Table 11 - Parking Standards
Table 11 - Parking Standards
Table 11 - Parking Standards
Table 11 : Parking Standards
Statement of Intent
1. (a) Parking standards for residential developments (Section 1)
The overall intention of the standards is to ensure that subject to road capacity considerations,
future residential developments should have sufficient parking provision to match the car ownership
of residents.
(b) Parking standards for community facilities (Section 2)
The provision of parking for community facilities should generally be limited to operational
requirements. Users of community facilities will generally be expected to use public transport or
public car parks. However, for certain major GIC facilities such as cultural/recreational complexes
which are of territorial significance, there may be a need to provide sufficient parking spaces
commensurate with the nature of such facilities.
(c) Parking standards for commercial facilities (Section 3)
The overall intention of the standards is to ensure that, except in special circumstances, future
commercial developments should have sufficient onsite parking to match manifest operational
(d) Parking standards for industrial and business developments (Section 4)
The overall intention of the standards is to ensure that sufficient parking and loading/unloading
spaces are provided to satisfy requirements.
In all cases, the level of provision in a development is to be decided by the Authority. The standards
serve to provide a guideline on which the Authority will base the decision.
2. The parking standards have been formulated for new development areas, including comprehensive
redevelopment projects. However, the Authority will need to have flexibility, within and beyond the
standard ranges, to meet special circumstances, such as redevelopment in the builtup urban areas.
The Authority will consider, inter alia, the following aspects of land use/transport interactions:
(a) proximity to and quality of pedestrian access linking railway stations and other major public
transport interchanges;
(b) availability of public transport services in the vicinity;
(c) availability of public car parks in the locality;
(d) projected road capacity and traffic volumes in both the immediate vicinity and the wider district;
(e) feasibility of providing safe entry/exit points;
(f) existence of closed road permit policies (e.g. South Lantau Island);
(g) area and shape of specific site; and
(h) parking demand and supply condition in the vicinity.
3. General Notes
(a) The Authority shall be the Director of Lands in respect of leases, the Building Authority in respect of
building plans, and the respective District Planning Conferences in respect of planning briefs, taking
advice from Transport and other relevant Departments.
(b) The minimum provision of parking agreed by the Authority shall not normally count for the gross
floor area of a proposed development; any higher provision may be counted for gross floor area. The
agreed standard shall, where appropriate, be incorporated in lease conditions.
(c) For all unspecified commercial and community facilities, provision shall be as determined by the
Authority in line with the Statement of Intent. Wherever feasible, provision shall be within the site.
(d) All traffic access dimensions shall be in accordance with specifications in the Buildings Ordinance
and appropriate standard drawings of the Highways Department and details of design in the 1/16
12/09/2016 Table 11 : Parking Standards
Transport Department's Transport Planning and Design Manual.
(e) Where different types of development (e.g. residential development, community facilities) are
included on the same site, the appropriate standards should be applied cumulatively; some
reduction may be permitted, however, when it is evident that demand will occur substantially at
different times.
(f) In all nonresidential developments, additional parking spaces for motorcycles at the rate of 5 to
10% of the total provision for private cars with respect to each type of development should be
provided. In the case of subsidised housing, the calculation shall be based on 1 motorcycle parking
space per 110250 flats excluding one person/two persons flats as well as nonresidential elements.
In the case of private housing, the calculation shall be based on 1 motorcycle parking space per
100150 flats excluding nonresidential elements. As a general guideline, parking spaces for
motorcycles, whether onstreet or offstreet, should be 1m (width) x 2.4m (length). However, in
cases of site constraint, a minimum standard of 1m x 2m could be considered acceptable.
