Iso 12952 6 2021

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EN 12952‑6:2021

BSI Standards Publication

Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations

Part 6: Inspection during construction, documentation

and marking of pressure parts of the boiler

National foreword
This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 12952‑6:2021. It
supersedes BS EN 12952‑6:2011, which is withdrawn.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical
Committee PVE/2, Water Tube And Shell Boilers.
A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on
request to its committee manager.
This publication has been prepared under a mandate given to the
European Standards Organizations by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association. It is intended to support requirements
of the EU legislation detailed in the European Foreword. A European
Annex, usually Annex ZA or ZZ, describes how this publication relates to
that EU legislation.
For the Great Britain market (England, Scotland and Wales), if UK
Government has designated this publication for conformity with UKCA
marking (or similar) legislation, it may contain an additional National
Annex. Where such a National Annex exists, it shows the correlation
between this publication and the relevant UK legislation. If there is no
National Annex of this kind, the relevant Annex ZA or ZZ in the body
of the European text will indicate the relationship to UK regulation
applicable in Great Britain. References to EU legislation may need to be
read in accordance with the UK designation and the applicable UK law.
Further information on designated standards can be found at
For the Northern Ireland market, UK law will continue to implement
relevant EU law subject to periodic confirmation. Therefore
Annex ZA/ZZ in the European text, and references to EU legislation, are
still valid for this market.
UK Government is responsible for legislation. For information on
legislation and policies relating to that legislation, consult the relevant
pages of
Contractual and legal considerations
This publication has been prepared in good faith, however no
representation, warranty, assurance or undertaking (express or
implied) is or will be made, and no responsibility or liability is or will be
accepted by BSI in relation to the adequacy, accuracy, completeness or
reasonableness of this publication. All and any such responsibility and
liability is expressly disclaimed to the full extent permitted by the law.
This publication is provided as is, and is to be used at the
recipient’s own risk.
The recipient is advised to consider seeking professional guidance with
respect to its use of this publication.
This publication is not intended to constitute a contract. Users are
responsible for its correct application.
© The British Standards Institution 2022
Published by BSI Standards Limited 2022
ISBN 978 0 539 06747 7

ICS 23.020.01; 27.040; 27.060.30

Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from
legal obligations.
This British Standard was published under the authority of the
Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 January 2022.

Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication

Date Text affected
BS EN 12952‑6:2021



ICS 27.040 Supersedes EN 12952-6:2011

English Version

Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 6:

Inspection during construction, documentation and
marking of pressure parts of the boiler
Chaudières à tubes d'eau et installations auxiliaires - Wasserrohrkessel und Anlagenkomponenten - Teil 6:
Partie 6: Contrôles pendant la construction, Prüfung während der Herstellung, Dokumentation und
documentation et marquage des parties sous pression Kennzeichnung für drucktragende Kesselteile
de la chaudière

This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1 November 2021.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels

© 2021 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 12952-6:2021 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
BS EN 12952‑6:2021
EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

Contents Page

European foreword ............................................................................................................................................ 4

1 Scope.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
2 Normative references.......................................................................................................................... 6
3 Terms and definitions ......................................................................................................................... 7
4 General organization ........................................................................................................................... 7
4.1 General...................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Conformity assessment....................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Competency of the manufacturer.................................................................................................... 7
4.4 Calibration of equipment ................................................................................................................... 7
4.5 Inspection activities ............................................................................................................................. 8
5 Non-destructive testing (NDT) of parent materials ............................................................... 10
6 Production test plates for drums .................................................................................................. 10
6.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.2 Number of production test plates ................................................................................................. 10
6.3 Tests required ...................................................................................................................................... 11
6.3.1 Non-destructive testing .................................................................................................................... 11
6.3.2 Destructive tests.................................................................................................................................. 11
6.4 Acceptance criteria............................................................................................................................. 11
6.4.1 Non-destructive testing .................................................................................................................... 11
6.4.2 Transverse tensile test...................................................................................................................... 11
6.4.3 Longitudinal tensile test on weld metal ..................................................................................... 12
6.4.4 Bend tests .............................................................................................................................................. 12
6.4.5 Impact values ....................................................................................................................................... 12
6.4.6 Macroscopic examination ................................................................................................................ 12
6.4.7 Hardness survey .................................................................................................................................. 12
6.4.8 Dissimilar joints .................................................................................................................................. 12
6.5 Non-conformance of results ............................................................................................................ 13
6.5.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 13
6.5.2 Specific case for Charpy V-notch impact tests .......................................................................... 13
7 Non-destructive testing of welds................................................................................................... 13
7.1 Type and extent of non-destructive testing .............................................................................. 13
7.1.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 13
7.1.2 Drums and Headers............................................................................................................................ 14
7.1.3 Tube walls.............................................................................................................................................. 15
7.1.4 Pipes and Tubes................................................................................................................................... 16
7.1.5 Extension procedure of random testing in case of repairs .................................................. 18
7.2 Qualification of non-destructive testing (NDT) personnel .................................................. 18
7.3 The detection of surface imperfections ...................................................................................... 19
7.3.1 General.................................................................................................................................................... 19
7.3.2 Visual examination............................................................................................................................. 19
7.3.3 Penetrant testing ................................................................................................................................ 19
7.3.4 Magnetic particle testing .................................................................................................................. 19
7.3.5 Acceptance criteria for weld surface imperfections .............................................................. 20

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EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

7.4 Testing for volumetric imperfections ......................................................................................... 22

7.4.1 Radiographic testing ......................................................................................................................... 22
7.4.2 Ultrasonic testing................................................................................................................................ 25
7.5 Non-destructive testing reports .................................................................................................... 26
8 Final inspection ................................................................................................................................... 27
8.1 Visual and dimensional examinations ........................................................................................ 27
8.2 Hydrostatic pressure test ................................................................................................................ 27
8.2.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 27
8.2.2 Test procedure .................................................................................................................................... 27
9 Documentation .................................................................................................................................... 28
10 Marking .................................................................................................................................................. 29
Annex A (normative) Special requirements for chemical recovery boilers ............................... 30
A.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 30
A.2 Special requirements for non-destructive testing (NDT) of welds................................... 30
A.2.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 30
A.2.2 Special requirements for NDT of welds in a chemical recovery boiler - Volumetric
testing ..................................................................................................................................................... 30
A.2.3 Methods of testing .............................................................................................................................. 30
Annex B (informative) Significant technical changes between this document and the
previous edition .................................................................................................................................. 31
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the essential
requirements of Directive 2014/68/EU aimed to be covered ........................................... 32
Bibliography ....................................................................................................................................................... 33

BS EN 12952‑6:2021
EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

European foreword

This document (EN 12952-6:2021) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 269 “Shell and
water-tube boilers”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by June 2022, and conflicting national standards shall be
withdrawn at the latest by June 2022.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

This document supersedes EN 12952-6:2011.

