Personal Development
Personal Development
Personal Development
Why is knowing yourself so important? Corpus callosum - thicken and connect the
- The knowing and understanding part left and right hemisphere of your brain
would help you to make much better
decisions Prefrontal cortex - involved in decision
making, reasoning, and controlling one’s
How to get to know yourself in 5 emotions
fool-proof steps:
1. Get to know your personality Amygdala - the seat of your emotions such
2. Get to know your core values as anger, sadness, and happiness
● Stage 3: Interpersonal concordance
Jean piaget - an adolescent’s cognitive ● Stage 4: law of order orientation
ability for abstraction and advance reasoning ● Stage 5: social contract orientation
is the formal operation period ● Stage 6: Universal ethics orientation
Lesson 5
Kind of stress
● Eustress
● Distress
Causes of stress
● School pressure and career decisions
● After school or summer jobs
● Dating and friendships
Erik homburger - was a german - american
Problem focused - refers to facing the
developmental psychologist and
situation squarely and exerting efforts to
solve the problem