Crime As Social Problem

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Crime is a violation of criminal law for which formal penalties are applied by some

governmental authority. It represents some type of deviation from formal social norms

administered by the state. Crimes are divided by law into various categories, depending

on the severity of the offence, the age of the offender, the potential punishment that can

be levied, and the court that holds jurisdiction over the case. There is no society in any

part of the world, which is without crimes.

One of the serious problems of today‘s crimes is that in many cases the criminals

are socially, politically and economically so powerful that they decide the course of

punishment for others while they themselves manage to get escaped completely.


There are many causes of the crime. Few of the many causes may be discussed as under:

1. Poverty

2. Education System

3. Unemployment

4. Political Setup

5. Change in Values

1. Poverty

Poverty is one of the most importance causes of crime. In fact it can be said that it is the

root cause of many crimes. Though poverty is a relative term, yet in every form it result

in corruption and adopting illegal and underhand means. Poverty results in committing

suicide and prostitution as well as bribery and so on. Directly or indirectly poverty is

responsible for all sorts of crimes.

2. Educational System

Unfortunately present day educational system is very defective. The system of education

does not lay stress on morality and character, which are effective forces for checking

crimes. Similarly we find the education is mostly not vocational biased and does not

help the young people to get timely employment. Delay in getting proper employment

encourages tendency towards crime.

3. Unemployment

In the economic field unemployment plays an important role in committing of crimes.

Thus an unemployed young person can become robber or a thief. He can become violent

and take law into his own hands. In this way unemployment results in many crimes. That

is the reason that we find that in countries, which have undeveloped economy, and in

which chances of unemployment are marginal, rate of crimes is high.

4. Political Set up

Our political set up also encourages crimes in our modern times government machineries

are slow and inefficient with the result that this becomes premium on the illegal activities

of the criminals. Similarly our legal system too is very complex and complicated and the

criminals are confident that they can escape free and involve some innocent persons in it.

They know that by their illegally earned wealth they can purchase as well as mould the

course of law. Not only this, but we find that some of our politicians encourage criminals

for one reason or the other.

5. Change in Values

As we know that due to industrialization and advancement of science and advancement

Advancing Criminology Notes For CSS Exam 2018

Mohsin Raza. Adv. Rana Uzair & Aamir Mahar


of science and technology social values have very greatly changed. Today we are more

materialists and rational as well as individualists. Collectivism and blind faith is being

replaced by new ideas. Due to these changes, social values have also together changed

and restrictions considerably reduced. This has resulted in committing many crimes.

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