Supernatural 26 April 03
Supernatural 26 April 03
Supernatural 26 April 03
System Notes
1 11+ pts, 3+ cards, natural, or 17-19 balanced 2+cards (No 5 card major)
1 11+ pts, 3+ cards
1 11+ pts, 5+ cards (occasionally good 4 card suit in 3 rd and 4th seats)
1NT 14-16 balanced
2 Strong, forcing, artificial
2 Weak 2 bid in one major, 6 card suit 2-7 NV vs V, 3-8 Equal NV, 4-9 V
2 Minimum opening bid, 6 or 7 cards, 10-13 vul, 9-12 neither vul, 8-11
2NT 19+-21 pts, bal
3 Natural, preemptive
3NT Gambling
4 Natural, preemptive
4NT Both minors, preemptive
2.1. Responses
2 Puppet Stayman
2 Transfer to
2 Transfer to
2 size ask or transfer to clubs
2NT Transfer to
3 5-5 or more with both minors, GF
3 5-5 or more with both majors, GF
3 4-1-4-4 GF
3 1-4-4-4 GF
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
3NT To play
4 Gerber
4 Transfer to
4 Transfer to
4 4-4 minors balanced slam try
4NT Quantitative not 4-4 minors
2nt =diamonds
3c=5-5 in m's, GF
3d=5-5 in majors, GF
3h,3s=splinter 4441's
Over 2c,
over 2c-2d (must show 4-cd M with 5m and 4M and cannot bid puppet stayman with 3-cd M and 5 or 6 cd
m unless 5-4-3-1),
3nt= to play
4h,4s=extras, 4-cds
3c=5-4 in both majors, GF
3d=bid your 4-cd suit
3h=extras, 4h
3s=extras, 4s
3nt=no 3-cd M suit
4h,4s=min, 4h or 4s
3d=4-4 in both majors, GF
3h,3s =extras
3h,3s=3-1-5-4 or 1-3-5-4
After 1N-2C-2D-2M-2N
3D relay
3H=Short D
3S=Short major
3N=No Short
3H Diamond Values
3S Values in OM
3N Both other suits well stopped
3D=Diamonds w/Short C
3H=Diamonds w/Short Major
3S=Diamonds with no shortage
3N= to play
After 1N-2C-2D-2M-3C
3H D values
3S Values in OM
3N have both other suits
3H=Diamonds w/ Short C or no shortage (3S asks: 3N=none, 4C=C)
3S=Diamonds w/ short major
3N=to play
2 45 invitational
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
3 4+ clubs
4 Waiting, forward going
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
3nt to play
4 4+ diamonds
4 Waiting, forward going
4 RKC for clubs
4 4 hearts, extra
4 To play
4 RKC for hearts
4 4 hearts, minimum
4 RKC for hearts
4 4+ clubs
4nt RKC
5 To play
4NT To play
5m min
5 q's (5NT to ask for m over this)
5NT Pick a minor
6m To play
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
Modified Rubensohl:
2NT Forces 3, either weak with any one suit, or forcing with :
Pass Weak with
NS Natural NF
Cue Stayman with stopper
3/2½ stopper
3NT Mild slam try
3 Invitational or better transfers to next highest suit (Transfer to opponent’s suit is
Stayman without stopper)
3 Asks opener to bid 3NT with a stopper, otherwise bid longer minor.
3NT To play, implies holding a stopper
XX At least 4 decent s
Pass No 4 card M, 3 decent, or 4 poor s
XX Penalties
2 To play
3 Asks for stopper
Else System on
2 No 4 card M, at best 2 s to an honor or 3 small s
3 Asks for stopper
Else System on
2M 4M
3 Asks for stopper
Else System on
XX At least 4 decent s
Pass To play
2 To play
3 General force, implies short
3 Invitational, want to play from my side
Else Same as over normal acceptance
Pass Not 3s, not good enough s for XX.
