Rubric 7 8 1

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Outcome Excelling Achieving Developing Beginning


LA7-1.1.1: Demonstrates excellent Demonstrates proficient Demonstrates developing Demonstrates beginning

extend understanding of ability to extend ability to extend ability to extend ability to extend
ideas and information by understanding by understanding by understanding by understanding by
finding and exploring print thoroughly finding and adequately finding and somewhat finding and minimally finding and
and other media texts on exploring print and other exploring print and other exploring print and other exploring print and other
related topics and themes media on related topics media on related topics media on related topics media on related topics
and themes. and themes. and themes. and themes.

LA7-2.1.3: Demonstrates excellent Demonstrates proficient Demonstrates developing Demonstrates beginning

identify, connect, and ability to identify and ability to identify and ability to identify and ability to identify and
summarize in own words, connect main ideas from connect main ideas from connect main ideas from connect main ideas from
the main ideas from two or two or more sources on two or more sources on two or more sources on two or more sources on
more sources on the same the same topic. the same topic. the same topic. the same topic.

LA7-2.4.4: create a Demonstrates excellent Demonstrates proficient Demonstrates developing Demonstrates beginning
variety of oral, print and ability to create a ability to create a ability to create a ability to create a
other media texts to presentation that explores presentation that explores presentation that explores presentation that explores
explore ideas related to your topic by containing all your topic by containing all your topic by containing your topic by containing
particular topics or themes required components and required components and some of the required some components but
each component is richly each component is components and components are minimally
developed. adequately developed. components are developed.
somewhat developed.

LA7-3.2.1: obtain Obtains information from a Obtains information from a Obtains information from a Obtains information from
information from a variety variety of sources (at least variety of sources (at least some sources (at least 2) minimal sources and fails
of sources, such as adults, 4)and cites them correctly 3) and cites them correctly and cites them at the end to correctly cite them.
peers, advertisements, at the end with minimal at the end with some with some errors.
magazines, lyrics, formal errors. errors.
interviews, almanacs,
broadcasts and videos, to
explore research

LA7-4.3.5: ask questions Demonstrates excellent Demonstrates proficient Demonstrates developing Demonstrates beginning
or make comments that ability to ask questions ability to ask questions or ability by either asking ability to ask questions or
elicit additional and give suggestions give suggestions through questions or giving suggest feedback or
information; probe through feedback and feedback and probes the feedback or by probing the probes the presenter for
different aspects of ideas, probes the presenter for presenter for more presenter for more more information or
and clarify understanding more information or information or clarification information or clarification clarification.
clarification in a respectful in a respectful manner. in a respectful manner.


LA7-3.4.1: communicate The project is excellently The project is proficiently The project is developing The project is in the
ideas and information in a presented by showing presented by showing in the presentation by beginning stages of the
variety of oral, print and practice beforehand, is practice beforehand, is showing practice presentation by showing
other media texts, such as between 3-5 minutes in between 3-5 minutes in beforehand, is between practice beforehand, is
reports, autobiographies, length, uses voice to length, uses voice to 3-5 minutes in length, between 3-5 minutes in
brochures and video reach the audience, and is reach the audience, and is uses voice to reach the length, uses voice to
presentations given at a comfortable given at a comfortable audience, and is given at reach the audience, and is
speed. speed. (3/4) a comfortable speed. (2/4) given at a comfortable
speed. (1/4)

Vocabulary Quizzes

LA7-1.1.6: use Demonstrates excelling Demonstrates proficient Demonstrates developing Demonstrates beginning
appropriate terminology to application of words above application of words 65% - application of words application of words below
discuss developing 85% of the time. 85% of the time. 50%-65% of the time. 50% of the time.
abilities in personal
language learning and use

LA7-4.2.7: apply specific Demonstrates excelling Demonstrates proficient Demonstrates developing Demonstrates beginning
and effective strategies for application of spelling application of spelling application of spelling application of spelling
learning and remembering patterns of words above patterns of words 65% - patterns of words patterns of words below
the correct spelling of 85% of the time. 85% of the time. 50%-65% of the time. 50% of the time.
words in own writing

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