TS 01658 - 0.00 - Civil Infrastructure Construction
TS 01658 - 0.00 - Civil Infrastructure Construction
TS 01658 - 0.00 - Civil Infrastructure Construction
Version 1.0
Issue date: 20 October 2020
Important message
This document is one of a set of standards developed solely and specifically for use on
Transport Assets (as defined in the Asset Standards Authority Charter). It is not suitable for any
other purpose.
The copyright and any other intellectual property in this document will at all times remain the
property of the State of New South Wales (Transport for NSW).
You must not use or adapt this document or rely upon it in any way unless you are providing
products or services to a NSW Government agency and that agency has expressly authorised
you in writing to do so. If this document forms part of a contract with, or is a condition of
approval by a NSW Government agency, use of the document is subject to the terms of the
contract or approval. To be clear, the content of this document is not licensed under any
Creative Commons Licence.
This document may contain third party material. The inclusion of third party material is for
illustrative purposes only and does not represent an endorsement by NSW Government of any
third party product or service.
If you use this document or rely upon it without authorisation under these terms, the State of
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should exercise their own skill and care in the use of the document.
This document may not be current and is uncontrolled when printed or downloaded. Standards
may be accessed from the Transport for NSW website at www.transport.nsw.gov.au
Standard governance
Owner: Lead Civil Engineer, Asset Standards Authority
Authoriser: Chief Engineer, Asset Standards Authority
Approver: Executive Director, Asset Standards Authority on behalf of the ASA Configuration Control
Document history
Version Summary of changes
1.0 First issue
The Asset Standards Authority (ASA) is a key strategic branch of Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
As the network design and standards authority for NSW Transport Assets, as specified in the
ASA Charter, the ASA identifies, selects, develops, publishes, maintains and controls a suite of
requirements documents on behalf of TfNSW, the asset owner.
The ASA deploys TfNSW requirements for asset and safety assurance by creating and
managing TfNSW's governance models, documents and processes. To achieve this, the ASA
focuses on four primary tasks:
• publishing and managing TfNSW's process and requirements documents including TfNSW
plans, standards, manuals and guides
• collaborating with the Transport cluster and industry through open engagement
The AEO framework authorises engineering organisations to supply and provide asset related
products and services to TfNSW. It works to assure the safety, quality and fitness for purpose of
those products and services over the asset's whole-of-life. AEOs are expected to demonstrate
how they have applied the requirements of ASA documents, including TfNSW plans, standards
and guides, when delivering assets and related services for TfNSW.
Compliance with ASA requirements by itself is not sufficient to ensure satisfactory outcomes for
NSW Transport Assets. The ASA expects that professional judgement be used by competent
personnel when using ASA requirements to produce those outcomes.
This standard is a first issue by TfNSW and supersedes the RailCorp specification SPC 301
Structures Construction, version 1.0. SPC 301 was written as a general construction
specification for structures whereas this document is written as a standard that specifies
minimum requirements in preparing technical specifications for all civil infrastructure
construction. References to published TfNSW technical specifications are provided in both
issues, however they have been updated in this issue.
Table of contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 6
2. Purpose .................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2. Application ............................................................................................................................................. 8
3. Reference documents ............................................................................................................................. 9
4. Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................... 11
5. Approved design and as-built drawings ............................................................................................. 12
6. TfNSW bridge and road specifications................................................................................................ 13
6.1. General and quality provisions ............................................................................................................ 13
6.2. Quality control specifications ............................................................................................................... 13
7. Technical specification content ........................................................................................................... 14
7.1. Specifying additional technical content ................................................................................................ 15
7.2. Steel structure construction category and traceability ......................................................................... 17
8. Technical specifications ....................................................................................................................... 18
Appendix A Structural steelwork fabrication for underbridges ......................................................... 19
A.1. Scope and application ......................................................................................................................... 19
A.2. Customisation of B201 ......................................................................................................................... 20
A.3. Customisation of AS/NZS 1554.5 ........................................................................................................ 24
Appendix B Painting plaques for steel bridges ................................................................................... 28
Appendix C Scour protection for waterways ....................................................................................... 29
Appendix D Waterproofing membranes for underbridge decks ........................................................ 32
Appendix E B80-L6 Concrete cover testing for bridges ..................................................................... 33
Appendix F Key technical specifications for civil infrastructure construction (for guidance only).. 34
1. Introduction
Civil infrastructure assets for the TfNSW metropolitan heavy rail network includes bridges and
track side structures such as stormwater culverts, retaining walls, overhead wiring structures
and earthworks. Buildings and the rail tracks are not included in this category.