XX Penalties
2 To play
3 Asks for stopper
Else Same as over normal acceptance
2 3+s
3 Asks for stopper
Else System on
Else Normal superaccepts
3c= stm
over 3d,
new suits are slam tries
stm, then 4m is slam try, natural, 5 card suit or bad 6cd suit
5c = cue-bid
5d = to play
5h,5s = exclusion rkc
5nt = GSF
4d,4h = texas
5c =super gerber
Negative doubles after natural overcalls at 3 level
5.1. General
-1nt forcing by unpassed hand, can be as much as 11 pts over 3/4 chair openers
-no fast arrival in 2/1 auctions when a major is agreed, 1M-2m/h-4m/h=picture jump
-fast arrival when a minor is agreed (but this jump shows good trumps)
- -Fit showing single jumps in competition and by passed hands, maximal overcall x’s
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
Over 1h:
Over 1h-2c:
2s=5h,4+c, 17+
2nt=6+ h, 12 to 16 pts(14-17 V)
3c asks:
3h=asks for shortness
3h=15-16, no outside suit
3s asks shortness, NLMH
3s,4c,4d=15-16, outside 4cd suit
3nt=solid suit, min
4h=7h, min
3d = natural, single-suited
3h = sets h as trump
3s = shows clubs, single-suited
3nt = shows singleton or void in h
3c=5h,4d, 17+
3d asks for shape (LHN):
3d=6+h, 17+
3h asks shortness, NLMH
3s asks suit quality, BMG
3h=solid h suit, extras
3s asks shortness, NLMH
3nt = mark-time bid, implies spade control
4c,4d=cue bids
4h= sign off
3s=5h+5d, 17+
natural development
3nt=15-16 bal
4s=rkc for h
2h asks:
2s=5h, 4+c
2N Relay
3C 11-14 5M, 4C
3D asks shortage LHN
3D 15-16 5M 4C some shortage
3H asks shortage LH
3H 11-14 5M 5C
3S 15-16 5M 5C
3N 15-16 5422
3D Short C
3H How good is your clubs (3S weak 11-14, 3N Strong 11-14, 4C 18-19)
3H Short D
3S how good are your D (3N strong 11-14, 4D weak 11-14, 4C 18-19)
3S Short in S, weak doubleton, 11-14
3N Short in S, strong doubleton 11-14
4C Short in S, 18-19
NB: 3N is always 11-14 with Kx or better, 4C is always 18-19
Note: After Opener shows 18-19 by bidding 4C, 4S=rkc for H. If opener has only 1 3 card
minor 4D=rkc for openers 3 card minor. If opener has both 3 card minors, 4D puppets to
4H, then 4S=rkc in C, 4N=rkc in D, 5m=mild slam try.
3d,3s = shows conc of values for 3nt (could play asking for stoppers)
3h = sets trumps
3c=5h,4d+ 11-14
3d asks shortage: LHN
3d=5h,4d-(3-1), 15-16
3h asks for shortness, LH
3h=5h,5d 11-14
3s=5h,5d, 15-16
3nt=2542, 15-16
2s=5c & 3h
2nt asks for shortness (NLMH):
3c=no shortness
then 3d asks shape & strength
3s=2-3-3-5, min
3nt=2-3-2-6, min
4c=3-3-2-5, extras
4d=2-3-3-5, extras
4ht=2-3-2-6, extras
3d,3h,3s=shortness, then bid naturally over this
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
3c,3d,3h natural
2nt=5d & 3 or 4 h
3c asks for hand type:
3d=5d, 3h, min
3h asks for shortness(NLMH)
3h=5d, 3h extras
3s asks for shortness(NLMH)
3s=5d, 4d, min
3nt=5d, 4h, extras, bal
4c=c splinter, 5d,4h, extras
4d=sp splinter, 5d,4h, extras
3h=5c & 4h (5-4-2-2)
natural development
3s = splinter with either 5c or 5d & 4h
3nt asks:
4c=splinter with 5d & 4h
4d=splinter with 5c & 4h
3c,3d = natural
3h = minimum
3s=11-12 3cd, shortness, 3nt asks
3n, 4c,4d=weak splinters
4h=11-12 4-cd LR
2NT=gf Jacoby:
3c=min with 5 or 6
3d asks NLMH
3d=5cds, extras, shortness
3h asks LMH
3h=6cds, extras, shortness
3s asks LMH
3s=5+cds, extras, bal
3nt=15-16 with 5 cds, or 14-15 with 6cds, bal
4c,4d,4h(sp)=2nd 5-cd suit
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
Over 1s:
1nt=forcing nt, with mod bart
2c=gf relay
2h=3 or 4 sp, 9-12
2s=3 or 4 sp, 5-8
2nt=jacoby 2nt
3c=c inv
3d=d inv
3h=h inv
3s=preempt NV, constr V
4c,4d, 4h=splinters
3nt=good 1M-4M
4s=to play
Over 1s-2c:
3h=5-4-2-2 min
4c=h are trump
4d=s are trump
4c=h are trump
4d=s are trump
3h,3s=sets trumps
2s or 2nt, then suit agreement shows better than direct suit bid
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
2s=5s,4c+, 17+
2nt=6s+, 12(14) to 16(17) pts
3c asks:
3h asks shortness, NLMH
3s asks for suit quality:
Bad, Medium (at least 3 of top 5), Good (KQ9 worst)
3h=6s, 4h, min
3s=15-16, no outside suit
3s asks shortness, NLMH
4c,4d,4h=15-16, outside 4cd suit
3nt=solid suit, min
4s=7h, min
3d = natural, single-suited
3h = clubs, single-suited
3s = sets trumps
3nt = shows GF, singleton or void in s
3c=5s, 4d+, 17+
3d asks for shape(LHN):
3d=6s+, 17+(18+)
3h asks shortness, NLMH
3h=5s,5d, 17+
natural development
3s=solid suit, extras
3nt = mark-time bid, DI, etc.
