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Subject : Methodology in Tefl

Supporting Lecturer : Prof. Dr. Idham Kholid, M.Ag


1. ANISA VERA 2111040132

2. JENI EKA LESTARI 2111040051





Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

All praise be to Allah SWT. who has given His favors and guidance, especially the
blessings of opportunity and health so that we can complete the paper for the course
“Methodology in Tefl”. Sholawat and greetings are conveyed to our great Prophet Muhammad
SAW. who has provided life guidelines, namely the Qur‟an and Sunnah for the safety of people
in the world.

The author expresses his deepest gratitude to Prof. Dr. Idham Kholid, M.Ag as the
supervisor of the Speaking For Tourism course and to all parties who have provided guidance
and direction during the writing of this paper.

The author realizes that there are many shortcomings in the writing of this paper,
therefore the author expects constructive criticism and suggestions from readers for the
perfection of this paper.

Bandar Lampung, 19 Maret 2023




TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………………………… ii


A. Background Of The Paper ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1


A. Definition ……………………………………………………………………………. 2
B. Characteristics Audio Visual Method ……………………………………………….. 2
C. Principles of Audio Visual Method ………………………………………………….. 3
D. Objective Audio Visual Method ……………………………………………………. 3
E. The Techniques in Audio Visual Method …………………………………………… 4
F. Advantages of the Audio Visual Method ………………………………………4
G. Disadvantages of the Audio Visual Method …………………………………5


A. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………… 6




A. Background Of The Paper

The audiovisual method was first developed by the CREDIF term in France in the
1950s. This method is intended for teaching everyday language at the early stage of
second/foreign language learning. It was based on a behaviourist approach, which held that
language is acquired by habit formation. Based on assumption that foreign language is
basically a mechanical process and it is more effective if spoken form precedes written
form. The stress was on oral proficiency and carefully- structured drill sequences
(mimicry/memorisation) and the idea that quality and permanence of learning are in direct
proportion to amount of practice carried out.
Audiovisual methods are widely used in teaching English as a second language. They
are effective tools for enhancing language learning and promoting language acquisition.
This paper aims to discuss the audiovisual method in English language teaching, its
benefits, and its limitations.

A. Definition
The audio-visual method is a way of teaching that uses audio and visual media as the main
means of conveying information and learning to students. In this method, the teacher or teacher
will use various kinds of media such as images, videos, animations, sounds, and also text to
reinforce the message conveyed. The purpose of using this audio-visual method is to help students
understand learning material more easily and effectively. The audiovisual method involves the use
of audio and visual aids to facilitate language learning. Audio aids include tapes, CDs, and other
audio recordings, while visual aids may include pictures, videos, and graphics.
These aids are used to support the teaching of English in various ways, including:
1. Vocabulary acquisition
Audio and visual aids are helpful in teaching vocabulary in context. For instance,
when teaching words related to food, pictures of different foods can be displayed while
audio recordings of their names are played. This helps learners associate words with
their meanings and also helps them remember the words more easily.
2. Listening and speaking skills
Audiovisual aids are also useful in developing listening and speaking skills.
Listening comprehension exercises can be done using audio recordings, and speaking
exercises can be done using videos or role-playing activities. This helps learners
develop their ability to understand and produce spoken English.
3. Reading and writing skills
Visual aids can be used to teach reading and writing skills. For example, pictures can
be used to teach reading comprehension and writing exercises, while videos can be
used to teach writing skills by providing models for writing.

B. Characteristics audio visual method

The audio-visual method is a teaching approach that involves the use of both sound and
visual aids to facilitate learning. Some of the characteristics of the audio-visual method
1. Integration of sight and sound: The method involves the use of visual aids such
as images, diagrams, charts, and videos, as well as sound aids such as recorded
lectures, music, and other auditory elements to enhance the learning experience.

2. Engagement: The audio-visual method can be more engaging than traditional
lecture-based learning as it incorporates different senses, which can help learners
to stay focused and interested in the material.
3. Flexibility: The method can be used in a variety of settings, including
classrooms, online learning, and self-paced learning, making it a flexible
approach to education.
4. Personalization: The use of audio and visual aids can be customized to meet the
needs of individual learners, making it possible to tailor the learning experience
to specific learning styles or preferences.
5. Retention: Research has shown that the use of audio-visual aids can improve
information retention and recall, as the combination of sound and visual elements
can enhance memory and reinforce learning.

