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Iso 10523 1994

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First edition

Water quality - Determination of pH

Qualit6 de I’eau - Determination du pH

ISO 10523:1994

Reference number
ISO 10523:1994(E)
ISO 10523:1994(E)


ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide

federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(1EC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are

circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.

International Standard ISO

10523 was prepared by Technical Committee
lSO/TC 147, Water quality, Subcommittee SC 2, Physical, Chemical,
biochemical methods. ISO 10523:1994
Annexes A, B, C, D and E of this International Standard are for information

0 ISO 1994
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no patt of this publication may be reproduced
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microfilm, without Permission in writing from the publishar.
International Organkation for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-l 211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
0 ISO ISO 10523:1994(E)

The measurement of the pH-value of water is of great importante for
many types of Sample. High and low pH-values are toxic for aquatic
organisms, either directly or indirectly. lt is the most essential Parameter
used in assessing the corrosive properties of an aquatic environment.
Also, it is important for the effective Operation 0% water treatment pro-
cesses and their control (e.g. flocculation and chlorine disinfection), control
of plumbosolvency of drinking waters and biological treatment of sewage
and sewage discharges.
Various methods of determination, ranging from simple methods using
indicator Paper to sophisticated methods using a pH-meter are used. The
determination of pH may be broadly classified into two classes,
colorimetric and electrometric methods (see [l] and [2] in annex E).
Colorimetric methods employ indicators which develop a range of colours
at different pH. Their accuracy is restricted and they are only satisfactory
for use in a field test.
ISO 10523:1994
The electrometric method is based on measuring the electromotive forte
of an electrochemical cell, consisting of the Sample, a glass electrode and
reference electrode. A Standard deviation of Apl-i = 0,05 or less tan be
obtained using this method. If the Sample is low in ionic strength, i.e. less
than 5 mS/m electrolytic conductivity, special analytical equipment and
procedures are necessary (see 7.3).
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ISO 10523:1994

Water quality - Determination of pH

1 Scope cent edition of the Standard indicated below. Mem-

bers of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently
valid International Standards.
1.1 Field of application
ISO 5667-3: -l), Water quality - Sampling - Part 3:
This method is applicable to all types of water and Guidance on the preservation and handling of
waste water samples in the range from pH 3 to samples.
pH 10.

1.2 Interferences 3 Definition

The temperature,
some gases and organic materials For the purposes of this International Standard, the
interfere with the pH-measurement. (standards.iteh.ai)
Suspended ma- following definition applies.
terials in the Sample may Cause significant errors
(Suspension effect). Wait for Sedimentation and 3.1 pH: The negative decadic logarithm of the nu-
merical value of hydrogen ion activity expressed in
insert the electrodes inhttps://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/b7d0481a-55c9-44e8-b70f-
the clear fraction. Alterna-
tively, an Ultrafiltrate tan be taken. When305c9b66e578/iso-10523-1994
measuring moles per litre. Because of ion interactions, the ac-
sewage and some surface waters, there is a particu- tivity of the hydrogen ions is somewhat lower than
larly high risk of smearing the electrodes or contami- their concentration.
nating the membranes and diaphragms with Oil,
The practical pH-scale is specified in terms of the pH
grease or other contaminants.
of a series of primary Standard reference solutions
In the case of reference electrodes, this tan be pre- (see annex B).
vented (see 5.4, note 2). If precipitation takes place in
the diaphragm, for example silver sulfide or Protein
4 Reagents
flocs, it will be necessary to form an electrolyte bridge
between the Sample and the reference electrode with
inert electrolytes, e.g. c(KN03) = 1 mol/l. 4.1 Water which is free from carbon dioxide

Regular cleaning of the electrodes is necessaty (see Prepare this water from distilled or deionized water
9 .2) . by boiling or by equilibration with nitrogen. This water
is required to dilute the buffer solutions for the double
calibration (see 9.1).
2 Normative reference
The following Standard contains provisions which, 4.2 Standard buff er solutions
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
of this International Standard. At the time of publi- Use solutions B, C, D, F and 1, which are given in an-
cation, the edition indicated was valid. All Standards nex B, or commercially available primaty buffer sol-
are subject to revision, and Parties to agreements utions that are not affected by the growth of
based on this International Standard are encouraged microorganisms. If the solutions are not sterilized,
to investigate the possibility of applying the most re- they are stable for about 6 weeks. Carbon dioxide

1) To be published. (Revision of ISO 56673:1985)

ISO 10523:1994(E) (QISO

from the atmosphere affects buffers with pH-values The cell tan also be a commercially availab Ie combi-
of more than 4. nation e Iectrode (i .e. a mono-rod mea chain).

Buffer solutions which are of greater ionic strength NOTES

than the buffer solutions in annex B are not suitable
3 Calomel electrodes contain mercury and its salts. In the
for measurements in water with a low salt concen-
event of a breakage, the heavy toxic contents enter the
tration (see [9] in annex E).
medium, therefore in general and especially in water used
for drinking or swimming, a silver/silver chloride reference
electrode should be used. To prevent clogging the
Commercially available buffer solutions containing mer- diaphragm with silver chloride, a reference electrolyte of
CU ry salts as a preservative should be avoided. c(KCI) = 1,0 mol/1 is recommended.

