Superprecision 111
Superprecision 111
Superprecision 111
1NT Opening (13-15 HCP, not both 4-card majors, unfav is 14(+)-15 HCP)......................................... 17
1N-2C continuations...................................................................................................................................17
1N-2D continuations...................................................................................................................................18
1N-2H continuations...................................................................................................................................18
1N-2S continuations................................................................................................................................... 18
1N-2N continuations...................................................................................................................................19
Response Summary
1D = 0-7 HCP
1H/1S/2C/2D = 8+ HCP, 5+ suit (longest suit, or higher of equals)
1N = 8-13 HCP balanced (if contains 5m, it is weak one)
2H/S = 4-7 HCP, 6-7 cards, 2 of 4 top honors (not AK)
2N = 14+ HCP balanced
3C = 8-13 HCP, 1444 or 4441 (black singleton)
3D = 8-13 HCP, 4144 or 4414 (red singleton)
3H = 14+ HCP, 1444
3S = 14+ HCP, 4441
3N = any solid 6/7-card suit and 1+ side controls (A or K) (if 7-crder maybe no side ctrl)
4C = 14+ HCP, 4414
4D = 14+ HCP, 4144
After 1C-1D
Opener's rebids
1H/S = 5+ cards, or 4-card with side 5+ minor, or maybe 4441, NF
1N = 16-19 HCP
2C/D = 5+ cards, NF
SJS = GF, <4 losers, 4+ cards if M
2N = 20-22(-) HCP
3H/S = one-suiter, 8.5-9 tricks
3N = 25-27 HCP bal
A. 1C-1D-1N-
Pass = 0-5
2C = 6-7 HCP, either 4441 or balanced
2D = 16-17 HCP, no 4-card major
2H = 1444, 2S = 4144, 2N = to play
2H = 16-18(-), 4H
Pass = 4H min, 2S = 4S not 4H, 2N = to play, 3H = invit
2S = 16-18(-), 4S
Pass = 4S, 2N = to play, 3S = invit
2N = 18 HCP, no major
Pass/3NT = to play
3C = 18-19 HCP, at least one major, GF
3D = Stayman (promises a major), 3N = no major interest
3D = 19 HCP, no major, GF
3H = 1444, 3S = 4144, 3N = to play
(continuations for bids below just like after opening 1N)
2D = xfer to 2H
2H = xfer to 2S (may be 4S-5m invite)
2S = 6-7 HCP, 5-5 in touching suits
2N = weak minor, or 6-7 HCP 5-5 in non-touching suits
3m = invit
3M = invit
C. 1C-1D-3N
Pass = to play
4C = interest in majors, or slam-going unbal hand
4D = no major
4M = 5-cards, no slam (4N to play)
4N = slam invite, 5-4(+) unbal dist. (5m = 4m333, 5M = 3M-4c-4d)
5m = 6-cards, min, side major
5M = nat, slamtry in suit
6m = to play, with side major
4H = 4-cards
Pass = to play
4S = 5S, slam interest (3N = 3433, 4m = 4-cards)
4N = slam try (demands bid second suit or 5H)
5m = 6m-4S, min
5H = TAB
6m = to play, with 4S
4S = 4-cards (4N = as above, 5m/6m as above, 5H = slam try H, 5S = TAB)
4D = slam try, D or both minors
new suit = natural with good D supp.
4N = min, no fit (Pass = min, 5C = 2-suiter min, 5D = max 1-suiter, 6C = max 2-suiter)
4M = to play
4N = 7 HCP bal (if opener max, bid up-the-line)
5any = 6-7 HCP, 6-card suit
D. 1C-1D-1M
Pass = 0-2 HCP, 2-3 cards
1S = 4-7 HCP 4+ cards, or 3 HCP 5+ cards
1N = 4-7 HCP (denies spades)
2lower = 4-7 HCP 5+ cards, may hold 3-card supp.
raise = 3-5 HCP, 3-4 cards
3m = 6-7 cards, 2 of 3 top honors
double-raise = 6-7 HCP, 4+ cards
2S/1H or 3H/1S = 7-cards
4m = 6-7 HCP 2 ctrls (at least one of which is in m bid), any splinter
E. 1C-1D-2m
Pass = worthless hand
2 suit = 5-7 HCP, 4+ cards
2N = 5-7 HCP, bal
3M = 7-card suit
raise = 5-7 HCP, Hxx supp. , no 5M
4C/D = 4+ support, 2 cntrls, any splinter (4om shows cue, 4m denies that cue)
F. 1C-1D-SJS
2M = < 4 losers, 4+ cards (2S denies 4H), begins GAB's
G. 1C-1D-3M
Pass/4M = to play
3NT = rare = to play
cue = 2 ctrls, good trumps, and any side shortage
1C-1H/1S/1N/2C/2D continuations
1N = CAB (control asking bid)
1-step = 0-2 ctrls, 2-step = 3 ctrls.... 5-step = 6+ ctrls (after 1-step, 4C asks 0/1/2)
exceptional responses:
• 3N = solid 6-card suit (4C asks 0, 1, 2... outside ctrls)
• 3H = semi-solid 6-crd suit (4C asks 0-2, 3, 4, ... total ctrls)
• 4H = broken 7-crd suit, no side A/K
• SJS = 6-5 or 6-6, 2+ honors in the 2 suits
simple new suit = OMEGA (or SUPPORT) ASKING BID (SAB)
(supp. = Hxx or xxxx; min = 8-10HCP <4 ctrls; max = 11+HCP 4+ ctrls)
1/2-step = no supp min/max, 3/4-step = supp min/max; 5-step = 4-crd supp max
(3H = 6-7 crds no supp., SJS = 6-5+ 2-suiter no supp.)
