1st Quarter DLP in Science 10
1st Quarter DLP in Science 10
1st Quarter DLP in Science 10
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review the Recall the continental How does seafloor Let the student do the Recall the
presenting the new lesson drift theory using drift theory by letting spreading? Let the board work in how to performance
the task
questions in ICT student present their learner explain their calculate distance a given at the start
(5 minutes) poster in the class. output about continent moves. of the first
ICT Integration (10 minutes) information (5 minutes) quarter
campaign made in Learner’s
Integrative post card. Integrative Material p. 73
(10 minutes) to be presented
Integrative the end of the
quarter today.
(3 minutes)
B. Establishing a purpose for the Show world map how Let the student Perform the activity Demonstrate a simple The performance
lesson continental drift observe entitled “Island experiment of heating task must be set
theory the map of Mid- Hopping” oil
can be related as line Ridge and ask how and answer the guide with colored brown and rated
of mid- chalk
evidences that ocean ridges relative question. form as a mountain in according to
support to
plate tectonics. the continental drift (10 minutes) the beaker. Let the details and
(3 minutes) theory. Constructivism and student observe. information,
Integrative (3 minutes) Collaborative (5 minutes) methods of
Integrative Integrative presentation/
accuracy, and
(2 minutes)
Seismic Waves
Love Waves
Primary Waves
Secondary Waves
Evidently Continental?
Review the continental drift theory.
Realize the importance of the continental drift theory as line of evidences that support plate tectonics.
Cartolina/Manila paper
Art materials
Pentel pen
Using the given cluster diagram, supply necessary concept that will relate the evidences of continental drift theory.
Evidences of
Drift Theory
In giving points to student’s responses, you may refer to the pointing system given in Teacher’s Guide p. 33.
Island Hopping!
Relate speed to calculate the distance a continent moves for every year.
Recording Notebook
Students Time of 50m run Time of 100m run Time of 200m run
Guide Question:
1. Calculate the speed of every member for every run using the formula speed = distance/time.
2. How can you compare the speed of each student? How and why they differ?
3. Compare and analyze the speed to the other group?
4. How can you compare it to the movement of the continent in every year?
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake, epicenters and
mountain ranges.
B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic
C. Learning Competency S9ES-Ia-j-36.2
/Objectives Define Explain the Describe transform Explain the Compare and
Write the LC code for each. divergent processes that fault boundary processes contrast the
boundaries. occur along Determine the effect that occur three types
Cite some divergent of transform-fault along of boundary
landforms formed boundaries. boundary on the divergent using ICT
when plate move Earth’s crust. boundaries. simulation.
apart Discuss how
is possible
Divergent Divergent Transform Boundary Transform Boundary Three types of plate
Boundary Boundary boundary
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
Downloaded by Alondra Valerio
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Present a picture of Number Letter Game: Recall the previous lesson. Recall the previous Recall the previous
lesson or presenting convergent boundary. Students will guess the lesson. lesson
the new lesson Allow the students to hidden words. Then
analyze the explain
pictures. the revealed words.
B. Establishing a purpose Ask the students with a Show pictures of Show pictures of different Picture analysis Ask the students
for the lesson “HOTS” question: What different landforms landforms that are associated Teacher will show with a HOTS”
do you think will be the caused by divergent to transform fault boundary. different pictures of question: What is
result if the plates are boundary. damage done by the impact or effect
moving apart? earthquakes then of the different
students will give movement in the
Introduction to Divergent their plate boundary?
Boundary insights.
C. Presenting Present a video clip Article Analysis. Video Analysis. Teacher will Article Analysis. Picture Analysis.
examples/Instances of showing a scenario of Students will read an show video then later on ask Students will read an (Three Types of
the new lesson plates that are moving article and answer the the students their insights article and answer the Plate Boundary)
apart. This will lead to the guide questions. about the video. guide questions. Students will analyze
discussion of possible (Strong Quake and summarize the
landforms when the Strikes Southern pictures that that
plates are moved apart Philippines, Killing at teacher will show.
and processes that occur Least 6 )
divergent boundaries.
D. Discussing new Let the students perform Let the students perform Let the students Let the students
concepts and Activity 4 Going Separate “Ready, Set, Glue” Let the students perform perform manipulate the
practicing new skills # Ways”. (Divergent Boundary Activity “Ready, Set, Glue” board
1 (L.M 25-26) Model) 5 “Slide and Shake” (L.M 29- (Transform Boundary work using laptop
30) Model) and projector.
