Executive Development Program: Click Here
Executive Development Program: Click Here
Executive Development Program: Click Here
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Diane Denton
VP, State Energy Policy, Duke Energy
Highlights and During this multiple-week program you will:
• Advance your strategic decision-making capabilities to think faster and more
• Work with an executive coach to develop • Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantage
your leadership skills through the simulation • Leading with Character
team experience and Integrity
In both the live virtual and on-campus versions of • Executive Negotiation Workshop
EDP, there will be several structured and focused • Value-Based Decision Making
opportunities to engage with a cohort of seasoned
• Operational Excellence and the Link to Financial Performance
business leaders, building your professional
• Strategic Considerations in Mergers and Acquisitions:
network. Class sessions capture the years of
From Decision Making
experience in the group, and teamwork provides to Implementation
opportunities for exploring the relationship
between individual behavior and team dynamics.
Small-group work on the simulation and group
projects plus optional after-hours meetings
promote a spirited camaraderie that leads to deep
and lasting connections.
Participant Profile
Wharton’s Executive Development Program region
is designed for successful functional, country,
or unit managers preparing to take on broader
responsibilities that require leading outside their
areas of education and experience.
Patti Williams, PhD
Academic Director
Ira A. Lipman Associate
Professor of Marketing,
The Wharton School
Patti Williams is the Ira A. Lipman Associate Patti has received numerous teaching
Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School awards, including the Wharton Excellence
at the University of Pennsylvania. She received in Teaching Award. At Wharton Executive
her BA from Stanford University and her MBA Education, she teaches to companies such
and PhD from the University of California, as Google, Citi, Genentech, and others. In
Los Angeles. Prior to joining Wharton, she addition to her role as academic director
was an assistant professor at NYU’s Stern of the Executive Development Program, she
School of Business, and she has been a visiting also serves as the academic dean of the
scholar at the Stanford Graduate School of Estée Lauder Companies Global Marketing
Business. Patti’s research focuses on the role University, an extensive executive
of emotions in consumer decision making education partnership
and has appeared in the Journal of Consumer with Wharton.
Research, the Journal of Marketing Research,
and the Journal of Consumer Psychology, among
others. She is the president of the Society for
Consumer Psychology.
Gad Allon, PhD G. Richard Shell, JD
Jeffrey A. Keswin Professor; Professor of Thomas Gerrity Professor;
Operations, Information and Decisions; Director Professor of Legal Studies & Business Ethics;
of the Jerome Fisher Program in Management & Professor of Management; Chairperson,
Technology, The Wharton School Legal Studies & Business Ethics Department,
The Wharton School
Emilie Feldman, PhD
Associate Professor of Management, Nicolaj Siggelkow, PhD
The Wharton School David M. Knott Professor; Professor of
Management; Co-Director, Mack Institute for
Mauro Guillén, PhD Innovation Management, The Wharton School
Dr. Felix Zandman Professor of International
Management; Professor of Management, Christian Terwiesch, PhD
The Wharton School Andrew M. Heller Professor; Department
Chairperson and Professor of Operations,
Barbara Kahn, PhD Information and Decisions; Co-Director, Mack
Patty and Jay H. Baker Professor; Professor of Institute of Innovation Management,
Marketing, The Wharton School The Wharton School; Professor of Health
Policy, Perelman School of Medicine,
Lynn Krage University of Pennsylvania
Senior Director of Leadership and Talent
Development, McNulty Leadership Program; Michael Useem, PhD
Lecturer, The Wharton School William and Jacalyn Egan Professor
of Management; Professor of
Cade Massey, PhD Management; Director, Center for Leadership
Practice Professor, Operations, Information and and Change Management; Editor,
Decisions, The Wharton School Wharton Leadership Digest
Todd Norris
Senior Fellow, Aresty Institute of Executive
Education, The Wharton School
Your executive coach will draw upon two resources to help you achieve your
goals: a 360° leadership assessment that you complete before your arrival in
the program and observations of you and your team during an intense business
Executive Coaching simulation. The 360˚ tool gathers vertical and horizontal feedback on leadership
competencies such as influence, emotional intelligence, and teamwork. During
the simulation, your coach will observe your ability to lead, collaborate, negotiate,
and participate as an effective team member. Armed with these insights,
A distinguishing highlight of Wharton’s EDP
individual coaching sessions will focus on your development as a leader, using the
is the inclusion of executive coaching within
simulation and the 360° assessment to identify and strengthen specific skills.
the learning experience. Recognizing its
importance in supporting individual learning The structure of the EDP, and the coaching provided, will allow you to make
and development, both the live virtual and connections between your behaviors and your effectiveness very quickly
on-campus versions of EDP offer intensive and gain powerful new insights into your leadership opportunities. The post-
in-depth coaching focused on behavioral program coaching session is focused on implementing key learnings within your
improvement grounded in feedback. It includes organization to create value and lasting impact from the EDP experience.
three individual sessions—two held during the
program and one held after its conclusion—as
well as two in-program group sessions.
EDP Simulation
A highlight of EDP is a robust business simulation
that provides participants with an opportunity
to acquire new leadership skills and put them to
use inside a real-world scenario. The simulation
has been optimized for the live virtual learning
experience and is designed to work on multiple
levels to help participants raise their leadership
performance. Tactically, the simulation brings Participants have the opportunity to try behaviors and approaches discussed
small groups of participants together to engage in executive coaching sessions in a supportive environment, with their coaches
as teams to create a successful outcome. The observing. Finally, it brings various business disciplines together, driving home
simulation also connects the day’s classroom the lesson that value is only created when leaders work together to develop and
learning to a hands-on situation, deepening the execute strategies.
experience of both.
Program Duration: 3 weeks
Wharton LIVE October 26 – November 12, 2020
8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EDT
The live virtual program is delivered online in half-day sessions for three
Real-time, synchronous peer learning weeks. This schedule allows participants to fully apply themselves to EDP
while also providing an opportunity to implement and fine-tune feedback and
The live, virtual version of the Executive insights from the program in real time.
Development Program (EDP) is a premium
experience. It offers you: EDP LIVE covers all of the same content as the on-campus program, and
includes the same coaching experience. This program requires a substantial
• Small class size (40 people maximum) level of engagement that results in what past participants have called a
• Same Wharton faculty who teach in the personally rewarding and professionally transformative experience.
on-campus program
• High interactivity
• Structured format to enhance learning
and networking
• Rigor and challenge at the level of the
on-campus program
Executive Development Program OCT. 26–NOV. 12, 2020
Executive Development Program OCT. 26–NOV. 12, 2020
Executive Development Program OCT. 26–NOV. 12, 2020