Unit 2 Geometric Design of Highway

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Unit -II` 16-Marks TGPCET

Unit II – Assignment 2
Geometric Design of highway
1. Draw neat sketch of Highway Embankment and Explain Component of Highway.

The Highway Design deals with visible element of highway such as side distance, intersection, alignment
etc. called a Geometric design of Highway.
In order to provide speed Safety and comfort to the road users proper Geometric design of the road is must
before its construction.
Various components of highway are as fallows
carriage way: The portion of Road way Constructed for movement of vehicular traffic is called as carriage
way or Pavement. the width of the carriage way depends upon the width of traffic length and number of
lanes. The carriage way for single lane up to 3.5 to 3.75m and for 2 lane it is 7m.
Shoulder: The portion of Roadway Between carriage way and side slope is called as shoulder. It is used for
giving working space to stop vehicles, it also used as an emergency road. It should be strong enough to Bear
the weight of fully loaded truck.
Side slope: The slope used for the stability of Road. proper side slope gives adequate stability to good
embankment It is also provided drainage gradient so that water will run off this surface to a drainage system.
Side Drain: providing for proper drainage
Road margin: The portion of land width either side of the Road way of a road are known as Road margin
such as shoulder, parking lane footpath, side slope.
Road boundary: At the initial level Before the construction of Highway government to takes this much
Building line: Building line Determine extend of Building But cannot construct under this area, need to
keep This area free.
control line: line after /under which we can construct.
Formation Width: It is a sum of carriage way and shoulder.
Separators: which separates traffic into two parts, prevent head on collision between two vehicles moving
in opposite direction.
Kerb: The boundary between carriageway and footpath
Right of Way: The area of land acquired for the road along its alignment is called Right of way.
Borrow pit: the pit dug along the alignment of the road for using their material in road construction.

Notes by- Ms. Shweta S. Bhoyar
Unit -II` 16-Marks TGPCET

2.Explain Design Speed & factor affecting Design speed.

The maximum safe speed of vehicles assumed for geometrical design of highway, at which safe and
comfortable driving can be done.
Factor affecting Design speed
➢ Types of highways ➢ Topography
➢ Condition of Road ➢ Sight distance required
➢ Nature & Intensity of traffic ➢ Importance of road
➢ Types of curves
3. Explain Types of Camber & its Importance.
Camber is a slope provided to the surface in a transverse direction to drain out the rain water from the road
surface, or camber is a raised portion of pavement provided to drain out the rain water. The center of camber
is called crown of road.
1) Parabolic camber
2) Straight or Slope camber
3) Composite camber
IRC specification range of camber
1in 60 for concrete
1in 50 for bitumen
1in 40 for WBM (water bound macadam)
1in 25for earthen road
1. Parabolic camber: It consists of a continuous curve either elliptical or parabolic. This type of camber is
preferred for roads used by fast-moving vehicles
2. Straight or Slope camber: It consists of two straight slopes from the edges joining at the center of the
carriageway. This type of camber is very simple and can be easily constructed.
3. Composite camber: It consists of two straight slopes from the edges with a parabolic or circular crown.
Importance of Camber or purpose of Providing camber
➢ To prevent the entry of water into the subgrade soil through pavement the Stability and the life of
pavement get adversely affected if the water enters in the subgrade.
➢ To prevent the entre of water into the bitumen pavement layer. continuous contact with water causes
separating of the bitumen from the Aggregate Resulting failure of pavement layer.
➢ To Remove the rainwater from the pavement surface as quickly as possible and as quid to allow the
pavement to get dry after the rain to avoid the skidding of the vehicle.
➢ To improve aesthetic Appearance of road.
4. Define gradient and its Type.
The rate of rise or fall of ground with respective to horizontal, is known as Gradient or the longitudinal slope
provided along the length of road, is known as Gradient.
Types of Gradients
1)Ruling gradient-The gradient which is commonly provided under normal condition is known as ruling
2)Limiting gradient-The maximum gradient provided more than ruling gradient due Topography, is known
as limiting gradient.

