Qatar Assessment
Qatar Assessment
Qatar Assessment
Technical assessment
Safe take-off distance → RWY+CWY within acft reaches the screen height with no less than V2
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Wake turbulence → The following minimums should be observed (ICAO DOC 4444)
Cruise or arrival Departure
Follower ↓ Preceding Aircraft Preceding Aircraft
Light 5 6 8 2 2 3
Medium 3 5 7 # 2 3
Heavy # 4 6 # # 2
Super # # # # # #
ETOPS → Extended twin operations. An operator may be granted to operate on routes which the
airplane will be more than 60 minutes away from a suitable airport. Normal categories range
from 60 to 180 minutes, but recently some airlines have applied to operate 207 and 240
Adequate airport → is an airport which where an aircraft can land (according to the aircraft landing
performance) and is expected to have, by the landing time, ATS, weather reporting, lighting,
emergency services, communications and navaids. In addition, at least one approach navaid
will be available for an instrument approach
Suitable airport → adequate airport where the weather is at or above minima for a safe landing
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RVSM → Reduced vertical separation minima: the reduction of the standard vertical separation
required between aircraft flying between FL290 and FL410 inclusive, from 2,000 ft to 1,000 ft.
Requires crew training, airline and aircraft certification.
RVSM Aircraft requirements are:
1. Two independent altitude measurement systems,
2. an altitude alerting system,
3. an automatic altitude control system,
4. transponder and in case of TCAS, must be TCAS II version 7 or later
RVSM altimeter checks:
1. < 75 ft on ground between primary altimeters and known elevation
2. at FL capture, not to over or undershoot by more than 150 ft
3. AP must be able to maintain FL with no more than 200 ft difference
4. 1000 ft prior to achieve a FL, reduce rate of climb/descent to 1500 fpm or less
Contingency procedures - “Quad 4 maneuver” (ICAO DOC 4444)
• Turn 45° away from track, (China = 30º)
• Pick a direction based on alternates, nearby tracks, SLOP, and desired altitude,
• Obtain a 15 NM offset (China = 10 NM, Middle East = 25 NM)
• Pick an altitude 500 ft off if at or below FL 410, 1000 ft if above,
• Broadcast to ATC and nearby aircraft (121.5 or 123.45)
• Light up the airplane.
WX deviation. → In case a clearance cannot be obtained, or deviations of less than 10 NM,
maintain allocated flight level. If the required deviation is of more than 10 NM, follow this:
For maximum range, it's preferred to load the aircraft AFT of the CG, which will give the acft
a nose-up attitude.
Critical Mach nr → is the lowest aircraft Mach number at which the airflow over some part of the
aircraft will reach the speed of sound
Dutch-roll → is an oscillatory instability associated with swept wing jet aircraft. It's a
combination of yawing and roll motions. Prevented with yaw-dampers. In case of failure of
yaw-dampers, recovery technique: apply opposite aileron to the direction of the roll.
VOR range → Where: H1 is transmitter
height and H2 is the receiver height.
Answer will be given in NM
DME range → DME accuracy, by ICAO, has to
be within ½ NM or 3%, whichever is greater, in
slant measurement.
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ILS Loc limits→ G/S normal envelope (ICAO) is within 10 NM, +/- 8º of the centerline. Airbus
limits G/S engagement to RA signal validity (8,200 ft – TRT, 5,000 ft - Honeywell).
Altimeter → A pressure altimeter measure static air pressure. As the aircraft ascends, the static
pressure in the instrument case decreases, which allows the enclosed capsule to expands and
this in turn the needle in the instrument, through an intricate system of gears and levers. For
PFD info, data comes from sensors (pitot probes, AOA sensors, total air temperature sensors
and static pressure probes) → 8 ADM (air data module [converts pneumatic data from probes
to numerical data]) → ADR
QFE → station pressure. Aircraft altimeter set to QFE should read zero at that station.
QNH → is a local altimeter setting that makes the altimeter indicate the aircraft's altitude AMSL and
therefore, airfield elevation. It uses ISA values for the calculation
QNE → QNE is the standard setting (1013.25 hPa or 29.92 in hg). Use for ATC above the transition
layer, will indicate flight level. Also used in very high altitude airports where QFE pressure is
so low it cannot be set on the altimeter subscale.
Height → distance measured above the ground (QFE)
Altitude → distance measured above local pressure setting, or above MSL
Flight level → measured pressure above the 1013 hPa datum
Pressure altitude → altitude corrected to the standard pressure. For every milibar (or hPa), altitude
varies 30 ft approximately. For every in hg, 1,000 ft.
What is ISA → International Standard Atmosphere
Tª = 15ºC at sea level, lapserate -2ºC/1,000 ft
Pressure = 29.92 in hg or 1,013.25 hPa
Density = 1225 g/m3
DALR (dry adiabatic lapse rate) -3ºC/1,000 ft (to calculate cloud base → cloud
base = (Tª – dew point)/3 x 1000
Celsius to Fahrenheit → ºF = ((ºC x 2 -10%) +32
Weather and altimeter → In lower temperatures (or pressure system), aircraft will be lower than
indicated., remember: Flying from high to low, lookout below !
