DLL G10 - 1QTR - Week1 - Day2
DLL G10 - 1QTR - Week1 - Day2
DLL G10 - 1QTR - Week1 - Day2
GRADES 1 to 12
Daily Lesson Log Teacher Rhea D. Alo Learning Area Science
Section/ Quarter 1
Rose & Asteri
Time Teaching Date September 05, 2023
Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among the
locations of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and mountain ranges.
Performance Standard The learners shall be able to demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness
during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.
Learning Competency The learners should be able to describe the distribution of active volcanoes,
earthquake epicenters, and major mountain belts.
S10ES –Iaj-36.1
Knowledge Identify the layers of lithospheric plates and determine the kind of crust
Skills Compare and contrast the two kinds of crust
Attitude Establish camaraderie among groups by locating countries where major plates
are present using the world map
References Grade 10 Science Learner’s Material pp. 4-5
Grade 10 Science Teacher’s Guide pp. 4-5
Other Learning https://earthhow.com/7-major-tectonic-plates/
A. Preparatory Activities Ask learner’s output or responses based on the assignment given the previous
1. What is Plate Tectonics?
(Ans. The plates move very slowly but constantly, and this movement is
called tectonics; thus the theory of moving lithospheric plates is called plate
2. What is lithosphere?
(Ans. The rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper
3. What are the two layers of the lithosphere?
(Ans. Crust and Upper Mantle)
4. Define the two kinds of crust.
(Ans. There are two kinds of crust: the thicker but less dense continental
crust and the oceanic crust which is relatively thinner but denser than
continental crust)
B. Motivation https://geologyportfoliokxz.weebly.com/layers-of-earth.html
LM Figure 1, p 6
The lithosphere is said to be in constant but slow motion. This movement of the
lithosphere is called tectonics.
Earth’s lithosphere consists of layers, the crust and the upper part of the mantle.
The discussion will focus on the outermost layer which is the crust.
The crust is made of a variety of solid rocks like sedimentary, metamorphic, and
igneous. It has an average density of 2.8 g/cm 3 and its thickness ranges from 5
to 50 km. The crust is thickest in a part where a relatively young mountain is
present and thinnest along the ocean floor.
Oceanic crust
Outer layer of lithosphere that is found under oceans. It is about 6 km thick
composed solidly of different layers. The outer most layer is about 500 m thick
made out of lavas and basalt rocks. under is a layer of basalt sheeted dikes that
is about 1 km thick and acts as a plumbing system for molten rocks and magmas
to travel to the sea-floor.
Continental crust
Layer consisting solidly of granitic rocks and thicker (25km-70km) than the
oceanic crust. Its existence allowed life to form on land. Different parts collide
and separate to change the Earth's geographic form and that is a part of the
super-continent cycle.
F. Application Using the world map, the class will be divided into five groups. Provide a copy of
the template to each group found on attachment A. Also, provide a copy of world
map to each group for guidance.
G. Practical Applications The teacher will be asked to perform activity which can be seen on the link:
of Concepts and
Skills in Daily Living https://www.amnh.org/explore/ology/earth/plates-on-the-move2/game
Point the cursor in the
orange circle and you
will be prompted with
practical questions
relative to plate
For teachers with no
interconnection, the
teacher should
explore in advance the
link and grab a picture
or screen shot of
every question.
H. Generalization What are the different major plates of our planet?
(Ans.: Pacific Plate, North American Plate, Eurasian Plate, African Plate,
Antarctic Plate, Antarctic Plate, Indo-Australia Plate)
What do you call that rigid outer layer of the earth where the crust and mantle is
(Ans.: Lithosphere)
When two crust will collide or hit one another, which do you think will most likely
to submerge or subduct?
(Possible Ans.: Continental Plate)
I. Evaluation See Attachment B
J. Additional activities Research on the following questions:
for application or
What do you call the waves released during earthquake?
(assignment) (Ans.: Seismic Waves)
How will you compare the movement of the waves that travels in the interior
layer of the earth?
(Possible Ans.: They differ in terms of velocity upon reaching the seismic
1. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
2. No. of learners who
continue to require
3. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who caught
up the lesson
4. No. of learners who
require remediation
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
localized did I
use/discover which I
wish to share?
Instruction/s: Complete the table below. Using the world map and the map of plate boundaries,
in Column 2, identify the continents and oceans where the major plate is present and in Column
3, enumerate at least five countries belonging to each plate.
Enumerate at least five
countries under each
No country covered by this
Pacific Plate Ans.: Pacific Ocean
1. United States
2. Canada
North American Plate Ans.:Atlantic Ocean 3. Greenland
4. Cuba
5. Bahamas
1. England
2. Russia
Eurasian Plate Ans.: Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean 3. Sweden
4. Germany
5. Philippines
1. Africa
2. Ethiopia
African Plate Ans.: Atlantic Ocean 3. Ghana
4. Kenya
5. Tanzania
Antarctic Plate Ans.: Antarctic Ocean 1. Antarctica
1. Australia
2. India
Indo-Australia Plate Ans.: Oceania, Indian Ocean 3. New Zealand
4. Pakistan
5. Papua New Guinea
1. Brazil
2. Argentina
South American Plate Ans.: Atlantic Ocean 3. Bolivia
4. Paraguay
5. Peru
(The answers in the template are sample answers only, the teacher should conduct the activity
in advance)
A. Instruction/s: Label the picture below and write a short description about it.
(Ans.: Oceanic crust
(Ans.: Continental crust
Outer layer of lithosphere that is
Layer consisting solidly
found under oceans. It is about
of granitic rocks and
6 km thick composed solidly of
thicker (25km-70km)
different layers. The outer most
than the oceanic crust.
layer is about 500 m thick made
Its existence allowed life
out of lavas and basalt rocks.
to form on land. Different
under is a layer of basalt
parts collide and
sheeted dikes that is about 1
separate to change the
km thick and acts as a plumbing
Earth's geographic form
system for molten rocks and
and that is a part of the
magmas to travel to the sea-
super-continent cycle.)
2. The theory that Earth's outer shell is divided into large slabs of solid rock, called
“plates,” that glide over Earth's mantle, the rocky inner layer above Earth’s core.
Ans. Plate Tectonic Theory
3. Earth’s solid outer layer, which includes the crust and the uppermost mantle, is ______.
Ans. Lithosphere
4. The thicker but less dense crust and its existence allowed life to form on land. Different
parts collide and separate to change the Earth's geographic form and that is a part of
the super-continent cycle.
Ans. Continental Crust
5. Relatively thinner but denser than the other crust and outer layer of lithosphere that is
found under oceans. It is about 6 km thick composed solidly of different layers.
Ans. Oceanic Crust