Hand Evaluation: A-4, K-3, Q-2, J-1 Points needed for Game: 3NT, 4♥ or 4♠ 25
Once a good trump fit has been established, the hand that 5♣ or 5♦– 28
will become dummy can count dummy points as follows: 6 suit or NT – 33, 7 suit or NT – 37
Void: 5, Singleton: 3, Doubleton: 1
Opening the Bidding Responding to an opening bid of 1 T:
1NT: 12-14 pts and a balanced hand with no 5-card major. 0-10 pts: Pass or signoff in 2♦/2♥/2♠ - at least a 5-card
2NT: 20-22 pts and a balanced hand suit. (2♣ is reserved for Stayman)
11-12 pts: Bid 2NT (invitational), or bid 2♣ Stayman, and
1-suit: 12-19 pts. Open your longest suit or the higher then invite game.
ranking of two equal length suits: Exception: with exactly 4 13-18 pts:
hearts and 4 spades open 1♥. (Use rule of 20 with 10-11 pts - With a 4 card major, bid 2♣ (Stayman)
and good distribution). - With a 5 card major, bid 3♥/♠ (forcing)
- With a 6 card major, jump to 4♥/♠
2♣: 23+ pts or fewer points, with game in your own hand, - Otherwise bid 3NT
any shape. - Bid 3♣/3♦ (forcing) if interested in 5♣/5♦
2♦/2♥/2♠: 8 playing tricks, normally about 20 pts. Responding to an opening bid of 2 T:
0-3 pts: Pass
3 of a suit: Normally a 7 card suit, and fewer than 11 pts. 4-10 pts:
(Use rule of 500) - With a 4 card major bid 3♣ (Stayman)
4 of a suit: Normally an 8 card suit, and fewer than 11 pts - With a 5 card major, bid 3♥/3♠(forcing)
(Use rule of 500)
- With a 6 card major, jump to 4♥/4♠
- Otherwise bid 3NT
Opener’s rebid with a balanced hand:
- Bid 3♦ (forcing) if interested in 5♦ or 6♦
With 15-19 pts, open one of a suit and rebid as follows
Responding to an opening bid of 2♣ ♣:
If partner bids a new suit at If partner bids a new suit at 0-7 pts: 2♦ (negative and artificial)
the 1 level: the 2 level: 8+ pts: Bid 2NT or your own good 5+ card suit
• 15-16 pts: 1NT (or • 15-16 pts: 2NT
pass 1NT) • 17-19 pts: 3NT Responding to an opening bid of 2♦ ♦/2♥
• 17-18 pts: 2NT 0-7 pts: 2NT (negative)
• 19 pts: 3NT 8+ pts: any other bid is natural and promises the values for
game (e.g. 2 tricks in a major).
Opener’s rebid after responder supports your suit: Responding to an opening bid of 1 of a suit:
After responder raises opener’s major to the 2 level: 0-5 pts: Pass
- With a minimum hand (12-15) - Pass With a minimum hand (6-9 pts) – Priorities are:
- With a medium hand (16-18) - Raise to the 3 level - Raise a major to the 2 level with 4 card support
- With a maximum hand (19) - Raise to Game - Bid a new suit, if it can be bid at the 1-level (6-16
After responder raises opener’s minor to the 2 level: - Raise a minor to the 2 level with 4 card support
- With a minimum hand (12-15) - Pass - Bid 1NT (may not be balanced)
- With a medium hand (16-18) - Raise to the 3 level or With a medium hand (10-12 pts) – Priorities are:
bid 2NT, or another suit. (Looking for game in NT) - Raise a major to the 3 level with 4 card support
- With a maximum hand (19) bid 3NT, another suit or - Bid a new suit at the lowest level (1-level: 6-16 pts,
(rarely) 4 or 5 in your minor. 2-level: 10-16 pts)
- Raise a minor to the 3 level with 4 card support
- Bid 2NT with a balanced hand
Blackwood: A bid of 4NT asks for aces: With a maximum hand (13+ pts) – Priorities are:
Responses are 5♣=0 or 4, 5♦=1, 5♥=2, 5♠=3 - Raise a major to game with 4 card support
- Bid a new suit at the lowest level (1-level: 6-16pts,
If you have all the aces, and the values for a grand slam, bid 2-level: 10-16 pts)
5NT to ask for kings: - Bid 3NT (13-15) with a balanced hand
Responses are 6♣=0 or 4, 6♦=1, 6♥=2, 6♠=3 With a very strong hand – 16+ pts and your own good suit
(5+ cards), bid your suit, jumping one level
(e.g. 1♠-3♥, or 1♣-2♦)
26/10/2012 © - Tony Staw
Opener’s rebid after responder bids a new suit or bids Responder’s rebid
1 T Add your points to the points shown by opener and bid
- With a minimum hand (12-15) accordingly. You may be able to decide the contract.