Press. Altitude → QNH = 1034 hPa, airfield elev. = 2340 ft, calculate press. Altitude:
True altitude → True alt = ind. Alt. + (4 x ind. Alt./1000 x ISA dev) +(27 x (QNH-subscale))
Actually, if altimeter is set to QNH, true altitude is approximately indicated altitude.
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Altim. instrument errors → instrument errors Barometric error
pressure error (var. of static pressure near source) Temperature/density error
Time-lag error Blocked static port
1) If the pitot tube gets blocked (static port open), the speed indicator will function as an altimeter:
during climb speed will increase and vice-versa
3) If pitot tube gets blocked and the drain hole is open (static port open), airspeed will read zero.
IAS → Indicated airspeed, It's a measure of dynamic pressure translated to speed (usually in knots).
Since the airspeed indicator is calibrated to ISA, IAS = CAS in ISA at MSL
CAS/RAS → Calibrated airspeed/rectified airspeed: it is IAS corrected for instrument (friction of
moving parts ) and pressure errors.
EAS → Equivalent airspeed: is CAS corrected for compressibility errors
TAS → the actual speed of an aircraft through the mass of air it's flying. It depends on air density →
the lower the air density (less resistance of the air), higher the TAS
TAS Calculation Divide your indicated altitude by 1000, multiply this figure by 5, and add this
number to your indicated airspeed. Ex:30000/1000= 30*5= 150+280= 430 is your TAS.
GS → ground speed: TAS relative to the ground
Rule of thumb for 3º descent: multiply your GS by 5. ROD (ft/m) = GS (kt) x 5
(ICE Tea)
LSS → Local speed of sound. Decreases with the temperature. At MSL (ISA), it's equal to 661. kt
Anti-ice usage → Visible moisture and temperature at or below freezing point. Visible moisture is
defined as any moisture reducing the visibility to 1 SM or less. Icing is not likely to be formed
in Cirrus clouds
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Atmosphere →
Windshear → is any variation in wind speed and/or direction in a short period of time. It's found
usually below 3,000 ft AGL, in the presence of:
1. CAT (clear air turbulence)
2. Frontal passage
3. Microbursts and thunderstorms gusts (+/- 4 km, 1-5 minutes)
It is detected by identifying a a difference in wind and/or temperature between two places or
identifying certain phenomenas (like Cbs). It affects the acft lift and the dynamic speed.
Headwind component increases → acft performance increases → overshoot aiming point
Headwind component decreases → acft performance decreases → undershoot aiming point
For light windshear (small variations, like like less than one dot localizer or G/S =
manageable), it's acceptable to use normal power and pitch to correct. Stronger windshear
requires a go-around. Windshear found on TO: → before V1, reject TO, after V1, follow FD
with full power.
Altitude Time
15,000 ft 30 minutes or more
25,000 ft 3-5 minutes
30,000 ft 1-3 minutes
35,000 ft 30-60 seconds
40,000 ft 9-15 seconds
Engine failure in cruise: As soon as the engine failure is recognized, the PF will simultaneously:
• Set all thrust levers to MCT
• Disconnect A/THR
Then, PF will
• Select the SPEED (min clean – green dot or 320 kt for ETOPS)
• If appropriate, select a HDG to keep clear of the airway
• Select the appropriate EO altitude and descend
• do the required emergency checklist
Evacuation → for acft with more than 44 seats: 90 seconds with half the exits
ILS CAT 1 minimums: DA = 200 ft, vis = 800 m, RVR 550 m
ILS CAT 2 minimums: DH = 100 ft, RVR 350 m
Glide range does not depend on the acft weight, provided it will be flown at correct AOA and speed.
NOTAMS → (D) distant, (L) local, FDC (flight data center). Class I → distributed by
telecommunication, class II → other means
Swept wings → Thin, minimal chamber, swept wings: this is a high speed acft wing. Efficient and
increases Mcrit.
Boundary layer → a thin layer of air next to the surface of the airfoil with a reduced airspeed due
the air viscosity.
ACFT movement axis → longitudinal (roll), lateral (pitch), vertical (yaw)
Spoilers decrease Cl max and increase drag coefficient
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MORA → minimum off-route altitude. 10NM to each side of AWY, give a clearance of 1,000 ft over
terrain up to 5,000 ft and 2,000 ft over terrain of 5,001 ft or above. Does not provide navaid or
communications coverage. State provided figures provide 1,000 ft clearance ove non-
mountainous area and 2,000 ft over mountainous areas.