2 For other buffer solutions, see [6], [IO] and [l l] - in an- 4 Reference electrodes with a flowrate of 0,l ml to 2 ml
nex E. per day are recommended. All new electrodes should be
tested before use and then at regular intervals (see 9.1). To
prevent contamination of the diaphragm, an excess
4.3 Reference electrolyte hydrostatic pressure in the reference electrolyte, equivalent
to a differente in water level of 2 cm or more, is necessary.
Electrolyte Solution to refill the reference electrode
according to the instructions of the manufacturer, e.g. 5 Glass electrode for water with a low conductivity (see
potassium chloride solutions with the following con-
centrations: 6 Test procedures of electronie units and electrodes (see
[8] in annex E).
1: c(KCl) = 3,5 mol/1 [p(KCI) = 261 g/l]

II: C( KCI) = 3,0 mol/1 [p(KCI) = 224 g/l]

iTeh STANDARD 6 Sampling
PREVIEW and samples
I 11:c(KCI) = 1,O mol/1 [p( KCI) = 74,6 g/l] (standards.iteh.ai)
The pH-value may Change rapidly as a result of
Chemical, physical or biological processes in the water
Dissolve the specified mass of potassium chloride in Sample. For this reason, measure the pH as quickly
water and dilute to 1 litre. If Saturation with silver ISO 10523:1994 as possible but not later than 6 h after sampling (see
chloride is recommended, add https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/b7d0481a-55c9-44e8-b70f-
a few millilitres of sil- ISO 5667-3). If, in particular cases, this is not possible
ver nitrate Solution [c(AgN03) a 1 mol/l]. 305c9b66e578/iso-10523-1994
or not necessary, pass a flexible tube from the sam-
pling tap to the bottom of a sampling bottle and fill the
5 Apparatus bottle to overflowing. Alternatively, rinse the bottle
with the water Sample and immerse it in the Sample.
Fill the bottle, avoiding turbulente if possible. Remove
5.1 Sample bottle, of minimum capacity 500 ml,
all air bubbles from the Sample by gentle shaking and
flat bottomed and made of low alkaline glass, e.g.
stopper the bottle. Analyse as soon as possible, but
borosilicate glass. Plastics bottles shall be imper-
not later than 24 h after sampling. Avoid changes in
meable to gases.
temperature and gas exchange with the atmosphere.

5.2 Thermometer, with a 0,5 “C scale.

7 Procedure
5.3 pH-meter, with an input impedance greater than
lO’* SZ, and with temperature compensation facilities 7.1 Preparation
and slope correction in millivolts per pH-value. The
pH-meter shall be capable of being read to a dis- Measure the temperature of the buffer solutions (see
crimination of a pH of 0,Ol or better. [l4] in annex E). Set the temperature control on the
pH-meter. In accordance with the instruction of the
5.4 Glass electrode and reference electrode. The manufacturer, consider the isopotential Point. If poss-
glass electrode measuring System shall have a zero ible, buffers and samples should have the same tem-
voltage between pH = 6,5 and pH = 7,5, using a refer- perature.
ence electrode similar to the reference electrode in-
side the glass membrane (symmetrical electrode 7.2 Calibrating and direct measurement
System) (see [12] and 6131 in annex E). The mem-
brane resistance of the glass electrode shall be Measure the temperature of the Sample (see [14] in
Pi,< 1ogc2. annex E) and reset the temperature control on the
0 ISO ISO 10523:1994(E)

pH-meter in accordance with the manufacturer’s in- 8 Calculation of pH for various

Wash the electrode with water and with Sample and
immerse it in the Sample. Swirl the Solution and read The pH shall be referred at 25 “C. If the value is
the pH-value without stirring. measured at another temperature, this shall be stated.
lf required, express the pH for a temperature other
Rinse the electrode with water and immerse it in than that measured, referring to figure 1 and using the
water to remove traces of Sample or buffer solution. following calculation:

Wash the electrode with water and immerse it in @-b, = PH,, + ApH,,
buffer D (see 4.2). Swirl the Solution gently about the
electrode and allow the Solution to come to rest where
(reading without stirring). Set the zero Point of the in- is the pH at 25 “C;
strument at the pH-reading of buffer D. The zero Point
compensation shall be apH < 0,5 (see clause 5). If PH tm is the pH at the measured temperature;
this is not the case, then one of the electrodes is de-
fective. Rinse the electrode with water and immerse APHtm is the pH-deviation with reference to
in buffer C or F (see 4.2). Swirl the Solution and take 25 “C for the measured temperature
the pH-reading without stirring. Adjust the slope factor (see figure 1).
control until the reading that matches the buffer value
NOTE 8 The calculation is valid for waters with a buffer
at the measured temperature is obtained. (For the
capacity mainly due to hydrogen carbonate ions.
permissible range of slope factors, see tableA.1).

