TDD...... J', f(J'I I\Y;"&,•)-l• 'J'1"7 ~u&, the balance shall have the destination for another
I\.e J',a>-1\ A " Charitable purpose prescribed by the decision
approved by the charitable committee.
I/ 1101-.-.>.m- 111'/l'f' J',tJ1") O"tt111i\M• f•MI\O ~,c: fl\.i\ 2/ In the absence of any Provision to that effect, it shall be
A'H~tr~ ,1,m· a,J.'.,- 1-ot.•h ~:(11'1.m- nrw M·~
placed al the disposal of the Agency and shall be
J':1.77.JP"fo ODIPt,•l- ""'" M•OP...... ,. f()'I ltY:&-H•
destined for a similar Charitable purpose in accordance
'f'1"7 ,ea>-'IA " with the provisions of this Proclamation.
• .
., '.I • i.toroh, )019 p11t .. . ;o ... 11033
F1dtfll N1pril Oottlll ..,o., 12

55, C>t"VG lntg I (bet\Stb EodoWWGOl

I/ Where under the decision approving the charitable
, the m· oney or property collected by the
Charitable committee Is to be destined to a specific
, b' t • Charitable Endowment shall be
lullni o 1cc,
constituted for 1he atteinmcnl of such object.

Where the money, or properly colleclcd by lhe

°'" a,,. r 2/

I/ A.~1.. ·H· ti"'f.i.m- f·h'l<ll'l<ln,- ,.,,,.,,
chnrl1nblc commluee Is significantly larger than what is .
"Hlt.·l- f:1--,..,_n,-') 'JI\-, fl"7•V1·l· Al'ILl\'I, fnf~m· necessary for 1hc a11ainmcn1 of the proposed purpose.
~~'7 r<1tt tnr~ rt1"'f.i.m- Ml\·l· <11'\.rtA -, 1 nt.l'lil the members of a Chorilable Committee may seek
.("(:~·h•l- flODOlllM-(1 fl..f'ODl'\h•l1 J',':f••'ll'\,11 permission and apply to the Agency for registration as

civil Hoclety organization.

3/ If the Commiuec is registered as 3:n Organi1..ation, the

f./ fl"'f.i.m- CJ.~r..~·l·~·l- h·I-ODl/1flf nt•"'l.·ta>-
money or properly collected by the Commiuee shall be
f·NtOl'IOm- 1'>11il<; '}-flt.·l· 01.,_·l·ou111llm· IM-1! fl')
transferred to the Charitable Endoment.
}\.("/,.")·l- J.':C:~•h•l- .f.•l"i\l'\4-Aa


")0-/l h~A /lJ.':llT
?:Ot:f:I:5' M'11~:f:I: 1:0.lT
ff, ')'11~+'J5 f..,:()~+T ..,:()~'T }\ODWt,.~"T 56. formation of Consortium and Consortium of Cnn:sortiums.
II Two or more civil society organizations or consortiwns
i/ IJ-ll:,.t; hll.f' CM.e flf'I- M.if.A "'l.-,0&-·l· Y.:c:~.Y·":f·
may form a consortium or a consortium of consortiwns
a>Vr · .-,'11~-,.:r- f ;,1,. 'Jl\"'l=i:m-'} l'\"7tit1-l·
in accordance with an agreement concluded among
noo11h't:fa,, Cl"!..f'.,_c:·1-·l· /l9°9°H· OJJ.',9° t11w ;,-...,
themselves towards the achievement of their objectives
CJ..,.ODl'\h•f:'T J.':'} ;J'l,JT>:f• 001P~ •l- '1-(1(. •}• (JJJ.','I° or in accordance with the provisions of this
f..,,()~.,.':f ..,'11~•}• ODOD,1"~•}• _e":f•'t/l,11

2/ Consortiums or a consortium of consortiums may be

, I/ ..,'11~-,.:r- a>J','I° Mil~-,.:r- ..,'11~·l· hMl'\";F=,:a,,
established for any legal purpose related to rights and
ov'11:,.t; .,.:,.r ,.?C: f,f•.f' .f'II "7'}'/10,-'}9° ;,.;,'P. 'Jl\"7
benefits of their members including those indicated
1l"'lti•1·l- fl.ODIP~•I: .e":f·l\ll,l J',IJ'I° f"!.h·l'll··l·'}
.f'l1•l-;J-A: -
a) To support their members for the achievement of
(lJ) fl,?&- "1'1°:f /lh.;r"'/~·l· A'll'\ :F=i:a,-'} "7/l•MOC:'r

OD.,_.,',: l
(ll)fUltilT fOD~)l' ~r;
common objectives;

To facilitate the sharing of ideas, information and


- .; n: litnx rm,v, c~wns n -r,,


Ftdcnl Ntpri1 Gvtftt No JJ IZ- M1n:h . 2019 ,... .. .. ... 11034

c) To build the capacity of members and support their

resource mobilization efforts;

d) To undertake activities c:lcsigncd lo enhance the ethical

and professional "'andards among members;

e) To work for the protection of the righL~ of members by

ar11cul1111ng their common voice and advocate for
enabling work environment for members;

j' f) To conduct research and policy advocacy activities in

the ~eclor8 in which their members operate.

3/ Notwithstanding the above mentioned aims, a consortium may

not involve itself in operations that place it in direct
competition with a member organization. However.
consortiwns are not barred from collecting and mobilizing
resources to operate projects through their member

")(),fl hi:A M-l- SUB SECTION SEVEN


S7. Registration

6/ .,.Ffm-r Y:CJ!,·l· 11,w _;,-. .., oou•t'.·l· ,11..~">l\1JJ- 1/ Any organizations shall be registered by the Agency in
ODOD1M11 hl\(1-}•:, accordance with these provisions.

I/ 1..,:'}(Lm- fh1C 0</>A .r..·cJ!,:,. "7ooAh:F llc/>t'.111\·l· 2/ The Agency shall, upon application and after ensuring the
lli!N-'i"·l- m-llTT fm-'1." Y:CJ!,·l· fnn ,...,,,.. f9"111'l fulfillment of the requirements stipulated under this
-,ooAh:F hr&- 1.:,.Y: _.,c n+~ol\-l· o~M c/>'i"·l- Proclamation, register the applicant and issue a registration

m-llT IIIW h'PJ!, f·l·S'.'11'1-·"I· hfll.'11, IJ•).;J-JP":f- certificate within 30 days from the date of application for

oo"J.'l;J-:i:m-'} t1~:.ntn IJ;\'I hor>Al1":f- Y:CJ!,•I:") Local Organizations and within 45 days for a foreign
(JODODll111 ffrflhC a,~c/>·l· J'.fl"IAII

f/ >,.00At1:Ji h'IJ'. IIIW >,.")</>:,.· ')O-fl h')</>X" I 'IJ'. 3/ Where the Agency fails to issue certificate of registration
within the period indicated under sub-article 2, the
O•l"or>l\h-l·m- 1.11. m-flT f9"ll1'1 f9"flhC a,~c/>·l·
applicant may file its complaint io the Board within 30
J'A·l"fltnm- 1. '}S'.lf'I Mi </>'i"·l- a>-flT :,.~;.t-a,-') l\11C ~
1· -,:,.~11 ,r.":f-'IAII
days from the expiry of such period.

Z ?difttQe,¥:(]}tt] V' WifJdZ?W1F:DDFF-

4/ The Board shall . ex;m'ine the complaillt and make a

9./ flC~ f<f'l.:'11\·l·") :t-t..;J- (low>or>C:or>C flt '1'<i·l· m-fl1'
determination on the matter within a period of 60 (sillty)
a,-,'I), ,ec'l"lA II
SI Where the Boord finds that the Agency failed register the
f;/ h.:P.:"Jl'\.m- J.'.:C~·I:") .fA01'll1rlm- .fMl-4! rh"J,f'·l· Orguni1.ution without a good cause, it shall direct the
ODIi').") flC~ l'\.I.:~ f9"111'1 l'lt:.,.4'-h.•11 OJ",.fm-'1- Agency to issue the ecru ficatc of registration forthwith.
). ")°".l'IT .f'tlAII I\IW ~");11. 1\4'.~1,,-r ~J'.'){lm· For the purpose of this,provision, the Agency shall be
4'+1.:rll\-l- f9"111'1 -,ouAh~ (l")O·i'I I\ ")4'1.' I deemed not to have a good cause to refuse registration jf it
0-,.0,,t\h·l·m- 1.11. r•'l'ii t1Al'lt0 r ,~·,: :r!-·I:"> foils to respond to such apphcation within the time limit
"lt\ODOU1Mil 11<1! 9"h"J.f'·l- ,. ">'-t\.l\cn- , •.,,,n/.-A" mentioned under sub article 2 of th is article.

6/ An applicant dissatisfied with the decision of the Board

'i,/ OflC~ a,-,'I). 4\,e :J,c; f·M'Y l\ouAl1":f· ('t•c;>;. 111-•H.
may lodge an appeal before the Federal High Court within
ll'-t.fla,- O~ +<r·l- m-i'IT l\l...'-1,-A h~·I·~ ~,:.~· O.·l·
30 days from receiving the Board·s decision.
V7'1 "5 -, I\ ·l- .e"':f-"1 A 11
58a l>ocnments Reonired for Beristration
~- l\f'"ffl'J M..flll..ll.1- MP.?f J/ An application for registration by Local Organization shall
/if fh'IC IJ<f'A J.'.:C~-r-":f• f9"111'1 "70DAh:F 11.~·c:~·I: be signed by the founders and contain the fellowing
oop,•&-Jf"':f- l'liltitl •1-J.C'I" DP.-,.t.-11 .fl\'1·l· l'\.lf")T
Mh-1-1\-·l·") 11C11C •1->; r-"':f- "7•1·1--l· y,r,>c(l:J-f.\: -
a) The minutes of the formative meeting indicating the
(tJ) fOD/u&-¥"':f-") /"¥°1 I\J.'.:(,-"/j<;" 11,.,/H• f.('11 names, addresses and citizenship of the founders;
rr.,,,1.;1- :J>l\-'l-'IJ..I
b) Copy of the identity card or passport of the founders;
(I\) fOD/u&-¥"':f- foP.;J-OJ-t.f OJ/!,'r f;J'(l?'C •l· f1•1:J
c) The name of the organization and its logo, if it has
(,h) fJ.'.:C~·l:") r'l° ).")".IJ·'l° '¼C"7 (111\m-)l
d) The objectives of the organization and its intended
(DP) fJ.'.:C~•I:") '¼"l"'I ').c; 1\..1'1"'1&- _f(IOO·l·") fr/,- sector of operation;
IIC'f:l e) The region where it intends t~ operate;
( 1,.,) l\..fl"'I&- .,f'(IO(J,l·") f/"&- ll;J- (hAA)I
f) The Rules of the organization approved by the
, (t.) {)00/"&-¥':f fOJ'.<I> oo.,-Jl,J>.l,.f J'.")-111
(ti) fJ.'.:C~•l:") hJ.'.:&-'lf11 g) The Organization's address.

