Chapter 022 Questions

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Chapter 22


Chapter Twenty-Two

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUIZ Name: Precilou Cutanda

In the box write the letter of the choice that is the definition of the term or best answers the
question. There is only one correct answer for each question.

1. A forensic psychiatrist specializes B. Dysphoria

in: ......................................................E C. Delusion
A. Educational psychology D. Apathy
B. Psychoanalysis E. Autism
C. Child psychiatry
D. Experimental research in psychiatry
E. Legal aspects of psychiatry
2. Which of the following best
describes one of the roles of a A
A. Uses tests to measure mental health
and intelligence
B. Uses drug therapy to treat mental
C. Treats only adults
D. Uses electroconvulsive therapy to
treat mental illness
3. Which of the following is a E
depressive disorder? ...........................
A. Phobia
B. Panic attack
C. Obsessive-compulsive behavior
D. Psychogenic amnesia
E. Dysthymia
4. A term that describes an exaggerated D
feeling of well-being is:
A. Autism
B. Paranoia
C. Labile
D. Euphoria
E. Delusion
5. An uncontrollable urge to perform B
an act repeatedly is a(an): ...................
A. Conversion
B. Compulsion
C. Hypochondriasis
D. Mania
E. Paranoia
6. Preoccupation with one’s self and
lack of responsiveness to others is E
characteristic of:.................................
A. Dissociation
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights
7. False or unreal sensory
perceptions are called: C
A. Obsessions
B. Dissociations
C. Hallucinations
D. Phobias
E. Panic disorders
8. What best describes
A. Defense mechanism in
which unacceptable
thoughts are pushed into
the unconscious
B. A mild depression
C. Repetitive acts
D. An involuntary, persistent
idea, emotion, or urge
E. Delusions of persecution
9. Fear of leaving one’s home is:.............
A. Acrophobia
B. Agoraphobia
C. Claustrophobia
D. Necrophobia
E. Social phobia
10. Which of the following
psychotherapies uses free D
association and
transference? .....................
A. Hypnosis
B. Behavior therapy
C. Psychodrama
D. Psychoanalysis
E. Sex therapy
11. Alternating moods of
exalted feelings and C
excitement with moods of
extreme sadness and
decreased activity: ...........
A. Major depressive disorder
B. Cyclothymic disorder
C. Bipolar disorder
D. Hypomania
E. Persistent depressive disorder
12. Short depressive periods E
and moods with no
psychotic features:
A. Major depressive disorder
B. Cyclothymic disorder
C. Bipolar disorder
D. Hypomania
E. Persistent depressive disorder

Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011, 2007 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights

13. Numerous periods of mania and E. Schizoid

depression, but not of long duration;
no psychotic features: ......................... B
A. Major depressive disorder
B. Cyclothymic disorder
C. Bipolar disorder
D. Hypomania
E. Persistent depressive disorder
14. A mood resembling mania, but of D
lesser intensity: ..................................
A. Major depressive disorder
B. Cyclothymic disorder
C. Bipolar disorder
D. Hypomania
E. Persistent depressive disorder
15. Severe dysphoric mood with psychotic A
features: .............................................
A. Major depressive disorder
B. Cyclothymic disorder
C. Bipolar disorder
D. Hypomania
E. Persistent depressive disorder
16. Grandiose sense of self-importance and
preoccupation with fantasies of D
success and power:
A. Antisocial
B. Paranoid
C. Histrionic
D. Narcissistic
E. Schizoid
17. Continually suspicious and B
mistrustful of other people:
A. Antisocial
B. Paranoid
C. Histrionic
D. Narcissistic
E. Schizoid
18. No loyalty or concern for others; A
without moral standards: ....................
A. Antisocial
B. Paranoid
C. Histrionic
D. Narcissistic
E. Schizoid
19. Emotionally cold and aloof; indifferent E
to the feelings of others:
A. Antisocial
B. Paranoid
C. Histrionic
D. Narcissistic
20. Emotional, immature, and D. Bulimia nervosa
dependent; irrational E. Dissociative disorders
outbursts and flamboyant
behavior: ................................. C
A. Antisocial
B. Paranoid
C. Histrionic
D. Narcissistic
E. Schizoid
21. Characterized by a
breakdown in memory, E
identity, or perception to
escape reality:
A. Somatic symptom disorder
B. Conversion disorder
C. Anorexia nervosa
D. Bulimia nervosa
E. Dissociative disorders
22. Condition marked by
neurologic symptoms with B
no physical basis, appearing
as a result of anxiety: ..........
A. Somatic symptom disorder
B. Conversion disorder
C. Anorexia nervosa
D. Bulimia nervosa
E. Dissociative disorders
23. Presence of physical
symptoms that cannot be A
explained by an actual
physical disorder:
A. Somatic symptom disorder
B. Conversion disorder
C. Anorexia nervosa
D. Bulimia nervosa
E. Dissociative disorders
24. Psychological factors such as
anxiety, anger, and fear C
produce unrealistic body
image and reluctance to
A. Somatic symptom disorder
B. Conversion disorder
C. Anorexia nervosa
D. Bulimia nervosa
E. Dissociative disorders
25. Fear of obesity in
which binge eating is D
followed by induced
A. Somatic symptom disorder
B. Conversion disorder
C. Anorexia nervosa
600 Chapter 22  VOCABULARY QUIZ