Following the SAB:
re-ask = REPEAT SAB
(if denied supp, steps are x/xx/xxx/H/Hx/HH)
(if showed supp, steps are Hxx/Hxxx(x)/HHxx/HHH(x))
raise = TAB
(if responder is min 0-1/2/3 ctrls, if max 3/4/5... ctrls)
raise = TAB (0, 5crds 1, 5crds 2, 6crds 1, 6crds 2)
May ask again, in a REPEAT TAB. If shown:
1 honor: 1st step = honor + jack, 2/3/4 steps = Q/K/A
2 honors: 1st step = 2 + jack, 2/3/4 steps = KQ/AQ/AK
If show jack, REPEAT REPEAT TAB asks other honor(s) as above
double raise = 18-19+ balanced, good trumps (xxxx or HHx)
game raise = minimum bal, 4-crd fit
DJS = 16-18 splinter
steps are : -/x, xx, xxx, 1-honor, 2-honors, 3-honors(!)
4C = CAB (even when bid late in an auction), unless clubs is nat. suit, then 4D is CAB
2H/S/N(=D) = SAB
3C = TAB
3N = 4441 16-18 HCP
2D = relay (2H/S = nat, 2N = D, 3C = 6C, 3D = 6-4, 3H+ = 3325 0-2/3/4... ctrls)
Principles in auction following 2D relay:
1-step = a) if 2-suiter with major, asks for distrib.[ b) else = CAB], specifically:
2H-2S - (2N =4405, 3C = 6C, 3D = 1435, 3S = 3145, 3H/N = 2425 min/max
4C = 6C-5H, 4D = 0445)
2S-2N - (3C = 6C, 3D = 4135, 3H = 4315, 3S/N = 4225 min/max, 4C = 6C-5S,
4D = 4045)
2N-3C - (3H = 1345, 3S = 3145, 3D/N = 2245 min/max, 4C = 6C-5D)
After distrib. shown:
cheapest non-suit = CAB, responder's suit below game = TAB
2-step = CAB always (used when 2-suiter shown)
raise or raise after CAB/dist ask = TAB
game bid = to play always
others = natural, start a dialogue
2S/N(=D)/3C = SAB
3M = DAB
3N = 4414 16-18 HCP
2H = relay (2S/N/C = S/H/C, 3D = 6D, 3H = 6-4, 3S+ = 3352 0-2/3/4... ctrls)
Principles of auction following 2H relay:
1-step = dist. ask if 2-suiter (else normal CAB), specifically:
2S-2N - (3C = 4153, 3H = 4351, 3D = 6D, 3S/N = 4252 min/max, 4C = 4054,
4D = 6D-5S)
2N-3C - (3D = 1453, 3S = 3451, 3H/N = 2452 min/max, 4C = 0454, 4D = 6D-5H)
3C-3D - (3H = 1354, 3S = 3154, 4C = 5-5, 4D = 6-4, 3N = 2254 min, 4H/S = 2254
max 3/4+ctrls, 5C/D = 6-5 min/max)
2-step = CAB always
raise or raise after CAB/dist ask = TAB
game bid = to play always
others = natural, dialogue
2D/H/S/3C = 5+ suit, SAB
2C = asking relay (normal hands, slam hands, 5-4M's)
2D = 8-10 HCP, 4H
2H = 4H, 16 HCP (pass = bad 8, 2N = 3433 good 8, 2S = good 8 any 4432, 3H = 9 HCP
4333, 3N = 10 HCP any 4432)
2S = 16-20, 4S, not 4H (2N = 8 no fit, 3/4S = min/max fit, 3N = 9-10 no fit)
2N = slammish, but no M (3C/D/S = nat, 3H = 3433, 3N = weak 5-crd minor[this
last case, 4C asks minor, 4D = D, 4H = C])
after this, opener may raise 4C/D/S as trump-asking
3C/D/S = BETA-ASKING BIDS (BAB) , 5+ cards
1-step = xx/xxx, 2-step = Hx, 3-step = Hxx, 4-step = HH, 5-step = HHx
3H = slammish Trump Asking (3S+ = 0/1/2/3 top H honors)
3N = to play, 20-21 no major
4C = CAB
4H = to play
2H = 8-10 HCP, 4S, denies 4H
2S = 16-18, 4S (2N = 4333 8 HCP, suit = doubleton 8 HCP, 3S = 4333 9 HCP,
3N = 4333 10 HCP, 4S = non-4333 max)
2N = 16 HCP, no fit, NF
3C = slammish relay (3D = 4D, 3H = 4C, 3S = 4333, 3N = weak 5m[4C asks minor:
4D = D, 4H = C])
3D/H = BAB, as above, 5+ cards
3S = slammish, Trump-Asking (0/1/2/3 top honors)
3N/4S = no slam
4C = CAB
2S = 8-10 HCP, no major
2N = 16 HCP, NF