MEA → minimum enroute altitude. is the lowest published altitude between radio navigation fixes
that assures acceptable navigational signal coverage and meets obstacle clearance
requirements 5 NM to each side of airways
MOCA → minimum obstacle clearance altitude. 5NM each side of airways
GPWS → works from 50 ft to 2,500 ft
Mode Condition Aural Alert Aural Warning
1 Excessive descent rate "SINKRATE" "PULL UP"
2 Excessive terrain closure rate "TERRAIN TERRAIN" "PULL UP"
3 Excessive attitude loss after T/O or go-around "DON'T SINK" (no warning)
4a Unsafe terrain clearance: gear not locked down "TOO LOW - GEAR" "TOO LOW - TERRAIN"
4b Unsafe terrain clearance: landing flap not selected "TOO LOW - FLAP" "TOO LOW - TERRAIN"
4c Terrain rising faster than aircraft after take off (no warning)
5 Excessive descent below ILS glideslope "GLIDESLOPE" "GLIDESLOPE"
(for example) "ONE
6 Advisory Callout of Radio Height (no warning)
6 Advisory Callout of Bank Angle "BANK ANGLE" (no warning)
7 Windshear protection "WINDSHEAR" (no warning)
Terrain Proximity "CAUTION TERRAIN"
Runway lighting
Red flashes Aerodrome unsafe, do not land Taxi clear of landing area in use
White flashes Land at this AD and proceed to apron Return to the starting point on the AD
What is a barrete → it's 3 or more ground lights closely spaced together to appear as a set of a bar
of lights
Loop or pigtail → Pigtail is used on a steam line to convert steam vapour phase into water. It avoids
high temperatures to contact the instruments like pressure gauges or transmitters. It avoid
vibration in impulse lines. It's also called syphon.
Control valves → are valves which opens or close partially or fully to control flow, temperature,
pressure and liquid level. It responds to signals from controllers and can be electrically,
pneumatically or hydraulically actuated.
De-ice → fluids type I, II, III and IV. Usually de-ice will use heated type I fluid and anti-ice
(precautionary procedure) use fluid type II or IV (or a mix). A one-step de/anti-icing will use
heated anti-ice fluid. The best procedure is a 2 step de/anti-icing. Holdover time starts at the
beginning of the second step (anti-icing)
Classes of fire →
Class Material Example Extinguisher
flammable solids wood, paper, clotth foam
dry powder
dry powder
flammable liquids gas, alcohol, spirits
Do NOT use water
Dry powder
electrical CO2
Do NOT use water
Transponder → works in conjunction with the SSR (secondary surveilance radar). 4096 codes
Mode C → 2000 on TXP over areas with no ATC TXP requirements. Mode S = more information
GPS → global positioning system. Constellation of 24 satellites (+6 spares) at approximately 11,000
NM above earth's surface
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Ground Signals
Signals in the signal area
At least 3
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wind direction and speed. DddssGgg (avg wind spd for 2 min, dir is VRB if it varies
3 25032G53KT
60 degrees or more, gust is a variation of 10kt or more between peak and lulls
4 210V280 variable wind direction
visibility in meters. 9999 = 10km or more, 3000 = 3000m, 0800 = 800m, 0000 = Less
5 800
than 50m
RVR. Is usually only given if the visibility is 1500m or less.
R15 is the runway number.
/0800 is the visibility in metres.
P = more than N = unchanged
6 R15/0800 R33/P1500
D = decreasing U = increasing
Sometimes RVR's will be quoted as varying between 2 visibilities (a maximum and
minimum in the 30 minute period). This is shown like this... 0800V1200 (varying
between 800m and 1200m)
Current weather
HZ= HAZE Waterspout or similar)
CLR, SKC, NSC → sky clear VV → sky obscured, followed by vertical
FEW → few clouds (1/8 or 2/8) visibility (/// = not measured, 000 = below
8 SCT009 BKN015CB SCT → scattered (3/8 or 4/8) 100 ft, 002 = 200 ft
BKN → broken (5/8 to 7/8) If TCU or CB are present, it will be
OVC → overcast (8/8) indicated at the end
10 Q0975 QNH
Ceiling → The height above the ground or water of the base of the lowest layer of cloud below 6000
meters (20,000 feet) covering more than half the sky (broken or overcast)
CAVOK → no clouds below 5,000ft AAL, vis 10 km or more, no precipitation, TS or fog
Sublimation → vapor to ice immediately when temperature is less than 0ºC
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MOC 394 ft 394 ft
Visibility 3.7 km 4.6 km
IAS to comply with max circling radius (approx.
180 kt 205 kt
Turn bank 20º
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Alternate minima →
Type of approach Planning minima
CATII/III Cat I minima (RVR)
CATI Non-precision app minima (ceiling/RVR or vis)
Non-precision Non-precision app minima + 200’/1,000m (MDH + 200’/RVR or vis
+1,000 m)
Circling Circling minima
Some formulas
← Best Worst →
Very light Freezing fog moderate freezing freezing rain rain or cold
snow or ice crystals snow drizzle soaked wing
Intercepting signals
Chicago Convention
52 signatories states has to abide
Article 1: Every state has complete and exclusive sovereignty over airspace above its territory.
Article 5: The aircraft of states, other than scheduled international air services, have the right to make flights
across state's territories and to make stops without obtaining prior permission. However, the state may require
the aircraft to make a landing.
Article 6: (Scheduled air services) No scheduled international air service may be operated over or into the
territory of a contracting State, except with the special permission or other authorization of that State.
Article 10: (Landing at customs airports): The state can require that landing to be at a designated customs
airport and similarly departure from the territory can be required to be from a designated customs airport.