Annex B provides details of significant technical changes between this document and the previous

EN 12952 series concerning water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations consists of the following parts:

• Part 1: General;

• Part 2: Materials for pressure parts of boilers and accessories;

• Part 3: Design and calculation for pressure parts;

• Part 4: In service boiler life expectancy calculations;

• Part 5: Workmanship and construction of pressure parts of the boiler;

• Part 6: Inspection during construction, documentation and marking of pressure parts of the boiler;

• Part 7: Requirements for equipment for the boiler;

• Part 8: Requirements for firing systems for liquid and gaseous fuels for the boiler;

• Part 9: Requirements for firing systems for pulverized solid fuels for the boiler;

• Part 10: Requirements for safeguards against excessive pressure;

• Part 11: Requirements for limiting devices of the boiler and accessories;

• Part 12: Requirements for boiler feedwater and boiler water quality;

• Part 13: Requirements for flue gas cleaning systems;

• Part 14: Requirements for flue gas DENOX-systems using liquefied pressurized ammonia and ammonia
water solution;

• Part 15: Acceptance tests;

• Part 16: Requirements for grate and fluidized-bed firing systems for solid fuels for the boiler;

• CR 12952 Part 17: Guideline for the involvement of an inspection body independent of the

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EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

• Part 18: Operating instructions

Although these parts can be obtained separately, it should be recognized that the parts are inter-
dependent. As such, the design and manufacture of water-tube boilers requires the application of more
than one part in order for the requirements of the document to be satisfactorily fulfilled.

NOTE A “Boiler Helpdesk” has been established in CEN/TC 269 which can be contacted for any questions
regarding the application of EN 12952 series and EN 12953 series, see the following website: http://www.boiler-

This document has been prepared under a Standardization Request given to CEN by the European
Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU
Directive(s) / Regulation(s).

For relationship with EU Directive(s) / Regulation(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part
of this document.

Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national standards body.
A complete listing of these bodies can be found on the CEN website.

According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organisations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North
Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United

BS EN 12952‑6:2021
EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

1 Scope
This document specifies requirements for the inspection during construction, documentation and
marking of water-tube boilers as defined in EN 12952-1:2015.

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 12952-1:2015, Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 1: General

EN 12952-2:2021, Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations — Part 2: Materials for pressure parts of
boilers and accessories

EN 12952-3:2011, Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 3: Design and calculation for
pressure parts of the boiler

EN 12952-5:2021, Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations — Part 5: Workmanship and construction
of pressure parts of the boiler

EN ISO 3452-1:2021, Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 1: General principles

(ISO 3452-1:2021)

EN ISO 5817:2014, Welding - Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding
excluded) - Quality levels for imperfections (ISO 5817:2014)

EN ISO 6520-1:2007, Welding and allied processes - Classification of geometric imperfections in metallic
materials - Part 1: Fusion welding (ISO 6520-1:2007)

EN ISO 9712:2012, Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel

(ISO 9712:2012)

EN ISO 11666:2018, Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic testing - Acceptance levels

(ISO 11666:2018)

EN ISO 13588:2019, Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic testing - Use of automated phased array
technology (ISO 13588:2019)

EN ISO 15614-1:2017, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials -
Welding procedure test - Part 1: Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys
(ISO 15614-1:2017, Corrected version 2017-10-01)

EN ISO 17636-1:2013, Non-destructive testing of welds - Radiographic testing - Part 1: X- and gamma-ray
techniques with film (ISO 17636-1:2013)

EN ISO 17636-2:2013, Non-destructive testing of welds - Radiographic testing - Part 2: X- and gamma-ray
techniques with digital detectors (ISO 17636-2:2013)

EN ISO 17637:2016, Non-destructive testing of welds - Visual testing of fusion-welded joints

(ISO 17637:2016)

EN ISO 17638:2016, Non-destructive testing of welds - Magnetic particle testing (ISO 17638:2016)

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EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

EN ISO 17640:2018, Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic testing - Techniques, testing levels, and
assessment (ISO 17640:2018)

CEN ISO/TR 20172:2009, Welding - Grouping systems for materials - European materials
(ISO/TR 20172:2009)

EN ISO 23277:2015, Non-destructive testing of welds - Penetrant testing - Acceptance levels

(ISO 23277:2015)

EN ISO 23278:2015, Non-destructive testing of welds - Magnetic particle testing - Acceptance levels
(ISO 23278:2015)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document the terms and definitions given in EN 12952-1:2015 and the following
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
• ISO Online browsing platform: available at

• IEC Electropedia: available at

conformity evaluation by observation and judgement accompanied as appropriate by measurement,
testing or gauging

4 General organization
4.1 General

The manufacturer shall be responsible for ensuring the boiler conforms to the requirements of this
document. Conformance shall be confirmed by completing a series of inspection activities as detailed in
Table 1.
Except where explicitly stated otherwise in this document, inspection activities applicable to a
manufacturer’s works shall also be applicable to operations carried out on a construction site.
4.2 Conformity assessment

Guidance in the use of the conformity assessment procedures is given in CR 12952-17:2002.

4.3 Competency of the manufacturer

If an assessment of the competency of the manufacturer is required, guidance is given in EN 12952-

5:2021, Annex F.
4.4 Calibration of equipment

The manufacturer shall establish procedures to ensure that tools, gauges, instruments and other
measuring and testing devices used in the manufacture and inspection activities affecting boiler product
quality, are properly controlled, calibrated and adjusted at specific intervals, to maintain accuracy within
defined limits.

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EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

4.5 Inspection activities

The manufacturer shall confirm that the boiler components, as a minimum, conform to the requirements
of this document by performing and authenticating the activities listed in Table 1.
Depending upon the conformity assessment module adopted, some of the inspection activities listed
should also be assessed by a responsible authority. For the guidance of the manufacturer, the specific
involvement of such a responsible authority is indicated in CR 12952-17.
Table 1 — List of inspection activities to be undertaken by the manufacturer

Reference Area of activity Inspection operation

1 Design and general documentation
1.1 Design data/ Ensure that the design data/calculations conform to:
calculations — technical specifications, if applicable;
— the requirements of this document.
1.2 Manufacturing Ensure that drawing information conforms to:
drawings — design data and calculations;
— technical specifications, if applicable;
— the requirements of this Document.
1.3 Purchase Ensure that material and component specifications conform to:
specifications — technical specifications, if applicable;
— manufacturing drawings;
— the requirements of this document.
1.4 Specifications for sub- Ensure that the specification for sub-contracted parts conform
contracted parts to:
— technical specifications, if applicable;
— manufacturing drawings;
— the requirements of this document.
2 Material
2.1 Material certificates Verify that certificate information and results conform to the
design specification.
2.2 Welding consumables Verify that the consumables to be used are in accordance with
the design specification.
2.3 Material identification Identify the material with the material certificates and check the
2.4 Transfer of Ensure that the transfer of identification marks is in accordance
identification marks with the approved procedure.
2.5 Acceptance of sub- Verify that sub-contracted parts conform to the manufacturer’s
contracted parts specification.
3 Manufacturing and welding
3.1 Welding procedure Verify that appropriate welding specifications are available and
specifications that their contents are compatible with the welding procedure

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EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

Reference Area of activity Inspection operation

3.2 Welding procedure Verify that the welding procedures are appropriate for the
qualifications materials and the field of welding application, and that they have
been approved by a responsible authority.
3.3 Welder qualification/ Verify that the welder/operator qualifications have been
Operator qualification approved by a responsible authority and that they are available
and valid.
3.4 Forming procedures Verify that forming procedures are available, where applicable,
and their contents are appropriate to the product to be formed.
3.5 Joint preparations Examine material cut edges where thermal cutting has been
used and confirm machined preparations are to the correct
3.6 Formed parts Examine formed parts in accordance with the requirements of
EN 12952-5:2021, Clause 7.
3.7 Weld assembly Examine the weld assembly, including dimensional check.
3.8 Weld root Examine second side of weld assembly, if applicable, after the
first side of weld has been completed and the root cleaned.
3.9 Production test plates, Identify and mark production test plates.
if any
Verify that any PWHT on production test plates independent of
the component complies with the specific heat treatment
applied to the component.
Examine NDT reports on production test plates.
Identify and mark the test specimens taken from production test
plates for mechanical tests.
Verify that the test information and results from the mechanical
tests conform to the requirements of this document.
4 Non-destructive testing (NDT)
4.1 Non-destructive Verify that appropriate non-destructive testing procedures are
testing procedures available and ensure the qualification of the originator is
4.2 Non-destructive Ensure the non-destructive testing operator’s qualifications are
testing operator appropriate and that they have been approved by a responsible
qualifications authority.(cat. III +IV)
4.3 Non-destructive Scrutinize any radiographs and check conformance to the
testing operation acceptance criteria.
Scrutinize the operator’s ultrasonic testing reports.
4.4 Non-destructive Verify that the information and results conform to the
testing reports acceptance criteria.
5 Post-weld heat treatment (PWHT)
5.1 PWHT procedures Verify that the post-weld heat treatment procedures conform to
this document.