Technical specifications are continually being developed and updated by authorities and other
specialist organisations to account for new technologies, innovations, trends and methods for
use by the civil infrastructure construction industry.
TfNSW has primarily adopted bridges (B series) and roads (R series) specifications for use in
the construction of its heavy rail civil infrastructure.
Published technical specifications are typically in template or base form that need to be
customised and prepared for particular designs and each project.
2. Purpose
This standard specifies the minimum technical specifications for the construction or installation
of new civil infrastructure assets and the upgrade and repair of existing civil infrastructure
assets on the Transport for NSW (TfNSW) Metropolitan Heavy Rail Network (formerly known as
the RailCorp network). Refer to TS TOC 1 Train Operating Conditions (TOC) Manual – General
Instructions which defines the areas associated with the network.
2.1. Scope
This standard nominates the specifications to be adopted for civil infrastructure construction
activities, which include the following:
• piling (such as driven piles, cast-in-place piles, bored piles and special pile types)
• in-situ concrete for bridgeworks (such as reinforced and prestressed girders, beams,
footings, pile caps, abutments, piers, walls, aprons and miscellaneous components such as
grouts, mortar, formwork)
• precast concrete for bridgeworks (such as reinforced and prestressed girders, beams,
slabs, supports, culverts, wall panels)
• steelwork for underbridges (such as girders, trusses, arches, cross girders, stringers,
stiffeners, decking, columns, connections, welding)
• steelwork for overbridges and footbridges (such as girders, beams, trusses, arches,
decking, columns, connections, welding)
• steelwork for miscellaneous structures (such as overhead wiring structures, signal gantries,
walkways, handrails, barriers, screens, bolts and proprietary fasteners)
• bridge bearings and deck jointing (such as pot, elastomeric, plated, modular, sealing)
• demolition works
• site safety
• traffic management
• legislation
• contractual relationships
2.2. Application
This standard applies to all service providers and particularly civil engineering designers
working under Authorised Engineering Organisation (AEO) systems preparing civil infrastructure
construction technical specifications and contract documents for the TfNSW Metropolitan Heavy
Rail Network. The requirements are applicable to civil structures and associated structural
components (Refer to Appendix F for example asset types).
This standard is not applicable to non-civil standard discipline infrastructure such as the
• track
• buildings
• carparks
b. this standard
c. ASA specifications
When using this standard, if it is considered that the intent of stated requirements is unclear,
then a clarification should be sought from the Lead Civil Engineer, ASA by email to
[email protected].
3. Reference documents
The following documents are cited in the text. For dated references, only the cited edition
applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies.
Australian standards
AS/NZS 1214 Hot-dip galvanized coatings on threaded fasteners (ISO metric coarse thread
series) (ISO 10684:2004, MOD)
AS/NZS 1554.5 Structural steel welding – Part 5: Welding of steel structures subject to high
levels of fatigue loading
AS 1657 Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders – Design, Construction and
AS 1710 Non-destructive testing – Ultrasonic testing of carbon and low alloy steel plate and
universal sections – Test methods and quality classification
AS 2436 Guide to Noise and Vibration Control on Construction, Demolition and Maintenance
AS/NZS 4680 Hot Dip Galvanized (Zinc) Coatings on Fabricated Ferrous Articles
AS 4799 Installation of Underground Utility Services and Pipelines within Railway Boundaries
SPC 522 Track Identification Sign for Track Vehicle Access Point
T HR CI 12020 ST Underbridges
Australian Rainfall and Runoff (ARR): Ball J, Babister M, Nathan R, Weeks W, Weinmann E,
Retallick M, Testoni I, (Editors), Australian Rainfall and Runoff: A Guide to Flood Estimation,
Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia)
ANSI American Welding Society, Structural Welding Code – Steel, AWS D1.1
Hold Point a point beyond which a work process must not proceed without the Principal's
express written authorisation (Interpolated from TfNSW G2-C2)
Principal is TfNSW
QA quality assurance
QC quality control
RIM rail infrastructure manager (as defined in the Rail Safety National Law 2012 (NSW), in
relation to rail infrastructure of a railway, means the person who has effective control and
management of the rail infrastructure, whether or not the person –
(b) has a statutory or contractual right to use the rail infrastructure or to control, or provide,
access to it
(RIM approval or acceptance within this standard refers to written agreement by the Civil
Design Technical Manager or equivalent position of the RIM's organisation)
Note: RMS is the former name and has been incorporated into TfNSW
Witness Point a point in a work process where the Contractor must give prior notice to the
Principal and the option of attendance may be exercised by the Principal (Interpolated from
TfNSW G2-C2)
The approved design documentation shall be presented on drawings issued for construction
complying with T MU MD 00006 ST Engineering Drawings and CAD Requirements.
