Science 10 2
Science 10 2
Science 10 2
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages
2.Learner’s Materials
3.Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
(LR) Portal)
B. Other Learning
A. Review Previous Recall the process of Recall the Review the continental Recall the continental How does seafloor
Lessons subduction Convergence of Two drift theory using drift theory by letting spread? Let the
Oceanic Plates questions in ICT the student present learner explain their
format. their poster in the output about
class. information
campaign made
through post card.
B. Establishing purpose Post a picture of a Posting of pictures of Show world map how Let the student Perform the activity
for the Lesson tsunami and ask a different mountains in continental drift theory observe the map of entitled “Island
series of questions the world can be related as line Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Hopping” and answer
about it. of evidences that ask how midocean the guide question.
support plate ridges relative to the
tectonics. continental drift
C. Presenting examples Posting of Figure 11: Ask the students to How Alfred Wegener How evidences that How can you relate
/instances of the new Cross-sectional arrange the pictures who proposed the support seafloor the rate of travel you
lessons diagram of from highest to lowest continental drift theory spreading theory gone in an island in
converging oceanic elevation. does supported his contradict the the distance a
plates claim for his continental drift continent move for
evidences? theory? every year?
D. Discussing new Perform activity #3: Perfom activity #3 Perform activity Let the learners Perform Activity 6
concepts and practicing Part B: Convergence Part C: Two entitled “Evidently perform and present “How fast does it
new skills #1. of Two Oceanic Continental Plates Continental?” using their work in Activity 5 go!” in Learner’s
E. Discussing new Plates Converging cluster diagram. “Split and Separate!” Material p. 68 – 69
concepts & practicing and in Learner’s Material p. and let the students
concern to new skills #2 Let the learners 66 – 67. (20 minutes) present their output.
present their output
F. Developing Mastery Discuss the Why most of the Answer the guide Answer the guide Answer the guide
(Leads to Formative Formation of mountains are tall? question in the questions Q22 - Q27 of questions Q28 - Q29
Assesment 3 Philippine activity. the activity in of the activity in
Archipelago Learner’s Material p. Learner’s Material p.
67. 69.
G. Finding Practical What is the cause of What is the benefit of How would you think Why does rocks used How far do the
Applications of concepts the formation of having a mountain the difference of the as an indication that Philippine plate in
and skills in daily living Himalayan mountain near your place? land formation of your seafloor is spreading? China after 100
range? hometown 10 years million years?
ago, wasn’t it the
same? What probably
the cause of this
H. Making Discuss the process Discuss the process in How can you explain How can you describe How can you
Generalizations& in oceanic plates. converging plates. the earth’s mechanism the seafloor spreading calculate the rate of
Abstractions about the in the continental drift process? seafloor spreading
lessons theory as line of using magnetic
evidences that support clues?
plate tectonics?
I.Evaluating Learning Give 5 multiple type Check the Guide Ask the learners to Let the learners make Ask the students to
of test questions in the make a poster showing post card that will create their assigned
activity information of the risk inform local folks continent and
caused by geologic about the relative calculate how far
activities in the impact of geological does it go after 100
locality. activities caused by million years ago
seafloor spreading. from Mid-Atlantic
Ridge? In what way
this calculation will
help to understand
the risk of the impact
may bring by this
geological event.
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who ___of learners who ___of learners who ___of learners who ___of learners who ___of learners who
earned 80% in the earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above
B. No. of learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
requires additional require additional require additional require additional require additional require additional
acts.for remediation who activities for activities for activities for activities for activities for
scored below 80% remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
C. Did the remedial ____Yes ____ No ____Yes ____ No ____Yes ____ No ____Yes ____ No ____Yes ____ No
lessons work? No. of ____ of learners who ____ of learners who ____ of learners who ____ of learners who ____ of learners who
learners who caught up caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson
with the lessons
D. No. of learners who ____ of learners who ____ of learners who ____ of learners who ____ of learners who ____ of learners who
continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require
remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
E. Which of my teaching Strategies used Strategies used Strategies used Strategies used Strategies used
strategies worked well? that work well: that work well: that work well: that work well: that work well:
Why did this work? ___group ___group collaboration ___group collaboration ___group collaboration ___group
collaboration ___ games ___ games ___ games collaboration
___ games ___ solving quizzes ___ solving quizzes ___ solving quizzes ___ games
___ solving quizzes ___ power point ___ power point ___ power point ___ solving quizzes
___ power point presentation presentation presentation ___ power point
presentation ___think –pair-share ___think –pair-share ___think –pair-share presentation
___think –pair-share ___differentiated ___differentiated ___differentiated ___think –pair-share
___differentiated instruction instruction instruction ___differentiated
instruction ___role playing ___role playing ___role playing instruction
___role playing ___ discovery method ___ discovery method ___ discovery method ___role playing
___ discovery method ___ lecture method ___ lecture method ___ lecture method ___ discovery method
___ lecture method ___ Hand - outs ___ Hand - outs ___ Hand - outs ___ lecture method
___ Hand - outs Why? Why? Why? ___ Hand - outs
Why? ___complete IM’s ___complete IM’s ___complete IM’s Why?
___complete IM’s ___availability of ___availability of ___availability of ___complete IM’s
___availability of materials materials materials ___availability of
materials ___peoples eagerness ___peoples eagerness ___peoples eagerness materials
___peoples eagerness to learn to learn to learn ___peoples eagerness
to learn ___group members ___group members ___group members to learn
___group members cooperation in doing cooperation in doing cooperation in doing ___group members
cooperation in doing their tasks their tasks their tasks cooperation in doing
their tasks their tasks
F. What difficulties did I ___bullying among ___bullying among ___bullying among ___bullying among ___bullying among
encounter which my students students students students students
principal/supervisor can ___ Students ___ Students ___ Students ___ Students ___ Students
help me solve? behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude
___Colorful IM’s ___Colorful IM’s ___Colorful IM’s ___Colorful IM’s ___Colorful IM’s
___Unavailable ___Unavailable ___Unavailable ___Unavailable ___Unavailable
technology technology equipment technology equipment technology equipment technology
equipment ____additional Clerical ____additional Clerical ____additional Clerical equipment
____additional works works works ____additional
Clerical works ____reading readiness ____reading readiness ____reading readiness Clerical works
____reading readiness ____lack of interest of ____lack of interest of ____lack of interest of ____reading readiness
____lack of interest of pupils pupils pupils ____lack of interest of
pupils pupils
G. What innovations or Planned Planned Planned Planned Planned
localized materials did I innovations: innovations: innovations: innovations: innovations:
used/discover which I wish ____localized videos ____localized videos ____localized videos ____localized videos ____localized videos
to share with other ____making use ____making use ____making use ____making use ____making use
teachers? tarpapel from views tarpapel from views of tarpapel from views of tarpapel from views of tarpapel from views
of the locality the locality the locality the locality of the locality
___recycling of ___recycling of plastics ___recycling of plastics ___recycling of plastics ___recycling of
plastics to be used as to be used as to be used as to be used as plastics to be used as
instructional instructional materials instructional materials instructional materials instructional
materials ___local poetical ___local poetical ___local poetical materials
___local poetical composition composition composition ___local poetical
composition ___flashcards ___flashcards ___flashcards composition
___flashcards ___pictures ___pictures ___pictures ___flashcards
___pictures ___pictures