PSYCHIATRY Recalls Midterm

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B. Insomnia
1) A medical student is often late to class C. Dizziness
because she must shower and dress in a D. Restlessness
very particular order or else she becomes
7) Panic attack generally last
increase anxious A. 10-15 mins
A. Obsessive compulsive disorder B. 20-3-mins
B. Post traumatic disorder C. 1 hour
C. Acute stress disorder D. 2 hours
D. Adjustment disorder with anxiety 8) Which of the following is NOT a description
2) Which anlyst is most closely associated with of Mania
theory that depression is a sequences of A. Elevated
suboptimal attachment B. Expensive
A. Freud C. Parapaxes
B. Beck D. Irritable
C. Klein 9) Which analyst is most closely associated
D. Bowlby with the theory that depression is due to
3) Hypomanic episode is distict period of anger turned inward
abnormally elevated expansive or irritable A. Fued
mood lasting atleast B. Beck
A. 4 consecutive days
C. Kelin
B. 2 consecutive weeks D. Bowlby
C. 8 consecutive days 10) Describe the condition of patients who
D. 8 consecutive weeks were afraid to venture alone into public
4) Depressed patient with delusion or places
hallucinations A. Agoraphobia
A. Depressed psudodermentia
B. Acrophobia
B. Psychotic depression C. Social phobia
C. Melancholia D. Claustrophobia
D. Dysthymia 11) During the hectic weeks preceding her
5) A medical student comes prepared to wedding, the young women in good health
attend class by regarding the topic but and without a previous history of
often worried every time he was ask to psychiatric illness occasionally feels unreal
recite in class. He palpation, profuse and detached from her own body. “like in
sweating, headache, shortness of breath dream” the episodes last for a few minutes
every time he talks in fronts of his and resolves spontaneously
classmates. Which is the most likely A. These symptoms can occur in people
diagnosis? without psychiatric disorder
A. Social phobia B. The women suffer transient instantly
B. Specific phobia C. She is experiencing specific phobia
6) Which of the following is not manifestation D. She has adjustment disorder
of anxiety
12) The most common symptoms of
compulsion 17) Which of the following refers to
A. Washing psychodynamic themes of panic disorder?
B. Counting A. Chronic sense of feeling trapped
C. Checking B. Transient sense of feeling trapped
D. Hoarding C. Anger tolerance
13) Which analyst is most closely associated D. Defense mechanism in sublimation
with the theory that depression result from
specific cognitive disorder present in 18) Which of the following is predisposing
depressed prone people vulnerability in post-traumatic stress
A. Feud disorder?
B. Beck A. Presence of child hood trauma
C. Klein B. Absence of childhood trauma
D. Bowlby C. Adequate family supports
14) A 27 years old women comes to a D. Histrionic personality trait
psychiatrist with the chief complaint of
feeling depressed her entire life but never 19) Which is the most commonly encountered
been so depressed the she cannot function. psychological problem of women takings
She has never been suicidal or psychotic but oral contraceptives.
her self-esteem is chronically low. Which of A. Anxiety
the most likely diagnosis? B. Depression
A. major depression C. Illusion
B. cyclothymia D. Insomnia
C. adjustment disorder with depressed
mood 20) Which of the following is treatment in
D. dysthymia bipolar 1 disorder? 1. Asses compliance and
suicidality 2. Monitor cause and adverse
15) Which of the following is a Not description effects. 3. Educate patient and family about
of the mood the illness. 4. Chart illness retrospectively
A. Sad and prospectively
B. Insight A. 21. Only 1 and 2
C. Depressed B. 22. Only 3 and 4
D. Euphoric C. 23. Only 1,2,3
D. 24. All of the above

16) A police man who demonstrated a great 21) 21. A male student witnessed a robbery in
courage while on duty is terrified of needles the bank. He had poor sleep and becomes
A. Agoraphobia irritable. He had nightmares and avoid
B. Panic disorder going back to the bank
C. Specific disorder A. 22. Acute stress reaction
D. Social phobia B. 23. Adjustment disorder
C. 24. Major depressive disorder
D. 25. Post-traumatic stress disorder C. Excoriation disorder
D. Factitious dermatitis

