AP Biology Unit 7: Genetics Cheat Sheet: by Via

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AP Biology Unit 7: Genetics Cheat Sheet

by hlewsey via cheatography.com/36676/cs/11720/

Meiosis Mendelian Laws Types of Crosses

Law of Dominance monohybrid Tt x Tt; phenotype ratio=3:1;

offspring of 2 organisms that are cross genotype ratio=​1:2:1

homozygous for 2 opposing traits will be testcross B/__ x b/b to determine B/__'s
hybrid but will only exhibit the dominant trait genotype
and not the recessive trait
dihybrid TtYy x TtYy; can produce 4
Law of Segreg​ation cross types of gametes & phenotype
during formation of gametes, the 2 traits
carried by each parent will separate
Dihybrid Cross
Law of Indepe​ndent Assortment

alleles of a gene for one trait segregate

indepe​ndently from alleles of a gene for
another trait (applies w/dihybrid cross)


linked genes on the same chromosome

sex- traits carried on X chromosome


linkage  distance between genes on

mapping chromosome=  chance of
separation by crossing over

recomb​in =total recomb​ina​nts​/total #

Mutations ation offspring x100
Types of Inheri​tance
mutation genetic or chromo​somal (deletion,
pedigree used to determine how traits are incomplete hybrids show blending of traits
inversion, transl​oca​tion,
inherited dominance
polypl​oidy) abnorm​ality
Barr body inacti​vated X chromosome in each codomi​nance hybrids show both traits
karyotype diagram that shows size, #, &
shape of chromo​somes female mammal's somatic cell  multiple more than 2 allelic forms
genetic mosaic alleles
nondis​jun​ failed separation of homologous
ction chromosomes  pleiotropy 1 gene affects an organism in
aneuploidy(trisomy, polyploidy severa​l/many ways

epistasis 2 genes, 1 trait; 1 masks

Chromosome Mutations expression of the other

polygenic blending of several genes that

vary along a continuum

By hlewsey Published 31st May, 2017. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com

cheatography.com/hlewsey/ Last updated 8th May, 2017. Learn to solve cryptic crosswords!
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