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EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

Reference Area of activity Inspection operation

5.2 PWHT records Verify that temperature/time recordings conform to the
requirements of this document.
6 Final inspection and marking
6.1 Pre-hydrostatic Carry out dimensional checking, visual examination and
pressure test identification of accessible parts after component completion,
inspection prior to hydrostatic pressure test.
6.2 Hydrostatic pressure Ensure the final hydrostatic pressure test is carried out in
test accordance with the requirements of this document.
6.3 Post-hydrostatic Perform visual examination on completion of the hydrostatic
pressure test pressure test.
Check marking on nameplate.
6.4 Safety devices Ensure the provision of safety equipment.
6.5 Manufacturer’s data Ensure completeness of the data dossier — see Clause 9.

5 Non-destructive testing (NDT) of parent materials

The NDT of parent materials shall be in accordance with EN 12952-2:2021.

6 Production test plates for drums

6.1 General

The material used for production test plates shall comply with the same standard and grade, or the same
specification, as that used for the construction of the drums of the water-tube boiler. As a minimum, plates
shall be from the same steel making process and of the same nominal thickness as the drum plates. Where
possible, the plates shall be selected from the same cast as that used for the manufacture of the drum.
The dimensions of the test plates shall be large enough to allow the preparation of all the test specimens
required by 6.3.2, and in no case shall their length be shorter than 350 mm.
The test plates shall be attached, wherever practical, to the drum plate so that the weld carried out on the
production test plate is a continuation of the longitudinal weld.
Production test plates shall receive an identical post-weld heat treatment or stress relief as that applied
to the production weld.
6.2 Number of production test plates

The number of production test plates required shall be as follows:

a) longitudinal welds: One production test plate per welding procedure qualification per drum and per

b) circumferential welds: If the welding procedure qualification is the same as that for the longitudinal
seam of the drum, no additional production test plate is required. If the welding procedure
qualification differs from that of the longitudinal joint, then one production test plate shall be
performed per welding procedure qualification per year.

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EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

6.3 Tests required

6.3.1 Non-destructive testing

The test plates shall be subjected to non-destructive testing identical with the production welds they are
6.3.2 Destructive tests

The test plates and methods of testing shall be in accordance with the requirements of EN ISO 15614-
1:2017, Level 2 for welding procedure qualification.
The following destructive test shall be performed on each production test plate:
a) 1 transverse tensile test at room temperature;

b) 1 longitudinal tensile test on weld metal for production test plates with thickness greater or equal to
20 mm. The test shall be performed at the design temperature of the drum;

c) 1 transverse root bend test;

d) 1 transverse face bend test;

e) 1 transverse side bend test;

f) a series of Charpy V-notch impact tests at room temperature on the deposited material, the number
of test specimens depending on the thickness of the parent material:

1) 3 specimens for thickness less than or equal to 50 mm — taken at the mid thickness;

2) 6 specimens for thickness greater than 50 mm — 3 at the surface of the material, and 3 at the
mid thickness;

g) a series of impact tests at room temperature in the heat affected zone, the number of test specimens
depending on the thickness of the parent material:

1) 3 specimens for thickness less than or equal to 50 mm — taken at the mid thickness;

2) 6 specimens for thickness greater than 50 mm — 3 at the surface of the material, and 3 at the
mid thickness;

h) 1 macroscopic examination;

i) 1 hardness test in accordance with EN ISO 15614-1:2017, Level 2.

6.4 Acceptance criteria

6.4.1 Non-destructive testing

The results obtained from the non-destructive testing of production test plates shall meet the same
acceptance criteria as those required for production welds.
6.4.2 Transverse tensile test

The test results shall meet the following requirements, depending on the position where the fracture
occurs during the test:

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EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

• if the fracture occurs in the parent material: the minimum ultimate tensile strength specified for the
relevant parent material;

• if the fracture occurs in the weld: the minimum ultimate tensile strength specified for the relevant
parent material or, for designs based on the Rp0,2 proof strength, 90 % of the minimum ultimate
tensile strength specified for the relevant parent material.

6.4.3 Longitudinal tensile test on weld metal

The test result shall meet the specified minimum Rp0,2 value for parent material at the design temperature.
6.4.4 Bend tests

During testing, the test specimens shall not reveal any open imperfections greater than 3 mm in any
direction. Imperfections appearing at the corners of a test specimen during testing, shall be ignored in
the evaluation.
6.4.5 Impact values

The test results shall meet the following requirements, depending on the parent material and the position
where the tests for ferritic steels are performed:
a) Charpy V-notch impact tests in the weld deposit:

1) minimum average value: the average value specified for the parent material used in the welding
procedure qualification at the test temperature;

2) minimum single value: one single value may be lower than the value required for the minimum
average value, but shall not be less than 70 % of the minimum average value;

b) Charpy V-notch impact tests in the heat affected zone:

1) minimum average value: 27 J, except for steel group 6 where 24 J is permitted;

2) minimum single value: one single value may be lower than the value required for the minimum
average value, but not be less than 21 J, or 19 J for steel group 6.

6.4.6 Macroscopic examination

Imperfections detected shall be accepted in accordance with the acceptance levels in 7.3 and 7.4.
In addition, the sequence of weld deposition in multi-layer welds, shall be examined, and shall show no
significant deviations in layer sequence, or in weld bead shape, from those defined in the relevant welding
procedure specification.
6.4.7 Hardness survey

For non-post-weld heat treated situations, the maximum acceptable hardness value shall be 350 HV10.
Where post-weld heat treatment is applied, the maximum acceptable hardness value shall be 320 HV10.
Provided that the ductility of the weld has been adequately demonstrated in accordance with the bend
tests as specified in 6.4.4 and the impact tests as specified in 6.4.5, local deviations in the heat affected
zone hardness values specified above shall be acceptable.
6.4.8 Dissimilar joints

In the case of joints of dissimilar joints, the weld metal values shall meet the lower of the specified
minimum values for the parent material as required by 6.4.2, 6.4.3, 6.4.5 and 6.4.7.

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EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

6.5 Non-conformance of results

6.5.1 General

If the results from any test performed on a production test plate do not comply with the requirements of
6.4, the reasons for the failure shall be investigated by the manufacturer who shall ensure that any
remedial action considered necessary will not impair the safety of the boiler.
When the failure of a destructive test is due to a weld defect in the section, two identical additional tests
shall be performed:
• if both retests comply with the requirements of 6.4, the test results shall be deemed to comply with
this document;

• if either retest does not comply with the requirements of 6.4, the cause shall be investigated by the
manufacturer who shall ensure that any remedial action considered necessary will not impair the
safety of the boiler.