2/ An application for registration of a Foreign Non-Governmental

f/ (Jo,-•/... MC: f·l·OD(lt.·1· .r.·c:~·l· 0,1.l} h")<I'~· ")()-{I
Organization shall, in addition to the conditions required
}\"),t~· (Ii) ,,.,.,,..,,.,.,}. }\(11.."1'1. l}•).;1-?>l· (J,1·1.1.1."'ll,
under sub-article I, be accompanied with the following
f"'"th•N\,•l·") "7.-,.t.-tl J?,'i'C:11;1-A :- documents:
-._-,sr · r

Fod<ral Nopri1 Ga,olio No.H 11~ March. 201 Q r•s• I JOJ6

witl1 tllc following documents:

O) .V:c:~·I: oo**,_., f''7.J!I\J'. h-11·,t~O'l'fl·)- Mt: ·

a) Duly authenticated certificate of reg,s
· tra t'on
1 showing

f·f·l'lmm· fl}\"l'lQ- f·f·t.:11,n M.(· I its establishment from its country of origin;

fl} P'A"I") J'flm- fY.·t;~,f: 1\l1A Y.·C:~·11 111'.·)-r-A·.P b) Duly authenticated resolution of its competent organ

a,-1'1'1' '1-.'H.fll.- .NflLm- 111'"1•111· M ·l.:11,n to operate in Ethiopia;

c) Duly authenticated power deligation of the
,h) 01\?C: m-i'l"I' ·f·a,l1f. M·tPtnm- ll1\'71lQ- M·t.:'1tn
fa,-hAS P'A"l'Hh·r·,t!tODf'I·)- u1c: 1'.r'll\
country reprcscntatrve; Le
ttcr of recommendation
from the embassy in which the charity is
a>J',r 1J'"'ll\ hl\.fl h·f·,('*ODf'l•-,. M\nr)
incorporated or in the absence of such by a
'lflm- "''A f·M',n f.(";,~: ~ilJl,R. mJ!.r
competent authority in the country of Origin from
hh.:H·k .P 4-~t-'l'f! JI.'l"hi...l\.t>'f! 6Tilfi.h
Ministry of Foreign affairs of Federal Democratic
fcn-"-l,. 1-Jl,.f', "'t't,..1:<:. f·f·l'l,n fY.·:>'J: ~ilJl,'1.1
Republic of~thiopia and;
OD) ho-fl·'f '¼OD·-,. 'l'l'll'I ·,.rt.. f""l..·r·1n,: frt- b:,.1.·n
d) A Work plan for a minimum period of two years.
Cl f'Hlt.-f-:Y· 1'9°111'1 "'looAh~ Cl-f·a>t1.t>:fOJ- 1:C:~·-,. 3/ The application for registration by a Consortium shall be
:~'I'- >&-,t1'5'l•-,. •l·LC:'l" h"'th-f·fl.•'}- (l'l/1,;:;. :>C signed and submitted by the head of their representative
·f· ,f.f,fl· J',+C:'lA I .Organization and shall contain the following particulars:

(U) 0..,-CU·f: oort-l· ·.t.;c:~+":f· ·f·a> 11r-:f. f·ht~OD a) Rules of the Consortium signed by the
fOD•J-Jl,~6.f ~'')ilf representatives of founder;
(fl) hQ'l·r '1-CU-f:'} flODODM•r f·f·il"'/00-0•} :J>fl b) The minutes of tlle decision among members to
1-Q'tT form the consortium;
(rh) l\..,-0~-t: h'l'l·r h1..J!')l\a>· a>J!,9° p•A"I'} c) A certificate of registration issued by tlle Agency
'11\0J- fhAA J'tltA· f•M,n fh'l'l•l- f9°111'1 or Authorized Regional Government body to tlle
rrl'lhc: m~t-r1 members of the Consortium.

!/ 1"100Al1!Ji h"'l'lilH· l'Jt\(1)- ~'HI f"'ta>l'l',m-'} f9°111'1

41 The applicant shall pay a registration fee to be
h't:J' y,fJ't:'IA" determined by tlle relevant Regulation.
"f;/ fuo-J' '7...,tlt-·r'} 9°111'1. '1-.'i "11'1-f·Jl,~C 11C:11C: 5/. The Civil Societies Organizations Board may issue
-,.J1,r-":f·'} ·n·t·ooM1·I_- fl\fi.A "7..,ll/.Ml_ Y.·C:~.f·l· directives on details regarding the registration and
j flt; f: OOOD6J' ,\.,fa,fll J!,°:f•'lf.\ fl Administration of Professional Associations.


I i
llill.!fl Nrs1ri1 G11nnt No Jl 12• March . 2019 page . 11037

! .. . t t·
~9- B.dvsal of ApnHraljongr o£
!Iii .JTJ.1.1.'.l...T J'-t1 Mtton-,.nl\
/ The Agency shall refuse to regi~ter an Organization where
~/ k'.lr.11\m- h'"l.h1·"·-l· f"h1 ,r-f·:Y. h 1~- ""':'<-1 1
it finds that :
•11. : 11m ~-r:~ -1,1 h .r .""tr"/•Or,-
al The applica11on docs not comply with the necessary
(11) "'""Ah~- o,u, M'~ 1'11_,.,,.jX N ·f.~ ·I·1--l·1 58 of th IS
con d I·t I on•., ~el
. out under Article ·
""l'l~r:-f-l· r..,_r"'.T."\ ,r<; I\ 11•,· 1•.11T>V- Prodamation and the applicant's representative fails
>.1 -"..f',H·1mA rh""A'1!Ji ·hnltJ', ·l·,nJ',,J' to meet such condirions after being requested ro do
ll''M-1·111,A l1A :l=l'I l
(I\) r.t~r:~-,, "l"\.., '"-''·"' ,.,,..., ..-11.1..,• r.·rn· "'''· bl The 111111 of the Organization or the a•ctivitics

f ·l'°"llh-1-m- r""'-· ·11c:11r: l\,'t,··1 ,.nJ'.V" l\,'t,·11-11 . under the Organization"s rules arc
d cscr1pt1on
't"/.·A ·t-.-t-1,.'i_ h1rH contrary to law c:,r public moral;

(,h) .~t:.'t.:--1: r't.""111-flll·l· _, •.,,.. a1,t',SI" 'SC:"'IT hl\.l\ e) The name or symbol under which the proposed

.r.::-C:.'t.:-·l- cn.r.r 11"'/'),;'m-9" 1\.1\ ·l·:1;'9" r9" ;,c: Organization is to be registered resembles the name

r-"'f..oe,)r)A h1.r~ 01.l',9" ;1,"r> cJJ.t',9" l',l,11-11'} of another Organization or any other institution or is
'f"<.-A M.-t-t.") hl.fH contrary to public moral or is illegal;

) .r.::-c:~-1: l\9"111'1 .N•t.flm- M.l!' fl,l,1H· f·l·II ;,-,: d) The document furnished for regis tration by the
roJ',r r-r-·1."111.111. lnr~:, Organization is fraudulently obtained or forged.

f.J 11,w ,-,..., n°1A,,.. h·l·oofth·l:·l· rh'.> .l'·f·°:f· 0>-,1.1. 2/ The Agency may not refuse applications for reasons other
1',Jl:")l\m- IJh(l&,.C:9" J',IJ•") ODOD~J' fl°'/Ol•'IJ•}• than those speci tied under this on the basis of practice or
f9"111'l T.f''I:") l\.hl\hA h.f.":f-Ar:: directive.

E! -,ooAh:rm-'.> flll.U ;1, 1 001Pt.·l· 0

ooc:'rr: ·l·•l·'l.t',',-l· 3/ If an application fails to fulfill the necessary requirements
fl\,t,<D- htr~ hODAf1:J: f')~(\m-") ~1C: fl@ •l'li°•l· laid out under the law. the Agency must provide a written
a>-flT hfl-f-l1hft A")>;,-,.c;,O h,)!")(lm- (l~·,fr~ ODA{!
response permitting the applicant to fulfill such
J',l'lm'PAII requirements and resubmit its application within 30 days.

9./ hODt\ IJ:J: f•f·'l(HD-") ~1C: l\"'/fl·l·fthA ~:J> ~7,: f1Atr~

, 4/ If the applicant is unwilling to amend and resubmit its
h,)!")(la,, "'/ODAh:rm-") J'A·f•-,.(11\0·l·") ,"h:1'P. application, the Agency shall reject the application for
,-.t,")J'·l· llODT.,.(I T.f'<l:m-") m-Y;:,. J'~C::1A11 registration and state the legal grounds for rejecting the

l;/ f,-.111'1 T .f'<l:m- m-.l!':,. ftr~fl·l· hODAl1"f flh.°1:11"1.m- 5/ An applicant that is dissatisfied with the Agency' s decision
a>-•'I). :,.c; h·M"f :i-&.:J-m-") (I'!) -,.r,,}• m-flT l\flC; ~- may lodge a complaint before the board within 30 days
"'7:,.I. il J',"fI\ A II from receiving the decision.
.. Ftdonl Ntpril 0-.w NoJJ 1.t' Man:h . 2019 - .. II OJ I

6) The Board shall review the compl iant and give iii
decision with in 60 days up on receiving lhe complianL

7) If an Organization obtained a registration ccrteficate by

fraudulent or forgery act and if it is verified by the
Agency, the Board shall decide dissolu.ssion of The


8/ If the Organization is un!18th1ficd with the board's

dccl1ion that i1 aivcn in accordance with 1ub article 6
and 7 of thi1 article. the Organization may lodge an
appeal before lhe federal High Court within 30 days
from receiving the board"s decision.

60. The SlrolflGIDCC Q( IP OrrenlzttlPDII Buie IPd

. ., ' 'h Ila Conu;nu
ii -n~...,. ¥:c:~-l- r.'th·l-"-·l-·t oe~1fsi>~1- r.,,, 1/ All Organizations mlllt have rules· containing lhe
'· r-r·-" ~~.t' ~"Jil I\'r~,,,. Y.1'1A,- following:
(U) f~C:~·llp,r1 . . :··,,
I . '
.a) · The Or&anization"s name;
(~) tl:C:~·ll CJ4\"7si>':f•I - .. .., ' ... .z., ~, b) · The Organization"s objectives; .

(m) ,.1:c:~-ll ffM.r. Ai1Ar ·P·A~'Jc; ·l-'7'1r.r c) , The _Organization_'s Executive body, Power and
Functions, . internal. governance and aructw'e,
fm-llT h~~Jfl•),c; h,-..,--"~C:1 · fMIMc;
fm-tit hc't"M" p•t;CJ•~I ,- · ; ..; · meeting and decision-makin& procedures;

{oa) . f¥:'C:~·h - 10.c; •hil·l- ""-'1'1·} A'J.11.o-r • d) : A stipulation indicating that the Organization's
I\IP&-•1-7/'l· flih'7- h·I·'-.,.~ l'MA'7c\•-l- h,:.r income and resources may not be distributed to
_Jfl+C: l\_h"-'-A MY.°:f.A ootr>-U members or employees except for payment of
~ • ·.. : i ~.
, {, .., ,,.... legally permitted service. fees;
( "') l'X:'C:~-h h'IA a,y.,- u•&-·I·~ 009l1'). il:F e) A stipulation .indic!lting that the Organization's
·J·' 'nx-c:~-t: · 'HV.·l- '- ,.,. A·11Pf·r ·· oe,t1-l- members_or employees do not have an automatic
MVN.m- ODtr>-U ·'.·· ·,'· ' .., - -... , . ~ . .. ,right over the organizations resource only by the

- t • .• ~. * . - .,- . . , •?'/,
· mere fact of their membership; _
A stipulation indlcating that the Organization has
( a separate and independent legal personality and
--: • '• • • •:.. ,<

symbol from its members;

" . 'I"'

.! (fl) l'A'l'l•l- OD/l'f'OJT 11~<1)!-•I: ihAm-C. 4\.f. ·1·1."b'r ·

-, ..}'
( ,{ · g) A _stipulation indicating tf.tat Change of Members

1'1\.1\CP- ODtr>-U of the Organization __do not have effect on the

existence of the Organization;
h/ Membership docs not devolve by inheritance;

- 1111.•

( +)
~ ~:"+ _...,,. +ft: « - ."IL+ r •1 Ill.JI , .,.
r ,e;-r. )!--,, f "'-ti-o,; M ">11-0 >,. ">:,.1'1.•I\ -t-+•1 r, H
,,.... N,..... a-- No.JJ 12"' Mardi . 2019 ,_.. ···· II0)

I/ Th• Oraanl,.atlon's accounts 1111d flnanclal transactions

tJl\a,, r ,h,ti,o >...r,.,, ,--r.,+ M.-~.-.r).11 Will bl m11n1aed by 1111 accepted 1ccountin1 system;

(fl) r~r.)!--,,-, r,··~,; ,.,_,.-.ii

tt:,0¥:t; >..L.1u,r
j/ The Supreme body of 1he Orpnization will examine
and apprOYI the Orpnl1..a1lon's flnancial and work plan
r-t-1.r1.~,; M.n~+.. m'I,- "''A and perfornuinc:e;

(-,.) --,.11,;.~,r ~')fl· r-t,r,rAfl~--, ,-,r,,,)-f Ir./ Proctdure for amendina lht rules;

c•:> f-'"C)!--,,-, m~+ ,._+, '

I/ n,, Orpnlzatlon'1 budaet year;
C'>) -'"CJ!--,, >-">Ur.l'I .,,.r >..,.._,,_., M.a,ti">,...., mJ Th• Orpnlzatlonal body that will decide to dissolve
rn'l.r. "'•A'i r-t-1'""1·'>-., ,..,:,.,N and cloeo the Orpnlzation, and the procedures IO be
(">") ~r.J!--1: f\"-'?" .rl\n•l-, ~:~ ""' ht:I\• .,.,... ",. nl I\ 11lpul11tlon lndicatina that durina dissolution. once
,-ot.:-l- r ~r.J!--,, rrM.e "'IA 1\-t.,n• "'" the dcbt1 of the Orpnlzatlon arc paid the out11tandina
~r.J!-•'t- •.er fl~~')f\a,, Oh,A /\A.I\ hltA a,r,,- money and property 1h1II be transferred to another
011,U h'f'J!- ~-}- M·tt-a,, "-").(' r't•l•I\I\~ org1U1izalion named by the Orpnlzation"s supreme
-u").")• body or 10 another body throuah the aaency or to the
fund established under this proclamation.

