Humsn Rights
Humsn Rights
Humsn Rights
"O believers, be you securers of justice, witness for God. Let not
detestation for a people move you not to be equitable; be
equitable - that is nearer to God-fearing." (5:8)
Human blood is sacred in any case and cannot be spilled without
justification. And if anyone violates this sanctity of human blood
by killing a soul without justification, the Quran equates it to the
killing of entire mankind.
"...Whoso slays a soul not to retaliate for a soul slain, nor for
corruption done in the land, should be as if he had slain mankind
altogether." (5:32)
It is not permissible to oppress women, children, old people, the
sick or the wounded. Women's honor and chastity are to be
respected under all circumstances. The hungry person must be
fed, the naked clothed and the wounded or diseased treated
medically irrespective of whether they belong to the Islamic
community or are from among its enemies.
When we speak of human rights in Islam we really mean that
these rights have been granted by God; they have not been
granted by any king or by any legislative assembly. The rights
granted by the kings or the legislative assemblies, can also be
withdrawn in the same manner in which they are conferred. The
same is the case with the rights accepted and recognized by the
dictators. They can confer them when they please and withdraw
them when they wish; and they can openly violate them when
they like. But since in Islam human rights have been conferred
by God, no legislative assembly in the world or any government
on earth has the right or authority to make any amendment or
change in the rights conferred by God. No one has the right to
abrogate them or withdraw them. Nor are they basic human
rights which are conferred on paper for the sake of show and
exhibition and denied in actual life when the show is over. Nor
are they like philosophical concepts which have no sanctions
behind them.
"Those who do not judge by what God has sent down are the
disbelievers." (5:44)
Human Rights In An Islamic State
The Security Of Life And Property:
In the address which the Prophet delivered on the occasion of
the Farewell Hajj, he said: "Your lives and properties are
forbidden to one another till you meet your Lord on the Day of
Resurrection." The Prophet has also said about the dhimmis (the
non-Muslim citizens of the Muslim state): "One who kills a man
under covenant (i.e., dhimmi) will not even smell the fragrance
of Paradise."
Freedom Of Expression:
Islam gives the right of freedom of thought and expression to all
citizens of the Islamic state on the condition that it should be
used for the propagation of virtue and truth and not for
spreading evil and wickedness. The Islamic concept of freedom
of expression is much superior to the concept prevalent in the
West. Under no circumstances would Islam allow evil and
wickedness to be propagated. It also does not give anybody the
right to use abusive or offensive language in the name of
criticism. It was the practice of the Muslims to enquire from the
Holy Prophet whether on a certain matter a divine injunction had
been revealed to him. If he said that he had received no divine
injunction, the Muslims freely expressed their opinion on the
Freedom Of Association:
Islam has also given people the right to freedom of association
and formation of parties or organizations. This right is also
subject to certain general rules.
Freedom Of Conscience And Conviction:
Islam has laid down the injunction:
"There should be no coercion in the matter of faith." (2:256)
On the contrary, totalitarian societies totally deprive the
individuals of their freedom. Indeed, this undue exaltation of the
state authority curiously enough postulates a sort of servitude, of
slavishness on the part of man. At one time slavery meant total
control of man over man - now that type of slavery has been
legally abolished but in its place totalitarian societies impose a
similar sort of control over individuals.