E. Discussing new Answer the guide questions
concepts and found in L.M
practicing new skills #
F. Developing Answer the guide Answer the guide Giving more follow up Answer the guide Giving more follow
mastery (leads to questions found in L.M questions. questions regarding on questions. up questions
Formative transform fault boundary. regarding on
Downloaded by Alondra Valerio
Assessment 3) three types of plate
G. Finding practical Ask the students the What do you think will Ask the students the What do you think the What is the distinct
application of importance of knowing happen if the plates will importance of knowing the effect of earthquake in characteristics of
concepts and skills in the divergent boundary. continue apart for transform fault boundary. the environment? each type of plate
daily living million years? boundary?
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake, epicenters and
mountain ranges.
B. Performance The learners shall be able to demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic
Standard eruptions.
C. Learning Competency S9ES-Ia-j-36.2
/Objectives Relate hot spot Define earthquake Prepare survival kit
Write the LC code for each. with plate Prepare survival kit Discuss the
boundaries importance of
Define hot spots preparing survival
Hot Earthquake SURVIVAL KIT
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide p. 19 pp. 20-22 pp. 20-22
2. Learner’s Materials pp. 31-32 pp. 33-35 pp. 33-35
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource
A. Reviewing previous Have you ever wonder Do you still Remember What are seismic What are the compositions What are the
lesson or presenting what is inside the the different types of waves? of properties of the layers
the new lesson earth? waves? What are those? the Earth’s Interior? of the Earth?
What is the difference
What do you imagine Do you have an idea between P and S
about earth’s interior? what type of wave we waves?
experience during
C. Presenting Follow TG for Follow TG for studying Follow TG discussion Follow TG for
examples/Instances of Pre- the of the Composition of Activity 2 Our
the new lesson assessment Earth’s Interior the Earth’s Interior pp. Dynamic Earth
Choose the letter of on page 32 34 Demonstration: Answers to
the correct answer. Simulating Plasticity Questions 3-9
1-10 Answer briefly pp. 35-36 on pp. 36-37
the given questions
E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative Let the students Let the students be Let the students be As an individual activity, Let the Students
Assessment ) answer Pre- familiar what is seismic familiar of the Activity 2 will test the perform the activity -
Assessment wave and its types composition of the learners’ understanding Modeling the
through class discussion. Erath’s interior through on the different Structure of the
pp 43-46 class discussion. characteristics, Earth:
Let them complete the LM pp. 48-51 properties and
necessary information Demonstration: composition of the See Attachment
using Simulating Earth’s layers
the given organizer of Plasticity LM pp. 48-52
activity TG. pp. 35-36
1. LM page 47
G. Finding practical
application of Scientists use indirect measurements and seismic waves from earthquakes to
concepts and skills in determine the internal structure of the Earth. Analysis of the Earth’s internal
daily living structure is made possible because earthquakes produce vibrations called
seismic waves. These waves travel through the interior of the Earth and can be
measured with sensitive detectors called seismographs. Scientists have
seismographs set up all over the world to track movement of the Earth’s
H. Making
generalizations and Seismic waves are very The ability of the Oxygen is the most The core itself consists i
abstractions about the important in asthenosphere to flow abundant element in the of solid inner core and
lesson understanding the slowly is termed as Earth’s crust. The a liqui outer core. It is
discovery of the different plasticity. elements silicon, oxygen, difficult t study the
layers of the Earth as The Earth’s iron and magnesium structure of th Earth
well as in determining composition tells a make up the mantle. because: the crust too
the properties of these story about itself. It The inner core is mostly thick to drill all the wa
layers. gives us clues to its made up of iron and through.
past and proofs about nickel. It is solid due to
the gradual and slow the very high pressure
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
pages TG. Page 37 TG. Page 38 TG. Pages 38 –
2. Learner’s Materials
pages LM. Pages 53 – 57 LM. Page 58 LM. Pages 59 -
3. Textbook pages
Downloaded by Alondra Valerio
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
B. Other Learning https:// https://
Resource www.youtube.com/ www.youtube.com/
watch?v=sgPnnzou0og watch?
A. Reviewing previous What are the What are the possible How does the
lesson or presenting properties of the layers causes of plate Continental Drift
the new lesson of the Earth? movement? Theory developed?