Operations Management
School of Business — Fall 2024 — Course Syllabus
Schedule: M/T/W/R 1:00 p.m.–1:50 p.m. Classroom: BWH210
Final Exam: December 18, 12:00 p.m.–1:50 p.m.
Exam Format: in-class / online
Course Overview
Bulletin Description: The application of management principles and mathematical techniques to
operational problems in manufacturing and service organizations, with special emphases on business
intelligence and analytics. Topics include planning and decision-making, business forecasting, production
scheduling, inventory management, network models, quality control, and project management.
Expect to invest approximately 30 hours per term per credit for all course related activities. This course is 4
Required Materials
Develop an understanding of business systems: inputs, conversion, and outputs for both
manufacturing and services.
Develop student's ability to recognize, formulate, and analyze decisions of the operations
Gain an appreciation for the complexities and challenges facing decision makers as they try to use
different information in a rapidly changing business environment.
Set-up scenarios, perform “What-If” analysis, simulations, forecasting, goal seeking, “Solver”
models etc.
Improve analytical skills by completing problems/cases requiring analysis and decision- making.
Develop a working knowledge of the different types of operations (i.e. healthcare, retail,
manufacturing, etc.).
Core Themes
Walla Walla University is a community of faith and discovery committed to: Excellence in
Thought, Generosity in Service, Beauty in Expression, Faith in God.
Excellence in Thought:
Students will demonstrate and practice knowledge and skills, which will be measured through
exams, written assignments and case studies and the assessment of practice skills.
Generosity in Service:
Beauty in Expression:
Students learn to analyze business information in a precise, organized, and professional manner.
Students are also expected to: demonstrate competency in effective written expression, which is
demonstrated through written assignments and improved interpersonal communication skills through
class and group discussions.
Faith in God:
Personal awareness and philosophy about ethical conduct in the fields of information systems by
discussing real-life ethical cases; emphasizing spiritual principles and applications through short,
daily prayers and/or worships.
Grading Scale
Instructor Responsibility
Evaluation: timeline and coursework
All materials will be evaluated in a timely manner—typically 2 weeks. Exams will be scored and accessible
for viewing before the next exam. The score for each class requirement is available in the Brightspace
grade book. All evaluated coursework can be reviewed on Brightspace or will be returned to the student.
Progress Reports
Although you are able to determine your tentative course grade at any time, Walla Walla University has a
twice-per-quarter alert process to notify students of low academic performance. If you fall into this category
you may receive an email offering comments from your instructor on your performance and suggestions for
improvement. All students are encouraged to contact the instructor at any time to discuss your performance
in the course.
Quizzes will be given over each chapter. The quizzes are randomly generated and taken from a test bank
of questions. I edit the test bank and remove some questions. You may use your textbook and/or notes for
the chapter quizzes. However, the midterm and the final are closed textbook/closed notes.
Late Policy
Deadlines for coursework are indicated in the course schedule on Brightspace. Late work is subject to a
5% deduction for each day that an assignment or quiz is late. In-class assignments or quizzes cannot be
made up. Contact the instructor if you have extenuating circumstances.
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend all class sessions. Research indicates that one of the strongest predictors
of success is attendance. As noted in the attendance policy above, a student may fail this course based on
the student's lack of class attendance. A student's grade may be incrementally lowered based on
attendance. Students must create/have an account (free) on TrackCC which will be used to take
Support Services
Disability Support Services
If you think you may have a physical or learning disability adversely affecting your academic performance,
first, submit an Initial Accommodation Request Form, then, email [email protected] to make an
appointment to discuss your request with Disability Support Services. They will work with you to provide
appropriate accommodations.
Once you have gone through the initial accommodation request and approval process, you are responsible
for logging in to Accommodate and submitting a new request during the first two weeks of every quarter.
You are also encouraged to discuss your accommodations privately with your professors so they can
support your success.
Please note that accommodations are not retroactive. If you do not declare the disability to the DSS office
or submit a quarterly request, you may not receive appropriate accommodations. For more information on
resources available from Disability Support Services, please visit, call (509) 527-2366,
or email [email protected].
Library Resources
Library resources and services are available at You can reach a faculty librarian for
research assistance by email at [email protected] or by calling the Library Information Desk at
(509) 527-2134.
Technical Requirements
D2L Brightspace
The Desire2Learn (D2L) Brightspace course management system provides course information and can be
accessed at with your WWU username and password. The general hardware
specifications necessary for an optimal experience using Brightspace can be found on the WWU distance
education website at
Supplemental Software
As a WWU student, you have access to download Microsoft 365 products for free with your WWU
username and password. This includes Microsoft Teams, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. You can also
download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free.
University Policies
Academic Integrity
The WWU Academic Integrity Policy states that “an integral part of the mission of Walla Walla University is
to prepare its students to be responsible individuals with Christian values.” We assume that any work you
submit in a class is your own work. This principle of academic honesty is important in any scholarly work.
Using another person’s material without proper acknowledgment is a violation of academic integrity and
cannot be tolerated in an academic institution. Tools such as generative AI or problem-solving software
should only be used if explicitly permitted for a particular assignment or class and must always be properly
acknowledged. Students should consult the course syllabus for guidelines on the use of these tools and
check with the course instructor for additional clarity if needed.
Violations of the academic integrity policy may result in a failing grade for the assignment or for the course.
Academic dishonesty offenses are reported to the department or school and to the associate vice president
for academic administration.
Religious Accommodations
It is Walla Walla University policy to reasonably accommodate student absences for reasons of faith or
conscience, observance of religious holidays, or participation in an organized activity conducted by a
religious denomination, church, or organization. The full religious accommodation policy and request form
can be found on the WWU website.
Emergency Procedures
WWU is dedicated to providing a safe campus environment. Emergency preparedness resources are
available online to help you prepare to respond to an event of dangerous weather, fire, active shooters,
injuries, etc. You will also find a link to subscribe to or update your contact information in our emergency
campus notification system.
As future business leaders and representatives of the ideals and values of the Walla Walla University
School of Business, we pledge to act consistently with the university’s core beliefs and values, including
excellence in thought, generosity in service, beauty in expression, and faith in God.
We pledge to uphold the core value of excellence in thought through the pursuit of academic
excellence, intellectual inquiry, and professional achievement in our respective fields without
compromising what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, and praiseworthy.
We pledge to uphold generosity in service by acknowledging that we all are children of God and
ambassadors of His kingdom who are called to lives of humble, dedicated service in both our
personal and professional lives.
We pledge to uphold beauty in expression through honest innovation in our educational and
professional pursuits, employing only those means that are worthy of this institution and our Creator
and rejecting all opportunities to exploit or mislead others.
We pledge to uphold faith in God by acknowledging that we are inherently fallen, self-centered
beings in need of daily life-changing encounters with a loving and self-sacrificing Savior and that
such encounters will result in our adherence to truth and justice, as well as in positive eternal
outcomes for us and for all others who are impacted by our decisions and actions.
Course Schedule
The schedule is subject to change at the professional judgement of the instructor.
Week of Worship: Note that during the second week of the quarter, our class meeting time may be
adjusted to accommodate the Week of Worship schedule.