Social Learning Theory
Social Learning Theory
Social Learning Theory
The basic assumption in social learning theory is that the same learning process in a context
of social structure, interaction, and situation, produces both conforming and deviant behavior.
The difference lies in the direction . . . [of] the balance of influences on behavior.
1. Introduction
3. Differential Association
4. Definitions
5. Differential Reinforcement
6. Imitation
8. Future Directions
9. Conclusion
I. Introduction
The purpose of this research paper is to provide an overview of Akers‘s social learning theory
with attention to its theoretical roots in Sutherland‘s differential association theory and the
behavioral psychology of Skinner and Bandura. Empirical research testing the utility of social
learning theory for explaining variation in crime or deviance is then reviewed; this is
followed by a discussion of recent macrolevel applications of the theory (i.e., social structure
and social learning). The research paper concludes with a brief offering of suggestions for
future research and a summary of the importance of social learning theory as a general theory
to meld Sutherland‘s (1947) sociological approach in his differential association theory and
principles of behavioral psychology. This was the foundation for Akers‘s (1968, 1973; Akers,
Krohn, Lanza-Kaduce, & Radosevich, 1979) further development of the theory, which he
came more often to refer to as social learning theory. Sutherland‘s differential association
theory is contained in nine propositions:
3. The principal part of the learning of criminal behavior occurs within intimate personal
4. When criminal behavior is learned, the learning includes (a) techniques of committing
the crime, which are sometimes very complicated, sometimes very simple, and (b) the
5. The specific direction of motives and drives is learned from definitions of the legal
7. The process of learning criminal behavior by association with criminal and anti-
criminal patterns involves all of the mechanisms that are involved in any other
9. Differential association varies in frequency, duration, priority, and intensity. The most
committing a particular behavior. He can either learn favorable definitions from others that
would likely increase the probability that he will commit the behavior, or he can learn
unfavorable definitions that would likely decrease the probability that he would engage in a
favorable definitions toward violations of the law in excess of the definitions unfavorable to
violations of the law, that individual is more likely to commit the criminal act(s).
Learning favorable versus unfavorable definitions can also be described as a process whereby
for committing crime from those involved in crime themselves (i.e., the criminals) and, in
contrast, learn unfavorable definitions for committing crime from those individuals who are
According to Sutherland‘s (1947) seventh principle, the theory does not merely state that
being associated with criminals leads to crime or that being associated with law-abiding
persons leads to conforming behavior. It is the nature, characteristics, and balance of the
differential association that affect an individual‘s likelihood of violating the law. More
definitions increase in frequency and strength (intensity) and persist for some time (duration),
the individual is more likely to demonstrate involvement in criminal and deviant acts.
large amount of attention throughout the sociological and criminological literature in the
years after its emergence, Burgess and Akers (1966) noted that the theory had still failed to
receive considerable empirical support and had yet to be adequately modified in response to
Some of these issues included the inconsistency both within and between studies regarding
the support for differential association and a common criticism among scholars on the
difficulty of operationalizing the theory‘s concepts. In response to these criticisms and the
prior failure of differential association theorists in specifying the learning process of the
theory, Burgess and Akers presented their reformulated version of the theory, that is,
To describe their revised version in terms of its modifications and derivations from the
original theory (as exemplified in Sutherland‘s [1947] nine principles), Burgess and Akers
(1966) offered the following seven principles that illustrate the process wherein learning takes place: 1.