These published technical specification types relevant to civil infrastructure include ‘ordinary’
and ‘design and construct’ (D&C) project specifications for bridgeworks, roadworks, materials
and maintenance.
All applicable Hold Points, Witness Points and submissions of identified records shall apply.
This shall include all mill certificates, supplier’s declaration of conformity, test certificates,
product conformity, structural steel verification testing, traceability, assessment of fasteners, test
certificates for each fastener purchase lot, concrete mixes, precast concrete members,
reinforcement, protective coatings and other components and so on.
For some minor works, QC procedures may be considered to be adequate in preference to full
QA procedures. QA specifications can be utilised for these QC works as detailed in Section 6.2.
Where the QA specifications include clauses on measurement and payment, direction from the
Superintendent on the applicability of these clauses shall be obtained by the designer
developing the technical specification.
Where the QA specifications include clauses on collection of material samples and delivery of
them to a TfNSW laboratory, this shall mean that the Contractor shall submit written test results
of a test undertaken by a National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia (NATA)
accredited laboratory to the Superintendent.
• Hold Point and Witness Point shall be interpreted as Inspection Point or Submission Point.
Where an inspection or submission point is in a QC contract, the Contractor shall notify in
writing to the Superintendent with at least two working days prior to the date of
commencement of the process that is the subject of the Hold Point or Witness Point. The
Contractor shall also arrange for the inspection to be undertaken.
• The requirement for the submission of a quality plan shall mean that the Contractor shall
submit a detailed project plan using acceptable project management software to the
Superintendent. The project plan shall include all major milestones, resources,
subcontractors, sampling and testing regimes as applicable.
• customise and prepare complete technical specifications for the project including general
and quality specifications
• exclude any content that does not comply with TfNSW design standards
• exclude any content not applicable for the project scope of works or contractual
• develop and incorporate any necessary additional technical content, specifications and
performance requirements applicable for the project (refer to Section 7.1 and Section 7.2)
that is not covered in existing specification base documents
• supply the information in compliance with the applicable design standard and technical
To clearly identify content changes to the base document specification, the following shall apply:
• deleted text shall be shown struck out rather than being removed (for example, deleted
• added text shall be shown in bold italics (for example, additional text)
When selecting appropriate technical specifications, the applicable TfNSW design standard
requirements for the asset shall apply. For example, some published concrete specifications
may not be appropriate to satisfy the design life and the durability performance required by the
design standard for the structure.
For guidance when selected key technical specifications for civil infrastructure construction,
refer to Appendix F.
Additional technical content can include specific requirements for the following activities:
• underbridge welding
• durability improvement
• proprietary products
• material works not covered by base specifications (such as steel poles, screens, and so
• any other specialist activities or works not covered by specification base documents
The project designer shall develop appropriate additional technical specifications from specialist
technical literature to ensure that the designed works can be properly specified and constructed
to adequate engineering performance levels. Example sources for additional content may
include the following:
• AustRoads publications
• Australian standards
• international standards
• technical manuals
• industry publications
• material manufacturers
Project specific additional or enhanced technical specification content may include, but is not
limited to, the following:
• quality
• safety in design
• temporary works
• imported products
• traceability
• material testing
• weld testing
• dimensional tolerances
• erection tolerances
• monitoring
• maintenance
• disposal
Note: Tabled designations apply unless specified otherwise in the asset specific
TfNSW standard. Higher designations may apply depending on construction category
inputs. Refer to TfNSW specification B201 for shop detailing, documentation,
certification, submission and other requirements.