11 n,,.., ,_,.,.,. ,o.,.. ,_,.,.,. (Ii) ,,.,.,,1.,1{.,.,. 11,,.t.1.a,..,~ 2/ In addition to the Information mentioned above. the Rules the
ra-,-~ '-&,I' '- ')0, f'"'t.flT,\,•l-'lr ,\,rt,,}-,-,. ,.l-1\A :- Organization may also include: I
(II) ~h'lA ~-l- -Ocft f'"'t.J''-r.-,. 09f'ILC.,f,l°-J a) Requirements that musl be fulfilled for membership; I
Reasons for terminatioo or suspension of membership;
{t\) It'll\~+ r"t,tt.'l"l=t:,,,_-, a,r,r M:J-1.(-IJ:(-a,,') b)

( .._> A'lA ~+ tt,t1.-r .,,.,,. f\:J-1Y: n,.;r.~-11 ,.,.11.,. c) Internal procedures for appealing from decisions to
~-,q'J l"°tmf-l-O·l- ,,...C:'J-l-1 terminate or suspend membership; I
( OD) rIt'll\ ~-l-'i" t\.l\•':f, h<t:J's,,':f, Mcofl>R·l-'i" d) Procedures for imposing and collecting membership and
rotmr-1:n+ ,,..,c;,,)-1 other fees; I
{'") f ,,...&,. ltODt-C: ;}l\'-P''f Mi'I'ODil•l-'i" e) The power, procedure for appointment and procedure for I
Mif"-O·l- ,,... r.,,.,., ,,A•A111')'i" 1--,l)t,•l-I ....cmoval of executive members of the org~ization; I

{~) r,,A,&,. AIIL'l°t (ICY: A'ltl·l- Ml'l'rn·l-'i" f) The powers and functions and procedure for the J

r-,.ni~H· .,A•r.'J·l- r .,...A"l'J'i" .,..l'l,..·l- 1 appointment and accountability of the officers of the J

organization; . . I
g) ~e~_cr or not th~ :>rganization performs fundraising l
{fl) 111'1. _,,,11111 .,...&- tl.e f"tf\07t- lat\ODII'>
act1V1t1es ; ·· · · · I
la" t\ ODlf), I

·,,; . fJJt'J

F"tdenl NrPrit G~ Nn lJ' It- M•rc,. ,1019 P•I' - .. 11040 ·

• 61. K.uult or Kcrlatulloa

Any OrgM i7.ation whu;h registered upon fulfillment the
rcgislratlon rcquircmcnL~ provided m 1hi11 Proclamation:
f '
6./ f~'? fln>-H· J.>,<it..,.AJ
I/ n.,.•._ J'.h.-.A r .r.h1V1A r n>-A ,.,.,..,.'IA r .
Shall hava legal personality;
Can sue, be sued and enter into contracts;
r.; Af. r.,.•.~.. ~.+¥;;-, i-t08t\h·r, ~1':1· ,,.,,..,.,nn-1i 3/ Witho~I preJudice to laws !hot require spcdal h ~ense,
tr~n>- r tMc,=-~--
., •••·,
nt.?~ f .,.,,~,. .,..,..,, ('OD(l"7/r•}• -can opcrale in the sector of its choice;
-·O·l- 1\1\n>- I
, 21 n.,.•._ - -;....;_,·.,.,w,,...,· ,;...,,.,.,.,.. . .,.,.. ,111.·l· •11111.-l· ' .. .. ._. 41 To own, administer and transfer movable and
immovable property. However. the proceeds from the
f09tl"'1">1V.·l- M1H·-ll,.c:c; Mi'l·MM: 0011-l·
disposal of the propc:rt)' may not be transferred as
ht\lD-II tr<iV- ")-fll.•l:9'° tf~ h")-fll.:I: 'fi.f'~I." ('"t"f>°III·
1'>11-0 0/ltn;J- Ah'l'l•l- -r.),r·· OIJ.'.'/° hh'1"71D- fl)-£1.l.
..... -. • donation for the bendit o~ members or to another

., -:•.-;.It~ .,--,qc: 1\:,-~I\~ .hJ!.":f/:\'l°I .• ..... activity which is not its mission;
f;/ ~O;;·U h~.,.~ ;0-~ ~')~"- ~l'l~·l· ~;~;t.,}·
§ ,f'i'l•MI\'- • '' . • \t ~e ~~~nizat; ~ which transfer property based on sub
Y:C:J!-·l- O!f; f/1/,.. +'i"·l· ,u.,~')(Ln,- -,.-.w-l- hl\(l•}·u article 4 of this article shall inform to the agency within
~ ~ . ;· :,~. :.
··;, IS days . . '
. .., -:... · ·..•... '.~ \ -· ..

- :.- - ... "· ~ ·T";. ,.. • ·~ • -. . -. . "

A/ "f">7111>-9" Y:CJ!-·l· r,1·,t~oont, ,. ,_,_.,,,: 'W'7
a:• /l"f... ff•): Of'.}•r,:'OJ-1" _;f,."J'P, _
r/.-_'l,f., fODIP"'J(r•}• lawful activity to accomplish its objectives.
~ .. -:- ~"" 1!1'-fl·l- 1,1\U>-!'- - , ,_ ;:: ·,, , -.'. ~.. \ ;_. ·.'-·. . -.-. .': •.. ·, -
II h?C n.,.A Y:C:~-f·':f·r . 01\._-l·f':A-J' _ ID-11'1'9" tr~ 21 Indigenous Organizations shait have the-~ght to operate
hl\.•"1-f-li.f' U>--1." I\OD.,.»&-•}•1 '-'>)J,(I•'/° hll'#-&-'P.1 -~; . '> \_..I • 'in Ethiopia· Qr abroad, or implement objectives having
. ' . . .
-::;-·.· · h~/1 hll1-&-'e a,J',V- 'M'I° >t+r;:- j,;11,}· J'l\o,. 'J'l"7'> _,· ~ , globa1;regional or sub regional nature.
.. .~,,; .. . ': .
·,·: --__. ·. .- ~,...,'l&-"e 11"7Y:l. I Jl.':f•M·• ,,
0 > <;

·-;-: ··r1-..,,,P1m-r Y:c:~--,;,;n~ft. rrr.-~h·l- -; ••, .., l\"7h'i'OJ"> ~-;}.,;\ / ,. A~,Organi~t;~ ma;~ ~stablished to implement project
. a ;. •:. 111tt1•':f :i:-r.J!--f·':f-· r11i1-1t'i' f6U>-+·l· Y: •.,~ • . ': . .._·: a~tivities on.its_own or t~ .,"..ovid~ fi~ancial ·and technical
.:.:.·'.:. ,.,; fl"7Y:i'1 l'\.~ltr J!.°:f'IA·u :· ---~, :n c:,, ·' : ·, . ·. support to other orgiµt~a.ti_OQS. . , · '·· ··

§/ Y:r.J!--,.':f f"t.f'h'i'U>-S::i:U>- / ..&-fP':f· ;,c: n·f·H· 0

. : ! ,, '-" . 4/ -Th.e -Organjzatioit. q1ay"° propose recommendations for the
' · '
· ·,: · · "· mJl.r ·f.f'J'1f~·l· .f'i:f-m-'1 r·n.,...&-.-.ii.e J'II· ,M':f·r <change : ·or amendment of existing laws, policies or
1 ,,,. ·;. -~7.1'\.Ar':fr: h6&-c-':f .A">.&;.i\mm-·1· 1-,.1;.ififl\. .- ·, pra_c!ices, :or issuance ·o f new laws and policies of those
. ..!, .. _ .:><- A-".r'I . :t.->':f'i''· 7"1'\.(LP'":f A'
,M-11 "7-l-t.-11
' . .. \. wh,ich_ have relationsh_ip with the activities they are
I performing.
J!, ':f '111· "

rans U t t 11:»dJi-f.+-tiiWCW

191• ,.,.., · .... . IICNI

. *U rt' M-· .
• u - •:'-'+ ....... ••:·« -.'lft.+ r .,, 111.ll , .,. rt*NA ~,..,., a.- . (-4) o(dlis Arocle, unleaa
·--Ana Sub AfttC:1C
51 Nocwith1u1nv1 . olhet law Fureian
I M.r. llllM "''"''' I r•f-69/lh·I·• fl<;'(;,-, r11r-,.• . .....milled wilh .,, . .
t-C.)!-,f,"f IJA'I IM ftA+'-+'-'llf,,.. llh-H't: M" It II r- ·· 0rpnizac,on1 ~u:h are
. •• ·ons and LOC,1 .
A.+-r-lr, ,,..,,.,. n-t-r~ ,,,..Al. 1m: .,,:,. o,p,111... , .. w11·c:h
· c,c,zcn•
are res1denu of
,.,-..,v.-,. am: n+A ,:,:l!-+l· , r11-1:•,
,s1ablilhed by fore,.,, .
oc en••• ec1ucat.ion
Jobbyina political

,.,·,:-,:,-t-, n-,.,qq-H- an "":,. n-,,:1,-, .,.,.,.,,,, Ethiopl• m•Y n or election

In VO(etl
. ~m1:, n-"""'..l- +-rt,c.-l- .,.r nrr: ... ot,ecrv1cion•.
_._.,.,,"' ,_.,. "'" ~;-..+ ,.,.l-,.,r•
I/ ,,....,_•. . ,:,:)!-+'f- 114'-_.,,:_. ~-'h.f- , ..,.,-'f,
fo,cllfl o,pninciun• may imp4emcn& projcc& 4

f\-Jfr\"•, e,.r t~l- _.,.,,..,.,.T: t1Alf). 1itw: 61

k in panncrthip widl Local
ac1ivi1lc• "' WIJI .
n+A ,:c:l!-+l- ."11: '"""'' n.r.H·t; r"-"++ Orpn~.aciun• by pruvidina financial, • acchaicll «
,:.~ ,,..,~~., -,-·4',:,0 ,.".f·'I,.,.
In kind ,uppon.
I/ ,,."f!' b:l!-+':f n-,.:,,. ..,n, h>.w: n-tA ,:cl!-+l- 11 To ch•
pouiblc, Foreip
o,p1i:uaiodS by
,.,. ..,.,,t,~,-~~r.l!-+:f ;1': 111\."lf:t+ ,,_,_.~,),

workin& in panncntup wub loca· · I and (ioycm,ncncal

' tv

,,,~~., "'""'"'
r>.,c. 11-l"A ,:c.)!--+';f--, l\:W- ,_,.._,Ml+- ,:,-,,.:

MJ'h~--~:,:., .,....~,-'f, 1141-t

Orpnizacim1, can a,ve support
of Local OrpnizatiOC'II,
. to build die capec,•.,

8/ Any Oraaniution shall make die n ~ effoc11 co

A -,:,.-, MJ-m-t; -\t9hM,r,: N:'f+, cnsw-e chat its activities help to brin& about
11..-,-,q:,. MJ'l'l"f,., ,,,,,.,. '""".,.:,;, _.,,•.,.,.. sustainable development, contribuce to the
-,.+r A"fiknO~ •..r.r f,1-t)"f",ff•'I-, ,_., -.lh democratizatioo process, promolC the rights and
""'111:-, Alt-1-'rril '",.. 1,.',.._.,.., ,,--,,i.-,, -r~·J- intcrcsu of its members or enhance the profeuian
they are engaged in.
I/ ",n~'I,• ,Ml-fl ID,-,- AV'h-f•'-' at1' 'PW
9/ An Organiution which is escablished for lhe tie°ndit
- .....·~l;"J '""' 1\1:C:IJ 1'·1·9l',t09 ¥:c:~:t,t
of the general public or third parties shalt ensure
M,f,:f"J·r 11-'l'i•l-'H f1\l1A . 7-4•,-'fl·'lt
that its activities take into account the intcrau of
1'1\1.,.,.,.,,.,'i /thl• A:,,-'l·l- •l·:"1-,.. tD'6r
women, Children, persons with disabilities. the
A:J--,c; . _,._.,,..,_. l'tf')- 1','hofil.•l·MI )1'!A":f 'PW"J
elderly and Olhcr1 exposed to cbrcat or wlncrable
.,.,.,..,,, -,1.,.,.,.,. hflll·'I-•
aroups of the society.
. 1/ -,,,_-...,. .~1:E·l- h-1-,,.,,'lfl 11:\1\ 111\.1\ tl.., f•Nlt I0/ ~Y Organization cannoc engage in sectors which
<,:,+¥: · A')J:"f.,111.A/>Jf,,,_ ll•l•1191ll1-li t p•~ . .,,.
.require additional permit by law wilhow getting
'f.'6'1,f,'.f b'i'toe"l,;J•:(-,,,,. fllt:'t! . ..,....~, IL,f,l-
the necessary pcnnit from the relevant aovemmcnt
•l•ffl.,n,'I 1.,-,.Y': IIJ>1~ i»J:p•~ _.,I),}, ltJ'.':f·Ar•
bodies. .,



1 1/ In pcr fc,rm,ng th e ir du11c~ all m.:mlxrs. 0tf1,crs anJ

cmplr,yce~ o f the Organi7at10 n have 1he res pun s1b1h1y
10 111 vc r n ma y 10 1he OrgRni1At1on ·s in lc re t and lake
lhc ne c. ~a ry rre au1,nn 10 avnid ccmnict of interest.

t,.l. Jiuuuro: ~111.lillltaUuo and Admjnhtcarjon

I. A n y O rg111111a l1un
TC)! I,·}· IM-1:H·
Oootrr,=r:tn-r TC)!) a) Shall have the n ghf 10 m"ve 1U prope rties from
• l ·I: h ·hnr,-,.-,. 11:\i, Ti:')".li·I,
on e region to another regio n c lly adm in1s trat1on.
~ 1>1.r'.(ll,n-
h"7..C.l\9"fl·l• fl;I• IITC:'~11 ·}· flV"ll"H,
unless 11tc PrvJccl A greement stales that such
'l.f. fl"/Al\· h ·l·on(lli-,, 111~ -,.:,·. flfl·l··N:r p n ,pcr1 1cs may n ot be tran sfe rred bec ause they a re
'"/'}:;'m-9"' -~c: ~ -}• 111~ ·I:'} 111' ").\'.• )IA/.\ ru>'.l\.i, necessary for the sus tainahd11y o f a speci fi c pr ·,1ect
hAA mJ'.9"' l'h·I..., hfl·l·>:~c: 1-,-,-,.,H•fl DD-I\. fl 1~ 11 nplcmcnting:
OD•fl•}• hl\m-f

(/\) t\'M"7m- -.,i,.,- 10. 1\-,.'/"'i·l· 11"7')';=111·9" ,l,:,•1: b) Have the right 10 cng,igc in any lawful business and
f'}-1.t:'r, >... '}iffl·l-<Jl>'}·l- ,,..~.. m-fl-r h"J'l·m·l· investment activity in acc(ll'dance with the rel evant
I IJ'l:r:(1)-
f'} /.('c; >i_ Jiffl•}•OO")•}• ,"t,'ff• UOU•~ •}• trade and investment laws in order to raise funds for
I roo,,.,-~ ll''.°9" h ,,..~--m- the fulfillment its objectives. However, the profit to
f°7. 1")°a>-'} T-l-9" "7fl· MI\-,: be obtained from such activities may not be
I hJ',":f-A9"'l transferred for the benefit of members;

(,h) l\'J'l"7m- oo,V1·l· hN·?,'m-9" ,"t,;,'I: 9"'}~1.h 1'}1/•tl c) Shall have the right to solicit. receive and utili ze
foomr-l> r f'OD</>(IA r, foum4'9" OD•fl·l· hl\o>-:1 funds from any legal source to attain its objective.

f/ llm-l-'l'la>- .l-.1MI wvr I\V-11·1·?,' OJ"l'} T-l-9" 2/ The Administrative cost of an Organization established
OD/"&,•}-'} <J'l"7 hY:C:1 for the benefit of the general public or that of third
f·l· :it':it>ou Y:c: J!-•}• T
flt/l •f-Ji/,,r..(; a,©. m- h?tl.m- hf;' (IOD,f, l\.flAT Parties may not exceed twenty percent of its total I
ltJ'.":f-A9°11 1111.IJ Y;'};J"A, ""-'U~9" «f'A/1-t-/i/,.t:.C income. For the purpose of this provision, I
"Administrative Expense" shall mean expenses which
CD~» "7/\:t- Y:CJ!-•I: ll°t,.f'hc;m-~m- fTC',:'h·l· ,,..~,. I
are not related to the project activities of an Organization I
.?C .,..,.J'':frH· f'/\./\m-n1c: 0
/'} /\Y:C:J!-•I: .l-.Am-'i I
4>"1J'.H· >..ll4'.'11. r1.n "r, h>..11-1-11,.-:.c: ""t:.P'"i· .-,r. but are necessary to ensure the continuity of an
Organization and related to administrative activities, and

f'·l·J'J'II a:ia.1. fl..1.J''}T fhll·l·>:.r..r. u·~··l·"i'f>"i· .r..ouw1,c,· I

shall include: salaries and benefits of administrative I
T:,,"7'T:J>'l°'f·'} T 111'/l·l·P, .r..c: r~r ;1(; ('·I· .f'.f'II I
employees; purchase of consumables and fixed assets
f1'"14!.'i !('°t, 1':l'!P':f· "/'JC'}T fT?','i 1'¥:<'l·l·
and repair and maintenance expenses relateil to I
aJQ.l. .P''f•'}Tf'QC' h,/rJ'.lf';J'(;h,'} 0
/ h't:J'P,";f•J f},..&;,•}• I
administrative matters; office rent, parking fees, audit I
1'1A"/{\P•}·J f'"7fl;J-OJcf:.J' h't:.f'f I
fees, advertisement expenses, bank service fees, fees for I
f'l'lh 1'1A 0 //\P·l· rroo-111:--}• Jf/lAh r r-f.hflJ fm·'/1 I
electricity, fax, water and internet services; postal and I
"-'}•t-C>.·}·1 f7"fl:1-'i f,"h·l·DD·}· MA 0 //\P·l· printing expenses; tax, purchase and repair of vehicles
~ won· ±:1# z-t16(l2£k?tisJ?is¥.~ftit»+tttt;Pt,nMrt ree mx s r; r s:

'Ill' lli'lf.~
F•det•I N,, uil Ooietl• No.H 12• Mole" , 201~ P•B< .. . ... I 1043

tor aJJtlin ist; ~live JJU;po. ·e s, and procuremt!l1t of oil and

lubtiC:llnlM fbr lhe .lliirll!i insutilricC costs, penalties and
lllol'lll!)' ,-1!8.

f:/ h'l.e fJ'}o-1'1 ".,..,.~ I f,,..,,..I'\ h·f•m, .I!'') .-,1, flA I\ IH •.,. j / The Agency may 1,~ue Directives regarding Organizations



P M .f.lf'}fJ=t:m-'} .r-:r: ~-f·l·
11..Pa,r'I .f',l·'IAn

l'lt,.JP'f l ' l f l ~ ~
ll"Y.""l'IM· eilcmptcd from the application of provisions of sub
Article 2 of this Article.

64. lgrnmc GcuccuJl 0o Arllxllics

i/ M.e U1\'}-,.~ ~I: (~){I'\) oe,,.,~-l· 11711. "7fl7t'/ /lt,.p•':'f· I/ /\n Oqie11nilation which cngagc8 in income generating
'1.e f"'tfl"U,.. X:r:~·l· r 1\'?'1-tlH· ,w,:a,. ,•., ..,.,~· activities in accordance with Article 63( 1) (b) of th is
L.4'.~t; 9"117'1 U-)':f oou·~·l·r 1\-':.l'I ,,.,..,.~- Proclamation may do so by establishing a separate
.~C.~-f':f'} (h-'1'},P?>':f'}) 11"7**9"1 fl~'lt: (''}"/.(• business Organization (company). acquinng shares in an '

.~(;~-f':f O>-f'l'J' 1\hf\f'-'} flOO.f'lf IJlllJ'P. OD'JJf.'"' existing company, Collect Publ ic Collections or

OD(t-fl(t-fl r a,_e9" f'}a/.~ /'I~,-'} fl-tl!f:~ IJl'\(l.•}•~•}• operating its business a:; a sole proprietorship.

a-,,,,~ Mil. -,1'11~ 1'1/.-?>°;}~'} "7h'ia,'} .r.°1'·'1/.\11

fl Y.:r:~-1: a&-~ r1n. "71'11'?/ i'l/.-?>':f '} fl"'t.f'h'iw'}fl·l· 2/ An Organization engaged in income generating activities
1.11. 1111.rr l'I&- f·N\f f'l'}h ,h.<'111 ODhL·l·r AVtlJ•9" shall open a separate bank account and keep separate
a,..,¥: 'h'i ;J-hfl m- fl°tmr+m- oo,,.,~.-,. r1n. "71'11'?/ . books of account for its business in accordance with the
fl/.-m-'} f°!ODl\f,•}• f•l•flf f'Y.<'111 OD1f111 ODJ'lf relevant commercial and tax laws.
f/ 1t°IIJ11H· .f'..,TOJ- r';l-hflr f'} /X; L:J>Y.:'i 9°111'110
3/ The relevant tax, commercial registration and business
• A,.«:.rrr rlt'Hffl·l·oo'}-l· J.->:f· tnll "71'11'11 fl&-r:Y-1 licensing, and investment laws shall be applicabl~ to
000o'/.ODl\h•I: 1-};f":f- -,J!, -l·L'l°t J!,lf'i/1,11 income generation activities under this provision.

9./ ¥:C~·I: !J?ll "711'1~ fl&-m- r'°t.f'-rfm- 1llT r;·c:~·I:'} 4/ Income that is generated from income generating activities
r1tfl-,..-;.r.c Ac; n-c-1&-r mQ.l_?>:Y. 1100'/fL, will be used to cover administrative and program costs of
J!,m--,Au the organization.

l;j ¥:C~·I: h'lll "71'11~ fl&-m- r'°t.f''l"fm- 1ll'i '/11·l· 5/ The income and resources that are acquired from income

""'M·l· Av:.v-r "'"'&-·l-7f:Y· 11.h4-LA hJ!.:Y·Ar11 generating activities shall not be transferred or shared for
the benefit of members or workers of the organization.
Ftdenl Nepril 0 . - No.JJ 1?6 Mm:h.2019 ..... .... . 11044

.,.,,, Ii DD1'1l,·l· X:<:~-,--·f· IJll'l'r. 6/.. when the Organizations Collect Public Collections based
.,.,... l\l'ltli'lO· ,u.,:,,:-,1\a,. -,.-.m~ >uVWa,. l
on Sub-Article I of this article, they shall inform to the
'!,,/ n,w >.1-,., OD{l(.•}• ""Kl. .,Mt: flt,. "'· f·M"7/r 7/ An Organizations engaged in income generating activities
J.'.::C:l!-·l- l'\1..;,,:"}l\a,. nhi'lt.- M"il·l· fillr -,.,,··l· -,.-. 01 -,. bAscd on this Article ~all inform to the Agency within
hl'\O·l· II fifteen days

g~. ~Ir -_&'H· •J'.9'."_I)~~ L"'.~ _hilLll"'l fl-T.-t 6!1. Persons Who shall not Act II om,er or Board
Atl_~H· -..-fr+ ....,J'.l-1\-__(l_,.l: . Maauc:wuc C'2wwlCCee Member
. Ii/ .,., :;: _,. l'lm- f I ~ ") ....
•• .
.-. -~ f.~·l· rP·i'lT fl,"t.• 11"1,'>·l· I/ No person shall acl as an Officer or Board Management
my,,- n.~,=~·I: r,,,:.r.:/,••t.- l\il~""Y. l•"Y.·I: Commitlee Member of an Organization or a branch
A'lA">·l· -,·•t.--l- MJ',l•l\a,.:- thereof if lhut pc..-rson:

(rl) n-,:,-1\A m.f,,- :,-.,~H-1 11-,:,~A ,u"J1.A a) Has been convicted of a crime that involves fraud or
-N--1-:;: IT'i f·f_.,,,,,,...f>A·l·l'tft11> hlf'H other crimes that involve dishonest acts and has nO(
been reinstated;
(I\) Oro"};,,:A ~-,-:;: lf''i" l'l\ii.A DD-fl-I:') b) Has been convicted of any crime as a result of which
• f·MLL't OD-fl-f·=J: .f>A·l·0011"-11·l· hlfH she/he has been deprived of his Civil rights and his
Civil Rights have nO( yet been restored;
(,h) (l,l."7 oem(.-}- h":f·l\•;,. 'l'/''l·l· f·l-'>'°I ODp•tr·l· c) Is unable to act by reason of incapacity within the

MK.°;f-A htl'H meaning oflaw;

) n~cY.:: O.·l- hAM r-,·~l'.10·l· htr'> '>a,-11 d) Has been interdicted by a court.

f./ h"l.e f·l-m<l'l'lm- 1' ">~·l·mn<I' tr'if r"7r,:i:m-9" 2/ In addition to the restrictions laid out under Sub-Artie!; l. a
J.':C~·l· f(IC J.'.:: a,J!,9" f ,••tr hi'lL"°!. t1°!,•I; member of the board or Executive Committee of an
h'lA flT'> l'lm- Otl.J'm- .f.•C)!-•}• OJ-/IT f ,.,tr OD6 organization shall not be employed in the same

tDJ'.V- •t-+"16 IP/r•l-71 tl''i ODp•tr·l· hJ.>.°;f-A'r:t Organization as an officer or ordinary employee.