4c,4d, 4h=cue bids
4s= sign off
3nt=15-16 bal
4h=relay to 4s, then 4nt is rkc for sp
4s=to play
2h asks:
2s=5s, 4+c
2N Relay
3C 11-14 5M, 4C
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
2nt=5-3-3-2, 11-14/18-19
3c asks for doubleton:
3D Short C
3H How good is your clubs (3S weak 11-14, 3N strong 11-14, 4C 18-19)
3H Short D
3S how good are your D (3N strong 11-14, 4D weak 11-14, 4C 18-19)
3S Short in H, weak doubleton, 11-14
3N Short in H, strong doubleton, 11-14
4C Short in H, 18-19
NB: 3N is always Kx or better and 11-14, 4C is always 18-19
Note: after opener bids 4C to show 18-19, 4H agrees spades, If opener has only 1 3 card
minor then 4D=rkc for that minor, if opener has both 3 card minors, 4H forces 4H then
4S=rkc for C, 4N=rkc for D, 5m=mild slam try
3d,3h = shows conc of values for 3nt (could play asking for stoppers)
3s = sets trumps
3c=5s,4d 11-14
3d asks shortage: LHN
3d=5s,4d-(3-1), 15-16
3h asks for shortness, LH
3h=5s,5d 11-14
3s=5s,5d, 15-16
3nt=5242, 15-16
2s=5c & 3s
2nt asks for shortness (NLMH):
3c=no shortness
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
2nt asks:
3s=5s, 5c
4d=rkc for c
4h=sp, forward going
3c= club fit, asks for conc of values
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
2NT=gf Jacoby:
3c=min with 5 or 6
3d asks NLMH
3d=5cds, extras, shortness
3h asks LMH
3h=6cds, extras, shortness
3s asks LMH
3s=5+cds, extras, bal
3nt=15-16 with 5 cds, or 14-15 with 6cds, bal
4c,4d,4h=2nd 5-cd suit
1H-1S(=Forcing NT)
1H-1NT (=5+ Spades unlimited)
over 1H-1NT bidding is natural and as if 1H-1S (eg 1H-1NT-2C-2D is 4sf), although 2m
rebid may be a 3 card suit
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
1NT= Clubs but may be 3532
2H=Flannery 11-16 4S and 5+H
2S = normal reverse
everything else is standard
2C = Min Club preference
2D = anti-bart relay. Either a weak heart preference, or inv. hand
2H = 8+ to 10 with 2 hearts
2S = 5 card 9-10 Club Raise
2NT = 11-12 with less than 4 clubs (occasionally a bad 4 with red suit concentration)
3C = shapely club raise, 6-8 pts
3D = Weak
3H = limit without good clubs
Pass obvious
2S = Balanced 5 card 11-12 Club Raise
2NT = 11-12 with 4 clubs
3C = Unbalanced 11-12 Club Raise
3D = 6+ Good diamonds, inv
3H = 3 cd Limit raise with long clubs
ADJUNCT: 1M-2M-jump to new suit=natural good 2nd suit and slam try.