Criminal behavior is learned according to the principles of operant conditioning
discriminative and through that social interaction in which the behavior of other
3. The principal part of the learning of criminal behavior occurs in those groups whi
avoidance procedures, is a function of the effective and available reinforcers, and the
5. The specific class of behaviors which are learned and their frequency of occurrence
are a function of the reinforcers which are effective and available, and the rules or
behavior, the learning of which takes place when such behavior is more highly
7. The strength of criminal behavior is a direct function of the amount, frequency, and
Akers (1973, 1977, 1985, 1998) has since discussed modifications to this original serial
list and has further revised the theory in response to criticisms, theoretical and empirical
developments in the literature, and to ease the interpretation and explanations of the key
assumptions of social learning theory, but the central tenets remain the same. It is important
to note here that, contrary to how social learning is often described in the literature, social
learning is not a rival or competitor of Sutherland‘s (1947) theory and his original
Sutherland‘s theory and integrates this theoretical perspective with aspects of other scholars‘
continuation, and cessation (see Akers, 1985, p. 41). Taken together, social learning theory is
compared with Sutherland‘s original theory; thus, any such support that it offered for
differential association theory provides support for social learning theory, and findings that
The behavioral learning aspect of Akers‘s social learning theory (as first proposed by Burgess
and Akers, 1966) draws from the classical work of B. F. Skinner, yet, more recently, Akers
(1998) commented on how his theory is more closely aligned with cognitive learning theories
such as those associated with Albert Bandura (1977), among others. According to Burgess
and Akers (1996) and, later, Akers (1973, 1977, 1985, 1998), the specific mechanisms by
which the learning process takes place are primarily through operant conditioning or
differential reinforcement. Stated more clearly, operant behavior, or voluntary actions taken
by an individual, are affected by a system of rewards and punishments. These reinforcers and
Burgess and Akers (1966) originally considered the imitation element of the behavioral
learning process (or modeling) to be subsumed under the broad umbrella of operant
conditioning; that is, imitation was itself seen as simply one kind of behavior that could be
However, Akers later began to accept the uniqueness of the learning mechanism of imitation
vicarious reinforcement. Burgess and Akers also recognized the importance of additional
behavioral components and principles of learning theory, such as classical conditioning,
Considering the brief overview of social learning theory as described earlier, the central
assumption and proposition of social learning theory can be best summarized in the two
following statements:
The basic assumption in social learning theory is that the same learning process in a context
of social structure, interaction, and situation, produces both conforming and deviant behavior.
The difference lies in the direction . . . [of] the balance of influences on behavior.
The probability that persons will engage in criminal and deviant behavior is increased and the
probability of their conforming to the norm is decreased when they differentially associate
with others who commit criminal behavior and espouse definitions favorable to it, are
it as desirable or justified in a situation discriminative for the behavior, and have received in
the past and anticipate in the current or future situation relatively greater reward than
It is worth emphasizing that social learning theory is a general theory in that it offers an
explanation for why individuals first participate in crime and deviance, why they continue to
offend, why they escalate/deescalate, why they specialize/generalize, and why they choose to
desist from criminal/deviant involvement. Social learning theory also explains why
conforming behaviors. Thus, considering the generality of the theory as an explanation for an
individual‘s participation in (or lack thereof) prosocial and pro-criminal behaviors, more
attention is devoted in the following paragraphs to fleshing out the four central concepts of
Akers‘s social learning theory that have received considerable (yet varying) amounts of
definitions, differential reinforcement, and imitation (Akers, 1985, 1998; Akers et al., 1979).
The differential association component in Akers‘s social learning theory is one of primary
importance. Although its significance cannot simply be reduced to having ―bad‖ friends, the
individuals with whom a person decides to differentially associate and interact (either directly
or indirectly) play an integral role in providing the social context wherein social learning
occurs. An individual‘s direct interaction with others who engage in certain kinds of behavior
(criminal/deviant or conforming) and expose the individual to the norms, values, and attitudes
supportive of these behaviors affects the decision of whether the individual opts to participate
in a particular behavior.
Akers has indicated that family and friends (following Sutherland‘s [1947] emphasis on
―intimate face-to-face‖ groups) are typically the primary groups that are the most salient for
nonconforming behaviors. For the most part, learning through differential association occurs
within the family in the early childhood years and by means of the associations formed in
school, leisure, recreational, and peer groups during adolescence. In contrast, during young
adulthood and later in life, the spouses, work groups, and friendship groups typically assume
the status of the primary group that provides the social context for learning. Secondary or
reference groups can also indirectly provide the context for learning if an individual
differentially associates him or herself with the behaviors, norms, values, attitudes, and
even what Warr (2002) called virtual groups, such as the mass media, the Internet, and so on.