Notes by- Ms. Shweta S. Bhoyar
Unit -II` 16-Marks TGPCET

3)Exceptional gradient-The gradient provided in extraordinary situation (very short length road) is known
as exceptional gradient.
4)Floating gradient-The gradient provided such that vehicle will move with constant speed without
application of brakes or power, is known as floating gradient,
5)Minimum gradient -The minimum value of gradient provided for removal of water, is known as
minimum gradient.
6)Average Gradient - The average of both maximum and minimum gradient can be considered as average
Factor Affecting Gradient
➢ Nature of traffic & ground ➢ Drainage required
➢ Type of road surface ➢ Safety required
5. Define Sight Distance
Distance along the center line of the road at which a driver has visibility of an object stationary or moving at
a specified height above the carriage way is known as sight Distance or Sight distance is the length of road
visible to the driver at any instant is known as sight distance.
Classification of sight distance:
1. Stopping side distance
Stopping sight distance (SSD) is the minimum sight distance available on a highway at any spot having
sufficient length to enable the driver to stop a vehicle traveling at design speed, safely without collision with
any other obstruction
OSD = Vt+v^2/2gf
V- velocity in m/s
t-time in sec
f- coefficient of friction
g- acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2
2. Overtaking sight distance
The minimum distance open to the vision of a vehicle to overcome the slow vehicle ahead, with safety
against the traffic of the opposite direction is known as overtaking side distance (OSD)

5. Define Super elevation & objects of providing super elevation.

The amount by which the outer edge of a curve on a road or railway is banked above the inner edge.
Object of providing Superelevation
➢ To counteract the centrifugal force.
➢ To help fast moving vehicle to negotiate curve path.
➢ To prevent damage to the road due to topography.
Notes by- Ms. Shweta S. Bhoyar
Unit -II` 16-Marks TGPCET

➢ To ensure comfortable and safe movement on curve.

➢ To prevent skidding of vehicle due to overturn.
6. Define Extra widening.
Extra widening is the extra width that is given to the curve of the pavement during its construction.
Types of widening
1. Psychological widening
Wep = V / 9.5 √r
2.Mechanical widening
Wem = nl² / 2R
n=Number of lanes
l=Length of the curve
R=Radius of curve or curvature
Total extra widening formula is = Wep +Wem
= V/ 9.5 √r + nl² / 2R
7. Explain Curve its type & Necessity.
The Geometrical arc provided at change in alignment or gradient of road. Curves are provided to change the
direction of road in gradual way.
Types of Curves

Necessity of providing Curve

➢ To avoid excessive earthwork.
➢ To divert the road for avoid costly land.
➢ To align road to suit topography.
➢ To make gradients more comfortable.
➢ To keep driver alert as straight routes becomes monotonous.
8. Numerical on SSD
Calculate the stopping sight distance for two-way traffic in a single lane road. The design speed is 68
kmph. Assume reaction time of driver as 2.5 seconds. Coefficient of friction is 0.6. Brake efficiency is
Given: V = 68 kmph, t = 2.5 sec., n = 50 %, f = 0.6x50/100=0.3
Find: SSD =?
Solution: By formula of Stopping Sight Distance for one way traffic on a single lane road,
SSD = (0.278 V. t) + ((0.278 V)2 / 2 g . n)
SSD = (0.278 x 68 x 2.5) + ((0.278 x 68)2 / 2 x 9.81 x 0.3)
Notes by- Ms. Shweta S. Bhoyar
Unit -II` 16-Marks TGPCET

SSD = 107.9m
Now to calculate SSD for two way traffic on a single lane road
SSD = 2 x 107.9
SSD =215.8. m
9. Numerical on OSD.
If V=100km/hr, then find OSD=?
1) v=? In m/s 2) vb=? m/s 3) s= 0.7vb+6
v=V/3.6 =v-4.5 =0.7*23.27+6
=100/3.6 =27.77-4.5 =22.28m/s
=27.77 m/s =23.27m/s

4) T= a=A/3.6=1.92/3.6=0.53 5) t=2sec
Then find OSD=?
OSD =d1+d2+d3
=vb *t+2s+b+vT
=vb *t+2s+vbT+vT
10. Numerical on Super Elevation
Calculate the design speed of a vehicle on a horizontal curve having radius of 100m. with permissible
super elevation of 7%. Consider co efficient of friction 0.8.
Super elevation = 7% =7/100= 0.07.
R = 100 m.
f = 0.8.
e + f =𝑉²/127 𝑅
0.07+ 0.18 =𝑉²/127 𝑋 100
V2 = (0.07+0.18) × (127 × 100)
= (0.25) × (12700)
= 3175
V = √3175
V = 56.34 km/hr.

Notes by- Ms. Shweta S. Bhoyar

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