3C = slammish relay (3D = 4m333[3H asks D/C], 3H/S = (23/32-44), 3N = 5m [4D
asks C/D])
3D/H/S = BAB, 5+ cards
3N = no slam
4C = CAB
2N = 11-13, any 4333 or 5D
3C = asks which suit (if 3D, then 3H asks 4/5 D), then
game = sign-off, 4m if has shown suit = TAB, new suit = cue (asking to cue
if holding 3+ ctrls, else return to suit)
3D/H/S = nat
3N = to play
4C = CAB
3C = 11-13, 4C and 4-higher
3D = relay for other suit (N =D) (game = to play, 4C = CAB, 4D = TAB if shown, new
suits cue-bids asking to cue if 3+ ctrls)
4C = TAB
4D = CAB
3D = 11-13, 4D-4H
3H/4D = TAB
3S = cue (cue if 3+ ctrls, else 3N)
3N/4H = to play
3H = 11-13, 4H-4S
3S = TAB, 4C = CAB, 4M = to play, 4N = BLKWD, 4D = cue (asking cue if 3+ ctrls)
3S = 11-13, 4S-4D
3N/4S = to play, 4C = CAB, 4D = TAB, 4N = BLCWD, 4H = cue inviting cue (above)
3N = 11-13, bad 5C (4C = CAB, 4N = BLKWD)
1C-2NT continuations
3C = usually balanced
(developments after these bids same as 1D-2N-3C.. developments)
3D = 14-16, 4333/3433/44(32)
3M = 14-16, M + minor
3N = 14-16, no M
4-any = 17-19
4-any = 20+
3D/H/S/N(C) = SAB
4C = CAB
4C = asks for outside ctrls (0/1/2... if 0, then 7-crd suit) then,
4N (or 5C/4N) = asks shortage (suit = sing, JS = void [if lower, bid it, else just 6 of own suit])
4D = asks suit (N = D)
relay = asks l/h sing., then
4C = nat (unless sing, then is CAB)
4D = CAB (unless sing is C, then TAB)
sing M = TAB (??)
3H/4D (over 3C), or 3S/4C (over 3D) = TAB, then
Game in NT or suit = to play
4C (or else lower of 2 possible sing's if taken, else 4NT) = CAB
4H/S (over 3C/D respectively) = to play, NF
sing = CAB (3/4/...), then can re-cue sing to ask # queens (0/1/...)
suit below game = TAB (0/1...)
game = to play (16+ may cue continue)
NT = to play, wasted values
Handling Interference
Pass = 0-5
if passed round to opener - normal rebid
if RHO bids - pass = min, 1N = 19-20, bids = non-crap, X = takeout
1D = 6-7 HCP (see above)
1M/2m = as normal
if RHO bids, X = heavily suggestive (trap-pass with stack), NT = non-min with stop,
cue = max, asks stop or advance cue for slammish raise
XX = 8-13 balanced (South bids as over 1M/2m above)
1N = 14+ bal
2M = 3-7 HCP pree. (NS = F1)
3Y/4m = normal 3-suiters
Pass = 0-6 (1N = 19-20, cue = real good hand)
Dble = 7+ HCP, 0-2 ctrls (cue suggests bal no stop or splinter or strong 1-suiter, JQ = self-sufficient
1-suiter, bids normal)
1N = 3 ctrls + stopper (cue = expose psyche, X = pen)
2C = 3 ctrls, no stopper (2N = bal[3C = baron, 3else = 5+], cue = nat!, bids = 4+ cards)
2D = 4 ctrls, as above
2N = 5+ ctrls (3C = baron, else = 5+ suit)
1M = 8+ HCP, as if undisturbed
2M (even non-jump) = 6-crd suit, 2 top honors, 3-7 HCP (even if cue)
3m = KQ or AQ 6th
3M = KQ 7th
3N = solid 6-crd suit and outside ctrl (or 7-crd suit and maybe no outside ctrl)
Pass = 0-6 HCP (Dble = strong bal with a 4M(hmm), 2N = 21-22, suit = nat, cue = GF, JQ = nat
self-sufficient exposing psyche)
Dble = 7+ HCP 0-3 ctrls (as over 1-level X)
2N = 3 ctrls + stopper, or any 4 ctrls (same as over 1-level)
cue = 5+ ctrls (nat bidding)
2suit = 6 to 2 top honors, 3-7 HCP
JS = KQ 7th
3N = solid 6/7 crder, as before
Pass = 0-6 (as above)
Dble = 7+ with 0-4 ctrls, bal
3N = 3-4 ctrls with stopper
cue = 5+ ctrls