According to the theory, the associations that occur early (priority); last longer or occupy a
disproportionate amount of one‘s time (duration); happen the most frequently; and involve
the intimate, closest, or most important partners/peer groups (intensity) will likely exert the
nonconforming behavior. Taking these elements into consideration, the theory proposes that
individuals are exposed to pro-criminal and prosocial norms, values, and definitions as well
transmitted by means of his or her primary and secondary peer groups, the greater his or her
which all of the mechanisms of social learning operate. They not only expose one to
definitions, but they also present one with models to imitate and differential reinforcement
(source, schedule, value, and amount) for criminal or conforming behavior. (Akers & Sellers,
IV. Definitions
Definitions are one‘s own orientations and attitudes toward a given behavior. These personal
as opposed to peer and other group definitions (i.e., differential association) are influenced by
particular act as being more right or wrong, good or bad, desirable or undesirable, justified or
in two types: (1) general and (2) specific. General beliefs are one‘s personal definitions that
are based on religious, moral, and other conventional values. In comparison, specific beliefs
are personal definitions that orient an individual either toward committing or away from
participating in certain criminal or deviant acts. For example, an individual may believe that
it is morally wrong to assault someone and choose not to partake in or condone this sort of
violence. Yet, despite his belief toward violence, this same individual may not see any moral
Akers also has discussed personal definitions as comprising either conventional beliefs or
positive or neutralizing beliefs. Conventional beliefs are definitions that are negative or
unfavorable toward committing criminal and deviant acts or favorable toward committing
conforming behaviors. In contrast, positive or neutralizing beliefs are those that are
individual holds that committing a criminal or deviant act is morally desirable or wholly
permissible. For instance, if an individual believes that it is ―cool‖ and wholly acceptable to
get high on marijuana, then this is a positive belief favorable toward smoking marijuana. Not
all who hold this attitude will necessarily indulge, but those who adhere to these definitions
have a much higher probability of using marijuana than those who hold to conventional or
negative definitions. A neutralizing belief also favors the commission of a criminal or deviant
act, but this type of belief is influenced by an individual‘s justifications or excuses for why a
particular behavior is permissible. For instance, one may have an initially negative attitude
toward smoking marijuana but through observation of using models and through associating
with users come to accept it as not really bad, or not as harmful as using alcohol, or otherwise
techniques of neutralization, and moral disengagement that are apparent in other behavioral
and criminological literatures (see Bandura, 1990; Cressey, 1953; Sykes & Matza, 1957).
statements such as ―I do not get paid enough, so I am going to take these office supplies‖;
―The restaurant makes enough money, so they can afford it if I want to give my friends some
free drinks‖; ―I was under the influence of alcohol, so it is not my fault‖; and ―This individual
deserves to get beat up because he is annoying.‖ These types of beliefs have both a cognitive
Cognitively, these beliefs provide a readily accessible system of justifications that make an
individual more likely to commit a criminal or deviant act. Behaviorally, they provide an
internal discriminative stimulus that presents an individual with cues as to what kind of
employee who has been washing dishes full-time at the same restaurant for 5 years suddenly
gets his or her hours reduced to part-time because the manager chose to hire another part-time
dishwasher, then the long-time employee might decide to steal money from the register or
steal food because she believes that she has been treated unjustly and ―deserves‖ it.
Akers and Silverman (2004) went on to argue that some personal definitions are so intense
and ingrained into an individual‘s learned belief system, such as the radical ideologies of
militant and/or terrorists groups, that these definitions alone exert a strong effect on an
―code of the street‖ can serve as another example of a personal definition that is likely to
(who resides in the same area) flaunting nice jewelry, then the urban juvenile might feel
justified in ―jumping‖ the kid and taking his jewelry because of the code of the street or the
personal belief that ―might makes right.‖ Despite these examples, Akers suggested that the
majority of criminal and deviant acts are not motivated in this way; they are either weak
conventional beliefs that offer little to no restraint for engaging in crime/deviance or they are
positive or neutralizing beliefs that motivate an individual to commit the criminal/deviant act
V. Differential Reinforcement
and attitudes favorable toward committing a deviant or criminal act increases the probability
also increases the likelihood that an individual will commit a given behavior. Furthermore,
the past, present, and future anticipated and/or experienced rewards and punishments affect
the probability that an individual will participate in a behavior in the first place and whether
he or she continues or refrains from the behavior in the future. The differential reinforcement
process operates in four key modes: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive
Consider the following scenario. John is a quiet and shy boy who has difficulty making
friends. Two of his classmates approach him on the playground and tell him that they will be
his friend if he hits another boy because they do not like this particular child. John may know
that hitting others is not right, but he decides to go along with their suggestion in order to
gain their friendship. Immediately after he punches the boy, his classmates smile with
approval and invite John to come over to their house after school to play with them. This peer
approval serves as positive reinforcement for the assault. Positive reinforcement can also be
provided when a behavior yields an increase in status, money, awards, or pleasant feelings.