22) 22. Fear of closed spaces 27.Match the description of Thought content:
A. 23. Agoraphobia delusion of thought insertion
B. 24. Acrophobia
C. 25. Social phobia A. “He is putting thought into my head”
D. 26. Claustrophobia B. “I can hear him talking about me even in the
23) 23. The women frequently wishes her C. “He was talking about me on tv news and
hands about 50 times a day for fear of internet”
contamination. She cannot stop herself D. “I am Messiah”
although her hands are raw and chafed.
What is the diagnosis 28. Match the description of thought content:
A. 24. Obsessive compulsive personality grandiose delusion
disorder A. “He is putting thought into my head”
B. 25. Obsessive compulsive disorder B. “ I can hear him talking about me even in the
C. 26. Obsession only bathroom”
D. 27. Compulsion only C. “He was talking about me on tv news and
24) 24. match the description of thought D. “ I am Messiah”
content: delusion of reference
A. he is putting thought into my mind 29. Match the description of thought content :
B. I can hear him taking about me even in the Auditory hallucination
C. he was taking about me on the tv news and A. “He is putting thought into my head”
internet B. “ I can hear him talking about me even in the
D. I am messiah bathroom”
C. “He was talking about me on tv news and
25.The disorder that is characterized by not internet”
discarding thing that are deemed of little value D. “ I am Messiah”
resulting into excessive clutter of living space. 30. A female model frequently complains to her
A. Obsessive compulsive disorder dermatologist insisted that her nose is distorted
B. Obsessive compulsive personality Disorder and needed to be repair. What is the most likely
C. Hoarding Disorder diagnosis.
D. Body Dysmorphic Disorder A. Obsessive compulsive disorder
26.Hairpulling disorder Characterized by B. Obsessive compulsive personality Disorder
repetitive hair pulling leading to variable visible C. Agoraphobia
hair loss D. Body Dysmorpic Disorder
A. Obsessive compulsive disorder
B. Trichotillomania 31. Postulated the cognitive triad of depression
A. Aaron Beck A. The patient should be hospitalized
B. Sigmund Freud B. Psychotic features are not common in
C. John Bowlby adolescent
D. Margaret Klein C. Irritability is a common mood seen in
children with depression
D. He should be given medication lithium and
32. which of the following statement True? 1. risperidone
Mood is pervasive and sustained emotion. 2.
Mood is feeling tone that influences a person 35. A teenager was brought to the psychiatrist
behavior and colors his perception of being in because for the past two pants he has been
the world. 3.Disorder of mood is also called increasingly irritable, apathic and withdrawn.
effective disorder 4. Depression is commonly Which of the following statement is TRUE
seen after the loss or death of love one. A. the patient should be hospitalized
A.Statement 1 & 2 are true B. Psychotic features are not common in
B. statement 3 & 4 are true adolescent
C. Statement 1,2,3 are True C. Irritability is a common mood seen in
D. Statement 1,2,3,4 are true children with depression
33. Which of the following is NOT a risk for post D. He should be given medication lithium and
Natal depression resiperidone

A. Age very young or over 30 36. A woman survives a car crash, after that she
B.Low Socioeconomic group was dazed and confused, which resolves the
C. Past history of depression following few hours
D.Low normal IQ A. Adjustment disorder with anxiety
B. Acute stress reaction
34. A young women stammer and feels C. Panic attack
Completely foolish when one of her classmates D. Agoraphobia
or teacher asked her question she sits at the
back of the class not to be noticed because she 37. Which of the following is psychodynamic
is convinced that the students thinks she is themes of post traumatic disorder
unattractive and stupid. A. Common defense mechanism involve
A. Agoraophobia
B. Defense mechanism of anticipation
B. Panic Disorder
C. Traumatic event not related to childhood
C. Specific Phobia
D. Social Phobia
D. Somatization and alexithymia maybe among
the after effects of trauma
35. A teen ager was brought to psychiatrist
because for the past two pants he had been
38. Which of the following statement is TRUE
increasingly irritable, apathetic and withdrawn
which of the following Statement is TRUE
1. The objective of pharmacological treatment
is symptom remission, not just symptom 43. An exchange student from Maldives move
reduction to Moscow, the college student had difficulty
2. Cyclothymic disorder is symptomatically a preparing for winter term courses. He was often
mild form of bipolar II disorder feeling sluggish, fatigued and irritable late
3. Hypomania is symptomatically a mild form of October. By the start of March his mood and
cyclothymia energy level start to improve. Which is the most
4. Phototherapy is effective to all types of appropriate diagnosis
depression especially melancholia A. Seasonal depression
A. Statements 1 & 2 are true B. Atypical depression
B. Statements 1, 2, 3 are true C. Melancholic depression
C. Statements 3 & 4 are true D. Double depression
D. Statements 1, 2, 3, 4 are true
44. A taxi driver is consumed with fears of
39. Years after she was rescued from her having accidentally run over a pedestrian.
burning house the 40 year old woman Although he tries to convince himself that his
continues to be distressed by recurrent dreams worries are silly, his anxiety continues to mount
and obsessive thoughts of the event until he tries to drive back to the scene of the
A. Obsessive-Compulsive disorder accident and proves himself that nobody lies
B. Post traumatic disorder hurt in the streets. This behavior is an example
C. Acute stress disorder of which of the following?
D. Adjustment disorder with anxiety A. Compulsion secondary to an obsession
B. An obsession triggered by a compulsion
40. Which of the following belongs to the anti C. A delusional ideation
depressant medication D. A phobia
A. 5 HT reuptake inhibitors
B. ET reuptake inhibitors 45. Criteria for major depressive disorder
C. 1 TH reuptake inhibitors indicate that symptoms have been present
D. Dopaminergic reuptake inhibitors during the same __________
A. 2 days period
41. Depressive illness is B. 2 weeks period
A. An illness of the late middle age C. 2 months period
B. A one off episode D. 2 years period
C. Recurrent
D. A independent life of event 46. About ____ percent of all manic patient are
assaultive or threatening
42. Which of the following describes A.25
Melancholia B.50
A. Dark mood of depression C.75
B. Double depression D.80
C. Cyclothymia
D. Seasonal pattern
47. Which of the following medications are NOT A. Occurrence anxiety symptoms related to
used in acute mania general medical conditions are rare
A. Lithium carbonate B. Occurrence anxiety symptoms related to
B. Barbiturates general medical condition is common
C. Carbamazepine C. Symptoms of anxiety disorder due to medical
D. Vaproate condition is rare
D. Symptoms include depression and anxiety
48. Which of the following statement is TRUE.
1. No single personality trait or type uniquely 52. Select the Mental Status Examination (MSE)
predisposes a person to depression findings that would be most consistent with
2. No evidence indicates particular personality Bipolar disorder, manic episode
disorder associated with development of A. Mood characterized by extreme irritability
Bipolar Disorder I. B. Visual hallucination
3. All humans whatever personality pattern can C. Orientation in place and time, but not in
become depressed under appropriate person
circumstances D. Repetitive handwashing because of fear of
4. Only certain personality type can become contracting disease
A. Statements 1 & 2 are true 53. A young executive is periodically required to
B. Statements 3 & 4 are true give report of his department progress in front
C. Statements 1,2,3 are true of the firms CEO. Although usually confident
D. Statements 1, 2, 3, 4 are true and well prepared, the young man becomes
anxious prior to presentation. Once in front of
49. Excessive anxiety and worry about several the audience he experiences dry mouth,
events or activities for most of the days profuse sweating and palpitations. Which of the
A. Adjustment disorder following statements concerning this disorder is
B. Generalized anxiety disorder correct
C. Panic disorder A. Female have a higher prevalence
D. Acute stress disorder B. Onset in adolescence is rare
C. Cognitive behavioral therapy has been
50. A 32 y/o house wife has been unable to proved to be effective
leave her house unaccompanied and D. Heredity does not play a role
overwhelmed with anxiety and fear that
something terrible is going to happen to her 54. Which of the following clinical features
and nobody will be there to help her predictive of bipolar disorder
A. Agoraphobia A. Early age of onset
B. Panic disorder B. Late age of onset
C. Specific phobia C. Slow onset
D. Social phobia D. Gradual onset

