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- It includes content knowledge and the

development of intellectual skills.
KNOWING ONESELF ● Physiological Domain
- It focuses on the emotional maturity of the
● A very important aspect of the development of - The adolescent learns to give & receive affection
human beings because it is considered a crucial and experiences emotional satisfaction with their
stage. parents and other significant loved ones.
● Talks about the summary of one’s childhood
& an overview of an adult to be. It is more PEER PRESSURE
likely a transitional period of the child ● It can lead adolescents to serious deviant
turning into an adult. acts like substance abuse, early pregnancies,
● adolescent is expected to establish a strong and many others. (Papalia 2012 & Hardman
sense of identity, for who they are and learn 2012)
about their strengths and weaknesses, which ● But not all peers are bad, there are also
can help them in projecting their future self. support groups that can help adolescents to
● It is socially inclined because of the possible establish their identity.
impact of the changing society which makes it
an important aspect of understanding oneself. COLLECTIVIST CULTURE
● In This transitional stage, physical, cognitive, ● emphasizes family and work group goals
and psychosocial domains of development above individual needs or desires.
occur. (Papalia, 2013) ● Having said that, the adolescents'
dependency on parents and their general
THE THREE DOMAINS concern and protection can sometimes lead
● three domains are interrelated and may have to rebellion.
a big impact on the developing ● Understanding the meaning of life may be
adolescent. If it is not successfully developed, vague for adolescents which may lead them
this may lead to the adolescent negatively. to ask many questions and find answers to
● Physical Domain them.
- This is the most recognizable among the
three domains. The changes in the CROSSROAD
primary and secondary sex characteristics, the ● A common dilemma among adolescents
sudden growth spurt, and the sudden rush of wherein they are constantly faced with
hormones make adolescent life very complicated. making decisions in their life.
- It also focuses on how they look and how they ● Adolescents sometimes create goals just for
project themselves to society. the sake of having one. There are times when
- Primary Sex Characteristics - When we were they are unsure of what they want.
born, it easily guesses what our gender is, thanks to
our genitals, which allows us to tell males from JOHARI’S WINDOW
females. ● The Public Self
- Second Sex Characteristics - these are features - Part of ourselves that we explicitly show to others
that appear at puberty (though they later become that we are happy to share with others and discuss
equally as prominent). everything with them openly.
● Cognitive Domain ● The Private Self
- This focuses on the growth of mental capacities, - Pertains to our past that we refuse to share or
which is usually measured by intelligence tests. expose to others. These are also experiences or
memories that are too personal to divulge.
● The Blind Self always on them and that they are the center
- A part of ourselves that is unknown to us and only of their attention.
other people know it but are hesitant to discuss it
- Other people may have a different view of us that ● Society and the environment have a great
we are not aware that we have. impact on how adolescents view themselves.
● The Undiscovered Self Adolescence is a period wherein confusion
- May include good and bad things that neither we starts to arise in choosing what to believe and
see nor are seen by others. This may one day be what to accept.
discovered. ● It can be considered that they experience
identity versus role confusion because they
play different roles at their home, school, and
peer groups.
DEVELOPING THE WHOLE PERSON ● They may also encounter peer pressure
wherein they are eager to “fit in” or belong to
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT a certain group to have some sort of identity.
● The time when sudden and dramatic changes This is the time when teenagers are eager to
occur in an adolescent’s body is called please others and to conform to the beliefs
puberty. and expectations of the demands of their
● 10 years old girls and 12 years old boys peers.
commonly experience rapid periods of growth
in both primary sex characteristics and
secondary sex characteristics. DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES
● Moreover, they are beginning to be very
self-conscious, sensitive (which is very How can you say that you are mature?
common to girls), and worried about their own ● Taking Responsibility and Follow Through
body changes. - many individuals show great interest at the
● Girls may experience dramatic changes beginning of a task but end up failing because of
during this stage of life especially if the getting tired easily.
menstrual period starts to occur while boys - Successful tasks are usually the result of taking full
may become bothered if nocturnal emissions responsibility for one’s own work
or wet dreams happen to them for the first ● Cooperating with Others
time. - Cooperation enables an individual to make good
decisions and choices, people who cooperate have a
COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT good relationship with others and they are valued in
● Adolescents are crucial with how they their society.
perceive themselves and the world, and how - People show various acts of cooperation through
they form relationships with other people. respecting and helping each other and listening and
They began to think abstractly, reason supporting the ideas of others even if they disagree
logically, think of hypothetical possibilities, with them.
and have impossibilities about life. ● Being a Good Sport
● Adolescents remain self-centered, they - Handling failures and disappointments when losing
usually make impulsive decisions in order to a ballgame, not be able to get the that dream role
seek immediate gratification. They even that you always dreamed of, without complaining or
believe themselves as someone special and whining, thus not giving up and taking it as a lesson
unique and that no harm could come to them, to improve further.
and they think that the people’s eyes were
● Keeping Calmness in Stressful Situations ● In this molding process, the parents and the
- Being able to wait for your turn at the playing adolescents should contribute. However,
counter at ease in very stressful situations and other factors might affect the parent-and-child
remaining calm when little things annoy you is a sign relationship such as parental rejection,
of patience. abuse, socioeconomic status, and early
- Not all individual remains at ease, especially if they deprivation. These factors might weaken the
encountered very stressful situations parent-child relationship and may lead to
● Thinking about yourself rebellion and anti-social delinquency.