suit = GF
Dble = non-min, bal with a 4M
NT = 20-22 HCP
suit = nat
cue = GF
JQ = exposes psyche, excellent suit and hand
Dble = penalty
bids = natural
1D-1H continuations
1S = 4S, not 4H
1N = 8-11 HCP, no 4S
2m = 6-10, 4H-5m or 5H-4m, NF
2H/3H/4H = to play/invit/to play
2S/3S/4S = 8-10/invit/to play
2N/3N = invit/13-15
3m = GF, 5+H, 3+m, can be cheaper stopper
4m = slamtry in S, good trumps, cheapest cue
4N = RKC
1N = 11-14(-) HCP bal
2m = 6-10, 4H-5m or 5H-4m, NF
2H/3H/4H = to play/invit/to play
2S = 4th suit forcing or nat, GF
2N/3N = invit/to play
3m = GF, 5+H, 3+m
3S = 6H-5S GF
4N = BLK
2C = unbal, 5/6C, 2+ D
2D/2H/3H/4H = to play/to play/invit/to play
2S = semi-natural, GF
2N/3N = invit/to play
3C = invit
3D = 5+ H, 3+D, GF
3S/4C/4D = slam try in clubs, cheapest cue
4N = RKC
2D = 5+ D, may have 4C
2H/3H/4H = to play/invit/to play
2S = semi-natural, GF
2N/3N = invit/to play
3C = 5+ H, 3+C, GF
3D = invit
3S/4C/4D = slam try in D, cheapest cue
4N = RKC
2H = 4H, not max
suit = feature, invit+
2N = asks for sing or doubl (3H = 4333 min, 3N = 4333 max)
3H = power invite
3N = c.o.g.
3S/4C/4D = slammish, cheapest cue
4H = to play
4N = RKC
2S = 14-15 HCP, 5+D, 4S, 4-5.5 losers, NF
2N = 8-9 HCP, NF
3C = artif force: nat, or asks stop, or advance cue
3D/3H/3N/4H/4S = to play
3S = invite
4C/D = slam try spades/diamonds
4N = RKC
2N/3D = 14-15, solid D, with/without stoppers
3C/2N = checkback or advance cue
3D/3H/3N/4H = to play
3S = GF, 6H-5S or advance cue for D
4C/D = cheapest cue, slammish for D
4N = RKC
3C = 14-15, 5+D, 5C, 4-5.5 losers
3D/3H/3N/4H = to play
3S = GF, stopper-ask or 6H-5S or advance cue for a m
4C = slam try, no S cue
4D = slam try in D, no S cue
4N = RKC
3H = 14-15, unbal (cue, or 3NT/4H to play, RKC)
3S = 4-5.5 losers, 6D-5S
3N/4D/4H/4S = to play
4C = advance cue for D or S
4N = RKC
3N/4C/4D = max 2-suiter, 4+ H, 4-5 losers (3N denies A/-- of either minor, 4m is A/--)
1D-1S continuations
Opener's Rebids
1N = 12-13 bal, or unbal 11-13
2C = nat, NF (maybe canape)
2D/H/S = to play
2N/3S = invit
3C/D = GF, seminat or checkback or waiting
3H = GF, 5-4+
2C = 11-15 longer clubs, or 11-13 5-5 minors
2D/2H/2S/3N/4S = to play
2N/3S/3S = invit
3D/3H = GF, semi/natural, 5+S
4m = cheapest cue, slam try C
2D = 5+ D (may have 4C)
2H/2S/3N/4S = to play
2N/3D/3S = invit
3C = GF, seminat, 5+S
3H = 5S-4+H, GF
4m = cheapest cue for D, slamtry
2H = 14-15 reverse
2S/3D/3N/4H/4S = to play
2N/3H/3S = invit
3C = 3+ crds, GF
4C = slam try H, cue
4D = slam try D, no C ctrl
2S = raise, not max (2N = asks sing or doub[3S/N = 4333 min/max], suit = feature, 3S = lim, cue = slam)
2N/3D = solid diamonds, max, with/without stoppers
3C/2N or 3H/3D = GF checkback or natural
3D/3N/4S = to play
3S = invit
3H/2N = GF, nat 5-5+, or cue for D without C cue
4m = cheapest cue, slamtry D
3C = 14-15 HCP, 5+D-5C, 4-5.5 losers
3D/3N/4S = to play
3H = GF : nat, or asks stop, or advance cue
3S = limit
4C/D = slamtry, no H cue
3H = 6D-5H, 4-5.5 losers
3S = lim
3N/4D/4H = to play
4C = cue for either suit
3S = max unbalanced (3N to play, 4S to play, else cue or RKC)
3N = 4-5 losers, good S fit, no first-rd of either minor
4C/D = 4-5 losers, good S fit, first-rd ctrl