Article 12: Each state shall keep its own rules of the air as uniform as possible with those established under
the convention, the duty to ensure compliance with these rules rests with the contracting state.
Article 13: (Entry and Clearance Regulations) A state's laws and regulations regarding the admission and
departure of passengers, crew or cargo from aircraft shall be complied with on arrival, upon departure and
whilst within the territory of that state.
Article 16: The authorities of each state shall have the right to search the aircraft of other states on landing or
departure, without unreasonable delay...
Article 24: Aircraft flying to, from or across, the territory of a state shall be admitted temporarily free of duty.
Fuel, Oil, spare parts, regular equipment and aircraft stores retained on board are also exempt custom duty,
inspection fees or similar charges.
Article 29: Before an international flight, the pilot in command must ensure that the aircraft is airworthy, duly
registered and that the relevant certificates are on board the aircraft. The required documents are:
• Certificate of Registration • Journey Logbook
• Certificate of Airworthiness • Radio Licence
• Pax names, place of boarding and destination • Cargo manifest
• Crew licences
Article 32: the pilot and crew of every aircraft engaged in international aviation must have certificates of
competency and licences issued or validated by the state in which the aircraft is registered.
Article 33: (Recognition of Certificates and Licences) Certificates of Airworthiness, certificates of
competency and licences issued or validated by the state in which the aircraft is registered, shall be recognised
as valid by other states. The requirements for issue of those Certificates or Airworthiness, certificates of
competency or licences must be equal to or above the minimum standards established by the Convention.
Article 40: No aircraft or personnel with endorsed licenses or certificate will engage in international
navigation except with the permission of the state or states whose territory is entered. Any license holder who
does not satisfy international standard relating to that license or certificate shall have attached to or endorsed
on that license information regarding the particulars in which he does not satisfy those standards".
•Annex 1 – Personnel Licensing Investigation
•Annex 2 – Rules of the Air •Annex 14 – Aerodromes
•Annex 3 – Meteorological Service for International •Annex 15 – Aeronautical Information Services
Air Navigation •Annex 17 – Security: Safeguarding International
•Annex 8 – Airworthiness of Aircraft Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference
•Annex 10 – Aeronautical Telecommunications •Annex 18 – The Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods
•Annex 13 – Aircraft Accident and Incident by Air
QATAR Airways Assessment Preparation page 21
First aid → is the immediate and temporary care given to a casualty until the services of a doctor or
paramedic can be obtained.
CARE → Confident and calm, Alert, Resourceful, Efficient and empathy
3P → preserve life, prevent complications, promote recovery
DRABCD → Danger
Response Adult Child Infant
Breathing Breathing 16-20 20-24 24-28
Circulation rate breaths/min breaths/min breaths/min
Defribillation Pulse rate 60-80 bpm 80-100 bpm 100-120 bpm
A320 Systems
Circuit breakers → green CB = monitored by ECAM. CBs on the overhead paner are associated
with systems that can be powered while in the EMER ELEC.
Fuel pumps CBs and the 4 red WTB on the aft panel should never be cycled or reset by the
IR on Bat →one or more ADIRU is on the ships battery. ADIRU 2 and 3 will remain on battery for
5 minutes. ADIRU 1 will remain on battery till until generator power can be restored or
batteries fail.
STBY instruments→ADR 3 feeds stby instruments. ALL ADR fault is a paper checklist which
states: FLY THE GREEN (BUSS installed). For BUSS to be available, all ADR must be off or
faulty. Speed info will be provided by the AOA sensor while altitude (less the last 2 digits) will
be available on PFD via GPS (GPS altitude is higher because it displays density altitude.
Errors will be negligible (about 10%) below 10,000 ft. Altitude displayed will be HIGHER
than normal indicated ALT in most cases (OAT > ISA)
IR 1+2+3 Fault → NO ECAM, but there is status and landing distance procedure to apply.
IR FAULT flashing → IR may be recovered in ATT mode. If the light is steady, the platform is not
Auto brake → ABRK low → 4 seconds delay, deceleration rate is 1.8 m/s2
ABRK med → 2 seconds delay, deceleration rate is 3.0 m/s2
SRS → Speed reference system, controls pitch mode to keep the aircraft at a speed defined by the
SRS guidance law. Available from TOGA or FLX/MCT setting on the thrust levers (in the
presence of V2 in PERF page, slats extended, acft on ground for at least 30 sec) to ACC ALT
or ALT CST* or if the crew engages another vertical mode.
Data lock → When the aircraft reaches 700 feet RA with APPR mode (LOC and GIS) armed or
engaged, the ILS freq and course are frozen in the receiver. Any attempt to change the ILS
frequency or CRS, via the MCDU or RMP, does not affect the receiver. If the speed is
managed, the system does not accept any modifications the flight crew may enter on the PERF
APPR page (surface wind, selected landing configuration, or VAPP) for speed guidance
purposes below this altitude. When the aircraft reaches 400 feet RA, LAND mode engages.
The flight crew can only disengage this mode by engaging the GO AROUND mode.