- A mature person knows where and when to ● Based on the study of Block, adolescents
conform and when to stand in their own beliefs in life. commonly complain if their parents scold
- They know what person/ group of friends they them regarding table manners, what they
choose and they always consider the person/ should eat, school marks that are not that
surroundings around them before making decisions. high and being compared to others.
● Furthermore, it should be remembered that
adolescents were not born with “blank states”
of mind and the parents are not in total
THE CHALLENGES OF MIDDLE AND control of what should be written regarding
LATE ADOLESCENCE how they will behave and how their
● The function of the family especially parents personality will develop.
in molding the adolescent to be a better ● It should be considered that adolescents
member of society is very important. Parents were born with temperament of traits that can
prepare them to be emotionally mature which be accounted for by their genes. Expression
can be a powerful predictor of success in the of these traits may vary depending on the
adult world. type of exposure to the environment.
● The challenges confronting young individuals ● One can tell their family was influential when
involve making choices that may affect the adolescents try to emphasize and share their
adolescent’s life and their family. Middle and early lives. Difficulties in communication can
late adolescence is a time of change and also contribute to an adversarial relationship.
transition from dependence on the family to It is suggested that adolescents and parents
increasing responsibilities. should have open communication.
● Initially, life starts wherein adolescents are ● Parental affection, the experience of being
dependent on their parents, as they progress, loved and cared for is highly important in the
they become aware that there is a bigger upbringing the adolescents.
world out there. As adolescents develop, their ● Despite this change, it should be
world expands which now includes remembered that continuous assurance of
neighborhoods, schools, and the larger parents' love is an invaluable asset in
community. developing adolescence. Adolescents who
● The adolescence gradually proceeds in the receive unconditional love from parents
transition phase from dependency to become better people and self-determined.
independence. In this process. The ● Adolescent comply with school requirements
adolescents experience some turbulence in to earn diploma to ensure their future in the
their relationship with their parents and at the society.
same time shift to a perspective outside ● Self-presentation is presenting oneself to
agency. Adolescents want to comply with the other people to gain favourable impression.
rules and demands of their parents and also Family and close personal relationships with
consider his/her outside environment that other people contributes a vital role in the
would prepare them for maturity. This change development of one’s self-presentation.
may cause stress to adolescence. Moreover, an individual tends to manage
themselves by simply interacting with their ● Talk it out
friends and are influenced by their family Confide yourself to some level-headed people
values, beliefs, etc. that you can trust.
● Therefore, self-image is prone to distortion ● Escape for a while
upon entering junior high school, so there is a
Immerse yourself in reading a favorite book or
need closely monitor adolescents. take a long walk by yourself in a park or even at
the beach.
● Work off your anger
COPING WITH STRESS IN Instead of lashing out your anger at someone or
ADOLESCENCE something, go to the gym instead.
● Give in occasionally
It is good to have strong beliefs or principles in
life but there are also times when you know
● Actions or behavior that are considered to be that you have to lower your standards or give
threatening or challenging to the physiological, in to request of a person in authority.
emotional, and cognitive aspects of a person
are referred to as stress. Stressors depend ● Doing good deed for others
on the personality, motivation and goals, social Doing random acts of kindness towards other
demands and expectations of an individual. people can give immeasurable satisfaction.
● According to Diagnostic Statistical Manual
for Mental Disorder 5th Edition, stressors ● Doing things one at a time
can be in the form of natural disasters, Try to list down the order of importance of
frustrating day to day lived experiences, and each task that you are set to do.
interpersonal relationship ● Determine your strength
● Natural Disaster
Determine what are the skills that you
- Unfortunate events that are caused by nature and/or considered to be your strengths and engage in
the nature’s response on man’s incapability of
preserving it. activities that can utilize these skills.
● Frustrating day to day life experiences ● Minimize criticisms
- These are daily unexpected turn of events. Every individual has flaws and each individual
● Interpersonal Relationship should be given equal opportunity to bring out
the best in him.
- This is the social interaction of an individual.
