TPC 3 - Activity 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna
Second Semester, 2022-2023
Activity 4
Name: _____________________________________________________________ Section: ___________________

Directions. Apply the Tourism Site Evaluation Matrix in analyzing three (3) tourism sites in your
town or city. Access the Tourism Guidebook for LGUs for reference.

I. Site/Attraction Evaluation

Site/Attraction #1:
Site Classification:

Uniqueness and Natural Beauty

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

1. How rare is it? If the site is one of a kind, it should be given a 5; places
that are common are a 1. Then, apply scores between 1 and
5 for other degrees of uniqueness.

2. Does it appeal to all the If the site appeals to all senses (sight, smell, hearing,
senses? touch, and taste), give 5; 1 if only one sense.

3. How well-preserved is it? The site may be a natural or heritage site. If well-
preserved (pristine nature, perfectly preserved church),
give it a 5. If the opposite, then give it a 1.

4. Does the DOT recognize If the DOT is already promoting the attraction in their
the attraction? website or sales collaterals, give a 5. If not, give a 1.


Historical or Cultural Value

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

1. Is the built heritage at The older the structure is, the higher the score (maximum
least 50 years old? of 5), but it should not be newer than 50 years. If the site
has structures that are less than 50 years old, give a
minimum of 1.

2. Does the site have If yes, give a maximum of 5, depending on the significance
festivals? of the festival. If there is no festival, provide a 1.

3. Does the site offer If yes, give a maximum of 5, depending on the significance
culinary experiences? of the experience. If there is no culinary experience
available, give a 1.

4. Does the site have a If yes, give a maximum of 5, depending on the significance
museum? of the museum. If there is no museum, give a 1.


Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

1. Is the place accessible all If yes, give a 5; adjust the score depending on the length of
year? the seasonality of accessibility but no less than 1 point.

2. Is there a regular If transportation is available on an hourly or shorter

transport service? interval, give 5 points. The longer the interval and the
shorter the operating hours, the lower the score, but not
lower than 1 point.

3. How far is it from the If the site is within one hour from the main urbanized area
service center? in the province, give 5 points; adjust the score for longer
travel time but not less than 1 point.

4. How far is it from the If the site is within 30 minutes from the población, give 5
town center? points; adjust the score for longer travel time but not less
than 1 point.


Basic Utilities

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

What are the utilities present Water supply (clean, piped water)
at the site? (Give a score of 5
points for each available item;
adjust the score depending on Communication (internet, telephone, cell phone)
the quality of the utilities. Give
1 point if the utility is not Drainage and sewerage system
Solid waste management system


On-Site Facilities

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

What are the facilities present Clean and safe restrooms

at the site? (Give a score of 5
Accommodation facilities
points for each available item;
adjust the score depending on Food services
the quality of the facilities.
Give 1 point if the facility is Other activity facilities
Directional and information signage


Ownership of Property

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

Is the site government-owned Government-owned

or are there ownership
Ownership issues: Privately owned, under Comprehensive
issues? (Give a score of 5
Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) or CARP-able, ancestral
points if the land is
domain, claimed by one or more individuals or families
government-owned; give 1 if
there is an ownership issue. A
score from 2 to 4 is not valid.)

Quality of Surroundings within 5 km Off the Site

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

Is there a landfill/dumpsite, Give 1 point.

mining site, or informal

Is there a beautiful vista? Give 5 points.

Are there support services? Give 5 points.


Site/Attraction #2:
Site Classification:

Uniqueness and Natural Beauty

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

1. How rare is it? If the site is one of a kind, it should be given a 5; places
that are common are a 1. Then, apply scores between 1 and
5 for other degrees of uniqueness.

2. Does it appeal to all the If the site appeals to all senses (sight, smell, hearing,
senses? touch, and taste), give 5; 1 if only one sense.

3. How well-preserved is it? The site may be a natural or heritage site. If well-
preserved (pristine nature, perfectly preserved church),
give it a 5. If the opposite, then give it a 1.

4. Does the DOT recognize If the DOT is already promoting the attraction in their
the attraction? website or sales collaterals, give a 5. If not, give a 1.


Historical or Cultural Value

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

1. Is the built heritage at The older the structure is, the higher the score (maximum
least 50 years old? of 5), but it should not be newer than 50 years. If the site
has structures that are less than 50 years old, give a
minimum of 1.

2. Does the site have If yes, give a maximum of 5, depending on the significance
festivals? of the festival. If there is no festival, provide a 1.

3. Does the site offer If yes, give a maximum of 5, depending on the significance
culinary experiences? of the experience. If there is no culinary experience
available, give a 1.

4. Does the site have a If yes, give a maximum of 5, depending on the significance
museum? of the museum. If there is no museum, give a 1.


Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

1. Is the place accessible all If yes, give a 5; adjust the score depending on the length of
year? the seasonality of accessibility but no less than 1 point.

2. Is there a regular If transportation is available on an hourly or shorter

transport service? interval, give 5 points. The longer the interval and the
shorter the operating hours, the lower the score, but not
lower than 1 point.

3. How far is it from the If the site is within one hour from the main urbanized area
service center? in the province, give 5 points; adjust the score for longer
travel time but not less than 1 point.

4. How far is it from the If the site is within 30 minutes from the población, give 5
town center? points; adjust the score for longer travel time but not less
than 1 point.