(g) Dimensions for standard parking spaces and loading/unloading bays are as follows:
[Table Summary]
i) Buses mean a motor vehicle constructed or adapted for the carriage of more than 16
passengers and their personal effects.
ii) Light buses mean a motor vehicle having permitted gross vehicle weight not exceeding 4
tonnes which is constructed or adapted for use solely for the carriage of not more than 16
passengers and their personal effects, but does not include an invalid carriage, motorcycle,
motor tricycle, private car and taxi.
iii) Minimum headroom means the clearance between the floor and the lowest projection from the
ceiling, including any lighting units, ventilation duct, conduits or similar installations.
iv) The design of laybys would be subject to the satisfaction of Transport Department.
h. Parking for persons with disabilities:
i) Sufficient number of offstreet car parking spaces shall be designated as parking for persons
with disabilities as below.
ii) The requirements of parking for persons with disabilities in residential developments, commercial
facilities, industrial, business developments, community facilities and other developments with
reference to Regulation 72 of the Building (Planning) Regulations are as follows:
Total No. of Car Parking Space Required No. of Accessible
in Lot Car Parking Spaces
150 1
51150 2
151250 3
251350 4
351450 5
Above 450 6 2/16
12/09/2016 Table 11 : Parking Standards
iii) In addition to the above requirements, where (a) the residential development is required to
provide visitor parking spaces, at least one visitor car parking space shall be provided in
accordance with the requirements for accessible parking space which will enable persons with
disabilities to use without undue difficulties, and (b) for medical facilities, at least one of the
visitor parking spaces for persons with disabilities shall be located in close proximity to Accident
and Emergency (A & E) departments.
iv) Where the number of accessible parking spaces to be provided are more than the required
provision as stated in para. (h)(ii) above, the additional accessible parking spaces may be used
by persons without disabilities when there is no demand.
v) Accessible parking spaces shall be located on horizontal and level ground and closer to
accessible entrances. For a multistorey car park, these parking spaces shall be provided on
each level in order to achieve greater access in terms of accessible entrance and convenience.
If a communal car park serves different buildings, accessible parking spaces shall be dispersed
so that convenient access to each building is provided.
vi) The minimum width for an accessible parking space shall be 3.5m. Where there is more than
one accessible parking space to be provided, the effect of the additional width can be lessened
by having a shared common loading/unloading area with a width of 1.2m and the width of such
parking spaces shall be not less than 2.5m. The parking spaces should be provided in covered
areas as far as possible. The technical details and design on parking for drivers with disabilities
are provided in Volume 6 Chapter 8 of TPDM and the Third Schedule to the Building (Planning)
Regulations, Cap 123F.
vii) Signage clearly indicating the exact locations of the designated parking spaces for persons with
disabilities shall be erected in a conspicuous place at the entrance of the car park and where
appropriate in the development. The signage is required to be placed so as not to be obscured
and can be seen from the driver’s seat.
Details of Standards
Section 1 : Parking Standards for Residential Developments
[ Simple Table Format ]
Parking Requirements
Type of
Standards Remarks Standards Remarks
1. Subsidised Private Car :
See Provision of
Notes minimum 1
1 car (1) (3). loading/unloading
Global Parking Standard (GPS) space per bay around each
69 flats residential block
for service
All Subsidised
Adjustment 0.23
Ratio (R1)
Within a 500m
radius of rail station 0.85
Accessibility [see Note (2)]
(R2) Outside a 500m
radius of rail station 1
[see Note (2)]
Parking Requirement = GPS x R1 x R2 3/16
12/09/2016 Table 11 : Parking Standards
Light Goods Vehicle:
1 LGV space per 200600 flats
Medium Goods Vehicle:
No fixed standard. To utilize estate commercial
centre loading/unloading bays for overnight
parking in estates.
2. Private Private Car:
Housing See Minimum of 1
Notes loading /
1 car (1) & unloading bay
space (4) (6). for goods
Global Parking Standard vehicles within
per 6
(GPS) the site for
flats every 800 flats
or part thereof,
subject to a
minimum of 1
FS≤40 0.4 bay for each
housing block
or as
40<FS≤70 0.7 determined by
the Authority.