Chapter Twenty-Two

VOCABULARY QUIZ Name: Precilou Cutanda

A. Match the following terms with their descriptions below:

affect autism cannabis

amnesia bipolar disorders conversion disorder
anxiety disorders bulimia nervosa compulsion

1. Condition marked by neurologic symptoms with no physical basis, appearing as a result of

anxiety and unconscious inner conflict conversion disorder

2. Eating disorder of binge eating followed by vomiting, purging,

and depression bulimia nervosa

3. Absence of emotions; lack of interest or emotional involvement apathy

4. External expression of emotion or emotional response affect

5. Marked by alternating periods of mania and depression bipolar disorders

6. Neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by inhibited social interaction and communication

and by restricted, repetitive behavior autism

7. Loss of memory amnesia

8. Active substance in marijuana cannabis

9. Characterized by unpleasant tension, distress, and avoidance behavior; phobias,

obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder anxiety disorders

10. Uncontrollable urge to perform an act repeatedly compulsion

B. Match the following terms with their descriptions below:

anorexia nervosa dementia ego

defense mechanism depression fugue
delirium depressive disorders gender dysphoria

1. Marked by chronic sadness, loss of energy, hopelessness, worry, discouragement and,

commonly, suicidal impulses and thoughts depressive disorders

2. Unconscious technique (coping mechanism) that a person uses to resolve or conceal

conflict and anxiety defense mechanism

3. Chronic or sudden disturbance of memory, identity, or consciousness; multiple-personality

disorder is an example dissociative disorder

Chapter 22  VOCABULARY QUIZ 601

4. Central coordinating branch of the personality or mind ego

5. False sensory perception (hearing “voices” and seeing “things”) hallucination

6. Loss of intellectual abilities with impairment of memory, judgment

and reasoning dementia

7. Strong and persistent cross-gender identification with the opposite sex that causes

clinically significant distress gender dysphoria

8. Flight from customary surroundings fugue

9. Eating disorder of excessive dieting and refusal to maintain

a normal body weight anorexia nervosa

10. Confusion in thinking; faulty perceptions and irrational behavior delirium

C. Match the following terms with their descriptions below:

hallucination mutism paranoia

id neurodevelopmental disorders paraphilia
labile obsessive-compulsive disorder personality

1. Overly suspicious system of thinking with fixed delusions that one is being harassed,

persecuted, or unfairly treated paranoia

2. Unstable, undergoing rapid emotional change labile

3. Nonreactive state; stupor mutism

4. Major unconscious part of the personality; instinctual drives and desires id

5. Enduring patterns of thinking and behavior contrary to what is culturally accepted; examples

are schizoid, antisocial and paranoid personality disorder

6. Extreme excitement; hyperactive elation and agitation mania

7. False sensory perception hallucination

8. Anxiety disorder in which recurrent thoughts and repetitive acts dominate

behavior obsessive-compulsive disorder

9. Recurrent intense sexual urge, fantasy, or behavior that involves unusual objects, activities,

or situations paraphilia

10. Group of childhood disorders characterized by delays in socialization and

communication skills neurodevelopmental disorders

602 Chapter 22  VOCABULARY QUIZ

D. Match the following terms with their meanings below:

personality disorders psychiatrist reality testing

phobia psychologist repression
post-traumatic stress disorder psychosis schizophrenia spectrum
projective test

