Puppet Stayman

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Puppet Stayman: After a 2N (20-21) or 2N after 2C

 If you have 5 card spades and 4 hearts-No slam interest-Bid 3N

 If you have 5 card spades and 4 hearts and slam forcing- transfer Spade first then bid
H(see below)

If you have 5 card spades and 4 hearts and slam forcing- transfer Spade first

(a) 2N-3
3 -4 (club 4 Card)

 If the opener has 3 card spades, he will respond with 4 . Then 4N by the
responder is keycard for spade.
 When opener has not 3 card , but if he has 4 card club-he will bid 4 -club
 If the opener has neither 3 card spades nor 4 card club, he will respond
with 4N
(b) 2N-3
3 -4 ( 4 Card)

 If the opener has 3 card spades, he will respond with 4 . Then 4N by the
responder is keycard for spade.
 When opener has not 3 card , but if he has 4 card -he will bid 4 -
 If the opener has neither 3 card spades nor 4 card Diamond, he will
respond with 4N

(c) 2N-3
3 -4 ( 4 Card)

 If the opener has 3 card spade, he will respond with 4 . Then 4N by the
responder is keycard for spade.
 When responder has not 3 card , if he has 4 card -he will bid 4N - agreed
and keycard asks for
 If the opener has neither 3 card spades nor 4 card Diamond, he will respond
with 4 (2 card spade)

Opener Responder
3 - Stayman
3 -Trasnfer to
3 - Trasnfer to
3 - Minor suit Stayman
2NT 3NT: 5 +4 , No slam interest, if slam interest then
transfer to S then bid H
4- Gerber
4 -transfer to
4 -transfer to
4NT: Quantitative

Bidding Sequence: 2NT-3♣-??

Bid Meaning

No five card major, I have at least one

4 card major

3♥ I have a 5 card Heart

3♠ I have a 5 card spade suit

3NT No 5 card/4 card major suit

Continuation after 3♦

Bidding Sequence: 2NT-3♣-3♦-??

The responses are similar to puppet stayman.

Bid Meaning

3♥ I have a 4 card spade suit

3♠ I have a 4 card heart suit

3NT To play

4♣ Both majors with slam interest

4♦ Both majors no slam interest

Continuation after 3N :


Bid Meaning

4♣ 5 clubs, key card asking

4♦ 5 Diamonds, key card asking

Both major (5-5):


Jacoby Transfers over 2NT with Super-Accepts (SA) and 5+ points

2NT – 3♦ - 3NT* = 21HCP with 4-card support for hearts

Responder bids 4♦ - retransfer to hearts weak
any other bid shows slam interest e.g. cue bid, 4NT, 5-level exclusion bid, etc.

2NT – 3♥ - 4♣* = 21HCP with 4-card support for spades

Responder 4♥ - retransfer to spades weak
any other bid shows slam interest e.g. cue bid, 4NT, 5-level exclusion bid, etc.

With only 20 HCP, OPENER accepts partners Jacoby Transfer bid by bidding 3 of the
appropriate major over 3♦ and 3♥!

Responding to 2NT with both Minors (Other options for slam in a Minor using the 3♠* bid)

Opener Responder
2NT (20-21) 3♠* (4-4/5-5/5-4 cards in Minors with Slam interest)
4♣ (I like clubs) 4♦ (Minorwood for clubs or bid other Minor)
4♦ (I like diamonds) 4♥ (Minorwood for diamonds)

2N-4♣ -6+♣s slam: key card for club

2N-4♦ -6+♦s slam: key card for diamond

Puppet Stayman: After a 2N (20-21) or 2N after 2C

 If you have 5 card spades and 4 hearts-No slam interest-Bid 3N

 If you have 5 card spades and 4 hearts and slam forcing- transfer Spade first then bid
H(see below)
 When you hold 5 hearts and 3 or less spades, then transfer heart, the reply of opener
if the opener has 3 card heart (may have 5 card spade), he will bid 3 heart
if the opener has not 3 heart and also has not 5 card spade, he will bid 3 heart
if the opener has 5 card spade and not 3 card heart, he will bid 3 spade
 When you hold 5 spades and 3 or less hearts, then transfer spade, the reply of opener
if the opener has 3 card spade (may have 5 card heart), he will bid 3 spade
if the opener has not 3 card spade and also has not 5 card heart, he will bid 3
if the opener has 5 card heart and not 3 card spade, he will bid 3 heart