2d= almost always shows 4 d's, unless akxxx xxx akx xx or similar
1s-1nt-2d-3d=shows around 10 pts, 4+ d's, might have 9 pts w/5d
1h-1nt-2h-2s=both m’s
Same over 1h-(2h=mike)-?, except 2s=gf raise (sys on) and 2nt=lr+
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
5.6.1. Opener’s 3rd bid after 1nt forcing and responder’s 2nt rebid
e.g.; 1s-1n-2d-2n:
3c=art, 5-4-3-1, 3d asks for fragment: 3h=5-1-4-3, 3s=5-3-4-1
3d=weak hand with 5s and 5d
3h=good hand with 5s and 5d
3s=good hand with 6s and 4d
5.8.1. Responding to 1s
1nt=nonforcing, with 3 cd support, can bid 1nt, if opener bids over 1nt, he is showing 5+
2c,2d= 2-way reverse drury, interested in game
Opener bids 2S to sign-off. Next step shows some game interest, asking
responder to bid 2s with minimum. (2w kokish gt’s over this) or 4s with utter
maximum. Otherwise, responder bids naturally to try for game.
New suits are natural slam tries and jumps are natural suits, looking for slam.
2h=natural, nonforcing, usually 6 card suit
2s=shows 3+ cd support, less than 9 hcp
2nt= 6+ of either m, nf
3 level=fit showing jumps
3s=5 card constructive raise
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
5.8.2. Responding to 1h
same, except 1h-2s=fit showing jump and 1h-1s=natural, should bid 1s with 4 cards,
since we open 4-4 in M’s 1h in 3 / 4 chair
1h-2d-2h could have minimum opening bid
2h=constructive raise
2s=weak raise
3level new suit=fit showing jump
3nt=solid suit, nothing outside
4lvl new suit=splinter
1. General
With 3s & 3s, open 1. With 4 & 4, choose according to rest of hand; with no
preference, open 1
Transfer responses at 1-level over 1. If there is any interference over 1 transfers
are off
Single raises GF by unpassed hand.
Jump raises preemptive nonvul, (reject 17-19 bal,) vul mixed
2 response shows good 10 to 12, balanced
2NT shows good 12 to 15 points or 18+ pts, balanced
3NT shows 16-17 points, balanced
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
4 RKC for
4N5Exclusion RKC (NT=)
3 6+clubs, stuff in
3 3 s, 6+s
3NT Good s, stuff in unbids
3 Naturalish, implies stoppers
3 Natural (usually 6+) and forcing
3NT Natural
3 6+s, extras, NF
3 Mini-splinters
3 17-19 bal with 4s
3NT Solid with stoppers in and
4 Solid 6+s, 4s
4 Splinter
4 Distributional raise
Completing the transfer shows 3 card support, but does not have to be balanced
XX shows 17-19 with a strong 4 card holding in the doubled suit
Completing transfer at 2 level shows 4 card support and a minimum
Other bids are as usual (including 2NT) but do not deny 3 card support.
Problem hand over 1-1 is hand with shortness not good enough to reverse; must
rebid 1NT with 4-4-1-4 and 1NT or 2 with (3-4)-1-5
3 Forced
P Obvious
3 shortage
3 shortage
3NT shortage, prepared to be passed
4 shortage, 5s&4s
4 shortage, long
3 5+s&4+s F (now M bids are concentrations)
3 & usually a good fragment
3 & usually a good fragment
3 16-18, 6+s
3 Strong (17+) with shortness
3 Splinter with long
3NT Gambling 3NT with stoppers
1 4+s
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
1 4+s
1 5-7 balanced, 5-7 with , or
1NT 8-10 balanced
2 8+ in support of
2 Fit Showing Jumps
2NT Good hand with 6 card minor
3 Weak
1 4s
1NT 11-13 balanced
2 5-4 in minors either way, NF
2 6s, NF
2 Normal raise, may be 3s with singleton or rarely xx
2 Natural GF
2NT Strong hand, long or 6s&3s
3 Asks for description
3 Long only, stopper in , implies lack of stopper
3 3s
3 stopper
3NT To play
4 Diamond 1 suiter, not suitable for NT
3 To play
3 Natural (usually 6+) forcing
3 Stopper, implies 4
3NT To play
3 5+s,4+s GF
3 6+s, extras, NF
3 Unspecified mini-splinter or 15-16, 2-4-5-2
3 Asks NLH
3 Splinter
3NT Solid s, stoppers in and
4 Splinter
4 6+ solid , 4s
4 Distributional raise
2 Reverse F1
2 5+s, does not promise extras
2NT Natural, 1+ stoppers, F
3 Artificial, may be weak
2 Normal raise, may be 3s with singleton or rarely xx
2NT Strong hand, long or 6s&3s
3 Asks for description
3 Long only, stopper in , implies lack of stopper
3 stopper
3 3s
3NT To play
3 To play
3 Stopper, implies 4s
3 Natural forcing
3NT To play
3 Unspecifed mini-splinter
3NT Asks LH
3 15-16, 4-2-5-2
Applies when 2NT rebid shows 17-19 as long as responder has bid. i.e. Over 1
opening, direct competition, M suit response.
