Personal Development

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Lesson 1 3.

Get to know your body

4. Get to know your dreams
5. Get to know your likes and dislikes
What is Personal development?
defines self-reflection as the process by Lesson 2
which individuals reflect on themselves,
understand themselves, accept their Adolescence - comes from the latin term
discoveries, and learn new values, attitudes, “adolescere” which means to grow, to
behavior, and thinking skills. mature;

Self - is defined in many ways, such as in Puberty

philosophical or religious terms ● 10 - 11 for girls
- Defined as the cognitive and ● 11 - 12 for boys
affective representation of one’s ● 13 - 19 transition from childhood to
identity of the subject or experience adulthood
- The self can be defined in terms of
human characteristics such as Mental Development
behavior and thought, and can be ● Sexual maturation
described in terms of personality. ● Peer pressure

Ideal self - The self you aspire to be or how Spermarche

you want to be. ● Production and releasing of sperm
● Indication of matured sex organ
Actual self - one that you actually see
Self concept - the way you see yourself ● First menstruation period
● Marks that female sex organ is
Self confidence - product of a positive matured
self-concept. It also means feeling good
about who you are. Cognitive changes and their implication

Why is knowing yourself so important? Corpus callosum - thicken and connect the
- The knowing and understanding part left and right hemisphere of your brain
would help you to make much better
decisions Prefrontal cortex - involved in decision
making, reasoning, and controlling one’s
How to get to know yourself in 5 emotions
fool-proof steps:
1. Get to know your personality Amygdala - the seat of your emotions such
2. Get to know your core values as anger, sadness, and happiness
● Stage 3: Interpersonal concordance
Jean piaget - an adolescent’s cognitive ● Stage 4: law of order orientation
ability for abstraction and advance reasoning ● Stage 5: social contract orientation
is the formal operation period ● Stage 6: Universal ethics orientation

Sensorimotor stage ANTs - automatic negative thoughts

● Birth to 2 years
● Sensory organ and muscles become Holistic development - pertains to the
more functional whole person, emphasizing the complete
aspects of a person or his totality.
Preoperational stage
● 2 - 7 years Lesson 3
● Cannot accept defeat
Developmental stages - The study of the
Concrete operational stage human developmental stage is essential to
● 7 - 12 years understanding how humans learn, mature
● Knows how to reason out and adapt.

Formal operational stage Robert J Havighurst - His main assertion

● 12 years onward is that development is continuous
● Able to solve abstract problems throughout the entire life span​

Psychological or emotional changes

● Moods and feelings
● Sensitivity to others
● Self consciousness
● Decision making

Social changes during adolescence

● Identity
● Independence
● New experience
● Values

Moral and spiritual changes

● Pre - conventional - Authority figure
are obeyed
● Stage 1: Punishment - obedience
● Stage 2: Instrumental
Risky behaviors - actions that can
potentially threaten your health or the health
of others
● Tobacco smoking and alcohol use
● Illegal substance use
● Unprotected sexual activity
Strategies to cope with challenges
1. Learn to accept what you feel
2. Identify your vulnerabilities
3. Develop your talents and interest
4. Become more involved with others
5. Seek help when needed

Lesson 5
Kind of stress
● Eustress
● Distress
Causes of stress
● School pressure and career decisions
● After school or summer jobs
● Dating and friendships
Erik homburger - was a german - american
Problem focused - refers to facing the
developmental psychologist and
situation squarely and exerting efforts to
solve the problem

Ways of becoming a responsible person

“What do you want to be”
1. Have a strong sense of self - esteem
“What kind of life do you want to lead”
2. Have the capacity for empathy
- Are questions that may help you see
3. Knowing what is right from wrong
your goals and motivate you to strive
4. Develop good judgment
Academic success - is attained by
Lesson 4
improving your concentration or your ability
to focus on what you are doing.
Behavior - the way you act or choose to act
in a situation
Avoidant coping - another way to deal with
Healthful behaviors - behaviors that
promote health, prevent injury and
Emotion- focused coping - type of stress
premature death, and improve the quality of
management that attempts to reduce
the environment
negative emotional responses

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