FS 1 - Episode 1
FS 1 - Episode 1
FS 1 - Episode 1
The School Environment
Activity 1.1 Exploring the School Campus
Resource Teacher: Erma E. Redondo Teacher`s Signature ____________
School: Surok E. S. Grade/Year Level: Kindergarten
Subject Area: General Date: 10-18-2020
A school serves to be the second home of every student. Its primary goal is to
promote learning and support kids with a lifelong learning and skills. An effective
school environment has a supportive community and a place where students can
feel the comfort and safety while acquiring knowledge. The facilities like classrooms
and the office are lit and well ventilated. When it comes to indoor, every room has
board and wall displays that promotes student’s learning. However, it is necessary
that the other facilities aside from classroom are appropriate and these include the
library, canteen, clinic, office, counseling room and restroom which can support
social, physical, mental and emotional needs of the kids. Playground and garden
also should be present. These outdoor areas enable learners to engage themselves
to others. Lastly and I think the most significant characteristic of a good school
environment is the teacher’s behavior. Teacher’s acquiring a positive behavior and
enthusiasm, encourage students to be active in class that leads to have an active
interaction between the two and by that learning will occur with less barrier.
1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes,
religious figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see posted?
Some displays that posted on the walls are: birthdate of the pupils,
sweeping schedule, emergency hotline, PTA Officers and the alphabet.
There’s also a cross above the chalkboard with flowers around it.
Additionally, the student’s outputs also are being displayed.
2. Examined how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher`s
table located? How are the tables and chairs/ desk arranged?
The teacher’s table is located at the back of the student’s chairs near the
entrance of the door. The, there are a total of 5 tables and the four tables
are being connected by two and are arranged vertically. However, the other
one is arranged horizontally at the center of the back. Some table has five
chairs and others have six.
How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the
students going to school? What are your conclusions?
The school is a campus and the classroom creates a positive impact and
encourage students to go to school. There are some facilities, playground and
educational displays that improve learning of the students. Therefore, due to
this physical environment of the campus, teachers and students can make an
active interaction and effective instruction.
How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development/How
does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
This relates to my knowledge of child and adolescent development as
learners still have curiosity in mind and short attention span. Because of this,
they explore to learn new things and that should be the school must provide.
Learning occurs through exploration, experiment, studying, and improving
literacies and that is the importance of school and the classroom.
1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why?
Yes. This is a kind of campus where I’ve observed that they have a supportive
community. They maintain the cleanliness of the school and ensure the safety
of the learners. Meanwhile, they have also that equipment that are necessary
in giving instruction such as TV’s, projector, laptops and printers.
Observation REPORT
(You may paste pictures of the Board displays here.)
When we went around the campus there is no board displays outside but
there is one when we entered the Principal’s Office and every classroom has also
a board display. They are all inside the classrooms and in the Principal’s Office.
The Board displays were placed in an area where viewers can easily see them.
The display board has the mission, vision, and the core values of Department of
Education. However, those that are inside the classroom consist the student’s
information and performance. There’s also a communique area where some
announcement is being posted and they have also the dashboard. Under the
dashboard has the Access, Quality and Governance of the school. You can only
see the brown color and green, but it has a Christmas decoration already. All of
the things in that board display are being divided into three and arrange
accordingly. The board in the office is made up of wood and inside the classroom
are placed in a wall. Further, the content of the displays is printed and they also
use a tarpaulin. The message is easily to be understood as I didn’t notice an error
on it. Also, the one that got my attention is the dashboard as it consists of the
achievement and the progress of the school.
Topic of the Board Display _______________________________________
Location of the Board Display in School INSIDE OF THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE
Check of the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up
your ratings.
4-Outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory 2-Satisfactory 1-Needs Improvement
Criteria 1 2 3 4 Comments
Effective Communication The message is clear and
It conveys the message quickly and easy to understand.
Attractiveness The colors and
Colors and arrangement catch and arrangement of the board
hold interest. display is simple yet
Balance There is a balance and
Objects are arranged, so stability is the objects are well-
perceived. organized.
Unity There is unity in colors
Repeated shapes or colors or use and the designs of the
of borders hold display together. objects.
Interactivity The style and approach of
The style and approach entice the board display entice
learners to be involved and learners to be involved
engaged. and engaged.
Legibility The letters and
Letters and illustrations can be illustrations can be seen
seen from a good distance. but not too far from it.
Correctness It is free from grammar
It is free from grammar errors, errors and misspelled
misspelled words, ambiguity. words.
Durability The materials and the
It is well-constructed; items are displays are well-
securely attached. constructed.
Bulletin Board Evaluated by: ANGELINE M. MARTILLANO
Brief Description of the Bulletin Board: This bulletin board talks about school’s
information and update. It also consists its vision, mission and core values.
Additionally, it informs everyone, as there is a communique part in the bulletin
Strengths Weaknesses
Description of the Bulletin The designs are simple It’s dark and hard to read
Board layout yet organized and especially that it’s not facing
attractive to the viewers. front from the door.
Achievements Announcements
Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience? Why?
Why not?
Yes, because it relates to the student’s level of understanding and catches
their interest. When the board display design attracts the audience, they will
try to understand what it is all about.
Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand?
Why? Why not?
Yes, because it only uses common words that ensure that the audience will
Board Title:
Bulletin Board
To inform the students about their profile, what's new in the
school community and the achievements of the class for the whole grading
period. Additionally, it will also provide news and updates about the
activities to be held in the school so that learners are well-informed what is
happening inside the school community and for them to be involved and
participate such activities.
To create an attractive, well-organized and interactive board display that
catches student’s attention and shows relevant information about the school
for them to be updated.
Content Resources (Name each needed resources and give each a brief
Student’s Profile – contains relevant information about the students including their
age, birthday, gender, etc.
Achievements - contains the performance, output or results of the pupils with
regards to the academic or any accomplishments that they had that reflect to their
Announcements-contains relevant information like the schedule of the event or
meetings or anything that gives awareness to the learners and teachers.
Activities- contains activities to be done with its corresponding schedule.
Materials for aesthetic enhancement:
Printed materials, recycled materials and other decorative designs.
1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with
effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
Good in Communication
Computer Literate or has an editing skill
2. Which of the skills you named in # 1 do you already have? Recall your past
experiences in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
I think the skill that I have among those mentioned is being resourceful and
organized. Way back in my college year and also based on my experience in an
elementary school, I didn’t immediately put things together instead I decided on
what could be the best resources to be used that will fit to the display. Then I
ensure that it won’t look unstructured and messy as it will not attract the target
3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on
how you can improve on or acquire these skills?
Among those skills, I really need to develop being creative, good in
communication and still need more practice when it comes to editing. In order to
improve and acquire these skills, I should change first my routine and to be more
imaginative than before. I will take every opportunity to enhance my
communication skills as well as my editing skills.
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. C
Evaluate Your Work Task Filed Study 1, Episode 1 – The School as a Learning Environment
Learning Outcome: Determine the characteristics of a school environment that provides social, psychological,
and physical environment supportive of learning.