6.5.2 Specific case for Charpy V-notch impact tests

In the event of the results of the Charpy V-notch impact re-test failing to comply with the requirements
of 6.4.5, the provisions of either a) or b) shall be permitted:
a) the manufacturer shall carry out further heat treatment of the production test plate provided that
the same heat treatment cycle is applied to those parts of the boiler drum(s) represented, and
provided that no significant adverse effects are caused. After such repeat heat treatment, all the tests
required on a production test plate shall be carried out. The results shall comply with the initial

b) the welds represented by the test specimens having particular Charpy V-notch values less than
required by 6.4.5 shall be accepted as fit for the intended purpose after due consideration of the
specified cause and level of impact test results and of the weld quality.

There are no requirements in this document for fracture mechanics testing. Where such tests are carried
out, they should be carried out at the manufacturer’s responsibility using the latest state of the art
procedures which should ensure that, by their use, the safety of the boiler is not impaired.

7 Non-destructive testing of welds

7.1 Type and extent of non-destructive testing
7.1.1 General

Non-destructive testing (NDT) shall be carried out by personnel following written procedures. Personnel
responsible for non-destructive testing, including interpretation, evaluation and reporting, shall be
qualified and certified in accordance with the requirements of 7.2.
If the required extent of non-destructive testing is less than 100 %, the specified NDT procedures shall
be used in the earliest possible phase of the manufacturing process to ensure that acceptable welds are
The samples shall be
a) randomly selected

b) representative of a lot of welds.

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EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

The sample shall include at least one complete length.

If the number of samples required is too small, then combinations of thick-walled tubes and smaller
diameters or combinations of thin-walled tubes and larger diameters are preferable. The work of all
welders and welding operators shall be examined.
A lot of welds is the number of welds carried out by a welder or operator according to a given welding
All welds carried out during the manufacture and erection of a water-tube boiler shall be visually
Non-destructive testing shall be performed on each component of a water-tube boiler as given in 7.1.2,
7.1.3 and 7.1.4, to the following extent:
c) Surface imperfection detection:

1) on drums: magnetic particle testing shall be used;

2) on headers and tubes: magnetic particle testing shall be used, except in the cases of steel group 1
and steel group 8 and for pressure connection welds for tube stubs on headers with a nominal
diameter less than or equal to 80 mm for steel group 2 and steel group 5, where penetrant testing
may be used;

d) Volumetric imperfection detection:

in general, ultrasonic testing shall be preferred to radiographic testing for ferritic steels. The
volumetric imperfection detection requirements are specified in 7.1.2, 7.1.3 and 7.1.4;

Hardness testing can also be used as a method to determine if post weld heat treatment has been
completed where required.

For steel group 1.1 and 1.2, the required non-destructive testing of welds shall be performed before or
after any required post-weld heat treatment. For all other materials, the required non-destructive testing
of welds shall be performed after any required post-weld heat treatment, except in the case of
circumferential welds in tubes of steel group 5.1 and 5.2 with an outside diameter equal to or less than
114,3 mm and a nominal thickness equal to or less than 7,1 mm, where testing may be carried out before
final post-weld heat treatment.
When in 7.1.2, 7.1.3 and 7.1.4 the non-destructive testing is specified on a random basis, the selected
welds for testing shall include a sample of each welder’s work for each welding procedure specification
on the component concerned. The number of welds to be examined shall then be as a minimum equal to
the given rates as indicated in the Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4 of the total number of welds performed
by each welder following the same welding procedure specification on the same component.
Where this document requires non-destructive testing on a rate of less than 100 % of welds, and when
that testing reveals imperfections that do not comply with the acceptance levels stated in 7.3 and 7.4, the
percentage rate of testing for the concerned welder shall be increased in accordance with 7.1.5.
When examined welds reveal imperfections that do not comply with the acceptance levels stated in 7.3
or 7.4, these imperfections shall be repaired. After repairing, these welds shall be post-weld heat treated
in accordance with the requirements specified for the original weld. The original non-destructive testing
shall then be repeated.
7.1.2 Drums and Headers

Drums and Headers shall be examined to the requirements of Table 2.

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Table 2 — NDT of drum and header welds

Longitudinal and circumferential welds Pressure connection weldsa,b Attachment welds

group to RT/UTd MT/PT
CEN ISO/ do e MT/PTc RT if t < 15 mm eb MT/PT RT/UTe Non-load Load
TR 20172: UT if t ≥ 15 mm carrying carrying
[mm] [mm] [%] [%] [mm] % [%] [%] [%]
≤ 15 10 0
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, ≤ 25 10 100 10 100
all 15 < eb ≤ 25 10 10
> 25 100 100 > 25 100 100 10 100
2.1, 2.2, 3.1, ≤ 15 10 0-
3.2, 3.3, 4.1,
4.2 15 < eb ≤ 25 100 10
5.1, 5.2, 5.3, all all 100 100 10 100
> 25 100 100
6.1, 6.2, 6.3,
≤ 70 (end plate 100 –
all thickness)
(flat end
welds)f >8
> 70 (end plate 100 100
a All welds at the branch until the first isolating valve.
b If ultrasonic testing is not possible, radiographic testing is permitted instead.
c Magnetic particle testing, but penetrant testing is acceptable in the case of test restrictions and for steel group 8
d In the case of test restrictions, other methods are permitted which provide the same level of safety.
e No volumetric imperfection detection is required if d0 < 142 mm
f ends in accordance with EN 12952-3:2011, Figure 10.3–1 c), d), f), g)

7.1.3 Tube walls

Tube walls shall be examined to the requirements of Table 3. For circumferential welds at boiler tubes
with do < 76,1 mm tested by using elliptical radiographic technique it is sufficient to have 1 partial image
per weld provided that the other requirements of EN ISO 17636-1:2013 are met; percentage in Table 3
relates to the number of welds.

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Table 3 — NDT of welds of tube walls

circumferential welds longitudinal transversal fin-to- Attachment welds

Material fin-to-fin welds fin welds
group to
CEN ISO/ Non-load carrying Load carrying
TR 20172: MT/PT MT/PT
[%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%]
1.1–1.4, e/do < 0,12: 20
0 0 0 5 10 100
5.1–5.4 e/do ≥ 0,12: 30
all other
material 10 30 10a 10 5 10 100
a only assembly welds

7.1.4 Pipes and Tubes

Pipes and tubes shall be examined to the requirements of Table 4. For circumferential welds at boiler
tubes with do < 76,1 mm tested by using elliptical radiographic technique it is sufficient to have 1 partial
image per weld provided that the other requirements of EN ISO 17636-1:2013 are met; percentage in
Table 4 relates to the number of welds.

