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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi
First of all, the writer wants to express his thanks to Allah SWT, because of His bless and
grace,theentitled "PSYCHOLINGUISTICS " can befinished on time. This paper is are
quirement to full fill the assignment from Ms.Nursyamsiah,M.Pd, the in troduction to linguistics
lecturer of Raden Intan Lampung University. The writer also thanks to his for all the guidance
to complete it.
In completing this paper, the writer faced many problems, but with the help of many people, all
the problems could be passed. May Allah SWT give the blessing for them. It provides the
Psycholinguistics in detail explanation.Although this paper has many deficiencies in the
arrangement and explanation, the writer hope that it can be used as a reference for the reader to
understand about Psycholinguistics is.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER I....................................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Background Of The Paper.....................................................................................................................4
A. Purpose Of The Paper......................................................................................................................4
B. Problem Formulation.......................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II...................................................................................................................................................5
2.1 What is Psycholinguistics?....................................................................................................................5
A. Theorys...............................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Branches of Psycholinguistics...............................................................................................................7
CHAPTER III..................................................................................................................................................9
3.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................9
How the human mind constructs a thought and applies it into language
iscalled psycholinguistics. The paper aims to flash a light on psycholinguistics for
abeginner and tries to flash the area untouched so far on psycholinguistics, for a
highend reader of the subject. Psycholinguistics or psychology of language is the
study ofthe psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire,
use, comprehend and produce language. The paper discusses the definition of
Psycholinguistics, research field of linguistics,theorys ,Objects and branches of
B. Problem Formulation
5. What is Psycholinguistics ?
6. What are Theorys in Psycholinguistics ?
7. What are Objects and Scopes of Psycholinguistics ?
8. What are Branches of Psycholinguistics ?
A. Theorys
Leonard Bloomfield is a well-known linguist in the United States who has contributed to
making linguistics equal to other sciences, namely being independent (autonomous) and
scientific (scientific). The father of linguistics in Europe is Ferdinand de Saussure
because he has succeeded in making linguistics independent and scientific.
In America, Bloomfield became famous after he authored the book Language (1993).
However, Bloomfield's theory contradicts Noam Chomsky's theory due to different
linguistic and psychological foundations. Bloomfield starts his study of language from
phonemes, while Noam Chomsky starts from sentences. Bloomfield is more inclined
towards behavioristic schools while Chomsky is towards rationalist schools.
The Habit Formation Theory (habit formation theory) explains that young children
can master the mother tongue (the mother tongue) or the first language (L1) due to
habit formation factors carried out by parents, family, or the environment, especially
mothers. . This theory is in line with the theory of empiricism/tabula rasa put
forward by John Lock, in which a small child is likened to a white paper or a white
candle table that can be written on, painted on, or shaped by his family environment.
Along with their physical growth, children will begin to be able to say words such as
"ma", "pa", "mother", "father" etc. Again the little boy hypothesizes that his
language can act as an intermediary to fulfill his desires. Furthermore, as their
development progresses, the child can say longer words such as "father of ice",
"mother of oti" and so on. It turned out that his language was quite effective because
his mother was responsive and praised him, "wow, you're smart, you can already call
mom----do you want some bread? Or is it the father who came and said, "call daddy,
okay? ----want some ice?
The theory of empiricism (by John Lock) holds that a child's development/success is
determined by the education or teaching that the child receives from parents, the
environment, and the wider community. This theory is widely used by people in the
world, it is proven that almost every parent sends their child to school.
b. How people learn a language or how people can acquire a language and use it for
After the cooperation between psychology and linguistics lasted for some time, it was felt that
the two disciplines were no longer sufficient to carry out the very heavy taskof explaining the
nature of language as reflected in the definitions above. Help from othersciences is needed,
including the help of interdisciplinary sciences that have existed beforesuch as
neurophysiology, neuropsychology, and others. Although now we still use the
termpsycholinguistics, it no longer means that only the two disciplines of psychology and
linguistics are applied. Other interdisciplinary findings have also been utilized. The help
inquestion has been around for a long time and will continue to increase because in additionto
linguistics and psychology, there are many other disciplines that also study language
intheirown ways and theories. for example, anthropology, sociology, philosophy, education,
communication, and others. The discipline of psycholinguistics has developed so rapidly that it
has spawned several new subdisciplines to focus attention on certain specialized areas that
require careful research. The subdiscipline of psycholinguistics looks like in the following
3.1 Conclusion
Psycholinguistics is the field of study in which researchers investigate the psychological
processes involved in the use of language, including language comprehension, language
production, and first and second language acquisition. The field is interdisciplinary,
with contributions from psychology, linguistics, cognitive science, philosophy,
anthropology, and neuroscience.
Those are 3 Theorys
Dr Balamurugan K.1& Dr Thirunavukkarasu S.2. (2018). " Introduction to Psycholinguistics
".BharathiyarCollegeof Engineering&Technology,Karaikal,PondicherryUT,India.112-113.
(2014)."Psycholinguistics:CompilationofPsycholinguisticsMaterials".STKIPPGRI:BLITAR. 8-