If you have 5 card spades and 4/3 hearts and slam forcing- transfer Spade first

(d) 2N-3
3 -4 (club 4 Card)

 If the opener has 3 card spades, he will respond with 4 . Then 4N by the
responder is keycard for spade.
 When opener has not 3 card , but if he has 4 card club-he will bid 4 -club
 If the opener has neither 3 card spades nor 4 card club, he will respond
with 4N
(e) 2N-3
3 -4 ( 4 Card)

 If the opener has 3 card spades, he will respond with 4 . Then 4N by the
responder is keycard for spade.
 When opener has not 3 card , but if he has 4 card -he will bid 4 -
 If the opener has neither 3 card spades nor 4 card Diamond, he will
respond with 4N
(f) 2N-3
3 -4 ( 4 Card)

 If the opener has 3 card spade, he will respond with 4 . Then 4N by the
responder is keycard for spade.
 When responder has not 3 card , if he has 4 card -he will bid 4N - agreed
and keycard asks for
 If the opener has neither 3 card spades nor 4 card Diamond, he will respond
with 4 (2 card spade)

Opener Responder
3 - Stayman
3 -Trasnfer to
3 - Trasnfer to
3 - Minor suit Stayman
2NT 3NT: 5 +4 , No slam interest, if slam interest then
transfer to S then bid H
4- 6+Club, slam
4 -6+ Diamond, slam
4 -
4NT: Quantitative

3♣ is Stayman with the following responses:

Most of the hands go through 3C like:

 5+5 Majors
 Single suiter Minor-strong hand
 4+4 Minors

Bidding Sequence: 2NT-3♣-??

Bid Meaning

No five card major, I have at least one

4 card major

3♥ I have a 5 card Heart

3♠ I have a 5 card spade suit

3NT No 5 card/4 card major suit

Continuation after 3♦

Bidding Sequence: 2NT-3♣-3♦-??

The responses are similar to puppet stayman.

Bid Meaning

3♥ I have a 4 card spade suit

3♠ I have a 4 card heart suit

3NT To play

4♣ Both majors with slam interest

4♦ Both majors no slam interest

Slam interest in clubs; 4S by opener ask

for RKCB

Slam interest in diamonds; 4N by opener

ask for RKCB

Continuation after 3N (showing no 4/5 card major)


Bid Meaning
4♣ 6+ clubs, key card asking

4♦ 6+ Diamonds, key card asking

4-4 Minor, pick a slam, looking for a 4-4 minor fit, slam

4♠ 4-4 minors, pick a game, no slam

4NT Quantative

Continuations after opener bid 3♠ (has a 5 card spade suit)

Bid Meaning

3NT To play

4♣ natural Clubs, key card asking

4♦ natural diamonds, key card asking

4♥ Slam try in spades

4♠ To Play

4NT Key card for S

Continuations after opener bid 3♥ (has a 5 card hearts suit)

Bid Meaning

3NT To play
4♣ natural Clubs, key card asking

4♦ natural diamonds, key card asking

4♥ Shut bid

4♠ Key card for H


Both major (5-5):


2N-3S minor Stayman at least 5-4

Opener Responder Meaning

The range of the 2 No Trump opening bid is 20 to

21/22 high card points.

Responder wishes to inquire about the holding in the

 -- 3 Minor suits. The responder shows a minimum
distribution of 5-4 in both Minor suits.

The opener does not hold a 4-card Minor suit.

3NT  --

4C ask number of 3 cards

minors ---4D reply is 3 card

4H reply is 3 card D

4S both 3 card
--4N reply is no 3 card

4D ask number of 3 cards d=

4H reply is 3 card club

4N reply is no 3 card club

The opener promises a 4-card Club suit.


The opener promises a 4-

card Club suit.

4D is keycard ask


4N: Quantitative

5C passable

The opener promises a 4-card Diamond suit.


4H is keycard ask

The responder 6+ trump suit

5D is passable

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