Psychosocial Theory of Personality Development
Psychosocial Theory of Personality Development
Psychosocial Theory of Personality Development
Personality development
Presented by:
Muthukumaran L R
Final year BDS (Aug batch) : 541711057
Through this theory Erikson postulated that society responds to a child’s basic needs or
developmental tasks in a specific period of life and in doing so society ensures child’s healthy
growth and survival in culture and tradition.
Erikson theorized that every individual passes through 8 stages of development in his/her life.
● Stage-1 : Infancy
● Stage-2 : Toddler
● Stage-3 : Early childhood
● Stage-4 : Elementary and middle school years
● Stage-5 : Adolescence
● Stage-6 : Young adulthood
● Stage-7 : Middle adulthood
● Stage-8 : Late adulthood
Stage-1 : Infancy (Stage of trust)
● Age : 0 - 1 years
● At this stage the child depends on his/her
parents for fulfilling the basic needs like
food and sleep.
● Psychological crisis : Trust vs Mistrust
Stage-1 : Infancy (cont.)
● Positive outcome : When the needs are ● Negative outcome : If not met, the child
met consistently and responsively, the will develop a mistrust towards people,
child develops a secure attachment to environment and even towards themselves.
their parents and also learn to trust their
environment in general.
Stage-1 : Infancy (cont.)
● Dental application:
Development of separation anxiety begins
at this age. If treatment is needed at this
stage of life, it is preferable to provide
dental care with the parent present and the
parent holding the child.
Stage-2 : Toddler (Stage of Autonomy)
● Age : 1- 2 years
● Psychological crisis : Autonomy vs Doubt
● In this stage of life, the child takes up their
favorite parent as their role model and; try
and learn to mimic their actions and find
pleasure in doing all their activities on
their own.
Stage-2 : Toddler (cont.)
● Positive outcome : If the parents encourage ● Negative outcome : Parents being overprotective or
the child’s use of initiative and reassure him disapproving can lead to the child beginning to feel
when he makes a mistake, the child will ashamed of his/her behavior. Not showing enough
develop the confidence needed to cope with interest or concern in the child learning a new ability
future situations. The parents are may lead the child to develop a doubt in their abilities
recommended to be “firm but tolerant”, as or consider it impossible to learn.
it helps the child to develop self-control and
Stage-2 : Toddler (cont.)
● Dental application :
● Age : 2 - 6 years
● Psychological crisis: Initiative vs Guilt
● In this stage of life, the child begins to
learn new abilities like walkind and
speaking, and has an exploratory
mindset towards all aspects in their
Stage-3 : Early childhood (cont.)
● Positive outcome : If the parents are en ● Negative outcome : If not, the child may
encouraging and are still consistent in develop a sense of guilt and may come to
discipline, the child will learn to accept believe that it is wrong to be
without guilt that certain things are not
allowed and will not feel shame to use
their imagination in certain situations.
Stage-3 : Early childhood (cont.)
● Dental application :
● Age : 6 - 12 years
● Psychological crisis : Industry vs
● In this stage of life, the child spends
most of his/her waking hours with other
children of their age and this peer group
begins to influence their life.
Stage-4 : Elementary and middle school years (cont.)
● Positive outcome : By being able to discover ● Negative outcome : If the child is allowed
plessure in intelectual stimulations, by being too little success, he/she will develop a
productive and seeking success, they develop sense of inferiority or incompetence.
a sense of competence.
Stage-4 : Elementary and middle school years (cont.)
● Dental application :
● Age : 19 - 40 years
● Psychological crisis : Intimacy vs Isolation
● The most important event in this stage of life
according to Erikson is love and relationships.
● He considered a human to be developmentally
complete only when he/she is capable of
intimacy. Successful development of intimacy
depends on willingness to compromise and even
sacrifice for the relationship, which requires a
strong sense of identity to make these decisions.
Stage-6 : Young adulthood (cont.)
● Positive outcome : The adults who have ● Negative outcome : Poor sense of
achieved a sense of identity can form a close identity will lead to the individual
relationship with others. Success lead to fearing commitment and unable to
affiliations and partnerships both in personal depend on anybody in their
and workspaces to achieve various surroundings. Failure in this stage leads
milestones and goals in life and career. to isolation from others and
accompanied by sets of prejudices and
certain attitudes that may keep others
away rather than bringing them closer.
Stage-6 : Young adulthood (cont.)
● Dental application :
● Age : 40 - 65 years
● Psychological crisis : Generativity vs
● This is the stage of life, where the former
child takes up the mantle of a parent and
influence and nurture the future generation
and also support the network to ensure the
future generation’s success.
Stage-7 : Middle adulthood (cont.)
● Positive outcome : A person who has ● Negative outcome : The person who failed
successfully resolved all the psychological to resolve any crisis of the previous stage
will have a feeling of despair. This is often
crisis in all seven previous stages, achieves a expressed as disgust and unhappiness on a
sense of fulfilment and integrity. They will broad scale. They have a constant fear that
also have a sense of unity with self and death may occur before a life change that
others, and will accept death with integrity. can lead to integrity can occur.
Stage Appropriate age Positive outcome Negative outcome
1. Trust vs Mistrust 0 - 1 years Feelings of trust from Fear and concern regarding
environmental support others
2. Autonomy vs Doubt 1 - 2 years Self sufficiency if exploration is Self doubt and lack of
encouraged independence
3. Initiative vs Guilt 2 - 6 years Discovery of ways to initiate Guilt from actions and thoughts