2. Agoraphobia is the fear of 9. All are the treatment options in Depression except?
a) Closed spaces a) Cognitive Behavior Therapy
b) Open spaces and crowd b) ECT
c) Agar c) SSRI
d) Strangers d) Aversion therapy
3. W hich of the following is not a symptom of 10. The common predisposing factors of depression are
Depression? a) Loss in business
a) Insomnia b) Fatigue b) Alcohol intake
c) Disorientation d) Lack of pleasure c) Post partum period
d) All of the above
4. Which category is most prone for suicide?
a) Adolescent girl 11. In moderate mental retardation (I.C.D.10),
b) a 70 year Old man the I.Q. is
c) an 40 yr old alcoholic a) 20 to 34
d) a 40 year old house wife b) 35 to 49
c) 50 to 69
5. The essential features to diagnose Depression are d) <70
all except ?
a) Sleep disturbances and Grandiosity 12. Features of mental retardation are all except ____
b) Sadness of mood and lack of pleasure a) seizures
c) Excessive fatigue and retardation b) Behavioral problems
d) Hopelessness and worthlessness. c) Excellent in calculation
d) Academic failure
6. The complications of depression are ________
a) loss of job / decreased performance 13. Depression is a co-morbid condition in which of
b) suicide the following?
c) interpersonal conflicts a) Schizophrenia
d) all of the above b) Obsessive compulsive disorders
c) Panic disorder
7. After a single episode of Depression how long the d) All of the above
drugs to be continued ?
a) One year 14. The common side effects of antidepressants are
b) Five years all except ?
c) Life long a) Sedation
d) Drugs can be stopped after the patient improves b) Sexual dysfunction
c) Euphoria (expansive mood)
d) Constipation
15. Post traumatic stress disorder is most common 23. A 20 yrs old female is nervous of being focus of
after at tent ion in public or being c aught in an
a) Trauma to the head embarrassing behavior so she avoids parties &
b) Major Life threatening event canteens. Develops palpitation, anxiety, tremors
c) Vascular accidents during social engagements. Diagnosis is
d) Infections a) Panic disorder
b) Social Phobia
16. The definition of a DELUSION includes all except c) Anxiety disorder with Panic attacks
a) It is a false d) Mixed anxiety with depression
b) Its is a belief
c) It should be shared by all family members and 24. A 75 yrs. old male was operated for fracture neck
the community of femur and since next day develops irritability,
d) It should be persist even to the proof to its disorientation & has been talking to imaginary
contrary people. Diagnosis is
a) Senile dementia
17. What is hallucination? b) Senile Psychosis
a) Perception of an stimulus with out any external c) Delirium
event d) Post operative Psychosis
b) Perception of an stimulus with an external event
c) Misinterpretation of a external stimulus 25. Repeated lying, stealing, Harming other children’s,
d) Misinterpretation of a internal stimulus and animals, running away from home is seen in
a) Conduct disorder
18. All are the main features of schizophrenia are all b) Autistic disorder
expect ______ c) ADHD
a) Delusions d) Mental retardation
b) Hallucinations
c) Disorganized behavior 26. Mania is characterized by all except
d) Disorganized calculation a) Pressure of speech
b) Expansive mood
19. All are the psychiatric disorders seen after chronic c) Insomnia
alcohol intake expect d) Lethargy
a) eating disorders
b) Delusion of infidelity 27. ECT is contra-indicated in
c) Depression a) Pregnancy
d) Panic disorder b) increased intracranial tension
c) old age
20. Negative symptoms of schizophrenia include _____ d) Mania
a) Alogia b) Asociality
c) Anhedonia d) All of above 28. Hyper ventilation syndrome is most frequently a
sign of
21. Disorientation occurs in a) Fatigue
a) Organic brain syndrome b) Petit mal epilepsy
b) Schizophrenia c) Anxiety neurosis
c) Depression d) Opiate withdrawal
d) Mania
29. Following are true of dementia except
22. Which of the following is characteristic of hysteria ? a) Altered Sensorium
a) Secondary gain b) Loss of memory
b) Neurological signs c) Cortical atrophy
c) Suicidal attempt d) No focal lesion
d) Pressure of speech
30. The One who coined the word “Schizophrenia” is 36. All are true for psychosis EXCEPT
a) Emil Kraepelin a) Reality testing is impaired
b) Eugen Bleuler b) Insight is absent
c) B.A.Morel c) Part of personality is usually involved
d) J.E.D.Esquirol d) Hallucinations & delusion may not always
be present
31. A women brings her 10 year old son complaining
that his is not studying and failed in 1st and 2nd std 37. A women recently delivered a baby had sudden
twice, he seemed to have low intelligence, she onset of hearing voices of Jesus Christ calling her
insist for some brain tonic so that her child can that her baby is a devil and ask to kill it , patient is
become like other children the advice should be about to obey it , what is the next step?