3 Forces 3
3M Non-forcing
3OM Slam try in other m, 4M and 5+Om
3NT Slam try in opener’s m
Else Slam tries in opener’s m
3 Checkback, show lowest major first, if have both 4OM and 3cd supp
3M 6 card suit, forcing
3OM Equal length (4-4 or 5-5) in majors
4m Sets trumps, forcing
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
2 Asks
2 3 card support, minimum
2 Concentration of values or extra length in , extra values
2NT Maximum
3 Minimum
3 4s, extras
3 3 card support, maximum
3 1-3-3-6, maximum
3NT solid 7 cd suit, one outside card
Over these responses, 3/4 is natural and forcing
2 To play
2 Ostensibly natural, could have only 3s, trying to get to 3NT
2NT Natural, mild invite based on holding a high honor
3 Light invitation with support, could be as little as xxx ATxx xxx Kxx
3 5-5 in and , invitational
3 6+, invitaitonal
3 Unspecifed splinter in support of , next asks LH
3NT To play
4 Natural, forcing, sets as trumps
4 RKC for
4 To play
4 RKC for
2 Asks
2 Minimum with 4s
2 3 card support, minimum
2NT Maximum
3 Minimum
3 4s extras
3 4s, maximum
3 3 card support, maximum
3NT solid 7 card suit, one outside card
Over these responses, 3/4 is natural and forcing
2 Natural, non-forcing
2 To play
2NT Natural, mild invite based on holding a high honor
3 Light invitation with support, could be as little as ATxx xxx xxx Kxx
3 5-5 in and , invitational
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
2 To play
2 Artificial asking bid, invitational + hands
2NT Maximum
3 6s and 4c, minimum
3 Minimum
3 3 card support, minimum
3 3 card support, maximum
3NT Solid 7 cd suit, one outside card
Over these bids, 3/4 is natural and forcing
2NT Mild invitation based on holding a high honor
3 Natural, forcing
3 Light invitation with support, could be as little as xxx ATxx Kxx xxx
3 6+s, inv
3 6s and 5s, GF
3NT To play
4 Unspecified splinter for , next step asks LH
4 Natural, forcing, sets as trumps
4 To play
4 RKC for
4NT RKC for
5 Exclusion RKC for
2 Asking bid:
2 At least 2s, minimum
2NT Maximum
3 6 and 4s, minimum
3 Minimum
3 4s, any strength
3 3 card support, maximum
3NT solid 7 card suit, one outside card
Over these bids, 3/4 is natural and forcing
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
2 To play
2NT Invitational, light based on holding a high honor
3 Natural, forcing
3 Light invitation with support, could be as little as ATxx xxx Kxx xxx
3 5-5, and , invitational
3 Invitational
3NT To play
4 Unspecified splinter for , next step asks LH
4 Natural, forcing, sets as trumps
4 RKC for
4 To play
4NT RKC for
5 Exclusion RKC for
2 Asking bid
2NT 4 card support, concentration of values in at least one of the minors
3 Asks
3 Good
3 Good
3 Good in both m
3 3 card support
3 Asks
3 Minimum
3 asks, (5 card low,high 6 card low high)
3 5 card minor Maximum low Singleton
3NT 5 card minor Maximum high Singleton
4 6 card minor Maximum low Singleton
4 6 card minor Maximum high Singleton
3 4 card support, concentration of values in
3 4 card support, complete and utter minimum
3 Splinter in , extras
3NT Minimum HCP, unspecified shortness, next step asks LH
4m 5-4-2-2, concentration of values in two suits
4om Splinter in other m, extras
4 Maximum, balanced
2NT game try, at least 5s
3 Natural game try, nonforcing in partner's opening minor
3 HCP game try, at least 5s
3NT Choice of games
3 Unspecified mini-splinter
3 Asks: LH
3 17-19 balanced, 4 card support
3 Splinter
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
3 mini-splinter
3 17-19 balanced, 4 cd support
4 6s and 4s, with a good suit
4 Splinter
4 Shapely raise to game
3 Unspecified mini-splinter
3 17-19 balanced
4 Splinter
4 6s and 4s, with a good suit
4 Splinter
4 Shapely raise to game
Transfer then new suit is GF, natural, usually 5 cards (transfer to then 3 is 6-4)
Transfer, then 2NT is a GF waiting bid, could be 6M-4m. Follow-ons are naturalish.