1D-1N continuations
2C = 2-suited with minors, or unbal 3D-5+C
2D/3N = to play
2H = 10-11, D fit with H stopper, F1 (2S = 6C-3/4D[2N asks stoppers: 3C no S stop, 3D S stop
and 3N both D+S stoppers], 2N/3N = min/max + S stop, 3 longer suit = no S stop)
2S = 10-11, D fit, S stop no H stop, F1 (2N/3N = H stop min/max, longer suit = no H stop)
2N = 10-11, both M's stopped
3C = 9-11 nat
2D = 5+D
2H = 10-11, H stop, F1 (2S = S stop no C stop max, 2N = S stop min[3C asks C stop: 3D/N =
no/yes], 3C = C stop max no S stop, 3D = no black stop or min with C stop, 3N =
max both black stops)
2S = 10-11, S stop no H stop, F1 (2N = H stop min[3C asks C stop: 3D/N = no/yes], 3C = H
stop max no C stop, 3D = no H stop, 3N = both stops max)
2N = 10-11, all stops
3C = to play
3D = 9-11 invite
2H = max reverser
2S = 9-11, no H fit, F1 (2N = S stop, 3C = C stop, 3D = 6-4, 3N = all stops)
2N = 9-11, black stops
3C/D = to play
3H = 3-crd invite, sharp black cards
2S = max reverser
2N = 9-11, F1 (3C = C stop, 3D = 6-4, 3H = H stop, 3N = both stops)
3C/D = to play
2N = 15 HCP bal, 4-4 majors (necessarily) (3m = invit with 6+ suit, 3N = to play)
3C = 14-15, 4-5.5 losers, 5-5 or 6D-4C
3D/N = to play
3H/S = 10-11, stop or advance cue for a m
4m = 9-11 invit
3D = max, semi-solid or better suit, bad stoppers
3H/S = 9-11, F1, stop or advance cue
3N = to play
4D = invit
3H/S = 6-5, 4-5.5 losers
3S/3H = 10-11, F1, stop or advance cue
3N = 9-11, 2M support, and stoppers
4C = advance cue for a suit (no S ctrl if 3S bypassed)
4D = invit, no black cue
4H = to play if raise; cue for a suit if not
3N = max, solid D, and stoppers (4D = long clubs weak NF, new suit = cue in unbal hand)
1D-2C continuations
Opener's Rebids
2D = 6+D, or 11-13 5D-4M, or 11-13 5D missing stopper(s) in M(s)
2H = 5C-4H, or fragment waiting, or cue for good D raise
2S = 5C-4S, or cheapest stopper, or cheapest cue for good D raise
2N = 11 HCP, invit
3C = 10-11, good 6-crd suit, invit
3D = limit
3M = 6C-5M GF
3N = to play
4C = slamtry D, C ctrl
2H = 4H: bal min, or max with 5D-5H or 4H-4S
2S = relay (2N = 3433 min, 3C/N = 4C/D-4H min, 3D = 5D-4H max, 3H/S = 4H-4S min/max)
2N/3C = limit
3D = F1: 5C-4D or asks S stop or advance cue for H
3H = 5C-4H GF
3S = 6C-5S GF
3N/4H = to play
4C = slam cue for H
4D = slamtry H: either first-rd both minors, or second-rd D and any C cue
2S = 4S: bal min, or max 5D-4S
2N/3N/4S = invit/to play/to play
3C = relay (3D = 5D-4S max, 3H/N = 4C/D-4S min, 3S = 4333 min)
3D = GF: nat, or advance cue for S, or asks H stop
3H = GF: nat, or advance cue for S, or asks D stop
3S = GF, 5C-4S
4C = slam cue for S
4D = slamtry S: either first-rd both minors, or second-rd D and any C cue
2N = bal min, no major, stoppers (3C = 6C limit, 3D = GF both minors, 3M = GF 6C-5M, 3N to play)
3C = 5-6C, or both minors, or 5C-4M, 2-3D
3D/H/S = GF, cheapest stopper or advance cue for C
3N = to play
3D = 14-15 solid D, missing a M stop
3M = GF: cheapest stopper or 6C-5M or cheapest cue for D
3N = to play
4C = nat
4D = forcing, no M controls or stoppers
3H/S = 6D-5M, 4-5.5 losers (advance cue, or bid a game)
3N = 14-15, solid D, both M stops (cues)
4C = 4 losers, good minor 2-suiter (cue or sign-off)
