W101 Principles of Management Course Outline c1
W101 Principles of Management Course Outline c1
W101 Principles of Management Course Outline c1
University of Dhaka
Course description
This course offers students an introduction to the concept of management and the role of managers within
organizations. You will learn the essential managerial functions: planning, organizing, leading, and
controlling, and how these functions are critical in achieving organizational goals. This course will help
you to explore contemporary management practices and gain insights into recent developments in the field.
By staying updated on these developments, you will better understand the evolving nature of management.
A comprehensive overview of various functional areas of business will be covered in this course which will
help you grasp the interconnectedness of different departments and their collective impact on organizational
performance. Such knowledge will prove invaluable in your subsequent management courses and
professional endeavors.
Course grading
Letter Grade Grade Range (%) Grade Point
A 90 and above 4
A- 85 to 89 3.67
B+ 80 to 84 3.33
B 75 to 79 3
B- 70 to 74 2.67
C+ 66 to 69 2.33
C 62 to 65 2
C- 58 to 61 1.67
D+ 54 to 57 1.33
D 50 to 53 1
F Below 50 0
I Incomplete 0
• Students must e-mail well in advance if they cannot attend a class. More than three absences
without prior permission and the legitimate cause may lead to an ‘F’ grade.
• Students won’t be allowed to enter the class after the instructor joins.
• Students to check attendance records regularly and email before the next class about any
discrepancies to the instructor.
• Turning in assignments late will result in a penalty – a fifty percent deduction for next-day
submission and a plain zero if failed to submit by the next day.
• All assignments must be submitted in MS Word and PDF unless explicitly instructed otherwise.
• Adopting any form of unfair means will result in an “F” grade.