51. Which of the following is TRUE 55. A 23 y/o woman arrives to the emergency
room complaining of sudden overwhelming
fear, associated with shortness of breath, 60. A secretary climbs 10 flights of stairs
palpitations which lasted for about 20 minutes everyday to reach her office because is terrified
and expressing of fear of going crazy and was of being trapped in the elevator. She never had
dying. Which of the following is most likely any traumatic event that occur in the elevator
diagnosis? but had been terrified since she was a child.
A. Hypochondriasis Which of the following is the most likely
B. Panic disorder therapy?
C. Generalized anxiety disorder A. Hypnotherapy
D. Acute Stress disorder B. Psychoanalysis
C. Family therapy
56. Which of the following is most likely D. Exposure therapy
associated with theory that depression is a
consequence of reactivation of depressive 61. Which of the following statement is TRUE
position from childhood 1. Dysthymia is common in adolescents
A. Feud 2. Dysthymia is rare among general population
B. Beck 3. Dysthymia is common in patient with
C. Klein chronically physical condition particularly in
D. Bowlby elderly
4. The course of Dysthymia is a persistent and
57. Which of the following biogenic amines is intermittent
most implicated in the pathophysiology of A. Statements 1 & 2 are true
mood disorder B. Statements 3 & 4 are true
A. Barbiturate and Benzodiazepine C. Statements 1,2,3 are true
B. Histamine and Acetylcholine D. Statements 1, 2, 3, 4 are true
C. Serotonin and Dopamine
D. Norepinephrine and Serotonin 62. Which of the following is NOT included in
the cognitive triad of depression
58. Which of the following refers to Arousal A. Negative self-concept
Symptoms B. Expectation of suffering and failure
A. Avoidance C. Experience the world as hostile and
B. Hypervigilance demanding
C. Dissociative D. Negative regulation of instinctual drives
D. Intrusion
63. Which of the following is a relative
59. Compulsive and repetitive picking of the contraindication of ECT
skin A. Space occupying lesion in the brain
A. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder B. Seizure disorder
B. Factitious dermatitis C. Hypertension
C. Excoriation disorder D. Pregnancy
D. Trichotillomania
64. A secretary climbs 10 flights of stairs every
day to reach her office because is terrified of
being trapped in the elevator. She never had
any traumatic event that occur in the elevator
but had been terrified since she was a child.
Which of the following diagnosis is most likely?
A. Social phobia
B. Specific phobia
C. Social anxiety disorder
D. Generalized anxiety disorder

65. Which of the following is NOT a psychosocial

A. Cognitive therapy
B. Family therapy
C. Behavioral therapy
D. Thematic therapy

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