ME EngOCC 11 Q2 0903 - PS - Persuasive Speech
ME EngOCC 11 Q2 0903 - PS - Persuasive Speech
ME EngOCC 11 Q2 0903 - PS - Persuasive Speech
Persuasive Speech
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Learning Competency
1. Choose one item from your bag that you find most
2. You must show it in class and convince your classmates to
buy the product for a particular price.
3. Mention any interesting feature that your item has that
will make your listeners want to buy it.
4. At the end of all sales pitches, you will vote on which item
you will most likely buy based on how it was presented.
Warm Up
Persuasive Speech
1.Actuation Speech
● designed to urge the audience to take a particular
● the speaker seeks to persuade the audience to start
doing the action now
Learn about It!
3. Logos
● appeal to logic or reason
Learn about It!
Guide Questions:
Total Score =
Values Integration
1. You will deliver the speech you wrote from the previous
activity in class. You will be given three minutes to speak.
2. Each of you will be assigned to give constructive feedback
on a classmate’s persuasive speech.
Vocal delivery Speaker has no vocal Speaker has good vocal Speaker has excellent
expression. He/She expressions. He/She vocal expressions. He/She
speaks in monotone. makes variations of makes appropriate
volume, putch, and rate. variations of volume,
pitch, and rate.
Gestures and Eye Speaker looks at his/her Speaker usually looks at Speaker rarely looks at
notes most of the time. his/her notes. He/She his/her notes. He/She
He/She makes minimal makes eye contact with often makes eye contact
eye contact with the some members of the with all members of the
audience. There are little audience. Some gestures audience. Gestures are
or no gestures during the are appropriate, and appropriate and well-
speech. timing still needs timed.
Time The speaker performed in The speaker performed in The speaker performed in
seven minutes or more. four to six minutes. three minutes.