FS>160 9.5
Within a 500mradius of
[see Note (4)] 0.75
Accessibility rail station
(R2) Outside a 500mradius of
rail station [see Note (4)]
0.00<PR≤1.00 1.30
1.00<PR≤2.00 1.10
Adjustment 2.00<PR≤5.00 1.00
5.00<PR≤8.00 0.90
PR>8.00 0.75
Parking Requirement = GPS x R1 x R2 x R3
3. Village 4/16
12/09/2016 Table 11 : Parking Standards
Housing Up to 1 car parking space for each standard Provision
NTEH (65m2), with 1015% of provision for generally
overnight goods vehicles. in
within the
All Residential Developments
(1) Within the limits of the Global Parking Standards, Transport Department will establish districtbased
parking standards for each district according to the prevailing demand/supply conditions in respective
districts. The districtbased parking standards are subject to periodical review.
Subsidised Housing
(2) A 15% discount should be applied to the provision of residential car parking spaces where over 50%
of the site area of the development fall within a 500m radius of rail stations. The 500mradius
catchment area of a rail station should be drawn from the centre of the station irrespective of the
configuration and layout of the station.
(3) "One person/two persons" flats shall be excluded from the calculation of the overall parking provision
of both car parking spaces and LGV spaces.
Private Housing
(4) A 25% discount should be applied to the provision of residential car parking spaces where over 50%
of the site area of the development fall within a 500m radius of rail stations. The 500mradius
catchment area of a rail station should be drawn from the centre of the station irrespective of the
configuration and layout of the station.
(5) The standard for the developments of flat size greater than 160m2 is a minimum requirement.
Request for provision beyond the standard will be considered by Transport Department on a caseby
case basis.
(6) Visitor car parking for private residential developments with more than 75 units per block should
include 15 visitor spaces per block in addition to the recommendations, or as determined by the
Authority. For other private residential developments, the visitor car parking provision will be advised
by Transport Department on a casebycase basis.
(Refer to Statement of Intent for further guidance)
# The parking standards for subsidised housing in Section 1 of Table 11 are applicable to public rental
housing developments. The parking requirements for subsidised saleable housing developments should
be determined on a casebycase basis by the Authority.
Section 2 : Parking Standards for Community Facilities
[ Simple Table Format ]
Parking Requirements Loading/Unloading Requirements
Type of
Standards Remarks Standards Remarks
1. Education
1 layby for taxis and
(a) Primary 1 car Provision covers private cars for every:
Schools parking school principal, senior
space for teachers, itinerant
every 4 to 6 specialist teachers, (i) 2 to 3 classrooms in
classrooms. inspectors and visitors. primary schools; 5/16
12/09/2016 Table 11 : Parking Standards
and senior teachers for technical institutes.
(b) Secondary 1 car
Schools and parking For school buses, there
Technical space for should be a minimum of 3
Institutes every laybys within the school
3 to 4 boundary for primary
classrooms. schools and up to 3 lay
bys for secondary
schools. However, for all
schools within public
housing estates, the
requirement for bus lay
bys should be examined
on an individual basis
taking account of the
catchment area and the
expected traffic conditions
on the roads within the
(Refer to Statement of Intent for further guidance)
1. For schools and kindergartens within public housing estates, the carparking provisions, taxi and private
car laybys and loading/unloading provisions should be subject to the requirements of Housing
[Simple Table Format]
Parking Requirements
Type of
Standards Remarks Standards Remarks 6/16
12/09/2016 Table 11 : Parking Standards
2. Medical
1 to 2 laybys
(ii) 400 beds, or
part thereof,
in hospitals
without A+E
ambulance lay
bys: 7/16
12/09/2016 Table 11 : Parking Standards
(i) 2 for
with A+E
(ii) 1 to 2 for
without A+E
(iii)all laybys to
be under
13 laybys for
(Refer to Statement of Intent for further guidance)
1. For private clinics/polyclinics within public housing estates, the car parking provisions, taxi and private
car laybys and loading/unloading provisions should be subject to the requirements of Housing
[Simple Table Format]
Type of
Development Parking Requirements Loading/Unloading Requirements
In determining
requirements within
the range of
standards given,
account should be
taken of such
factors as location,
size of church and
proximity to public
transport. 8/16
12/09/2016 Table 11 : Parking Standards
33kV substation, One LGV space. To be provided
one space for in the open yard
private car within each
substation site.
