Human Behavior
Human Behavior
Human Behavior
1. The neurotic pattern in which symptoms of some physical malfunction or loss of control without any underlying
organic abnormality is called
A. Dissociative disorder C. Conversion disorder
B. Affective disorder D. Multiple personality
2. They are considered as safety valves that psychologically relieves a person when confronted with a problem,
frustration and other related emotional difficulties:
A. Excuses C. Rationalization
B. Justifications D. Defense mechanism
3. It is defined as fears which are irrational, fizzed, intense and cannot be controlled and has no reasonable
foundation are referred to as:
A. Phobias C. hallucination
B. Regression D. Imaginations
4. Satanas claims to be hearing voices telling him to jump from a building. This is an example of what type of
A. Tactile C. Olfactory
B. Visual D. Auditory
5. One evening, Aling Imaginasyon, says that she saw a person standing outside the window which was actually a
tree. This is an example of:
A. Flight of ideas C. Delusions
B. Hallucination D. Illusions
6. It refers to fixed false belief:
A. Delusion C. Illusions
B. Hallucination D. Psychosis
7. It is defined as false sensory perception:
A. Hallucination C. Delusion
B. Illusions D. Any of the above
8. It refers to misinterpretations of environmental stimulus
A. Hallucination C. Delusion
B. Illusions D. Any of the above
9. What is the most severe type of schizophrenic disorder?
A. Catatonic C. Disorganized
B. Undifferentiated D. Paranoid
10. This classification of schizophrenic disorder is used when criteria for other types are not met:
A. Undifferentiated C. Catatonic
B. Catatonic Stupor D. Paranoid
11. An acute confusional state characterized by ataxia, delirium and peripheral neuropathy:
A. Wernicke’s Syndrome C. Korsakoff’s Syndrome
B. Blackout D. Antegrade amnesia
12. A chronic cognitive impairment characterized by cerebral atrophy and memory loss:
A. Korsakoff’s Syndrome C. Alcohol Syndrome
B. Wernicke’s Syndrome D. Withdrawal Syndrome
13. It refers to acute change or disturbance in a person’s level of consciousness, cognition, emotion and perception
from moderate to severe that develops during a short period
A. Delirium C. Dementia
B. Amnesia D. Any of the above
14. The specific type of schizophrenic disorder characterized by excessive immobility
A. Catatonic stupor C. Catatonic waxy
B. Catatonic Flexibility D. All of the above
15. It is a behavior wherein an individual return to state of former adjustment and attempts to experience them
again in memory is known as:
A. Amnesia C. Memory disorder
B. Regression D. Delusion
16. A defense mechanism through discharging pent-up emotions on objects less dangerous than those that initially
arouse the emotion is known as:
A. Reaction formation C. Emotional insulation
B. Projection D. Displacement
17. A type of neurotic disorder brought about by mental illness characterized by sudden, unexpected attacks of
intense fear or terror:
A. panic disorder D. Asthenia
B. somatoform disorder D. obsessive compulsive disorder
18. In medical jurisprudence; an apparent perception without any corresponding external object, especially in
psychiatry, any of the numerous sensations, auditory, visual, or tactile, experienced without external stimulus,
and cause by mental derangement, intoxication or fever, hence maybe a sign of approaching insanity.
A. Delusion C. Hallucination
B. Delirium D. Dementia praecox
19. Lucy, 34 years of age, was hospitalized for a mental problem. Findings of the doctor shows that she feels singled
out and taken advantaged of, mistreated, plotted against, stolen from, spied upon, ignored, or otherwise
mistreated by enemies. The result of the findings as illustrated presents the characteristics of a mental disorder
known as –
A. Delirium C. Paranoia
B. Dementia D. Amnestic Syndrome
20. Billy, a highly intelligent but quite introverted and withdrawn 33 year old computer analyst, was seen and
reported to have hard time in making friends because he never knows what to say in a conversation and very
anxious and embarrassed when someone tries to talk with him. He is happiest when he is alone. What kind of
personality Billy is experiencing?
