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There must be a clearance of at LEAST

18 INCHES between each propeller and

Which part of the 14 CFR applies to
the water.
large aircraft with a maximum
There must be a propeller ground certificated take-off weight of more than
clearance of at LEAST 9 INCHES for 12,500 pounds? PART 25
each airplane with tail wheel landing
Authorization procedures for obtaining a
delegation option authorization,
14 CFR PART 21 prescribes the becoming a designated alteration station
certification process of products and (DAS), or obtaining a Part Manufacture
parts? Approval (PMA) or an authorization
related to producing a Technical
Normal, utility, and acrobatic category
Standard Order (TSO) are also included
reciprocating engine-powered airplane
in this regulation. 21
of more than 6,000 pounds maximum
weight and turbine engine-powered Which part of the 14 CFR deals with the
airplanes in the normal, utility, and airworthiness standards for normal
acrobatic category must have a steady category rotorcraft? PART 27
gradient of climb after takeoff of at least
Normal category rotorcraft has a seating
capacity of NINE OR LESS and a
Which part of the 14 CFR provides maximum certificated weight of LESS
information regarding instrument range THAN 7,000 POUNDS.
markings for an airplane certificated in
Normal, utility, and acrobatic aircrafts
the acrobatic category. PART 23
under 14 CFR Part 23 are those aircrafts
This part identifies the requirements of that have a maximum certificated take-
and the procedures for obtaining type off weight of 12,500 POUNDS OR LESS
certificates, supplemental type
What is the maximum certificated take-
certificates, production certificates,
off weight (kg) of airplanes under the
airworthiness certificates, and import
commuter category? 8615 KG
and export approvals. PART 21
Per 14 CFR 23, which of the following
14 CFR Part 23 covers the airworthiness
categories may not be type certificated
standards for normal, utility, acrobatic,
in more than one category? COMMUTER
and commuter category airplanes.
Excluding pilot seats, which among
Commuter aircrafts under 14 CFR Part
these airplane categories have a
23 are those aircrafts that have a
maximum seating configuration of
maximum certificated take-off weight of
nineteen (19)? COMMUTER
at which, when the critical engine is
suddenly made inoperative, it is possible
Per 14 CFR 23, airplanes that fall under
to maintain control of the airplane? VMC
the ACROBATIC category are intended
for use without restrictions. It is the minimum control speed on the
ground, and is the calibrated airspeed
Airplanes under the NORMAL AND
during the takeoff run at which, when
COMMUTER category/ies are intended
the critical engine is suddenly made
for non-acrobatic operation.
inoperative, it is possible to maintain
What is the standard weight (kg) of an control of the airplane using the rudder
occupant for an acrobatic category control alone. VMCG
airplane? 86 KG