Negative reinforcement can increase the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated if the act
allows the individual to escape or avoid adverse or unpleasant stimuli. For example, Chris
hates driving to and home from work because every day he has to drive through the same
speed trap on the interstate. One day, Chris decides to come into work 1 hour early so he can
in turn leave 1 hour early. Chris realizes that by coming in early and subsequently leaving
early, he is able to avoid the speed trap because the officers are not posted on the interstate
during his new travel times. He repeats this new travel schedule the following day, and once
again he avoids the speed trap. His behavior (coming in an hour early and leaving an hour
early) has now been negatively reinforced because he avoids the speed trap (i.e., the negative
In contrast to reinforcers (positive and negative), there are positive and negative punishers
that serve to increase or decrease the probability of a particular behavior being repeated. For
example, Rachel has always had a designated driver when she decides to go out to the bar on
Friday nights, but on one particular night she decides to drive herself to and from the local
bar. On her way home, she gets pulled over for crossing the yellow line and is arrested for
driving under the influence. Her decision and subsequent behavior to drink and drive resulted
This last scenario is an example of negative punishment. Mark‘s mom decides to buy him a
new car but tells him not to smoke cigarettes in the car. Despite his mom‘s warning, Mark
and his friends still decide to smoke cigarettes in the vehicle. His mom smells the odor when
she chooses to drive his car to the grocery store one day and decides to take away Mark‘s
driving privileges for 2 months for not following her rules. Mark‘s behavior (smoking
cigarettes in the car) has now been negatively punished (removal of driving privileges).
Similar to differential association, there are modalities for differential reinforcement; more
specifically, rewards that are higher in value and/or are greater in number are more likely to
increase the chances that a behavior will occur and be repeated. Akers clarified that the
reinforcement process does not necessarily occur in an either–or fashion but instead operates
according to a quantitative law of effect wherein the behaviors that occur most frequently and
VI. Imitation
Imitation is perhaps the least complex of the four dimensions of Akers‘s social learning
behavior of potential models either directly or indirectly (e.g., through the media).
Furthermore, the characteristics of the models themselves, the behavior itself, and the
observed consequences of the behavior all affect the probability that an individual will
imitate the behavior. The process of imitation is often referred to as vicarious reinforcement
(Bandura, 1977). Baldwin and Baldwin (1981) provided a concise summary of this process:
Observers tend to imitate modeled behavior if they like or respect the model, see the model
receive reinforcement, see the model give off signs of pleasure, or are in an environment
when an observer does not like the model, sees the model get punished, or is in an
Although social learning theory maintains that the process of imitation occurs throughout an
individual‘s life, Akers has argued that imitation is most salient in the initial acquisition and
deviance after watching a violent television show for the first time or observing his friends
attack another peer for the first time provides the key social context in which imitation can
occur. Nevertheless, the process of imitation is still assumed to exert an effect in maintaining
Akers‘s social learning theory has explained a considerable amount of the variation in
criminal and deviant behavior at the individual level (see Akers & Jensen, 2006), and Akers
(1998) recently extended it to posit an explanation for the variation in crime at the
macrolevel. Akers‘s social structure and social learning (SSSL) theory hypothesizes that there
are social structural factors that have an indirect effect on individuals‘ behavior. The indirect
effect hypothesis is guided by the assumption that the effect of these social structural factors
is operating through the social learning variables (i.e., differential association, definitions,
differential reinforcement, and imitation) that have a direct effect on individuals‘ decisions to
engage in crime or deviance. Akers (1998; Akers & Sellers, 2004, p. 91) identified four
specific domains of social structure wherein the social learning process can operate:
community or society that affect the rates of crime and delinquency, including age
composition, population density, and other attributes that lean societies, communities,
and other social systems ―toward relatively high or relatively low crime rates‖ (Akers,
1998, p. 332).
of individuals and social groups that indicate their niches within the larger social
structure. Class, gender, race and ethnicity, marital status, and age locate the positions
and standing of persons and their roles, groups, or social categories in the overall
social structure.
disorganization, group conflict, patriarchy, and other concepts that have been used in
primary, secondary, and reference groups such as the family, friendship/peer groups,
With attention to these social structural domains, Akers contended that the differential social
organization of society and community and the differential locations of individuals within the
social structure (i.e., individuals‘ gender, race, class, religious affiliation, etc.) provide the
context in which learning occurs (Akers & Sellers, 2004, p. 91). Individuals‘ decisions to
engage in crime/deviance are thus a function of the environment wherein the learning takes
place and the individuals‘ exposure to deviant peers and attitudes, possession of definitions
favorable to the commission of criminal or deviant acts, and interactions with deviant models.
