Homeroom Guidance: Quarter 1 - Module 1: Self-Analysis: A Step To My Improvement

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Homeroom Guidance

Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Self-Analysis: A Step to My Improvement

Let’s Try This

Mirroring Therapy
1. Face in front of a mirror and act out your emotional reactions on the following scenarios
or aspects of your personality:
a) Your facial structure - NEUTRAL
b) The circle of friends that you have - DELIGHTED
c) Your current academic performance - CHEERFUL
d) Living with family - COMFORTABLE
e) Personal relationship with God - GRATEFUL
f) Your current relationship status - LOVED
g) Your body posture - BETTER
h) Attitude towards difficulties in life - OPTIMISTIC
2. Try to observe yourself and evaluate your emotional reactions. Write down your answers on a
sheet of paper including your answers to the processing questions.

Processing Questions:
1. How did you feel about the activity?
- At first, I was intrigued by how this activity would actually happen and what it
would purpose.
2. Was it easy or difficult? Why?
- Yes, it was easy because there are no incorrect answers. Every answer reflects my
personal opinion or preference.

3. Were you able to mirror emotional reactions you had towards the different scenarios in
your life and aspects of your personality? How?
- Certainly, every emotional reaction we have every day is a reflection of our actions. As
a result, it's accurate to say that I precisely mirrored my emotional reaction.

4. What strengths and weaknesses have you noticed or identified?

- First, I'll talk about my strength, which I believe was my ability to predict what
emotions I would experience in a given situation in my life. My weakness was my
inability to express what emotions I was feeling in certain situations.

Activity No. 2: Personal Goal Development Worksheet 

Personal  Stop  Minimize  Continue  Improve  Start

1 Better   Sleeping late  Using Keeping my   Reading in   Developing a  daily
grades for   at night gadgets  for notes orderly advance personal  study
this year  gaming plan

2 Read more Being Lack of Belief Be positive in My speaking Manage my stress

Read Often. distracted life skills effectively
3 Finish SHS Making things My seating Listening My body Taking down notes
& College pesonally time actively language
4 Have a Cursing/ Bd Multitasking Maintaining Vocabulary Embrace empathy
savings words my grades
5 Get a long w/ Procrastinating Using social Focus on my Communication Control my temper
others media dreams Skills

Personal Goal Development Worksheet 

Processing Questions: 
1. How did you find this activity? 
- It was encouraging to me because I can use it as a concrete plan for personal
2. How would this help you to attain your personal goal ?  
- It helps me in mapping a path for success; it allows me to make better decisions;
and it keeps me from going backwards It also allow me to gain a better sense of
control over my life. influence the decisions I make in my daily life

3. What could be the possible barriers in the achieving your personal goals? 
- I believe that fear is a possible barrier to personal growth. Whether it's fear of
failure or fear of success, the goal is to keep you feeling stuck. When you're stuck
and don't know what to do, it's easy to give up.

Activity No. 3: Poem Writing Challenge

I used to care a lot too much.
In terms of other people's thoughts and opinions,
That was a time when I couldn't see anything.
Or sincerely value myself,

I took a chance and began to share,

And when I did, I had no idea how at ease I was.
I had to be hurt in order to see,
I had to distinguish between what was real and what was not.

And when I took this step, I was shocked by my own eyes.

But, when I really thought about it, it wasn't a surprise.
I needed this time away to see what was going on.
to value and love myself.
What I have learned

Pledge of Commitment 
I, John Erick G. Dineros, 18 years of age. Pledges to
be courageous and determined for the rest of my life.
Regardless of the difficulties, trials, and tribulations
that come along the way. I will remain optimistic in
any way I can, with the help of my friends, family,
and God Almighty.

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