G10 - 1QTR - Week1 - Day3 Pabalinas

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Grade: 10 Subject: SCIENCE

Quarter/Semester: FIRST Week No: 1 Day 3

Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the
relationship among the locations of volcanoes,
earthquake epicenters, and mountain ranges.
Performance Standard The learners shall be able to demonstrate ways to
ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes,
tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.
Learning Competency The learners should be able to describe the distribution
of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major
mountain belts.
S10ES –Iaj-36.1
Knowledge Identify the relationship between the speed of the
seismic waves and the location of an epicenter
Skills Locate the epicenter of an earthquake using triangulation
Attitude Recognize the importance of determining the location
earthquake by doing the activities
References Grade 10 Science Learner’s Material pp 7-10
Grade 10 Science Teacher’s Guide pp 7-9
Other Learning Resources http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBS7BKqHRhs
A. Preparatory Activities The teacher will conduct the usual daily routines of the
Conduct a short review on the previous discussion by
asking the following questions:
What is Plate Tectonic?
(Ans. The plates move very slowly but constantly, and
this movement is called tectonics; thus the theory of
moving lithospheric plates is called plate tectonics.)

Let the students describe the two kinds of crust and how
it contributes in the movement of plates.
(Ans. There are two kinds of crust: the thicker but less
dense continental crust and the oceanic crust which is

Prepared by: LESTER C.

Teacher III – Masulog HS
Canlaon District II
relatively thinner but denser than continental crust.)

The teacher will ask the following questions to the

Who among you have experienced earthquake?
(Ans. Maybe Yes or Maybe No)

Let the students share their experiences, knowledge or

any idea that are related to earthquake.
The teacher will then ask; how will we know the location
of an earthquake?
B. Motivation The teacher will introduce the video found on this link:
What method is being used in order to determine the
location of an earthquake?
(Ans. Triangulation Method)

Before you can determine the location of an earthquake,

what is the very first thing that you need to know?
(Ans. Get the time difference of the arrival time of the P-
wave and S-wave through seismograph in the seismic

Can you still recall you lesson when you were in Grade 8
about Seismic waves?

What is seismic waves?

(Ans. Seismic wave, vibration generated by an
earthquake, explosion, or similar energetic source and
propagated within the Earth or along its surface, from the
Greek ‘seismos’ meaning ‘earthquake’. Seismic waves
are usually generated by movements of the
Earth’s tectonic plates but may also be caused by
explosions, volcanoes and landslides.)

What are the different types of waves?

Prepared by: LESTER C.

Teacher III – Masulog HS
Canlaon District II
(Ans. Surface Waves, P-waves and S-Waves)

Emphasize to the students that a deeper discussion

about these waves will be tackled in Module 2.

Explain to them, that because of this difference in

velocity between P and S waves, the distance of
earthquake epicenter from the recording station can be
determined. If they have data from three recording
stations, the exact position of an earthquake epicenter
can be located using the triangulation method.
C. Activity Group the students into five and let them do the activity
found on pages 8 – 10 of the Learner’s Material. Please
see also Attachment A.
D. Analysis Ask volunteers from each group to share or discuss their
output to the class.

Where is the epicenter of this hypothetical earthquake?

(Answer: Since the three circles drawn intersect in Cebu
City, it is where the epicenter is.)
What difficulty will you encounter if you only have data
from two recording stations?
(Answer: Assuming that the two circles will intersect, the
circles will intersect at two points. Therefore, there will
be two locations that could possibly be the epicenter.)
E. Abstraction Introduce the formula to the students in determining the
location of the epicenter.
Using the formula d= x 100 km
8 seconds
where: d=distance in kilometers
Td = time difference of P-wave and S-wave (sec.)
This formula is suited because 8 seconds is the interval
between the times of arrival of the P-wave and S-wave at
a distance of 100 km.
Recording Time difference Distance of
Station of P-wave and epicenter from
S-wave the station (km)
Batangas 44.8 (Ans. 560)
Puerto Princesa 32 (Ans. 400)
Prepared by: LESTER C.
Teacher III – Masulog HS
Canlaon District II
Davao 38.4 (Ans. 480)
Note to the teacher: Since the scale of the Philippine
map on page 9 of the LM is 1.5 cm: 200 km, set the
drawing compass to the following computed distances on
the map.

