Executive MSC in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Executive MSC in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Executive MSC in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Innovation and entrepreneurship play a crucial role in creating value and ensuring the success and
sustainability of companies throughout the world. This is why we have designed an online degree
program to meet the specific needs of current and future business leaders in charge of innovation or
business development, as well as experienced or aspiring entrepreneurs.
The aim of the pre-established schedule of the Executive MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship is to create a strong
group dynamic and an enriching learning experience from the outset. It also makes it easier for participants to work
more closely and exchange with their professors and program team.
This lifelong learning program, which has a BAC+5 level
(European level I/EQF 7), has been awarded a Visa by
the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research
via the CEFDG (Commission d'Evaluation des
Formations et Diplômes de Gestion).
The official title of this degree program is: “Diplôme en
Innovation et Entrepreneuriat”. You must complete the
120 ECTS credits to obtain the degree.
The content of the program is constantly evolving in order to keep up with the latest developments in the field
of entrepreneurship. No scholarships are currently offered for this program. Please contact your Program Advisor
for the latest updates.