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Flight controls are electrically controlled and hydraulically actuated (except for mechanical backup,
where rudder and stabilizer may be mechanically controlled)
Electrical system
1. 2 Engine → IDG → eng. driven generators (90 kva each)→ GCU (gen. Ctrl unit) → AC busses
2. 1 APU → APU generator (90 kva) → GAPCU (ground and aux. Power control unit) → AC busses
3. Ext. power → GAPCU → AC busses
4. EMERG generator (5 kva) (blue hyd) → GCU → AC essential bus
5. Battery 1 → static inverter (1 kva) → (part of) AC essential bus
DC system → 28 VDC
• GEN 1/GEN 2 → APU → ext. pwr (ext pwr have priority over APU when EXT PWR pb pushed)
• One engine gen, the APU or ext power can supply the entire network
• Generators cannot be connected in paralel
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Hydraulic system
The aircraft has three continuously operating hydraulic systems (blue, green and yellow). Each system has its
own reservoir. Normal operating pressure is 3000 PSI (2500 PSI when powered by RAT). Hydraulic fluid
cannot be transferred from one system to another.
• PTU (power transfer unit) automatically comes on when differential pressure between green and
yellow system is greater than 500 PSI.
• RAT deploys automatically if AC BUS 1 and 2 are lost
• Priority valves cut off hydraulic power to heavy load users if hydraulic pressure in a system gets low
• Accumulators maintain constant pressure by covering demands during normal operation
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Flight maneuvering load acceleration limits
• Clean configuration........................................................................-1 g to +2.5 g
• Not Clean ......................................................................................0 g to +2.0 g
Weight limitations
• Maximum taxi weight 1.................................................................75900 kg
• Maximum TO weight 1..................................................................75500 kg
• Maximum taxi weight 2.................................................................73900 kg
• Maximum TO weight 2..................................................................73500 kg
• Maximum landing weight..............................................................66000 kg
• Maximum ZFW.............................................................................62500 kg
• Minimum weight............................................................................37230 kg
Environmental envelope
• Maximum flight altitude................................................................39800 ft
• Maximum runway altitude.............................................................9200 ft
• Minimum runway altitude.............................................................-2000 ft
• Runway slope.................................................................................+/- 2%
• Nominal runway width..................................................................45 m
• Max demonstrated crosswind........................................................38 kt
• Maximum tailwind (for TO & ldg)................................................15 kt
• Maximum wind for pax door operation.........................................65 kt
• Maximum wind for cargo door operation......................................40 kt (50 kt if acft nose into the wind)
• Max x-wind for rwy damp or wet..................................................38 kt
• Max x-wind for rwy contaminated (3mm of water/slush/snow).. .29 kt
• Max x-wind for rwy slippery when wet.........................................25 kt
• Max x-wind for rwy w/ more than 3mm of water or slush............20 kt
• Max x-wind for rwy w/ ice (cold and dry).....................................15 kt
• Takeoff not recommended on the following runway conditions:
• wet ice / water on top of compacted snow / snow over ice
Maximum speeds
• Flaps 1............................................................................................230 kt
• Flaps 1+F.......................................................................................215 kt
• Flaps 2............................................................................................200 kt
• Flaps 3............................................................................................185 kt
• Flaps full........................................................................................177 kt
• Gear extended (VLE).....................................................................280 kt/M 0.67
• Gear extension (VLO extension)...................................................250 kt
• Gear retraction (VLO retraction)...................................................220 kt
• Maximum altitude to extend gear..................................................25000 ft
• Maximum tyre speed.....................................................................195 kt
• Max wiper speed............................................................................230 kt
• Cockpit window open....................................................................200 kt
• Taxi speed: taxi weight > 76000 kg...............................................max 20 kt in a turn
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Autopilot function
• Min height for AP on TO with SRS mode.....................................100 ft
• Straight-in NPA..............................................................................MDA
• Straight-in LNAV/VNAV app........................................................DA
• Circling..........................................................................................MDA -100 ft
• ILS (without CAT2 or CAT3 displayed)........................................160 ft AGL
• PAR approach................................................................................250 ft AGL
• Go-around......................................................................................100 ft AGL
• All other phases.............................................................................500 ft AGL
• OPEN DES or DES mode not allowed for approach unless FCU altitude is set to MDA or
500 ft, whichever is higher
• Autothrust use approved with or without AP/FD in selected or managed mode
Takeoff in GPS primary
• For certain airpots where the difference between the local coordinates system and WGS 84 is
not negligible, incorrect NAV guidance may occur. Deselect GPS for TO from these airports
• Minimum DH.................................................................................100 ft
• At least on AP in APPR mode and CAT2, CAT3 SINGLE or CAT3 DUAL must be displayed on FMA
• Maximum winds (head/xwind/tail)........................................................ 30/20/10 kt
Engine Out
CAT II or CAT III fail passive autoland are only approved in configuration FULL, and if engine-out
procedures are completed before reaching 1,000 ft on approach.