1. Defense mechanism by which unacceptable thoughts, feelings, and impulses are

automatically pushed into the unconscious repression

2. Diagnostic, personality test using unstructured stimuli to evoke responses that reflect

aspects of an individual’s personality projective test

3. Medical doctor trained in diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of mental

disorders psychiatrist

4. Irrational or disabling fear of an object or situation phobia

5. Group of chronic psychotic disorders that may include hallucinations, disorganized speech

and behavior, flat affect, and lack of initiative schizophrenia spectrum disorders

6. Anxiety-related symptoms appear following exposure to personal experience of a

distressing event post-traumatic stress disorder

7. A PhD or EdD specializing in mental processes and how the brain functions in

health and disease psychologist

8. Disorder marked by loss of contact with reality; often with delusions and

hallucinations psychosis

9. Ability to perceive fact from fantasy reality testing

10. Lifelong personality patterns marked by inflexibility and impairment of social

functioning personality disorders

E. Match the following terms with their descriptions below:

amphetamines family therapy somatic symptom disorders

benzodiazepines free association substance-related and addictive disorders
cognitive behavioral therapy schizophrenia spectrum disorders superego
electroconvulsive therapy

1. Physical symptoms occur and cannot be explained by actual physical disorders or

mental illness somatic symptom disorders

2. Drugs that lessen anxiety, tension, agitation, and panic attacks benzodiazepines

3. Psychoanalytic technique in which the patient verbalizes, without censorship, the passing

contents of his or her mind free association

Chapter 22  VOCABULARY QUIZ 603

4. CNS stimulants used to treat depression and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

(ADHD) amphetamines

5. Treatment of an entire family to resolve and understand conflicts family therapy

6. Psychosis marked by withdrawal from reality into an inner world of disorganized

thinking and conflict schizophrenia spectrum disorders

7. Internalized conscience and moral part of the personality superego

8. Regular overuse of or dependence on psychoactive materials substance related disorders

9. Electric current used to produce convulsions in the treatment

of depression electroconvulsive therapy

10. Conditioning is used to relieve anxiety and improve symptoms

of mental illness cognitive behavioral therapy

F. Match the following terms with their descriptions below:

first-generation antipsychotic drugs psychodrama supportive therapy

group therapy psychopharmacology transference
hypnosis sedatives tricyclic antidepressants

