LS 107 - Midterm 1 Cheat Sheet
LS 107 - Midterm 1 Cheat Sheet
LS 107 - Midterm 1 Cheat Sheet
heterozygote is AB
Law of segregation: characters are determined by Epistasis: expression of one gene is affected by the
particulate factors, and factors exist in pairs in each expression of one or more independently inherited
organism genes
One parent transmits one member of a pair to
offspring progeny gets one allele from mother
and one from father MITOSIS AND MEIOSIS
Law of independent assortment: the alleles of 2+
different genes get sorted into gametes independently of Mitosis: one diploid (2n) cell 2 diploid daughter cells,
one another’ the allele a gamete receives for one gene exact copy of parent cell
does not influence the allele received for another Meiosis: one diploid (2n) germ cell 4 haploid
daughter cells, contains half the amount of genetic
Product rule: multiply probabilities for events that occur information as parent cell
independently of each other
Sum rule: add probabilities for mutually exclusive events
(either one or the other can occur, but not at the same
Ex: deafness in
2 ( observed−expected)
X =Σ