07 Performance
07 Performance
07 Performance
T - D
Gradient of Climb% = x 100
If there are obstacles to be considered in the take-off flight W
path, the flap setting that gives the shortest take-off
Climbing after an Engine Failure Losing 50% of the Thrust temperature the turbine blades can withstand. The more
Available reduces Excess Thrust by approximately 75% heat resistant the material of the blades, the more efficient
because the same value of aerodynamic Drag must still be the blade cooling and the higher the maximum turbine inlet
balanced. temperature and therefore the greater the Thrust the
engine can safely develop.
Effect of Flaps on Climbing Flaps reduce the climb angle
because they increase aerodynamic Drag and therefore
decrease Excess Thrust.
The Climb Angle – Gamma is the symbol used for climb
angle. Note that the angle between the horizontal and the
flight path (climb angle) is exactly the same as the angle
between the Weight vector and the transposed Lift vector.
For a given engine, the higher the OAT the lower the mass
air flow and therefore the lower the fuel flow before the
maximum turbine inlet temperature is reached and
consequently, the lower the Thrust the engine is able to
develop – this is known as EGT limited Thrust.
When an aeroplane is in a steady climb there will be a gain
in height after a given horizontal distance travelled. This Region of Reverse Command To maintain unaccelerated
relationship is the % climb gradient. This is a fundamental flight at an IAS slower than V MD, Thrust Available must be
concept. increased. This is because at speeds below V MD, Thrust
For example: an aircraft with a climb gradient of 15.7% all Required (Drag) increases. The speed region slower than
engines operating, will be 314ft higher after travelling VMD is known as “speed unstable region” or “region of
2000ft horizontally (15.7 units higher for 100 units of Reverse Command”, because to maintain unaccelerated
horizontal), but the one engine inoperative climb gradient flight at an IAS slower than V MD, Thrust must be increased –
of 3.7%, will only give a height gain of 74ft in the same the reverse of what is “Normally” required.
Thrust is the force required to balance aerodynamic Drag;
plus the backward component of Weight when the aircraft
is in a steady climb. The variation of Thrust Available with
forward speed is relatively small and the engine output is
nearly constant with changes in IAS.
Thrust Available = Mass Flow × Acceleration (Exhaust
velocity - Intake velocity)
Variation of Thrust with Density Altitude Increasing
Density Altitude (lower air density) will reduce the mass
flow through the engine and Thrust Available will decrease.
This will have an effect when climbing, but also when Best Angle of Climb Speed (VX) To maximize the climb
operating at airfields with a High Pressure Altitude and/or a gradient, Excess Thrust must be a maximum. Maximum
high Outside Air Temperature. Excess Thrust is obtained by flying at the IAS where the
Variations of Take-off Thrust with Air Temperature (OAT) distance between the Thrust and the Drag lines is maximum
Thrust of any turbojet engine is restricted by the maximum and that is available only at one particular IAS - VX. At any
other speed, faster or slower, the distance between the
Effect of Accelerating on Climbing If the aircraft is
Thrust and Drag curves is smaller and Excess Thrust is less.
accelerated while climbing, some of the Excess Thrust must
Therefore, climbing at an IAS other than V X will give a climb
be used for the acceleration and the maximum climb angle
gradient less than the maximum possible.
will be reduced.
Effect of Bank Angle on Climbing Any increase in bank
angle beyond 15 degrees will significantly increase the
amount of Lift that needs to be generated. Increased Lift
will generate more Induced Drag, so Excess Thrust and
maximum climb angle will be reduced.
Effect of Wind on Climbing
Air Gradient is the vertical distance gained in a body of air
divided by the horizontal distance travelled through the
same body of air. Wind has NO effect on Air gradient.
Absolute ceiling is a rather abstract concept for a pilot. It is Minimum Angle of Descent Following an engine failure the
more useful for a pilot to know his aeroplane’s service aim is to ensure that the aeroplane will cover the greatest
ceiling - defined by the manufacturers and aviation horizontal distance so that the pilot has a large area in
authorities as the maximum altitude where the best rate of which to select a suitable landing field. This can only be
climb airspeed will still produce a positive rate of climb at a achieved by using the smallest possible angle of descent
specific number of feet per minute. The recommendation is sometimes referred to as the minimum glide angle. To
to not exceed this altitude because the performance descend at the smallest possible angle, excess drag must be
envelope of the aeroplane is very small. minimum.
Payload vs Range
Performance Class B Propeller driven aeroplanes with En Route Section From 1500 ft above the airfield from
maximum passenger seating of 9 and a MTOM of 5700kg. which the aeroplane has taken off to 1000 ft above the
destination airfield.
Take-off Distance From the start of take-off to a screen
height of 50ft, with take-off power set, rotating at V R and En Route and Descent Requirements An operator must
achieving the specified speed at the screen. ensure that the aeroplane is capable of reaching a place at
which a safe forced landing can be made, in the expected
VR must not be less than VS1.
meteorological conditions and in the event of engine
The take-off safety speed V 2 (screen height speed) must not
be less than 1.2VS1.
For this, an operator must know the safe forced landing
Take-off Requirements / Field Length Requirements
areas. Next, the operator needs to know whether his
There is only one take-off requirement: the take-off must
aeroplane will be able to reach these areas if the engine
be complete within the field length available.
were to fail while en route.