8. Technical specifications
Technical specifications for civil infrastructure construction shall be selected from the relevant
published technical specification base documents as shown in Table 2.
Note: Refer to Section 7 and Section 7.1 when customising and preparing appropriate
technical specifications.
This specification applies to steel girders, columns and other structural members fabricated from
plates, formed sections or rolled sections, or combinations for heavy rail underbridges. This
specification does not apply to the fabrication of overbridges, pedestrian bridges, steel railings,
lighting columns, expansion joints, protection angles, bearings, piles or other miscellaneous
TfNSW QA specification B201 Steelwork for Bridges refers to AS/NZS 1554.5:2014 Structural
steel welding – Part 5 Welding of steel structures subject to high levels of fatigue loading and
customisations to AS/NZS 1554.5:2014 are specified at Section A.3.
The clause numbering in this specification mirrors the clause numbering system in B201,
AS/NZS 5131:2016 Structural steelwork – Fabrication and erection and AS/NZS 1554.5:2014.
Where additional requirements to a clause are required, the additional requirement is prefaced
by “Add the following”. Where additional clauses are required within a section, the additional
clause is prefaced by “Add the following clause”. Where requirements supersede the base
document content, the additional requirements are prefaced by “Replace the following”. Clause
numbers not listed do not require any changes.
All B201 and associated steelwork applicable Hold Points, Witness Points and submissions of
identified records shall apply. This shall include all mill certificates, supplier’s declaration of
conformity, test certificates, product conformity, structural steel verification testing, traceability,
assessment of fasteners, test certificates for each fastener purchase lot, protective coatings and
other components and so on.
Where a conflict in requirements exists between the referenced Australian standards, TfNSW
specifications and Appendix A in this standard, then the order of precedence shall be as follows:
b. Appendix A specification
d. AS/NZS 1554.5
e. AS/NZS 5131
Piece type traceability in conformity to AS/NZS 5131 shall be required for the underbridge
Identification stamped markings shall not be permitted within areas of high stress or fatigue
sensitive zones, and they shall only be permitted at locations shown on design drawings. Where
locations of markings are not shown on the drawings, seek advice form the Superintendent.
Grades of steel to be used in the work shall be as shown on the drawings and shall be limited to
T HR CI 12002 ST requirements.
All structural steelwork such as, rolled sections, formed sections, plates and flats (including cut
and rolled edges) shall be ultrasonically tested and reported in accordance with AS 1710
Level 1 and Level 1E for plate edges.
On request by the Superintendent or as noted on design drawings, all grades and sections may
be required to be ordered with ultrasonic inspection to AS 1710.
Steel products not meeting the ultrasonic testing quality grading shall be rejected and shall be
replaced by the Contractor.
For category FP welding, refer to Section, Section 5.7.1 and Appendix G of
AS/NZS 1554.5.
Steel plates and sections shall be free from defects detrimental to its use for underbridges.
Regardless of whether the plate or section was accepted previously, if subsequent processing
reveals that it contains defects found to be detrimental, the plate shall be deemed not to comply
with this specification.
Injurious surface imperfections shall be removed by mechanical means provided that no region
of the plate thickness is reduced below the specified thickness of the plate and the direction of
any final grinding is in the longitudinal direction of the rolled plate.
The length of the bolts shall be chosen so that, after final tightening, the bolt will protrude
through the nut by not less than 10 mm unless noted otherwise on the design drawings.
6.7 Holing
Replace paragraph 1 item (a) and item (b), paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 with the following:
On completion of fabrication and before dispatch to the site, all steel components shall be
assembled in the shop into complete spans for checking of dimensions, levels, squareness and
Each span shall be shop assembled complete with cross girders and stringers, where
applicable. The shop assembly is a trial assembly only and may be made using service bolts.
