G10 - 1QTR - Week1 - Day3 Pabalinas
G10 - 1QTR - Week1 - Day3 Pabalinas
G10 - 1QTR - Week1 - Day3 Pabalinas
Let the students describe the two kinds of crust and how
it contributes in the movement of plates.
(Ans. There are two kinds of crust: the thicker but less
dense continental crust and the oceanic crust which is
Can you still recall you lesson when you were in Grade 8
about Seismic waves?
(Ans. 400 km
Puerto Princesa (Ans. 3)
(1.5 cm/200km))
(Ans. 480 km
Davao (Ans. 3.6)
(1.5 cm/200km))
No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
No. of learners who
continue to require
Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
caught up the lesson
No. of learners who require
2. Compute the distance of the epicenter from each of the stations using this formula:
Using the formula d= x 100 km
8 seconds
where: d=distance in kilometers
Td = time difference of P-wave and S-wave (sec.)
This formula is suited because 8 seconds is the interval between the times of arrival of the
P-wave and S-wave at a distance of 100 km.
3. Choose one of the recording stations and measure the computed distance on the map scale
(the scale of the map 1.5 cm: 200 km). Set your compass for that computed distance.
4. Center your compass on the station you have chosen. Draw a circle.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the rest of the stations. You should get three circles that intersect
or nearly intersect at a point. This intersection is the epicenter.
Q1. Where is the epicenter of this hypothetical earthquake?
Prepared by: LESTER C.
Teacher III – Masulog HS
Canlaon District II
Q2. What difficulty will you encounter if you only have data from two recording stations?
Note to the teacher: You may photocopy the Figure 3 on Page 9 on the book to get the actual
scaling for accurate measurement.
Instruction/s: Using the video as a guide. Analyze the graph below and answer the corresponding
Q4. What do you think is the importance of determining the epicenter of an earthquake?