Chapter 2 Geometric Controls and Criteria
Chapter 2 Geometric Controls and Criteria
Chapter 2 Geometric Controls and Criteria
Chapter 2
2. Design Control & Criteria
The elements of design are influenced by a wide variety of design controls, engineering criteria, and
project specific objectives which include:
Functional Classification of the road
Design Traffic Volume & Composition
Nature of terrain
Design Speed
Vehicle classification
Density and character of adjoining land use
Economic & Environmental Considerations
Road users characteristics
Level service to be provided
Available fund
Safety, etc.
o Arterials : -
Provide highest level of mobility
At the highest Speed
For long, uninterrupted travel
Have highest design standards than others
Are with multiple lanes & some Access control
o Collectors: -
Provide lower level of mobility
Provide larger level of property access
Designed for lower speed & shorter distance
They are typically two lane highways that gather & distribute traffic to & from arterial & local
o Locals: -
Emphasize high level of land access
Provide highest level of property access at the lowest speed & lowest level of mobility.
Have lowest design standard
They are typically two lane highways with no striping or other painted markings
They represent the bulk of the mileage in the public highway network
Determination of functional classification establishes the basic roadway cross section in terms of lane
width, shoulder width, type and width of median area, and other major design features.
The traffic analysis is carried out to determine the pavement component required to resist the traffic load
during the design period. The structural parameters required to determine the traffic load are
o Select design period
o Estimate initial traffic volume (initial AADT) per class of vehicle.
o Estimate traffic growth.
o Determine cumulative traffic volume over the design period.
o Obtain mean equivalent load.
o Estimate cumulative ESA over the design period (in one direction).
o Select appropriate traffic class (based on ESA) for flexible pavement design.
A. Design Period
The length or duration of time during which the pavement structure is expected to function satisfactorily
without the need for major intervention (rehabilitation such as overlays or reconstruction) or the duration
in time until the pavement structure reaches its terminal condition (failure condition). Selecting
appropriate design period depends on
• Functional importance of the road
• Traffic volume
• Location and terrain of the project
• Financial constraints
• Difficulty in forecasting traffic
Longer Design Period - for important roads, high traffic volume, roads in difficult location and terrain
where regular maintenance is costly and difficult due to access problems or lack of construction material
Short Design Period - if there is problem in traffic forecasting, financial constraints, etc.
Drivers on long-distance journeys are apt to travel at higher speeds than local traffic.
On local roads whose major function is to provide access, high speeds are undesirable.
Drivers usually adjust their speeds to physical limitations and prevailing traffic conditions.
Economic considerations (road user savings vs. construction costs) may justify a higher design
speed for a road carrying large volumes of traffic than for a less heavily trafficked road in similar
Change in design speed, if required due to a change in terrain class, should not be effected
abruptly, but over sufficient distances to enable drivers to change speed gradually. The change in
design speed should not be greater than one design speed step.
It is often the case that the physical terrain changes two steps, i.e. - from mountainous to flat
terrain. Where possible in such circumstances, a transition section of road shall be provided with
limiting parameters equivalent to the rolling terrain type. Where this is not possible, i.e. a
Departure from Standards, special attention shall be given to the application of warning signs
and/or rumble strips to alert the driver to the changing conditions.
It is important to note that the design of a road in accordance with a chosen design speed should
ensure a safe design. The various design elements have to be combined in a balanced way,
avoiding the application of minimum values for one or a few of the elements at a particular
location when the other elements are considerably above the minimum requirements. The speed
that a driver adopts on a road depends on:
Physical characteristics of the road and its surroundings
Weather conditions of the area
Presence of other vehicles and the nature of these vehicles, and
Speed limitations placed upon the vehicles either by law or by mechanical
devices fitted in vehicles
As these factors usually vary along a route of some length, the design does not have to be constant for the
whole length of a road.
Noise pollution
Air pollution
Visual intrusion and degrading the aesthetics
Community impact: relocation of individuals and families.