5. Arts Venues In general, no standards should apply. To be determined by the Authority.
(Refer to Statement of Intent for further guidance)
Section 3 : Parking Standards for Commercial Facilities
[ Simple Table Format ]
Parking Requirements Loading/Unloading
Type of
Standards Remarks Standards Remarks
(Refer to Statement of Intent and General Notes for Section 3 for further guidance)
General Notes for Section 3:
1. Provision referring to gross floor area (GFA) includes part thereof the specified m2 GFA.
2. Goods vehicle provision is divided into 65% LGV and 35% HGV but does not apply to Housing
Authority development.
[ Simple Table Format ] 9/16
12/09/2016 Table 11 : Parking Standards
Parking Requirements Loading/Unloading
Type of Requirements
In preparation of Dry goods are
development plans, generally still
some laybys for delivered at
taxis and private cars irregular intervals
should be by bicycles or
incorporated in the small vans.
vicinity of markets.
To facilitate
in the bulk
purchasing of
retail goods.
(Refer to Statement of Intent and General Notes for Section 3 for further guidance)
Notes: 10/16
12/09/2016 Table 11 : Parking Standards
1. The provisions relating to retail markets apply to free standing retail markets and not those built as part
of retail centres. Parking and loading/unloading bay provision for markets which are integrated in
location and design with the retail centres should still be determined as part of the general retail
requirement (see Type 1 of this Section) and be calculated according to the overall floor space of the
retail centre, including any market area.
2. Flexibility in application of the standards is allowed in case of severe site constraints.
[ Simple Table Format ]
Parking Requirements
Type of
Standards Remarks Standards Remarks
4. Hotels
≥600 rooms 4
Layby should be such
that bus ingress, egress
Layby for single with no tailback into a
deck tour buses: public road. Adequate
passenger waiting area to
be provided adjacent to
Min. layby.
Hotel Type
≤299 rooms 1
≥900 rooms 3
Additional provision
for convention
centres and banquet 11/16
12/09/2016 Table 11 : Parking Standards
facilities to be
determined by the
for hotels
25 car
spaces per
GFA of
In preparation of
development plans,
some additional lay
bys for taxis and
private cars should
be incorporated in
the vicinity of known 12/16
12/09/2016 Table 11 : Parking Standards
cinemas, theatres
and the like.
(Refer to Statement of Intent and General Notes for Section 3 for further guidance)
Section 4 : Parking Standards for Industrial and Business Developments
Section 4.1: General Industrial Use (GIU) and Business Use ["OU(B)"]
[ Simple Table Format ]
Parking Requirements
Type of Development
1 goods vehicle bay per 700
General Industrial Private car: See 900m2 GFA, 50% of which should See
Industrial Use (I) Notes be for parking of goods vehicles. Notes
Use (2) (3). (4) (7) &
(GIU) (11).
1 per One container vehicle
1 000 loading/unloading bay with turning
1 200m2 circle of 11.6m outer radius should
GFA. be provided for a site with
dimensions not less than 45m x
1 per 600 remaining 50% of the I/O GFA
50% of all the above required
goods vehicle bays shall be for
parking of goods vehicles.
1 goods vehicle bay per 8001
200m2 for commercial GFA solely
for loading/unloading.
One container vehicle
loading/unloading bay with turning
circle of 11.6m outer radius should
be provided for a site with
dimensions not less than 45m x
50% of all the above required
goods vehicle bays shall be for
parking of goods vehicles.
One container vehicle
loading/unloading bay with turning 13/16
12/09/2016 Table 11 : Parking Standards
circle of 11.6m outer radius should
be provided for a site with
dimensions not less than 45m x
1 per 600 remaining 50% of the I/O GFA.
