Cao 20.7.1B
Cao 20.7.1B
Cao 20.7.1B
as amended
made under subregulation 235 (2) of the
Section 20.7.1B (Aeroplane weight and performance limitations
specified aeroplanes above 5 700 kg all operations (turbine and
2 Application 3
3 Definitions 3
4 Take-off weight limitations 5
5 Landing weight limitations 5
6 Accelerate-stop and take-off distance required 6
7 Take-off climb performance 7
8 En-route climb performance 8
9 Approach climb performance 9
10 Landing climb performance 9
11 Landing distance required 9
12 Obstacle clearance requirements 10
12A Alternative take-off area requirements 12
14 Aeroplane configuration and procedures 13
Notes to Civil Aviation Order 20.7.1B 14
2 Application
2.1 Subject to paragraph 2.2, this section applies to:
(a) all turbine powered aeroplanes having a maximum take-off weight in
excess of 5 700 kg; and
(b) all new types of piston engine aeroplanes having a maximum take-off
weight in excess of 5 700 kg placed on the Register after 1 June 1963.
2.2 For paragraph 2.1:
(a) a certificate of airworthiness for the aircraft must be in force; and
(b) the certificate must include a statement to the effect that the certificate is
issued in the transport, commuter or normal category.
Note 1 The only normal category aeroplanes with maximum take-off weights exceeding
5 700 kg are SFAR 41 aeroplanes. See paragraph 7.6.
Note 2 Aeroplanes of maximum take-off weight exceeding 5 700 kg and not subject to
sections 20.7.1 or 20.7.1B of the Civil Aviation Orders remain subject to subregulation
235 (2) of the Regulations.
3 Definitions
3.1 In this section:
accelerate-stop distance available means the sum of:
(a) the length of the take-off run available; and
(b) if stopway is provided the length of the stopway.
approved foreign flight manual, in relation to an aeroplane, means a flight
manual for the aeroplane approved by the relevant regulatory aviation
authority of the country where the aeroplane is, or was, manufactured.
clearway means a defined rectangular area at the end of a strip centrally
located about the extended centre-line of its associated runway and declared to
be available as a suitable area over which an aircraft taking off can continue to
climb to the minimum height required to establish obstacle clearance.
contaminated runway means a runway that has more than 25% of the runway
surface area within the required length and width being used covered by:
(a) water, or slush, more than 3 mm deep; or
(b) loose snow more than 20 mm deep; or
(c) compacted snow or ice, including wet ice.
FMS means the flight management system of an aeroplane.
gross flight path means the flight path it is assumed an aeroplane will follow
when flown in a particular configuration in accordance with specified
procedures in ambient conditions and that is established from the aeroplanes
certification performance data representing the average fleet performance of
the aeroplane type.
landing distance available means the length of the runway declared to be
available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing.
Table of Orders