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Table 4 — NDT of pipe and tube welds for water and steam until first isolating valve
circumferential welds Pressure connection weldsc
Material welds
group to RT/UT MT/PT
d0 e MT/PTa RT if t < 15 mm eb MT/PT RT/UTb Non-load Load
TR 20172:
2009 UT if t ≥ 15 mm carrying carrying
[mm] [mm] [%] [%] [mm] % [%] [%] [%]

≤ 15 10 0 – 10
≤ 76,1 ≤ 25 10 10
15 < eb ≤ 25 10 10 – 10
≤ 15 10 0 10 100
≤ 25 10 10
1.1 76,1 < d0 ≤ 142 15 < eb ≤ 25 10 10 10 100
1.2 > 25 100 10 > 25 10 10 10 100
≤ 15 10 0 10 100
≤ 25 100 10
> 142 15 < eb ≤ 25 10 10 10 100
> 25 100 100 > 25 100 100 10 100
≤ 15 10 0 – 10
≤ 76,1 ≤ 25 10 10
15 < eb ≤ 25 10 10 – 10
1.3, 1.4,
2.1, 2.2, ≤ 15 10 0 10 100
≤ 25 10 10
3.1, 3.2, 76,1 < d0 ≤ 142 15 < eb ≤ 25 10 10 10 100
3.3, 4.1,
4.2, > 25 100 100 > 25 100 100 10 100
5.1, 5.2, 100 100 ≤ 15 10 0 10 100
5.3, 5.4, ≤ 25
> 142 100 100 15 < eb ≤ 25 10 10 10 100
> 25 100 100 > 25 100 100 10 100
≤ 15 25 0 – 10
≤ 76,1 ≤ 25 25 25
15 < eb ≤ 25 25 25 – 10
≤ 15 25 25 10 100
6.1, 6.2, ≤ 25 25 25
6.3, 6.4, 76,1 < d0 ≤ 142 15 < eb ≤ 25 100 25 10 100
7.1, 7.2 > 25 100 100 > 25 100 100 10 100
8.1, 8.2, 8.3
100 100 ≤ 15 100 25 10 100
≤ 25
> 142 100 100 15 < eb ≤ 25 100 25 10 100
> 25 100 100 > 25 100 100 10 100
100 100
Dissimilar 100 (RT) 100 (RT)
all all (manually) all (manually) n.a. n.a.
weldsd 10e 10e
10e 10e
a Magnetic particle testing, but penetrant testing is acceptable in the case of test restrictions and for steel group 8 or when
using nickel-based or austenitic welding filler metals.
b No volumetric imperfection detection is required if d0 < 142 mm
c If an ultrasonic examination is not possible, radiographic testing is permitted instead.
d martensitic-austenitic
e for partially or fully mechanical welding processes

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7.1.5 Extension procedure of random testing in case of repairs

When performing a rate of non-destructive testing less than 100 %, as permitted in 7.1.2, 7.1.3 and 7.1.4,
and when the result of the testing is not acceptable in accordance with the requirements of 7.3 or 7.4, the
principle for the extension of the rate of that NDT shall be as follows:
a) the basis for an extension of the rate of testing shall always be related to each individual component,
to each welder involved in the manufacture of this component, and to the same type of welds (lot);

b) when performing the random testing, if one weld, or more than one weld, is (are) revealed as not
being acceptable according to the requirements of 7.3 or 7.4, the testing shall be extended to two
additional welds of the same lot, for each rejected weld;

c) if these additional welds are acceptable, the rejected weld shall be repaired or replaced and shall be
again subjected to the original NDT procedure until the respective weld can be considered
acceptable. Then it shall be returned to the original rate.

d) if one of the two additional welds required by (b) has an unacceptable imperfection, ten additional
welds of the same lot shall be tested;

e) if the ten additional welds required by (d) are acceptable, the original weld and the weld(s) with
unacceptable imperfection(s) tested in accordance with (b) shall be repaired or replaced and shall
be again subjected to the original NDT procedure until the respective welds can be considered
acceptable. Then it shall be returned to the original rate.

f) if one of the additional welds required by (d) has an unacceptable imperfection, the method of
increasing the extent of the test shall be based on this principle, in order to continue 10 further welds
of the same lot each time until all the welds of the extended test are acceptable.

g) if the extension procedure continues to reveal unacceptable welds, the extension procedure shall be
increased until a rate of 100 % testing is being carried out.

7.2 Qualification of non-destructive testing (NDT) personnel

Personnel responsible for non-destructive testing, including interpretation, evaluation and reporting
shall be certified in accordance with the general requirements of EN ISO 9712:2012.
An exception to this requirement shall be made for visual examination of welds and final inspection of
boilers, for which EN ISO 9712:2012 is not applicable.
Magnetic particle testing shall be performed under the direct supervision of personnel qualified to level 2
of EN ISO 9712:2012 as a minimum.
Penetrant testing shall be performed under the direct supervision of personnel qualified to level 2 of
EN ISO 9712:2012 as a minimum.
Ultrasonic testing shall be performed by an operator qualified to level 2 of EN ISO 9712:2012 as a
minimum for UT.
Radiographs shall be viewed by personnel qualified to level 2 of EN ISO 9712:2012 as a minimum.
Visual examination shall be carried out by experienced personnel having sufficient knowledge in welding
techniques, and a full comprehension of this document, to identify and interpret imperfections that might
occur at the surface of the weld and the heat affected zone.

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7.3 The detection of surface imperfections

7.3.1 General

For application to water-tube boiler inspection during manufacture or erection, the welds shall be
accepted in the undressed condition, unless dressing is necessary to carry out satisfactory non-
destructive testing.
Indications which cannot be identified as being acceptable in accordance with Table 5, or which cannot
be positively identified as not being cracks, lack of fusion, lack of penetration, overlap or poor stop or re-
start, shall be identified by other means. If the indication cannot be identified, it shall be assumed to be
an imperfection and shall be removed.
7.3.2 Visual examination

Visual examination shall be carried out in accordance with EN ISO 17637:2016.

The acceptance criteria for the surface imperfections of welds shall be in accordance with Table 5.
Acceptance limits for imperfections occurring at the surface of welded components have been derived by
reference to EN ISO 5817:2014 and EN ISO 6520-1:2007.
The requirements of the above standards have been supplemented to reflect current water-tube boiler
manufacturing practice. Where this has been done, an identifying letter “S” has been utilized in the
Table 5 in the column “EN ISO 5817:2014 level”.
For the special case of longitudinal fin to tube welds, the acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with
EN 12952-5:2021, Annex C.
7.3.3 Penetrant testing

Penetrant testing shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of EN ISO 3452-1:2021 and
EN ISO 23277:2015.
Acceptance levels shall be in accordance with EN ISO 23277:2015.
7.3.4 Magnetic particle testing

Magnetic particle testing shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of EN ISO 17638:2016
and EN ISO 23278:2015.
Acceptance levels shall be in accordance with EN ISO 23278:2015.

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7.3.5 Acceptance criteria for weld surface imperfections

Table 5 — Acceptance criteria for weld surface imperfections

Identification of imperfection Limit of imperfection

6520- 520-
1:2007 1:2007 Type of imperfection Maximum permitted
Group Referen
No. ce No.
1 100X Cracks (all) B Not permitted
2 201X Gas cavity (all) “S” — d ≤ 0,2 × e, max. 2 mm, with additional conditions
202X Shrinkage cavity (all) (B) that:
— it does not occur at a stop or restart.
d is the diameter of pore in mm,
e is the thickness of base material, in mm.
3 301X Slag inclusions (all) “S” Not permitted when occurring at the surface (shall
302X Flux inclusions (all) be removed e.g. by grinding).
303X Oxide inclusions (all)
304X Metallic inclusions (all)
4 401X Lack of fusion (all) B Not permitted.
402 Lack of penetration B Not permitted if a full penetration weld is required.
4021 Lack of root penetration
5 5011 Undercut, continuous C h ≤ 0,1 e, max. 0,5 mm (irrespective of length).
5012 Undercut, intermittent A smooth transition is required
h is depth of the notch and
e is thickness of base material, in mm.
5013 Shrinkage groove C h ≤ 0,1 e, max. 1,0 mm (irrespective of length).
A smooth transition is required
h is depth of the notch and
e is thickness of base material, in mm.
502 Excess weld metal C Height ≤ 1 mm + 0,15 b, maximum 7 mm
(butt joint) where
b is width of weld, in mm.
A smooth transition is required.
5 503 Height ≤ 1 mm + 0,15 b, maximum 4 mm
Excessive convexity where
(fillet weld) b is width of weld, in mm.
A smooth transition is required.
504 Excess penetration C Height ≤ 1 mm + 0,6 b, maximum 4 mm
b is the width of the penetration, in mm.