Overall, the audio-visual method is a powerful teaching approach that can be used
to enhance learning and improve outcomes for learners of all ages and backgrounds.

C. The Principle of Audio Visual Method

1. Selective
2. Preparation
3. Physical control
4. Proper Presentation
5. Response

D. Objective Audio-Visual Method

Objective audio-visual methods refer to techniques or tools used to capture, analyze,
and measure data from audio and video signals in an objective manner. These methods are
commonly used in scientific research, engineering, and quality control, among other fields.
Examples of objective audio-visual methods include:
1. Electroencephalography (EEG): A non-invasive technique used to measure
electrical activity in the brain by placing electrodes on the scalp. EEG can be
used to study brain function, identify seizures, and diagnose sleep disorders.
2. Eye-tracking: A method that uses cameras and specialized software to track eye
movements and identify patterns in visual attention. Eye-tracking can be used
to evaluate user interfaces, marketing campaigns, and website design.

3. Motion capture: A technique used to record movement and position data from
people or objects. Motion capture is commonly used in animation, sports
analysis, and robotics.
4. Spectroscopy: A method that analyzes the spectrum of light or sound to identify
the chemical composition of a sample. Spectroscopy can be used to identify
pollutants in the environment, detect counterfeit products, and diagnose
medical conditions.

These methods provide objective and quantitative data that can be analyzed and
interpreted to inform decision-making and improve performance in various fields.

E. The Techniques in Audio Visual Method:

1. The Lesson begins with the filmstrips and tape-presentation.
2. The materials are explained by the teacher through pointing, demonstrating,
selective listening, question and answer.
3. The dialogue is repeated several times and memorized by frequent replays of
tape-recording and filmstrips or by language laboratory practice.
4. Students are gradually emancipated by the filmstrip and tape-recorder.

F. Advantages of the Audio Visual Method

1. Improve students' memory
The audio-visual method can help improve students' memory. This is because
visualization and the use of sound can help students remember and understand
the material taught better than just reading texts or listening to the teacher.
2. Improve understanding of concepts
The use of pictures, diagrams, graphs and videos in the audio-visual method can
help students understand the concepts being taught more clearly and in detail.
With visualization, students can more easily understand how the concept works
or how a process occurs.
3. Increase student participation
The audio-visual method can increase student participation in learning. With
visualization and sound, students can be more interested and involved in
learning. This can help students be more active in the learning process and
strengthen their self-confidence.
4. Improve social skills
The use of audio-visual methods in learning can help students improve their
social skills. For example, when students are asked to work in groups to create
an audiovisual presentation, they can learn how to communicate well, lead and
follow, and work together in teams.

G. Disadvantages of the Audio Visual Method

1. Accessibility limitations
One of the disadvantages of the audio visual method is limited accessibility.
Not all students have access to audio-visual technology or equipment such as
projectors or computers. This can reduce the effectiveness of the audio-visual
method in learning.
2. Can cause distraction
The audio-visual method can also cause distraction for students. If too much
and too complicated audio-visual material is used, students can become too
focused on the material and forget to pay attention to the teacher's or
supervisor's explanation.
3. Ineffective if not used properly
Audio-visual methods can be ineffective if not used properly. The teacher or
supervisor must ensure that the audio-visual materials used are relevant to the
material being taught, easily understood by students, and not too complicated.
4. Limited access
Not all learners may have access to the necessary technology, such as
computers or internet connections, which are needed to use audio and visual
aids effectively.
5. Over-reliance on technology
Over-reliance on technology may lead to a lack of engagement and motivation
among learners, who may become bored or disinterested with the use of audio
and visual aids.
6. Language authenticity
Some audio and visual aids may not accurately reflect the language and culture
of English-speaking countries, which can lead to a lack of authenticity in
language learning.


The audiovisual method is an effective tool in teaching English as a second
language. Its benefits include improved comprehension, enhanced retention, and
increased motivation. However, the method also has some limitations, such as
limited access to technology, over-reliance on technology, and lack of authenticity
in language learning. Teachers should be aware of these limitations and use audio
and visual aids appropriately to maximize their effectiveness in language learning.



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