11 SHS Pdev
11 SHS Pdev
11 SHS Pdev
● how we perceive our behaviors,
Adolescent abilities, and unique
● 10-19 years of age characteristics. OUR
● the developmental stage of life and SELF-AWARENESS
transition of a person from ● tends to be more malleable when
childhood to adulthood. we’re younger and still going
● adolescentem (latin word) means through the process of
growing, near maturity. self-discovery and identity
● crucial stage formation.
● socially inclined Ideal Self - the person you want to be.
● expected to establish strong sense Real Self - how you see yourself at this
of identity moment in time.
Personal Development Reviewer
1st Semester, 1st Quarter
11-STEM | PROF. JM Lumbrera | SEM 1 2022
Personal Development Reviewer
1st Semester, 1st Quarter
11-STEM | PROF. JM Lumbrera | SEM 1 2022
Personal Development Reviewer
1st Semester, 1st Quarter
11-STEM | PROF. JM Lumbrera | SEM 1 2022