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Republic of the Philippines

Region XII
Department of Education
Kidapawan City Division



S.Y 2020-2021

Name: ________________________________ Year & Section: ______________________

Teacher: ______________________________ Date: ______________________________

II. Directions: Read the following questions and D. Affirmative without actually stating the
ENCIRCLE the letter of the correct answer. affirmative.
14. How would you say that someone is like her
1. China is an East Asian country known as mother?
A. “She is not unlike her mother.”
A. Blue Eagle C. Red Dragon
B. “She is not like her mother”
B. Yellow Tiger D. Black Snake
2. The child learning to write Chinese has to learn, C. “She is not her mother”
how many Chinese character/sign? D. “ She is not a mother”
A. 254 C. 214 III. Determine the type of irony used in the
B. 124 D. 154 following sentences.
3. Chinese, unlike English is written from A. Verbal B. Situational C. Dramatic
A. left to right C. top to bottom 15. “ It’s fine that my new, imported and expensive
B. right to left D. bottom to top shoes stepped on.”
4. Japan has its Tokyo; South Korea has Seoul 16. Snow White eats the poisoned apple the old
while China has its central and capital city of witch gave her.
______. 17. A car parking exactly at the spot wherein there
A. Biejing C. Bingjing
is a “No Parking Sign”.
B. Beijing D. Beijeing
18. The passenger drove the car for the sleepy
5. It is known as the five books of Chinese.
A. Classical Books C. Chinese Books driver.
B. Classical Chinese D. Chinese Classics 19. “What a great way to start the day”, says Djay
after a car splashes mud at his uniform.
I. Identify if the given statement has A. 20. The man is running towards the rooms to hide,
LITERAL or he doesn’t know the culprit is inside.
B. FIGURATIVE meaning based on the
underlined words. IV. Identify the meaning of the underlined verbal
6. Some are not satisfied with their jobs. and non-verbal cues as stated in the
7. The trees were dancing as we passed by. following sentences.
8. I have died everyday waiting for you. 21. The teacher made his voice louder as he said
9. I am studying in Antipolo National High School. important points in the lesson.
10. You are the wind beneath my wings.
A. He wanted to be heard
II. Choose the correct letter of the answer. B. Some are already sleeping
11-12. Which of the following are examples of C. The room is too big to be heard
Hyperbole? D. He wanted to emphasize something
A. Life is not that bad at all. 22. While listening to the teacher, they nod their
B. He is my knight in shining armor. head.
C. I am trying to solve a million of issues today. A. They bow down.
D. I am extremely happy that I can jump to the B. They agree with their teacher.
sky. C. They make fun of the situation.
13. What made this statement litotes? “ That’s not D. They enjoy what their teacher says.
too bad.” 23. Which of the following is an example of non-
A. It used negative statement. verbal communication?
B. The presence of the word “that” A. Speech volume C. words used
C. A negative statement and positive
B. eye contact D. fillers
V. Directions: Read the following questions and ______41. Are you proud of the Filipino
choose the letter of the correct answer. culture?
______42. How do you find the native
24. To whom did Ko-Ngai seek for help? delicacies of Samar?
A. astrologer C. fortune teller
B. magician D. Bellsmith
VIII. Choose the meaning of the underlined
25. How many chances did the Celestial gave to
words using clues.
Kouan-YU, to make a bell?
A. 1 C. 3 43. All medical practitioners, including the army and
B. 2 D. 4 police forces, are our frontliners in this pandemic;
26. What belief was reflected in the story of The thus, they lead in fighting against the COVID-19
Soul of the Great Bell? disease.
A. Believing to other people A. followers B. leaders
B. Believing in the stars C. observers D. participants
C. Offering sacrifices 44. The COVID-19, like Spanish influenza is a virus that
D. Love of parents strictly requires home quarantine and physical
27. Why do you think the story of The Soul of the distancing.
Great Bell considered a folktale? Because… A. curse B. disaster
A. It uses simple words C. disease D.
B. It has a Chinese characters plague
C. It shows how to make a Bell 45. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic can be
seen worldwide.
D. It reflects fundamental cultural values
28. What is the theme of the story? A. circumstance B. epidemic
C. predicament D. situation
A. Obedience to the deities
46. According to the president, until a vaccine is
B. Love for one’s self
available, face to face conduct of classes is not
C. Love for parents allowed.
D. Father’s love A. cure B. immunization
29. Which of the following is NOT the character C. medicine D. vitamin
trait of Ko-Ngai? 47. The conventional conduct of classes in schools
A. Loving C. Self-less is suspended due to COVID-19 pandemic; thus,
B. Caring D. Honest for the meantime this will be substituted with
30. What could be the another title of the story? other learning modalities.
A. The Power of the Celestial A. common B. conservative
B. The Sacrificial Love C. modern D. seasonal
C. The Metal Bell 48. Online and modular classes are some of the
D. The Bellsmith modalities that the Department of Education will
offer for this school year to avoid hampering the
VI. Identify the stressed syllable of the words education of learners.
below. A. continuing B. delaying
C. frustrating D.
Ex. police = poLICE
49. We should keep ourselves healthy by always
washing our hands, eating nutritious foods,
31. academically = taking vitamins, exercising regularly, and
32. incarnation = drinking plenty of water.
33. handicapped = A. clean B. fresh
34. actualized = C. safe D.
35. firmament = strong
36. baloney = 50. Police officers are very conspicuous. We can
37. embodied = see them in checkpoints.
38. pretentious = A. distinct B. evident
39. personify = C. hidden D. visible
40. aristocratic = 51. Teachers are known for being loquacious. They
love to talk about ideas.
VII. Read the sentences and determine what A. communicative B. reserved
intonation should be used. C. restrained D. silent
a. Rising-falling intonation 52. The Education Week Celebration was
b. Falling-rising intonation spearheaded by the English Language
a. introduced B. led
b. C. originated D. participated

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