Stated in terms of a causal process, if the social learning variables mediate social structural
effects on crime as hypothesized, then (a) the social structural variables should exhibit direct
effects on the social learning variables; (b) the social structural variables should exert direct
effects on the dependent variable; and (c) once the social learning variables are included in
the model, these variables should demonstrate strong independent effects on the dependent
variable, and the social structural variables should no longer exhibit direct effects on the
Considering the relative novelty of Akers‘s proposed social structure and social learning
theory, only a handful of studies thus far have attempted to examine its theoretical
assumptions and/or its mediation hypothesis. However, the few preliminary studies to date
have demonstrated positive findings in support of social structure and social learning for
delinquency and substance use, elderly alcohol abuse, rape, violence, binge drinking by
college students, and variation in cross-national homicide rates (Akers & Jensen, 2006). Yet,
despite the consistency of positive preliminary findings in support of Akers‘s social structure
and social learning theory, there are some non-supportive findings, and it is still too soon to
make a definitive statement that social learning is the primary mediating force in the
association between social structure and crime/deviance. Nevertheless, these few studies
provide a suitable benchmark against which future studies testing the theory can build upon
and improve.
The future of social learning theory lies along three paths. First, there will continue to be
further and more accurate tests of social learning at the micro- or process level (i.e., at the
criminological theories, and these studies will use better measures of all of the central
concepts of the theory. Having said this, it is not likely that the empirical findings will be
much different from the research so far, but these future studies should continue to include
more research on social leaning explanations of the most serious and violent criminal
Second, there is need for continued development and testing of the SSSL model, again using
better measures. A very promising direction that this could take would follow the lead of
Jensen and Akers (2003, 2006) to extend the basic social learning principles and the SSSL
model ―globally‖ to the most macrolevel. Structural theories at that level are more apt to be
valid the more they reference or incorporate the most valid principles found at the individual
programs and otherwise provide some theoretical underpinning for social policy. Research on
the application and evaluations of such programs have thus far found them to be at least
moderately effective (and usually more effective than alternative programs), but there are still
many unanswered questions about the feasibility and effectiveness of programs designed
Future research along all of these lines is also more likely to be in the form of longitudinal
studies over the life course and to be cross-cultural studies of the empirical validity of the
theory in different societies. If social learning is truly a general theory, then it should have
applicability to the explanation and control of crime and deviance not only in American and
Western societies but also societies around the world. There have already been some cross-
cultural studies supporting the social learning theory (see, e.g., Hwang &Akers, 2003; Miller,
Jennings, Alvarez-Rivera, & Miller, 2008), but much more research needs to examine both
how well the theory holds up in different societies and on how much variation there is in the
X. Conclusion
The purpose of this research paper was to provide a historical overview of the theoretical
development of Akers‘s social learning theory, review the seminal research testing the
general theory, and discuss the recently proposed macrolevel version of social learning theory
(i.e., social structure and social learning), as well as offer suggestions of where future
research may wish to proceed in order to further advance the status of the theory. What is
clear from the research evidence presented in this research paper, along with a number of
studies that have not been specifically mentioned or discussed in this research paper (for a
review, see Akers & Jensen, 2006), is that social learning has rightfully earned its place as a
general theory of crime and deviance. One theorist has referred to it (along with control and
Wright, & Blevins, 2006). The theory has been rigorously tested a number of times, not only
by the theorist himself but also by other influential criminologists and sociologists; it has
been widely cited in the scholarly literature and in textbooks; it is a common topic covered in
a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses; and it provides a basis for sound policy and
Ultimately, the task levied at any general theory of crime and deviance is that it should be
able to explain crime/deviance across crime/deviance type, time, place, culture, and context.
Therefore, if past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior, then the expectation is that
social learning theory will continue to demonstrate its generalizability across these various
dimensions and that future tests of Akers‘s SSSL theory will also garner support as a
macrolevel explanation of crime. Yet these outcomes are indeed open to debate. No theory
can account for all variations in criminal behavior. Only through the process of continuing to
subject the theory and its macrolevel version to rigorous and sound empirical tests in
sociology and criminology can it be determined how much the theory can account for on its