Basic Utilities

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

What are the utilities present Water supply (clean, piped water)
at the site? (Give a score of 5
points for each available item;
adjust the score depending on Communication (internet, telephone, cell phone)
the quality of the utilities. Give
1 point if the utility is not Drainage and sewerage system
Solid waste management system


On-Site Facilities

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

What are the facilities present Clean and safe restrooms

at the site? (Give a score of 5
Accommodation facilities
points for each available item;
adjust the score depending on Food services
the quality of the facilities.
Give 1 point if the facility is Other activity facilities
Directional and information signage


Ownership of Property

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

Is the site government-owned Government-owned

or are there ownership
Ownership issues: Privately owned, under Comprehensive
issues? (Give a score of 5
Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) or CARP-able, ancestral
points if the land is
domain, claimed by one or more individuals or families
government-owned; give 1 if
there is an ownership issue. A
score from 2 to 4 is not valid.)

Quality of Surroundings within 5 km Off the Site

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

Is there a landfill/dumpsite, Give 1 point.

mining site, or informal

Is there a beautiful vista? Give 5 points.

Are there support services? Give 5 points.


Site/Attraction #3:
Site Classification:

Uniqueness and Natural Beauty

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

1. How rare is it? If the site is one of a kind, it should be given a 5; places
that are common are a 1. Then, apply scores between 1 and
5 for other degrees of uniqueness.

2. Does it appeal to all the If the site appeals to all senses (sight, smell, hearing,
senses? touch, and taste), give 5; 1 if only one sense.

3. How well-preserved is it? The site may be a natural or heritage site. If well-
preserved (pristine nature, perfectly preserved church),
give it a 5. If the opposite, then give it a 1.

4. Does the DOT recognize If the DOT is already promoting the attraction in their
the attraction? website or sales collaterals, give a 5. If not, give a 1.


Historical or Cultural Value

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

1. Is the built heritage at The older the structure is, the higher the score (maximum
least 50 years old? of 5), but it should not be newer than 50 years. If the site
has structures that are less than 50 years old, give a
minimum of 1.

2. Does the site have If yes, give a maximum of 5, depending on the significance
festivals? of the festival. If there is no festival, provide a 1.

3. Does the site offer If yes, give a maximum of 5, depending on the significance
culinary experiences? of the experience. If there is no culinary experience
available, give a 1.

4. Does the site have a If yes, give a maximum of 5, depending on the significance
museum? of the museum. If there is no museum, give a 1.


Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

1. Is the place accessible all If yes, give a 5; adjust the score depending on the length of
year? the seasonality of accessibility but no less than 1 point.

2. Is there a regular If transportation is available on an hourly or shorter

transport service? interval, give 5 points. The longer the interval and the
shorter the operating hours, the lower the score, but not
lower than 1 point.

3. How far is it from the If the site is within one hour from the main urbanized area
service center? in the province, give 5 points; adjust the score for longer
travel time but not less than 1 point.

4. How far is it from the If the site is within 30 minutes from the población, give 5
town center? points; adjust the score for longer travel time but not less
than 1 point.


Basic Utilities

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

What are the utilities present Water supply (clean, piped water)
at the site? (Give a score of 5
points for each available item;
adjust the score depending on Communication (internet, telephone, cell phone)
the quality of the utilities. Give
1 point if the utility is not Drainage and sewerage system
Solid waste management system


On-Site Facilities

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

What are the facilities present Clean and safe restrooms

at the site? (Give a score of 5
Accommodation facilities
points for each available item;
adjust the score depending on Food services
the quality of the facilities.
Give 1 point if the facility is Other activity facilities
Directional and information signage


Ownership of Property

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

Is the site government-owned Government-owned

or are there ownership
Ownership issues: Privately owned, under Comprehensive
issues? (Give a score of 5
Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) or CARP-able, ancestral
points if the land is
domain, claimed by one or more individuals or families
government-owned; give 1 if
there is an ownership issue. A
score from 2 to 4 is not valid.)

Quality of Surroundings within 5 km Off the Site

Guide Questions Standards 1 2 3 4 5

Is there a landfill/dumpsite, Give 1 point.

mining site, or informal

Is there a beautiful vista? Give 5 points.

Are there support services? Give 5 points.


II. Site Prioritization Score Per Category

Uniqueness and Natural Beauty

Appeal to the Recognized by
Site/Attraction Location Rareness Well-Preservation Average Score
Senses DOT




Historical or Cultural Value

Age of the Built Presence of Culinary Presence of
Site/Attraction Location Average Score
Heritage Festivals Experience Museum




Length of the Availability of Proximity from the Proximity from the
Site/Attraction Location Average Score
Seasonality Transport Service Service Center Town Center




Basic Utilities
Sewerage Solid Waste
Site/Attraction Location Water Supply Electricity Communication Average Score
System Mgmt. System




On-Site Facilities
Clean and Safe Accommodation Other Activity Directional
Site/Attraction Location Food Services Average Score
Restrooms Facilities Facilities Signage



Ownership of Property
Site/Attraction Location Government-Owned Ownership Issues Average Score




Quality of Surroundings within 5 km Off the Site

Presence of Landfill,
Presence of a
Site/Attraction Location Mining Site, or Support Services Average Score
Beautiful Vista
Informal Settlements




III. Site Prioritization Evaluation Summary

Site Prioritization Evaluation Summary

Uniqueness Historical or
Basic On-Site Ownership Quality of Combination
Site/Attraction Location and Natural Cultural Accessibility Ranking
Utilities Facilities of Property Surroundings Average
Beauty Value




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