- Raise partner’s suit to the lowest level available with 4- With a minimum hand (6-9)
card support. - Pass if game is not possible
- Bid a new 4 card suit (if below the two level of the first - Bid 1 NT if that bid is still available
suit) - Bid a previously bid suit (either your own or
- Rebid the original suit at the two level (5+ cards) partner’s suit) at the cheapest level
- Pass 1NT with a balanced hand (12-16 pts) If you might have the values for game, try to make an
invitational bid such as:
- With a medium hand (16-18) - Raise a previously bid suit to the 3 level
- Raise partner’s major suit, jumping a level - Bid 2NT
- Bid a new 4 card suit (even if above the two - E.g. after 1♥-1♠; 2♦, responder could rebid 2NT
level of the first suit – a reverse) with 10-12 pts, and no support for opener and a
- Bid 2NT with a balanced hand (see ranges over). club stopper.
- Raise partner’s minor suit, jumping a level If you have the values for game (25+ points):
- Rebid the original suit at the three level (6 card suit) - Bid game or make a forcing bid. A new suit by
responder is forcing unless NT has been bid.
- With a maximum hand (19+) Overcalls
- Raise partner’s major suit, jumping to game - A simple suit overcall at the 1 level shows around
- Bid 3NT with a balanced hand (see range over) 8-16 pts, a 5 card good quality suit
- Bid a new 4-card suit, jumping a level if necessary to - A simple suit overcall at the 2 level shows 10-16
break the 2-level barrier of the original suit (i.e. reverse pts, at least a 5 card good quality suit
or jump-shift) - A jump overcall shows a very good 6+ suit, about
- Rebid the original suit, jumping to game (in a major) 12-16 pts
- Raise partner’s minor suit, jumping 2 levels - With more than 16 pts, double first, then bid your
- 1NT overcall shows 16-18 pts and a good stopper
Responding to Stayman Responding to a non-jump suit overcall
After 1NT-2♣ - Pass with 0-5 pts or no fit for partner
2♦ – no 4 card major - With 3+ card support raise partners suit, bidding at
2♥– promises 4 hearts (may also have 4 spades) the 3 level with 10+ pts, or a very good fit (count
2♠ – promises 4 spades (denies 4 hearts) dummy pts)
The same responses (a level higher) apply after 2NT-3♣ - Bid your own suit (at least a good 5 card suit)
(Stayman), or after 2♣-2♦;2NT-3♣ (Stayman) - 1NT 9-12 pts, stopper in opps suit
- 2NT 13-14 pts, good stopper in opps suit
Opener’s rebid after a 2 level opening Responding to a double of a suit
After 2♣-2♦ 0-8 pts - Bid your longest suit at the lowest level.
2NT shows a balanced hand with 23-24 pts 9-12 pts - Bid your longest suit, jumping a level (e.g. 1♥ –
Any other rebid is natural and game forcing X – P – 3♣)
After 2♦/2♥/2♠-2NT 13+ pts - Either bid your longest suit, jumping to game in a
Opener’s rebid is natural and can be passed if major, or bid the opponents suit – a cuebid - forcing partner
responder’s hand is very weak. to make another bid.
6-9 pts - Bid 1NT with a stopper in the opps suit.
10-12 pts - Bid 2NT with 2 stoppers in the opps suit
13+ pts - Bid 3NT with 2 stoppers in the opps suit
Double Responding to a double of a suit after an intervening bid
A double of a suit at or below 2♠ is for takeout and shows If the 3rd person to bid raises openers suit, or bids a new
support for all unbid suits. suit, you can pass with 0-5pts, or bid your best suit:
A double of 1NT is for penalties (16+ pts) 6-9 pts - Bid at the 2 level
A double of a pre-emptive opening bid at or below 4♦ is for 10-12pts - Bid at the 3 level
takeout 13+ pts - Bid game in a major or bid the opponents suit
Responding to a double of 1 T
- With a balanced hand, pass
- With an unbalanced weak hand (fewer than 4 pts),
bid 2 of your long suit.