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Identification of imperfection Limit of imperfection

6520- 520-
1:2007 1:2007 Type of imperfection Maximum permitted
Group Referen
No. ce No.
5041 Local excess penetration “S” Occasional local excess (see No. 504) is permitted
with a maximum that shall be related to the
operating conditions.
505 Abrupt weld transition B butt welds: α ≥ 150°
fillet welds: α ≥ 110°
506 Overlap B Not permitted.
507 Linear misalignment See EN 12952-5:2021, 7.4 and 8.11.
508 Angular misalignment See EN 12952-5:2021, 7.4 and 8.11.
509 Sagging C Long imperfections (>25 mm) not permitted.
Short imperfections (≤25 mm) not permitted if
h ≥ 0,10 e, Maximum 1,0 mm
h is the depth of sagging, in mm,
e is the thickness of parent material, in mm.
510 Burn through B Not permitted.
511 Incompletely filled groove C Same as for sagging No. 509.
512 Excessive asymmetry of D h ≤ 2 mm + 0,2 a
fillet weld where
h is the excess of one leg, in mm;
a is the throat of weld, in mm.
515 Root concavity C Long imperfections (>25 mm) are not permitted.
Short imperfections (≤25 mm) are permitted if
h ≤ 0,1 × e, max. 1 mm
h is the root concavity, in mm;
e is the thickness of base material, in mm.
A smooth transition is required.
516 Root porosity B Not permitted.
517 Poor restart B Not permitted.
6 601 Not permitted. Grinding is required plus penetrant
Stray arc “S” testing or magnetic particle inspection to ensure that
no crack is left.

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Identification of imperfection Limit of imperfection

6520- 520-
1:2007 1:2007 Type of imperfection Maximum permitted
Group Referen
No. ce No.
602 Spatter “S” Shall normally be removed from all pressure parts
and from both load and non-load carrying
attachment welds. Isolated, non-systematic spatter
may however be permitted on components made
from steel group 1.
In the special case of circumferential welded fins
which are attached to tubes by a mechanized welding
process, spatter should be minimized, but any
produced may remain, regardless of the material or
heat treatment involved.
603 Torn surface “S” Not permitted. Shall be ground. A smooth transition
is required.
604 Grinding mark “S” Not permitted. Shall be flushed by grinding. A smooth
transition is required.
605 Chipping mark “S” Not permitted, shall be flushed by grinding. A smooth
transition is required.
606 Underflushing “S” Not permitted. Any local underflushing shall be
related to the design characteristics (calculated
thickness + corrosion allowance = minimum
thickness for parent material). Thickness shall be
measured by ultrasonic method in case of doubt.
7.4 Testing for volumetric imperfections
7.4.1 Radiographic testing Method

Radiographic testing of welds shall be carried out in accordance with EN ISO 17636-1:2013. Where
appropriate, radiographic techniques with film may be replaced by those with digital detectors in
accordance with EN ISO 17636-2:2013. Acceptance criteria for imperfections

The acceptance criteria for internal imperfections of welds detected by radiography shall be in
accordance with Table 6.
Acceptance limits for imperfections occurring in the body of the weldment have been derived by
reference to EN ISO 5817:2014 and EN ISO 6520-1:2007.
The requirements of the above standards have been supplemented to reflect current water-tube boiler
manufacturing practice. Where this has been done, an identifying letter “S” has been utilized in Table 6 in
the column “EN ISO 5817:2014 level”.

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Table 6 — Acceptance criteria for weld internal imperfections detected by radiography

Identification of imperfection Limit of imperfection

6520- 520-
1:2007 1:2007 Type of imperfection Maximum permitted
Group Referen
No. ce No.
1 100X Cracks (all) B Not permitted
2 2011 Gas pore (isolated or “S” d ≤ 0,3 e, maximum 4 mm for e ≤ 60 mm and
individual in a group) (C-D) maximum 5 mm for e > 60 mm
d is the diameter of a single pore, in mm;
e is the thickness of parent material, in mm.
2012 Uniformly distributed C For any individual pore, see gas pore No. 2011.
B Not permitted if the total projected surface of
porosity exceeds 2 % of the considered projected
surface of weld.
2013 Localized (clustered) “S” For any individual pore, see gas pore No. 2011.
B Not permitted if the total projected surface of
porosity exceeds 4 % of the considered projected
surface of the weld, which is the greatest of the 2
following areas:
area 1: an envelope surrounding all the pores;
area 2: a circle with a diameter corresponding to the
weld width.
2014 Linear porosity “S” Same as for uniformly distributed pores No. 2012,
but the distance between two pores shall always be
greater than twice the diameter of the bigger one,
and not be less than 4 mm (to ensure that there is no
chance of having a lack of fusion)
2015 Elongated cavities “S” l ≤ 0,3 e, maximum 5 mm, and w ≤ 2 mm
(better where
than B) l is the length of the projected indication, in mm;
e is the thickness of parent material, in mm;
w is width of the projected indication, in mm.
2016 Worm holes “S” Same as for elongated cavity No. 2015.
202 l ≤ 0,3 e, maximum 4 mm, and w ≤ 2 mm
Shrinkage cavities l is the length of the projected indication, in mm;
e is the thickness of parent material, in mm;
w is the width of the projected indication, in mm.

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Identification of imperfection Limit of imperfection

6520- 520-
1:2007 1:2007 Type of imperfection Maximum permitted
Group Referen
No. ce No.
3 301 Slag inclusions “S” w ≤ 0,3 e, maximum 3 mm and to the application:
(C) a) yield range
l ≤ e, max. 50 mm
b) creep range
l ≤ 0,5 e, max. 25 mm
w is the width of projected indication, in mm;
l is the length of projected indication, in mm;
e is the thickness of parent material, in mm.
NOTE In the case of several linear slag inclusions
with a distance between two of them less than twice
the longest of them, the total length needs to be
considered as a defect.
302 Flux inclusion “S” Same as for slag inclusion No. 301.
303 Oxide inclusion “S” Same as for slag inclusion No. 301.
304 Metallic inclusion “S” Copper inclusions not permitted
Tungsten inclusions: same as for gas pore No. 2011 –
2012 – 2013.
4 401X Lack of fusion (all) B Not permitted.
402 Lack of penetration B Not permitted if a full penetration weld is required.
5 500 Imperfect shape These defects are normally accepted or rejected by visual
examination. Nevertheless, such defects can occur on surfaces
which have no access for visual examination (internal tubes for
5011 Undercut, continuous - -
5012 Undercut, intermittent
5013 Shrinkage groove - -
504 Excess penetration - -
5041 Local excess penetration - -
515 Root concavity - -
516 Root porosity - -
517 Poor restart - -

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7.4.2 Ultrasonic testing Method