However, new bolts, nuts and washer complying with the design drawings and this specification
shall be used in the final assembly and a sufficient supply of these including 5% surplus shall
accompany the components to the site.
No steelwork shall be dispatched to the site unless and until a successful shop assembly has
been achieved.
The completion of a shop assembly shall constitute a Hold Point for the Superintendent to
witness and examine the works before dismantling the steelwork or dispatch from the workshop.
At least five working days’ notice shall be provided and evidence of satisfactory alignment and
geometry conforming to the design drawings and specification shall be provided to the
Superintendent. Before dismantling a successful trial assembly, the components shall be
match-marked to assist subsequent erection.
Where approved by the Superintendent or where noted on design drawings, partial or full
assembly of steel bridge span shall be carried out in the workshop after the steelwork protective
treatment, if the transportation of the bridge span from the workshop to the site is feasible. The
shop assembly Hold Point requirement shall still apply.
Before dispatch to site, steelwork shall be given the protective coating as described on the
design drawings and in the specification.
Individual girders and assembled spans shall be loaded and marked so that they may be
delivered at the bridge site correctly positioned for erection without turning.
The estimated distortion during transporting and handling shall be subject to the approval of the
design AEO and subsequent release of the Hold Point by the Superintendent.
Plates and flats shall be aligned in such a manner that the main stresses within the element will
be in the direction of rolling unless noted otherwise on the design drawings.
7.1 General
Where B201 (including Annexures) is silent for Category FP weld requirements, clauses in
AS/NZS 1554.5 shall apply that are equivalent to the nominated clauses in AS/NZS 1554.1.
© State of NSW through Transport for NSW 2020 Page 22 of 37
T HR CI 12003 ST
Civil Infrastructure Construction
Version 1.0
Issue date: 20 October 2020
13.1 General
Annexure B201/L examination applies to all steel grades and thicknesses (including grades less
than 350 and thicknesses less than 25 mm)
Before adding weld metal or re-welding, the surfaces to be welded shall be cleaned thoroughly
and also checked with dye penetrant in accordance with AS/NZS 1554.1 for SP welds as a
minimum. Welds not meeting the dye penetrant testing criteria shall be rejected and shall be
repaired by the Contractor.
Where work performed after making a defective weld has made the weld inaccessible or has
caused new conditions which would make the correction of the deficiency hazardous,
detrimental or ineffective, the original conditions shall be restored by removal of welds or
members, or both, before making the necessary corrections.
5.8.3 Grinding
(d) The direction of grinding shall be in the direction of applied stress of the structural element
unless noted otherwise on design drawings.
The welded joints, where shown by the design drawings, shall be subject to a post-weld
improvement process for fatigue life enhancement in accordance with WTIA TGN-D-02.
These flange to flange and web to web welds shall be ground flat and smooth in the direction of
applied stress with overgrinding of up to 0.5 mm below the deepest undercut at the fusion line.
For these web stiffener welds, profile improvement and toe grinding of fusion lines to a minimum
of 0.5 mm and a maximum of 2 mm shall be undertaken. Post weld improvement for these joints
shall also include TIG dressing of all fusion lines in accordance with ANSI AWS D1.1 Structural
Welding Code – Steel and the associated commentary.
Where repairs are required, the weld shall be re-inspected using the same inspection technique
after completion of repairs.
• Extent applies to visual scanning and magnetic particle (MPE) and radiographic (RT) or
Ultrasonic (UT) examinations
Replace Table 7.4 with B201 Annexure L Inspection and Testing, which includes tables of
inspection and testing extents and responsibilities.
• ANSI American Welding Society AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code – Steel
Item Clause No. Matter resolution (unless noted otherwise on design drawings)
(a) 3.1.3(b) Nominal tensile strength of weld shall meet or exceed nominal tensile
strength of material to be fabricated.
(b) 3.2.2, 3.3.2 The fabricator may take advantage of the increased penetration
available from automatic submerged arc welding.
(c) 4.1 Welding procedures shall be reviewed by the Principal prior to
commencement of welding. Review of welding procedures shall be
incorporated as a Hold Point in the Inspection and Test Plan.
(d) 4.2 Welding procedures may be qualified by any of the six methods listed in
Clause 4.2. However the following applies:
Production macros shall be prepared and submitted to the Principal for
flange butt welds, web butt welds and flange-to-web tee butt joints.