No Stopway/Clearway available:
It will depend on two things;
TOD x1.25 must not exceed TORA
• the altitude chosen for the flight;
Stopway and/or Clearway available: • the descent gradient of the aeroplane following engine
TOD must not exceed the TORA; failure.
TOD ×1.3 must not exceed the ASDA;
We can work out the horizontal distance travelled or
TOD ×1.15 must not exceed the TODA.
descent range by taking the height of the aeroplane above
This rule ensures that, once the aeroplane has completed
the ground, dividing this by the gradient and then
the take-off, there should be at least 25% of the runway
multiplying by 100.
Horizontal Distance = Vertical/Gradient × 100
Surface Condition Factors Most performance data in the
No, we know that the aeroplane must not pass further
aeroplane flight manual assumes a level, dry and hard
away than the calculated range from any safe forced
runway. Therefore, correction factors must be applied to
landing locations. So then draw a circle around each of the
the gross take-off distance when the runway conditions are
safe forced landing locations. Then draw a track line from
Airfield A to Airfield B that is within each circle. If the flight
track falls outside of the circles then, following engine
failure, the aeroplane will not make it to a safe forced
landing area.
Gradient Requirement
All Engines Operating Minimum climb gradient of 4% with:
• take-off power on each engine;
• landing gear extended (if it can be retracted in not more
than 7 seconds, it may be assumed to be retracted);
• flaps in the take-off position;
• climb speed not less than the greater of 1.1V MC and 1.2VS1
One Engine Inoperative
Climb gradient above 400ft must be positive with:
• critical engine inoperative (propeller in minimum drag);
• remaining engine at take-off power;
• landing gear retracted;
• flaps in the take-off position;
• climb speed equal to that achieved at 50ft.
Landing Requirement There is only one regulation
requirement for landing a single-engine Class B aeroplane: Climb gradient above 1500ft no less than 0.75% with:
the landing distance must not exceed the landing distance • critical engine inoperative (propeller in minimum drag);
available; the aeroplane must be able to land within the • remaining engine at not more than maximum continuous
length of the runway. power;
• landing gear retracted;
The operator must ensure that the landing mass of the • flaps retracted;
aeroplane allows a full stop landing from 50ft above the • climb speed no less than 1.2VS1.
threshold within 70% of the landing distance available at
the destination aerodrome and at any alternate aerodrome. (Field Length Requirements and Surface Condition Factors
The factor to use for such calculation is LDA / 1.43. same as before)
Correction Factors Take-off Speeds VR (rotation speed) must not be less than:
Grass up to 20 cm: LDA * 1.15 • 1.05VMC
Wet LDA * 1.15 • 1.1VS1
Slope no allowance for upslope The speed at 50ft (V2 - take-off safety speed) must not be
Every 1% downslope: LDA*1.05 less than:
• a speed that is safe under reasonably expected conditions
Dispatch Rules state that for dispatching an aeroplane, it • 1.1VMC
must be assumed that: • 1.2VS1
• The aeroplane will land on the most favorable runway
(the runway which would accommodate the largest VMC for take-off must not exceed 1.2VS1.
possible landing mass) at the destination airfield in still air, Obstacle Clearance Requirements Multi-engine Class B
• The aeroplane will land on the runway most likely to be aircraft must demonstrate clearance of obstacles after take-
assigned considering the probable wind speed and
off up to a height of 1500ft. Obstacles must be cleared by a Distance (ft) = Aircraft True GS (ft/min) × Time (min)
vertical margin of at least 50 ft.
Construction of the Flight Path The flight path profile will
depend on whether or not visual reference is lost before
reaching 1500ft.
En Route Requirements An operator shall ensure that the
• Determine the TOD required for the take-off mass
aeroplane, in the meteorological conditions expected and in
• Determine the all engines net gradient (gross gradient ×
the event of the failure of one engine, is capable of
continuing flight at or above the relevant minimum
• Divide the height gain (1450 ft) by the gradient to
altitudes for safe flight to a point 1000ft above an
determine the distance travelled (feet) from 50 ft to 1500
aerodrome at which the performance requirements for
landing can be met.
The descent range with one engine inoperative must be
known as well as the one engine inoperative cruise range.
Once these have been calculated, a flight track must be
plotted that will ensure an airfield is always within the total
one engine inoperative descent distance.
The aeroplane must not use the extra altitude above the
300 feet per minute altitude to gain extra range to help
If the obstacle is not cleared by 50 ft, a lower take-off mass comply with landing at an airfield after engine failure.
must be assumed and a revised height calculated. The
maximum mass can then be determined by interpolation. When calculating the descent range to work out if the
aeroplane can make it to an airfield, the gross gradient of
CLOUD BASE BELOW 1500ft If visual reference is lost before descent must be increased by 0.5%.
1500ft, the flight path will consist of two segments.
The Drift Down The gradient of descent of a twin-engine
Segment 1 (From 50ft to cloud base)
aeroplane following engine failure is constantly changing.
50ft to cloud base = height ÷ all engine net gradient × 100 After engine failure in the cruise, the aeroplane is forced to
Height = cloud base - 50ft
descend by lowering the nose and balancing excess drag
with enough weight apparent thrust. However, as it
Segment 2 (From cloud base to 1500 ft)
descends, the air density increases and the aeroplane can
Distance = height gain ÷ gross gradient with one engine
slowly reduce the descent angle (and the weight apparent
inoperative × 100
thrust) until the remaining engine generates sufficient
thrust to balance the drag by itself and the aeroplane can
once more fly level. This procedure is known as the drift
down procedure