a) Explain about MR and give her brain tonic, a) Send the patient to a priest and follow his orders
reassure her b) Since Jesus has told she has to do it
b) Explain about MR and reassure her (kill her baby)
c) Explain about MR and assure her to send to a c) Refer her to a Psychiatrist and follow the advice
special school for MR d) Take care her well and assure her
d) Explain about MR and ask her to keep faith in
god so that the child with improve 38. A man aged 27 yrears complained of sadness
of mood, inability to concentrate, insomnia, death
32. A 32 year old alcohol dependent had stopped wishes and plans to commit suicide the effective
alcohol for last 5 days, he was found talking to and immediate management should be?
self, calling some one in air, and was restless, a) Tell his family members to take care him well
when asked where is he , said he is in cinema hall and give drugs
while intervening in hospital the diagnosis is b) Admit him and give drugs and ECT
a) Alcoholism c) Admit him and give drugs and psychotherapy
b) Alcohol psychosis d) Tell him not to commit suicide and prescribe
c) Delirium tremens drugs
d) Alcohol abuse
39. A 15 year old 9th std student reported to the police
33. The following drugs are used in the treatment of that Cosmic waves are send from Mars by a alien
alcoholism as Aversion therapy forces and the rays are making him unable to study
a) Disulfiram since this year hence he failed in the exams. His
b) Metronidazole probable diagnosis is
c) Acamprosate a) Mania
d) Propranolol b) Schizophrenia
c) Depression
34. Obsessive com pulsive neurosis is lik ely to d) Personality problem
progress to
a) Dissociation 40. A 45 year old married women school teacher had
b) Mania 5 pairs of clothes to all her 3 children, and was
c) Paranoia found giving tips of 50-100 to hotel waiters
d) Secondary depression was active whole day and night the probable
diagnosis is
35 Most common side effect of modified ECT a) Mania
a) Short lasting amnesia b) Schizophrenia
b) Mild Brain damage c) Delusional disorder
c) Loss of remote memory d) Personality disorder
d) Hair line fracture of vertebrae
41. A alcoholic who used to take alcohol for the last 46. A 25 year old women with a 1 yr. old son, had lost
10 years was found suspecting his wife that she her father in heart attack last 4 months ago,
had an extramarital affair with the neighbour, even since last 2 months she gets frequent episodes
though she was true to him the type of delusion is of sudden onsets of Palpitations, hyperventilation,
a) Delusion of persecution chest pain, chocking like feelings and last for
b) Delusion of love 15 min. she feels she would die of heart attack,
c) Delusion of reference her ECG is normal the probable diagnosis
d) Delusion of jealousy / infidelity a) Generalized anxiety disorder
b) Grief
42. A 7 year old child with normal mile stones was c) Panic disorder
found not sitting in one place in the class room, d) Phobia
and was constantly troubling other children, also
he was not seemed to listen to the teacher, nor 47. A 32 year old man reported 3 days history of tremors,
copy down what is been told, constantly speaking, palpitations, sweating, hypertension, insomnia,
and playful and found loosing his pencil and his wife said he is taking alcohol for last 10 years
notebooks the diagnosis is and she made him stop 3 days before forcibly
a) Conduct disorder diagnosis is
b) Mental retardation’ a) Alcoholism b) Alcohol intoxication
c) Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder c) Alcohol abuse d) Alcohol withdrawal
d) Restless leg syndrome
48. A psychiatric patient speaks like this “ I had studied
43. Drug of choice for Drug induced ExtraPyrimidal up till 10 th standard today is Monday India got
symptoms (EPS) is independence in 1947 who are you this water is dirty”
a) inj. atropine, the probable diagnosis is
b) inj. Phenergan (Promethazine) a) Mania b) Schizophrenia
c) inj. Haloperidol c) Delirium d) Dementia
d) inj. Lorazepam (Calmese)
49. A 30 year old man had met with an bike accident
44. A 40 yr old women found worrying in almost all 1 year back were he got fracture in his arm, since
aspects, would get “tension” even if her child or then he does not ride a bike or even sit in a bike,
husband come home late by 5 min, often restless, often he had dreams of accidents, would not watch
insomnia, has frequent headache and body ache, movies that show accidents or death would not talk
and do make frequent mistakes in cooking the much about the accidents , often has anxiety when
probable diagnosis is ? he walks by the road where he had the accident ,
a) Major Depression the probable diagnosis is
b) Panic disorder a) Bike phobia
c) Mixed anxiety and Depression b) Acute stress disorder
d) Generalized anxiety disorder c) Post traumatic stress disorder
d) Anxiety neurosis
45. Catatonic schizophrenia is characterized by
a) Posturization 50. Features of alcohol withdrawal include all except
b) Flight of ideas a) Tremors b) Excessive sleep
c) Clang associations c) Palpitations d) Nausea and vomiting.
d) None of above