1. Early neuroleptic medications that reduce psychotic symptoms first generation

antipsychotic drug

2. Treatment of psychiatric disorders with drugs psychopharmacology

3. Drugs that lessen anxiety sedatives

4. Trance state is used to increase the pace of psychotherapy hypnosis

5. Treatment that allows the patient to explore inner emotions and conflicts so as to understand

and change current behavior psychoanalysis

6. Offering encouragement and hope to patients facing difficult life transitions and

events supportive therapy

7. Psychoanalytic process in which the patient relates to the therapist as though the therapist

were a prominent childhood figure transference

8. Therapy that allows a patient to express feelings by acting out roles with

other patients psychodrama

9. Drugs used to treat severe depression; three-ringed fused structure tricyclic antidepressants

10. Patients with similar problems gain insight into their personalities through discussion

and interaction with each other group therapy

604 Chapter 22  TERMINOLOGY QUIZ

Chapter Twenty-Two

TERMINOLOGY QUIZ Name: Precilou Cutanda

A. Use the following word parts to create or complete the terms from the definitions below:

anxi/o hypn/o neur/o psych/o

aut/o iatr/o phil/o schiz/o
hallucin/o ment/o phren/o -ia

1. Pertaining to the mind: mental

2. Condition of sleep: hypnosis

3. Pervasive developmental disorder characterized by inhibited social interaction

and communication and by restricted, repetitive behavior: autism

4. Chemical released at the end of nerve cells: neurotransmitter

5. Specialist in the treatment of the mind: psychiatrist

6. Drug that relieves anxiety: anxiolytic

7. Chronic psychotic disorder that includes hallucinations, disorganized speech and behavior,

flat affect and lack of initiation: schizophrenia

8. Recurrent, intense sexual urge, fantasy or behavior: paraphilia

9. Drug that causes a false sensory perception: hallucinogen

10. Pertaining to a condition caused by treatment: iatrogenic

B. Use the following word parts to create or complete the terms from the definitions below:

klept/o pyr/o somat/o -mania

neur/o psych/o -genic -therapy
pharmac/o schiz/o -leptic

1. Obsessive preoccupation with stealing: kleptomania

2. Treatment of the mind: psychotherapy

3. Withdrawn, introverted personality: schizoid

4. Obsessive preoccupation with fire: pyromania

5. Pertaining to the body and the mind: psychosomatic

6. Drugs that treat psychotic disorders: neuroleptic drugs

7. Pertaining to produced by the mind: psychogenic

8. Abnormal condition of the mind: psychosis

Chapter 22  TERMINOLOGY QUIZ 605

9. Disorders with physical symptoms that cannot be explained by an actual physical

disorder: somatic symptom disorder

10. Study of drugs that affect the mind: psychopharmacology

C. Use the following word parts to create or complete the terms from the definitions below:
chondr/o -phoria dys- hypo-
xen/o -thymia cata- para-
-phobia a-, an- eu-

1. Overly suspicious system of thinking: paranoia

2. Alternating periods of depression and mania: cyclothymia

3. Fear of leaving home or a safe place: agoraphobia

4. A mood resembling mania, but of lesser intensity: hypomania

5. Fear of strangers: xenophobia

6. Without feeling. apathy

7. Depressive symptoms that occur for at least 2 years: dysthymia

8. Sadness, hopelessness; depressive mood: dysphoria

9. State of psychologically induced immobility and muscular rigidity: catatonia

10. Exaggerated feeling of well-being: euphoria


Chapter Twenty-Two

ABBREVIATIONS QUIZ Name: Precilou Cutanda

A. On the line provided, give meanings for the following abbreviations, then write
each abbreviation next to its explanation below:

1. AD Alzheimer disease

2. ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

3. ASD Autism spectrum disorder

4. CBT Cognitive behavioral therapy

5. DT delirium tremens

6. ECT electroconvulsive therapy

7. GAD Generalized anxiety disorder

8. LSD Lysergic acid diethylamide

9. BZD benzodiazepine

10. MAOI Monoamine oxidase inhibitor

a. ECT Changes in brain wave

f. DT Associated with
patterns are produced to treat
alcohol withdrawal
g. AD A common form of dementia
b. CBT Therapy focuses on
thoughts and gives patients ways to h. ASD Pervasive developmental
change thoughts and the assumptions disorder marked by inhibited
behind them social interactions and
c. BZD Drugs that lessen
anxiety, tension, and panic attacks: i. ADHD Marked by inattentiveness,
examples are alprazolam, diazepam, overactivity, and impulsivity in
and lorazepam children
d. LSD A hallucinogen j. MAOI Antidepressant drugs
e. GAD Characterized by chronic
anxiety, exaggerated worry and
tension with little or nothing to
provoke it

B. On the line provided, give meanings for the following abbreviations, then write
each abbreviation next to its explanation below:

1. MDD Major depressive disorder

2. OCD obsessive compulsive disorder

3. PTSD Post-traumatic stress disorder

4. SAD seasonal affective disorder

5. SSRI selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

6. TD tardive dyskinesia

7. TCAs Tricyclic antidepressants

8.  Rx psychotherapy

a. PTSD Type of anxiety disorder;

f. TCAs Drugs used to treat
occurs after exposure to a terrifying
depression; examples are Elavil,
Tofranil, and Aventyl
b. Rx Treatment
g. MDD Chronic loss of energy,
c. SAD Mood disorder; change sadness, hopelessness, worry,
of seasons affects mood discouragement, and often suicidal
thoughts and impulses
d. SSRI Drugs used to treat
depression; examples are Prozac, Paxil, h. TD Abnormal movements;
and Zoloft side effects of neuroleptic drug
e. OCD Type of anxiety
disorder; ritualistic behavior
608 Chapter 22  EXERCISE QUIZ

Chapter Twenty-Two

EXERCISE QUIZ Name: Precilou Cutanda

The questions on this quiz have been taken from the exercises at the end of this chapter.

A. Match the following psychiatric symptoms with their meanings below:

anxiety autism delusion mania

amnesia compulsion dissociation mutism
apathy conversion hallucination obsession

1. Loss of memory amnesia

2. State of excessive excitability; agitation mania

3. A nonreactive state; stupor mutism

4. Persistent idea, emotion, or urge obsession

5. Uncontrollable urge to perform an act repeatedly compulsion

6. Feelings of apprehension, uneasiness, dread anxiety

7. Uncomfortable feelings are separated from their real object and redirected dissociation

8. Anxiety becomes a bodily symptom that has no organic basis conversion

9. Lack of responsiveness to others; preoccupied with self _autism

10. Absence of emotions apathy

11. False or unreal sensory perception hallucination

12. Fixed, false belief that cannot be changed by logical reasoning

or evidence delusion

B. Give meanings for the following terms:

13. dysphoria sadness, hopelessness and depressive mood

14. euphoria exaggerated feeling of well-being; elevated mood “high”

15. agoraphobia fear of being in a public, crowded places.