[/ r J.'.::C~·I: fv-111'1 "700Ah:F ftl.V") l\")<I'~· ")0-/1 3/ If the application for registaration that is submitted by the

A.,.,.,,_ (i) 1''i (I) noru1111 r4'l'.n htr'> >..l")l\m- Organization is contrary to the rules stated under sub
Article I and 2 of this Article the Agency shall not register
Y.::c~-1:., hJ'.0Df1'7-<19"U
the Organization.

~i. fJ.':Cff'f OD111-0 66. Beeister of Qrganjzatjogs

b/ 1..)!")l\a>- Y:C:~-,.";f- f°!,DDtl11J·O•}· DP111-fl J.',,J.'.IIAII I/ The Agency shall keep a register of Organizations.

2/ A copy of or extract from any such document certified to

f/ 11>..)!")fl.m- ·l·hh/171 :,.,c 11/IDPtl''t- r-r-t..?'l,n fDP1nn·
be a true copy or extract under the seal of the Agency
.. 00-t\, m.r.r h.l.A '7AIJ•f... 0"7'i":fm-9" fhChC
shall be admissible in evidence in any proceedings.
'I.~ -,::r- {1"7(1(.Jf '>·l- •t-<l''I J.>, •,-}· v:(.,,,A."
._,,_,,. ~ ......+ ·""'"' •Tr. ..r - -"'-+ r .,, rii.11 , .,. every six months publish in an omcial
I ~:,:")(lm- o,w h'f')!- ODU-1.·l· f·f·01'1/10··l ·1 >.VC.IJ·V" 3/ TI1e A1.1cncy sh a II
. t of Organization registered, suspended or
f :J-1~+">..- h 09 lf1-<I r-,.,..1.,,.. ·l·-, r.-,: ~-f· "f lft:lft: uazzctte th e I11
c11ncellcd under thi, Proclamation.
OfflY:fl-l- a,~ n.-,N."I .f'm"lf.\•

s-1. r~~k,~~ 67, Jlceoch of eo oceeoliatton

I/ An Orgnni1.a1ion may establi~h a branch based on its rules
6/ -,">\"fP-,- Y:r:.l9· l\fl.,. Y.·'f9 "~~">l'\.m- n..,tio,-l-
n_.-,.~,.t..f' .11:.">n· -···1.-l- ~,:-,...,,~ l\.h\:·l· by giving prior notice to the Agency.

2/ TI1c rowers of the branch of the Organization escablished
I/ n,w h">.,.,. ")()-fl A">.,.,. (Ii) ,,.,,.1.·l· ""'-'''··l·
under Sub-orticlc (I) of this Article shall not make it an
-l-C'>61of.~ Ml'\m..- r t \ "1"> t~I\-") f~I\ .r:,:1!-·l·
indcpcndcnl organization on its own or prevent the head
M.f'.ll:.C:1..- t0J', ,- ,-..-en- -tit..f' R.·l- 11-1: <1i-r-rc:
office from making sufficient control on the branch.
>. ">~.f'.ll:.C:"70-l- Mhl\hA l\.tr"> 1'.r.":f-A,-u
68. Qbljgatjon to Inform ('baorcs
H. fto,,-M fll\-,•)O!:t
If an organization makes changes to any of the following
i/. -,.,~_,. -~~-l- O""t.h·f"t\,·l- ·1-~r-':1· '\K, l\ai-'I'
mailers, it shall inform the agency about the change or
il..f' .11:.C:"7 t\~:t:·M,a>- °1tiro:,...- °7floo1M-fl hl\O·l·,-
amendment and get it registered.
(IJ) f ~··.r'7. a>,e,- r,-Ah·l- l\m-'l'I a) Its Name or Symbol,
(/\) f ~··&- IIC:~ l\a>-'l'I b) Change of Organization's operational Sector.
(da) r-r..- -~··M• fl.·l- hY:&-"if t\m-'l'I c) Change of Headquarters,
(-) V--~ hAA /\m-'l'I d) Change the Region of Operation,
(-> f P'~ hou~c h'M·l-'i f ~--~ OD& l\oi-'l'I e) Change of Executive Members or Chief Executive,
(~) 0 119-,.~'-&Y '-'HI '\,e M,.~ 1 "'l'i:fm-9°
f) Amendments _of its Rules,
g) Change of Bank Account or Signatories. ·
(11) f'l">h m.ti-O rovr L&-"7..?1":f l\oi--r11
I/ n,w ,._..,..,.,,.. oo,P~-l- r,,.,.~.., l\oi--r rY:c'J!--1:..,. 2/ A change of name by an Organiza.tion under this Article shall not
-,..-:fm-,- 00-0-r-":f rovr °IY..:J-?1":f >...e~1,r11 affect any rights or obligations of the Organization.

,. ~fl. r'9flhc ~+-l-"> o.e-f. 1w•,tir-l- 69. Display or Certificate

.,,..,.'i?m-9° Y:C:)!-·l- f9°11'1'1 9°~hc a,~-,.·l:'1 O'P..-oi- Every Organization shall keep its certificate of registration in

oufl&Y fl.·l· r >. ..,.~.IJ·9° /A'lt.l.l:..,. Of.-,.C'J..,11.':.:fi

0 its Head Office and a copy thereof in its branches in a place

"-,c;:fm-,- 1-tn: l\.:J-~ n"?..":f A '1;1- "'lfl .,.OO'f' that is visible to any visitor. Additionally, the symbol and
name of the Organization must be placed at a publicly visible
ViCO;J-/:.\11 0..,..1.Q."'7&9° rY:c_)!-•I: P-9°'. ool\,r
rAhT OY:C)!-•I: .,... -~--~., O.•l-'. ..,.c..,.-1~ place at both the head office and the branch offices.

1i/(L-f·":f l\/h11-0 /\.;I-~ 0"7..":fA -,A7i fl~&- oo-,.Ol>'f'


- - -- - - - :!

---- - --

· \ ,·
j •. Ri{xfbbF .'Ci ::itSrArtWl1:ti½Jit'r:W m i>?I ~
@i( ·. '):Atilt.ti:jg~ W:~7'tQ9Rl9ttCJoectn 00-SMS b'29C:KY

'llt lill.~

70. YcdOcallaP of t:xblcPcc

I/ If an Organi7.ation fa,ls lo provide its report within 3
months &om the expiry of the timeframe set under this
Proclamation for submission of reports . the Agency
will issue a nocice in the ga7.e1te 10 verify its existence.

2/ If the Organization does indeed maintain existence, the

legal representative must be present 10 explain the
situation within 30 days from the publication of the
notice. However. if the representative falls to do so. the
Director General shall submit the issue to the Board for
the decision of dissolution of the Organization.


1t1. u111 ..,,,11 c-r1J .,~
71. Dutv to Keen Acs:011ntinr Bcs:ord,
i/ -,,;=fco-r J.':C~ l-
• .
I'X-C:~·l:'l 1'1">11-fl A'l~/1.+I\. I/ Any Organization shall keep books of account that show
r-t.r.-..e ·1-+'l.e"l•l- IJl\m- 1', ht'M-c: f'-1·11:,~ · the · financial transactions in the Organization and are
. l',h, ... of) «-tl1of) j'OD.f'lf .,J'.:1- hi\fl•}•r, prepared in accordance with acceptable accounting
I/ 1',h.,..ofl c'l"l,e.=tz l'J.':c:~·l:'l ·ms .rm•'lm-'l roa.1.r 2/ The books of account shall contain entries showing from
l'a,"-l.,a,.") rh'l.f'·l- r ,Ml·l-'i'. 6~ r l'i\:,trl-'l "7'l"l·l·'i' day to day all sums of money received and expended by the
f10.0,.") ,.")"'&,• .,.,••, ••1: ODIT") hi\tJ:i:m-,, Organization, the matters in respect of which the receipt .
and expenditure takes place, name and identity of donors,
source of donations; and record of the assets and liabilities
of the Organization.
r1 ~c:l!--1: ,~..~ o-&sPl- 11,w >.'l+~ o-,.,t:·l· .,.,.,,_.,,a:. 3/ The Officers of an Organization shall preserve any

r , MP.l-"Jr I',h.,..-fl 'JOD•l1 •11\+ 11:\" RJ'l/1 accounting records made for the purposes of this Article for
at least S years from the end of the financial year of the
llh,-t,•}- 'JOD•l• mofl+m- M~f·l- -,J'.:1- hM=fm-•
Organization in which they arc made. I
. I
' I
~ - - - -.....:aa••••s#i:ilci:lt~S~ra@liliAfiil,j·c.;·tlra'.·ia'lilrtiliil!Cif~"10il·:ajtilit·•mDii~-.,.::'.1WiliWII 1 1 1.!11i11•-- ·-liill·------------
· urrw11111:1ao

71. APPYll 5CACcmeoM Q( AGL19M0&4 and lf:1ewlott14P A(
i/ -,·Jt:~ 1:c:~-l- ·l·-,.'l,M·l- 'l'llf:m- ,,.,,.,,t;fp,'f, I/ Any Oraan1z11lon Ahal! submit to the Agency 411 annual
oau•t.·l- M·11;1'J! 'J09:J·'! r;-1,.-.11 .,..,"..,,,_ ""-1.',l\n,, atatemcnt of accounts prepared in accord411cc with
OhJ.'."1,.,i·n,- oa,l\t, hM·l-•
acceptable 11tncLard,.
I/ r,u, 1t·J-,.,-· 1-0-" h'J+11· Ii ll.\"c:rr nn1.·l- 1\,,.,,, 2/ Notwith1t111din1 sub-article (I) of this Article,
hrM·l- ""f- i'i.tJ •nc: M ,.nA1' ,.,,,.,, ,.,..,.,.,.,..:,.,. Orpni:L11ion• wh01e annual now of funds doc:s not
.(-C:~·l- ffl. 'H Gl"-l.'H ,~·fl·l-'i' Ml') r'T,,f',,."h·l- exceed Birr 200,000.00, (two hundred th~and) the
oa•M..,,,_ il.:J= -,~t.·0 ,_,::r··i\An 111tcmci11 of 1ccoun11 may ch005C to only prepare a
recclr,11 and paymcn11 account and a statement of
u1ct1 and liabilities.

f/ h'l,e O'>iM ttc: I t·l·m+l'lm- A')Jr.•l·mll-,. lf'r 3/ Without prejudice Sub-article (2). all Oriarti:.tation1
M'l~m-r i.':c:~·l- ,It.Ail rOJ!·l- 'tOD·fl O·l·m,;-,.+ n account lhall be examined annually by a Certified
r~--·l- ,n-/)1' n.,._,..,,t."·l- "-"-·t·c: ooooc:ooc: Auditor within three months after the end of the
h"O·l-• financial year.

