ME EngOCC 11 Q2 0903 - PS - Persuasive Speech

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Lesson 3

Persuasive Speech
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Learning Competency

This lesson serves as a prerequisite lesson for the

following DepEd competency:

Follow guidelines on how to make and deliver an

expository/informative speech, persuasive speech,
and entertainment speech (EN11/12OC-IIcj-24).

At the end of this lesson, the learner should be able

to do the following:

● explain the differences among the rhetorical

appeals or modes of persuasion;
● write a persuasive speech according to its
purpose; and
● deliver a persuasive speech.
Essential Question

How can you convince another person to agree with

your stand on an issue?
Warm Up

Sales Pitch Activity

1. Choose one item from your bag that you find most
2. You must show it in class and convince your classmates to
buy the product for a particular price.
3. Mention any interesting feature that your item has that
will make your listeners want to buy it.
4. At the end of all sales pitches, you will vote on which item
you will most likely buy based on how it was presented.
Warm Up

5. Answer the following questions:

a. What strategies did you try to convince your
classmates into buying the item?
b. What made you decide to choose which item to buy?

How do other people convince you?

What should a speaker do or say to

convince you in agreeing with them?
Learn about It!

Persuasive Speech

● aims to influence the audience to accept

the speaker’s position or stand on an

● examples: sales pitches, political

campaign talks, business presentations,
and debates
Learn about It!

Kinds of Persuasive Speech

1.Convincing Speech
● the speaker attempts to convince the audience to
adopt his or her way of thinking or to change the way
they think about things

1.Actuation Speech
● designed to urge the audience to take a particular
● the speaker seeks to persuade the audience to start
doing the action now
Learn about It!

Rhetorical Appeals in Persuasive

● appeal to the speaker’s credibility or authority as
perceived by the audience
2. Pathos
● appeal to the audience’s emotion

3. Logos
● appeal to logic or reason
Learn about It!

Guidelines in Writing a Persuasive


1. Determine your goal.

2. Know your audience.
3. Organize the information.
4. Provide strong evidence.
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Save the Philippine Natural Resources

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Guide Questions:

1. What kind of persuasive speech is the example?

2. What mode of persuasion did the speaker use to
convince the audience?
3. What is the ultimate goal of the speaker in his
4. Were you persuaded by the speech? Why or why
5. How can the speech be delivered most effectively?
Writing Prompts

Writing the Speech

1. Write a speech regarding your advocacy that you think

many people should support too.
2. You should use at least one of the modes of persuasion
and state clearly the classification of your speech.
3. Your speech must be good for a 3-minute delivery.
Writing Prompts

Revising the Speech

1. Exchange papers with the person at your back.

2. You will read your classmate’s speech and give
constructive comments and suggestions to make the
speech more effective.
3. Answer the following questions:
a. How did your classmate’s comments and
suggestions help you in revising your speech?
b. What realization did you have in reading and
critiquing your classmate’s speech?
Writing Prompts

Rewriting the Speech

1. Rewrite your speech based on your discussion with your

2. Remember the importance of utilizing one of the modes
of persuasion for a more effective outcome.
3. Your speech must be good to deliver for 3 minutes.
4. Your draft will be graded based on the rubric on the next
Writing Prompts

Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score

(0–1 point) (2–3 points) (4–5 points)

Content/ There is no clear There is a slightly clear There is a clear statement

statement of claim and statement of claim and of claim and stand on the
stand on the issue. Many stand on the issue. Most issue. The details are
details are irrelevant to details are relevant to relevant to the topic of the
the topic of the speech. the topic of the speech. speech.
Organization There is no logical and There is a logical and There is a logical and
smooth transition from smooth transition from smooth transition from
one idea to another. one idea to another one idea to another.
Transitional devices are although it can still be Transitional devices are
either ineffectively used improved. Some effectively used in speech.
or non-existent. transitional devices are
effectively used in the
Unity Most of the sentences Some sentences and All the sentences and
and paragraphs are paragraphs are coherent. paragraphs are coherent.
Writing Prompts

Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score

(0–1 point) (2–3 points) (4–5 points)
Language There are 5 or more There are 3 to 4 errors There are two or fewer
errors in spelling, in spelling, errors in spelling,
mechanics, grammar, mechanics, grammar, mechanics, grammar,
and language usage. and language usage. and language usage.
The speech is not easy The speech is easy to The speech is easy to
to understand. understand. understand.
Validity of The arguments are not Some arguments are All the arguments are
well-supported by well-supported by well-supported by
evidence and/or evidence and/or evidence and/or
examples. examples. examples.

Total Score =
Values Integration

What is the importance of being aware of the

context in which you speak to people?

Persuade the Public

1. You will deliver the speech you wrote from the previous
activity in class. You will be given three minutes to speak.
2. Each of you will be assigned to give constructive feedback
on a classmate’s persuasive speech.

3. Answer the following questions:

a. What have you observed from your classmates’
b. What realizations about persuasive speech have
you gathered from this activity?
Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score
(0–1 point) (2–3 points) (4–5 points)

Vocal delivery Speaker has no vocal Speaker has good vocal Speaker has excellent
expression. He/She expressions. He/She vocal expressions. He/She
speaks in monotone. makes variations of makes appropriate
volume, putch, and rate. variations of volume,
pitch, and rate.
Gestures and Eye Speaker looks at his/her Speaker usually looks at Speaker rarely looks at
notes most of the time. his/her notes. He/She his/her notes. He/She
He/She makes minimal makes eye contact with often makes eye contact
eye contact with the some members of the with all members of the
audience. There are little audience. Some gestures audience. Gestures are
or no gestures during the are appropriate, and appropriate and well-
speech. timing still needs timed.
Time The speaker performed in The speaker performed in The speaker performed in
seven minutes or more. four to six minutes. three minutes.

Watch a video on Philippine presidential

candidates’ debate from previous elections. From
the video, choose three debate issues as focus,
then complete the worksheet.
Photo Credits

Fig. 1. Unknown person using laptop by

LinkedIn Sales Solutions is licensed under
Unsplash License via Unsplash.

Fig 2. Man standing behind flat screen computer monitor

by Jason Goodman is licensed under Unsplash License via

Griffin, Cindy. Invitation to Public Speaking. 6th ed.

Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, 2015.

Kelly, Rhonda H., and Monica Rose Brenan. Talking Is a

Gift: Communication Skills for Women. Nashville,
Tennessee: B&H Publishing Group, 2014.

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