1D-2D continuations
2H = 4H bal, or 5m-4H, or 4441
2S = relay (2N = 3433 min, 3C/N = 4C/D-4H min, 3D = 5D-4H max, 3H/S = 4H-4S min/max)
2N/3D = limit
3C = F1: 5D-4C or stopper for 3NT, or advance cue for H
3H = 5D-4H GF
3S = 6D-5S GF
3N/4H = to play
4C = 2nd rd C cue, 1st rd D cue for H
4D = slamtry H, cheapest cue
2S = 4S bal, or 5m-4S
2N = 11 HCP invit
3C = relay (3D = 5D-4S max, 3H/N = 4C/D-4S min, 3S = 4333 min)
3D = limit
3H = F1: either 6D-5H, or H stop, or advance cue for S
3S = GF 5+D-4S
3N/4S = to play
4C = slamtry S, 1st rd D cue, 2nd rd C cue
4D = slamtry S, D cue, no C cue
2N = min bal, no M, stoppers in M's
3C = GF, nat
3D = limit
3M = 6D-5M
3N = to play
3C = 5C-4D or 4C-5D, or 6 bad C, or 5C missing M stop
3D = limit
3M = 6D-5M or cheapest stop or advance cue for C
3N = to play
3D = one-suiter, or missing a M stopper (3M = stopper or advance cue, 3N = to play)
3M = 6D-5M (cue or sign-off)
4C = 4 losers, good D, cue (4D = min, cue = max)
1D-2M continuations
2N = min bal or semi-bal
3C = 2-suiter
3D = slam relay (3H = 5C-4D min, 3S = 5D-4C min, 3N = 5-5 min, 4m = 5m-3om max)
oM = 2-suiter
3D = 6+ crds
raise = Hxx(+), bal or slightly unbal
JoM = 6D-5oM
3N = bal 1-suiter, non-minimum, with side-stoppers
4C = 5-5 max
4D = 6+ solid suit
Responder rebids:
3 own suit = 12-14 HCP, usu. no stopper in 4th suit
3N = min, with stoppers
new suit = cue, some slam interest for opener's suit or own suit, or asking stopper if 4th suit
4D = good trump support, slammish, denies C cue
1D-2N continuations
3C = bal, or 4441
3D = 16-18, 4H-4S or 4M333
3H = Stayman (3S/N = 4S/H-333, 4C = 4423, 4D = 4432)
3H = 16-18, 4H-4m
3N/4H = min, to play
3S = max, relay (3N = 2443, 4C = 2434, 4D = 3442, 4H = 3424)
4C = CAB
3S = 16-18, 4S-4m
4N/4S = min, to play
4C = max, relay (4D = 4243, 4H = 4234, 4S = 4342, 4N = 4324)
4D = CAB
3N = 16-18, no major
4N = max, 4-4 minors (Pass = 16-17, 5m = 5crds 18 HCP)
4C = 4441 max (4D = a 4-crd m[4H asks D/C], 4H = 2344, 4S = a 5m
[5C asks D/C])
4C = 19-21, 4C-4higher (4D asks: 4M = M, 4N = D)
4D = 19-21, 4D-4H
4H = 19-21, 4H-4S
4S = 19-21, 4S-4D
4N = 19-21, any 4333 or 5m (5C asks: 5suit = 4333, 5N = 3334, 6m = 5m)
5Y/5N = 22+ HCP, same as 4-level bids
3D = D or C-D ...... 3H = relay, then
3S = 5D-4C min
3N = 5C-4D min
4C = 5-5 min
4D = 6D min
4H = 5C-4D max
4S = 5D-4C max
4N = 6322 min, solid suit
5C/D = 6D-5C min/max
3M = 5D-4M
4C = CAB
3S/3H = relay for strength (3N = min, 4C = max)
4D/3S = relay for strength (5C = min, 5D = max)
3N = 5m332, or min 6C bal (4C = CAB, 4D asks [4H = 5/6 clubs, 4S = 5D])
4C = 5-5 max
4D/5D = 6D max, not/solid
4M = 6D-5M
4N = 6C(322) max, not good suit
5C = 6C(331) min, or medium 6C(322)
1D-3m continuations
3D = 6D
3M = 5D-4M
3N = min bal, or max with doubleton C
4C = max bal (4H-4S, thus), or unbal with 3+ C
4D = solid 6+ suit
4M = 6D-5M
3H = bal with H stop, not some other stop
3S = bal with S stop, no H stop
3N = bal, stoppers
4D = 3+ D (max bal, or 5D min, or unbal)
Responder rebids NT with 12-14, stoppers/cue, cue with slammish own suit or support. 4 own suit shows
slammish, excellent suit, starts cues. Raise shows good D support, slam interest. 4N = BLKWD.