50% of all the above required
goods vehicle bays shall be for
parking of goods vehicles.
1 goods vehicle bay per 800
1 200m2 for commercial GFA
solely for loading/unloading.
One container vehicle
loading/unloading bay with turning
circle of 11.6m outer radius should
be provided for a site with
dimensions not less than 45m x
1 per 150
200m2 GFA For sites of at least 5 000m2 net
for the first site area, 1 picking up/setting
15 000m2 down layby for taxis and private
GFA; cars for every 20 000m2, or part
thereof, GFA
1 per 200
300m2 GFA
for the
A minimum of 1 picking up/setting
down layby for taxis and private
cars shall be provided for sites of
at least 5 000m2 net site area.
One container vehicle
loading/unloading bay with turning
circle of 11.6m outer radius should
be provided for a site with
dimensions not less than 45m x
(Refer to Statement of Intent for further guidance) 14/16
12/09/2016 Table 11 : Parking Standards
1. Provision referring to gross floor area (GFA) includes part thereof of the specified m2 GFA.
2. In preparation of planning layouts for industrial areas, provision should be made for public parking
areas to cater for transit vehicles which cannot be accommodated within individual lots.
The following design standards apply:
For private cars: Turning circle 7.5m outer radius.
ii) For goods vehicles: turning circle 11.5m outer radius.
4. Goods vehicle provision is divided into 65 % LGV and 35 % HGV.
5. The space provided for loading/unloading is required to abut a goods handling platform or area
which must be provided and so laid out that the goods loading/unloading from/to such platform or
area may be transported within the lot to all parts of the building both horizontally and vertically.
6. The goods handling platform or area must give access to the building in accordance with the Code
of Practice for Provision of Means of Escape in Case of Fire and allied requirements made under
the Buildings Ordinance.
7. All parking and loading/unloading bays shall be laid out in such a way to avoid the need for
vehicles to reverse onto roads abutting the lot.
8. The handling of all goods must be through designated goods entrances, goods lifts lobbies and
goods lifts that are segregated from those for passengers.
9. Points of access should not interrupt the main shopping frontage.
10. The manoeuvring of goods vehicles should be within the curtilages of the site; generally no
reversing movement into/from a public road will be permitted.
11. The provision of container vehicle loading/unloading bay on sites with dimensions less than
45m x 40m should be considered on a casebycase basis and in consultation with the Transport
Section 4.2: Special Industrial Use (SIU)
[ Simple Table Format ]
Parking Requirements
Type of Development
Private Car Lorry Container Vehicle
1. Industrial Estate (IE)
1 per 900m2 GFA or 1 per 450m2 site area, One container bay
whichever is the greater. Of the spaces should be provided 15/16
12/09/2016 Table 11 : Parking Standards
provided, 50% shall be for parking of private for a site with
cars and light vans and 50% shall be for dimensions not less
parking and loading/unloading of lorries. than 45m x 40m
2. Science Park (SP)5
1 per 75m2 GFA (75% for 1 per 5 000m2
cars; 25% for vans) GFA Nil
3.Rural Based Industrial Use (RI)
1 parking space per establishment or 1 parking space for every
900m2 GFA of the establishment, whichever is the greater, for
lorry/visitor parking.
4. Other Industrial Uses with
Special Requirements (SI) As per functional needs.
(Refer to Statement of Intent for further guidance)
1. 50% of all the above required goods vehicle bays shall be for parking of goods vehicles.
2. Goods vehicle provision is divided into 65 % LGV and 35 % HGV.
3. Provision referring to gross floor area (GFA) includes part thereof the specified m2 GFA.
4. For Industrial Estates, the parking requirement is the minimum provision. The Hong Kong Science
and Technology Parks Corporation will assess the actual parking provision on an individual site
5. For Science Park, parking requirement for Heavy Goods Vehicle will not apply.
2005 Important notices Last revision date : June 2016 16/16