Over response to 2NT, 3M shows 6M-4m, 3OM shows 6M-4om
Cheaper of 4th suit or 2nt can be weak (can pass next min bid by opener)
Rebid of responder’s M is one round force (can pass next min bid by opener)
2NT, then 4NT shows 13-14 points
.......................................................................Jump to 3NT shows 11-12 points
Jump to 3M is 10-12 points
All other bids are natural and GF
Reverses may be light in competition, and are not forcing so jump shifts (i.e.
1d-p-1s-2c-3h is natural and forcing) are not splinters
Flexible cue bidding style, controls up-the-line, bypassing a suit denies 1 st or 2nd round
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
Must bid keycard often in this style to account for cuebidding 1 st/2nd round controls up-
the-line! Failure to use keycard generally conveys the message that keycard will not
help i.e. void somewhere.
In Jacoby 2nt or 2/1 auctions in which we have found an 8+ card major fit, if bidder has
choice between 3NT and 3M, or cuebidding and 3NT, bidding 3NT shows mild slam
interest (slammish minimums) and asks for cuebidding from partner if interested
opposite these hands. (
Cuebids bypassing 3NT show good hands with extra values for slam. If are agreed
3 may be a courtesy cuebid, does not promise extra values.
When an 8+ card major suit fit is found, the bid of the suit below the trump suit is not a
cue bid, but a generic slam try. Depending on the auction, it can mean - bid a slam with
a maximum, bid a slam with a necessary control in a suit, etc.
When RKC has not been bid when it could have, 4NT is a “last train” type of bid: e.g.,
1-2-3-3-4-4-4-4NT=DI (passed 4 RKC)
Keycards are the 4 aces and the K of the agreed trump suit.
If the asker signs off in the trump suit after a 1 st or 2nd step response, responder is only
expected to bid on if holding the higher number and asker might think they had the
lower number.
Whenever a suit has been bid and raised, or when a suit has been bid and rebid, the bid
above the trump suit at the 4 level is RKC unless that bid could be natural. Kickback
applies even if there might be a more logical meaning for the bid.
Kickback rules:
1. Natural suit bids take precedence over kickback: However, unless it is your first
time you have been able to support your partner's suit, it's kickback. (1-2-3-
4-4=RKC for ). Also if you can support your partner's suit at a lower level,
then it’s kickback (1-2-3-3=natural, 4=RKC for ).
4. Jumps to the suit above the last bid suit are kickback, unless they are rebids:
1-2-3-4=natural, but 1-2-3-4=kickback and 1-1-3-
5 level jumps in a new suit or opponents suit shows a void in that suit and is RKC minus
the void suit. This must be below 5 of our suit.
When a double fit is found, double RKC asks for keycards in both suits. There are 6
possible keycards and two queens:
When we have agreed upon a suit, 5 of suit above our suit asks for the top 3 honors in
our trump suit:
1st step A or K
Next step asks which one:
1st Step King
2nd Step Ace
2 step Q,
3rd step 0, but extra length
6 of our suit None
7 2 of Top honors
In an auction in which there are 2 or more possible strains, 5NT asks partner to pick a
strain to play in. It is not grand slam force
2s = spades
over 2s,
2nt = no 5 card suit
3c, 3d, 3h=natural, 5 card suits
3s = likes spades, starts asking bids
3nt = unspecified splinter, 4 cd supp
4c,4d,4h = fit showing jumps, 4 cd supp
3nt = 4-4-(4-1), game forcing hand, 4c asks for shortness, LH, then 4M is slam
try, 4M directly is to play, 4d = asks for better major, 4nt = asks for m
Positive raises of opener's suits must be as good as qxx axxx xxx xxx, where qxx is
trump suit.