What is the standard weight (kg) of an

Which of the following statement is not
occupant for a commuter category
true regarding pressurized cabin?
airplane? 77 KG
 The pressure differential is
It is the highest weight at which
negative when the internal
compliance with each applicable
pressure is greater than the
structural loading condition of this part
 There must be at least two
It is the highest weight at which pressure relief valves to
compliance with each applicable automatically limit the positive
requirement of this part is shown. pressure differential to a
MAXIMUM WEIGHT predetermined value at the
maximum rate of flow delivered
It is the lowest weight at which
by the pressure source.
compliance with each applicable
 The relief valve/s must be large
requirement of this part is shown.
enough so that the failure of the
other/s would not cause an
With a governor inoperative, there appreciable rise in the pressure
should be a means to limit the differential.
maximum engine speed to 103% of the  The must be at least two reverse
maximum allowable takeoff RPM. pressure differential relief valves
Which denotes the calibrated airspeed to automatically prevent a
at which, when the critical engine is negative pressure differential that
suddenly made inoperative, it is possible would damage the structure.
to maintain control of the airplane?
Which denotes the calibrated airspeed
Reciprocating engine-powered airplane An aircraft was not approved for return
under the normal, utility, and acrobatic to service after an annual inspection and
category having a maximum weight of the owner wanted to fly the aircraft to
6,000 pounds or less must have a another maintenance base. Which
steady climb gradient at sea level of at statement is correct?
least 8.3% for landplanes with the
 The owner must obtain a special
landing gear retracted, wing flaps in the
flight permit
takeoff position, not more than
 The aircraft may be flown without
maximum continuous power on each
restriction up to 10 hours to
engine, and a climb speed not less than
reach another maintenance base
the greater of 1.1 VMC and 1.2 VS1 for
 The aircraft becomes a restricted
multi-engine airplanes and not less than
category type until it is approved
1.2 VS1 for single-engine airplanes.
for return to service
Reciprocating engine-powered airplane  The aircraft becomes an
under the normal, utility, and acrobatic experimental category type until
category having a maximum weight of it is approved for return to
6,000 pounds or less must have a service
steady climb gradient at sea level of at
least 6.7% for seaplanes and
amphibians with the landing gear Which regulation provides the
retracted, wing flaps in the takeoff airworthiness standards for an airplane
position, not more than maximum certificated in the normal category? 14
continuous power on each engine, and a CFR PART 23
climb speed not less than the greater of
When an airworthy (at the time of sale)
1.1 VMC and 1.2 vS1 for multi-engine
aircraft is sold, the Airworthiness
airplanes and not less than 1.2 VS1 for
single-engine airplanes.
Reciprocating engine-powered airplane
having a maximum weight more than
6,000 pounds and turbine engine-
powered airplane under the normal,
utility, and acrobatic category must have
a steady climb gradient at sea level of at
least 4.0% with takeoff power on each
engine, landing gear retracted, and wing
flaps in the takeoff position.
 Maximum flap extended speed
139 knots
(1) A Supplemental Type Certificate may
be issued to more than one applicant for The high end of the white arc on the
the same design change, providing each airspeed instrument would be at 139
applicant shows compliance with the KNOTS
applicable airworthiness requirement

(2) An installation of an item

Which of the following is an instance
manufactured in accordance with the
when a special flight permit may not be
Technical Standard Order system
requires no further approval for
installation in a particular aircraft.  Flying passengers on a scheduled
Regarding the above statements,
 Flying the aircraft to a location
 both No. 1 and No. 2 are true where repairs or maintenance
 neither No. 1 nor No. 2 are true can be performed
 only No. 1 is true  Flying a customer demonstration
 only No. 2 is true flight
 Delivering or exporting the
Specifications pertaining to an aircraft
model manufactured under a type
certificate, of which less than 50 are The amount of fuel used for computing
shown on the FAA Aircraft Registry, can empty weight and corresponding CG is

The issuance of an Airworthiness There must be a propeller ground

Certificate is governed by 14 CFR PART clearance of at least 7 INCHES for each
21 airplane with nose wheel landing gear

The following is a table of airspeed Which among the following statements

limits as given in an FAA-issued aircraft is incorrect?
 14 CFR Part 25 is usually referred
 Normal operating speed 260 to as “commercial aviation.”
knots  14 CFR Part 25 includes most of
 Never-exceed speed 293 knots the aircraft seen at a large
 Maximum landing gear operation passenger airport, except for the
speed 174 knots
commuter aircraft included in What is the standard weight (kg) of an
part 23. occupant for a normal category
 The ability to carry passengers is airplane? 77 KG
not a requirement for aircraft
What is the standard weight (kg) of an
certified to Part 25.
occupant for a utility category airplane?
 Many of these aircrafts are also
86 KG
used to transport cargo.
 None of the above.
Which among the following is not part of
the empty weight?
What is the maximum certificated take-
off weight (kg) of airplanes under the  Fixed ballast
normal, utility, and acrobatic categories?  Unusable fuel
5670 KG  Oil, hydraulic fluid, and other
fluids required for normal
Excluding pilot seats, which among
operation of airplane systems
these airplane categories have a
 Potable water, lavatory precharge
maximum seating configuration of nine
water, and water intended for
injection in the engine
 Acrobatic
 Normal
 Utility During a closed throttle glide, at VNE, a
 All are correct fixed-pitch propeller may not cause an
engine speed above 110 % of maximum
continuous speed
Non-acrobatic operations does not
include SPINS

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