Repeat both Steps of the calibration until no further

improvements are obtained. iTeh STANDARD 9PREVIEW Checking of the accuracy and
maintenance of the equipment
Buffer B, C, F or I should be Chosen so that the
pH of the Sample lies within the range of the
buffers used.
ISO 10523:19949.1 Checking the equipment
7.3 Measurement in water with a305c9b66e578/iso-10523-1994
Use the following test for screening the reference and
glass electrodes for unsatisfactory Performance. lt
pH-measurements in water with low ionic strength shall be applied to new electrodes, to electrodes that
(conductivity less than 5 mS/m) and low buffer ca- have not been used for 2 weeks or more, and to
pacity need special care. Examples of such waters are electrodes in regular use at intervals of 1 or 2 weeks.
deionized condensate and rainwater.
Calibrate the electrodes using one of the primary
Standard solutions in table B.1. This value is PH(S).
7.3.1 Equipment Then dilute the same buffer with CO,-free water to
double the volume. The observed deviation ApH,
Use a commercially available glass electrode with a which exceeds the dilution effect Apl-l,,, given in
glass membrane of low solubility, i.e. a high alkali table B.1, is the liquid junction error ApHj (double cali-
electrode. These electrodes are recommended for all bration):
measurements in waters. lt is necessary to take a
reference electrode with a sleeve ground joint and a APHj = ApH - ApH,,,
reference electrolyte with c(KCI) = 1 mol/l. Avoid the
influence of potassium chloride on the glass electrode where
by slowly stirring the Solution. To avoid the influence
of air, allow patt of the Sample to flow through the ApH,,, is the pH of the diluted Standard Solution.
measuring cell. To eliminate electrostatic effects, the
Stir the Solution gently and, while still stirring, note
Sample shall be shielded by a Faraday tage and
the new stable PH,. The shift on stirring, ApH,, is
grounded by a metallic electrode in the Sample.
calculated as follows:

7.3.2 Calibration ApH, = pH, - PH(S) - ApHd

Check the calibration using one of the Standard sol- where PH(S) is the pH of the primary Standard sol-
utions of low buffer capacity given in annex C. ution.
ISO 10523:1994(E)

If the Signal fluctuates, estimate the differente, 11 Standard deviation

ApH,, between the maximum and minimum readings.
Use the list in table 1 for assessing the Performance
of the electrode.

Table 1 The Standard deviation of the repeatability obtained

from 10 replicate measurements with drinking water,
Performance performed in two laboratories, is Apl-i = 0,Ol.
Systematic deviations up to ApH = 0,05 may be
Liquid junction ApHj
error \< 0,03 < 0,05 caused by unavoidable interferences, e.g. in low con-
Shift on stirring r\pH, \< 0,005 < 0,02 ductivity water.
Noise apH, < 0,005 < 0,02
A collaborative test with synthetic samples of low
conductivity (C) Shows that a Standard deviation of
9.2 Maintenance of the electrodes ApH = 0,05 or less is achievable. The laboratories met
the target of ApH = 0,2 total error.
After an extensive series of measurements, it is
necessary to clean the electrode System (measuring NOTE 9 The relative error is: -Q AC/C = 10 ’ ApH- 1. A
cell) when the pH of a Standard Solution requires a deviation of APH = 0,05 means a factor of 1,12 and an error
longer equilibrium period. Clean the electrodes regu- of 12 % in estimating the hydrogen ion activity.
larly (daily or weekly) by wiping carefully with cellulose
tissues, or, if the samples contained organic impuri-
ties, with ethanol (70 %), acetone or warm detergent
solution. Remove calcite with dilute hydrochloric acid.
Use organic solvents for a short time only, because
they decrease the sensitivity of glass electrodes by
dewatering the leached layer of the glass membrane.
If organic solvents are used, the electrode shall be
recharged by standing in water for several hours. Re- ISO 10523:1994 12 Test report
calibration is essential. https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/b7d0481a-55c9-44e8-b70f-
Observe the manufacturer’s instructions regarding
storage and maintenance. Reference electrodes and
combined electrodes should be stored in the solutions The test report shall contain the following information:
which are also used as the reference electrolyte.
Glass electrodes should be stored in water. a) a reference to this International Standard;
Electrodes used for low conductivity water shall not b) precise identification of the Sample, Source lo-
be used for other samples, e.g. sewage. cality, time, sampling procedure and time elapsed
between sampling and measurement;
IO Expression of results
c) expression of the results according to clause 10;
Report the pH to two decimal figures.
d) any deviation from this method and a description
Report the temperature at which the measurement is
of any circumstances which may have influenced
carried out to the nearest degree. the results;
e) in addition, for rainwater: duration of Sample col-
pH 8,45, measured at IO,2 “C. lection.

pH 7,62, measured at 16,4 “C in the laboratory

2 h after sampling.
0 ISO ISO 10523:1994(E)


ISO 10523:1994

30 40

Figure 1 - Graphit temperature correction

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