● Do not compare yourself with another
RESPONSES TO STRESS Try to develop good working relationship with
● Tension is a term that describes a person's others so you will not feel threatened, because,
response to stress, a person who jealousy begins once you start comparing the
experiences tension shows physiological outcomes.
indicators. ● Be proactive
● The sympathetic nervous system is Do not withdraw when obstacles comes your
responsible for the involuntary physiological way, make others feel your presence by being
responses of a person under stress. the frontrunner of certain activities.
● Increase the heart rate Having a leisure time to relax refreshes the
● Increase the blood pressure mind and allows the person to weigh his/her
● Dilation of the pupil options to make better decisions.
● Decrease saliva secretion
● Smothering

● these are useful ways to cope and adjust to
stressful life events.
● Parietal Lobe
THE POWERS OF THE MIND - Located at the top and back of each cerebral
- It controls touch, taste, and temperature sensations
● “ The most complex living structure in the
universe” Society for Neuroscience ACTIVITIES THAT CAN ENHANCE THE RIGHT
● The brain and the Spinal Cord is located in the ● Left
Central Nervous System (CNS) - Puzzles
- Taking advance courses in mathematics
● The average weight of the brain is three (3) - Reading books
pounds or 1,350 grams and has a jelly-like - Declaiming or public speaking
consistency. ● Right
- Dancing
● Has two hemispheres, the LEFT - Painting or crafting
HEMISPHERE and the RIGHT HEMISPHERE - Playing an instrument
which are responsible for different skills.
● LEFT HEMISPHERE ● Are chemicals that carry messages across the
synapses or cell body of a receiving neuron.
- The left side of the brain is responsible for 1. SEROTONIN – involved in mood, sleep, and
controlling the right side of the body. It also performs appetite.
tasks that have to do with logic, such as in science 2. DOPAMINE – controls sensory experiences
and mathematics like calculations. involving pleasure.
● RIGHT HEMISPHERE 3. ACETYLCHOLINE – controls the arousal,
- The right brain is dominant for spatial abilities, face attention, memory, and muscle contractions of the
recognition, visual imagery, and music. The right side body.
of the brain is responsible for controlling the left side 4. ENDORPHINS – involved in pain relief.
of the body and may be more dominant for creativity, 5. NOREPINEPHRINE – involved in arousal and
imagination, rhythm, and feelings.
6. GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid) – involved
in sleep and inhibits movement.
FOUR LOBES OF THE BRAIN 7. Oxytocin- regulates social interaction and sexual
● Frontal Lobe reproduction; referred to as the “love hormone”.
- It is one of the areas of the cerebral cortex that is
located in the front and top of the brain. GLANDS
- Its functions include higher mental processes, ● an organ in the human or animal body that
decision making, recognition, and formulation of secretes particular chemical substances,
speech called hormones, for use in the body or for
- involuntary motor movements discharge into the surroundings.
- known as the Brocas’ area (named after Paul Broca) ● Divided into 2 groups based on their function:
● Temporal Lobe
- Areas of the cerebral cortex located just behind the 1. EXOCRINE GLANDS- secrete substances out of
temples the body
- Contains the neurons responsible for: Sense of
hearing, meaningful speech, and explicit memory 2. ENDOCRINE GLANDS - secrete substances that
- known as the Wernicke’s area (named after Carl circulate through the bloodstream.
● Occipital Lobe
- located at the rear bottom of each cerebral
● Endocrine Gland – produce chemicals called
hormones. These hormones are secreted
- Containing the visual centers of the brain directly into the bloodstream and influence the
activities and functions of the muscles and SIGNS OF FAILING MENTAL HEALTH
organs and different glands. ● Depression - persistent and extreme feeling
● PITUITARY GLAND – is attached at the base of loneliness. Individuals who are depressed
of the brain. It secretes growth hormones and manifest symptoms such as: losing interest in
other important hormones. It is sometimes pleasurable activities, feeling of restlessness,
called the “master gland”. poor appetite, excessive, eating, insomnia and
● Pineal gland is also located near to the center hypersomnia.
of the brain. It produces melatonin which is a ● Anxiety - characterized by irrational fear and
worry towards a situation
hormone that affects the wake-sleep pattern.
