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TAGKAWAYAN, SY:2022-2023

Chapter I


The virus first appeared on a small scale in November 2019 with the first large cluster appearing in
Wuhan, China in December 2019. It was first thought SARS-CoV-2 made the jump to humans at one of
Wuhan, China’s open-air “wet markets.” Later theories voiced concern that it may have originated as a
biological weapon in a lab in China. As SARS-CoV-2 spread both inside and outside China, it infected
people who have had no direct contact with animals. That meant the virus is transmitted from one
human to another. It’s now spreading in the U.S. and around the globe, meaning that people are
unwittingly catching and passing on the coronavirus. The worldwide transmission is what is now a
pandemic. ( Bhargava , 2021)

According to the Center for disease Control and Prevention (CDC) A pandemic is an epidemic of a
disease that affects a sizable area, number of countries, or continents. More people are affected and
killed by it, than by an outbreak. When it becomes obvious that the illness is present and it is rapidly
spreading across a large area, it is declared. In other words, a disease that isn't infecteous or even
contagious but nonetheless causes a lot of deaths isn't pandemic. When a pandemic first began to
spread in a certain area, humans were the most severely affected. However, pandemics also have a
negative impact on all living things, people are highly likely to endure starvation, lose loved ones, lose
their jobs due to economics collapse and become sick.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) declares a pandemic when a disease’s growth
is exponential. This means the growth rate skyrockets, and each day cases grow more than the day prior.
In being declared a pandemic, the virus has nothing to do with virology, population immunity, or disease
severity. It means a virus covers a wide area.


The pandemic of Covid-19 has had a significant negative impact on almost every aspect of life,
including education.

The reason why the researchers come up with hi study is that they wants to determine all the
negative impact of covid-19 pandemic to the students.In this study, our aim is to analyze the negative
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the education, health, social life of the students. And also , to
know how they cope up with this.

The objectives of this research is to know the negative impact of post covid-19 pandemic to the
grade-12 students in Piat Tagkawayan .

1. To identify the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Family income;

2. To formulate the negative impact of covid-19 in terms of;

1.1 Social Life;

1.2 Mental Health ;

1.3 Educational Factors;

3. To formulate recommendations and suggestions.


The study will give insight on how post covid-19 pandemic impact the Grade 12 students in Piat

The findings of this research will be beneficial to the followings:

Students - This study will benefit the students in a way that it will give them awareness for what had
happened to their co-students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Teachers- This study will benefit the teachers because it will lead them to believe that this is how the
Covid-19 pandemic negatively impact the students.

Researchers - The study will help the researchers in understanding the negative impact of post COVID-
19 pandemic faced by the Grade 12 students.

Future Researcher – This study will benefit future researchers because they will be able to use this
study as a reference for guide to make their work easier when conducting similar research.


The purpose of this study is to look for the negative impact of post covid-19 pandemic to the
Grade-12 students in Piat Tagkawayan. This study will be conducted with Grade-12 that consisting of
138 students.

The following terms are conceptually and operationally defined for the better understanding of the

Pandemic - a disease outbreak that has spread across multiple countries and continents and usually
impact many people. (Merriam Webster Dictionary)

Impact- an impinging or striking especially of one body against other.(Merriam Webster Dictionary)

Covid-19 - an acute respiratory illness in humans caused by a coronavirus, capable of producing severe
symptoms and in some cases death. ( Merriam Webster Dictionary)

Review of Related Literature and Studies
Negative Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic in Family Income
Anecdotal evidence from news articles and other sources suggests that the poor people
were the hardest hit by the COVID-19 lockdowns globally (Jamison 2020; Zargar 2020).Daily
wage earners, such as those primarily engaged in agriculture, construction, and casual labor
work, suddenly found themselves without a source of income and were unable to continue
their work from home. Most poor households live at subsistence levels without any formal or
informal savings to sustain their livelihood under an economic lockdown. Furthermore, those
households with migrants could no longer rely on remittance to buffer against the negative
income shock. Instead, migrants and landless workers returned to their villages without
knowing when they could return to their migration destinations. Many of these younger
migrants have difficulty obtaining local employment due to fewer jobs in their villages of origin,
and small landholdings make it harder for their families to absorb them as subsistence farm
labor (Narayanan and Saha 2020). Recent studies have found that poverty and economic
dislocation tends to lead to less compliance in lower income areas (Bargain and Aminjonov
2020; Wright et al. 2020). In a study with some parallel to ours, Buheji et al. (2020) highlight
many issues regarding the impact of the lockdown on the poor in India. Specifically, the burden
has fallen heavily on groups highlighted in our paper, including migrant laborers, daily earners,
farmers, and children in communities that depend on school meals. In a study about
microenterprise owners, Malik et al. (2020) find that sales and household income fell by 90%
after the lockdown, and 70% could not repay their loan.Thus, we expect that more-educated
individuals are less likely to suffer income losses associated with the COVID-19 outbreak.
Similarly, the risk of income losses is likely lower for people in richer families, because such
families may have various means and extended social networks to buffer against financial
shocks brought about by crises (Pfeffer et al., 2013).The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
pandemic has caused widespread negative impacts on individuals’ employment, financial well-
being, social relationships, and physical and mental health. The pandemic has been particularly
devastating for vulnerable populations, and there is evidence that existing health disparities are
being exacerbated as a result (Dorn et al., 2020).