(e) 4.6.1 Pre-qualified welding consumables shall be used.
(f) 4.7.1 Only pre-qualified steel shall be used.
(g) 4.7.1 Charpy V-notch testing will be required for Note (2) of Table 4.7.1.
(h) 4.7.2 Preparation of special test pieces shall be prepared to demonstrate
adequate fusion characteristics when non pre-qualified joint types are
(i) Table Hardness of heat affected zones shall not exceed 350 HV 10 unless
4.7.1, 4.7.9 noted otherwise on design drawings.
(j) 4.10 The fabricator shall make available all material test certificates, welding
procedure qualification records, macros, welder qualification data and
any other pertinent data to the Principal’s representative upon request
(Hold Point applies).
(k) 4.12.1 The qualification records of the designated welding supervisor shall be
submitted to the Principal for approval prior to commencement of
fabrication. (Hold Point applies).
(l) 4.12.2 Welder qualification records shall be submitted to the Principal for
approval prior to commencement of fabrication. (Hold Point applies).
(m) 5.2.2 Misalignment in excess of that allowed by Clause 5.2.2 shall not be
permitted for splice joints in webs or flanges. Misalignment in other
welds may be corrected by grinding the excess material to produce a
gradual transition from one member to the next.
(n) 5.7.2 The control of residual stress, distortion and dimensional control shall
be determined prior to any welding or cutting under stress.
(o) 5.7.3 The fabricator shall indicate if peening is to be employed prior to
commencement of fabrication.
(p) 5.7.4 The use of water cooling is prohibited when flame heating methods are
employed to correct distortion or re-gain dimensional tolerance.
Item Clause No. Matter resolution (unless noted otherwise on design drawings)
(q) 5.11, 5.12 Weld surface quality requirements shall include the removal of all
spatter and slag from the weld surface by grinding or wire brushing.
Excessive reinforcement shall be removed by weld dressing (Hold Point
(r) 6.3, 6.4, NDE requirements are provided in Appendix A and B201 Annexure L.
6.5, 6.6,
(s) 6.2, 6.3, NDE techniques are provided in Appendix A and B201 Annexure L.
(t) 6.2.3, The fabricator shall be responsible for the costs associated with the
6.3.3, 6.5 repair and re-inspection of defective welds.
(u) 6.6 NDE test reports shall be furnished with the fabrication documentation
package (Hold Point applies).
(v) N/A Fatigue improvement methods shall include removal of all reinforcement
for flange and web butt welds, use of flat or slightly concave fillet welds,
removal of excess reinforcement from all welds, visual inspection of all
welds to demonstrate smooth transition from parent metal to weld metal.
(w) 7.4 NDE technicians shall hold the appropriate Level II certification for the
inspection technique being employed (Hold Point applies).
(x) Table 7.4 Table 7.4 is replaced by Appendix A and B201 Annexure L.
This specification sets out the details of paint plaque requirements when paint protective
treatment is applied to bridge structural steelwork elements as follows:
• For each bridge span or crash beam included in the contract, one plaque shall be provided
and fixed to that span by the Contractor to record the protective coating system used on
that span.
• Each plaque shall be made of metal, manufactured by casting or other approved method,
have a minimum size of 300 mm x 150 mm, be hot-dip galvanized to a minimum zinc
thickness of 105 micrometres.
• Each plaque shall record, in raised letters and numerals, which are clear and at least
12 mm high, the following information:
o year of painting
• All other details for painting plaques shall comply with QA specification B345 Supply of
Bridge Nameplates.
Slope and scour protection shall conform to the principles and details shown on the design
drawings prepared for the particular installation.
Bedding material consisting of sandy gravel shall be placed beneath the riprap where existing
materials are finer than the bedding grade specified in Table 4.
Sizing of dumped stone riprap and bedding shall comply with the gradation by weight or size
specified in Table 4.
Pitching shall be laid on a sand bed 75 mm thick with non-woven polyester geotextile between
the sand bed and the pitching. Filter fabric shall be lapped 300 mm at all joints.