• CAT2 and CAT3 autolands are approved in conf 3 or full
• Autoland demonstrated:
◦ with CAT2 and CAT3 ILS beams ◦ a or below MLW
◦ slope angle from -2.5º to -3.15º ◦ Vapp = VLS + wind correction
◦ airport elevation at or below 2500 ft
• NOT allowed below -1000 ft pressure altitude
• Rollout approved on dry and wet runways, but not demonstrated in snow or ice covered rwys.
• Autoland not approved in Johannesburg 03R/21L runways
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• MAX continuous load per generator.............................................100% (90 kva)
• MAX continuous load per TR........................................................200 A
Maximum imbalance
• Normal operating pressure.............................................................3000 PSI +/- 200
• Taxi with deflated tyres: one tire on one or more gears.................max 7 kt on turns
• Taxi with deflated tyres: two tires on same gear............................max 3 kt on turns, max 30º
Inertial Reference System
• Ground alignment demonstrated between 73º north and south
• NAV mode prohibited: depends on MSN and magnetic variation table
• Acft navigation not to be predicated on the use of terrain display
• Database do NOT take in account man made obstacles
• Predictive function should be inhibited when acft is less than 15 NM from airfield where
runways are not incorporated in the database
• If both PFD are lost, ISIS bug function must not be used
• LOW OIL LEVEL on ECAM advisory.........................................maintenance needed after 10
h of APU operation
• Starter duty cycle...........................................................................3 attempts, 60', 3 attempts
• Rotor speed....................................................................................max 107%
• EGT max........................................................................................675 ºC
• Maximum for start (below 35000 ft).............................................1090 ºC
• Maximum for start (above 35000 ft)..............................................1120 ºC
• BLEED+ELEC..............................................................................max 22500 ft
• ELEC only.....................................................................................up to 39800 ft
• APU battery restart limit................................................................25000 ft
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Power Plant
Thrust setting/EGT limits
• Max continuous temperature.........................................................140 ºC
• Max transient temperature (15 min)..............................................155 ºC
• Minimum starting temperature......................................................-40 ºC
• Minimum temperature for takeoff.................................................-10 ºC
• Minimum oil quantity....................................................................9.5 qt + 0.5 qt/hour
• N1 max...........................................................................................104%
• N2 max...........................................................................................105%
• 4 consecutive cycles of 2 min, followed by a pause of 20 sec. After the 4 th attempt: 15 cooling
(2-20, 2-20, 2-20, 2-15 min)
• No running engagement of starter with N2 > 20%
Reverse thrust
• not permitted in flight
• not permitted to back up the aircraft
• maximum reverse should not be used below 70 kt
Reduced takeoff thrust
• Thrust reduction must not exceed 30% (or 25%) of full rated takeoff thrust. Flex temperature
cannot be higher than ISA + 70 ºC (or ISA + 53 ºC)
• Not permitted on contaminated runways
• Assumed temperature cannot be lower than flat rate or OAT
1) If slats/flaps jammed, immediately pull speed !
ENG OUT during cruise
2) assess the situation. If OBSTACLE (driftdown) or STANDARD strategy (M 0.78/300
1) if noticed during climb, STOP climbing !
1) abort engine start
1. below THR RED ALT → 15º/TOGA
2. from THR RED ALT to FL100 → 10º/CLB
3. above FL100 → 5º/CLB
4) flaps → maintain CONF
5) speedbrakes → check retracted
6) landing gear → UP
When above MSA or circuit altitude, level off for troubleshooting
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Introduce yourself briefly.
I'm Aurelio, 41, I'm brazilian …. Married, one 14 years old boy. I've been flying commercially for 15 years, I'm
a captain for the last 3 years. I like diving, hiking and bike riding, as well as watching movies with my family. I
also like technology, gadgets and photography.
Hard working, enthusiast, honest and responsible. I always try to see the bright side of everything. I love to be
among friends and family... and I talk too much
Give us an example when you had made a decision initially and then at the advice of somebody else
you changed that decision?
TRZ → Trichi, APU auto shutdown, try to restart it to the limit (3x, 1 hour) with no joy. Tried the GPU (3 of
them), no success. Tried GAPCU CB reset, nothing. I decided to deplane all pax through the right side (dead
engine) while running engine 1 (authorized by tower). Called MOC, talked to engineer, nothing helped. We got
clearance to board the pax with engines running, but not to refuel the acft (procedure which is available on
company manuals). Since we didn't have enough fuel not even to reach an alternate airfield where we might
have a good GPU and we were more than one hour on ground, I was about to shutdown the remaining engine
and cancel the flight when the engineer alerted me we could try another APU start, which, voilá, worked. We
proceeded with refuelling and continued the flight, with a huge delay, but arrived safely home.
Give an example when you had to go outside of SOPs. What did you do? Why? Do you think it was the
good choice?
Give us an example where politely but forcefully had to tell somebody to do something?
It's common, flying with junior FOs, to see them making some mistakes or avoiding to step out their comfort
zone, either jeopardizing safety or efficiency. What I always try to do is to question them if that is the best
approach to the issue, or if they can do that a bit different. Example: ATC cut you short, you're fast and high, I
first try to make them realize the situation and what to do to correct it, if it gets to the point that we might loose
the approach, I suggest politely to drop the landing gear and start configuring the aircraft.