1NT Opening (13-15 HCP, not both 4-card majors, unfav is 14(+)-15 HCP)
2C = Stayman (may be weak with majors or short clubs)
2D = xfer, 5+ H, or 4H-5m invite
2H = xfer, 5+ S, or 4S-5other invite
2S = either: 5-5 minors 11-12 HCP, or slammish 5-5 touching suits
2N = either: sign-off in a minor, or 5-5 minors invite, or slammish 5-5 non-touching suits
3m = 7-9, 6+crds, good suit
3M = 6+ crds, invit.
3N = to play
4m = South African xfer to corresponding M (forces M)
4M = to play
4N = 18 HCP, any 4333 (bid up-the-line, or jump to slam, or pass)
1N-2C continuations
2D = no major
2H = both majors, weak
2S/3D = GF, 5+ cards (BAB: xx/xxx, Hx, Hxx[Hxxx in D], HH, HHx[HHxx in D])
2N = inivite, may not have major
3C = slam relay, 16+ (3D = 4m333[3H asks D/C], 3M = 3M-2oM-4-4, 3N = 5m
[4D asks C/D])
3N = to play
2H = H, not S
2S/3D = GF, 5+ cards, BAB as above
2N/3H = invite, may not have S
3C = slam relay, 16+ (3D = 4D[3H asks S/C frag], 3H = 4C[3S asks D/C frag],
3S/N = min/max 3433)
3N = to play
4C = CAB (1-2, 3, 4...) and 4N = RKC
2S = S, not H
2N/3S = invite
3D/3H = GF, 5+ cards, BAB as above
3C = 16+ slam relay (3D = 4D[3H asks C/H frag], 3H = 4C[3S asks D/H frag],
3S/N = 4333 min/max)
3N = to play
4C = CAB and 4N = RKC
1N-2D continuations
Pass = to play
2S = 4H-5S invite (Pass/3H = min pref, 3S = max fit, 4M = to play, 2N asks [3m = frag, 3H = 5422])
3m = 4H-5m invite (3H/3N/4H = to play, 3D/3C = gametry H, 3S = max no om stop, raise = max m fit)
2N = 5H no sing, invite (3H = pref, 3N = to play, 3m = game-try H)
3N = c.o.g.
3H = 5H-4+m unbal invite
3S = 5H-5S invite
1N-2H continuations
Pass = to play
2N = 5S invite (3 new suit = game try S, 3S = pref)
3lower = 4S-5suit invite (3D/H = gametry S, 3S = pref, 3N/4M = to play)
3S = 5S-4+m invite
3N = c.o.g.
4H = 5H-5S no slam
1N-2S continuations
2NT = forced
3suit = 5-5 lower of touching (S = S + C), slammish
relay (even 3N) = asks top honors in 2 suits (2, 3, ...)
game = sign-off if <4 honors shown
relay = asks side voids/aces (void, no void or ace, one ace, both aces)
if side void shown, relay asks:
1/2 = lo/hi void, no side Ace
3/4 = lo/hi side Ace, and void in other
5/6 = lo/hi side Ace, void in other, a K in bid suit
7 = side Ace and void, and an A in bid suit
8 = side Ace and Void, and an A-K in a bid suit
if no void, but at least one ace, relay asks side kings (0, 1, 2)
3N(if not relay) = min misfit
new suit (if not relay) = cue with a good fit somewhere
game = to play, min
3N = 5-5 minors 11-12 HCP (4m/5m = to play)
1N-2N continuations
3C = forced
Pass/3D = 6+ C/D, weak
3H = C + H, slammish (continuations as 1N-2S-2N-3suit above)
3S = D + S, slammish (ditto)
3N = 5-5 minors, 9-10 HCP (4m/5m = to play)
2C-2D continuations
2M = 6-4 with 5+ losers, or any 5-4
new suit = stopper (NT = 4th suit stopped[if pulled then suit was 5+ crds], cheap C = min no stop,
cue = max no stop)
3C = to play, quite minimal, was looking for major fit
2N/3M = invit
4M = to play
JS new suit = cue, slamtry H
4C = artif: asks to cue side ctrl, or 4N with both side ctrls (promises supp. for some suit)
2N = 6+ C or 5C-4D, 2 suits stopped
3C = quite minimal, to play (with solid C & max, 3H = red stops, 3S = D+S stops, 3N = M stops)
3D = artif: asks stops (3H = reds, 3S = S+D, 3N = M's)
3M = GF, 5+ cards (game, or cue with good supp)
3C = 6+ crds, or 5C-4D, 2 suits stopped
3D = asks stopper (N = D)
3M = GF, 5+ cards (game, or cue with good supp)
3suit = 4.5-5 losers, 5-4 or 6-4 (or 5-5 minors) (new suit = cue for a suit, 4C asks to cue a D ctrl)
3N/4C/4D = 6C and 5D/H/S, with at least 2 aces
new suit = cue
4 opener's major = no cheap cue, but promises values
5C = minimal, to play
4N = D.I. (except over 3N, then is BLKWD)
4M = 6-5, but only one ace (new suit = cue, 5C = to play, 4N = D.I.)