16. labile unstable, undergoing rapid emotional change

17. affect external expression of emotion or emotional response

18. paranoia delusions of persecution or grandeur

19. bipolar disorder alternating periods of mania and disorders

20. dementia loss of intellectual abilities; mental decline and deterioration

Chapter 22  EXERCISE QUIZ 609

C. Select from the following terms to complete the sentences below:

anxiety disorders dissociative disorders somatic symptom disorders

delirium eating disorder substance-related and addictive
dementia personality disorders
depressive disorders sexual dysfunctions

21. Orgasmic disorders and premature ejaculation are examples of sexual dysfunctions

22. Mental symptoms (loss of memory and identity) that hide unconscious

conflicts are dissociative disorders

23. Troubled feelings, unpleasant tensions, distress, and avoidance behavior are

hallmarks of anxiety disorders

24. Illnesses related to regular use of drugs and alcohol are substance-related and addictive

25. Bulimia nervosa is an example of a(an) eating disorder

26. Major psychiatric disorders with chronic sadness, hopelessness, and

worry depressive disorders

27. Presence of physical symptoms that cannot be explained by an actual physical

disorder somatic symptom disorders

28. Lifelong personality patterns marked by inflexibility and impairment of social

functioning personality disorders

29. Loss of intellectual abilities with impairment of memory, judgment, and reasoning are

known as a(an) dementia

30. Confusion in thinking with faulty perceptions and irrational behavior

is a(an) delirium

D. Identify the personality disorder from its description below:

31. Fantasies of success and power and grandiose sense of self-importance narcissistic

32. Flamboyant, theatrical, emotionally immature histrionic

33. No loyalty or concern for others; does not tolerate frustration and blames others when he

or she is at fault antisocial

34. Pervasive, unwarranted suspiciousness and mistrust of people paranoid

35. Emotionally cold, aloof, indifferent to praise or criticism or feelings of

others schizoid
610 Chapter 22  EXERCISE QUIZ

E. Identify the psychotherapeutic technique from its description below:

36. An induced trance is used to help the patient recover deeply repressed

feelings hypnosis

37. Patients express feelings by acting out roles with other patients psychodrama

38. Long-term and intense exploration of unconscious feelings, using techniques such as

transference and free association psychoanalysis

39. Toys are used to help children express conflict and feelings play therapy

40. Conditioning is used to relieve anxiety and improve symptoms of illness behavior therapy

41. Neuroleptic substances are used to relieve symptoms of psychiatric

disorders drug therapy

42. Electric current is applied to the brain to produce convulsions and reverse major

depression electroconvulsive therapy

43. Patients with similar problems gain insight into their personalities through discussion and

interaction with each other group therapy

F. Select from the following terms to complete the sentences below:

agoraphobia first-generation antipsychotic drugs sedatives

amphetamines kleptomania tricyclic antidepressants
cyclothymia MAO inhibitors xenophobia
dysthymia pyromania