● Sudden Change of mood and behavior - a
● Thyroid gland is located in the base of the Person’s usual mood or behavior is not
neck. It regulates growth and development by present anymore.
producing thyroxin. ● Poor performance - a person cannot
● Pancreas is an organ located in the abdomen, maximize his or her potential due to his or her
behind the stomach. It produces hormones problem.
such as insulin which in turn controls the level
of sugar in the blood. Hypoglycemia results if
there is a low level of sugar. Diabetes results if
there is too little insulin. ● Known as the father of psychoanalysis
● A physiologist, medical doctor, psychologist,
● Adrenal glands can be found on the topmost
and influential thinker of the early twentieth
part of the kidneys. It controls the stress century
reaction through the adrenal medulla's ● He articulated the concept of DEFENSE
production of adrenaline. The adrenal cortex MECHANISM.
secretes many different kinds of hormones
that can help in regulating salt intake, stress,
and sexual development. DEFENSE MECHANISM
● Gonads are reproductive glands which are ● assist the individual to adapt and cope with
ovaries (in women)or testes (in men). They whatever situation he found himself in.
produce hormones to control sexual growth ● Its primary goal is to defend oneself against
and reproduction. the anxiety that surrounds a person

3 Characteristics of Defense mechanism:

MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING ● Operate unconsciously
IN MIDDLE AND LATE ● Distort Reality
● Used to protect the ego


● Mental Health 1. Rationalization involves inventing excuses or
- is a psychological state of an individual, which may reasons for behavior that is inadequate,
be positive or negative. A person who has positive unacceptable, or damaged personal integrity and
mental health shows good signs of well-being. status. Rationalization operates unconsciously and
● Well-being protects self-esteem without guilt feeling.
- is a holistic view of mental health which includes - may come in 2 forms: sour grape and sweet-lemon
physical wellness, spiritual wellness, and 2. Projection is unconscious aggression reaction
psychological wellness. Having positive well-being wherein there is a transfer of inadequacies towards
can promote the mental health of the individual. an outside object or another person.
- The individual shifts his or her perception of a
painful or undesirable situation.
3. Displacement is when an individual shifts a LIFE INSTANCES THAT CAN NEGATIVELY
response or reaction from their original object to a AFFECT YOUR MENTAL HEALTH
less dangerous or threatening object. ● Frustration can be manifested if the
- Pent-up emotions are redirected towards ideas individual’s mental health is affected
objects or persons. negatively. Frustration happens when a
4. Repression is an unconscious forgetting of person’s desired goals are blocked by certain
shameful thoughts, guilt-producing memories, painful life instances.
experiences, or distasteful tasks that are removed ● Unproductive use of leisure time
from awareness or forced below the level of Adolescence is the period when an individual has
consciousness. plenty of time and energy for enjoyable activities.
- the most basic defense mechanism However, adolescents may have a wrong judgment in
using their time for things that they perceive enjoyable
5. Suppression is the process of consciously and but are unproductive, like going out with friends rather
deliberately pushing away unwanted thoughts or than studying and missing classes can lead to
impulses. negative mental health.
6. Reaction Formation is a defense mechanism ● Sexual/Romantic Relationship
where urges that are not acceptable to the
consciousness are repressed and opposite attitudes According to Freud, during this period, adolescents
or modes of behavior are shown. are seeking intimate relationships and connections
with someone. However, during this
Ex: the more you hate, the more you love companion-seeking phase, adolescents may
7. Regression is an escape reaction in which an experience heartbreaks that trigger emotional
individual falls back on thoughts, feelings, or behavior breakdown and prolonged loneliness.
that works successfully during the earlier phase of ● Peer Adjustment
During adolescence, exposure to different social
Ex: Baby talking. activities is heightened. However, some individual
8. Identification is the mechanism where the fails to develop interpersonal skills that might help
individual enhances self-esteem by patterning them in interacting with other people and might trigger
him/herself after another person. feeling of isolation. When the person feels isolated,
feelings of frustration might arise that can destroy
Ex: Idolizing
their emotional well-being.
9. Fixation is the attachment of the libido to an
● Career choice
earlier, more primitive stage of development.
Having a wrong career choice might trigger confusion
10. Introjection incorporates the positive qualities of
in the individual and question the circumstances that
another person into their own ego.
are happening to him or her. This might lead to
Ex: Incorporating positive qualities of other people maladjustments and frustration and affects the
into yourself. well-being of the adolescents.
11. Sublimation is the repression of an aim or desire WAYS IN ACHIEVING GOOD MENTAL HEALTH
(usually a sexual aim) by substituting it for a cultural
● Secure home life
or social aim.
● Good family support where they can feel loved
- the most productive type of defense mechanism and accepted by the members of their family.
12. Denial resolves emotional conflict and reduces ● Opportunities for self-expression
anxiety by refusing to perceive the more unpleasant ● Opportunities to express themselves every
aspects of external reality. time they are feeling negative emotions.
Expressing unnecessary and hurtful feelings
13. Egocentrism is the unconscious pretension to can help the individual to process the issues
superior qualities and traits. that he or she is experiencing hence, it will
ex: Self-centered or narcissistic. prevent the individual to acquire negative
mental health.
● Protection from highly emotional tension.
● Awareness of the factors that create emotional
tension. Adolescents must try to avoid those
situations or persons.
● Make time for recreational activities with family
● Choose your friend wisely
● Avoid having enemies
● Practice your religion

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