!/ 1t,1: ,..,...,:~ Mlf)-·l- rx-,:~·I: h'l'l·l- OJJ.>.r 11:,·lf 4/

If one third of !he Organi1.ation ·s members. donors or
1:c:~-,.:r- -a,J'.r hJ.'."c:~·i: .-,c: fTC-J!h·l- ,._,.,.~·l- governmental bodies that have requested the
.t>'l:f.- _..,..,ft:J·'f 1t•1'l·l- f,h.-'lil rc:oo~ A'J-".Jr.l.'7 examination of accounts, the Agency may appoint a
b,nf-lr J..J!'lfl.m- f Y.·C:J!-·I: ~h. ... il flm-61." ).-¥,•t·r. certified external auditor.
A '1-".a-~oitc; ll.J'1I J.'. "':f•'IA n
l;/ rJ>:c:k 111.tiil rnJ!·l-
~00;1': tJII+ n>.rri-l- OJ&-·l- 5/ Where it appears to the Agency that the account of an
m-il.,. ••A·l·OD(.ODl. M" ~ _,...,,.,., 1100,.1,,- Y.:r.J! •I: Organization is n~t audited within five months from
L.+ Jr. '/1 · t1Alf~ A.)!"J{lm- fm-61." .. >--¥.·l·C: r,·'l° the end of that year and the Organization is wiwilling
..,{loo(;ODC: J'.":f·'IA II to have it audited. the Agency may appoint a certified
external auditor.

11 mw ,.,.,.,.~ ·,o-ri 11-,.,.,.. I A'i' l. oowt.·l- n1..i·,Am- 6/ In accordance with Sub-article (4) and (5) of this
, n-1-;room- >,,;,.,-c: M·hi;OJ:,, ..,c;:,:..,.,- f>--".·l- . Article, the expenses of any audit carried _o ut by an
P'&-JP':f Mh't:flm- .f"!,OD/lh•l·m- Y:C:~·l-
IIJQ,J, Auditor appointed by t11e Agency shall be paid by the
a,y.,- "r-f-•I·-;;: 11,~m- fl.1·i f'p·~ OD~JP:ii J',lf'i'll,11 Charity or Society concerned. or by its officers if the
latter are found to be at fault.
ttt. 'JOD:f-fl f P'&-, JJ,m-, &re+ 73. Annual Activitv Rcnort
Iii fp·~ -~p,":f, f'J.'.·c:)!--1:') f1'J"M'J-4.'j rm!·l- 'JOD•}- J/ The officers of an Organization shall prepare and
'l"i 'P'i h.'J'P).JP":f• f°7.,.f'l,f, ~7"C:•} f ,h,li-fl 'JOD•fJ submit to the Agency every Budget 'year major activity
tJII+ nr·ri·l- me: ·1.11. m-il"r 111..J!·tfl.m· "7:,0t.-fl reports regarding the organization with in three months
111111:fo-,.11 · up on the end the Budget year.

~,i ·e -=zx1-w; ·, ; ~r:tn r 1._.,v ... ··=··"-

4.,__ ~.,,.+ ...... "J ..... o!ll'

B . . - -">fl.+ r +'t '11.11 't ..-
Jt/ ..,'} ;,;' m-9"' f ,,•.,. t
2/ F.vcry such annual activity report sha ll have atL,chcd to it
the annual statement of accounts.

3/ After reviewin g the reports the Agency may require

acltl itional in fonnal!on or e-xplanation.

74. W.scl 0succ 0[ AooY•I Arl!Yllx ffcport to lbc fybl1'

I/ Any annua l act,v,ty report or ()(her document kept by the
A(!ency, when requested by any concerned body or
membcn of the org,m1za11on. must be made open to the
public 11 any a1vc:n time.

2/ All Or~uniZllllons must make available at all times, to their

benefieiarie1 and members, the books of account, audit
reports and annual reports.

~~- f9">h ,b/t-0 *'ft 09hL-l: 75. Queuing , Bank Account

6./ -,")~CD-9'9 Y:C)!-•}, ftl")t, ,h."111 I\DDhL•l• 11:,.Y.•"'l,,r II An Organization shall get a written apprnval of the
hh.)':")(l_a,- ti~· ,h-~ L.cJ>Y: "'1°/"'l ·l· ht\t1-l•11 · Agency to open a bank account. The Agency shall

h.)':")fl.a,- f''l")h ,h."111 I\DDhL•l• 'I'J'-t 11-,.1..tlt\-l· II respond to requests for such approval with i' five days

~ +'>·l- m-ft'r 9°'17f DDi'l,n•l- J!.<;"Ctl;J-Au from receipt of the request.

f./ f""l">21m-r Y:c)!--l· rn1111 A -,.-,.,.._.,.I\ n,..,,... · 2/ All financial transactions shall be performed through a
11•1-hL~ f'l")h ,h."111 DDh'ia>") ViCll;J-AII ' bank account opened by an Organization in its name.

r1 -,-,21co-r 'l">h 1..Jl:">nm- · 11mr.,. ·,.,,. ro>;,.,m-.,. 3/ All banks have the obligation to provide the bank
n-,t;:(-CD-r fY:C)!-•l• -,ur f•NtL•I: f'l'Hr 'f..1'1()':f·") statement of accounts held by any Organization to the
11C:11C:~ f,hA-11 OD°ll\....,,sP":f'J fOD{),n•l· 0
/F.,;J- Agency when requested.
ht\0•}-11 . · ;'
!/ fJ':C~·l- f'l'Jh ,h..-,11 A'J:,0(1,cJ>,\ OOD·l-~~&J" ~')0• 4/ The Bank Account transaction can be done in the
context of the Organization rules.

en. fa>-"P ,,.,?f') llt\,,..:,.mc 76. Emulovinr foreirner1

6_/ -,")21m-99 J':C:~•l- h°ltJ-fl t}t\O,, ih 0 / ODIP~•}• f _,.,~ 1/ No Organization may employ a Foreign National who
is not given work permit under the relevant laws.
L?Y: J"A•1'(1tno>-'J fo>-61." ,a.;, Olk},,nC '11!."fAru
2/ Notwithstanding the stipulation under sub-article I, a
fl r,w >t 1.,.~· 'Jt>-11 "'.,.,.~. 6. Y:'J.?'1. n.,;c:r rm-..,_.. Foreign Organization shall not be barred from
Y:C:~·l- fa,,61." h"IC: 11.:J'J fh"IC: m-fl'r ·l-mftJ!, hY:C")
appointing a Foreign National as its country
t\ODOD~-fl "l~-fl hJ!.'iC:tl•}•9°U representative.
1JJ.A ~... .e+ _.,..., •'PC flt ...'>fl.+ r +, 111.11 , .r Ftdenl Ntpllt 0 - No.H 12• Man:h, l019 P"lf .... .. 11049

I hh?C m-l'IT ..,.a,t1J tlM·.,.c i\,N• fOl-"I." Mc: tL1· • )/ Foreiiin Nationals other than the Country representative
tl~C:J!-·IJ l\.+m~ l""tl-1\--l- , ..~,. tll\.-l-r-k.rm-11 may only be hired if the office granting work l'Cnnit
Ah'i"a,') MJ.',l-A MODtf). n,··~ L.+1': flw,m- mlfle1 that the work cannot be performed by
,,.,••6J' O.·l- ll.t..?'11' ,o_:,: ,.,.. f.thlopiana.
fl tlJ.':C)!-•lz -~ni;t ~-CDlf tir.hL'l!f:m- n-.,:i:m- OM 4/ The provision• of Sub-Article 3 shall not apply to
L.+~'h·l- hh">.t:- ~-·l· "'IArll\m l\"71A1A ,.,L Foreign Na1ion1l1 who arc noc salaried employees but
f""t.ODm- rm--,... >--1c ,u':f, O"'t""llh·l- r11.11 ,,_ ,.,.,.. come 10 F.rhlopia lo' professionally contribute by
,-o,(11',--,.1. r i·L'l°t l\">,-• worklna u volunteer, for • period noc exceeding one

ltt-A bri)i: SEC;TIQN EJYE

ro"tl Ott"Tr.i.tto.c LAW ENEc>BrB:J ENT
tn. rc-1- ,..,~,., eAnzl 77. Power o( JnspcrUon
Iii i,-,--,.,..+ 1'1t"'l•l-r hl\:1i'f 1':t:lf:·P.':f OIJ.'.V- h,MMI I/ The Agency may conduct an investiaation into the activities
h-,.+r.n- _,...,..,,,.l- a>J.',V- kJl:">ll.m- ,,.m-,
.,.. of an organization to check whether it is carrying on its

11°'i"a>-')(l,l- H·l- h-,.11- OD(.Jfsr>l· (IOD)ti·l· activities in accordance with the law. The investigation
shall be launched on the basis of information the Agency
.,'i=fm-r J':clf:+ , ..1,.m-1 n:r.·1 _,,...t.-l· AM~
obtained from government organs, donors or the public. as
ili\09tr). k.1:'lll.• rco-&- A.f~r.·1 J!,':f"'IAn
well as information obtained by the Agency during the
performance of its work.
f./ M.e fl">O-l'l A,.,.,. Ii r..,.m+t'lm- fl ~er k.i"tll.m- 2/ Notwithstanding the fulfillment of the conditions under

rc00&- ""'J':t.? fl.a,fl') rcoo~m-"t i\"7h'ia,'1 fl-I! sub-article I, the Agency shall first ensure that it has

rh'1,f:,0 0Dli'~'1 flfJ':°t,f °7t..-,.,T 1'1\tl·l·11 sufficient reason to conduct the investigation.

fl rrcoo&- P&-?'":f- r,..,.~" 'i:'J')·l- 011-,...,: ·1.11. 3/ The Agency must take all precautionary measures to ensure
A'>Jtm'i+cf:'i fJ':C~·I:") fM·l- hM+ A'1:J>fl:J't'l.'i that the investigation is perfonned within a short period of
:#aA.m-'i A~,:, 'l.e A'>-" .e-rl\- k.i'lll.01- ..,.,1L01-'1 time and is not carried out in a way that hampers the day to
f'J"'):J>-t AC'l°Jf 0001-t'IY: A/1(1-}·11 day activities and continued existence of the organization.

!/ J..J':")(La,- f'/°COD&- ~u&-a,-") O°t,fh'i01-")(I•}• a,:J>•l-J 4/ If. during the course of the investigation. the Agency finds

h'IJ': f:#t? 'J'fl:,0 OD'-1,.-") {L,fl..? /'J"i

fllW that a grave violation of the law has been committed and

rh'>J'·l-r rx-c~-1: ,._,:,.r1.:J>t'I. -,,x- ..Al'l'-'17, "~ such violation makes it necessary to suspend the activities
of the Organization, the Director General of the Agency
nrn·a,-r rJ.1:'>fl.m- 'l"'i .i;.et:.h-,.c hY-M· a,c
may give a suspension order for a period not exceeding
'lAIMm ''I.IL r~,.i; ·l·~tlll l\.fl'J' .e":f-'IA:: lfP,''/°
three months. but if the board did not decided with in
PC~ 11/lfl•l· tDC 'IAfli\tn 1,IL a,-fl'J' a,-t,~ t1Afl,n
three month. the suspension shall seize to exist
A1.i;m- +& J!.lf'iA. •

'llt l/;'fU

F , _ Ncprit c;_,,. No.JJ 12"' March . 2019 ,,... .. ... 11050

5/ Oascd on Sub Article 4 of this Article the Organization may

appeal 10 the Board ori the decision of Director General
within 30 days. The organization may appeal 10 the Federal
1ligh Court on the decision of the Board within 30 days
after the board gave iu decision.

78. Admlublt•Uxc ;Uc,surc,

I/ Tiu: Agency may give warning 10 organizations that do

not comply with this proclamation or o«her laws.

2/ The warning must be in writing and shall specif/ the

violation, the measures 10 be taken and the time frame
to rectify the violation. Such lime frame shall talce into
account the gravity of the violation and the complexity
of the case.

