● these are useful ways to cope and adjust to
stressful life events.
● Parietal Lobe
THE POWERS OF THE MIND - Located at the top and back of each cerebral
- It controls touch, taste, and temperature sensations
● “ The most complex living structure in the
universe” Society for Neuroscience ACTIVITIES THAT CAN ENHANCE THE RIGHT
● The brain and the Spinal Cord is located in the ● Left
Central Nervous System (CNS) - Puzzles
- Taking advance courses in mathematics
● The average weight of the brain is three (3) - Reading books
pounds or 1,350 grams and has a jelly-like - Declaiming or public speaking
consistency. ● Right
- Dancing
● Has two hemispheres, the LEFT - Painting or crafting
HEMISPHERE and the RIGHT HEMISPHERE - Playing an instrument
which are responsible for different skills.
● LEFT HEMISPHERE ● Are chemicals that carry messages across the
synapses or cell body of a receiving neuron.
- The left side of the brain is responsible for 1. SEROTONIN – involved in mood, sleep, and
controlling the right side of the body. It also performs appetite.
tasks that have to do with logic, such as in science 2. DOPAMINE – controls sensory experiences
and mathematics like calculations. involving pleasure.
● RIGHT HEMISPHERE 3. ACETYLCHOLINE – controls the arousal,
- The right brain is dominant for spatial abilities, face attention, memory, and muscle contractions of the
recognition, visual imagery, and music. The right side body.
of the brain is responsible for controlling the left side 4. ENDORPHINS – involved in pain relief.
of the body and may be more dominant for creativity, 5. NOREPINEPHRINE – involved in arousal and
imagination, rhythm, and feelings.
6. GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid) – involved
in sleep and inhibits movement.
FOUR LOBES OF THE BRAIN 7. Oxytocin- regulates social interaction and sexual
● Frontal Lobe reproduction; referred to as the “love hormone”.
- It is one of the areas of the cerebral cortex that is
located in the front and top of the brain. GLANDS
- Its functions include higher mental processes, ● an organ in the human or animal body that
decision making, recognition, and formulation of secretes particular chemical substances,
speech called hormones, for use in the body or for
- involuntary motor movements discharge into the surroundings.
- known as the Brocas’ area (named after Paul Broca) ● Divided into 2 groups based on their function:
● Temporal Lobe
- Areas of the cerebral cortex located just behind the 1. EXOCRINE GLANDS- secrete substances out of
temples the body
- Contains the neurons responsible for: Sense of
hearing, meaningful speech, and explicit memory 2. ENDOCRINE GLANDS - secrete substances that
- known as the Wernicke’s area (named after Carl circulate through the bloodstream.
● Occipital Lobe
- located at the rear bottom of each cerebral
● Endocrine Gland – produce chemicals called
hormones. These hormones are secreted
- Containing the visual centers of the brain directly into the bloodstream and influence the
activities and functions of the muscles and SIGNS OF FAILING MENTAL HEALTH
organs and different glands. ● Depression - persistent and extreme feeling
● PITUITARY GLAND – is attached at the base of loneliness. Individuals who are depressed
of the brain. It secretes growth hormones and manifest symptoms such as: losing interest in
other important hormones. It is sometimes pleasurable activities, feeling of restlessness,
called the “master gland”. poor appetite, excessive, eating, insomnia and
● Pineal gland is also located near to the center hypersomnia.
of the brain. It produces melatonin which is a ● Anxiety - characterized by irrational fear and
worry towards a situation
hormone that affects the wake-sleep pattern.
● Sudden Change of mood and behavior - a
● Thyroid gland is located in the base of the Person’s usual mood or behavior is not
neck. It regulates growth and development by present anymore.
producing thyroxin. ● Poor performance - a person cannot
● Pancreas is an organ located in the abdomen, maximize his or her potential due to his or her
behind the stomach. It produces hormones problem.
such as insulin which in turn controls the level
of sugar in the blood. Hypoglycemia results if
there is a low level of sugar. Diabetes results if
there is too little insulin. ● Known as the father of psychoanalysis
● A physiologist, medical doctor, psychologist,
● Adrenal glands can be found on the topmost
and influential thinker of the early twentieth
part of the kidneys. It controls the stress century
reaction through the adrenal medulla's ● He articulated the concept of DEFENSE
production of adrenaline. The adrenal cortex MECHANISM.
secretes many different kinds of hormones
that can help in regulating salt intake, stress,
and sexual development. DEFENSE MECHANISM
● Gonads are reproductive glands which are ● assist the individual to adapt and cope with
ovaries (in women)or testes (in men). They whatever situation he found himself in.
produce hormones to control sexual growth ● Its primary goal is to defend oneself against
and reproduction. the anxiety that surrounds a person