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State your company procedure for a given emergency situation? What do you think about it? What
would you change?
Have you ever faced an emergency or abnormal situation in flight? What did you do? Why?
Thanks God, only minor abnormals, like pack INOP, generator INOP, IR INOP. Everything I have to do was to
comply with the ECAM/checklists. Might mention bounced landing in KCH.
What cause you stress? How do you cope with it? Give an example when you were under stress?
What did you do? Why
What makes you angry? Give an example when you were angry. What did you do?
I don't get angry easily. I used to, when was a teenager. A lot of talking with friends and my dad made me
realize it wasn't healthy. I learned that people have limitations, sometimes lower than what I expect, and I
must understand and respect. So, I do get disappointed sometimes, but I cope with my instincts and try my
best not to demonstrate anger, which can be misunderstood by my colleagues, friends and colleagues.
In Qatar Airways there are many different cultures and religion. How will you cope with that?
It's the most common thing these days, working in a global environment. I'm used to work with people from
different religions and cultures, and rather than just respect them, I try to learn new things, when people are
open to that. In this way I fulfill my purpose of being a better person, more knowledgeable. Regarding the
differences in religion, I learned that in college, had the chance to apply it from 6 years ago and so far haven't
had any problems with that.
It is possible that you will not be on the fleet that you requested. Is that a problem for you?
Not at all.
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On take off and while on high speed you realize your tires are deflated. What do you do? and how
does it affect the breaking performance?
If tyre is deflated only, before V1, reject the TO. Breaking performance will decrease. After V1, continue the
TO, burn fuel to decrease landing weight and return for landing with slowest possible speed. If the TO field is
too short, you may elect going to an alternate airport with longer runway or even to your destination, provided
you're sure the tyre is only deflated, not burst (due L/G retraction)
If tyre had burst within 20 kt of V1, unless debris of it cause engine parameters fluctuations, is better to get
airborne, lower the weight and return for a landing with full runway available.
Circling approach:
The circling area which ensures obstacle clearance is based on a maximum speed of 180 kt for Category C
aircraft (ICAO PANS-OPS and JAR OPS). Maintaining F speed during the circling procedure ensures that the
aircraft remains within the safe circling area.
1. Select STAR and approach procedure. Set F speed on FAF (circling is done with conf 3 and gear
2. Waypoints maybe inserted to help fly the circling, but cannot be flown in NAV mode
3. Select the opposite runway on secondary flight plan
4. Check which side will be used. Select PF according to the side. Example: left turns, PF = CM1
(except where SOPs mandate different)
5. Shoot the approach, level off at circling MDA. If not visual, go-around
6. If VMC, turn 45º, fly for 30 sec
7. Fly the downwind leg, always visual with terrain and airfield
8. Activate SEC fpln (at the latest, to keep the GA procedure available in case of IMC)
9. Time abeam THR (3 sec/100 ft)
10. Turn base, set landing flaps, AP off, FD off.
11. If visual reference is lost, turn into the runway climbing and perform the original GA. If happens after
SEC FPLN selection, fly the GA selected (raw data)
Stabilized criteria
Turkish Airlines Flight TK1951, a Boeing 737-800, departed Istanbul-Atatürk International Airport (IST)
for a flight to Amsterdam-Schiphol International Airport (AMS), The Netherlands. The flight crew consisted of
three pilots: a line training captain who occupied the left seat, a first officer under line training in the right seat
and an additional first officer who occupied the flight deck jump seat. The first officer under line training was
the pilot flying. The en route part of the flight was uneventful.
The flight was descending for Schiphol and passed overhead Flevoland at about 8500 ft. At that time
the aural landing gear warning sounded.
The aircraft continued and was then directed by Air Traffic Control towards runway 18R for an ILS
approach and landing. The standard procedure for runway 18R prescribes that the aircraft is lined up at least
8 NM from the runway threshold at an altitude of 2000 feet. The glidepath is then approached and intercepted
from below. Lining up at a distance between 5 and 8 NM is allowed when permitted by ATC.
Flight 1951 was vectored for a line up at approximately 6 NM at an altitude of 2000 feet. The glide
slope was now approached from above.
The crew performed the approach with one of the two autopilot and autothrottle engaged.
The landing gear was selected down and flaps 15 were set. While descending through 1950 feet, the
radio altimeter value suddenly changed to -8 feet. And again the aural landing gear warning sounded.
This could be seen on the captain’s (left-hand) primary flight display. The first officer’s (right-hand)
primary flight display, by contrast, indicated the correct height, as provided by the right-hand system. The left
hand radio altimeter system, however, categorised the erroneous altitude reading as a correct one, and did
not record any error. In turn, this meant that it was the erroneous altitude reading that was used by various
aircraft systems, including the autothrottle. The crew were unaware of this, and could not have known about it.
The manuals for use during the flight did not contain any procedures for errors in the radio altimeter system.
In addition, the training that the pilots had undergone did not include any detailed system information that
would have allowed them to understand the significance of the problem.