Ultrasonic testing of welds shall be carried out in accordance with EN ISO 17640:2018.
EN ISO 17640:2018 shall be fully applied to ultrasonic testing of welds during manufacture of water-tube
boilers in accordance with this document. However, the following specific requirements shall be met and
specified in a testing procedure when options are permitted by these standards:
a) austenitic steels: ultrasonic testing of fusion welded joints in austenitic materials shall be carried out
in accordance with written procedures based on the manufacturer’s own proven practices which
shall ensure that, by their use, the safety of the boiler is not impaired;

b) partial penetration welds: ultrasonic testing of partial penetration welds shall be carried out in
accordance with written procedures based on the manufacturer’s own proven practices which shall
ensure that, by their use, the safety of the boiler is not impaired;

c) the examination level B shall be in accordance with EN ISO 11666:2018. The specific test
requirements for the testing shall be specified in a written instruction according to
EN ISO 17640:2018 and be made available for the UT-operator.

d) transverse defects: ultrasonic testing for transverse defects shall be performed:

1) on steel group 1.2, where the thickness of parent material is 40 mm and over;

2) on steel groups 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 for all parent material thicknesses;

e) tandem testing technique: the tandem testing technique shall not normally be applied to water-tube

f) probe frequencies: probes with a frequency between 1,5 MHz and 5 MHz shall be used for normal
application. Specific applications requiring frequencies outside this range shall be based on the
manufacturer’s own proven practices which shall ensure that, by their use, the safety of the boiler is
not impaired;

g) parent metal testing: parent metal in the area of the scanning zone shall be ultrasonically tested with
a normal probe before testing with an angle probe if the edge zone of the parent metal has not been
previously examined before welding;

h) preparation of the surface: scanning surfaces and surfaces from which the sound beam is reflected
shall be assumed to be satisfactory if the surface roughness is not greater than 12,5 µm;

NOTE Roughnesses greater than this value can still be acceptable if it can be demonstrated that effective
ultrasonic testing can be achieved.

i) signal to noise ratio: during the testing of a weld, the noise level, excluding spurious surface
indications, shall be at least 12 dB below the evaluation level required;

j) measurement of the length of defects: the length of reflectors, in either the longitudinal or transverse
direction shall be normally determined by using the half amplitude method (6 dB technique);

Other methods can be used, based on the manufacturer’s own proven practices which should ensure that,
by their use, the safety of the boiler is not impaired.

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k) height measurements; where EN ISO 17640:2018 is applicable, defect height measurement shall not
be necessary. For application outside the scope of EN ISO 17640:2018, the examination level and the
acceptance criteria shall be based on the manufacturer’s own proven practices which shall ensure
that, by their use, the safety of the boiler is not impaired;

l) application of ultrasonic testing for thicknesses less than 8 mm: ultrasonic testing of fusion welded
joints in material 8 mm thick, or less, shall be carried out in accordance with written procedures
based on the manufacturer’s own proven practices which shall ensure that, by their use, the safety of
the boiler is not impaired.

Where appropriate, ultrasonic testing in accordance with EN ISO 17640:2018 using angle probes may be
replaced by phased array technology in accordance with EN ISO 13588:2019. In this case the
aforementioned specific requirements shall also apply. Acceptance criteria

The acceptance criteria for ultrasonic testing of welds shall be acceptance level AL 3 according to
EN ISO 11666:2018.
7.5 Non-destructive testing reports

The following information shall be provided as a minimum in the test reports:

a) identification of the water-tube boiler component;

b) identification of the welds examined and the scanning pattern used;

c) identification of the fusion welding procedure specifications;

d) the stress relief or heat treatment condition;

e) the surface preparation prior to the testing (e.g. machined, ground, as welded);

f) the testing procedure reference;

g) the details of application of the procedure (e.g. type of magnetization, consumables used, type of
radiographic source, type of probes);

h) the reference for acceptance criteria;

i) the results of the testing, including the details of any repairs;

j) in the case of percentage testing, the extension zones of testing, if any are required, and their results;

k) the conformity of the results with this document;

l) the date when the testings were carried out;

m) the name and qualification of the personnel responsible for the testing, the evaluation and

n) the date of the report.

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8 Final inspection
8.1 Visual and dimensional examinations

Visual and dimensional examinations shall be carried out using the approved drawings.
All inspection shall be carried out visually, but may be supplemented by the use of suitable auxiliary
means when necessary. The type and performances of any additional examinations shall be based on the
manufacturer’s own proven practices which shall ensure that, by their use, the safety of the boiler is not
The final inspection shall be carried out on each pressure part of the water-tube boiler. The inspection
shall be carried out in the manufacturer’s workshop or at the erection site.
The safety-relevant dimensions and the location of the components in the water-tube boiler, the
departure of circularity, and the deviations from straight line of cylindrical components and drums shall
be examined. The pitches and the conformance to the design of tube holes shall be spot-checked.
The surfaces shall be examined for imperfections, especially in the case of formed components. In cases
where the components have not been formed, or where the examination of surface imperfections has
already been carried out during manufacture, the final inspection shall be restricted to the inter-
connection areas.
The installation of drums and headers, connecting pipework and tube walls, separators, coolers in water-
tube boilers shall be checked for the adequacy of support and support expansion arrangements.
The internal attachments in drums and other components shall be checked where practicable.
The accessibility of access and inspection openings, and the suitability of such openings for the insertion
of inspection equipment, shall be checked.
For major components designed to operate in the creep range, the provision and location of the creep
measuring devices shall be spot-checked (e.g. measuring points of expansion, surface replications).
8.2 Hydrostatic pressure test
8.2.1 General

The test pressure to be used on water-tube boiler components and complete boiler assemblies shall be
determined in accordance with EN 12952-3:2011, 5.7.4.
8.2.2 Test procedure

The hazards involved in pressure testing shall be considered by the manufacturer and adequate
precautions shall be taken.
Since it is necessary to avoid the risk of repeated over-pressurization, it is recommended that, prior to
the witnessed hydrostatic test, a preliminary examination of the water-tube boiler or component should
be carried out at the maximum allowable pressure for the purpose of identifying any significant leaks.
Care should be taken to ensure that the complete pressure envelope, its supports and its foundations are
capable of withstanding the total load that will be imposed upon them during the pressure test.
Water shall be used as the pressurizing agent. The quality of the water used shall be such as to prevent
both corrosion and any residue of injurious solids.
The completed water-tube boiler, and any components which are required to be hydrostatically tested
before assembly into the water-tube boiler, shall be tested with a water at a temperature such that the
risk of freezing is avoided. The temperature of the water used for the pressure test shall be selected by
the manufacturer taking into account the risk of brittle fracture of the pressure parts, but in any case the
temperature selected for the pressure test shall not exceed 50 °C.

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The water-tube boiler, or component being tested, and their connections shall be vented, or evacuated,
to prevent the formation of air pockets. However, small pockets of trapped air may remain after filling,
and the procedure with regard to these shall be based on the manufacturer’s own proven practices which
shall ensure that, the safety of the boiler is not impaired.
All temporary tubes, connections and blanking devices shall be designed to withstand the appropriate
test pressure.
No component undergoing pressure testing shall be subjected to any form of shock loading, e.g. hammer
testing, thermal shock, or rapid pressure changes.
The full test pressure shall be maintained for 30 min for completed water-tube boilers and large
components, and for an appropriately lesser time for smaller components.
Prior to close examination, the test pressure shall be reduced to not less than the maximum allowable
Pressure parts which have been repaired following the hydrostatic test shall again be hydrostatically
tested in accordance with 8.2, after completion of the repair and any required post-weld heat treatment
and non-destructive testing, unless otherwise agreed. Such an agreement shall be based on the
manufacturer’s own proven practices which shall ensure that, the safety of the boiler is not impaired.