A. Schizoid personality C. Borderline personality
B. Narcissistic personality D. Histrionic personality
21. A very important factor in effective negotiations is:
A. Contain the area
B. Efficient communications
C. Knowing where the hostages are located
D. Letting the hostage-taker know what he can’t win
22. In dealing with the media during a hostage situation, one must always remember that ____.
A. Media has a right and responsibility to report events during an incident
B. Media people are insane and may get in the way of operation
C. Conflict between the management and the media is always bound to happen in hostage situation
D. Control over media people should be aimed to restrict their movements within the inner perimeter
23. The premeditated use or threatened use of violence or means of destruction perpetrated against innocent
civilians, and government properties to influence an audience is called:
A. Crimes Against National Security C. Anti-terrorism
B. Terrorism D. Public Humiliation
24. A strange turn of events that put the hostage-taker and the hostage to be on a mutual stand with a common
hostile feelings towards the authorities is known as:
A. Understanding D. Stockholm Syndrome
B. Sympathy C. Principle and conviction
25. In dealing with foreign terrorist, it is important that the negotiating team should have its member at least:
A. Doctor C. Representative from the foreign officer
B. Explosive expert D. Linguist interpreter
26. This is used to destroy or disrupt targets such as public utilities, political headquarters, economic and industrial
A. Arson C. Hijacking
B. Bombing D. Robbery
27. How do you call the vehicle used by terrorist as an easy means to approach or gain entry to their respective
A. Get away car C. Legitimate vehicle
B. Carnapped vehicle D. Fuel vehicle
28. This is the oldest but still the most widely used terrorist attack:
A. Robbery C. Kidnapping
B. Ambush D. Assassination
29. This is a well planned, generally, well-thought out, properly rehearsed and precisely executed operation:
A. Assassination C. Kidnapping
B. Ambush D. Robbery
30. It is the most form of terrorist tactics:
A. Robbery C. Assassination
B. Ambush D. Kidnapping
31. It is used as graduation exercises for terrorist training programs and viewed as a tactical operation:
A. Kidnapping C. Hostage Taking
B. Bank Robbery D. Ambush
32. Which of the following are the advantages of hostage-taking as mode of terrorist attack:
A. Because it is current, it attracts the media
B. The fact that live hostages are involved increases the drama of the event, thus pressure can be applied by
the terrorist to force concession
C. The hostage is tangible-asset to the terrorist, something with which to bargain
D. All of the above
33. A form of extortion through coercion or use of force against the victim or his property:
A. Raids and Attacks C. Terrorist targets
B. Progressive taxation D. All of the above
34. These are the weaknesses in installation security and the high risk targets within such installation:
A. Security lapses C. Vulnerabilities
B. Security failure D. Accessibility
35. These are people who commit terrorist acts for personal rather than ideological gain:
A. Political terrorist C. Mentally deranged individual
B. Criminals D. Religious extremist
36. While these groups advocate different ideologies, their characteristics, organization and modus operandi are
similar and that they may follow violent patterns of terrorist actions:
A. Political terrorist C. Mentally deranged individual
B. Criminals D. Religious extremist
37. Depending on their ideological orientations, motivations and long-standing situation, recourse to violence may
be resorted to for many reasons favorable to them:
A. Political Terrorist C.Economically motivated
B. Criminals D. Religious Extremist
38. The broad categories of threat groups that are ideologically inspired individuals or groups. They want prestige
and power for a collective goal or higher cause:
A. Political Terrorist C. Mentally Deranged Individual
B. Criminals D. Religious Extremist
39. It is the turning point decision in a process of an affair or a series of events is termed as:
A. Disaster C. Crisis
B. Emergency D. Terrorism
40. A sudden condition or state of affairs for an immediate action or a sudden event that must be dealt
A. Disaster C. Crisis
B. Emergency D. Terrorism
41. It refers to an event that causes serious loss, destruction hardship, unhappiness or death:
A. Disaster C. Crisis
B. Emergency D. Terrorism
42. The range of activities designed to maintain control over disaster or emergency situations and to provide frame
work (plan) for helping victims to recover from the impact or disaster, and simultaneously securing potential
victims to avoid impact of the disaster:
A. On-scene command post C. Emergency management
B. Disaster management D. On-scene command
43. Which of the following terrorists groups whose name is based on this phrase – “Bearer of the Sword”?
A. Abbu Sayyaf C. Aum Shinrikyo
B. Al Qa’ida D. Fatah
44. Based on the ONE-PNP program, the PNP adopted a 3-tiered defense system to combat terrorism in the
Philippines. What element of this defense system involves the process of knowing the enemy and identifying
their potential targets?
A. Incident management C. Intelligence
B. Crisis management D. Target hardening
45. Making it difficult for the terrorists to succeed in bombing the installation or place, they want to attack is part of
the 3-tiered defense system of the PNP. This is covered by –
A. Incident management C. Intelligence
B. Crisis management D. Target hardening
46. This refers to effective planning and formulation of policies, procedures and techniques to be used in
immediately controlling sudden events (emergencies) or progressive sequence of unpleasant events (crisis):
A. Incident management C. Intelligence
B. Crisis management D. Target hardening
47. All but one are the objectives of crisis management:
A. Resolve without further incident
B. Safety of all participants
C. Apprehension of all perpetrators
D. None of the above
48. The following are the theory of crisis management EXCEPT:
A. It sets concepts, policies and general procedures of handling crisis situation.
B. It guides and assists law enforcers in the formulation of crisis management contingency plans.
C. Allow passage of time so that the perpetrators can be reasoned with thorough negotiation.
D. All of the above
49. Which of the following is the purpose of crisis management:
A. It sets concepts, policies and general procedures of handling crisis situation.
B. Contain and negotiate
C. Protect the innocent from harm
D. All of the above
50. It is a set of circumstances wherein a suspected law violator is holding a person captive by the use of force,
violence, or the police are in close confrontation with the suspect and his captive:
A. Kidnapping C. Hostage situation
B. Abduction D. Hostage negotiation
51. “GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE” is a narration given by what type of hostage taker personality?
A. Paranoid schizophrenic C. Anti-social personality
B. Inadequate personality D. Psychotic depressive
52. If the demand of the hostage-taker is fairly realistic, his personality is considered as:
A. Paranoid schizophrenic C. Anti-social personality
B. Inadequate personality D. Psychotic depressive
53. The personality displayed by hostage-taker if the demand is totally unrealistic:
A. Paranoid schizophrenic C. Anti-social personality
B. Inadequate personality D. Psychotic depressive
54. One of the primary reason in delaying the time for hostage negotiation is:
A. Increase all human basic needs
B. Reduce stress in the environment
C. Promote climate of compromise
D. Display desire and willingness to help
55. To allow hostage taker to become rational, the negotiation should:
A. Talking calmly and allowing to release anxiety
B. Gain information of the hostage-taker motive
C. Consider hostage taker has its own initiative
D. Allow the development of Stockholm syndrome
56. All orders at the scene of the crisis incident shall emanate from the:
A. Negotiation team C. Liason team
B. OSCP Commander D. Intervention units
57. They perform highly specialized anti-terrorist operations such as sniper operations, bomb detection, disposal
and the like:
A. Security units C. Tactical action element
B. Logistic team D. Fire fighting team
58. The law enforcement authorities first become aware of the incident are within what time under the barricade
A. Zero minute elapsed time C. Zero to five minutes elapsed time
B. Zero to one minute elapsed time D. Zero to three minutes elapsed time
59. Under the barricade matrix, police response is within:
A. Zero minute elapsed time C. Zero to two minutes elapsed time
B. Zero to one minute elapsed time D. Zero to three minutes elapsed time
60. Under the barricade matrix, confrontation with the hostage taker is within:
A. Zero minute elapsed time C. Zero to five minutes elapsed time
B. Zero to three minute elapsed time D. Zero to six minutes elapsed time
61. Containment of the hostage situation is within:
A. Zero to seven elapsed time C. Zero to nine minutes elapsed time
B. Zero to eight minute elapsed time D. Zero to ten minutes elapsed time
62. “Pre-conflict management team action”
A. Zero to fifteen elapsed time C. Zero to nineteen minutes elapsed time
B. Zero to seventeen elapsed time D. Zero to twenty five minutes elapsed time
63. The following are the objectives of negotiation EXCEPT:
A. The safe release of the Hostage
B. The safe surrender of the perpetrators or arrest of the suspects
C. Minimize damage to properties
D. None of the above
64. It refers to tracing of events with the end-in-view of identifying personalities and locating places basing on the
recollection of the kidnapped victim before, during and after captivity:
A. Background investigation C. Backtracking
B. Surveillance D. Counter-surveillance
65. The procedure of conducting/initiating contact with family of the victim to enhance cooperation and
coordination during crisis:
A. Family intervention C. Family advantage
B. Family cooperation D. Family liason
66. It refers to any person authorized by the Incident Commander to communicate with the hostage-takers either
upon the request of the latter or to facilitate smooth communication between the designated negotiators and
the hostage-takers:
A. Negotiator C. Media
B. Intermediaries D. Primary
67. A process of communication on a matter of disagreement between two parties, with a view to first listen to the
other party's perspective and to then attempt to arrive at a resolution by consensus is termed as:
A. Bargaining C. Negotiation
B. Demand D. Agreement
68. The procedure of getting information from a person who knew the victim particularly in the vicinity with the
purpose of obtaining material information about the victim and probable suspect:
A. Elicitation C. Neighborhood check
B. Surveillance D. Neighborhood questioning
69. It means the exchanged of an agreed amount between the family and the kidnappers at a designated time and
place for the safe release of the victim:
A. Ransom C. Payment
B. Requested demand D. Pay-off
70. It refers to the positive indication that the hostage is alive:
A. Proof of communication C. Proof of payment
B. Proof of life D. All of the above
71. It refers to any location or structure, fixed or mobile, where the hostage is being held:
A. Stronghold C. Coach
B. Crime scene D. Barricade
72. It means the use of communication techniques and strategies to influence a person to change behavior and
reconsider his desire to take his own life:
A. Suicidal tendency C. Suicidal intervention
B. Suicidal potential D. Suicidal diversion
73. It refers to the act of questioning or eliciting information from a suspect to produce information of tactical or
operational value:
A. Custodial Investigation C. Custodial questioning
B. Tactical investigation D. Tactical interrogation
74. The Crisis Management Committee shall be headed by the:
A. City Director C. Congress
B. Local chief executive D. Chief PNP
75. When setting strategies during hostage situations, the Incident Commander shall consider two options:
A. Intervention and stall time C. Intervention and containment
B. Intervention and assessment D. Intervention and tactical operation
76. What is the first step to done by the negotiation team prior to their negotiation?
A. Deploy the tactical team in most strategic area
B. Delay the time to lessen anxiety of the perpetrator
C. Determine the potential of the hostage-taker
D. Determine the potential threat of the situation
77. Which of the following strategy can help lessen the affect of the perpetrator/hostage taker?
A. Modeling C. Aggression
B. Provocation D. None of the above
78. The following are the guidelines when dealing to media during hostage crisis:
A. Be informative C. Brief
B. Get your message across D. All of the above
79. “Do not go off the record” as guidelines in dealing with the media means:
A. Sources of information are not validated by the negotiation team
B. Sources of information is interpreted as directly provided by the spokesperson
C. Sources of information should be constantly provided
D. None of the above
80. Information should only be provided by one person to the media, the rationale for this is:
A. To give opportunity to the other members of the negotiation team
B. To eliminate conflicting information to be given to the media
C. To prevent interruption on the conduct of negotiation
D. To eliminate counter-surveillance to the perpetrators
81. Surrender plan should be drawn in a way the hostages’ lives will not be jeopardized. This means:
A. The procedure should include release of hostages prior to actual surrender
B. The demand was given to the hostage-taker
C. Agreement was developed between the CMC and the hostages
D. All of the above
82. In cases of crises brought about by terrorist attack, when does the action-stage of crisis management start?
A. When the IAU arrived at the scene of incident.
B. Upon arrival of the local chief executives who are members of the CMC.
C. As soon as the OSCP has been established.
D. Before negotiation and tactical intervention begins.
83. The following are the elements of terrorism EXCEPT:
A. The creation of fear
B. The seemingly random use of violence;
C. Attacks on the innocent
D. None of the above
84. A terrorist group operates without regard to national boundaries and is not controlled by any state is
termed as:
A. National C. International
B. Transnational D. Non-state supported
85. A terrorist group also operates across national boundaries, but is controlled by a sovereign state and is
therefore restricted to varying degrees in its area of operations by the policy of the controlling state:
A. National C. International
B. Transnational D. Non-state supported
86. A terrorist group that restricts its operation primarily to one country:
A. National C. International
B. Transnational D. Non-state supported
87. A terrorist group operates autonomously, receiving no significant support from any government is
termed as:
A. Non-state supported C. State directed
B. State-supported D. National supported
88. The type of terrorist goal when its intent is to help bring about the complete overthrow of an
incumbent government:
A. Revolutionary C. Establishment
B. Sub-revolutionary D. Rebellion
89. The terrorist's goal when it is intended only to influence a government or other group of people to
change against its will:
A. Revolutionary C. Establishment
B. Sub-revolutionary D. Rebellion
90. When the use of terrorism is directly controlled or at least tolerated by a particular state government,
then the long-range goal is categorized as:
A. Revolutionary C. Establishment
B. Sub-revolutionary D. Rebellion
91. Group of terrorist fighting the majority of the community where the support base will depend one ethnic,
religion, linguistic minorities at odd with the majority community is called:
A. Patholigical group C. Marxist revolutionary
B. Anarchist group D. Minority nationalistic
92. A group with a long term strategy for bringing about the socialistic revolution is called:
A. Patholigical group C. Marxist revolutionary
B. Anarchist group D. Minority nationalistic
93. Generally, specially-trained terrorist are of:
A. Above Average C. Below Average
B. Average D. Moderate
94. At this phase, terrorist move to their target covertly, singly or in pairs along separate routes:
A. Pre-incident phase C. Negotiation and Climax phase
B. Initiation phase D. Post incident phase
95. It is a part of terrorist action for the purposes of gaining publicity:
A. Pre-incident phase C. Negotiation and Climax phase
B. Initiation phase D. Post incident phase
96. During this phase, the terrorist members regroup, critique and criticize the operation:
A. Pre-incident phase C. Negotiation and Climax phase
B. Initiation phase D. Post incident phase
97. In sophisticated groups, these cells may be highly specialized with bombers, assassins, or personnel
performing other specific functions:
A. Auxiliary cell C. Operational cell
B. Intelligence cell D. National command
98. The cell that usually performs support functions such as raising funds, screening recruits, and
distributing propaganda:
A. Auxiliary cell C. Operational cell
B. Intelligence cell D. National command
99. A form of extortion through coercion or use of force against the victim or his property:
A. Progressive taxation C. Assassination
B. Raids and Attacks D. kidnapping
100. They are the planners, organizers, and leaders. Well-trained and indoctrinated, they devote
considerable time and effort to the cause:
A. Hard core leadership C. Active supporter
B. Active cadre D. Passive supporter