3/ If the fault committed by the Organization is grave or-

the organization fails to _redress its fault after being
given clear warning, the Agency will give the
organization a strict warning.

ii fJ-l·flmm- -r11,), "7flm '}4'<1:J' oo,.-i'.·)· x-,:~·I: }t,V,.~. '} 4/ The Director General of the Agency may order the
f"7J'fl·t-'1hA hl.T'I X-C'l: ·I: 'A '}~.;J-1¥.- 'l"i P, .et:.h·l·~- suspension of the organization if the organization fails'I'} .e":f-'I.AII f''Pli P,_e~h·I·~- m-•U. fl()C~ to alter or rectify its practice after receiving a strict ·
•,A.,..,,., n~cx- fl·)· ,,A;.1-,,. fl4'cr· rMP. warning. The Board will decide that an organization
m-•U.m- fl·t-flm flY'fl·l· a,~·)· m-fl-r "7fl-,.t1h.f' .f'"-'-i'.1 which failed to make the necessary rectifications within
X-CJf.•l- 'A1-'l.'9Cfl tlC-"- .emflli°AII three months following the suspension order shall be
dissolved unless the Director General's suspension
order has been lifted by the Board or is blocked by
court order. '

f;/ fltlC-"- f~i'.fl o>-,.,~ r•t-t'lmfl·l· Y:C~·l· MM·)·r 5/ The Members, Founders or Managers of the
oar~¥":£- ~"-~P'":f- o>-,.,~m- fl·l·(lm MJ 4'1i·l- Organization that is dissolved by the decision of the
o>-fl'r ,},~;J-:fo>-1 llL'-~A h~·t-'i' ~C X- fl•)· Board can appeal to_Federal High court with in 30 da~
following the decision.
"7fi'.11 .e~·'l.t\-11



- ii

OY:C)!-•I: f-,.Ll',ODa,- :#!'7 fOD-Mt\~ ,f•"/'lC O~")~A

Ftdnl Ntprll 0 . - Ho.H 12• Morch, 2019 po.. .., . 11051
6/ If lhe violarion commiucd by che Organizacion entails
MJ"i'lm .e.), {U!''l ~)'.'. '><l.m- -,.~ f.'l ,.,An,") 'I I\ a,, criminal respon~ibility, lhe Agency will dlrecc the case
10 the compe1cn1 body of che police or public

ltll. r-<n-l:--o:t 79, Jhc Riebe co he Hurd

~)'.'.'><l,m- 0.-,")t:m-,- Y:C~·l- 'Ir, r•l-t:m-"),- 'J,r.)•l• Any oraanl1.ation h11 the right to be heard and presenc ils
,,_,....,.~,.~~ 11.r.,-,r ftd9nt-r'I.IJ. n,..-,. Y:c:~-1, 1rgumcnt11 before the Agency 1mposes any adminisrrative
09 h"--h.t.r r=t:")'a"' -,,...1.,r r=t:1 M-l-t. il'i' ,_,...,.,. mcuure.
09,(}..,. hllnt-•
Oc\ tcff'J:--rMr-ti+..A AS: -o.or.r. QRGANIZAJIQNS
.,.__,,,,.t: 80. M.c.w.t
ii -f?T~=fa>- 1N\·l- a,vr tu1..r ,.,.,. rlf'> ..:-c:)!--r-l· I/ Two or more Orgiillizations may merge into one wider
a hew name or under lhe name of one of !he
h"'7'1il)+ 'l'l=f.,. :1i,':f-'t"' noo-,-~'-.t.t' ,.,11=i:m-
.. · organizations in accordance wilh relevant laws and in
_.,..1.+ Oh~i'I fir a,,r.,- fl"t'f,h~·l· Y:C)!--f•":f•
accordance with !heir rules.
nh.,.-s- fir 11..,.,1,.-s- .e':f-'I"',,
2/ The rights and obligations of the former Organizations
f/ ..;,.,.,1: <a.Lir.r r+Y:'l"r=r: Y:c)!--f·':f- ou11·l·'t"'
and based on !heir r~levancy the Employees Qf those
"'71!.;J-JP':f- A -,.i:,v,r fla,-fl"l:,:a,,, f)fl"· fl~·l·~l-
Organizations shall be transferred to lhe newly formed
A">M?'lil);l-=f-a,- Oa,-U,.·l· 61'-·1·4'.,nl.a,- Y.·CJ!-·l·
J'..,.'\I\ 4,t\, II
Cf Oto-:h,.•I: f·,-4' h~.fl Y:CJ!-•l· fllW M•J!- 3/ The newly established Organization shall be registered in

o-u,t.+ ODOD111il hl\O•l-u accordance with this Proclamation.

81. J2imiwl
'f'i. Dl'h"-LA I/ An Organization may be divided into two or more
ii h.,Y: Y:c)!-+ OOD-t~ '-.t.t' ,.">O· -t.e n-,-ODl\h·l·a,- Organizations upon the decision of its Supreme

, ODIPt.+ OY:CJ!-•I: rn-t.e htJA to-ti>. 11.h-f.4'.A organ in accordance with its rules.
21 Unless stated otherwise in the decision to divide the
J./ OODh4-Lt\. to-ti>. -t.e 011.-t v->.:J- tJA·l·ODl\h·~ o+r.r
Organization, the Organizations that result from the
(lf,.,:.,:t\, r-,.' A.f")~")~ Y:CJ!-•l- r+Y:'l°OJ-
division shall bear the obligations and utilize the
Y:C)!-·l- '\M·l• 0 /~;J-t; OD-fl·)· Ah-A .,-1,4-,e )m-11
rights equally.

11t 1111.ff
~ t:•t.+ ·"""' •'N: fir -."fl.+ r +-, '11JI " ·'" frdtral Nrprit c;.,..,. No 3J 12"' Man:h . 2019 .,.,. · .. ... IIOjl

J/ The existence of the fonner Organization shell cease -

at the time when the certificates of registration are
isrucd 10 the new organizations.

!/ f'lh.ltf\=t: Y:r.l!--f·"f -t\- M-r~·l- Ml\- >..">~ 4/ With the unanimous consent of all newly formed
f.,.f:.,.m-'} Y:r.~-l- i'lr ,.,, "-_.~ ,."f'\An •
organ11.. tions, one of the newly formed
Organizations may rctain the name of the previous
112. CpQ)'CCl!PA
ii >.1Y: Y:,:~:·,- o--,·~S'.6.r S'.">fl· '\.r. ,1.,..,..11 h·r·m- I/ Any Oreeniz11ion may be converted into another form
_,,,1.-} OY:,:~-1: NM,r. >,,t1A en-,,>. o1S'.II.'\ .,,~~·l· .
of Organiza1100 .,.... so decides in
where 1L~ Supreme ora~n
f:C~·l· ll.t\0>1' .r.°f'\An accon.lunce w11h its ru.les.

fl llm-tn- I\L~V- r-,...:-,.,.m- Y:c:J!:-l- -'fl·l·'i ..IJ!.:,.P•":f· 2/ The riahts and obligations of the fonner Org.inization
IA '}~IJ-V- (lm-(lrq!J:m- fHI<• fl/,.·l·lf:t. and based on their relevancy the servants of those

A1S'.h-,'l'fl~:,.:fm- 01S'.·t-ll0>mm- 1:c:J.>:-l· Y,·MM-1\.u organizations shall be transferred to the Orgimization

after the conversion.

[/ f•N\a,mm- h~i'I Y:r.~-)- f'IIW h'PJ!- ODl"l.·l· A'>S'.11, 3/ The converted Organization shall be registered again in
OD091Mil ht\f'l·l-• accordance with this Proclamation.


ff. fY:Cff?f: ~~II 83. Dissolution
6/ h'>f: f:C:l!-·'l- M.Lr.flm-, ,, An Organization may only be dissolved upon the decision
( V) (IOD-,..~ ~~.f S'. '}0• /"A "I'} fll\m- hi IA a) the Organization's competent organ in accordance
A'}~LCi'l f\a,f'l'}T with its rules;
(t\) f'IIW h'PJ!- h'}.,.1(' (t CJ)/!,'/° tti(t) ODIP('.•)- b) the Board of the Agency when it idecides that the
f:C:J!-•I: A'}JU.Ci'I (11',)!'}(tm- flC f: fl.o,f'l")I organization shall be dissolved in accordance with
(I)/!,'/° Article 70 or 78(4) of this Proclamation;

(,h) f'l'-S'.~A h~·I·~ ~Cf: tl..•l· m-lt>. ~m-11 c) The Federal High Court.

I/ ~Cf: tl..•'l- h'}f: f:Cl!-·l· A'}~.LC/I f'°7.CDMON- 2/ A court can dissolve an Organization when;
(V) f:Cl!-•I: f'lh'lf: fa>'J)!A . 1.·C'l,·l· tJJJ','I° a) It is convicted of a serious criminal offence or is
flTS'.,?;JO?. fl-,.'\A tJJ'})!A (IODlt·t-~ T-f.•I·~ repeatedly found guilty of a minoc criminal offence;

1/''i fl. 1 ~ T tJJ J','I° or

.. (I\) Mm-'} foohLA "f/\•;J- fll.t\a>- {ti/'') il!F ',a,-11 b) The Organization is insolvent.

\., ... · ..-. .... . .. ,.. -.I

- u - t.-.,.+ ........ •"": • •:II\.+

I mw h1+1.~ ·>o-.-. h1+1.· t cu) ODIJ•t.·l- nl\'ll\·l-

r ,.., Ill.Iii , _,. Ftdffll Ntflril o...,.. Nu 33
3/ An 0rgan1za 1
12" MIICh. 201'1

. t'on which is dissolved in accordance-


with aub Article 1/A/ of this Article shall notify the

.. l105~

,...,u, fLl.c'l Y:C:~·} m-11>.m-1 t\~i·>l\m- 01\p•~

hrir-l- +'i"·l- m·il'I' Mila,~ .,.,_.,. 1\1\fl·')-• Aaenc:y of the decision within fifteen days.

t./ OllU' l\·>+1.· 10·il t -·~·1.·l- Y:r:~-t• t\~i·>l\m-

4/ The notification submiucd to the Agency under sub
article 3 shall be accompanied with the resolution to
r"t..C6+C:flm- .,il:l·m+.n r.-,:~-ti ~11C,4'.r:il
di11olve the Orpnization, the currently activity
M•CPl'l'tfl·l-1 ,+t\ -,...,1~ f 1' .('r; ~-11") o,,l, :1•1! f p•~
,.,,...,.. '"'-"'° ,,..,I\....,. l\,C" ,.,, .,~I.ii 1\1\11·')-• report and statement of account of the Organization.

M.fffcc11 or Pl11olutlAP
Iii 01\'">+1.· -,.t .,.,,,1.:t- ~t:~·I• A'> ....'-t:il 1\011"11 I/ Once the dissolutim of an Organizationis ordered as
'Hlt.·ai CP.ll..rm-.,_ n~i·>l\m- n-r.;-.·,- ,1,Ail "'""' per Article 83, the property of the orpnization shall
:'>I\'-'r·} rt: J',trc; A• forthwith vest in the liquidator appointed by the

I/ rh.'°l-0 . h"IUt-f hY:t:~·I: .<¼I\-, ;1c: f•l•.f' ,f'1,-c; 2/ The liquidator shall not perform anr activities other
~~t.m, M J',l•t\, .,..(..SJ>l·') l\"'1,nc;-,.:,. l1Atr'r · than those necessary for its liquidation unless such
Oft-t-+C: hrh.'°Iii "'11111,-•l- CP-"-l.. I\,;\ •l•"'lfl(; activities are within the object of the organizatioo
"'lh'i"a,'). AJ•,l·Ar• and cannot be interrupt~
C./ fY:C:)!--t:·> · MSJ>l·'i" r"/'t:t.fl Y.S'..-,:·> t\"'lf1'i"a,·> 3/ Once the debts of the Organizatioo arc paid and the
r"t.f'IILA',-. dlCJ.l.. SJ>l· ·l·tnr.'+m- h·l·h.&.t\, 0:\1\ costs of dissolution arc settled. the liquidator shall
rh.'°lil l\''16m- l'Y.·t:J!-•I: .,.6 1')Hil a,y,,- •Hll.·l- effect the transfer of the remaining money or
OY:c:~·I: fOD·l·~S'..6.f' S'..')il dlY.r IIY.·t:J!-•li property to another organization in accordance with
fOI\.P. l\l1A 1't.ft+ Y.·'l° ll·l·dJMCP- OD1J•t.•} t\t\,;\ the Rules or a prior decision of the supreme body of
Y:C::t!-·l- A'>~.·Ml\'1: .<'S'..t: ;,Au the Organization.
i./ -mw _h">.,.,.. ·,o-tt ,-..,.~_,.,.. r ou,.-1.-1- n.r.·c:~-11 4/ If the rules or the decision of the Organization's
fOD·l·~S'..M' j'.')il i»y;r nY.·c:~-1: flMY. l\l1A supreme body do not provide. -for a recipient

m-11>. I\J.', ltA·l•ODflh+ cf'6 1')110- o,y,,- 'Hlt.-1: organization as per sub article 3 of this article, the

