2021-22 - Legal Language
2021-22 - Legal Language
2021-22 - Legal Language
Q. 2 She told me__________she _______ her parents at the weekend (Fill in the blank)
a)That; has visited
b)That; had visited
c)Saying; will be visiting
d)None of the above
Q. 4 A writ which is issued by a superior court, directing inferior court not to exercise
jurisdiction which is not legally vested in it.
d)Quo warranto
Q. 7 D.K. Basu V/s State of West Bengal deals
a)Death in Custodial Lockup
b)Sexual Harassment at workplace
c)Minors contract is void ab initio
Q. 14 isalegalorderwherebyapersoniseitherrestrainedfromdoinganact,
or ordered to perform an act.
d)Obiter Dictum
Descriptive Type Questions (30 Marks)
Q. 1 Explain the maxim Res Ipsa Loquitor.
Q. 2 Explain the maxims of natural justice.
Q. 3 Write about the One India One People.
Q. 4 What is the importance of law report?
Q. 5 Distinguish between discharge and acquittal.
Q. 6 Write a short essay on ‘Importance of legal education’.
Q. 7 Write guidelines issued in Vishakha case.
Q. 8 Explain the following citation:
Ajay Hasia vs. Khalid Mujib, AIR 1981 SC 487
Q. 10 Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow –
It is difficult to compare countries because various factors such as size, culture, history, geography, natural
endowments, geopolitics and internal polity come into play. There are some goals which can be achieved by
smaller countries; but sometimes smaller countries find it difficult to embark upon certain big technological
plans even if they have the funds, because the size of the domestic market is too small. If we consider the
bigger countries, the closest comparison to India is China, though there are many crucial differences.
The Chinese vision is to prepare the country for entry into the ranks of mid-level developed nations
by the middle of the twenty-first century. Acceleration of the nation's economic growth and social
development by relying on advances in science and technology is pivotal in this.