When the aircraft started to follow the glidepath because of the incorrect altitude reading, the
autothrottle moved into the ‘retard flare’ mode. This mode is normally only activated in the final phase of the
landing, below 27 feet. This was possible because the other preconditions had also been met, including flaps
at (minimum) position 15. The thrust from both engines was accordingly reduced to a minimum value
(approach idle). This mode was shown on the primary flight displays as ‘RETARD’. However, the right-hand
autopilot, which was activated, was receiving the correct altitude from the right-hand radio altimeter system.
Thus the autopilot attempted to keep the aircraft flying on the glide path for as long as possible. This meant
that the aircraft’s nose continued to rise, creating an increasing angle of attack of the wings. This was
necessary in order to maintain the same lift as the airspeed reduced.
In the first instance, the pilots’ only indication that the autothrottle would no longer maintain the pre-
selected speed of 144 knots was the RETARD display. When the speed fell below this value at a height of 750
feet, they would have been able to see this on the airspeed indicator on the primary flight displays. When
subsequently, the airspeed reached 126 knots, the frame of the airspeed indicator also changed colour and
started to flash. The artificial horizon also showed that the nose attitude of the aircraft was becoming far too
high. The cockpit crew did not respond to these indications and warnings. The reduction in speed and
excessively high pitch attitude of the aircraft were not recognised until the approach to stall warning (stick
shaker) went off at an altitude of 460 feet.
The first officer responded immediately to the stick shaker by pushing the control column forward and
also pushing the throttle levers forward. The captain however, also responded to the stick shaker commencing
by taking over control. Assumingly the result of this was that the first officer’s selection of thrust was
interrupted. The result of this was that the autothrottle, which was not yet switched off, immediately pulled the
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throttle levers back again to the position where the engines were not providing any significant thrust. Once the
captain had taken over control, the autothrottle was disconnected, but no thrust was selected at that point.
Nine seconds after the commencement of the first approach to stall warning, the throttle levers were pushed
fully forward, but at that point the aircraft had already stalled and the height remaining, of about 350 feet, was
insufficient for a recovery.
According to the last recorded data of the digital flight data recorder the aircraft was in a 22° ANU and
10° Left Wing Down (LWD) position at the moment of impact.
The airplane impacted farmland. The horizontal stabilizer and both main landing gear legs were
separated from the aircraft and located near the initial impact point. The left and right engines had detached
from the aircraft.
The aft fuselage, with vertical stabilizer, was broken circumferentially forward of the aft passenger
doors and had sustained significant damage. The fuselage had ruptured at the right side forward of the wings.
The forward fuselage section, which contained the cockpit and seat rows 1 to 7, had been significantly
disrupted. The rear fuselage section was broken circumferentially around row 28.
The Dutch Safety Board has reached the following main conclusion:
During the accident flight, while executing the approach by means of the instrument landing system
with the right autopilot engaged, the left radio altimeter system showed an incorrect height of -8 feet on the left
primary flight display. This incorrect value of -8 feet resulted in activation of the ‘retard flare’ mode of the
autothrottle, whereby the thrust of both engines was reduced to a minimal value (approach idle) in preparation
for the last phase of the landing. Due to the approach heading and altitude provided to the crew by air traffic
control, the localizer signal was intercepted at 5.5 NM from the runway threshold with the result that the glide
slope had to be intercepted from above. This obscured the fact that the autothrottle had entered the retard
flare mode. In addition, it increased the crew’s workload. When the aircraft passed 1000 feet height, the
approach was not stabilised so the crew should have initiated a go around. The right autopilot (using data
from the right radio altimeter) followed the glide slope signal. As the airspeed continued to drop, the aircraft’s
pitch attitude kept increasing. The crew failed to recognise the airspeed decay and the pitch increase until the
moment the stick shaker was activated. Subsequently the approach to stall recovery procedure was not
executed properly, causing the aircraft to stall and crash.
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• PF = F/O in LFUS
• safety pilot fails to check speed
• AP2 coupled
• Inputs for A-THR from left RA, which was INOP (indicating -8 ft)
• conditions for RETARD mode:
◦ RA < 27 ft
◦ flaps >= 15º
• RA problem reported on DDG (dispatch deviation guide) which states AP and A-THR should not be
used for approach and landing. Problem already reported by many airlines to Boeing (they were
aware of possible consequences)
• ATC instructs TK1951 to intercept LOC at 5.5 NM (instead of 6.2 NM) at 2,000 ft, leading the crew to
intercept G/S from above which ends up masking the A-THR being in FLARE mode (because to
maintain speed and descend in order to intercept G/S THR must be at idle)
• AP tries to maintain G/S, pitching UP because A-THR = IDLE (+/- 750 ft AGL)
• initial APP speed = 144 kt reduces without crew noticing
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1) What do you believe were the main issues from the command perspective ?
• Captain might have overlooked the operational procedures for the MEL item (RA INOP)
• Captain was the instructor, could give more inputs to the F/O
• captain failed to recognise the safety pilot input about the INOP RA
• captain failed to call a go-around when they weren't stabilized at 1,000 ft
• when taking over, captain didn't follow the procedure entirely (not disconnecting A-THR and selecting
max thrust