Recording How to compute Computed

Station the distance on the distance on
map the map
(Ans. 560 km
Batangas (Ans. 4.2)
(1.5 cm/200km))

(Ans. 400 km
Puerto Princesa (Ans. 3)
(1.5 cm/200km))

(Ans. 480 km
Davao (Ans. 3.6)
(1.5 cm/200km))

Triangulation can be used to locate an earthquake. The

seismometers are shown as green dots. The calculated
distance from each seismometer to the earthquake is
shown as a circle. The location where all the circles
intersect is the location of the earthquake epicenter
F. Application https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H62RC_AsJvA
The teacher will present a video about triangulation
method found on the link above. Let the students analyze
the graph (see Attachment B).
G. Practical Applications of Let the students answer the following questions:
Concepts and Skills in
Daily Living What is the distance of the epicenter from the seismic
(Answer: 9000 km)
Q4. What do you think is the importance of determining
the epicenter of an earthquake?
(Possible answer: Locating earthquake epicenters will
pinpoint which fault lines are active. Usually, the less
active fault stores great amount of potential energy that
could cause major earthquake once released. Therefore,
places near fault lines that remain inactive for a long
Prepared by: LESTER C.
Teacher III – Masulog HS
Canlaon District II
period of time are due to experience a major
H. Generalization ● In order to locate the epicenter of an earthquake, you
need to determine the time interval between the
arrival of the P and S waves (the S-P interval) on the
seismograms from at least three different stations.
You have to measure the interval to the closest
second and then use a graph (Distance-time graph
on page 10 of the LM) to convert the S-P interval to
the epicentral distance.
● Once you have the epicentral distances, you can
draw circles to represent each distance on a map.
The radius of each circle corresponds to the
epicentral distance for each seismic recording
station. Once you have drawn all three circles and
located the point where all three intersect, you will
have successfully located (triangulated) the epicenter
of the earthquake
I. Evaluation The activity conducted will serve as the evaluation of the
learners in this session.
J. Additional activities for The teachers may send a copy of this video to the
application or learners to enrich their learning on this activity.
(assignment) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBS7BKqHRhs


No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
No. of learners who
continue to require
Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
caught up the lesson
No. of learners who require

Prepared by: LESTER C.

Teacher III – Masulog HS
Canlaon District II
Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

What difficulties did I

encounter which principal
and supervisor can help or
What innovation or localized
did I use/discover which I
wish to share?

Prepared by: LESTER C.

Teacher III – Masulog HS
Canlaon District II
Name: __________________________ Grade: ______________________ Score: ____________


Objective: Locate the epicenter of an earthquake using the triangulation method.
• hypothetical records of earthquake waves
• Philippine map
• drawing compass and ruler
1. Study the data showing the difference in the arrival time of P-wave and S-wave on three
seismic recording stations.

Recording Time difference Distance of

Station of P-wave and epicenter from
S-wave the station (km)
Batangas 44.8
Puerto Princesa 32
Davao 38.4

2. Compute the distance of the epicenter from each of the stations using this formula:
Using the formula d= x 100 km
8 seconds
where: d=distance in kilometers
Td = time difference of P-wave and S-wave (sec.)
This formula is suited because 8 seconds is the interval between the times of arrival of the
P-wave and S-wave at a distance of 100 km.
3. Choose one of the recording stations and measure the computed distance on the map scale
(the scale of the map 1.5 cm: 200 km). Set your compass for that computed distance.

4. Center your compass on the station you have chosen. Draw a circle.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the rest of the stations. You should get three circles that intersect
or nearly intersect at a point. This intersection is the epicenter.
Q1. Where is the epicenter of this hypothetical earthquake?
Prepared by: LESTER C.
Teacher III – Masulog HS
Canlaon District II
Q2. What difficulty will you encounter if you only have data from two recording stations?

Note to the teacher: You may photocopy the Figure 3 on Page 9 on the book to get the actual
scaling for accurate measurement.


Prepared by: LESTER C.

Teacher III – Masulog HS
Canlaon District II

Name: __________________________ Grade: ______________________ Score: ____________

Instruction/s: Using the video as a guide. Analyze the graph below and answer the corresponding

Q3. What is the distance of the

epicenter from the seismic


Q4. What do you think is the importance of determining the epicenter of an earthquake?

Prepared by: LESTER C.

Teacher III – Masulog HS
Canlaon District II

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