In general, cheaper of 4th suit or 4nt shows slam interest for opener's 2nd suit
when that suit cannot be bid below game (must be as good as axx qxxx qxx xxx).
e.g., 2c-2d-2s-3d-3h, then 4nt = likes hearts, slam interest
2S Ss
2N Ogust
2S Pass or correct. Could be interested in H game, therefore respond
Ogust 2N/3C/3D/3H = b/b (5 cards NV) gs/bh, gh/bs, g/g
2N Modified Ogust
3C Bad hand (could be 5 card suit) (bottom 50%)
3D Asks further description
3HS Natural, NF
4C Natural
4DH Transfer
4C Please transfer to your suit.
3D Medium hand with Hs, game forcing
3H Medium hand with Ss, game forcing
3S Good hand with Hs, game forcing
3N Good hand with Ss, game forcing
3C To play
3D Game forcing with Hs
3HS Pass or correct
3N To play
4C Transfer to your suit
4D Bid your suit (4S/4N = RKC)
4H Pass or correct ???
4S To play
4N Straight Blackwood
2D - (2HS) - X Competitive, Pass if this is your suit, otherwise bid suit (or Ogust
over 2S if your suit Hs)
2D - (2N/3a) – X Penalty
2D - (X)
10.1. Responses to 2M
3M = preemptive
4/3 RKC
4 0 Keycards
4 1 Keycard without Q
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
4 1 Keycard with Q
4NT 2 Keycards without Q
5 2 Keycards with Q
4/3 RKC
Any Game To play
5M/3M Preemptive
Other NS Natural, forcing
Over 4,4
4/4 RKC
4 0 Keycards
4 1 Keycard without Q
4NT 1 Keycard with Q
4 2 Keycards without Q
5 2 Keycards with Q
Any game To play
4NT To play over c’s, RKC over d’s
Over 4
Over 4
5 Preemptive
Doubles are negative at all levels over opening bids, showing convertible values at
higher levels.
All Xs by 4th hand when they have bid and raised, and we have acted in 2 nd seat are
responsive including:
Where a major suit fit has been found, if no space for game try is available, X is
artificial, non-forcing game try
After 3 different suits have been bid by first three chairs, X by 4 th chair shows 4th suit
and denies tolerance for overcaller’s suit.
X of 1NT-3NT:
Lead dummy's first bid suit, unless the suit has been bid twice
X of 3NT when dummy has not bid suit, but opener has bid 1 suit / 2 suits:
Lead highest unbid suit (or don’t lead only unbid suit), except at favorable, when it
suggests a sacrifice
X Takeout of
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
1m-(1)-X-(2)-X by opener is either 3s with 17+ points or an invitational 3 bid with
1NT bidder’s doubles are also takeout in this auction if opener passes
Shows extra offense, values, desire to save, or defend if partner has defense
New suits after finding a major suit fit in competition are natural, not slam tries (usually),
but descriptive partnership bids designed to help partner judge auction if they compete
Slam tries must go through a cue bid of their suit, or subsequent strong bids.
Also, 1-2-(3)-4 are natural, 2nd suits, competitive; 3 are game tries, could
be slam tries; and 4 is a general slam try.
2NT is takeout in all competitive auctions, except direct bids when we open a suit
and they overcall (then 2NT =natural), or when 2NT is Jordan.
4NT is takeout for two suits in competition, nominally, however may be strong takeout of
4 with good .
If we have shown game forcing values or better, then passes are forcing,
Pass and Pull is a slam try, X shows no extra offense
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
Passes are not forcing over limit raises, X shows extra strength and sets up forcing
pass, bid shows extra offense
NS Cuebid
4NT RKC for suit
direct cue bids=above & below suits, 4+ of higher ranking, 5+ of lower ranking
jump overcalls at 2 level=bid suit and next higher suit, length as above
Overcalls show 7+ pts, cue bids and jump overcalls are modified
Jump Qbid for m’s are natural and weak; jump Qbid over Ms asks for stopper to bid 3nt
Non Vulnerable:
1nt=takeout, Double=15+
1nt=15-18 balanced, strong NT system on, except xfer to opp's major is invitational with
stiff in opp's M, 3 other M, at least 5-4 in minors
double=takeout double
Point ranges for Overcall Structure bids: (could be a little less with good shape)
white vs white=8-14
red vs red=10-14
red vs white=11-14
2nt asks: divide the point range you're supposed to have by the number of
steps between 2nt and the highest suit you're showing.