Stone pitching shall consist of approximately rectangular blocks of sound durable stone, having
a minimum dimension of at least 250 mm and a volume of at least 0.03 m3. As an alternative,
blocks conforming to the above dimensions may be precast from 20 MPa concrete.
The stone or concrete blocks shall be placed in courses and bedded normal to the slope with
the larger blocks at the bottom of the slope, firmly bedded against the bed pitching or trench cut
at least 500 mm into natural ground or 150 mm into rock. The blocks shall be laid with
staggered joints, so that the distance between blocks is not more than 20 mm and so that each
block is supported by the embankment and not by the adjacent blocks.
The finished pitching shall present an even, tight and reasonably smooth surface of the required
contour, care being taken to keep earth from filling the spaces between the stones.
Where grouted pitching is specified the spaces between the stones shall be completely filled
with grout from bottom to top and the surface swept with a stiff broom. Grout shall consist of one
part of Portland cement and three parts of sand, thoroughly mixed with water to produce
uniform grout having a thick, creamy consistency.
Tapered wood blocks or other means shall be used to form weep holes in the end joints
between stones on a grid one metre by one metre. The wood blocks shall be removed after the
mortar has set and the holes trimmed. Weep holes shall continue for the full thickness of the
wall through to the filter fabric.
Pitching shall not be grouted at temperatures below five degrees Celsius. In hot, dry weather
the grouted work shall be protected from the sun and kept moist for at least three days after
Materials to be used are as shown on the drawings. The Contractor shall submit details of any
alternative materials to the Superintendent for approval, 14 days prior to the proposed
commencement of construction of the waterproofing. Submission of details of alternative
materials shall constitute a Hold Point.
The Contractor shall submit full details to the Superintendent for approval for fixing of the
prescribed waterproofing materials to the bridge deck. This approval shall constitute a Hold
Where proprietary membranes are prescribed, they are to be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Membranes, including associated protective ballast mats where installed, should be folded up
over the inner face of the kerbs and suitably fastened to the kerbs above the ballast profile, to
provide a continuous waterproofing over the deck. Membrane fastenings shall be clear of bridge
kerb reinforcement and any deck joints.
Upon completion of the works, the Contractor shall supply an original copy of warranty
certificates for waterproofing and membranes and materials used in the construction.
This specification covers the measurement of concrete cover to reinforcement and shall be
applicable to all reinforced concrete (including prestressed concrete) structural elements that
are constructed to TfNSW QA specification B80 Concrete work for bridges. Additions to
Annexure L6 of B80 shall include the following requirements.
A concrete cover measurement survey of reinforced and precast concrete members shall be
undertaken after construction on a representative and randomly selected number of exterior
surface areas. The test shall be undertaken using a commercially available concrete cover
meter in at least one 3 m2 test area for every 25 m2 or part thereof. A minimum of 10 cover
meter measurements shall be undertaken within the test area and the least distance from the
reinforcement to the concrete surface recorded to the nearest millimeter for each test.
The Contractor shall maintain records of all cover meter measurements to demonstrate that
completed concrete members comply with the specified minimum concrete cover as shown on
the drawings and the allowable dimensional tolerances. The Contractor shall ensure that the
records are available for review by the Superintendent.
Any concrete members which exhibit cover less than the specified minimum shall be identified
as a non-conformance and the affected locations marked and mapped. Further testing of
adjacent areas and all other similar location areas of the non-complying element at a higher
frequency shall also be undertaken.
The Contractor shall undertake an assessment of the low cover concrete to evaluate the
influence of the low cover on the durability of the structure and submit a proposed corrective
action to rectify the non-conformity for review by the Superintendent.
As a minimum, acceptable rectification shall include but not be limited to the application of
approved protective treatment or treatments.
The cover meter shall be supported with a current calibration certificate and shall be capable of
detecting the presence of reinforcement and indicating the depth from the concrete surface to
the nearest point on the surface of the reinforcement with an accuracy of ±1 mm at a depth of
25 mm.
Note 1: Also refer to the asset specific TfNSW standard, any material product
manufacturer specifications and applicable G and Q specifications.
Note 2: For non-cut and cover tunnels or complex structures that are beyond the
scope of published base specifications, refer to Section 7.1.