44. Fear of strangers is xenophobia

45. Obsessive preoccupation with stealing is kleptomania

46. Antidepressant agents that work by blocking the action of a specific

enzyme are MAO inhibitors

47. A mood disorder marked by depressive periods that are milder than major

depression is dysthymia

48. Fear of being left alone in unfamiliar surroundings is agoraphobia

49. Drugs that induce calmness, promote sleep, and help lessen anxiety sedatives

50. Early neuroleptic medications that reduce psychotic symptoms first generation antipsychotic

Chapter Twenty-Two

COMPREHENSION QUIZ Name: Precilou Cutanda

A. Dictation of Terms

1. affect
11. hypomania
2. amnesia
12. labile
3. anorexia nervosa
13. obsessive compulsive disorder
4. anxiolytic
14. phenothiazines
5. claustrophobia
15. psychoanalysis
6. delirium
16. psychopharmacology
7. dementia
17. schizophrenia
8. dysphoria
18. sexual masochism
9. fetishism
19. superego
10. hallucinogens
20. xenophobia
B. Comprehension of Terms: Match number of the above term with its meaning below.
6 Confusion in thinking; faulty perceptions and irrational behavior
4 Drug used as a mild tranquilizer
12 Unstable, undergoing rapid emotional change
2 Loss of memory
14 Tranquilizers used to treat psychoses
17 Withdrawal from reality into an inner world of disorganized thinking and conflict; a psychosis
19 Internalized conscience and moral part of the personality
20 Fear of strangers
15 Treatment that allows the patient to explore inner emotions and conflicts; transference, free
association, and dream analysis are elements of the therapy
10 Drugs that produce a state of CNS excitement, hyperactivity, and mood change
9 The use of nonliving objects as substitutes for a human sexual love object
18 Sexual gratification is gained by being humiliated, beaten, or made to suffer by another person
1 The outward expression of emotion, or emotional response
13 An anxiety disorder in which recurrent thoughts and repetitive acts dominate behavior
7 Loss of intellectual abilities with impairment of memory, identity, and reasoning
5 Fear of closed places
16 Study of drugs and their effect on the mind and mental illness
8 Sadness, hopelessness, worry, discouragement (literally, “bad feeling”)
2? Preoccupation with bodily aches, pains, and discomforts in the absence of real illness
11 Mood resembling mania, but of lesser intensity

612 Chapter 22  SPELLING QUIZ

Chapter Twenty-Two

SPELLING QUIZ Name: Precilou Cutanda

A. Circle the term that is spelled correctly and write its meaning in the space provided:

1. masochism maschoschism made to suffer by another person

2. dilerium delirium confused thinking, disorientation, agitation and fearfulness

3. bulemia nervosa bulimia nervosa eating disorder w/ binge eating followed by vomiting

4. physchoanalysis psychoanalysis treatment that allows patient to explore inner emotions

and conflicts as to understand and change current behavior

5. schizophrenia shizophrenia psychosis marked by withdrawal from external world with

a disturbed sense of self; split mind

6. paranoid paraniod pattern distrust and suspiciousness; quick to take offense

7. dimentia dementia loss of intellectual abilities such as memory, judgement and

reasoning as well as changes in personality.

8. eufouria euphoria exaggerated feeling of well being

9. narsicissm narcissism grandiose sense of self importance

10. bipoler disorder bipolar disorder marked by alternating periods of mania and depression
B. Circle the term that is spelled correctly. The meaning of each term is given.

11. Troubled feelings, distress, and

avoidance behavior.....................................anxeity anxiety angsiety

12. Stimulant drug that causes

euphoria and hallucinations ......................cocaine cokaine cociane

13. External emotion or emotional

response of a person...................................effect effact affect

14. Severe lack of response to

other people................................................autism aughtism autoism

15. Amnesia with fleeing from

customary surroundings............................feuge fugue fugeue

16. Depressive episodes but not of

intensity of major depression ....................dysthimia disthymia dysthymia

17. Dried leaves and flowers of the

hemp plant; causes euphoria .....................maryjuana marijana marijuana

18. Sexual arousal that requires

unusual and bizarre fantasies ....................paraphilia paraphillia parephilia

19. Absence of emotion ....................................apethy apathy apathe

20. Fear of strangers ........................................xerophobia xerophobea xenophobia


Chapter Twenty-Two

PRONUNCIATION QUIZ Name: Precilou Cutanda

A. Underline the accented syllable in the following terms:

1. narcissism 4. dementia 7. voyeurism 10. euphoria
2. opioid 5. catatonia 8. psychoanalysis
3. agoraphobia 6. dysthymia 9. autism

B. Match the term in Column I with its meaning in Column II:

Column I Column II
1. affect E
A. Loss of memory
2. dementia G
B. A false belief or idea that cannot be changed by
logical reasoning
3. delirium J C. Pervasive lack of responsiveness to other people; stupor
4. delusion B D. Unstable; undergoing rapid emotional change
5. labile D E. The emotional reaction of a patient
6. sadism F F. Pleasure received from inflicting pain on others
7. mutism C G. Loss of higher mental functioning
8. mania I H. A defense mechanism in which anxiety is converted
into a bodily symptom
9. amnesia A I. State of excessive excitability and agitation
10. conversion H J. Confusion in thinking; faulty perceptions and
irrational behavior

C. Complete the following medical terms from their definitions:

1. Anorexia nervosa Eating disorder marked by excessive dieting

2. phenothiazines
Antipsychotic tranquilizers
3. cyclothymia
Pertaining to exhibiting cycles of depression and