Asking Bids
1. 4N and 5N. Almost always Blackwood (except when defined as quant, a response to an asking bid, or
as a D.I. cue (see later). In response, 5C = 0/3, 5D= 1/4, 5H = 2, 5S = 2A + trump K. Over this, a new 5-
level suit is a transfer to 5NT. Special Case: If 4NT is used after a 2C or 3C opening bid by responder,
the responses are: 5C = 0-1, 5D = 2 no sing, 5H/S = 2 with sing in suit, 5N = 2 with sing D, 6C = 3.
2. 5H or 5S. When they follow a previous bid in the same suit, they ask to bid 6 with 2 top trumps.
3. Jump to 5NT. GSF. Responses depend on trump suit: Spades (6C = J or less S, 6D = Q high S, 6H = A
or K S and no extra length, 6S= A or K and extra length, 7S = 2 of top 3), Hearts (6C = Q or less H, 6D = A
or K and no extra length, 6H = A or K and extra length, 7H = 2 of top 3), Diamonds (6C = Q or less, 6D =
A or K, 7D = 2 of top 3, or Clubs (6C/7C = 0-1/2 top honors.
If the jump asks about an already-defined semisolid or better suit, with Spades (6C = 6-crd suit
AQJ or KQJ, 6D = 6-crd suit AKJ, 6H = 7-crd suit AKJ, 7S = solid suit), Hearts (6C = 6-crd suit AQJ or
KQJ, 6D = 6-crd suit AKJ, 6H = AKJ 7th or AK 8th, 7H = solid suit), Diamonds (6C = AQJ or AKJ or KQJ
6th, 6D = AKJ 7th or AK 8th, 7D = solid suit) , or Clubs (6C = nonsolid, 7C = solid).
4. 6 in suit immediately underneath trump suit. When it isn't possible to jump to 5NT, this substitutes for
GSF. For clubs, this is impossible, though 6S in this case asks to bid 6N without solid clubs, and 7C with
solid clubs.
Cue Bids
1. The first cue bid always shows a maximum for previous bidding, unless it is made below game in
response to a strong bid by partner. E.g. 1H-2C-2D-3H(slam invite)-4D is a cue of ambiguous strength.
But 1H-3H-3S guarantees a max since partner's bid was NF.
2. If partner has made a cue bid and you are able to cue-bid in return below game, you MUST do so,
regardless of strength. The only exception to this rule is when partner has already limited his hand, and you
KNOW slam is impossible. E.g. 1H-2C-2H-4C(cue, slamtry, if opener has a D cue [A/K/x/--] he MUST
show it, even with min). But 1S-2C-2H-4C (cue slamtry for H)-4S( opener's cue shows extra values since
he is going beyond game).
3. Skipping a suit which is possible to cue-bid denies any control in that suit. It follows that if partner
continues to probe for slam, he promises a control in the suit you skipped.
4. If you skip a suit, then cue-bid it, you promise the Queen.
5. 4NT as a general cue-bid: When 4NT is neither BLKWD nor a response to an asking bid, it serves as an
all-purpose cue-bid. Here are the cases in which it is used:
a) To show control in a suit cue-bid by partner, but usually not a very strong hand (e.g. 1H-2C
-2H-4D-4H-4S(cue)-4N(shows S ctrl, but less than max, since opener didn't cue bid
4S over 4D.
b) Sometimes it is used to deny control in a particular suit, but at the same time encourage slam if
partner can control that suit. E.g. 1H-2C-2H-4D-4H-4N denies S control but asks partner
to bid slam with S control. 1H-2S-3C-3H-4H-4N (here responder obviously has a S
control; opener now rebids 5H = no S control, 5C with S and C control, 5D with S and
D control, 5S with 1st rnd S control and no other control, 6H with 2nd rd S control and no
c) When S are trumps, it serves as a general cue bid, to find out about partner's hand (1S-2C-2S-
-4D-4S-4N wants to see if opener can cue-bid 5C). It's also a general cue bid when a suit
in which a control has been implicitly promised is skipped over (1H-2S-3C-3H-4H-4N
responder has a S control and is making a general cue-bid).
6. 5NT, when it is neither a response to an asking bid nor a continuation of BLKWD is always a grand-
slam try. It is the same sort of bid as 4NT discussed previously.
7. Avoid, at all costs, cue bids of singletons and voids at the game level in a suit bid by partner (e.g. 1S-
2D-3C-3H-4D-4S shows a Hx(x), not a short suit control since partner bid the suit).
8. If the opponents double one of partner's cue bids: Pass shows 2nd round control, XX shows first-round
control, and bids show no control.