Negative Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Tools and Equipments at home and Educational
The outbreak of Covid-19 has upended the lives of all parts of the society. One of the most
immediate changes introduced was the closure of educational institutions to slow the
transmission of the virus. In order to prevent further interruption of studies, new teaching
methods for the online delivery of education were introduced (Johnson et al., 2020, Di Pietro et
al., 2020).
Sahu [16] highlighted the possible impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the education of
university students. Shifting from face-to-face classes to online classes is not an easy step for
students, especially those who do not have access to laptops and internet facilities at home or
those who take courses that cannot be taught online. In addition, students may be uncertain
about assessment procedures for online assignments and projects, and will suffer when they do
not have an internet facility to participate in the evaluation process, and this could adversely
affect their grade averages. Such impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak on students’ education and
mental health could also affect Saudi university students, especially given the many
precautionary and preventive measures taken to contain the COVID-19 outbreak and prevent
infection among students.
In addition, for some students whose access to the internet is limited or has problems
with internet connectivity, they are highly disadvantaged and this in turn adversely affects their
Grade point average (GPA) (Alruwais et al., 2018)
The academic performance of learners is expected to reduce as a result of COVID-19
(Sintema, 2020).

Negative Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Social Life

Emergency protocols were implemented in India to control the spread of the virus which
resulted in restrictions on all non-essential public movements (Saha et al. 2020).
The students from the less privileged backgrounds have experienced larger negative impacts
due to the Covid-19 outbreak (Aucejo et al. 2020).
Moreover, changes in daily routine including lack of outdoor activity, disturbed sleeping
patterns, social distancing have affected the social life of the students. (Cao et al. 2020)
Negative Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Mental Health
We know that the level of anxiety rose significantly when the SARS outbreak occurred. For
example, in Hong Kong, about 70% of people expressed anxiety about getting SARS and people
reported they believed they were more likely to contract SARS than the common cold(Cheng &
Cheung 2005).
Fear of the unknown, in this case, the spread of the disease and the impact on people,
health, hospitals, and economies, for example, raises anxiety in healthy individuals as well as
those with pre-existing mental health conditions (Rubin & Wessely 2020). Individuals, families,
and communities experience feelings of hopelessness, despair, grief, bereavement, and a
profound loss of purpose because of pandemics (Levin 2019).
People’s responses to fear and intolerance of uncertainty lead to negative societal
behaviors (Rubin & Wessely 2020).
Fear and guilt can also occur as a result of being infected by the virus. Infected people,
while also the target of discrimination, also experience self-blame or guilt. Unfortunately, this
feeling culminated in the suicide death of a health worker recently who feared she had
contaminated seriously ill people she cared for while infected by COVID-19 (Giuffrida & Tondo

Negative Impact of Post COVID-19 Pandemic to the Grade-12 students in Piat Tagkawayan

Input Process Output

Profile of the Survey Negative Impact of

respondents Post Covid-19
Pandemic to the
Interpretation Grade-12 students
in Piat Tagkawayan


Input considers the profile of the respondents

Process focused on analysis of the profile and their interpretation of the gathered data by
means of survey.
Output is the overall result of the study to know the negative impact of post covid-19
pandemic to the Grade 12 students in PIAT Tagkawayan .
This chapter presented the methodologies employed in the study. This included the Research
locale, Unit of Analysis, Respondents, Treatment, Research design, Research environment,
research instruments and data Gathering Produce.

This study will be conducted in Philtech Institute of Arts and Technology (PIAT) School
Tagkawayan Branch that located in Barangay Aldavoc Tagkawayan Quezon.


The study only focuses specifically in Philtech Institute of Arts and Technology School in
Tagkawayan , Quezon. It will involve only 138 G-12 students in PIAT Tagkawayan.
The information and the data gathered are directly from the respondents or the PIAT G-12
students in PIAT Tagkawayan. Through, the use of researchers made questionnaires . Where in
the one hundred thirty eight (138) Grade-12 students was the respondents of the said study ,
using the Simple Random Sampling.
The data were collected and computed for analysis and it’s interpretation.

The study is a approach that focuses on identifying and describing phenomena that now
exist. The researchers used a descriptive method through the use of their interview protocol. It
is designed to examine human experiences through the descripting involved and to describe
the meaning that experiences hold for each subject. The survey is a research technique in which
data are gathered by asking questions of respondents.
In order to gather necessary information regarding to this study a semi-structured
interview, using an adapted research questionnaire from previous studies was used by the
researchers. The said questionnaire is validated by the adviser and afterwards they
administered to the respondents. The part one pertained to the profile of the G-12 Home
Economics students in PIAT Tagkawayan. The part two pertained for the impact of covid-19
pandemic .


After selecting and finalizing the tools for data gathering , the researchers secured a written
letter to the administrator of Philtech Institute of Arts and Technology (PIAT) that will serve as a
permission to conduct the research study and collect the needed data for the study. The
researchers also made an informed consent for the respondents so that they are fully informed
about the procedure and purpose of the study and the interview.
For the purpose of the research, personal interviewing are used which aim is to identify the
respondents opinion and thoughts according to the research study.
After the respondents was interviewed , the information gathered were checked and

Frequency and percentage distribution were used determine to determine the G-12 students.
P = f/N x 100
P= Percentage f=Frequency N= Population
2. Weighted Mean was used determine the Impact of Covid-19 to the G-12 H.E students in PIAT
WM= 5(f)+4(f)+3(f)+2(f)+1(f)
X= Weighted mean f= Frequency n= Population
A scale was utilized to describe the respondents profile.
Likert’s Scale

Scale Value Range of Mean Interpretation

5 4.21-5.00 Strongly Agree
4 3.41-4.20 Agree
3 2.61-3.40 Moderate Agree
2 1.81-2.60 Disagree
1 1.00-1.80 Strongly Disagree

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