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Doing an

1.Annisa vera(2111040132)
2.Mira adjani
3.M bagas wijaya(2111040180)
Doing an analysis is the
process of examining
and interpreting information in
order to gain
new insights or reach conclusions.
Phonological analysis is the
process of
analyzing the sound system of a
Yawelmani Example
Yawelmani is a Uto-Aztec language
spoken by about 1,000 /taʔ/: go
people in the Yawelmani region in the /kaʔ/: eat
/waʔ/: drink
Sierra Nevada
/yaʔ/: sleep
mountains in California.
Derived words:
The Yawelmani phonology data is as
/taʔ-t/: going away
follows: /waʔ-t/: drinking
Vowels: Yawelmani has 9 vowels, /yaʔ-t/: sleep
including /i, e, a, o, u, ɪ, ɛ, Compound words:
ʌ, ɔ/. /taʔ-kaʔ/: go eat
Consonants: Yawelmani memiliki 21 /kaʔ-waʔ/: eating and drinking
consonants, such as Here are some examples of Yawelmani sentences:
/p, t, k, ʔ, b, d, g, ɣ, m, n, ŋ, s, ʃ, h, l, j, w, /taʔ-t-aʔ/: He went home.
/maʔ-t-kaʔ/: He was stone dead.
1.the data :
Heimur 3.Phonologycal alternations:
Heim First,explain the consonantal variation in the nominative
Heimu singular.Second,explain the alternation between (a) and
Heims (o).third,there is a vowel~ (o tnda silang).fourth,the dative
Heimar singular form generally appears as (i).
Heima Vowel deletion :
Heimum The nominative singular suffix is /r/ and u(titik2 diatas) which
'home' appears before it is actually epenthetic,we turn the vowels-
2.Morphological analysis: plus-vowels sequences.The stem lakni end in vowels or
The nominative singular ending
dipthongs,and when a vowel-initial suffix comes after the
is something like
stem,a vowel is deleted.
*ur* or *ir* .The assuming is
the accusative singular Example:
has no case suffix,the dative Laikn(i)-i
singular is -i,the Laikn(i)-ar
genetive singular is-s, Laikni(i)-a
the nominative plural is-ar,the Laikn(i)-um
accusative plural is-a and the dative Doctor
singular is-um.
Vowel of nominative singular :
The suffix : depending on the noun stem to which it
is attached.(ur,ir,r,o,i and n)
Ur with /hest/,/hatt/.
R with /mou/,/laikni/
The most likely underlying from this suffix are /ur/
and /r/
Hypotesis /ur/ hest ur,hatt ur
Hypotesis /r/ mou r,laikni r
The nominative si singular suffix r and u appears
before it s actually epenthetic.
Reconsidering /akur/
The rule is insetr u before r .only inserts u before r
which is in word final position and insert u before r
which stand before another consonant,in order to
explain /akr-s/ - /akurs/
The analysis of phonological alternations
Morphological analysis
found in connection with the conjugation of
verbs in Japanese.
We could make an initial guess regarding
The data
which leads to the fol lowing hypotheses:
- neru
"present," nai- "negative" tai "volitional." =
- nenai
and -yo:= "inchoative": that analysis
- netai
reasonable given the first two verbs in the
- Neta
- neyo:
Meaning: sleep
Another important phonological
Open syllable structure in Japanese is devoicing. This
One of the most important means that voiced consonants
phonological rules in Japanese is the become voiceless when they are
open syllable structure. This means followed by another voiceless
that all syllables in Japanese must consonant or at the end of a word.
end with a vowel. If a word ends in a For example, the voiced consonant
consonant, a vowel sound (usually /u/ /d/ becomes the voiceless
or /o/) is added to the end of the Palatalization consonant /t/ in the word "watashi"
word. For example, the English word Palatalization is a phonological process in 私 ( , "I").
which a consonant sound becomes more
"milk" becomes "miruku" in Japanese,
tongue-palate in its articulation. In Japanese,
and the English word "test" becomes the consonants /t/ and /d/ are palatalized
"tesuto". when
they are followed by the vowel /i/. For
the consonant /t/ in the word "te" ( ,
"hand") is
pronounced as a palatalized /t/ in the word

( , "blood").
Japanese is a pitch accent language, which
that the pitch of a word can affect its meaning.
Gemination is a phonological
There are two types of pitch accents in
process in which a consonant Japanese:
sound is doubled. In Japanese, high pitch and low pitch. The pitch accent of a
word can be indicated by a small vertical mark
gemination can occur when a
(´ or `) above the vowel that is accented. For
consonant is followed by a small 橋
example, the word "hashi" ( , "bridge") has a
/u/ sound (also known as a high pitch on the first vowel, while the word
moraic nasal). For example, the Sandhi 箸
"hashi" ( , "chopsticks") has a high pitch on
Sandhi is a phonological process in the
consonant /n/ is geminated in
which the pronunciation of a sound is second vowel.
the word "konnichiwa" ( affected by the surrounding sounds. In
は , Japanese, there are a number of sandhi
"hello"). rules that can apply to different types of
sounds, including consonants, vowels,
and pitch accents. For example, the
consonant /b/ becomes the consonant
/m/ when it is followed by the nasal
consonant /m/. For example, the word
"bambū" ( バンブー , "bamboo") is
pronounced as "mamū".
Thank you

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