# ~i·>l\m- W'tdlil'tm- ODU•,~·l- t\t\.l\ Y.·c: ~-l- remaining money or property shall be transtcrred to
another organization designated by the Agency.
A·>~.·l·I\M: J.',S'..t.:,l\11

f;/ f Y.·C: ~-1: f ,h.llil "'1 111~·} p•~JP':f· l\m'i"-,.cf?I 5/ After the liquidation process is concluded. the Agency
0,h.llil h"l6m- m.f'<l!'rl- h.i·>l\a,, .. Y:C:~·I:') shall cancel ~e name of the Organizatioo from its
hDD1f1il Y,(IC: IJA II registry upon the request of liquidator.
'i,/ fll.lJ 11·,-,.1, Y..··>:1·1.JP°;f· A·>S'..·l·mO<II tr'im- 6/ Without prejudice to the provisions of this article when
Uilt.-,.l· rovr rui11.-,.:r. tJilt.·l- fl"tLC:c'l-O·l- Consortiums or c911sorti of consortiwns arc Dissolved
·1.11. +6 · 'Hlt.-,.l· dlS'.. l\'IA Y:C:~+l· dlVr the remainning properties may be transferd to the
Uilt.-,.l· ~·MM• J.',l·l\t\,11 member Organizations or Consertiums.
- 1111.Jt ~ ~--~+ _..,.., .-rr: « --""-+ r ,..., riu, ., _,. F . - N•pril 0 - - No JJ 12"' M - . 2019 - .. .... I I0'4


-W-i._u.c~J: ~C.Jl.½
,~. Cpgpdl pf Chit SorlCCY Org,oiudpm

i/ o,,-,,.,- Y:C~-f·l- -1\- -,..-.-)-~ n.-,,. rtu: tH· If A council governed by I.he fu ll participation of all Civil
OtltJ h1'~ .,.!t'<ft~A• Society Org11niu1ion~ ha~~ duly established by th is •
IJ ~,:-,i\._ r,,-t,c f\.-1:") -,••/,.":'f- •,-q, ,.,n/... A r 2f The Agency shall convene and COOf'dinate the founding
.rft-M•W--A• mcetina of the Council.

r.1 Mlr. n.-1: m~'I ,.q•u , ..,,. M•~M. 11-,_.,.,.. lf The Council ,;hall have a General Assembly. Executive
I\,••/,.,,,. hl\L"l"I. nr,- /\~~If"' ~ ..11. . , .,. ,.
Comm,uee and the necessary structur-- •• The council
rhe n.-1: r~., _,.~~6.r ~.,,., • .-:.-r-r
, •• <·: ""
"' 1hull enact il5 own internal rules.

I/ ~C:Jf-,f-":'f- OrhC R.·I: ,n~'l'I ·1-t)'l f"'ta,ht\-ll·l· 4/ The procedure, for repreaentation of Organizations in
I\C:"J·l- nrh<: R.-1: --6.1' Y,a,flt;Aa the General Auembly of the Council shall be
determined by the Directives o f the Council.
SI The Council shall have the following powers and

(lJ) h~")(La,-J h/\,.,i'l-:,Y.t; hl\.A•l- 'li\Y.-r.2" hl1'1·l· a) Enact the Code of Conduct for the sector, and
_.,c o-0911hc 11c4- Alt-r-i\• rot.1'10,-") devise enforcement mechanisms in consultation
fMs,-,ttc ,.")-Oli .,flL1o-i., flA·l- J'm•'IAI
ll·M'IO~., o.)-cO•l- .eh:J--·l·'IA I
~ .
with the Agency, donors and other stakeholders,
(i\) IJJ":CJ!--f":f- 9°1M'lli hfl-,.~'-C 'l.e i\1.1:">i\.a,-'i b) ~hall advise the Agency on the registration and I
i\llC.IJ. rh~-V.-.-o J'+CflA f administradon of Organizations, I
{,h) IIC#-'1 .,ea,h'IA f J'fl•l-'1-fl~A f c) Represent and coordinate the civil society sector. I
I/ rhc R.•'1 IJ~)!")c\a,, flCJ': a,-/IT Y:CJ!--f°;f-") 6/ The Council shall select three membet"S of the Agency's I
Me11hi\- r .,.a,.,,.l-., .ea-c:niA• board that will represent organizations. I

'/,,/ rrhc n.-11 -111! .-,.. hll'l'l·l- oetr,..,; hM·":f- ih.-re 7/ The source of the council's budget shall be member I
M,..l- .elf'i/:\11 contributions and other legal means. I
i/ l\rhC fl.•I: 0009/.,~•l-'i OD,nli'°flC ~)!')fl.a,- 8/ The Agency shall extend the necessary cooperation for
1.flL'l"l.a>-"J :,.ofl-OCli Y: .?~ ~'9C ,?/:\ II establishment and strengthening of the Council.
sre rm r FTffl zrr:z:nr
- Hil7VZ
· mnsw ~

FtclMI Ntpf11 0 . - No.U 12"' Man:• , lOIY pt.. ... . .. 1105'

fl. ,l\:O L 1t 86. Ch:fl Sof:lc&Y Ewo4

i/ 01..,_'}(\,a,- t"°'t-t-~r.r. fl\ilA -,'lOl.flil i.. 11: OIi.ii I/ A Clvll Society fund administered by the Agency is
hf~ -t-~41"'.lA• hereby atabllahed.

I/ fl\'i'i..A -,'lOl.MI L ')I: M L_,. ~ 'h·l--, M~ tm:f.-, 2/ The Clvll Society fund shall be used to encourage

6t:1+ l\"701.:1-:1--l·r O-t·l\r.r Al' ,:;,~ voluntttri!lm 111d development in the sector, and

r"l..t>i'aLA.-,:r~m--, M~I.MI h~h·':f r"l..r11'\"lh• provide Incentive, to Organizations workina with

1:C:~+';'f--, 1\-,01.:1--l- r,41t-'IA• vulnerable sroup1. ,

r.1 fl\'i'i..A .,'lOI.MI L ')f: 1fl..m,-, r"l..t>1)'m,,-. J/ The Income of C,vll Society Fund shall come from:

(tJ) httu hf'~ OL-l- hLl.f\. -,'lfll,-•l-'i 1:c:~,r,':(, a) Propcniea obtained from Charities and Societies

r-t-n· 01.Jf:'}(\,m- ,.,,:,. ,-,_,~ 1-ftt.·l-l dluolved bcfote the enactment of this
Proclamation and are under the custody of the
(I\) 0~'}(\,• flJJ', r fl~C:t: R.•l- m,1'1), h°tLC:,\, b) Properties obtained from Organizations dissolved
1:C:~+l- r-t.1~ 1-fll.·l-I by the decision Agency or Court;
(.h) o--,-,_,•..)- I\L ')~ r-t.r.1.-, 1:.,..,l c) Subsidy from the Government to the Fund.
!/ 1:C:~+l- 1\1\.ii.A -,'lflMlil L 1~ _.,.,,.. "7Y:l.'7 4/ Organizations may not contribute to the Civil Society
h'-l-1\.r• Fund
l;/ rnii..A .,')flt.IHI L 11: hfa-t-~r.c:1 ll·f•ODflh·,. 5/ The · Agency shall issue Directives on the

1.;!'11\,a>- 11C11C: ooa-i',J' .f'a,nJA 11 ., administration of the Civil Society Fund.

fl. f-t:'lf~ A£ -t-LM,~-l- M£.li6-:fa,- .l.1J- 87. Rcocalcd and IDIPPliflhlC LIWI
I./ rn, ht:6-H· t:c~.,.l-'i "711116-·l- ,..,.~ <11-rc: 1/ The Charities and Societies Proclamation No.621/2009,
lf?;i/fitli fh.·l·r-k ,- f'1°1t: ;,.•1 (1'.,.~ +.-re: .. an.d Article 25. of the Commercial Code of Ethiopia
if~I/HifYI) ,..,.,.,.. t~r n,w h.,.~ -,.·lit..,.An (Proclamation No. 166/1_960 are hereby repealed.

1./ o,w ,..,.~ t1+r.~1·1- ·1-~r-':f .,,: r<>t:J>t.1 "7'1'110>-r 2/ Any law, Regulation, Directive and Customary Practice
;,.-,r r.1-or ooooi',J>T A"7J!: a,J?,r 1'1\6-C: 011.11 contrary to this Proclamation shall have no effect.
. ,..,.~ 0-t-ODflh•l:·l- .,.~r-l- '\J', ·l·LY"U·l-
"J', Ii l.trr'/'8 II
fl. f6W/f7M.f t:'),;:,?.SPJ- 88. Transitory Provi:;ions
1/ fO') 1.t:6-H· J!:C~-f·l-'i "71JO~·l- f°t'ki'a•l-C'':f 1/ The Charities and Societies Regulation No. 168/2009
and Directives issued by the Agency prior to the
rhc O.·l- ,.1-0 4:-rc if~t/liti r A1-"l.o·r J',11
enactment of this Proclamation shall be for one year
,..,.~ ftOP0>-''1·1: llL·l· rn,
>.t:~1·l· t:c:~-r-":f·'i
from the promulgation of this Proclamation in the
"7llfl~·l· .>..1!'11\. J>a,"1:f-0>- OPOPi',J'JP':f- tuw ,..,.~
Federal Negarit Gazette to the extent that they do not
.?C Afaf1A-t-:J>l.'1· Y:l.ft >..,.)t. fl~.,i',·l· .,,,.,,, :J-·l·'fD
contravene with the provisions of this Proclamation.
ha,"lll·l- +1 7.rC' llh1Y: 'JOD•}• J'IJA ~l·L'l"t

J',IJ''i "·"

. •;•'
F•cl«al N•pri< Go.n• No JJ 12"' Mon:~ . 2019 pogc 110:16

2/ All Rights and Obligations created by Proclamation No.

621/2009 shall continue to exist insofar as they don"t
contravene with the Fundamental Rights and Obligations
provided for under this proclamation.

3/ All Organi1..111ion registered under Proclamation No.

621/2001 exccpl !hose Organizations operating in a
single region shall register again within one year after _
the coming ,nto force of thts Proclamation.

41 All Orguniza"oos opcraling in a single region shall be

registered by 1he competent registrar of that region .

5/ Powers. Duties. Rights and Obligation of the Charities

a·nd Societies Agency by Proclamation No. 62112009 as
amended by this Proclamation shall be transferred to the


89~Pnwcr to tua,t Runlation and Qirccth::c.

Til. J:."Hl'i"' oeo-M• Ma>-'11-l- ill\.111"J
I/ The Council of Ministers may enact Regulations
. i/ M.'til·l-C'':f 9"hC: R.·l· J>.U"J M'J!- l\°'lflL'l.'I°
necessary to give effect to this Proclamation.
M.J'ill..l\.1- ,. "J(l':f") IU'tD''I .f'.TI\AII
2/ The A~gency may issue Directives to give effect to this
I/ h.~"1(\.a>- .f',U"1"1 h'PJ!-'. fllW h'),i,t.· ')()·fl h"J</'?." i Proclamaiton and the Regulation enacted in accordance
ODIP~•)- f"?.,a, 1 '1tD-"J S'."J-fl l\°'lflLO'JD ODOD6J' with Sub Article I of this Article.
h.J'tD''I J>,':'f,I\All .

'M JIii.fl ~ ).-..-.+ .-..."I •fl:« - ."lfl.+ r +, ll!JI , .,- Ftclenl N•pric G - No.JJ lz"' M>rd . : 019 P•I• . . . .. 110~7

1. M•:J M.'-'ill:l: 1.n. 90. E((ccUvc PIIC

.eu h'f'~ 04(.~/,.A ~:>6-l- :>U."1 :J--l-1'" ha>"1IH· 4-1 Tl11s Proclamation shall enter into force from the Date of
~,-~ f~'i" r,IJ''i"An publication m the Federal Negarit Gazette.



PRl-:Sll>f:NT (ff Ttlf: Ft:f>f.RAl. r>t:MOCRATIC Rf.PUBLIC




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