4. schizophrenia A psychosis involving delusions, hallucinations,

bizarre and illogical thinking

5. hypomania Mood resembling mania, but of lesser intensity

6. xenophobia Fear of strangers

7. hypochondriasis Exaggerated concern with one’s health

8. acrophobia Fear of heights

614 Chapter 22  REVIEW SHEET QUIZ

Chapter Twenty-Two

REVIEW SHEET QUIZ Name: Precilou Cutanda

A. Give meanings for the following combining forms:

1. anxi/o uneasy, anxious, distressed 6. neur/o nerve

2. hypn/o sleep 7. phren/o mind

3. iatr/o treatment 8. psych/o mind

4. klept/o steal 9. pyr/o fire

5. ment/o mind 10. schiz/o split

B. Give meanings for the following combining forms and suffixes:

1. somat/o body 6. -leptic to seize hold of

2. xen/o stranger 7. -mania obsessive preoccupation

3. aut/o self 8. -phobia fear (irrational and often disabling)

4. phil/o attraction to, love 9. -thymia mind

5. -genic produced by 10. -phoria feeling, bearing

Chapter 22  MEDICAL SCRAMBLE 615

Chapter Twenty-Two

MEDICAL SCRAMBLE Name: Precilou Cutanda

Unscramble the letters to form psychiatry terms from the clues. Use the letters in the
squares to complete the bonus term.

1. Clue: Unstable; undergoing rapid emotional change


2. Clue: Strong impulse (obsessive urge) to set objects on fire


3. Clue: Sadness, hopelessness, and depressive mood; feeling “low”


4. Clue: Drug that relieves anxiety and produces a relaxing effect


BONUS TERM: Clue: Fear of strangers

616 Chapter 22  CROSSWORD PUZZLE

Chapter Twenty-Two

CROSSWORD PUZZLE Name: Precilou Cutanda

Fill in the crossword puzzle below using the clues listed underneath it.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7


11 12

13 14 15 16

17 18




22 23

Across Clues Down Clues

2. Phren/o means MIND . 1. Aut/o means SELF .
7. Executive and coordinating aspect of the mind. EGO 3. Loss of higher mental functioning and
8. Confusion in thinking. DELIRIUM memory. DEMENTIA
9. Cata- means DOWN ; as in catatonic. 4. Sexual urges and fantasies involving
10. Binge eating followed by vomiting and depression. BULIMIA sexual activity with a prepubescent
11. External emotion or emotional response of a person. AFFECT 5. Phil/o means LOVE .
14. False sensory perception. HALLUCINATION 6. Major unconscious part of the personality. ID
19. Pertaining to grandiose sense of self-importance or 12. Use of nonliving objects as substitutes
for uniqueness and preoccupation with fantasies of success a human love object. FETISHISM
or power (a personality type). NARCISSISTIC 13. Good feeling; “high”. EUPHORIA
20. Uncontrollable urge to perform an act repeatedly. COMPULSION 15. Loss of memory. AMNESIA
21. Substance used to treat the manic stage of manic- 16. An involuntary, persistent idea, emotion,
depressive illness. LITHIUM or urge. OBSESSION
22. Extreme excitement, hyperactivity, inflated self-esteem. MANIA17. False belief or idea that cannot be
23. Psych/o means MIND . changed by logical reasoning or evidence. DELUSION
18. Personality that is aloof and
emotionally cold. SCHIZOID

Chapter Twenty-Two


A. The following questions are based on Major Depression: Case Report (page 944)
1. Postpartum depression is an
example of a:................................... C 3. Mrs. C’s dysphoria meant that she D
A. Personality disorder was: ...................................................
B. Somatoform disorder A. Agitated
C. Mood disorder B. Antisocial
D. Substance-related disorder C. Narcissistic
D. Depressed
2. A term that best describes one
of Mrs. C’s symptoms is: ................. A 4. An example of an antidepressant C
A. Apathy drug is: ..............................................
B. Labile A. Lithium
C. Anxiety B. Valium
D. Euphoria C. Prozac
D. Amphetamine

B. The following questions are based on Somatoform Disorder: Case Report (page 944)

1. An example of a symptom of a
D 2. The patient’s hypochondriasis was C
somatoform disorder is: ..................
treated successfully with:....................
A. Obsession
A. Hypnosis
B. Delusions of persecution
B. Neuroleptic therapy
C. False sensory perception
C. Psychotherapy
D. Conversion

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