(eg, white vs white, you show spades and clubs:
pt range=6-14,
Q-bid: usually shows a fit for one of the suits bid, bid more cheapest step
to show a minimum, 3nt with a stopper, and something else to show a
over opp's X,
Power double:
We Power Double (15+ , overcalls, especially in clubs, may overlap min power x
After Power x, Herbert neg, 1NT rebid, systems are on (In General, when the first
natural bid by our side is NT systems is on)
16.5. Balancing
1NT 10-14 NV, 11-15 V over minors, 11-15NV, 12-16 V over majors strong NT
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
system on, except 2c = wide range stm, transfer to opener’s suit shows
shortness, GF w/ 5-4 minors and 3cds in other M
Over 2c, 2d = min no 4-cd M, 2h,2s = 4cds, min, 2nt =max, then over 2nt,
3c = stm
2NT 19-21 pts, strong 2NT system on.
X 15(6)-18.
New suits non-forcing over 1-level overcalls, forcing over 2-level overcalls
Jump shifts forcing and natural after 1-level overcalls
Fit showing jumps in competition
Jump cue shows mixed raise (4+ card support)
All direct raises are preemptive
NT bids natural and constructive
17.1.3. Splinters
A Jump to the 4 level in a new suit or in their suit is a splinter.
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
If 3rd chair bids over the overcall, new suits are natural, constructive but NF. FSJ and
splinters still apply.
By passed hands, bidding new suit implies tolerance for overcaller's suit, at 3 level, it is
usually a fit-showing bid, even when not a jump
2NS Natural, NF
2NT Forces 3
3 Forced
3 Weak with this suit
3M stopper showing with 4 other M
3NT Only one stopper, willing to play in minor instead
3NS Natural, some values
Cue 4OM, no stopper
3NT To play
If Doubler is a passed hand, Lebensohl is off – 2NT asks for better minor
Lebensohl does not apply over double of Weak 2 thus 2NT is natural
Jumps to the 4 level in an unbid minor show 5-5 in that minor and the OM, may not be a
great hand, just good offensive values, but is forcing.
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
Pass, then X of 2 or 3 hearts = takeout of hearts, full takeout values over 3h, may be
light over 2h
Pass, then 2nt is takeout for 2 suits, usually minors, could be 5H and 5minor over 2s
2s = 5+ spades
2nt = lebensohl
3nt = to play
3. Over 2d-X-3h,3s:
X = takeout / responsive
X = takeout / responsive
3d = stayman
3nt = to play
7. Over 2d-pass-2h,2s:
2s,3c,3d,3h =natural
X = takeout
No lebensohl
X's and suit bids show next higher suit or two suits above that at all levels
NT bids show non-touching suits ( & or & ) at all levels
X or both majors
2 or &
2 or &
2 or &
2NT & or &
Woolsey over opponents NT openings, except X=penalty (15+) versus weak NT’s.
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
X Takeout 2-lvl, tends to have 2cds in suit bid, just cards over 3-lvl
2NT Natural
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
Pass May have a stack, so opener should reopen with X if short in suit, forcing thru 2
(i.e., doubler must bid something if the bid is 2 or lower)
Lebensohl applies after x of 2H by initial doubler)
Over 1m-(1NT)-?
X Penalty, all subsequent X's are penalty / cards; this double is forcing through 2.
2 Both majors
3 Preemptive
Over 1M-(1NT)-? X is penalty, all subsequent X's are penalty / cards; this double is
forcing through 2; all other bids are natural, jumps are preemptive
Honour leads v NT: A,Q= Attitude vs NT; K=Count or Unblock; Lead Q from KQ
or QJ, K from KQ109
When there is a doubleton in dummy in a suit contract, only echo when you want
a continuation
When leading dummy's stiff or void, 3rd hand signal is suit preference
M. Umeno & J. Sher 2H OPENING
Smith Echo (echo to ask for switch by opener, extras by 3rd chair in opening-led