9 Documentation
The manufacturer shall produce a design and manufacturing data dossier.
This dossier shall be delivered to the purchaser on completion of the contract.
As a minimum, the manufacturer’s data dossier shall contain:
a) a description of the water-tube boiler;

b) the location of the identification markings of the water-tube boiler (see Clause 10);

c) the water-tube boiler general arrangement drawings;

d) the pressure parts general drawings;

e) a resume of the different pressure parts thicknesses and corrosion/erosion allowances;

f) the list of parent materials, together with a copy of material certificates;

g) the list of filler materials;

h) the list of welding procedure specifications used which make reference to corresponding approved
welding procedures;

i) the list of welders involved in the manufacture and erection with the reference number(s) of their

j) the extent and location of non-destructive testing, together with a list of non-destructive testing
procedures used and a list of operators with the reference number(s) of their qualifications;

k) details of any approved design modifications/manufacturing concessions (deviations) which have

been carried out during the manufacturing stage;

l) the hydrostatic test certificate(s).

BS EN 12952‑6:2021
EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

10 Marking
Each water-tube boiler and each component submitted to the individual test shall be permanently and
legibly marked to show the identity and origin of the boiler, and the permissible operating parameters.
For each water-tube boiler or component, this marking shall be affixed above the manhole of the main
steam and water drum, or preferably on a plate permanently attached to a principal pressure part of the
The marking shall include the following:
a) name and address of the manufacturer;

b) serial number;

c) year of manufacture;

d) maximum allowable pressure and temperature;

e) date of first hydrostatic test and test pressure;

f) number of this document;

g) reference number of the responsible third party organization, if applicable;

h) CE marking, if applicable;

i) MCR (Maximum Continuous Rating).

BS EN 12952‑6:2021
EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

Annex A

Special requirements for chemical recovery boilers

A.1 General
This annex specifies requirements for the inspection during construction; documentation and marking
of chemical recovery boilers as defined in EN 12952-5:2021, E.2. These special requirements are
additional to all the other requirements of this document which shall continue to apply.

A.2 Special requirements for non-destructive testing (NDT) of welds

A.2.1 General

The testing of welds between composite tubes shall be performed before the cover layer is deposited.
The general requirements of this document, mainly Clause 7, shall be supplemented by the application of
the specific requirements in A.2.2.
A.2.2 Special requirements for NDT of welds in a chemical recovery boiler - Volumetric

All the welds that are in a position in which a leak could result in a water/smelt explosion shall be
subjected to 100 % volumetric testing.
A.2.3 Methods of testing

If it is possible, the volumetric testing shall be carried out by radiographic testing in accordance with
EN ISO 17636-1:2013, class B or EN ISO 17636-2:2013, class B. When choosing the radiographic
technique for the tube panels, it shall be ensured that the area located next to the fins on the inside of the
chemical recovery boiler furnace will be reliably inspected. If only one X-ray exposure per weld has been
carried out, then a possible complementary test method and technique shall be used, in accordance with
written procedures and by agreement as part of the design qualification process. A volumetric testing
shall be performed on finished welds. An exception is composite tubes, where the testing can be carried
out after the pressure bearing weld of parent material is ready before welding the cladding.
In addition, all composite tube welds in the position where a leak can result in a water/smelt explosion
shall be examined 10 % by a penetrant test method. Inspection shall be carried out inside the furnace on
finished welds. This addition is not necessary if radiography has been carried out with the cladding

BS EN 12952‑6:2021
EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

Annex B

Significant technical changes between this document and the previous


Clause/Paragraph/Table/Figure Change
2/Normative references References updated.
6/Qualification of welding procedure Transferred to EN 12952-5:2021, 8.3
specification from EN 12952-6:2011
7/Welder and welding operator Transferred to EN 12952-5:2021, 8.4
qualification from EN 12952-6:2011
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Numbering subsequently updated.
7.1/ Type and extent of non-destructive Clause completely modified. Assignment of extent of
testing NDT to materials and dimensions
7.1.1/Type and extent of non-destructive Addition of hardness survey as possible method to
testing -General determine completion of PWT
7.1.5/Extension procedure of random Extension procedure clarified.
testing in case of repairs testing - Method Addition of reference to EN ISO 17636-2:2013 for
digital radiographic techniques . testing - Method Addition of reference to EN ISO 13588:2019 for phased
array technology.
Annex A/Special requirements for Title remodified from “Special requirements for
chemical recovery boiler composite tubes” with regard to A.2.2.
Clauses A.2, A.3 of EN 12952-6:2011 transferred to
EN 12952-5:2021, Annex E, E.6, E.7.
NOTE The technical changes referred include the significant technical changes from the EN revised
but is not an exhaustive list of all modifications from the previous version.

BS EN 12952‑6:2021
EN 12952-6:2021 (E)

Annex ZA

Relationship between this European Standard and the essential

requirements of Directive 2014/68/EU aimed to be covered

This European Standard has been prepared under a Commission’s standardization request M/071 to
provide one voluntary means of conforming to essential requirements of New Approach
Directive 2014/68/EU.
Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union under that Directive, compliance
with the normative clauses of this standard given in Table ZA.1 confers, within the limits of the scope of
this standard, a presumption of conformity with the corresponding essential requirements of that
Directive, and associated EFTA regulations.
Table ZA.1 — Correspondence between this European Standard and Directive 2014/68/EU

Essential Safety Clause(s)/subclause(s) Remarks/Notes

Requirements (ESRs) of of this EN
Directive 2014/68/EU,
Annex I
3.1.2 6.2
3.1.2 1st paragraph 7 Non-destructive testing of welds
3.2.1 8.1
3.2.2 8.2
3.3 a) 10
WARNING 1 — Presumption of conformity stays valid only as long as a reference to this European
Standard is maintained in the list published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Users of this
standard should consult frequently the latest list published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
WARNING 2 — Other Union legislation can be applicable to the product(s) falling within the scope of this

BS EN 12952‑6:2021
EN 12952-6:2021 (E)


[1] EN 10204, Metallic products - Types of inspection documents

[2] EN ISO 9000:2015, Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary (ISO 9000:2015)

[3] EN ISO 9001, Quality management systems - Requirements (ISO 9001)

[4] EN ISO 15614-13, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials -
Welding procedure test - Part 13: Upset (resistance butt) and flash welding (ISO 15614-13)

[5] EN ISO 23279, Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic testing - Characterization of

discontinuities in welds (ISO 23279)

[6] CR 12952-17, Water boilers and auxiliary installations — Part 17: Guideline for the involvement of
an inspection body independent of the manufacturer

[7] EN ISO 148-1:2016, Metallic materials - Charpy pendulum impact test - Part 1: Test method
(ISO 148-1:2016)

[8] EN ISO 9606-1:2017, Qualification testing of welders - Fusion welding - Part 1: Steels
(ISO 9606-1:2012 including Cor 1:2012 and Cor 2:2013)

[9] EN ISO 14732:2013, Welding personnel - Qualification testing of welding operators and weld
setters for mechanized and automatic welding of metallic materials (ISO 14732:2013)

[10] EN ISO 15613:2004, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials -
Qualification based on pre-production welding test (ISO 15613:2004)

[11] EN ISO 17639:2013, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Macroscopic and
microscopic examination of welds (ISO 17639:2003)


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